COWBOYS AND INDIANS Part Four (mmmmfffFF,Exh,Humil)
By: Hooked6 (

Copyright 2006 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved.

No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.

[Author's note: readers may wish to refresh themselves with the basic storyline and plot by reading the previous chapters of Cowboys and Indians at ]


It didn't take long for Susie to reach her house. Eddie began to get nervous as they pulled into the driveway about what awaited him inside.
Susie shut off the car's engine and gathered up her purse.

"Eddie, will you help me carry in my packages from the trunk?" she asked. Without thinking, Eddie got out of the car and joined Susie behind the vehicle. It wasn't until Susie said, "I see you are getting more comfortable being a naked Indian around me," while looking at his small flaccid penis, that Eddie realized that he was standing along a neighborhood street wearing only his Indian headdress and feather. Seeing Susie smiling at him coyly as she handed him a plastic shopping bag made his cock slowly expand and rise just a bit until it was parallel to the ground. Eddie's face got flushed as Susie remarked while looking at the stirrings of his privates, "Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. Let's go inside. I can't wait for you to meet my little brother!"

Susie shut the trunk and, using her free hand, guided him toward the front door of the house. Eddie's heart began beating faster with each step he took. He was painfully aware that he was miles from his home with none of his own clothing even remotely available.

Susie opened the door and yelled, "MOM! I'M HOME!" Eddie quickly followed her inside and shut the door. "MOM?" Susie called out inquisitively after getting no response from her first announcement. "I've brought someone home with me to play with Billy," she continued to shout as she set her stuff on the table. After sorting through her purchases, Susie began wondering where everyone was. "Mom . . . Billy?" Still there was no answer.

Eddie stood nervously in the front room covering his naked crotch as best he could with his right hand. The fact that he was miles from home in a stranger's house without a stitch of clothing filled his mind with great apprehension. All he could think about was how much trouble he was going to be in when Susie's mom discovered him.

Susie meanwhile began looking around the house. "Maybe they're outside," she said as she opened the kitchen door and stepped out into the back yard. After a short while, Eddie literally jumped as he heard the back door slam shut and the sound of footsteps.

Eddie felt a wave of relief as he heard Susie say at last, "I wonder where everyone went?" Eddie had been too afraid to leave his spot near the front door and stood silently as he heard Susie moving about the house. After a few minutes he heard Susie say, "Oh look here! A note:

"Gone to take Billy to Jimmy's house to spend the night and do some shopping. Be back

later this evening."


"Oh, for Pete's sakes! I forgot all about Billy's sleepover tonight." Susie said almost to herself. Eddie was secretly relieved. That is until Susie looked up from the note and gave Eddie a disconcerting grin. "Looks like it's just the two of us for now, Eddie," she said teasingly.

Susie noticed Eddie still protecting his modesty. "Don't be so shy. You can relax. You're quite safe here. I've seen it all already, remember? Besides I know you like being naked," she said with a wink. "There's nothing wrong with it. Just relax."

Eddie took a deep breath and reluctantly moved his hand to his side. "That's better," she said confidently.

The two stood facing each other for a few awkward moments until Susie looked at her watch and said, "Well I guess we'd better figure out what to do for dinner. It's getting late and I don't know about you, but I'm getting a bit hungry."

Eddie liked the idea of eating something. He hadn't had anything since breakfast and didn't even get to enjoy his milkshake after all the commotion at the drive-thru. "That's sounds like a good idea," Eddie replied. "I'm kind of hungry too."

"How about I run out and get something and bring it back here?" she asked.

"What? And leave me here alone?" Eddie asked nervously.

"Well, I didn't think you would want to come with me dressed like that, especially after what happened at McDonald's today" Susie said giggling.

"But what if . . ." Eddie was then interrupted by Susie.

"Nothing's going to happen. Mom's probably not going to be home until you're already in bed. Stop your worrying. Just relax and watch some TV or something. I'll be back soon enough." With that she grabbed her purse and went out the front door leaving poor Eddie stammering, "But, but . . ."

After stupidly standing in front room staring at the closed door for several minutes, Eddie finally calmed down a bit and decided to explore his surroundings. Walking around a stranger's house wearing only an Indian headband was having an effect – Eddie began to get aroused. He had been through at lot so far, most of which left him begging for release.

