Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 40
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 40: Close Encounters of the Frigid Kind

The party broke up quickly after that. Chad's mother, surprisingly gentle for a change, coaxed him to his feet and moved him to one side. Alan was stretched prone on the floor, sobbing with his face buried in his hands. The red patches from the Blister Maker Paddle glowed on his exposed bottom, the individual welts it had made almost perfect red circles, in contrast with the more irregular welts from the string paddle Mrs. Rose had called The Stinger. His legs were spraddled, as he could not bear to close them where he'd just been struck so painfully and effectively between them. Alan's mother lifted him off of the floor the way Chad himself had been lifted around during his family paddling, by sliding one arm under his chest while cupping his genitals from between his legs with her other hand. Alan gripped her left arm with both his fists, and closed his legs on her right arm, trying to squeeze the pain out of his body. "It hurts! It hurts" he blubbered, barely understandable. She carried her still sobbing son off to his bedroom, letting him cry into a pillow and telling him loudly enough to be heard down the hall that she'd be back in a moment with antiseptic ointment for his bottom and genitals. "But not the stuff with Lanocaine in it," she added on her way out. "I want you to feel the effects of Chad's work on you for the next few days."

Chandra's mother gathered her brood and said goodbyes, insisting that her younger son step into his pants before they left despite his plea to go home "nudies, like Chandra." She took her younger daughter by the arm and pushed her toward Chad.

"Chandra, apologize to everyone for being such a brat that you had to be punished, and thank Chad and Tommy for helping hold you when you were paddled," she said firmly. Chandra was still caressing her blistered bottom, not thrilled about her bare genitals being on display to Tommy and Chad, but unable to do anything about it.

Chandra was silent until her mother pinched the center of her right butt cheek, choosing a visible welt as her target. "Owwwwww!" she shrieked, trying to block her mother's hands. "I was gonna say it!" She turned to Chad and Tommy. "I'm sorry I was rude to all of you," she said in a sulky tone.

Her mother released her pinch, but kept her hand on Chandra's bottom. "Don't forget Chad and Tommy," she said. "Thank them for holding you while you got paddled, and apologize for wetting yourself when they were holding you."

Chandra's already red face colored even more. When she hesitated, her mother pinched her lbutt cheek again, picking a different welt as her target this time. "Owwwwwwwww!" she said, louder this time, squeezing her butt in pain and rising onto her toes. "Thank you for holding me while I got paddled, and I'm sorry I peed myself," she said hastily.

"That's better," her mother said. "Let's go home. You will lead the way, so that everyone who sees you can see what a naughty girl you've been." She prodded her still naked younger daughter to the front of the group as they walked down the hall. Brian pleaded once again to be allowed to take his pants off and run home naked. Chandra, by contrast, pleaded to have hers back for the trip. "You two need to get on the same page. One of you is bare and doesn't want to be, the other one isn't and wants to be. I swear, I wouldn't believe you were from the same family," her mother was laughing as they exited. They were still discussing pants and who should be wearing them when they shut the door behind them.

Alan's mother saw Chad's family to the door. Chad's mother held his underpants out for Chad to gratefully step into. "It's not as big a deal as she's making it out to be. They're only going a little over a block," Mrs. Delvecchio smiled as Chad's mother snugged his waistband up until his still sore genitals were clearly outlined. "No one will see her at all, and even if someone did, it's dark and she's so immature they won't really see anything. I'm sure nobody would notice anything on your little boy, either, if he'd rather let his bruises and sore spots air out."

"You're right, of course," said Chad's mother with a laugh. "Chad's still like a little boy down there! But I've already got his undies on him, so I might as well just leave them on him for now." Chad looked at the ground throughout this discussion. He could feel Tommy grinning at him, smug over the much greater size and maturity of his own genitals. He wished he could just pop Tommy in the balls right now – that'd wipe off his smug expression!

Chad's resentment waned quickly. He realized, somewhat to his amazement, that a few days ago, he might have just reached over and socked his brother in the nuts as soon as the thought hit him, and worried later about how much trouble he'd have gotten into. But just now he had kept himself from doing that and had controlled his anger. Perhaps he was getting better! He perked up visibly, only to be yanked down to earth by his mother's next statement.

"You might have a point about him needing to air himself out, though. I noticed his little hoo-hah was still awfully red and sore from tonight. Chad, open the fly in your underpants and take your little genitals out through it, so they can get some air on our drive home."

"Mom!" Chad said in protest. "Somebody might see me!"

"So what's there to see? A little button, a little bag. Everyone's already seen those things on baby boys before," his mother laughed.

