What Cassie Did Chapter 1
by Cassie

copyright 2007 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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What Cassie Did Chapter 1

My name's Cassie, and I'm eleven. Actually my real name's Cassandra, but I hate that one. Cassie's much better. I have long, auburn hair and dark eyes. I know boys in my class say I'm cute, and I kinda like that.

I like boys too. At least I like the way they look, the cute ones. When I'm with a cute boy I feel funny inside. Like Chris Maples. He's the cutest boy in my class.

But you don't want to hear about Chris Maples. You want to hear about what I did last summer. Yes, you do. You wouldn't be reading this, if you didn't.

Well, everything started when my dad got sick. My mum told me that he would get better, but that he would need to be at the hospital for several months, for his treatment. She would be with him, to look after him, and that was why I would have to spend the summer with my aunt.

Aunt Felicia lived very far from England, in Mexico. She's my mum's sister. I had only seen her twice, once when I was so little and I almost don't remember it, and the other time when she visited us last year. She's nice, though, and she always sends presents for my birthday and for Christmas.

I didn't really want to leave mum and dad, but mum told me that it would be fine, that we'd speak on the phone every day and that I would have fun all the summer, in aunt Felicia's nice house. I would be able to play with my cousin too. Only he's a boy, which kinda sucks, because boys always want to be playing football or other rough games and they don't want girls to play with them. Besides, he's little... OK, so he's ten, just a little bit littler than me. But with my luck he'd be a bratty little pest. Girls are way more mature than boys anyways, did you know?

* *

Aunt Felicia went to pick me up at the airport. Sammy was with her. Sammy's my cousin, you know. The bratty little pest. Of course I didn't even know him yet, but I had seen a pic of him. Only it had been an old one. In the picture, he had had short blond hair. When I saw him at the airport his hair was longer, still blond but a little bit darker. Not as long as mine, but kinda long for a boy. His skin was tanned. He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue shorts. And when I say shorts I mean shorts. Like really short. Maybe they're good for the heat, I thought. Actually, he was cute. As cute as Chris Maples.

He smiled at me, half hiding behind his mum. He's a shy one, I thought.

Aunt Felicia hugged and kissed me, fussing all the time and saying how happy she was to see me and how much fun I would have here.

"Sammy!", she said, "aren't you going to say hello to your cousin?"

"Hello", he said, blushing a little.

"Hi", I answered, smiling at him, also a bit timid.

"Come on, give her a kiss, don't be shy", my aunt laughed.

We kissed on our cheeks awkwardly.

"Let's go get you suitcase, dear", aunt Felicia told me.

There were lots of young guys in the airport waiting to carry people's luggage. I think this country is not very rich. Well, there are rich people, you know, but normal people are poorer here than in England. That's why they want to get some money by carrying luggage and stuff. We waited for my suitcase and then my aunt signalled to one of those guys, so that he'd carry it.

As we walked out of the airport, I was behind Sammy, talking with aunt Felicia. I was also watching Sammy's back. Sammy's backside, to be exact. He was wearing blue shorts, I think I've already told you. Very short blue cotton shorts, thin and smallish, which clung to his plump behind quite nicely. They only covered his bottom, and his long bare legs were quite tanned, meaning he probably spent much time playing in the sun. The sun was certainly very bright once we got outdoors, and it was hot.

Then I noticed some faint redness on the back of my cousin's thighs, just below his bum, as if he had been slapped there. Was I imagining it? No, it was there. There must be some very simple explanation, I thought. Or had Sammy really been spanked recently? I felt all funny as I thought about it, but of course I had no way of finding out.

Sammy was chattering away in Spanish with the young guy carrying my suitcase. He didn't seem distressed like a recently spanked boy would be. I shook my head and decided that I must be wrong.

* *

You know what's cool? Aunt Felicia's car was the best I have ever seen, not counting the movies. And she had a driver too. With a uniform, you know, just like you see at the movies. Only drivers in the movies were men and this one was a woman.

"Whoa!, nice car", I said admiringly as aunt Felicia paid the luggage carrier and we got into the car.

"We got three cars", Sammy informed me proudly as he sat besides me.

