Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident Parts 1 to 3

By Hooked6


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Copyright April 2013 by Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
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Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)
Chapter 1
(Author’s note: To Diene Freundin – a very special friend indeed.)
Synopsis:  A young girl’s unfortunate accident leads to some very embarrassing pubic exposure.

I’ve always loved horses. Ever since I was a little girl I spent every moment thinking about them, taking care of them or on a rare occasion enjoying a day on horseback courtesy of a kindly neighbor. I couldn’t wait until I had a horse of my own. Though I lived in the country near the beach, my dream was just that - only a dream and I had to content myself with admiring those graceful creatures from afar.
When I turned 16 my wish finally came true.  A gentleman who often let me ride one of his horses gave a young mare to me as a gift since he could no longer keep it. I was ecstatic!   
We bonded instantly. Every chance I had I was riding that horse! I got so good at it that many times I never even used a saddle. I just hopped on and off we went. I named her Angel as she was always watching out for me.  Since it was the beginning of summer I had plenty of time to devote to exploring the off-the-beaten path trails and back roads of my little community with my new best four-legged friend. Occasionally, even though it was forbidden, I would even ride her on the beach early in the morning or late in the evening when there weren’t many people around.  I never got in trouble and I dearly loved the smell of the ocean and the salt in my hair as I rode along at the water’s edge. Angel seemed to love it too as she was always more lively at the beach and always seemed to somehow sense that’s where we were heading even before we got anywhere close to it. I was having the time of my life.
One day I was riding in the woods when I spotted Katrina, a girl in my class. She was also on a horse just walking along some distance ahead of me, oblivious to the fact that I was behind her. I thought about quietly turning Angel around and sneaking off before she spotted me as she wasn’t a very nice person at school. She was one of the popular girls whose family had money and power in my small village. At school I did my best to avoid her because it wasn’t wise to get on her bad side.
As I sat there thinking about what to do, she saw me and turned her horse around and trotted towards me. “Hey Hanna! I didn’t know you had a horse.”
“Yes, she’s ALL mine. Her name is Angel,” I replied with pride as I patted my horse’s neck lovingly.
I prepared myself for some condescending remark that I was sure was coming when Katrina remarked, “She’s BEAUTIFUL!  What I wouldn’t give to have a horse like that.” I swelled up with satisfaction as she spoke those words. She then added, “Would you like to ride along with me for a while? It’s a little boring riding alone.”
To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. She was actually being NICE to me! I agreed to her request and we rode along side-by-side on our horses in the woods chatting about, school; the latest hair-styles; all things having to do with horses and of course, boys! This was a side of her I had ever seen before. I figured the fact that we were both horse-lovers made her see me in a different light. I suppose the fact that I had a horse of my own, in her eyes at least, made me acceptable.
I usually still rode by myself but over the next few weeks we occasionally met up to ride together. I looked forward to these outings and felt like a true friendship was growing between us. Of course we were still competitive as girls often are and sometimes we raced each other to see who had the fastest horse with the winner taking bragging rights for that day.
On hot days I would ride without a saddle wearing only my bikini and on particularly nice days when I was alone in a secluded area I would take off my top to work on my tan as I rode along, not that I was particularly well-endowed, in fact just the opposite, but I hated tan lines. I never spotted anyone and got a bit braver as time went on sometimes even hanging my top on a tree branch and picking it up on my way back home so that I wouldn’t have to constantly hold onto it. Okay, I’ll admit that wasn’t the real reason I did it. I just liked the excitement and thrill of being topless so far away from my clothing. It was harmless fun and like I said I never ran into anyone in all the times I did it.
It was on one of those days that the unthinkable happened. I was riding long topless having left my bikini top on a branch several miles back when I saw a bunch of tree logs stacked on top of each other lying on the ground. Feeling pretty frisky after riding along wearing so little I decided to try and see if Angel could jump that pile. I urged her on and she took off like a flash. It was breathtaking galloping along towards that pile. I leaned forward grasping her mane and practically urging her into the air over the obstacle before her. SHE DID IT! She jumped that pile like a pro. I screamed with joy as we briefly sailed through the air . . . then we landed. I wasn’t prepared for the sudden impact of the ground as it rose up to meet us. The jar made me lose my balance and over her neck I went.  I don’t remember hitting the ground but I do remember eventually looking up at my horse as she stood over me wondering what had happened and why I was on the ground and not on her back.