Wandering carefully down the hallway, he finally found a girl's bedroom. It was decorated like a teenager's room so he took it to be Susie's rather than her mom's. Having no sisters himself, he was curious and ventured inside. Becoming aware of the sweet feminine smell to the room and the sight of all the girly things lying about brought his pecker to full attention. Eddie then got an evil idea and decided to check out her dresser. His heart started beating faster upon discovering a half-open drawer containing feminine under-things! He had never actually touched a real girl's panties before. Reaching inside he picked up a pair of flowery cotton briefs and began running his fingers across the soft material. He pictured Susie wearing them and that thought sent a tingle up his spine. He wanted so much to touch himself. His imagination ran wild and he was lost in his fantasies! Pressure began building inside and his cock was about to explode as he gently rubbed the material over his fingers.

"JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!" came a demanding voice suddenly jolting Eddie back to reality. He quickly pulled the panties away to his side, turned around and looked up to find his classmates, Patti Conway and Kelli Anderson – the girls that had seen him at the shopping center earlier!!! The shock of being discovered by two of his classmates was more than Eddie could bear! Seeing them drop their mouths wide open while staring at his excited cock caused such an overwhelming emotion that he could no longer control himself. Without any help from either of his hands, he shot first a long stream of cum clear across the room landing on Patti's dress, then another and another – six streams of white goo eventually rhythmically shot across the room landing on the floor as Eddie stood powerless to stop it.

Patti screamed and Kelli laughed but had the presence of mind to whip out her camera phone and take several pictures as Eddie ejaculated. When the white cream stopped oozing from the head of Eddie's penis and all that was left was his cock pulsing over and over still in the throws of a prolonged climax, Patti marched right over to Eddie's face and slapped it big time!

"YOU PERVERT!!!" Patti screamed. "JUST LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!" she admonished as she pointed to the wet white spot on her dress! "THAT'S DISGUSTING! YOU'VE REALLY DONE IT NOW! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE! Just wait until I tell my mom that you were in my room NAKED and playing with my panties. She'll knock your butt clear into next week!!"

"Your room???" was all that Eddie could muster in reply. "What do you mean YOUR room?!"

"I live here stupid! How did you get in here anyway?" Patti demanded.

"I . . . uh . . . This CAN'T be YOUR house. SUSIE brought me here. This is her room, isn't it?" Eddie mumbled, trying to figure things out.
Patti began to chuckle out loud. "You thought this was SUSIE'S ROOM?! Susie is my sister, stupid. You have a crush on her or something, you perv? Wait until she finds out. . ."

Kelli joined in, "Yeah, wait until your MOM finds out too? I have pictures to prove what happened, see Patti? Look at this one." She said as she held up her camera phone for Patti to get a closer look. "See, it clearly shows him holding your panties and shooting his stuff across the room! He's BUSTED big time I'd say!"

Patti let out a huge, evil sounding laugh. "Your ass is mine now perv- boy!"

"OH, PLEASE!!" Eddie begged, "I didn't mean no harm. It's not what you think. PLEASE don't tell. PLEASE!!! I'll do anything, I promise!!!"

"Screw you," Kelli replied.

Patti just smiled thinking of all the possibilities this turn of events presented her with. "Not so fast, Kel," she said deliberately. "Maybe we should think this over." She pulled her girlfriend aside and began whispering. Their stealthy conversation was occasionally interrupted by outright laughter as they continued their conversation.

Eddie stood nervously as he covered himself. He was so afraid of what would take place if the girls told on him that his legs were visibly shaking. He had terrible thoughts of what might happen to him if his parents found out or worse yet if those pictures made the rounds at school!!

The girls eventually finished their chatter and took up positions directly in front of poor Eddie. Patti took a few moments to look down at Eddie's pelvis and smirked as she saw him trying to conceal himself. Then, looking directly into Eddie's eyes, her face changed to a serious glare. "Kel here thinks we should tell mom what you did. After all it WAS nasty! I tried to persuade her to change her mind, but she's
pretty stubborn."

Eddie's legs began shaking in earnest now. "PLEASE don't do that! You know me Patti. I'm not like that. I've always tried to be a good kid." Eddie's voice was cracking a little and the pitch climbed higher as he tried to plead his case. "I know this looks bad but I can explain!" Eddie started talking faster trying to get as much said in his defense before the girls cut him off, "Please, I'll make it up to you, I'll pay you, I'll do your chores, I promise I won't do this again. In fact you'll never even see me again except at school . . . This is all a terrible mistake . . ."

