The Mailing List 3

By Cassie

Copyright 2018, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

These are extracts from the email correspondence between four boys, who became friends as cabin mates at summer camp. All their families are believers in the Conservative Resurgence and in the need to keep boys under strict parental control to prevent them from becoming juvenile delinquents. In fact, the summer camp where they met is run along those lines. All four are given Puericil as a way of making them easily manageable and docile.

There is more boyish chatter in the list, but I have only included the bits most relevant for those interested in the treatment of boys under the Conservative Resurgence.

One of the boys, Brandon, 13 years old, is son of the famous psychologist Dr. Cassandra Miller, who has written several bestsellers about parenting boys and keeping them under strict parental control. He has two older brothers.

Zachary (or Zac) is also 13. He has a larger family
, with four sisters, two of them older and two younger, and also a younger brother. He is a sport-loving boy who only started taking Puericil recently, although his mother has always believed in the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.
Cody is the youngest one, at 12.  he has a twin and his mom is a new convert to the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.
Benji is 13 and has been recently adopted, so he has an adoptive mother and younger sister. Before that he lived with his elderly grandmother until she died.

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From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Hi guys. Sorry I did not write for a couple of days. A couple of guys at school who are not on puericil are making my life impossible. I guess they know I'm easy prey for them, because I take puericil and that makes me no good at fighting. I just feel powerless and scared of them, and I can't possibly fight back. They haven't really hurt me, but it's so annoying and humiliating. They smack me on the back of my head when they pass by my side... if I'm carrying some books they knock them out of my hands... the worst thing is when they catch me out of school and they surround me and jeer at me saying they are going to do a "busta nutter" with me. That means that they grab me by the legs and make me open them, and then they drag me towards a lamp or a post or something like that, and they place me with my opened legs on both sides of it and then they hit the post with my groin. They don't do it very hard. It's more to humiliate me, but if it catches me in that place it hurts like hell. I try to twist so that it won't catch my eggs, but it's really awful and they laugh at me until I'm crying, and then they call me cry-baby.  
I hate going to school. And I hate taking puericil because I can't even defend myself. I just don't dare. I get paralyzed. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
I'm sorry, man! That's bad. I'd like to be there, then I'd kick those bullies' butts for messing with my friend. Well, I guess I could not do it now, but before I was taking puericil I would have done it for sure. 
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12) 
I'm sorry, Benji. I wish I could help you. Have you told your mom? You should! Maybe she'd be able to help. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Yeah, but I don't know. What's mom going to be able to do? It's not like she can protect me all the time, and these boys are tough. Besides, if my mom comes to school to protest I'll be the laughingstock when the other boys find out. 
And also, I'm kind of ashamed. I don't want my new family to find out and think I'm a wimp. Anyway, it's not a big deal. I reckon they'll get tired soon. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Today something cool happened. Do you remember those two bullies I told you about, the ones who were messing up with me at school?  
Well, it's over. And you know who put a stop to it? You'll never guess. I was Olivia, my new little sister. 
She found out somehow, I think because she heard from other kids. Then she went to talk to me at recess and got the story out of me. She got really angry. 
"I'm going to put a stop to it," she said. 
"There's nothing you can't do. And please, don't tell mom. I don't want her to find out." 
She stared at me and said, "You haven't been in the family for very long, but you are my brother and when someone messes with you he messes with me too. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell mom. I'll take care of this myself." 
I snorted. "Don't be silly. You can't take care of it." 
I shivered at the look she gave me, she looked so mad. 
"Sure I can," she said. "Just look at me and see if I won't." 
And she left. 
That afternoon the two bullies came to me and actually apologized! They told me they hadn't meant it and that they were sorry, and that it wouldn't happen again. 
I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say! 
After they left, I told a kid in my class what had happened and he said that he had seen a group of girls beating the two bullies earlier.  
When I met her after school that day, Olivia was looking smug.  