“It’s okay, girl. It was my fault for trying this without a saddle. I’m not mad at you.”  My horse looked relieved at hearing my words though I knew darn well she didn’t understand a bit of what I was saying.
They say when you fall off a horse you need to get right back on again so that’s what I tried to do. I casually moved my leg to try to stand and the most excruciating pain shot all through me. My leg! To my horror it was extremely painful at the lower calf and starting to swell. I just knew that I had broken my left lower leg! I fell backward onto the dirt and waited for the pain to subside. I instinctively reached down to rub it as if that would somehow cure my injury when I got another shock – my wrists – I couldn’t move either of my wrists or my fingers!  Had I broken them too, I wondered to myself in a panic!
I was trapped, miles from home and I couldn’t walk or even get up on my horse.  Fortunately my injuries didn’t really hurt all that bad unless I tried to move them or put weight on them.  I called out for help but no one was around to hear my cries. I cursed myself for being so stupid! A million thoughts ran through my head as to what I needed to do.
Just as I was beginning to freak out, I saw Katrina riding her horse on the trail in the distance! I repeatedly shouted out to her and she finally saw me and hurried over to where I was laying on the ground! “What the hell happened, Hanna? Are you okay?”
“I think I broke my leg and maybe my wrists. I can’t walk or move my fingers. There’s no way I can climb on my horse. I need help.”
“It’s a good thing I came along when I did.” Katrina said. “Don’t you worry about a thing - I know just what to do. Can you stand on your good leg?”
“Yes, I think so.”
Katrina then helped me to my feet. Since my horse was bareback and hers had a saddle, she supported me as she led me around to the other side of her horse and told me to put my good right foot into her stirrup and try to hoist myself up. She then pushed on my butt with both of her hands as I did so until I was able to swing up into her saddle draping my injured left leg off to the side. It hurt but only for a moment. Without her help I never would have made it. Katrina then took hold of the reins of my horse and led both horses along as she walked out in front. I couldn’t help but think what a good friend she was and how much I needed her right at that moment.
As we walked along a chilling feeling crept up my spine. “HEY! We’re going the wrong way! My top . . . I mean . . . my HOME is THAT way,” I said making my best attempt to point over my shoulder to the trail behind us.
“True,” Katrina said, “But I can’t walk all that way – it’s several miles to your house. The town is just up ahead and so is Doc Johnson’s office.  You need to get attention right away.” Katrina just kept on walking as if she was determined to take charge of the situation and see to it that I was taken care of.  I couldn’t fault her for that but . . . I was TOPLESS!
“Katrina!! I can’t go into town like this!”
My friend gave me a disappointed scowl. “Look, what’s more important here, your health or your modesty? Get a grip will you. This is serious, ya know.”
Just then I heard the unmistakable noise of the town growing ever closer as we walked along – the sounds of cars along the roadway, the prattling of people carrying on conversations, and the occasional racket of machinery from the stores that lined the village. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was about to ride right through town wearing only a tiny string bikini bottom, baring my small but oh so very private breasts to anyone who wanted to look. I couldn’t bear it! What would they think?
“KATRINA!” I shouted in a panic as we rounded the bend in the trail and the town’s main street came into view.  She just looked back at me, smiled and kept on walking.

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)
Chapter 2
My friend tugged harder at her horse’s reins as if to impel her on into the unfamiliar bustling of Main Street. Our village isn’t really that large – only 6 occupied streets really, but it is the center of activity for most of the people that lived for miles and miles. The shops were always busy even during the week and here I was riding on a horse exposing my bare boobs as if I was just a little kid! I think I made more of a spectacle of myself as I desperately tried raising my arms to cover my chest which I wasn’t able to do every well with the swaying of the horse as we walked along. My actions only drew attention to the fact that I was topless! It’s not unusual to see children and even the occasional teenager wearing bathing suits in town on a summer’s day but TOPLESS, well, that’s another story!
People stopped dead in their tracks as they took in the sight ambling down Main Street. Cars slowed and people pointed. I could hear people giggling in the distance and a few things like, “Oh, the poor dear” as some of the more discerning people spotted my swollen left leg.
The more I tried to press my arms against my chest to hide myself, the more my wrists and fingers hurt. Holding them up in the air made them throb. The only way I seemed to get relief was to lower them to my sides, which I was forced to do several times just ease the pain – but then I was revealing everything!  I couldn’t very well get off the horse and I knew in my own mind that I needed help. I just didn’t understand why I couldn’t have gone home and gotten dressed first. Then I looked at Katrina who was obviously working up quite a sweat plodding along on the ground in this heat all for my benefit. I just couldn’t say anything to hurt her feelings.