"But I'm not a baby," Chad argued.

"You are down there," his mother snapped back. "And you know it. Now make your little genitals stick out of your fly, or I'll just take those underpants back off and we'll let everything air out," his mother ordered with steel in her voice.

Chad reluctantly pulled the fly of his underpants apart until his small, red-tipped button penis and wrinkled sack were visible from the outside, and tucked the cloth around his genitals so they stayed out. "Perfect," his mother said. "Now get in the car, boys, and let's go home. Chad, thank Mrs. Delvecchio for dinner and for helping punish you tonight."

"Thank you for dinner and for punishing me," Chad said to the ground.

Alan's mother grasped his chin and pulled his face up so she could look into his eyes. "Thank you for helping me punish my son," she said with a smile, "and for being such a good friend to him even though he hasn't been a very good friend in return. I hope you'll continue being his friend." She caressed the boy's smooth cheek and then released his chin. He was so cute with his little dingus sticking out. She remembered fondly when Alan had been a little boy with genitals like that, and how happily he'd played naked in their backyard wading pool in the summer. They grow up so fast. She gave Chad a playful swat on his underpants covered butt and patted Tommy on the head. "Thank you, too, young man. You show great maturity for your age, both physically and in your behavior." She walked back in and closed the front door.

The drive home was uneventful, except that Chad's exposed penis ended up in contact with his seatbelt, resulting in it gradually hardening as his mother drove through the quiet city streets until it was arching over the seatbelt, pointing up at his face again. The pee slit still tingled, matching the tingling in his rectum, and the outside surface of it was mildly sore from too much sucking and too many orgasms, yet the silly thing was standing up and ready for action again!

Worse yet, his mother glanced over at him while they were waiting for a light and frowned at his miniature erection, so like that of his rat of a father. "Perhaps we should have paddled your brother after all," she commented to Tommy. "I noticed his little friend Alan wasn't hard like that after a few smacks with The Blister Maker! What do you think, Tommy? Should we paddle your brother when we get home?"

Chad's heart stopped as he waited for his brother's answer. Tommy leaned over the front seat to look at Chad's crotch, then at their mother. Chad was surprised to hear Tommy come to his defense. "I don't think he's excited, Mom," Tommy said. "I think it's just the hot sauce stuff still burning him. Us guys are awfully sensitive down there. I think we should just go to bed when we get home."

Chad's mother shrugged. "Okay," she said. "But you two go straight to bed when we get home – no watching TV or playing video games. And don't let your brother have any mouthwash or water – I don't want him forgetting the humiliating things he had to do tonight as his punishment." They drove the rest of the way in silence, Chad feeling oddly positive toward his little brother.

Once in their room, though, the motive behind Tommy's support became clearer. "Get your underpants off and lie face up on your bed," Tommy ordered as soon as he shut the door. He stripped off his shirt and pulled his own pants and underwear off, allowing his boyish erection to spring free and slap his hard stomach. "I practically went nuts with horniness watching you suck Alan and that little dude and looking at that girl play with her pussy! I even came in my pants! I mean, we were looking at her pussy! Her PUSSY! You could see where your dick goes! Didn't it make you horny, too?" Tommy said exuberantly.

"I kinda got sucked out," Chad said from his position on the bed, where he was staring at the ceiling. In truth, he could still picture the girl's genitals, and the picture did make him horny. He had obediently shucked off his underpants at Tommy's orders without even thinking about it, so now his sore but still hard penis bobbed with his heartbeat, sticking up from his crotch. "Besides, my boy stuff inside is real sore from cumming so much." That part was at least true. He didn't add that he'd have liked nothing more than to look at Chandra's girl parts again, and try sticking his little penis into that place inside her, and that despite the fact his penis was as sore as it had ever been, even from marathon jack off sessions, he was ready for more.

Tommy jumped eagerly onto Chad's bed, straddling him with his crotch over Chad's face and his own face over Chad's red, bobbing erection. "Well, my hog isn't sore," he said. "So I'm gonna do your face, and you're going to suck me as good as you did those other boys while I do it," he said, starting to lower his penis to Chad's lips.

Chad turned his head aside. "Come on, Tommy! I'm all sucked out! I'm really tired, and my mouth hurts, and my boy stuff is all sore, and my butt hurts! Can't you give it a rest for once? You're such a horn dog!" Chad wasn't exactly sure what a horn dog was, but the phrase sounded right in this case.