"Did those two idiots apologize to you?" 
"Yes," I said. 
"Good. Let me know if they bother you again and I'll take care of it." 
I was kind of in awe at what had happened. 
"So it was really you! Thank you," I said. "But what did you do?" 
"I told some friends and we gave them a lesson," she said casually. "I'm not going to let anyone bully my little brother. If you have a problem you only need to tell me, Benji, and I'll protect you." 
I would have reminded her that actually she was my little sister and not the other way around, but it felt silly to say that when I was the one being bullied and she was the one who had protected me. I felt kind of bewildered and half ashamed that my little sister had to protect me, but at the same time I felt grateful and safe. When she got like that it's like there's nothing she can't do. And I was also touched that she thought of me as her little brother... eh... I mean, her brother. 
Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
Whoa! That's kind of awesome, Benji. I have four sisters myself, and I know that when they get like that they can be scary, but it's great when they are on your side. Just take care you are not the one who gets them mad! 
Your sister seems quite a character. Didn't your mom give her permission to spank you? Take care because if you get her mad at you it doesn't look like anyone could stop her! 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Oh, come on. There's no way that'll happen. I mean, yeah, what he did is kind of awesome, but there's no way I'll let a girl spank me, much less a younger girl. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
I don't know, Benji. You know what I told you about my babysitter. When a girl decides she's going to spank you, even if she is younger, there's not much you can do to stop her. 
-----Some days later: 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
It has happened, guys. I'm so ashamed! I can't believe a younger girl has spanked me. On my naked bottom, too. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
Whoa! Who? Your sister Olivia? 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Yeah, who else?  
I'm writing this on my bed, lying face down with a very red bottom. Olivia has just been here rubbing some soothing cream on my bare bottom, and it feels a bit better now.  
Geez, if you had told me some months ago that a girl younger than me would be rubbing my bare bottom with her hand I wouldn't have believed it. And yet here I am. Thirteen years old, a teenager, and I just got my bottom spanked and rubbed with cream by a little girl. It's awful. 
And I'm not even as outraged as I thought it would be. I'm mostly sorry and sore. And, well, yes, also embarrassed, of course. But I have like a sensation of inevitability now. I think that deep down I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, and I knew from the moment my new mom gave Olivia permission to spank me, or at least from the day she got rid of the bullies who were tormenting me. Before that, because even she was helping me with my homework and she knew so much more than me and acted so grown up, I just couldn't imagine the possibility that she was going to spank me. It was, like, unthinkable. But once mom gave her permission and I could imagine the possibility, and one I saw how tough she really is... She acts so grown up... And you know how when a grownup decides to do something there's nothing you can do to prevent it. It's, like, impossible to resist grownups when they make a decision. They just do it, and if you don't like it too bad, you can't do nothing about it. It's going to happen whether you like it or not. Well, Olivia acts a lot like that. With that self-confidence grownups have, like there's nothing they can't do. After mom said she could spank me, I kept telling myself that there's no way it could happen, that she wouldn't dare, that I wouldn't let her if she tried. But deep down I knew that if she tried there's no way I could stop her. She can't get so determined and intense! 
Gosh, I don't even know if I'm making sense. My nose is stuffy from all the crying and I'm kind of confused. I try to tell myself that it's not natural, that I shouldn't have let a younger girl like Olivia spank me. But what could I have done? Even though she is smaller and I'm probably stronger I don't really know how to fight, and I can't see myself fighting anyone. And Olivia was so absolutely determined to spank me that I don't think I could have stopped her even if I tried. And what for, anyway, because she would just have told mom and it would have been worse. But gosh, it's so embarrassing, the idea that a girl... a girl!... and a little one at that could do that to me. Take my pants down, see me naked, spank me... I feel like such a baby! 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
I'm sorry, man. I know it's hard. And when I say that I know I mean it literally. From what you have told me of her and from my own experience my advice is: try to stop thinking of her as your little sister. She may be younger, but she's way tougher than you, more strong-willed and more self-confident. If she decides to spank you, it's going to happen. There's nothing you can do to stop a girl like that when she is determined. If she says she is going to spank you, face it, it's gonna happen. If she decides she's gonna bare your butt... well, you soon are going to be bare bottomed in front of her, like it or not, and that's a fact. 