So off we walked, slowly as horses naturally do, making our way along past the various shops and side streets until we came to Doc Johnson’s place. His office wasn’t really anything more than an old shop along a row of shops that lined the road that had been converted into his small but fairly well-equipped clinic.  He was the only physician in the area so pretty much everyone came to him when they needed help.
With the horses standing next to the sidewalk Katrina began the process of trying to figure out how to get me down. Getting off the horse, even with her guidance, was much harder than getting on. Several times I just knew I was going to fall off and shrieked with fear.
Several men came over and offered their assistance. One fellow grabbed me from behind around my abdomen and lifted me off the saddle as another supported my hind end. Feeling his hands on my lightly-clad butt sent shivers up my spine. As they got me off the horse and tried lowering me gently to the ground I began to slip from the grasp of the man that was holding me in the air around my waist resulting in his hands cupping the underside of my breasts. He dared not let go until I was safely on the ground. Even though it was an innocent action, he apologized profusely as he struggled to get me down, which only made it all the more embarrassing for me. The scene was almost like the Keystone Cops pretending to be paramedics!
Katrina grabbed me and supported me as I hobbled into the doctor’s office as I heard one of the men saying he would look after our horses for us while we were inside. Naturally the waiting room was full of people and they all stopped talking and blatantly stared at me as my friend helped me into the only vacant seat next to a young teenaged boy whose eyes were as big as quarters as he checked out my state of undress. “What happened?” he asked almost out of breath.
“What does it look like happened, Sherlock. I broke my damn leg!” I snapped flippantly.
“There’s no need to get all arrogant young lady.” A woman remarked sitting next to the boy that I took to be his mother. “He was only curious.” I apologized and raised my arms to try and shield myself from prying eyes as I waited for my friend to describe to the receptionist my problem. Katrina was only too happy to explain what had happened in all the gory detail to anyone who was the least bit interested. I was certainly an object of immense curiosity to all those present.
“But, why is she only wearing a bikini bottom? One elderly woman asked.
“I don’t know,” my friend answered much to my chagrin. “She was like that when I found her on the trail.” Her comment elicited a “tsk,” from the old lady clearly acknowledging her disapproval.
I sat there blushing for a good 20 minutes as people came and went. It wasn’t so much the comments that made this so humiliating for me, as it was the silent expressions on everyone’s face as they spotted my condition. Some grinned at their good fortune, others frowned and still others looked darn-right thrilled at the prospect of seeing something they weren’t supposed to see! If I actually HAD something to be proud of up top I might not have felt so embarrassed. I could only imagine what they were thinking as they noticed my tits as I repeatedly had to lower my arms to stop the throbbing sensation in my wrists before I could cover myself up again.  Whenever I did lower my arms away from my chest, all conversation ceased as people looked up to see what was going on. The women were the worst. They kept giving me that knowing grin like they were onto my little secret, whatever that was supposed to be. I sat there mortified until an assistant came out and called my name. I was never so glad to get out of the limelight as I was right then. 
After much time had passed in the examining room and several x-rays later the good doctor informed me that my leg was only fractured, not broken and that I would need a cast to keep it from getting worse and allow it to heal. He then proceeded to put it in a cast that extended from just below my knee to almost half covering my left foot. My wrists each had a couple of small round bones that were dislocated and he managed to reset them into proper position. He put casts on both wrists to keep things in place. Those casts extended from the middle of my lower forearms and covered most of my fingers. The result was that I wasn’t able to move my fingers hardly at all, which he said was the point as finger movement resulted in subtle wrist movement which he wanted to avoid.  Surprisingly after he had numbed things up nothing really hurt. The relief was wonderful.
No sooner had he finished than my mother rushed in. The office had called her and explained what had happened. The fact that I must have looked so pitiful sporting three casts was probably the only reason she didn’t flip out over the fact that I was wearing only a string bikini bottom. She had no idea that I liked to ride wearing my swimsuit and she CERTAINLY never would have approved of me riding topless! She didn’t ask about my lack of clothing and I didn’t volunteer anything either. I knew, however, that sooner or later I was going to have to answer for this.