"Your dick hurts, huh?," Tommy said as his penis jabbed the side of his brother's face. He almost howled in frustration – he wanted it so bad! "And how much would you little boy dick hurt if I ordered you to play with yourself in front of me until you cum? You say your butt still hurts – how much would it hurt if I decided to paddle you tonight? I bet if I went downstairs right now and told Mom you weren't obeying me, she'd give me that paddle to use on you! Mom has it, you know. That Alan kid's mother gave it to Mom when you were staring at Chandra's pussy while she apologized. Mom took it and put it in her purse. Who do you think she's planning on using it on, huh? Her favorite son, the one she never spanks? Not a chance! Mom brought that thing home to use on your butt as soon as she gets a chance. You saw what it did to those kids' butts! You get 8 blisters every time it lands! Eight! Every one of them big and round and sore! Do you want me to tell Mom I need to paddle you with it?" For emphasis, Tommy grabbed Chad's hard on firmly in his fist, squeezing the tender shaft just under the head.

"Owwwwwwww!" Chad complained, turning his head upright again. "Stop that – it hurts! Look, I'm ready! I'm ready!" Chad opened his mouth and made an "O" face, lifting his head and sucking his brother's penis head inside him. Tommy was going to threaten his brother some more, just for the fun of yanking him around, but the warm wetness and immediate tonguing and sucking action by his brother took his breath away, and he stiffened and started humping instead, squeezing his boyish butt tightly with each thrust and enjoying the building pleasure that seemed to originate from the head of his penis and the base all at the same time. He shut his eyes, trying to imagine it was the moist, pink tunnel he'd seen in that girl's pussy that he was entering. With his eyes shut, it was an easy illusion to maintain, and within seconds he was gasping through his second orgasm of the night. His first had drained most of his internal fluid, but he still managed to squeeze a drop or two into his brother's throat as he wildly pumped his hips and drove his pelvis into his brother's face. He rolled off, panting.

"Hey, don't be so rough," Chad mumbled, his hand soothing his face where Tommy's enthusiastic humping had bruised his lower lip. "That little kid already hurt me once tonight when he practically jammed his little wiener down my throat!"

"He was pretty wild," Tommy said, almost saying he was a wild little fucker, but not feeling good about using the forbidden word. He still couldn't get over his gut feeling that Mom could hear everything he said, everywhere. "You should have seen his butt squeeze like crazy when you made him cum!"

"I didn't need to see it, I felt it," Chad said ruefully. "But you're practically as bad as him!"

"At least I don't squeal like my nuts are in a vise when I cum, like he did," Tommy grinned. "I don't know how the kid jerks off by himself without rousing the whole household. And I don't grunt like a pig like you do when you cum, either. I'm like a good fart – silent, but deadly!" He looked at Chad more soberly. "What's it like to suck a guy's dick, anyway?" he asked. "Isn't it sickening?"

Chad pointed at his own erect penis. "Try it and see for yourself," he said, half hoping, despite his soreness, that his brother would actually do it. He still remembered how good Alan's mouth had felt.

"Come on, be serious," Tommy said, dismissing this suggestion out of hand. "Really, how do you keep from throwing up when you do it?"

"I pretend it's your finger," Chad admitted. "It's not so bad to suck someone's finger. And it's not like anyone gives me a choice. I have to do it, or I'll get paddled, and that really, really hurts! At least all you guys are quick. And only a few of you squirt." He snuggled into his bed but didn't pull up his sheet, turning on his side so that neither his sore butt nor his sore genitals were in contact with the mattress. After a moment he added, "By the way, thanks for convincing Mom I'd hate sucking the little guy worse than a paddling. You saved me there. It wasn't fun sucking him, but it was quick, and I really couldn't have stood another paddlin'."

Tommy walked across the room, his limp but still substantial penis bouncing proudly as he walked. He turned out the room light and crawled into his own bed, still as naked as his brother. "I'm not wearing pj's tonight," he said. "It's too hot, and we're both boys, anyway. Plus, I don't suppose I need to hide myself from the guy who sucks my dick on a regular basis." He lay on his side facing Chad, his still moist genitals drooping toward the bed. Chad looked at his brother's phallus with envy.

"I wish I was big like you," Chad finally said quietly after a long pause. "You know, in my pants. And I wish I was good like you, too, so I'd never get spanked again."