The drive was a long one, but I didn't get bored. There was much to see through the windows. First the city and, when we left it, the coast. The ocean was really beautiful and huge, green near the shore and then deep blue.

We were also talking all the time. Sammy seemed to get out of his shyness very quickly, and soon was chatting away about his model airplanes, and about all the fun things that could be done at their home.

I had already realized that aunt Felicia was well off, but when we got to her house I was shocked. It was more like a palace than like a house, you see. It was near the beach, in a large compound filled with gardens and surrounded by a high fence. The house was in the middle. It was white, with two storeys and very modern looking. It looked huge to me.

"Holy cow!", I exclaimed as we approached the gate. Sammy giggled. "Do you really live here?", I asked.

"That's right", aunt Felicia said. "Welcome home, honey".

"You're rich!", I said. "Did you win the lottery?"

"Nothing like that!", she laughed. "I'm just a writer, but my books sell quite well and things are cheaper in Mexico".

"You must sell more books than J. K. Rowlings!", I said, still surprised. I had not known that my aunt was a writer.

"Not as many as Rowlings, I can assure you", she told me, smiling.

I was wondering what kind of books she wrote, but Sammy saved me the trouble of asking.

"She writes women stuff, you know", he said confidentially.

"Oh, I see", I said, not really seeing. Maybe romantic novels, I thought.

I didn't have time to ask more about that because the driver stopped the car in front of the house. A couple of servants came out and opened the doors of the car. They took care of my suitcase too. Unlike the driver they were Mexican, but they were women too.

Aunt Felicia and Sammy showed me around the house. I was impressed. It was big and elegant, all modern looking. It had many rooms. It even had a gym!

"Do you like it?", Sammy asked me anxiously. My cousin seemed a bit on the hyperactive side, almost running around us as his mother showed me the house.

"Are you joking?", I asked. "It's way too cool! Better than a palace!"

* *

"And this is going to be your room", aunt Felicia said.

It was a very nice room, large, with plenty of light and two beds. There was a big window overlooking an outdoors swimming-pool.

However, it was decorated with boys' stuff. Football posters on the walls, a few model airplanes on one desk and that kind of things.

"You'll be sharing Sammy's room", aunt Felicia explained.

"Oh", I said, surprised. Surely, with a house so big, there would be a spare room. Sharing would have seemed normal if I was a boy, but I was a girl, obviously.

"Since you had never met your cousin, I think this summer is a good opportunity for you to get to know each other", she explained.

"OK", I said. I still found it a bit weird, but it would have been impolite to complain, with aunt Felicia being so nice to me, taking me in while mum and dad couldn't look after me and all that stuff. Maybe things were just done differently in Mexico.

"This is my bed!", Sammy told me, jumping on the bed nearer the window and lying there possessively.

"Sammy, be nice", his mother scolded, "let your guest choose".

"It's all right, aunt Felicia", I said, "I don't mind".

"As you wish, but don't let this tyke run riot", she told me as she fondled Sammy's hair dotingly. "You are in charge here... And you, young man", she told her son, "mind your cousin and do what she tells you to".

"Aww, mom!", he said.

"You heard me", she told him mock-sternly.

I wondered what that was about. She was talking to him as if he was a younger boy being told to mind his babysitter.

"Good morning, madam", a young woman's voice said from the bedroom's door.

"Ah, good morning, Sylvie", my aunt said, smiling at the newcomer. "Cassie, this is Sylvie, Sammy's nanny".

I took that in. Wasn't Sammy too old to have a nanny? He was ten, not five. Maybe thing in Mexico were different. Or maybe it was just a rich people thing.

"Nice to meet you, Cassie", Sylvie said, smiling at me. "I'm sure we are going to be friends".

I smiled back at her. She was quite young. Still a teenager, probably not more than sixteen or seventeen. She was also petite and pretty.

"Cassie, honey, I'll have to leave you now", aunt Felicia said. "I'm expecting some business phone calls. Sylvie will take care of you. Ask her for anything you need. I'll see you at lunch. Why don't Sammy and you go to the swimming- pool and cool down from the trip?"

* *

"All right, little man!", Sylvie told Sammy when aunt Felicia had left the room. "Let's get you into your swimming-suit, shall we? Come on, get up".