Kelli crossed her arms in front of her chest and interrupted Eddie, "Of course he says all that NOW, then after he's off the hook it'll be back to being perv-boy! I want to see him get a good old fashioned ass whipping. That's the only way to teach him a lesson! I want to watch as he has to face his mom and dad and try to convince them that it was all a mistake – especially after they see these photos!"

Eddie continued to beg, "PLEASE Patti, I won't back out. Let me make it up to you. You KNOW I will. PLEASE . . ."

Patti toyed with him a little, "I don't know . . . it would take a lot to satisfy me and a whole lot to keep Kel here happy. What you did was pretty humiliating to me. Just LOOK at what you did to my dress!!"

"I'm . . . so sorry," Eddie said meekly.

There was silence among the three for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Patti spoke up in a commanding tone, "Put your hands by your side!" Eddie was so taken aback by her sudden change of attitude that he quickly did as she asked without even thinking about it. The girls looked at his now shrunken penis and giggled.

"Very good," Patti said. "This is how it's going to be." She took a step closer to Eddie and reached out grabbed his balls giving them a small squeeze! Eddie gasped at the touch a girl's hand on his most tender area and stood frozen with both excitement and fear!

"SEE, I now OWN these," Patti said tightening her grip on his balls. "For the next month you have to do whatever I tell you to do and I MEAN whatever I tell you to do. I don't care how humiliating it is or whether it's something you want to do or not, you're going to do it or Kel and I will totally ruin you! Got it?"

"o – o – o – kay," Eddie said stuttering.

Patti released her grip and barked, "Turn around and get down on your hands and knees." Eddie wasted no time in complying. Once he was on all fours he felt a stinging slap across his butt followed by giggling from both girls. Another found its mark across his backside with even more laughter from his captives. This was so embarrassing. He was being spanked like a little school boy by two girls from his own class! His face grew red and he imagined how his butt must have looked to the two girls behind him – such an undignified pose!!

After a few minutes of whacking his backside, Patti ordered Eddie to his feet. "Turn around and stand at attention!" she commanded authoritatively. Eddie jumped to his feet and did as he was instructed.

"Look at how little his wiener is!" Kelli teased. "He's so, so BARE down there too!" Eddie blushed anew.

Pattie asked Eddie to explain the game "Cowboys and Indians" to her and relate all that had happened to him that morning. Eddie went through everything, recounting how he was made up to look like an Indian, what his costume looked like and what had transpired after he was captured and how he had to travel to the shopping center in just a towel and finally what had happened at McDonalds as a result of the girls taking his little towel. Just talking about it embarrassed him all the more.

When he had finished Patti asked him playfully, "You like Traci Moore don't you?"

"Yeah, ah, She's nice, I guess," Eddie answered cautiously.

"No. I mean you REALLY like her don't you? I saw you last year giving her the eye in math class. It's pays to be honest with me. There will be hell to pay if I think you aren't, ya know," Patti said.

"Well, yeah she's pretty and all," Eddie finally admitted.

"Do you think she's prettier than me?" Patti asked coyly.

Eddie started to panic. If he told the truth that he thought Traci was prettier it might piss Patti off and things could get ugly in a hurry. On the other hand if he lied and Patti thought he wasn't being truthful there would be hell to pay as she had put it. Eddie thought fast and decided to play it safe. "You're both VERY pretty – you two are just different, you know?"

"No I don't know. What do you mean different?" she asked.

"Well, you're a blond and she's not." Eddie explained.

"So you're saying that I'm NOT prettier than Traci, just equal to her. Is that it?" Patti asked sarcastically.

Eddie realized that he was in a no win situation and reluctantly decided to come clean. "Well, you want me to be honest, I guess I like Traci a little more."

"Does SHE like YOU?" Kelli asked joining in.

"I don't really know. I've never really asked her that." Eddie admitted.

"Oh I think she does. A girl can tell when another girl is interested in a guy ya know. I'm not absolutely certain but I think she DOES like you." Kelli said. Eddie was secretly jumping for joy inside at hearing Kelli's words. He had always been smitten with Traci but was so shy he barely said two words to her all last year.

Patti smiled and said, "I know how we can find out for sure. Traci just lives next door. Let's call her up and ask her over!"

"NO!!!" Eddie said in a panic. "We don't need to do that!"