Tommy giggled, his limp penis jiggling as he did. "I'm not always good, Chad. I'm almost as bad as you sometimes. But I do little stuff. I don't do stuff Mom or the teachers can't ignore the way you do. If you hit someone littler than you and hurt him, they can't ignore that and they have to punish you. But if you make fun of the kid when no one else is listening, or sneak a tack on his chair, or rack him in the balls when you're the only two people in the bathroom, you can do that stuff, and it's bad, and yet you still don't get punished. And if they catch you taking a little extra dessert, or avoiding your chores, or even peeing in the compost pile, you look embarrassed and say, "Sorry Mom, I screwed up. I'm just a little moron kid. I'll try harder to be good!"

"I know," Chad said, thinking. "But I lose my temper, and then I hit people!"

"Even then, if you immediately tried to help the kid, and started crying, and apologized all over the place, they'd probably let you go with a warning and a note home. Your problem is that you get all defiant, and blame everyone else, and try to get away, and then they have to paddle you as an example to everyone else!" Tommy said reasonably. "It's all in your attitude. Your attitude sucks."

"Well, maybe my attitude sucks because I'm always having to suck you and everyone else," Chad said, his anger rising despite himself.

"Awww, come on," Tommy chided calmly. "Can you say you wouldn't do the same thing if the situation was reversed? If I'd screwed up and Mom told you to punish me for a week, you'd have me sucking that little nubbin of yours morning, noon, and night! Go on, tell me that's not true, I dare you!"

"I'd never make you do that!" Chad retorted hotly. He sat up in bed, only to have his sore bottom protest his movement painfully. He moaned and plopped back down on his side again, his hand reaching to caress his sore butt.

Tommy was glaring at him. "See," he said hotly. "You're doing it again. You're denying things that everyone knows are true, and then we get mad at you because you denied them instead of just admitting them. "Admit it, you'd make me suck you until your little dick was sore like it is now if you were in my position! Don't try to deny it!"

Chad was about to argue more vehemently when he realized he was doing exactly what Tommy had said he did, and that Tommy was indeed getting angry at him for it. It was a stupid thing to do -- Tommy could easily make good on his earlier threat, and go get that paddle and paddle him right then if he pushed it. His anger collapsed. "Okay, so I'd do the same thing," he said, defeated. "So now what?"

Tommy's anger deflated in a heartbeat. "So now we go to sleep," he said, turning onto his stomach and plumping his pillow up under his head. The twin mounds of his buttocks curved smoothly up from his back, unblemished by spankings, paddlings, or even so much as a pimple. Chad felt envious of his brother again, with his perfect, unspanked butt.

"I can't sleep," he complained. "Everything hurts, and I've got that boy taste in my mouth!"

"I can't taste that bad," Tommy said. "I shower all the time!"

"You don't taste as bad as Alan or that little kid," Chad admitted. "But you all taste bad – especially that slimy stuff you squirt out of you when you cum."

Tommy looked empathetic. "I shouldn't do this," Tommy said. "But here. Don't tell Mom – I'll just deny it if you do." He reached over to his night stand and fished in the drawer, tossing Chad a small, cellophane-wrapped object. "And here," he concluded, tossing a small bottle to Chad, then immediately turning his back and snuggling into his own covers. The streetlight outside provided enough light that Chad could just make out the two objects he'd been thrown. The small one was a cellophane-wrapped peppermint, he finally realized – the kind you get from restaurants after the meal. His brother must have been saving it for himself. He unwrapped it and popped it in his mouth, enjoying the way the cool taste drove the remnants of boy away from his awareness.

A quick examination of the bottle revealed it to be a small container of lotion. Oh ho, he thought to himself. Little brother likes a little lotion sometimes when he jerks off! He wondered if his mother knew that Tommy had the bottle, and what it was for. Probably not, he decided. She thought Tommy was sweet and innocent, even though she thought Chad was a major perv. He couldn't figure out why. She had to know that Tommy got hard ons just like he did – she knew Tommy was making him suck his dick all the time. So why did she glare at Chad's little erections like he was the devil incarnate, yet smile at Tommy's own rampant sexuality?

He decided it was too much to figure out right now. He quickly squeezed some lotion on his hands, rubbing it gently into his butt cheeks, then putting more on first two fingers. Drawing his legs up to his chest, he reached deep into his butt crack carefully rubbed lotion into his still tingling, sore butt hole, probing deep and trying to sooth the tingling inside. Shifting to lie on his back, he lotioned his sore penis slowly and carefully, enjoying the cool, soothing feeling. He almost horny enough to jerk off, but the twinges of pain his sore organ was still giving him made him decide against that action.