Sylvie helped Sammy get up from his bed and sat down on it. That left the boy standing in front of her. The young woman's hands went to his T-shirt and Sammy docilely raised his arms to let her remove the piece of clothing.

She folded the T-shirt and left it on the bed. Then her hands went to Sammy's shorts.

"Tía Sylvie, no, Cassie's still here", the bare-chested boy complained, blushing, as he batted her hands away.

"Of course she is, silly boy", she cooed, lightly swatting his hands, "now, don't make a fuss. I'm sure Cassie has seen plenty of little boys naked".
I was standing there agape, watching all that with my eyes bulging and my heart beating furiously inside my chest. To tell you the truth, I had only seen one boy naked, and that had been Lexie's little brother, who was only four.

Sylvie then grabbed the elastic waistband of Sammy's shorts and pulled them down to his knees.

He was not wearing anything under it.

I gasped as Sammy's little thingy came into view. It was thin like a finger but long, much longer than Lexie's brother's. It rested over two tiny eggies.

I could only see it for a second, because Sammy's hands automatically went to cover his groin and he twisted his body away from me.

That gave me a nice view of his bare bottom, nevertheless. Even though Sammy was a slim boy, his bottomcheeks were plump and rounded. His skin was very white and soft there, in sharp contrast with the tanned skin of his legs.

Sylvie then removed his shorts. Sammy had to raise one leg first and then the other. To keep his equilibrium, he took his hands from his boy parts and put them on Sylvie's shoulders, so that his thingy was just in front of the teenager's face.

Sammy looked at me, saw I was staring and, blushing even more, he covered his thingy and turned again to treat me with another view of his very bare boy butt.

Meanwhile Sylvie stood up and went to the wardrobe with Sammy's clothes. He rummaged through it for a while and finally produced a small white speedo. I was still staring at him.

"Sammy!", Sylvie as she returned. She gave his bottom a quick swat. "Don't touch your pee-pee. That's rude. You don't want a smackbottom, do you?"

Sammy said he didn't and moved his hands away from his thingy, still facing away from me. I noticed a faint handprint the smack had left on the soft skin of his bottom. Sylvie sat down on the bed and held the swimming-suit so that my cousin could step into it, treating me to another quick view of his thingy.

Finally she got him dressed into the white speedo, which fit snugly and left little to the imagination. Of course, I didn't need to imagine, after what I had seen.

"There you are, all nice and dressed", she cooed, patting the seat of his speedo as she stood up. "Have you brought swimming-suits, Cassie?", she asked me.

Suddenly a wave of fear filled me as it suddenly occurred to me that I might be publicly undressed too.

"Cat ate your tongue?", she grinned, "don't worry, if you don't have any I'm sure we'll be able to find some suits your size".

"No, it's OK, I brought some", I managed to say, looking at her with worry.

"Great!", she said. "We'll wait for you outside, then, so that you may have some privacy".

They left and, as I put my swimming-suit. I wondered at what I had seen, trying to make sense of it. The casual way Sylvie had undressed Sammy and the memory of my cousin's naked body left me all tingly and weak-kneed.

* *

I joined Sammy and Sylvie, who were waiting for me in the corridor.

"Hurry up, slowpoke!", Sammy told me cheerfully, almost bouncing with impatience. Amazingly, he seemed to have recovered from the humiliation of being stripped in front of a girl barely older than him, a girl who was his cousin but whom he had met for the very first time just a couple of hours before.

I ran after him, both of us barefoot on the carpet that covered the floors.

"Don't run, kids!", Sylvie called after us in vain.

As we were reaching the front door, a couple of little boys, maybe around six years old, ran past us, shouting and laughing as they shot each other with water guns. They were Mexicans, quite tanned but unlike Sammy's golden tan theirs was a darker tone of brown. They were only wearing white briefs.

I looked back at them and saw Sylvie catch one of them. She grabbed one of his arms, raising it, and started slapping his brief-covered bottom briskly.

"Naughty boy! Niño malo, travieso!", she admonished as she spanked the little boy's bottom.

The Mexican boy wheeled around her, trying unsuccessfully to escape from the stinging slaps. His free hand waved ineffectually, still holding his water gun.