So try to think of her not as your little sister, but like your big sister, or like a young aunt or something like that. If you can do that, that should make it easier. You know how people say all the time that girls are more mature? Well, I hate to admit it, but it's kind of true. You're 13 and she's 11, but she bosses you around, she helps you with your homework, she's in charge when you are alone, your mom gives her permission to spank you, she protects you when you are being bullied... She may be your younger sister in age, but she's just more mature. In anything but age, you are the little brother. Don't be ashamed, it's not like it's your fault or anything. You didn't choose for girls to mature faster. It just happens that way, and you are not the only boy who has gone through something like that. 
But tell us, what happened? Why did she spank you? 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Yeah, it sucks but I guess you are right. It's difficult though. I'll try to do what you suggest, but it's difficult to ignore that she is a girl and younger than me. I'm taller than her. And I guess I'm stronger. But it's not just a matter of being bigger or stronger. It's just that she takes charge so self-assuredly... it's kind of impossible to say no to her. 
What happened is that, after she explained what I did not understand about the homework, she told me to finish it before playing, and to look for her if I needed more help. Mom is out today, by the way. It's one of her club days. 
So I was doing my homework, but I got tired before finishing, so I decided to take a break, and I started playing video games.  
Well, she saw me and asked if I had finished my homework already. 
"Almost. I'm just taking a break." 
She then unplugged the video game. 
"Hey!" I started to protest, but then I stopped when I saw her face. It was the same as the day I had told her about the bullies.  
"Benjamin Grady O'Connor," she said (how did she know my middle name?), "what did I tell you to do before playing?" 
"Geez, I was tired. I was just taking a break. It's no big deal. I'll finish it now," I said, but my heart was beating fast and I was kind of scared. 
"That's not the point, Benjamin! I told you to finish your homework before playing and here I find you, playing video games with your homework unfinished. Do you know what happens to little boys when they are disobedient?"  
"Eh... I... I mean... no..." 
"They get spanked, Benjamin. That's what happens to boys when they are naughty. And that's exactly what's going to happen to you now." 
"But... no... I mean... you can't!" 
"Of course I can, don't be silly. Did you not hear mom when she gave me permission to spank you?" 
"But you can't spank me? You're a girl! You... you're younger than..." 
She was looking dangerous, so I shut up. 
"So what if I'm a girl? And so what if I'm younger?" She asked. "I'm going to bare your bottom and I'm going to spank you for being disobedient. And God help you if you try to stop me, little brat!" 
She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the chair. She didn't even have to apply much strength. I was so stunned and cowed that I went along. I didn't dare do anything else. 
She sat on the chair so that I was standing in front of her and then she unfastened my jeans.  
"You have been a naughty boy. Good boys don't disobey their sisters. You have been naughty, and now I'm going to spank all the naughtiness away on your bare bottom," she was telling me, along with other things like that. 
I was like hypnotized. My heart was beating was and I was sweating. It was like I couldn't move. 
She got my jeans unfastened and pulled them down to my ankles. Then she grabbed the waistband of my briefs. 
"These are coming down too," she said. 
"Please, no!" I pleaded. 
"Boys get spanked on their bare bottoms," she told me. "Your briefs haven't been naughty, so they are not the ones getting spanked. You are the one getting spanked. Right on your bare bottom," she added as she pulled down my briefs. 
I was naked in front of her! 
She could see my weenie, just inches in front of her face! I wanted the earth to swallow me, but of course that did not happen.  
Instead, she took a good look at me.  
I tried to cover myself and she slapped my hands away. 
"Hands off from your peenie," she said. "You do not cover up when I bare you for a spanking." 