He got up and returned the bottle to his brother's night stand, tossing the candy wrapper in the trash basket. Tommy was either already asleep or doing a good job of faking it. Chad climbed into bed and lay awake for awhile, contemplating his complex relationship with his brother. The same hand that had flicked his balls and paddled his butt with glee had then, risking Mom's anger, offer him lotion to soothe the effects the very punishment he'd enjoyed inflicting on his brother, and a mint to ease the taste he'd created in his brother's mouth. Did Tommy really care about him, or was it just a casual gesture with no feeling behind it? Did he love his brother, and did his brother love him? Chad was still trying to figure it all out when he fell asleep.

Chad was in the diaper position, his hands and feet bound tightly and immovable, his head bound to a board behind him so that his chin was against his chest and he was forced to gaze at his own genitals. Mrs. Rose was glaring at him from between his legs, the Blister Maker paddle in her hand idly smacking the palm of her other hand every few seconds. Girls were arranged on bleachers in rows behind Mrs. Rose, dozens of girls of all ages, jeering at Chad, making painful punishment suggestions and other derogatory remarks. "Paddle the disgusting brat until he's blistered all over," one yelled. "No, cut his wiener off," shouted another. "Paddle his wiener, then cut it off," a third yelled. "No, paddle his balls, his balls!" said a fourth. Chad struggled against the bonds. He looked fearfully at the genitals they were threatening. To his surprise, what had been a little, hardly visible nubbin a moment ago had started growing. It grew visibly as he watched, but when it reached his normal roughly 2 erect inches, it continued to grow in length, gradually becoming a long, thin, fleshy spear as it came nearer and nearer to his face. Despite its enormous length, the head looked normal, with the tiny pee slit on the top from his point of view and the sturdy little helmet clearly outlined. It grew until it was nudging his chin and then prodding his lips, and then it stopped growing, butting against his mouth like a calf nudging its mother's udder.

"Make him suck it," a female voice shouted. Chad realized that it was Emily Git who was shouting now. "Make him suck it until he squirts in his own mouth, and then make him swallow his own stuff!" Emily shouted, her face appearing beside Mrs. Rose's, gloating. Chad was going to protest that this wasn't possible, that he couldn't cum, but then he realized that his penis felt like it was bursting with internal fluid, and that he could cum. He would cum gallons and gallons, and he'd choke on it! "Yeah, and paddle his balls as he cums!" another voice shouted, as Chad realized Chandra's face had appeared beside Mrs. Rose. "You know what he did to me!" He shifted his eyes discovering Chandra was naked, but this time she had real boobs, big ones like the women in Playboy. She leaned closer, as Chad's own penis keep jabbing his lips, trying to enter his mouth. Chandra spoke again. "Make him suck it," she said. "And then I'll bite it off!" She spread her legs so that Chad could see that between her labia there was a full set of human teeth instead of that warm, inviting tunnel of the night before.

Chad awoke with a start. "I said, just suck it, don't bite it off!" Tommy said, complaining. The penis bumping his mouth was Tommy's, of course. There was no Mrs. Rose with a paddle, no watching girls, and best of all, no Chandra with a teeth-filled vagina! The fluid-filled feeling remained, but Chad quickly realized it was just the powerful need to pee.

Chad sighed with relief. "Oh, it's only you," he said. No use postponing the inevitable. If he was going to get to pee, he had to get past his horny brother. Almost gratefully, he took his brother's hard penis in his mouth and began sucking it vigorously, even reaching up to cup his brother's bare buns and massage them while he was sucking, as he'd been forced to do when sucking Brian's little dick the night before. His brother's butt felt soft and velvety -- Chad bet that Chandra's butt would have felt like that, too, before she was spanked, of course, not afterward. He suddenly longed feel a girl's bare butt for himself. He wondered what Cynthia's butt would feel like if he was standing facing her, and he pressed against her and reached around and cupped her attractive bottom. Just then he felt the muscles he was kneading become rigid under the impossibly soft skin covering them, and his brother let out his usual muted gasp and drove into him, panting through his morning orgasm, but holding back and obviously taking care not to bruise Chad's mouth this time. Chad knew the futility of fighting his brother over swallowing – Tommy wouldn't get off him until he swallowed, and that was that. He bowed to the inevitable and at the residual taste.

Tommy rolled off of him. "What's with the butt thing?" he asked.

"Mom made me do it to the little kid and he said it felt good, so I thought it might make you cum faster," Chad admitted. "Didn't it feel good?"

"Yeah, it felt good," Tommy admitted. "But it's kind of queer, isn't it?"

"Oh, like humping your big brother's face isn't," Chad said, throwing a pillow at his brother. Tommy ducked and grinned at him. "I gotta pee."

