COWBOYS AND INDIANS Part Seven (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil)
By: Hooked6 (
Copyright 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
[Author's note: readers may wish to refresh themselves with
the basic storyline and plot by reading the previous
chapters of Cowboys and Indians at ]
BY: Hooked6
Once inside the house, Eddie ran into Ms. Herzog, Mark's mom, again. "Now I'm sure you lost. Your hands are still tied." She said with a chuckle.
Eddie began to get a little scared. He looked down at his penis and it was still a little wet from "firing the cannon" and a small string of cum still coated the side of his cock. Thinking quickly he turned around so that his back was to her and said, "Yes ma'am. The game's over. Could you please untie me?"
"Sure Eddie. Be glad to." She said as she went to work on the knots. Once he was free Eddie wasted no time in making his getaway. With a short, "Thank you," directed to Mark's mom, he ran up the nearby stairs and headed toward the bathroom in order to wipe himself off before anyone else saw him like that.
Later that day Ms. Herzog came upon Eddie sitting in Mark's room alone and still naked.
"Eddie? Why are you sitting here all alone? You should be outside playing on a beautiful day like this," she said.
"Well . . ." he started to say but ran out of words. He didn't really want to tell the truth that he was afraid that Andrew might come back and "kill' him for what had happened earlier.
While he was still trying to think of something to say, Ms. Herzog gave him a knowing look and interjected, "I think I know why you're still in here. You don't have anything to wear except that Indian costume; lost your key was that it?" she asked.
"Yes, Ma'am," Eddie replied. It was true without that key he couldn't get back into his house to get anything to wear. He hadn't lost it, however. Mark had taken it from him the day he first arrived and was still holding it hostage. Even though Mark's mom had seen him naked briefly a couple of times, it still made him very self-conscious sitting there like that.
Ms. Herzog gave him an encouraging smile and put her hand on his shoulder. Taking his headband off she then said, "I have an idea. Why don't I take you shopping and I'll get you some jeans and a shirt to wear so you won't have to be an Indian for the rest of the week."
Eddie relished the thought of wearing clothes again but how was she going to take him to a store? "Ms. Herzog, I can't go shopping with you. I don't have anything to wear to get there!"
"Oh that's no problem. I'll give you one of my T-shirts. On you it will be long enough to cover the important stuff and then we can be on our way," she explained and turned around and left the room. In no time at all she returned and tossed Eddie a bright pink T-shirt that had frills on the sleeves and a picture on the front of a small puppy sitting in a basket of flowers.
"I can't wear this! It's a GIRL'S shirt!" Edie said a bit put out.
Ms. Herzog, having much experience dealing with her own son simply grinned and took Eddie by the hand and pulled him to his feet. She started guiding him toward the door. "Suit yourself. I'm sure people won't mind seeing you naked if you don't mind either."
"No WAIT!" I'll wear the shirt." He said giving in to her.
"Thought so," she replied and re-handed him the garment. Eddie quickly put it on before she changed her mind and followed her out the door.
Ms. Herzog drove him to a nearby shopping center and parked the car. It wasn't until Eddie got out of the car that he grew very aware of the fact that he was in such a public place wearing only a shirt for cover. It didn't matter that it covered everything. Reluctantly he followed her into a clothing store.
The young clerk gave Eddie a sly grin as he entered the shop which made him all the more self-conscious of his appearance. Ms. Herzog led Eddie to the back of the store and started rummaging through the folded jeans on the shelves trying to locate the best size. "Let's see, you're bigger than Mark so you're probably going to need a size . . ." her voice trailed off as she talked to herself.
Finally she held up a pair of jeans and stated, "I think this might do it," and turned toward Eddie and held them up to his waist to check the length. "Try these on, son." She said plainly.
Eddie looked around and didn't see a dressing room. "What? Here?" he said almost in a whisper so as not to attract too much attention.