"No se juega dentro de la casa. Good boys don't play indoors", she scolded, before finally releasing the boy.

The two boys, one now crying and the other giggling at his playmate's misfortune, scampered out of the house as quickly as they had come in.

"Boys", Sylvie told me with complicity, shaking her head. "You give them smackbottoms and the next minute they are making mischief again".

"Who were they?", I asked, my voice coarse. I was feeling kinda funny again.

"Oh, they are just sons of some of the servants", she said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Those were are Miguel and Diego", Sammy piped in. "They are always getting in trouble".

"They are a handful all right", Sylvie agreed. "I don't even bother giving them proper spankings any more".

"Sylvie", I managed to ask, "how come you can spank them? Won't their parents complain?"

"Of course not, they are just boys", she said, looking at me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Seeing my puzzled expression she added, "they only think of playing. If you don't smack their bottoms for them they wouldn't know to do what they are told. Even young master Sammy needs to have his bottom smacked from time to time".

"Aww, Tía Sylvie!", Sammy whined, suddenly embarrassed again.

"Don't Tía Sylvie me, young man", she scolded playfully, "or I'll show Cassie how to smack your bottom properly".

She tried to plant a light-hearted swat on Sammy's bottom. The boy skilfully dodged it and ran out of the door, shouting back teasingly:

"You didn't get me! You didn't get me!"

Then the boy reached the swimming pool and jumped in.

Sylvie shook her head and followed him at a more leisure pace.

"This one is a real handful too", she told me. "You be stern with him or he'll run all over you. If he gets too big for his britches, give him a good smackbottom".

My heart almost jumped out of my mouth as I heard that.

"Yeah, right", I managed to say.

"What?", she asked, looking at me quizzically. "Don't tell me you have never spanked a boy".

I shook my head.

"Oh, my", she said, appearing bewildered. "Well, it's not difficult, anyway. You just smack their bottoms with the palm of your hand, you know".

"But I can't just smack a boy's bottom", I protested.

"Why not?"


"Look, if you want them to obey you they need to know that you'll punish them if they don't".

"ButY I mean... I'm just eleven".

"It doesn't matter, they are just boys. They need to learn that when a female tells them to do something they'd better do it quick".

Seeing my expression she seemed to realize that I was not understanding anything. By then we were standing in front of the pool, where Sammy was splashing and chasing a rubber ball.

"Look", she explained, "Miss Felicia is a big believer in feminism and female empowerment. In her house, boys respect females, and they do what we tell them to do".

I was still taking that in. Normally I'm not slow, but this was just so weird.

"You mean that I could order Sammy around?", I asked, just to make sure.

"That's right. Sammy or any other boy in the compound".

"And what about adult men?"

"There are no male adults here", Sylvie explained. "Miss Felicia only hires women. Many of them have been mistreated or have had bad experiences with men. Here they are safe and they earn a very good salary".

"Oh", I said. "But aren't they... I mean, isn't it a bit unfair? For the boys, I mean".

"Unfair? Of course no", Sylvie assured me. "They are happy here. They learn to respect and obey females. No one's allowed to mistreat them... you are not allowed to do that, you know", she told me. "We are supposed to look out for them. They are not mature enough to look after themselves without a female telling them what to do."

My head was buzzing with all this information. It still seemed a bit unfair to me, but it also excited me in a very strange way.

"And I'm allowed to see them naked?", I asked in a small voice.

"Why not? There's no reason for them to have too much modesty around the house. They are just little boys. They are all the same, down there. It's not as if they have some big secret to hide".

I looked at Sammy who, oblivious to our conversation, was sliding down the toboggan by the side of the pool. He went into the water with a big splash.

"You mean", I continued, trying to hide my shaky voice, "that I could just tell Sammy to come here and take off his swimming suit?"

"I don't see why not", she said. "It's hot out here, and some skinny-dipping won't do him any harm. In fact it should do him good. I don't think a boy his age should be getting so bashful about a girl seeing his pee-pee".

"But what if he doesn't want to?"

"You don't have any brothers, do you?", she asked.

I shook my head.

"Well", she said, "with boys it's like this. You just need to be firm and let them know you mean business. They need to learn that they can count on you, but also that what you say goes".