Tommy leaped up and grabbed Chad's arm. "I've got to go with you, remember? Mom says I've got to watch so you don't play with yourself. Besides, I gotta pee, too. Wait while I put on my underwear."

Chad looked down at his erect phallus pointing toward his face. The redness and soreness of the day before were pretty much gone. He realized that he would like to play with himself very much indeed, now that Tommy had mentioned it. He wished he'd done so last night – now they'd be watching him all day, and he'd never get the chance. His brother was a stickler for Mom's rules. He reached for his own briefs, discarded on the floor the night before. Tommy stopped him. "No undies," he said firmly. "Mom says you keep your bottom half naked until after your morning spanking, remember? I think I'll make you sit on your peg chair this morning, anyway."

Chad sighed. The caring Tommy of the night before was gone and the power mad little brother was back. He opened the door, relieved not to see any sight of his sister. He was still uncomfortable with her seeing his genitals. He raced to the bathroom, which to his relief was also empty. He and Tommy peed side by side in silence, Tommy pulling down the front of his briefs to pee over the top, Chad having to force his hard penis down toward the water. Tommy had barely tucked his organ away when Beth suddenly opened the door.

"Hey," Tommy said with outrage. "We're peeing in here!"

"Lighten up, little bro. You've already got your little dinger back in your pants," Beth said dismissively. She frowned, noting that both boys had left the toilet seat down and peed through the smaller opening, neither having given a thought to lifting it. "Chad, what did I tell you about lifting the seat?" she said menacingly.

"Sorry, Beth, Tommy said contritely, turning sad puppy dog eyes at her. "I forget sometimes. I had to go so bad that I just went ahead without thinking. I'm sorry – I'll clean it up." He reached for the toilet paper dispenser. Beth stopped him.

"No you won't clean it up," she ordered. "It's not your fault, anyway, it's Chad's! You're just a little kid – of course you forget sometimes. But Chad is the older brother – he's old enough to know better! Besides, didn't I spank you recently for the very same thing?" she asked, glaring at Chad. "Obviously you need a bigger spanking!"

Chad looked with horror at her, and then at the pee- spattered seat. "But it's not fair!" he complained. "It's not my fault! Tommy did it! He's the one who made me come pee, and he's in charge of me, so he should have lifted it! It's not my fault!" he complained.

"What do you mean it's not your fault! You were the one peeing when I came in – Tommy's dick wasn't even out! I bet this mess is all from you – Tommy's such a neatnick he'd have never peed on the seat. Of course it's your fault. And even if Tommy did pee on the seat, and he probably didn't, because he's not as careless as you, you're the older brother, so you should know better," Beth said. "You're always trying to blame your innocent little brother for stuff. Tommy just follows your example! So you're the one who gets punished. Tommy, go tell Mom you need that special paddle!"

Tommy, giving up on trying to save Chad from himself and not wanting to challenge his sister's wrath, fled. Chad began wailing. "It's not fair! It's Tommy's fault! Why do I get paddled when it's Tommy's fault!" He looked at his sister defiantly. Before she could answer, his mother came into the room, trailing Tommy. Chad saw, to his horror, that she was holding the Blister Maker in her hand. She strode into the room, flipping the toilet cover down and sitting on it.

"Stop trying to blame your little brother for everything!" his mother ordered. "I won't tolerate it! I'm going to paddle you right now, not just for peeing on the toilet seat, but for trying to shift the blame to your innocent little brother. Get you naughty butt over my knee right now! Tommy, you hold his arms, and Beth, you hold his legs!"

Sniffling already, Chad got across his mother's lap, looking tearfully at the nasty paddle. The end of it drooped slightly as his mother held it up, the 8 holes in it clearly visible. He felt his brother grab his arms and hold them out, while his sister stepped between his legs and grasped his calves just below the knees tightly, separating his butt slightly and effectively immobilizing him.

"I'm giving you more spanks than your friend got last night," his mother said grimly. "You're obviously in need of a more serious lesson!"

"Nooooooooooo!" Chad wailed. "Please don't paddle me with that! Nooooooooooo! I'll be good! I'll lift the seat up from now on, I swear!" He looked over his shoulder wide- eyed, only to glimpse his mother's spanking arm descending, the awful paddle a blur as it dropped out of his sight and unimaginable pain exploded in his unprotected bottom. He couldn't help it – he screamed like a little girl.