I couldn't believe she could be so commanding, but there was nothing I could do. She was so assertive that I could only hang my head in shame and let her inspect me. 
She took my thingie in her hand. 
"This is what you were trying to hide?" She asked. "Well, let me tell you that all boys have a peenie, and you are not the first little boy I see naked, so you have nothing to hide." 
I was beyond myself with mortification. 
"But it's not your little peenie you need to worry about," she said, letting go of it and reaching behind me to pat my bottom, "but your bare bottom. That's where you are going to get spanked... You know that wooden hairbrush that I have in my room, on my dresser? I want you to fetch it for me. You have a minute to bring it back, and if you are not back with it in that time I'm going to spank you again at bedtime." She looked at her watch. "Starting now!" 
I was as in a trance. I believed her. She was going to spank me, and at that moment I was sure that if I was not back with her hairbrush in time she was going to spank me again at bedtime. 
With my pants and briefs around my ankles I rushed towards her room as fast as I could. I almost fell down before I got the hang of it. Fortunately her hairbrush was easy to find on her dresser, so I took it and rushed back. I had one minute! 
I must have been a sight when I came back, because she smirked when she saw me. 
"Good boy," she said, taking the hairbrush. "You are just in time. Now, let's get you over my knees so that I can spank your bare bottom for you." 
She guided me over her knees and it was kind of weird, since she was actually smaller than me. But all the resistance had gone out of me, and I even cooperated so that she could place me as she wanted. 
Then she started wearing my bare butt out with the hairbrush. I had thought that I would not cry if she ever spanked me, that I would tough it out. Boy, was I wrong! I was bawling from the beginning. That hairbrush hurt so much! 
I was kicking my legs and squirming around, but she took a good hold of me and didn't let me get away from her lap. The only reason I didn't kick my jeans and briefs away is that my shoes wouldn't let my jeans come out, so they remained at my ankles and that also helped restrain my legs.  
I was bucking all over her lap and crying hard. I would have pleaded if I could, but I needed all the air I got to bawl constantly. 
By the time she stopped my bottom and the top of my thighs were on fire.  
Then she stood me up and had to hold me a couple of times so that I wouldn't fall down when I did my spanking dance in front of her, jumping and rubbing my poor bottom. 
Then she hugged me and kissed my cheek, and with my pants and briefs still around my ankles she led me to the corner. 
"Now you stand here, with your hands on your head, until I say you can leave," she told me. 
So I stood there doing my corner time with my red bottom on display. I don't know if she was watching my bottom or not, because you can believe that my nose didn't leave that corner until she told me it was over. I did not want to risk getting in more trouble with her. 
Then, when she told me my corner time was over, she kissed my cheek again and told me I was forgiven. 
"Do not get dressed, though. Go lie on your bed and I'll bring something that will make you feel better." 
So I went to lie face down on my bed and that's when she came and rubbed a soothing cream all over my bottom, massaging my cheeks gently so that the skin would absorb it. 
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12) 
Wow! That was intense! I'm sorry she spanked you so hard, man. Spankings suck! 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
You'd think I had almost died of embarrassment enough for one day, but not! 
When I finally could do my homework it was late. My sister looked through it and congratulated me, saying that I had done a good job. 
"I guess it's true that a sore bottom helps a boy focus," she said. "Well, mom is about to come, and when she does I want her to find everything in order, so I'm going to give you your bath." 
"WHAT!?" I asked. 
"I'm going to give you your bath now," she said, speaking slowly as you would to a slow little child. 
"But I don't need a bath... I mean... I don't need you to give me my bath. I can bathe myself... Like, alone." 
"I know you can," she said, "but boys can't be trusted to do a good job of it without help, and I want mom to find everything perfectly in order. So I'm giving you a bath, come on." 
She was again in her businesslike, mind-me-or-else tone. My bottom was still sore, so I was not in shape to offer much resistance. But I still dragged my heels as she took me to the bathroom. 