"Sure we do," said Patti. "Besides, you know Traci's twin brother Andrew, don't you?"

"Andy Moore? Yeah, I know him. Why do you ask?" inquired Eddie.

Both girls giggled as Patti continued, "Because I happen to like Andrew. In fact, I like him a lot and I think it would be fun if you two got to be friends and to do that you are going to need Traci's help."

"Huh?" Eddie replied.

"I also think it would be fun for you to ask Andrew to join you in playing Cowboys and Indians tomorrow. In fact, I want, no I insist, that you get him to play it just the way you did today." Patti laughed out loud and, turning to Kelli said, "I've always wanted to see Andrew naked and this is my chance!"

"For Pete's Sakes he's never going to agree to that! How on earth am I going to get him to join me playing such a kid's game, anyway?" Eddie protested.

Patti grinned and picked up the phone and began dialing. "That's where Traci comes in. Just do as I say and play along with me . . . or else!"

Eddie's heart began to pound as he heard Patti on the telephone: "Trace, it's Patti. . . Yeah . . . Listen I've got someone here who REALLY likes you." Eddie heard some intermittent giggling and then, after a pause, Pattie continued. "Of COURSE it's a boy! I'm not kidding around. He REALLY, REALLY likes you . . . why don't you come over and you can see who it is for yourself. GREAT!! We'll see you in a few minutes!" With that Patti hung up the phone and turned toward Eddie. She had a horribly EVIL grin on her face as she stood looking at him.

Eddie couldn't believe what was about to happen. In just a few minutes a girl from school whom he had a long standing crush on was about to see him naked! "You can't be serious?!" Eddie protested. "I'll get into trouble!"

Kelli held up her phone and waved it ominously in front of his face. "You'll be in even bigger trouble if you don't cooperate." Eddie knew he had no choice. As bad as his current situation was, it would be an even bigger disaster if his parents were to find out. Before he could even prepare himself mentally, the doorbell rang! Eddie quickly covered himself with his hands at the sound of the bell.

"Don't you even THINK about it, perv-boy," snapped Patti in an authoritative tone. Eddie reluctantly dropped his hands and followed the girls into the front room. Kelli positioned him in the middle if the room directly in the line of sight of the front door. She gave his butt a small, playful pat as she took a few steps behind him, blocking any potential escape for the poor boy.

Patti grabbed the doorknob while raising her shoulders up in excitement half covering her neck. She looked at her friend with sparkling eyes and opened the door a crack.

"Hi Trace! Glad you could come over. There's someone here I'd like you to meet!" Patti said with great enthusiasm as she then opened the door wide inviting the visitor to stroll inside.

Seeing the object of his affection standing at the door made Eddie's heart pound so fast he thought he was going to faint! His mouth got dry and his legs felt weak! Traci had yet to see him as her attention had been on Patti, but any minute now . . .

"Traci, you know Eddie Tasgar don't you?" Patti said matter of factly.

Traci started to walk around from behind Patti saying, "Oh sure, I know Eddie . . . OH MY GOD!!!! EDDIE YOU'RE NAKED!!!" The shock of discovering her classmate in the buff was obvious and the gasp she made as she looked at him up and down studying his body was quite audible. Shock soon gave way to giggling as she fixated on his penis.

"Ohhh my!" she said still giggling slightly, her voice almost full of pity as she stared at his small manhood. Hearing the empathy in her voice knowing what she was staring at humiliated Eddie immensely and his face turned beat red. Eddie wondered what she must have been thinking about his smooth chest and the lack of pubic hair on a boy his age. Traci finally looked up and her eyes met his. She noticed the Indian headband and war paint and turned back to Patti.

"Why is he dressed like this? What's going on?" she asked obviously confused.

"We'll explain that in a minute," Kelli replied.

Patti chimed in, "Eddie here is the one I was talking about on the phone. He REALLY likes you. In fact, he has for a long time, Isn't that right Eddie?"

Traci immediately turned back to Eddie awaiting an answer. He couldn't help noticing the sparkle in her eyes. He couldn't figure out if that was because she was excited about the fact that he might like her or if it was because she found the whole idea hilarious!

"Eddie?" Patti prompted.

Looking directly into Traci's eyes he answered sincerely, "Yes, it's true. I like you." He then lowered his eyes in embarrassment. When he looked up again, he noticed Traci was staring at his penis once more.