The next minute and a half was a blur of searing pain to Chad afterward when he tried to think about it. After the first flow his mother wasted no time in making his poor, unprotected butt glow bright red with the Blister Maker, carefully making sure that each part of his butt was visited in turn. She applied the paddle firmly to the upper, middle, and lower sections of each side of his bare butt, placing the paddle so precisely that when she was done, Chad had 48 neat welts in almost perfect rows on his butt, silhouetted against a bright red background. She carefully waited a good 10 seconds between each spank, so that Chad would have the opportunity to appreciate each blow before the next landed. To Chad, it felt like 6 branding irons were applied to his bare posterior, one at a time, each one leaving a sizzling brand in its wake. He howled, he thrashed, he wailed, and none of it did him any good. His butt blazed with unbearable pain.

After the 6th blow, his mother waited a bit, then instructed his brother and sister to flip him over so he was face up, stretched out on her lap. Despite his searing pain, his penis was still partially erect and still almost 2 inches long, lying flat against his stomach. "I'll teach you not to pee on the toilet seat and try to blame your brother," she snarled. She aimed at his disturbingly hard organ and brought the paddle down on the exposed underside, putting behind it all the resentment she'd felt for her husband's much larger but incredibly similar-looking organ. All the air went out of Chad and he became completely rigid for a long moment. Four neat little welts appeared on the underside of his penis, one circling the sensitive knot of tissue under the pee slit almost precisely, the other ones in a neat line just below it. The contact she had made with the paddle was worse than anything short of being whacked in the balls. Chad began thrashing like a wild animal as he caught his breath and began producing ear-splitting screams.

"Get the wash tub from the back yard and take it to the kitchen," his mother ordered his siblings over his squalling. "Fill it with ice water and make him sit in it for half an hour. Make him stay there the whole time, no matter how much it hurts. I don't want him to get serious blisters from this or his little hoo-hah to swell up so that he misses school. After half an hour, put Neomycin on the welts and dress him for school. Don't use the Neosporin – the kind we've got has pain reliever in it, and I want him to still feel the pain, we just don't want him to swell up or get infected. I've got to go to work." She motioned for Tommy and Beth to release him, and she dumped him off her lap, stalking out of the room as Chad rolled into a fetal ball, his hands clutching his genitals, his red, welted butt bent almost double for all to see.

Beth left to set up the tub, while Tommy helped Chad quiet his crying and coaxed him to his feet. He walked Chad, hobbling as each step stretched his painfully welted butt, steering him carefully down the stairs. His filled the tub in the kitchen and tossed the entire bin of ice from the refrigerator in it. Chad crying piteously all the way down the stairs, his butt stinging and throbbing so much he could hardly walk. By the time he was in the kitchen the tub was ready and waiting. Beth and Tommy plunged Chad's hindquarters in the tub and held him there, while he whooped in shock at the coldness and at the renewed throbbing this caused his welts. His legs hung out one side, the tub sides being short enough he could put his feet on the floor. His crying finally quieted as his hindquarters became numb.

"C- C- Cold," he finally forced out. "It's so c- c- c- cold!" Chad swiped at his tears with his hands. Tommy gave him some Kleenexes and then a dish towel to wipe his face. Beth left the room to answer the phone and remained in the hallway, talking to a friend animatedly about how her little brother had peed on the toilet seat and had to be paddled, noting "…and Mom even paddled his little dick!"

"You're an idiot, you know that," Tommy said to his miserable, cold brother. "After what I told you last night about saying you made a mistake and you're sorry, you go right back to trying to blame someone else!"

"But it was your fault!" Chad said. "You went in first – I just came up after you! So you're the one who peed with the seat down!"

"But you're the older brother – you're supposed to set an example," Tommy said reasonably. "I'm just the little brother, remember? I tried to show you what to do as soon as Beth started screaming, but you still didn't get it. What you should have done was to tell Beth you're sorry and offer to wash the seat, and then say that you have trouble remembering because you're just a moron boy and you think with your dick, and you had to pee so bad you didn't think, and then say you're sorry again, and then say you really desrve to be spanked, and then bent over and told her to do it. She eats that stuff up. She'd have whacked you a time or too and then quit." He paused a moment. "Instead, you go blaming me, and then they get mad because you don't accept the blame, and now look at you!" Chad looked down, miserable. Tommy stabbed a finger at his brother's genital region, hidden in the tub at the moment. "Does it hurt?" he asked Chad.

Chad felt anger boiling in him again, but stopped himself before leaping out of the tub at his brother. He fought his anger down. "Yeah, it hurts," he said. "It's not as bad in the ice. But it hurts. And I'm so cold the cold hurts."