"Oh, for heaven's sake," she said and simply bent over and started sliding the jeans up first one ankle then the other. The sensation of her fingers against his thighs as she slid the trousers up his legs sent shockwaves through his body and he felt a quick stirring of his penis. Ms. Herzog's hands on the waistband of the jeans ended up pushing his T- shirt toward his belly leaving his naked butt momentarily exposed as she pulled the pants completely in place! For an instant, he felt the cool air against his bare flesh back there and knew he was flashing the store.
When she tried to snap the jeans shut up front, her fingers pressed softly against Eddie's lower pelvis and his penis started to swell. Only the pressure of the fabric kept it from springing to its natural upright position. Being unable to snap them shut, she realized that they were several sizes too small. "Whoa. That's the largest size they have in the boys department," she lamented. She then reached up and grabbed the waistband of the pants and began struggling to get them off of the embarrassed young man. Once again her arms interfered with the T-shirt as they had been holding it up for her to check the fit. For a brief moment Eddie's back side was exposed again until she lowered her wrists far enough so that the shirt fell back down covering him as she slid the pants off.
As he stepped out of them Eddie was glad the shirt was a bit big on him because his penis was now at full attention. If it had been a tighter fit the outline of his erect member would have surely been noticeable to Mark's mom!
"Eddie, you wait here. I'm going to have to go to the Men's department to find the right size. For some reason I thought you'd fit into a boy's size. I'll be right back," she said as she scurried off, leaving him to watch over her purse. Eddie was glad he didn't have to go with her as he felt a bit secluded in the back of the store. If he had to tag along to and fro as she searched for things, there was no telling how many people he would run into.
As she disappeared from his direct line of sight, Eddie was startled to hear a familiar voice, "Hi, Eddie!" As he did a half turn he saw Terri and Caitlyn, two classmates of his. "Shopping for school clothes? I don't know about you, but I can't wait for school to start next week!" Terri asked playfully.
Eddie wondered how long they had been back there and whether they had seen him changing. He didn't have to wonder long.
"We saw you trying on clothes and I said to Caitlyn, `There's Eddie Tasgar.' Let's go over and say hello." The huge smile on Terri's face left no doubt in Eddie's mind that the girls had seen his bare backside.
Caitlyn let out a giggle and said mockingly, "CUTE shirt! Pick it out yourself?" Both girls giggled at the remark. Eddie blushed and looked at the ground, a bit humiliated that they realized he was wearing a `girl's' shirt.
"Why do you have make-up on, anyway?" asked Terri dying to hear the story.
Eddie had forgotten that he still had the war paint on! Without the Indian headband it must have looked pretty ridiculous.
Caitlyn spoke up and added, "If you're trying to dress like a girl, you REALLY need help in the makeup department. That's not the way to look cute!" Both girls laughed at that remark.
"I'm NOT trying to look like girl. I was, ah, I was in a play and forgot to take my makeup off. I was an Indian!" And then as an afterthought just to remove all doubt he added, "And this shirt isn't mine, either!
Terri pulled a shirt out of a bag she was carrying and said, "I bought this shirt for my brother, maybe you'd like to wear it instead?"
"Ah, no, that's ok. Thanks though." He said politely.
Caitlyn stepped closer and playfully grabbed the bottom of the T-shirt Eddie was wearing and teasingly tried to pull it up saying, "Oh come on. Try it on! What's the big deal?"
Eddie immediately grabbed the bottom hem and held on with all his might. "STOP THAT!" He said soft but forcefully as Caitlyn continued to tussle with his shirt trying desperately to get it off. "Quit it!"
Terri joined in the fun and asked, "What's the matter? You act like you're NAKED under there or something . . . aaaaaa . . . you ARE, aren't you?" She put her hand to her mouth covering it as she gasped as if she had suddenly discovered something shocking.
"I AM NOT!" Eddie said trying to defend himself.
"Prove it," Terri demanded. Eddie froze with fear as he felt trapped with no way out. There were two of them and surely they could over power him enough to find out for sure that he was only wearing the shirt. That very thought kept him rock hard down below.
