The Boy's Home

By Cassie

Copyright 2012 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now.
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This story is set in the Puericil Universe:

Stirred by growing indiscipline and juvenile delinquency, society has reverted to traditional values. That process is now known as "Conservative Resurgence". Previously unmanageable children have been firmly brought back under adult control. Parental authority has been remarkably strengthened. The same has happened with other authority figures', like teachers, school officials, policemen, ministers and all adults, in general. Children are once again children, not miniature adults, and adults are in charge, it's as simple as that.

There is a big difference in how boys and girls are treated, however. It was noted that almost all teenage delinquency and unruliness was due to boys' misbehaviour, rather than girls'. Boys' school results were also conspicuously poorer. Therefore, social control of boys is much tighter now. They are seen as less mature than girls, by a wide margin, and treated accordingly. They are granted less responsibility, freedom and privacy than girls, because boys do not need it and in fact thrive under stricter control. Unlike girls, they are not allowed access to the internet until they are legally adults, as a way of protecting them. As a result of their very sheltered existence, boys are more naïve and innocent than they used to be

The age of majority is now 21 for boys and 18 for girls.

Puericil is a popular commercial drug, harmless and very cheap. It drastically reduces male children's aggressiveness and makes them much more submissive and compliant, without affecting their intellectual capabilities. Prolonged treatment progressively eliminates or prevents the appearance of body hair in male children, although it will eventually grow again if the treatment is discontinued. Otherwise, it does not affect sexual development. Side effects may include diurnal and/or secondary nocturnal enuresis in some patients.

The narrator of the story is a female psychologist, and she is the same person who writes the answers to boys' letters in the It's Not Fair series.

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“It’s time for the boys’ shower,” Mr. Graw told me. “would you like to see that?”

I was visiting a Boys’ Home where I wanted to collaborate as a voluntary psychologist. I earned enough money and I wanted to do some charity work. Give something back to the community.

I confirmed that I would like to see the boys’ showers.

He guided me towards the shower room. We passed by groups of boys of all ages, naked except for a small white towel they had wrapped around their waists, thus protecting their modesty. They were forming a queue in front of a doorless bathroom.

St. Francis Boys’ Home housed about 60 boys between six and twenty years old (once they reached the boys’ age of majority at 21 they were helped to find a decent job and moved out).

We went into the shower room. It was very basic: six shower heads were fixed to a wall, with no walls or partitions. It offered no privacy at all. In fact, the showers could be seen from outside the room (remember that there was no door). Six boys were using them, completely naked. Their towels hung in a row of hooks on the opposite wall. The youngest boy was around seven or eight, and the oldest was in his late teens. Even the older boys were completely hairless below their heads, since they obviously took Puericil. You could see everything: the showers afforded no privacy whatsoever for the boyish bottoms and penises, as I said.

Sitting on two chairs in front of the open showers were two girls, perhaps around twelve years old. One was blonde, with blue eyes, while the other had ebony-black skin. They were talking to each other in a low voice and giggling, while they stared at the naked boys.

“This is my daughter, Kaitlynn,” Mr. Graw said, patting the blonde girl’s shoulder, “and this is her friend Allisah. They are supervising the boys’ shower. Girls, this is Dr. *** *** (name removed for privacy). She is a psychologist specialized in male children, and she is interested in doing some volunteer work to help us. I was showing her our facilities.” Then he told me, “I’m sorry, but I need to make some phone calls about a couple of minor repairs we need. Would you mind if I let the girls tell you about boys’ hygiene? They’ll accompany you to my office when you are done here.”

I assured him it was no problem and he left me with the girls, who were a quite cheerful and outgoing pair, not shy around me at all.

“I like to help dad look after the boys,” Kaitlynn told me, “and I really enjoy supervising their showers. It’s an important job. We have to make sure there is no horseplay. Boys are really foolish, and they are not watched they would be playing around and they can slip on the wet floor and hurt themselves. And we also have to check they are really clean before they are allowed to leave.”

“Why do you need to check?” I asked. “Don’t they know how to wash properly?”

