The Mailing List 4

By Cassie

Copyright 2018, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

These are extracts from the email correspondence between four boys, who became friends as cabin mates at summer camp. All their families are believers in the Conservative Resurgence and in the need to keep boys under strict parental control to prevent them from becoming juvenile delinquents. In fact, the summer camp where they met is run along those lines. All four are given Puericil as a way of making them easily manageable and docile.

There is more boyish chatter in the list, but I have only included the bits most relevant for those interested in the treatment of boys under the Conservative Resurgence.

One of the boys, Brandon, 13 years old, is son of the famous psychologist Dr. Cassandra Miller, who has written several bestsellers about parenting boys and keeping them under strict parental control. He has two older brothers.

Zachary (or Zac) is also 13. He has a larger family
, with four sisters, two of them older and two younger, and also a younger brother. He is a sport-loving boy who only started taking Puericil recently, although his mother has always believed in the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.
Cody is the youngest one, at 12.  He has a twin and his mom is a new convert to the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.
Benji is 13 and has been recently adopted, so he has an adoptive mother and younger sister. Before that he lived with his elderly grandmother until she died.

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From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Hi guys,
I get worried when I read about the things that happen to you because of this conservative parenting or whatever it is called. Mom never paid much attention to that, but some of her friends got into it and now she's reading a lot of stuff about that. Hopefully she'll just lose interest.
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)
Yeah, you'd better hope that, because Moms get really crazy with this conservative resurgence stuff. I should know. My mom is always on TV or doing book signings about it. And you can believe that she doesn't just preach. She applies it all at home.
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Hi. You know about that doctor appointment I told you about? Well, mom it's gushing about it, because she says we are going to get a scholarship. Amy and me, I mean, but I didn't see what going to the doctor had to do with a scholarship.
Well... the appointment was today. We got to a pediatric clinic. It was all like very modern, with crystal panels everywhere. Mom spoke with the nurse at the reception and we went to a waiting room.
There were other families with kids sitting there. While we were waiting, sitting in front of us was a family with one boy a bit younger than us, maybe 11, and two younger girls (I don't know, maybe 10 and 8). The girls were sitting at both sides of the boy and they were teasing him something awful.
"We're going to see your weenie! We are going to see your weenie!" they were chanting softly at him.
The boy was shamefaced and looking down, trying to ignore them, but at some point he complained to his mom.
"Mom! They are teasing me!" he said with a whining voice.
"What are they saying?" his mom asked. I thought she must have heard them, but maybe she wasn't paying attention.
"They are saying that they're going to see my..." he looked around, embarrassed, "my weenie," he whispered.
"Well... they are going to see it, dearie," his mom said in a reasonable tone. "You know you'll have to be naked for your exam, and they don't have exam gowns for boys."
"But they are teasing me," the boy whined.
"Do not whine, Freddy," his mom said. "I could tell them not to, but then they'd only do it when I'm not around. They tease you because you get all bothered and upset about it, so just don't. It doesn't matter a bit if they see your weenie."
"It matters to me," the boy pouted.
"Well, it shouldn't," his mom told him. "Boys are too immature to have any real modesty. So what if your sisters are going to see your weenie? Big deal! You do not need to be worrying about people seeing your naked body. It's going to happen a lot. From now on, your sisters are going to be seeing every bit of you on a regular basis, so you need to get used to the idea. If you quit getting upset about it they won't tease you anymore."
The girls just grinned at that and kept up their teasing.
"We are going to see Freddy naked!" they said in a sing-song tone. "We'll see Freddy's weenie! And his bare bottom! And there's nothing he can do about it! We'll see it all!"
Freddy just blushed and looked glum.
I wanted to despise him for being such a wimp that he allowed his sisters to tease him like that, but I was feeling kinda sorry too, and really nervous, as if this reflected badly on all boys, not just him.
Then Amy leaned towards me and whispered teasingly in my ears.
"Maybe I'll see your weenie too, Cody".
I shivered.
"No way, freak" I whispered back.
Oh... mom's calling. I'll be back.
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)
Gah! Some girls are such jerks. They like to lord it up over us because they are allowed to see us naked and we are never allowed to see them. It's not fair.
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)
Aghh! Don't leave us in suspense, man. What happened?
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)
Gee! I'm back. I just had to leave for a moment.
So, those girls kept tormenting their brother (yeah, some girls are just jerks), but then they were told to go in, and a few minutes later we were called in too (apparently, they got several exam rooms working at the same time).
So we went into a room and a woman there shook our hands and gave us a speech about what a great opportunity this was, and the great facilities the school has. She showed us pictures on a screen, and the school really looks great. Very modern, with soccer fields with grass (you'd love it, Zac), swimming pool, gym, computers for all the students...
Anyway, then she said that it was a Puericil-sponsored school. That means that all the boys there are on Puericil. I guess that's good, because boys who are not on Puericil like to bully Puericil boys, so that's one thing less to worry about, but it also means that there's no chance I'll ever convince mom to take me off Puericil, since it's a school requirement. Also, mom signed something that will allow the Puericil company to use medical data from the students to see how well Puericil works or something.
Then that lady told me that I had to get undressed!
"Like... here?" I asked in a high-pitched voice.
"Yes, please. All your clothes. It's better to have you ready, to save time for the medical exam."
"But... but... what about her?" I said, desperately pointing to my sister without seeming to do so, hoping she'd get the hint.
"Yes, your sister won't need to be undressed for her exam," she said.