Just then, Caitlyn tapped Terri's shoulder and silently pointed across the store. Ms. Herzog was coming back. Terri understood immediately the significance and said, "Well, Eddie. We've got more shopping to do. You'll have to tell us all about why you're in a store in just a T-shirt some other time. Maybe we'll see more of you later . . ." she said with a playful giggle. The two girls quietly walked off and disappeared among the racks of clothes. Though they were out of Eddie's sight, the two girls still had a clear view of him. They weren't about to miss out on anything.
Ms. Herzog returned carrying a small stack of pants and was being followed by the young clerk that Eddie saw as he entered the store. "Honestly," Ms. Herzog said, "I still think all of these will be way too large. It's like he's too big for a boy's size and too small for a man's."
"Well, there's one way to know for sure," the clerk said as she pulled the tape measure from around her neck. "We can get an accurate size with this."
With her head still partly turned chatting with Ms. Herzog, the clerk put her arms around Eddie's waist and grabbed the end of the tape measure from her right hand and almost simultaneously yanked Eddie's T-shirt up above his hips exposing his erect penis. When the clerk turned her head around to read the numbers on the tape she found herself staring right at the wet tip of Eddie's penis, noticing for the first time what she had done.
"Oh . . . I'm sooooo sorry," she said sincerely not knowing quite what to say while she stood gazing at his little erect manhood. "I . . . I didn't realize."
"That's OK," Ms. Herzog said shaking her head in disbelief. "It's a long story."
While the clerk continued to try and read the tape measure, the girls, who had taken up a position that allowed them to see Eddie's profile, were elated at what they saw!! "He's popped a boner! And it's so little! TOLD YOU he was NAKED under there!" Terri exclaimed in a whisper.
"Yeah, and he's hairless, too!" added Caitlyn. "Just wait until I tell the other girls at school!!"
Eddie was only exposed a few short moments and the clerk kept sincerely apologizing to Eddie, "I hope I didn't embarrass you, young man. I had no idea, honest." She explained in a very empathetic voice.
"Ah . . . that's OK. I understand," Eddie replied trying to sound mature about the whole thing.
As the clerk sorted through the stack of jeans Ms. Herzog was holding Eddie looked around and saw the two girls with their hands covering their mouths only an aisle away. He knew they had witnessed everything by the twinkle in their eyes. It was going to be a long school year, he thought.
After trying on the pants the clerk selected, Ms. Herzog was satisfied of the fit and was happy for the assistance. She gave the pants to the clerk along with a button down shirt that she had already picked out.
"Let's go and pay for these," she calmly said to Eddie. Ms. Herzog then took hold of Eddie's hand like she was leading a child and headed toward the cash register at the front of the store.
As they walked away Eddie looked over his shoulder and saw the two classmates of his still laughing which made him very uneasy. Upon reaching home Eddie immediately went upstairs and put on his newly purchased clothing.
The following day Eddie was walking down the street just enjoying the morning, when Traci and Patti caught up with him.
"You know school starts next week," Patti said with glee.
"Yes, I had heard something to that effect," Eddie answered smugly.
"Well, Traci here has something to ask you, Don't you Traci?"
Eddie looked at Traci with interest and a lot of confusion.
"Well, Eddie. First I just wanted to say that I think you are a good sport for all you did the other day. I enjoyed that a lot . . ." Traci said wringing her arms obviously a bit embarrassed. Eddie thought that was cute. No one had ever been shy around him before. It was usually the other way around.
"Thank you," Eddie replied not sure where all this was going.
"Well, what I wanted to ask you . . . that is what I wanted to say, is that . . . well I think it's neat that you like me and all. Anyway, next Friday is the Sadie Hawkins dance at school." Traci said.
"Sadie Hawkins?" Eddie asked. He was never the social type and certainly was way to shy to ever ask a girl to a dance. He began to get nervous.