I did not object, of course. I bathe my own teenage sons, and think it's a wonderful way to keep them under control, but I wanted to see what the girls thought.

“Oh, they should know,” she said, rolling her eyes. “They’ve been taught. But you know how boys are. They just forget. They are so irresponsible and immature. I started showering myself when I was five or six, and I have never had to be checked for cleanliness. But that’s normal for girls, not for boys. Here we check all of them for cleanliness.”

“Even the older ones?” I asked.

“Oh, yes! We check all of them. We have boys from 6 to 20 here, and we check all of them after their showers. If they are not clean, we make them shower again.”

Just then the boy who looked about seven left the shower and approached us. He did not seem very self-conscious and did not try to cover his nakedness.

“Aww, how cute! Let me check him,” the black girl, who had been introduced as Allisah said.

“Sure!” Kaitlynn said.

Allisah, still seated, proceeded to check the little boy’s cleanliness. She paid a lot of attention to his little penis, which she shook playfully with her finger, and then she told him to turn back and bend over. The boy obeyed and she examined his anus.

“He’s clean,” she said, tickling his side. “Tell the next one to come in.”

The boy giggled and went away.

“What’s taking you so long?” Kaitlynn shouted sternly to the other boys, who were still under the shower. I noticed that they seemed much more self-conscious that the little kid who had just been pronounced clean. They were under their respective showers, with their backs to the wall and hiding their genitals with their hands. “Take you hands away from your willies! What’s the meaning of this? Are you getting modest on me again? I have talked to you about this silly false modesty of yours. Boys don’t need any modesty, and in this home they get none! The next one who wastes my time gets pops!”

I hid a smile. It was funny, seeing the petite blonde girl, arms akimbo, talking so sternly to the group of naked boys, most of them older than her, and all of them taller. But I liked it: it was as it should be. The girl was in control, sure of herself, and the boys submissively lowered their eyes and took their hands away from their penises.

The showers and the cleanliness checking went on while the girls and I talked.

“You handled that very well, Kaitlynn,” I said.

“Well,” she smiled at me, “it’s like that with boys; you have to let them know who’s boss.”

“That’s true,” I agreed. “What did you mean with ‘get pops’?”

“Oh, that!” she laughed. “That’s what we call getting paddle swats. See?”

She showed me a wooden paddle I had not noticed before, hanging from a nail by the side of her chair.

“Are you allowed to use that paddle on the boys, then?”

“Sure! All the staff is allowed to paddle the boys, and dad says I’m an ‘honorary’ staff member. You need to talk to boys through their ears but also through their bottoms: sometimes it’s the only language they understand.”

“Quite right,” I said. “I like seeing a girl as young as you with such clear ideas.”

“Oh, I learn a lot by helping around here. When I grow up I want to work with boys too.”


“Because I like being in charge of them and telling them what to do. I just like having them around. They can be so cute and sweet, but also so dumb and so childish. They are easy to handle and to boss around. And I like seeing them naked,” she confided in a lower voice.

Both girls started to giggle at that.

“And what about you?” I asked Allisah. “Do you want to work with boys too?”

“I don’t know, I just ask Kaitlynn if I can come and help, as often as I can. I guess I just like seeing them boys naked too,” she giggled.

I chuckled with them. I could understand their girlish excitement perfectly well. I’m an adult woman but I have to admit, even if only to myself, that I love getting boys naked, too, particularly teenagers. They are so self-conscious about their nudity in front of females, and at the same time so powerless to prevent it. They have a mixture of innocence and sexuality that I find very appealing, completely hairless thanks to Puericil but, in the case of older teenagers, with genitalia appropriately developed for their age. Their bodies often betray them and get excited and they can do nothing to hide it. They get so confused and embarrassed! They are easy to manage, thanks again to Puericil. As I mentioned before, I have sons myself, and I love them to pieces, but they are still fun to handle and get naked. The nice thing, of course, it’s that it’s actually good for their psychological development. Boys are immature, and it’s good for them to be dominated by adults and even by girls their age or younger, so that they learn to submit to authority and function in a hierarchical society. They do have a tendency to be individualistic and rebellious, and between Puericil and the right handling those tendencies are vanquished.