"I see," Traci said almost sounding pleased. Her gaze didn't move from his crotch however, causing slight stirrings deep inside of him.

Patti spoke up again adding, "He said he has liked you ever since math class last year. Isn't that right Eddie?"

Eddie answered all the while Traci kept her eyes fixed on his penis. "Yes . . . that's right. I think you're pretty and a very nice person, too." He added sheepishly. He couldn't believe he was revealing his deepest feelings while standing in front of this girl undressed as he was.

Traci finally turned around to face Patti again in an effort to try and figure out what was going on. While Traci had her back turned toward Eddie listening to Patti explain how Eddie thought Traci was prettier than she was, Eddie's cock suddenly began to grow!!

"NOT NOW!' he thought to himself. `Oh please, not now!'

Traci continued talking with Patti. "I always thought Eddie was a polite boy but I never realized he liked me, you know, in THAT way." By the time he heard Patti say, "Eddie, tell Traci how MUCH you really like her," his penis was pointing toward the ceiling as hard as it ever had been.

Traci turned around to get an answer to Patti's question and gasped as she saw his now erect penis! All three girls burst out laughing, Kelli laughing so hard she had to lean on Patti for support!

Patti choked back her laugher and said, "See, he likes you THAT way, a LITTLE, anyways!" Her emphasis on the word "little" mortified poor Eddie as the girls continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Traci then composed herself and went over to Eddie and put her arm around his shoulder. "It's OK, Eddie. I think you are kind of CUTE! Don't worry. You'll come into your own someday. Everybody does." Eddie wanted to just die! Here was his sweetheart trying to offer words of encouragement as if he shouldn't be ashamed of the way he looked!

"SO! Traci." Patti interrupted. "How would you like to get back at that brother of yours?"

"Man, WOULD I EVER! That little shit has caused me so much grief this summer, I could just kill him!" Traci replied. "But, how?"

Patti went on to explain, "Well, you are probably wondering why LITTLE Eddie here is dressed like a naked savage."

"That thought HAD crossed my mind," Traci admitted with a grin.

"Eddie got suckered into playing a game called Cowboys and Indians with some younger boys. Apparently they take their games very seriously and Eddie ended up getting stripped and whipped in front of a bunch of kids."

"REALLY?!" asked Traci excitedly.

"It's absolutely true. That's why he's over here naked. They took his loin cloth thingy away from him. Anyway, Eddie here is going to ask Andrew to play the game with him tomorrow and we need your help to get him to play along. Are you in?" Patti asked hopefully.

"You mean I'll get to see my own brother NAKED and tortured?" Traci asked excitedly.

"We ALL will if we play our cards right." Patti assured her.

"COUNT ME IN!" Traci yelled back and then grabbed Eddie's face between her two hands and gave him a BIG kiss on his mouth!! MmmmmWaaahhh came the sound of an exaggerated kiss! "Eddie, You're the greatest!!!" It was the first time a girl his age actually kissed him – even if it was in jest and he almost shot another load right then and there! Somehow he managed to keep control, however.

"What do I have to do?" Traci asked.

Patti huddled the girls around and briefly explained her plan. "The trick is that Andrew has to think he is doing Eddie a favor. If he's like any boy I know he won't do it for you so you have to make it look like it's his idea."

"How do I do that?" Traci asked.

"Ask him if he knows how to play Cowboys and Indians? When he wants to know why, tell him that Eddie got stuck playing with a couple of younger kids and needs another Indian to play along. Tell your brother that Eddie couldn't find any boys to help him out so he offered to pay YOU $50 to play along."

Patti continued, "Be sure and tell him that you'll get to use a real bow and arrow set and that you really don't WANT to do this but that the money will come in handy . . . you know make it sound like you think it's silly that boys play these games – that they should learn to cook and sew and useful stuff instead. Use a little psychology. Boys are so stupid about stuff like that. He'll jump at the chance to defend the games boys play – even if it involves younger kids. It's a rite of passage thing. I'll bet you can get him to take your place if not because you think such games are stupid then at least for the $50."

The girls continued to hatch their plan. When they had finished they returned to Eddie, who was still sporting a boner.

Kelli laughed and asked, "How long can he keep it that way?"

Patti chuckled and replied, "Maybe we'll have to find out tomorrow!" All three girls bust into hysterics at her comments and then Traci left.

"I'll call you and let you know how things go," Traci yelled as she ran out the door.