"But that's not fair! Why am I the only one who has to strip off?"
"Your medical exam needs to be more thorough, Cody," she said, "because you are the one who is taking Puericil and we need the data for the Puericil study. Besides, if your sister had to undress she would have to do it in a private room, because girls' privacy needs to be protected. On the other hand, boys don't need so much modesty. In fact, allowing boys too much privacy can have detrimental effects, like increasing rebellion, lowering school grades and causing juvenile delinquency. So there's no need for any privacy for you. Please, undress, young man."
"Do as you are told, Cody. And be quick about it," mom warned, in a no-nonsense voice.
So I had to undress in front of mom, Amy and that lady I had just met. When I was down to my briefs I stopped and looked at them, but the lady said "Everything, please. We need you completely naked for the exam."
So I had to take off my briefs.
Everyone was looking at me, and Amy's eyes were googling. I covered myself with both of my hands and tried to get the Earth to swallow me. Amy seeing me naked, it's like the worst thing ever.
Mom just rolled her eyes.
"Oh, for goodness' sake, don't be so dramatic," she said. "So you are nakes. It's no big deal. You are just a boy, so it doesn't matter. Don't be ridiculous, get your hands off."
She went to my side and made me take my hands away from my peenie, so that everyone could see it.
"Let's get this nonsense over with," mom said, and made me walk towards Amy. "Look," she told her, "this is your brother's peenie. It doesn't scare or bother you to see it, does it?"
Amy assured her that it didn't. (But what about me? It sure bothered me!)
"See?" mom said. "It's no big deal at all. Boys are naked in front of people all the time, and no one cares. So none of that false modesty, Cody, unless you want a warm bottom."
"See? No harm done," the lady told me. "Your body is perfectly normal for a boy your age, and there's nothing shameful or special about it. On the contrary, it's much better for your psychological development if you are not allowed to develop silly hang-ups about it. It's better to treat it with normalcy and in a natural manner... Amy, you can touch your brother's peenie if you want."
"What?" we both asked.
She repeated it, explaining how it was important for boys not to be too modest.
Amy then reached towards me. She was moving slowly, so I tried to step back, but I couldn't because mom stopped me, and then she smacked my bottom.
"Be still, Cody," she told me. "Your sister is just going to take your peenie in her hand, so that both of you can see it's no big deal."
Amy touched it with her finger experimentally.
"I'm touching Cody's peenie," she said as if she couldn't believe it. Then she looked right into my eyes and grinned, with such smug superiority that I wanted to die right there.
Then she took my peenie and just held it between two fingers.
"Eww, gross," she said.
"Don't make a face, young lady," the woman laughed. "It's just a boy's peenie. I'm sure your mother has washed him properly. You can touch it safely."
"Well, actually..." mom said.
"You don't bathe him?" The lady asked, looking surprised.
"No, I mean..." mom said.
The lady shook her head.
"Well, somebody should. Boys really can't be trusted to wash themselves properly. They always do a lousy rush job of it."
"Well, I guess you are right," mom said. "We'll start taking care of that."
"Mom, no!" I said.
She just smacked my bottom again. "You do not say no to a grownup, Cody. I won't tolerate any disobedience from you. You are one inch from getting your bottom warmed, young man."
Meanwhile Amy was giggling as she made my peenie wriggle around.
"I'm seeing your peenie, Cody," Amy informed me (as if I didn't know that already!). "Remember that boy out there in the waiting room? Freddy' wasn't it? Well, it looks like he's not the only one whose sisters are seeing his peenie. Remember that I told you maybe I'd be seeing yours too? Well, I was right, wasn't I? And touching it too."
"Aww, don't tease him," the lady said. "Although boys look so adorable when they blush... Anyway, I'll tell the doctor you are ready for your exam."
Amy kept examining my peenie while we waited for the doctor, and with mom there I did not dare to complain.
Then the doctor came and she was a lady too. She was very no-nonsense, and she quickly started a complete exam of me. She examined my eyes, my ears and my mouth. Then she listened to my heart with one of those metal thingies, a stetoscope or something like that. All the time, she was treating me as if I were a little boy, telling me to be a good boy for her and praising me when I did what she said, even if it was just staying still.
She palpated my ribs and my tummy, and I had to squirm because I'm ticklish. She just chuckled and gave me a swat on my bare bottom, telling me not to be silly, which was embarrassing even though it wasn't a real swat.
Then she took my peenie and my balls in her hand. She pulled back the skin and looked at everything. Because of all the attention Amy had given it, and because of being naked in front of people, it was kind of hard. Not all hard, but kind of half hard, if you know what I mean.
The she had me cough while she held my balls. Why on earth does she need to do that?
Amy just couldn't contain her excitement and bounced all around me, always looking for the best line of sight to see everything. Mom just smiled at her indulgently and watched from farther back. Amy and I have always been kind of competitive about everything, and she was loving this.
"If only you could see yourself," she told me at one point, "all naked in front of everybody! I can see all of you! Everything!"
The doctor did not discourage her. Quite the opposite, she indulged her and explained to her what she was doing, as if Amy was a doctor in training or something. That's how I learned that having to cough while she holds your balls is to look for hernia or something like that.
Then the doctor inspected my bottom. I had to lie face down on the examination couch and open my legs. The doctor separated my cheeks and everyone was looking at my hole.
"Gross!" Amy said, although with a laughing voice. "That's where his poop comes from."
"It's just a natural body function," the doctor told her. "And this part of the body is not dirty. It just need to be washed properly. That's why it's important to bathe young boys like Cody. You can't trust boys to wash themselves properly on their own."
Then I was allowed to get up and I was told to do some jumping jacks and then run in place. It was very embarrassing because everybody was watching and my peenie was bobbing up and down as I ran and jumped.
Then the lady doctor listened to my heart again and told me I was a very healthy little boy, and that I could get dressed. You can bet I got dressed fast!
The whole time while we went home, Amy was grinning and looking at me. And for once I could not think of anything to say to put her in her place. It was all just so embarrassing!

(The End)