"And if he resists?"

"He won't. He is used to obeying females. Besides, he knows he'll be in big trouble if he resists. But he might try to stall, to joke it away. You just don't let him do that. The only way to manage a boy is with a tight rein. They need to learn that when you are playing that's fine, but when you give an order it has to be obeyed or a bottom is gonna get smacked hard". She examined my arms. "You look strong", she added, "do you play any sports?"

"Swimming and judo", I nodded.

"You'll do fine", she said. "You don't have to hurt them. Just warm their bottoms and make them sting. You do that and they'll mind you".

I breathed deeply.

"And could I try, now?", I asked.

"Go ahead. It's never too early to show them who's boss... Remember, they need to see in your eyes that you mean business".

I didn't think it was really right but, on the other hand, I was feeling so funny inside that I couldn't stop myself. And he was so cute. Besides, it's not like I was going to hurt him. Clearly, he was used to it. It was what he expected.

I swallowed and nodded.

"Sammy!", I called.

The boy stopped splashing and looked at me.

"Come here right now!", I said, as authoritatively as I could. He hesitated for a moment so I put my hands on my hips, as I had seen my mum do when she was scolding me. "Be quick about it, young man!", I added.

He finally came out of the pool and stood before us, dripping water. His wet white speedo clung to him like a second skin, letting me see the shape of his thingy through it.

He gave me an uncertain smile.

"Let's go into the water", he suggested.

"Not right now, boy", I said, feeling inspired and more confident. "Give me your swimming-suit."

He shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

"But then I'll be naked", he whined, looking at my face and at Sylvie's.

"That's right. You are going to skinny-dip today, little boy", I said sternly, waving my finger at him. "Aww, Cassie, come on".

"I'm not playing now, Sammy", I told him. "When I tell you to do something you say 'yes, madam' and you do it right away. Now, give me your swimming-suit. Now!", I barked.

He jumped to obey, startled. A few seconds later he was giving me his wet speedo with one hand, while he used the other to cover his thingy.

"Hands on your head!", I ordered, anxious to see his thingy properly, instead of just getting peeks.

"But... but... you'll see..."

"Do it, now!", I insisted, feeling full of confidence now that he was naked in front of me.

His hands shot to his head and I was finally treated with a good view of his thingy.

Inside I was dying with excitement, but outside I remained calm, as my eyes festered on his thin but longish thingy, taking all the details in. I suppressed a giggle. It was like a tiny sausage, and his eggies were almost impossible to see, as if they had shivered because of the cold water.

"See? That was not so bad, was it?", I asked more gently, while strong feelings went through my body. "You have nothing to be shy about. I have seen tons of little boys naked before, you know. Keep you hands on your head!".

I walked around him, looking at his bare little bottom, so full and rounded.

"You did well", I praised, "but next time, when I tell you to do something you do it right away or you get your bottom smacked just like this".

Saying that, I slapped his bottom heartily a couple of times. His bare buttocks gave me an almost electric sensation on my hands.

He whimpered and even took a step forward.

"Yes, madam", he said.

Softening, I put my hands on his shoulders and made him turn. I told him soothingly:

"That's a good boy. Get into the water, I'll chase you and see if I can catch you".

"Yes madam". As he said that he actually managed a little smile at me. Then he turned and jumped into the water, naked as the day he was born. I let his speedo fall on the floor, feeling exhausted and exhilarated.

"She's a natural", a voice commented behind me. It was aunt Felicia!

Seeing my worried face, she smiled at me and said:

"You did very well, child. You showed him who's boss and now he'll give you no trouble. Come on, go play for a while."

"Yes, auntie", I answered, smiling back at her, relieved.

I jumped into the water and chased Sammy. I swear the kid was having fun. One moment he was being humiliated and the next one he had already bounced back. I felt a wave of possessive affection for him. He was such a sweet boy. When I caught him we wrestled a bit, laughing, but I was a bit stronger and gave him a brief dunk.

"You're it!", I shouted, swimming away.

Weird. Here I was, dressed in my swimming-suit while playing with a very naked boy my age and it seemed the most natural thing in the world.

(To be continued)