She started undressing me and she laughed at me when I tried to stop her. 
"Don't be silly. You are embarrassed again? I just saw you naked a few moments ago, remember? I saw your peenie, didn't I? And I saw, and spanked, your bare bottom. So you don't have anything else to hide from me. Besides, I'm your sister, and sisters see their brothers naked all the time. I will not let my brother have any silly modesty around me, not when it prevents me from doing my chores. And my chore right now is to bathe you. So let's get you out of your clothes." 
So she got me naked. I wasn't in any shape to resist here, and even if I had been, I doubt I could have done anything to stop her. She gets so intense and commanding. 
"See, silly? You're naked now and it's not the end of the world. So what if I can see your little peenie and your red bottom? Who cares? It's normal for girls to see boys naked, even more so when they are family. You are too immature for it to matter." 
I was stung by that. 
"But... but I'm a teenager," what's all I could think to say. 
She snorted. 
"A teenage boy. Big deal! Didn't I just spank you, mister? And you sure were crying hard. So if a teenage boy can get spanked on his naked bottom by his 11-year-old sister then I guess being a teenage boy is not such a big deal, is it?" 
Put like that, it was hard to argue with that logic. Mainly because my bottom was still sore and she was capable of spanking me again if I made too much fuss. 
So I didn't argue anymore and let her guide me into the tub. 
I tried to wash myself, but she was having none of it. 
"Give me the soap. I'll take care of that," she said. "Everyone knows that boys... particularly teenage boys, as you have just reminded me you are... are not careful about their hygiene. They simply can't be trusted to wash themselves properly. So I'm going to do that for you." 
She made me sit down and poured water on me until I was wet all over. Then she put shampoo on her hands. 
"I'm going to wash your hair, Benji," she said. "Close your eyes so that you don't get soap in it." 
She shampooed my hair very gently, and then she gently tapped my nose with her finger. 
"You can open your eyes now. OK, now I want you to stand up. Careful not to slip... Good boy. I'll soap your body now. No, young man, keep still. I'll do it." 
So she put soap on her hands and started soaping my skin. It was kind of weird, having a girl do something so intimate for you. It actually felt good, or it would have if I could have forgotten for a moment that I was basically standing naked in front of a girl, who was rubbing her soapy hands all over me. A little girl, no less. Oh boy, how did I get in that situation? Was she looking at my peenie? Well, how could she not, if it was right in front of her. Wouldn't you be looking if you had a naked girl in front of you? I know I would, not that it would ever happen (sigh). You know how people always tell you that no one cares if they see a "little boy" naked, that everyone has seen naked little boys before? I wonder how true is that. Maybe girls are so mature that they don't care that they have a naked boy in front of them? I don't know. Olivia was kind of matter-of-fact about it, but when I looked at her she was looking in the direction of my peenie most of the time. Then I would blush and I would have to look down. 
She washed my shoulders, and below my arms, and my back... I was dreading the moment when she would get to my midsection. Would she let me do that part myself? But she just passed that part by and washed my legs. She knelt on the bath rug then, and her eyes were just inches from my peenie or my bottom, as she made me turn to soap all parts of my legs. 
"Let's take care of your bottom and your peenie now," she said cheerfully, as if it were the most normal thing in the world for an 11-year-old girl to soap a 13-year-old boy's peenie and bottom. So much for wishing she'd let me do that. "Your peenie first," she added, turning me so I was facing her. 
She soaped my peenie with one hand and my boy thingies with the other. 
"Oh, good. Your little testies have descended," she said approvingly, feeling them gently with her fingers. "That means you are developing normally for your age. Your peenie looks normal too. If you didn't take Puericil you'd probably have a little bit of hair over it. Right here. Only a little bit, I think, because you are not much developed. But since you take Puericil you don't have any hair down there, of course. Oh, look at that!" 
Despite my mortification, with all the attention my peenie was getting semi-hard. 