My mom helped me back out into the still packed waiting room. I had to hobble along among the dozens of people who had their wait prolonged because of my accident. At least some of the people that had given me disapproving looks before I went back to see the doctor because of the way I was dressed were now sporting looks of empathy as they saw my three casts. I felt a bit vindicated that I wasn’t the slut that they had thought I was.
Once out the door I had expected my mom to help me into her car but we turned and headed down the busy sidewalk allowing still MORE people to see my naked chest. “Where are we going,” I asked in a panic! 
“Doc gave me some prescriptions that I need to get filled before going home,” she replied. “It won’t take a minute.” With that we continued down the sidewalk past another few shops before reaching the pharmacy.  Just like that my mom opened the door and in we walked – such a public place to be wearing only a tiny bikini bottom! We made our way to the back of the store and, after finding me a place to sit, she gave the prescriptions to the pharmacist to be filled. I was afraid my mother was going to sit next to me while we waited and read me the riot act about what had happened, which would have been more than I could have handled at that moment. She didn’t, however. She instead said she was going to look around the store and get a few things that she needed while we were here. She left me there sitting in my chair, once again on display to all the gawkers. They didn’t fool me with all their talk of trying to sound concerned. They only wanted to get closer and check out the half-naked girl – at least that’s the way it seemed to me.
Finally, my prescriptions were ready and we left the store. Getting into my mother’s car was almost a bigger ordeal than getting off Katrina’s horse! Once again I had to have help, as I was not used to the cast on my legs and my hands were all but useless. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be touched on your bare skin by strangers – albeit well-meaning strangers?  People I didn’t know were wrapping their arms around me, clumsily scooting my butt back onto the car seat causing my bottoms to slip lower and lower until my ass was barely covered or having them hold my legs and lifting them into the car. I must have looked a sight!
Upon arriving home my mom ushered me into my bedroom, gave me one of the pills the doctor ordered for me and then started untying the stings on my bikini bottom. Not even my mother had seen me completely naked in years! “What are you doing?” I asked in a panic as the first string fell away from my body.
“You can’t get into bed with this dirty thing. Those are clean sheets. I know you want to be able to do for yourself but you certainly can’t untie these by yourself, can you?
“No, ma’am” I sighed in defeat as the last of my covering fell to the floor. My mom, being a curious mother, lingered her gaze at my nether region longer than she should have – I supposed to check out how her only daughter had grown these last few years. It was truly embarrassing let me tell you.
She helped me into bed and perhaps because of the pain pill, it wasn’t long before I fell fast asleep.
I’m not sure how long I slept but when I awoke I felt a chill. I looked down and discovered that I was naked on top of the bed sheet. Apparently I had kicked off the covers with my heavy casts as I tossed and turned during my nap.
It was then my heart stopped. “Oh, so you’re finally awake. Are you feeling okay?”
I immediately snapped my head towards the direction of the voice and was shocked to find FOUR OF MY CLASSMATES in the room – Donna, Debbie, Billy and Eddie!!! I looked down to see if I could find my covers but they were on the floor. I also saw that my legs were spread apart and, from where they were sitting, they could see EVERYTHING between my legs!!

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 (Hooked6@hotmail.com)
Chapter 3

I wanted to die! It was bad enough that Debbie and Donna were looking at me but BILLY AND EDDIE TOO?!  Of all people to see me naked – the biggest blabbermouths in the entire school!! I was NEVER going to live this down! EVER!!
“How long . . . how long have you . . .”
“Oh we’ve been here about a half an hour,” Donna cheerfully answered. “Your mother told us we could wait in here as long as we didn’t disturb you or wake you up.”
I swallowed hard. I could have just killed my dear, sweet mother right then and there if she had been in the room at the time. “No, I mean, how long have I been . . .”
“Naked?” asked Debbie. “Pretty much the whole time we’ve been in here.”
“Why the hell didn’t you cover me up?!” I snapped as I quickly slammed my legs together knocking my good ankle against my cast on my other leg causing another sharp pain. I wouldn’t have put it past them to have stripped my bedcovers off the bed just to get a look at me.
“Because we didn’t want to wake you up,” Eddie said with a slight giggle trying his best to sound sincere.
“Okay, Okay. Keep your pants on,” Donna said sarcastically, “oh wait, you aren’t wearing any!” Her comment made everyone laugh but me. She clumsily fiddled with the covers on the floor prolonging my exposure until she was satisfied that she had them untangled and then casually tossed them over my body and walked back against the wall with the others. The cover sheet fell well short of my boobs landing in the middle of my belly. I tried grabbing at it with my fingers to pull it up, but found that I couldn’t get a hold of it. I couldn’t use my fingers at all. I tried using my casts on my wrists to slide it up but that was an exercise in futility. I grew more frustrated with myself by the minute and frantically worked at making the sheet move.