Beth returned to the room, getting out yogurt and cereal and insisting the boys eat before school. Chad sat in the tub of ice, his legs hanging over one side, glumly spooning yogurt out of the container and freezing his butt and his balls off. His genital region felt empty and cold, and he couldn't stop shivering. He watched the clock, knowing his siblings wouldn't tolerate him getting out until the full half hour had passed.

Finally, Beth put away the breakfast things and she and Tommy got on either side of him, lifting him from the tub. Chad's legs were so cold and aching that he couldn't straighten them at first, but he finally got them under him and stood up. He glanced down at his frozen privates, only to discover that they weren't visible. "You made my wiener disappear!" Chad wailed. "And my balls! They're gone!"

His siblings looked at his crotch. It was true – Chad's penis had completely disappeared, becoming nothing but a bump and a pee slit against his groin. His scrotum was perfectly flat against his groin, his balls completely invisible. But for the absence of a dividing furrow between his legs, Chad could have easily passed for a girl, and probably would have if viewed from any distance. Tommy started laughing. "You know what you look like?" he asked between fits of giggles. "A Ken doll! But a Ken doll has a bulge, and you don't even have that! You look like one of those little sisters of Barbie – you know, the ones without boobs!"

Chad looked anxiously at Tommy. "This isn't funny," he said. "What if it doesn't come back?" He was startled by a sudden flash of light. He turned just as his sister took a second picture with her digital camera. "Hey," Chad said in protest. "Stop that!"

"Just saving the moment for posterity," Beth said cheerily. "You've never looked cuter."

Chad lunged for the camera, but with his stiff legs Beth easily held it out of his reach, slipping it into her purse. "Stop worrying about your little pecker. I bet I can get it back," she said. She reached down and rubbed her hand vigorously over his crotch. Nothing much happened. Chad was so numb below the waist he could hardly feel her. She rubbed more vigorously for almost a minute, again with no response. "Oh, well, no loss, really," Beth said. She stopped rubbing him and shrugged. "Guess it's gone for good," she said cheerfully. She looked at the clock. "I gotta go to school," she announced. She grabbed her handbag and hustled out the door. She turned to Tommy as she left. "Make him an ice pack and have him keep it on him until he gets to school," she ordered as she left. "We don't want his little dickie to get all big and swollen!" She laughed at the total improbability of her brother's penis ever swelling up to any size and flounced out the door.

Chad looked doubtfully at his crotch – his penis barely made a bump in his groin, and his scrotum was just a bunch of flat wrinkles. His whole package was so cold. "It'll come back, won't it?" he asked Tommy with a mournful note in his voice. Tommy shrugged. Chad prodded his genitals a few times, unable to bring them to life. He couldn't even feel his balls when he prodded the skin of his groin – it felt like they'd gone inside him or something. On the other hand, he could barely feel the welts that had been so seriously painful just half an hour ago. He twisted around, trying to look at his own butt. He could only see the welts on the top curves of his twin mounds, but they weren't as prominent as before and were barely visible.

"Come on, Mom says you have to have Neomycin on the welts, anyway. Let's go to our room and get it done and go to school so we aren't late," Tommy said reasonably. Chad, still butt naked, walked ahead of his brother up to his room, finding it easier to move, now. He carefully stretched out on his stomach, still disturbed that his genitals were AWOL.

He discovered that the residual pain was not all gone as soon as his brother started treating the welts on his butt. It hurt moderately to have Tommy rubbing the residual marks with the Neomycin, but Chad held still and tolerated it stoically, even when Tommy separated his butt and treated the four welts that were just inside his crack.

"Turn over," Tommy said. "I have to do your dick, too."

Chad turned over, hoping his penis had reappeared, but discovered his groin was still smooth and his penis just a wrinkled button. Tommy sat on his legs and dug his fingertips into the sides of the retracted organ, squeezing and pulling out mightily. He managed to extend Chad's hidden organ about half an inch, but it wouldn't go any further outward. He rubbed Neomycin on the exposed underside and gave up. "Beth said I've got to get you ice and you have to put it on your dick. I'll go get it ready," Tommy commented, releasing Chad's organ and getting off of him. He picked Chad's underpants up from the night before and tossed them at him. Better put your pants on," he said reasonably. "They already call you 'Microdick.' If they see you this way, they'll change it to 'The Dickless Wonder!'"

Chad quickly dressed, and the two started off for school. He was relieved that, although feeling was returning in his bottom and his genitals, the welts from his morning paddling still didn't hurt that much. Plus it's my last day in diapers, Chad thought. It's almost over!