She gently tapped it with her finger, making it wave in the air. 
"It's funny when it does that," she giggled. "Let me wash the soap so that I can see it better." 
She did that with some water from the showerhead. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't bear it any longer and tried to cover myself with my hands. 
"Benjamin!" she said. "Get your hands away from your peenie." She patted my bottom meaningfully. "Do you want another smack-bottom, young man?" 
I definitely did not want another one. My bottom was still a bit sore, and while it was happened it had hurt too much. I let go of my weenie, blushing so much that I felt the heat on my face. 
"Playing with your peepee is rude," she explained. "So when you are naked in front of people you should not get your hands near it." 
"But I... I wasn't playing..." 
"Do not whine, Benji. Speak properly. If you weren't playing with it, what were you doing?" 
"I didn't want you to see," I confessed, incredibly ashamed by the situation. My peenie was still semi-hard, waving right in front of her face. 
"Ah, so it's more of that false modesty of yours," she said. "Really, Benjamin. You're just a little child, and I'm your elder sister. It's perfectly normal for me to see you naked. Didn't I bare your bottom so that I could spank you before? And didn't I get you naked for your bath now?" 
"But you're my little sister, not my elder sister!" I protested. "And I'm 13, not a little child!" 
"Don't be silly," she said patiently. "You know what I mean. Elder in this context just means more mature. And you may be 13, but you are a little child in terms of maturity, that's for sure. A boy who needs to be spanked on his bare bottom by his younger sister can't pretend to be very mature, can he? And would you be here naked in the tub being washed by your younger sister if you were at all mature?" 
As I was just looking down at my feet she tapped my chin with her finger. 
"Look up, Benjamin," she told me. "Look at yourself. And now look at me. Who is naked? Who is the one with a red bottom? Answer me."  
I had to admit that it was me. 
"So who is more mature, in your opinion? You or me?" 
I bit my lip and didn't answer. 
"Benji, answer me," she insisted softly. 
"You," I said in a small voice. 
"That's true. So do not start that false modesty nonsense with me. If you are not mature enough to never need spankings, or to bath yourself, then you are not mature enough to need modesty. You are a child, and children can't be bathed or spanked without people seeing them. All right?" 
I looked down again and didn't answer. 
"Do you understand, Benji?" she insisted. 
"Yes," I said sadly. 
"Good boy! I can't wash your peenie without seeing it, so I'll be seeing it every time I need to. Oh, look, speaking of your peenie, it's gone soft again. Oh, well. Let's retract that piece of skin at the tip. Do you know what it's called?" 
I said no with my head, looking down at me peenie as she took it again in her hands. 
"It's called the prepuce," she informed me. "And if we retract it we'll see your glans. In some boys the prepuce is not wide enough to retract, though. That can be a problem... Ah, not a problem with yours. See? That's your glans. Do you do this when you bathe yourself?" 
"See? It's true that boys can't be trusted to wash themselves properly. Another reason for me to bathe you, then. It's important to clean under the prepuce too when you are getting bathed, because otherwise it gets dirty under it and you can get an infection... Don't get tense, I won't hurt you. See? I'm washing it very gently. I know peenies are sensitive. They told us at Sex-Ed for Girls." 
I wondered what else they were telling them about us in Sex-Ed for Girls. In Sex-Ed for Boys they never tell us anything interesting. Just that we needed to respect girls and stuff, and that reproduction was done by placing a little seed inside a woman's body, but that we wouldn't need to learn the details until we were older. 
"All right, let's wash your bottom good and clean." 
She soaped my bottom cheeks, and then between them, paying a lot of attention to the area around my bottom hole. Then she inserted the tip of her soapy finger in it. 
"Ah!" I gasped and got up on my toes. 
"Shhh, calm down, I'm just washing your bottom properly. I'm not going to hurt you, so relax," she said, rotating her finger a bit before taking it out. 
I noticed that my peenie had chosen that moment to start getting a stiffy again. 