“Oh give it a rest, will ya?” Donna said. “We’ve already seen everything you’ve got for the last half-hour. Besides, it’s like ninety degrees in here anyway.” The others all had smirks on their faces as Donna finished talking.
“What the hell do you want, anyway?” I said with exasperation.
“Nothing, we were concerned that’s all. We came right over when we heard about your horse accident.”
“OH MY GOSH! My horse! What’s happened to Angel? Where is she?” I asked in a panic.”
“Take it easy, my boob-less wonder. Katrina took your horse back to her house and will take care of her until you are up and about again.”
Donna’s casual insult about my lack of endowment wasn’t lost on me but I chose to ignore it. If she thought that I was the least little bit sensitive about my chest she would show no mercy at tormenting me.  “Oh thank goodness she’s okay!” was all II said in reply.
Eddie came over and sat on my bed and put his hand on my arm. A BOY was sitting on MY bed with me practically naked!!  Surely this was so wrong!
“Take it easy. Don’t worry so much. We are all here to help you.”
“Yeah,’ Added Debbie, “Everything will be alright. In fact, your mother is glad that we came and are willing to help.”
“That’s right,” Donna said with a grin from ear to ear. “She told us that not ten minutes ago, didn’t she guys?”
“She sure did,” added Billy. “She said she was glad that you had such good friends that cared about you and that she could rely on.”
Good ole mom, I thought to myself. Friends that she could rely on indeed! If she only knew what kind of people these teens were she would never have said that!
“Could you guys just leave? I’m not exactly dressed for company right now. Besides I need my rest.”
“Oh how cute,” Donna said mockingly. “NOW she’s all modest. Listen sister. Katrina told us all about how you were riding your horse topless through the woods before you had your little accident. Why anyone would want to show those little things off is beyond me but in any case that’s your business. You’re not fooling us. I’ll bet you were fingering yourself out there when you fell off your horse. Was that what happened? You lost your balanced during a climatic orgasm?”
“SHUT UP!” I snapped totally mortified at what she had just said. “I was not! My horse threw me if you must know.”
“Then what happened to your top?”
“It . . . well . . . it must have fallen off when I hit the ground.”
Everyone laughed hysterically. ‘SURE it did,” Donna mocked, “and I suppose you couldn’t find it anywhere after the accident either.”
“I . . . that’s not what . . . oh, just put a sock in it will ya!
”Don’t worry,” Donna said patronizing me, “your secret is safe with us.”
Just then my mother walked into the room and cheerfully said. “Look who’s finally up.”
“Mom, I’m trying to get some rest here. Why did you let these morons in here, anyway?”
“That’s not a very nice way to refer to your friends.”
“FRIENDS?!” These aren’t my friends. Have you lost your mind?”
“Sure they are. They’re quite concerned about you and volunteered to help in any way that they could which is really a relief as I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage. I can’t miss any more work and I certainly don’t want to leave you here alone with three casts like you have. What if you fell or something? Why without their help I’d be a nervous wreck at work.”
My heart began skipping beats. “What do you mean THEIR HELP?”
“We’ve volunteered to look after you all day while your mother is at work,” Donna said with a shit-eating grin on her face. “We’ll take good care of you too, I promise.”
MOTHER!! You CAN’T be serious!!”
“Sure I am. What’s wrong with them helping? It’s a very nice gesture if you ask me. Besides I need them. I don’t have any alternative.”
“I won’t let you do this to me, mom. You can’t . . . you just CAN’T!”
My mom removed her hand from behind her back and held up my bikini top. “I think you’ll accept this situation without any further complaints unless you want to explain to me in front of your friends here why your top was found hanging on a tree branch three miles from where you had your accident.”
My Gawd, she KNEW!!  I looked at her and then at my classmates. I was defeated. There was no way I was going to explain ANYTHING to her or them. I’d be in more trouble than I could ever get out of if I had to explain what I was really doing. Hell, she could even take away my horse because of this!!
I let out a sigh and replied meekly, “I see your point mom. I’ll let them help me while you’re gone.”
My mom gave me such a warm yet insincere smile. “You know, somehow I thought you would.”




(The End)