"Yeah, the Sadie Hawkins Dance, you know the dance where the girls ask the guys out rather than the guys asking the girls. It's the first dance of the year; sort of a welcome back to school dance. It's a country thing. Everyone dresses up in a funny costume. Girls wear their Daisy Dukes shorts and some guys dress as hillbillies and stuff. Anyway, I know it took a lot to embarrass yourself by being naked in front of me and I DID really like looking at you – even if I seemed to have made fun of you at the time. So I want to ask YOU to be my date for the dance. Would you accompany me?" Traci asked hopefully.
Eddie was stunned. He really liked Traci and would be on cloud nine IF she was serious, but somehow he wondered if she was being truthful, especially if Patti was involved. He didn't trust her at all.
"Aw, you're just trying to make up for what you did to me the other day. You don't REALLY want me to go with you," Eddie said pessimistically.
"Actually, Eddie I do! You see I admire your courage. You aren't like the other boys. It took a lot of guts to do what you did – telling me you liked me, all the while standing naked sporting a hard-on," Traci said trying to stifle a giggle. "How many guys do you know that would do that, huh?"
He hated to admit it but she was making sense and his heart was winning the battle over his mind.
Traci continued, "I find your courage to be stimulating and I think this might be the start of a good friendship. Won't you say yes?"
"Well, if you are serious, I guess I would love to be your date," Eddie said cheerfully. He had never been complimented so highly, especially by a girl he liked!!
"GREAT!!!" Traci responded enthusiastically and gave him a
huge hug!
Her hug felt very warm and genuine and all doubts faded
away. He was actually looking forward to school starting
next Monday. He couldn't wait! With that the girls left.
Eddie couldn't have been happier. The love of his life actually asked him to a dance! Still, nagging doubts persisted so much so that by afternoon he was depressed. She sounded so sincere, Eddie thought trying to convince himself once again. She MUST be telling the truth.
Later that day he came upon Patti and decided to find out once and for all. "Listen Patti, I've done everything you've asked so tell me the truth, did you put Traci up to asking me to the dance?"
Patti simply said, "Nope. She actually came up with it herself. I think she really does like you . . . WHY, I'll never understand."
"You're not joking are you? I'll do what stupid things you want but PLEASE don't mess with my heart. That would be too painful for me. You can't be THAT cruel. Does she really want me to go because she likes me?" Eddie asked again.
Patti could see that this was tearing him up inside so she put her arm around him and looked him carefully in the eye and earnestly said, "Eddie, she really likes you, honest. She's not planning on doing anything funny and I didn't put her up to it and that's the truth."
Eddie let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Patti. I really appreciate you being honest with me."
Once the smile returned to Eddie's face and she could tell he was feeling better, Patti added, "But, perv-boy . . . just because she's crazy in love with you doesn't mean that I'm done with you yet!"
"What do you mean?" Eddie said stammering a bit.
"Well, I've been thinking. Since this is a costume event, I want you to wear your Indian outfit complete with feather and war paint!" she said menacingly.
"WHAT?! You can't be serious!" Eddie responded.
"And before you ask, Traci doesn't know anything about this so you'd better not tell her. You just show up the night of the dance like that or else!" Patti said authoritatively.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Eddie pleaded.
"Because, I think it will be fun. Oh don't worry. Nothing else will happen and besides, she might like your courage. She said she admires that in you, remember?"
"My mom will never let me go dressed liked that!" Eddie said.
"She doesn't have to know. I'll have my sister Susie pick you up and she can drop us both off at the dance. You can change in the car!" Pattie explained.
Eddie just looked at the ground. This day has had so many ups and downs he felt like he was on a roller coaster!
"You had better just be there dressed like an Indian and Traci had better not suspect a thing or I know some pretty disgusting pictures that will be making the rounds at school and end up in your dad's hands before that night is through, got it?" Patti asked.
"Yeah, I got it," Eddie said dejectedly.