"Look!" Olivia said, making me turn towards her. "Your peenie is getting hard again. It's so funny. You really don't control when it gets hard or soft like that." 
I had to shake my head. 
"It's cool. And it's funny when it waves like this," she said, tapping my peenie again with her finger to make it bob up and down. 
I almost covered myself again, but then I remembered her scolding me and left my hands by my side. 
"Peenies are just funny," she said, giggling as she tapped it some more, first to one side and then to the other. "I wonder why it's able to do that, when you are way too young and immature to need it yet." 
I listened to that with all my attention. I know peenies have something to do with sex, and sometimes they feel funny, particularly when I get a stiffy, but I'm not sure why they act like that. She seemed to know much more about it. 
"Olivia, why do peenies get hard for?" I asked her. 
She smiled. "Never mind," she said, as she moved my peenie with her hand to examine it from all angles. "You are too immature to worry about that now." 
Then she let go of it and said, "let's get you rinsed." 
So she used the showerhead to douse me with clean water and remove the soap and then, with me still standing inside the tub, she took a fluffy towel and dried me with it, taking much more time and care than I ever did to get everything dry. 
Then she helped me step out of the tub and, still naked, took me to my bedroom. There she dressed me in my pajamas. I was so used to her doing intimate things like that for me that evening that I didn't even protest that I could dress myself. 
Then we watched TV until mom arrived.  
She kissed us and asked how we were doing. 
"Everything's fine, mom," Olivia said. "I had to spank Benji because he disobeyed me about doing his homework before playing, but then I comforted him and he did all his homework properly. I also bathed him and got him in his PJs, so that he'll be ready for bed when it's his bedtime." 
"Oh, good," mom said, looking surprised. "So you had to spank him? I expected you to wait for that until I was home. I trust you to look after Benji and spank him when he needs it, but I thought you might have problems controlling him, at least the first time it happened." 
Olivia rolled her eyes. 
"He is just a boy, mom," she said. "How difficult can he be to control?" 
"Well, he is a bit older than you, dear," mom said. 
"But that doesn't matter. Even older boys are way more immature than girls. They teach us that in Sex-Ed for Girls,"" Olivia said. "I just treat Benji like a younger child. I make my expectations clear and I don't accept any nonsense when I tell him to do something. There's a time for games and fooling around, but when I give him an order he knows I expect him to follow it. Look!" She turned to me. "Come here, Benji." 
I approached her warily.  
"Turn around." 
I did as she said. 
"Show mom your bottom, so she can see if there are any marks from your spanking." 
I looked at her, my mouth open in shock. 
"Do as I say, child," she said mildly. "Do not start with that false modesty again. Mom knows what your bottom looks like. Besides, she's mom. Pull down the back of your pajamas so that she can see your bottom." 
I could not believe she was telling me to do that, and speaking to me like one would to a child, and how incredibly relaxed and self-confident she looked. She did not have any doubt that I was going to obey her order. 
I did not see what else to do, without creating a confrontation that I would lose anyway. I knew she would not hesitate to show off her spanking prowess in front of mom. 
Meekly, looking down at the floor in embarrassment, I pulled down the back of my PJ pants to just below my bottom. 
"Good boy. See, mom? It's still a bit reddish, but there are no marks or bruises," Olivia said, patting my bottom. 
"That's really good, Olivia. Did they teach you that in Sex-Ed too?" Mom asked. I could tell she was impressed by Olivia's control over me. 
"Yes, they said that we might need to look after a boy, and then we would need to know how to give a spanking, effective but not abusive. They showed us pictures of what a boy's bottom was supposed to look like right after a spanking. Of course, the theory is not the same as practice, but I was watching his bottom carefully to stop when it looked right," Olivia said proudly. "Oh, you can pull up your pants now, Benji." 
"Good girl," mom approved, hugging her. "And you are a good boy too, Benji," she added, hugging me. "You mind your sister and she won't have to spank you, OK?" 