Of course, I did not explain all the theories behind that to the girls. They just knew they had a blast seeing boys naked and bossing them around.

More boys showered and were examined by the two twelve-year-old girls while I watched. Often they checked the ears, armpits and nails, but mostly they paid attention to their boy parts and backsides. The boys let them do, blushing and squirming uncomfortably.

“Freddie here really hates having his willie examined,” Kaitlynn laughed, her hand around sixteen-year-old Freddie’s penis. “But we do it anyway, don’t we, Freddie? Because we need to make sure you’re clean. Shamey, shamey! You don’t like it that you’re never allowed to see a naked girl but any girl can see your naked willie, huh? Even girls much younger than you. But my dad already explained it to you: it’s OK ‘cause you’re a boy, and boys are so immature that it doesn’t matter who sees them naked. That’s why it’s OK for me to hold your willie and check you’re clean… Yes, seems clean. Good job, little boy!” She gave his penis a couple of gentle tugs, which left him erect. “Now turn around and bend over. I’m gonna check your hiney.”

She separated his smooth buttocks with her hands and looked at his anus.

“Mmm, I don’t know. You go back and shower again, Freddie,” she said, slapping the teenage boy’s buttocks. The red-faced boy went to shower again.

Meanwhile, Allisah was examining a very cute boy with sandy hair, perhaps just entering his early teens. The boy was so good-looking he could have made commercials.

“That’s our classmate, Bobby,” Kaitlynn told me. “He’s thirteen, but he’s in our class at school, ‘cause boys are held a year back so that they don’t find it so difficult to keep up with girls. Not that it helps too much: boys are still dumb, compared to us girls. But Bobby’s cute, isn’t he? Allisah’s got a crush on him.”

“I do not!” Allisah said. She had made Bobby put one foot on the side of the chair she was sitting on, so that his legs were splayed open and his penis was right in front of her eyes.

“She’s always looking at him,” Kaitlynn teased her friend.

“I do not!” Allisah was black so you couldn’t tell, but from her attitude I was sure she was blushing. With Bobby, on the other hand, you didn’t have to guess: he sure was blushing!

“Don’t tease her, Kaitlynn,” I grinned, “I’m sure she is just interested in his hygiene.”

“Yeah, right,” Kaitlynn said.

In spite of her friend’s teasing, Allisah checked Bobby’s genitals thoroughly, and then did the same with his bottom. She even inserted her finger into his anus to make sure he was clean.

“You go back to wash again, Bobby,” Allisah said. “You’re not clean enough. And make sure to wash inside your bottom!”

“Aww, gross,” Kaitlynn laughed as the boy went back to the showers.

“Nah, he was clean, but I want to check him again,” Allisah countered, lightly slapping her friend’s arm.

She ended up making Bobby repeat his shower three times!

She finally made him bend over and get two swats on his naked bottom with the wooden paddle, for wasting everyone’s time. Poor boy!

“I wonder why boys are always so shy when we see them naked. It’s not like it doesn’t happen often!” Allisah said later, holding the penis of a fourteen-year-old lad in one hand and the testicles of a seventeen-year-old in the other. Both teenage boys squirmed in embarrassment, but didn’t dare resist.

“It has a lot to do with Puericil,” I explained to the girls. “It makes boys submissive and compliant, but it also eliminates their self-confidence. That prevents them from rebelling against authority, but also makes them insecure about their bodies. They would give anything to keep people from seeing them naked, particularly girls, whom they find sophisticate and intimidating, but at the same time they are unable to really resist when they are made to strip. Younger boys may not be so modest, since they find it normal to be naked in front of people, but older boys have interiorized that nudity is shameful. They are just unable to do anything about it, since they are not in charge and nobody’s asking their opinion.”

“Poor boys!” Allisah laughed. “They are so helpless and silly!”

I smiled. I was having a good time. The two girls’ rambunctious enjoyment was contagious.


(The End)