"Yes, mom," I said, returning the hug. It is nice getting hugs from my new mom, but I was embarrassed too that I looked like such a little kid in front of her, with Olivia bossing me around and all. 
"All right, so let's get dinner ready. You set the table," she said, giving me a pat on my bottom to send me on the way. (Why does everybody feel free to pat me on the bottom? It's nice when Mom does it, but it's like what one does to little children.) 
Anyway, that was it. I'm kind of confused. I'm 13. I know I'm not a grownup yet, but I'm a teenage boy. Is it normal that a younger girl is bossing me around like that? Am I, like, a wimp? Or too childish? Or unmanly? 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
I don't think you are unmanly, Benji, or that there's anything wrong with you. I think that's what's expected of you. Mom has told me that society expects girls to be more assertive and aggressive, and boys to be meek and docile. She told me that long in the past it used the be the other way around, but it was a complete disaster, because boys were not mature enough to handle it, and lots of teenage boys became juvenile delinquents, and assaulted woman. Mom said that it is because boys mature much slower, and take a long time to become grownups, and they were encouraged to be aggressive and bossy when they were not mature enough to handle it. 
I mean, we all take Puericil, and that's supposed to help us be docile and less aggressive, and that's how society expects us to be. So yeah, it sucks that girls boss us around, and it sucks that no one cares that they see us naked, while we would never be allowed to see them naked. But that's how it's supposed to be, and mom says that it's for our own good, even if we don't like it now.  
So no, there's nothing wrong with you. It's just how it's supposed to be, even if sometimes it sucks. 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
What Bran the man said. 
But also, yes, you're a bit wimpy. :p 
Just joking, though. There's nothing wrong with you, dude. It's not your fault you got a bossy sister. 
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12) 
Yeah, I agree. Nothing wrong with you. A guy can't help it if girls are bossy and more mature. 
So how do you feel about your sister? Are you wishing you had been adopted into a family without sisters? 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
Thank, guys! You made me feel better. 
>So how do you feel about your sister? Are you wishing you had been adopted into a family without sisters? 
No, not really. I wish Olivia weren't so bossy, and that she wouldn't spank me or bathe me. It's really embarrassing when she sees me naked. When that happens, I can't stop thinking that she's a girl and two years younger than me, and it's so shameful... But she's cool most of the time. She's funny and she knows lots of stuff. She helps me with my homework and explains what I didn't understand without getting mad at me. There's also how she protected me from the bullies at school. Now I have no problems with that, and school's not so bad anymore. And it's not like she looks for excuses to spank me. She's fair, at least. 
From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13) 
>She's fair, at least. 
That's important. Some girls enjoy using their power to get a boy in trouble, so I'm glad your sister doesn't. She sounds like a good kid, even if she's bossy even for girl standards. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
>She sounds like a good kid, even if she's bossy even for girl standards. 
Yeah, that's my luck.  
I mean, good luck in some way and bad luck that she is superbossy. You know? She told mom that I wasn't washing myself properly, and that I didn't even wash under that prepuce thing. She offered to take care of that every evening. 
From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12) 
Whoa! And what did your mom say. 
From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13) 
>Whoa! And what did your mom say. 
What do you think? She said: 
"Thank you, darling, that's a big help. I'm glad Benji and I can count on you." 
Then she kissed her, and made me say thanks to her for spanking my bottom when I needed it and for taking care of me.  
"But mom," I want to wash myself.  
"Boys are so careless about hygiene, Benji. It's a good thing Olivia wants to help with that. I want you to always be clean and healthy. Now, don't you give her a hard time about it, OK? You are to obey your sister as you obey me. And none of that silly modesty. Whenever she tells you to get naked you'll get naked without arguing." 
So now I'm stuck with it. Olivia is going to bathe me every day :( 
From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13) 
Well, dude, at least you'll be clean! 
Just teasing. I'm sorry, bro, tough luck! 


(The End)