The Mailing List 2

By Cassie

Copyright 2018, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

These are extracts from the email correspondence between four boys, who became friends as cabin mates at summer camp. All their families are believers in the Conservative Resurgence and in the need to keep boys under strict parental control to prevent them from becoming juvenile delinquents. In fact, the summer camp where they met is run along those lines. All four are given Puericil as a way of making them easily manageable and docile.

There is more boyish chatter in the list, but I have only included the bits most relevant for those interested in the treatment of boys under the Conservative Resurgence.

One of the boys, Brandon, 13 years old, is son of the famous psychologist Dr. Cassandra Miller, who has written several bestsellers about parenting boys and keeping them under strict parental control. He has two older brothers.

Zachary (or Zac) is also 13. He has a larger family
, with four sisters, two of them older and two younger, and also a younger brother. He is a sport-loving boy who only started taking Puericil recently, although his mother has always believed in the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.
Cody is the youngest one, at 12.  he has a twin and his mom is a new convert to the Conservative Resurgence parenting style.
Benji is 13 and has been recently adopted, so he has an adoptive mother and younger sister. Before that he lived with his elderly grandmother until she died.

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From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)


Hey, Zac! You had your first match with your new team today, didn't you? How did it go? Are all the boys really on puericil?




From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)


Hi guys! Yeah, it was today. It went well, really, at least the sport stuff. It was weird in some ways, though.


> Are all the boys really on puericil?


Yeah, all of them. It's a basketball league only for boys on puericil. As you know, one of the arguments I had with my mom when she put me on puericil this year is that I wouldn't be able to play on sport teams anymore. Puericil makes you worse at sports, you know, because it takes away your competitive edge. You are not aggressive anymore and, well, you need a bit of aggression to be really good. The boys that got put on puericil in the past had to leave the team, and you know I really love playing so I wasn't happy when mom said I had to take puericil.


Obviously, the argument didn't do any good, and I got put on puericil anyway, but mom signed me up for a team that plays in a puericil only league. Only boys on puericil can play, so it wouldn't matter if I'm not so aggressive anymore, because the other boys won't be either.


So we had our first training session and the basketball part went well. I had fun and I was the best player in the team. Maybe I'm not as unaggressive (does that word exist?) as other puericil boys, or maybe I'm just that good ;-) One thing I didn't like is that our league won't be competitive. That means that no one will be keeping track of how many points each team scores, and there will be no winners of the match and no winners of the league. Everyone will be winners, they told us. I was not sure about that, I mean, is winning fun if no one loses? I thought I'd hate the idea, but it wasn't bad at all. I'm happy that I still get to play basketball, and I had a lot of fun.


The not-so-good part was the locker room. Our locker room has no partitions at all. It's just one big room with benches to sit down. The showers are on one of the walls: just a row of shower heads on the wall, and no separation between showers or between the showers and the rest of the locker room. Not even curtains. So, as you can imagine, there's little privacy. Even if you try to use a towel to cover yourself, taking a shower after games (or after practice) is obligatory, and of course you gotta be naked for that and everybody can see you. So that part I didn't like.






From: Brandon (Brandon Stanley Miller, age 13)


But it was just the guys, right? And didn't you shower and stuff after games before?




From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)


No, it's not just the guys. That's the weird part. Our coach is a girl, well, I mean, a woman this time, and she comes into the locker room with us. So she sees all of us naked, there's no way we can prevent it.


And the worst part is that it's not only her: There's also the junior coach (an older girl who volunteers to help coach us to get community volunteer credits and to get experience, because she wants to work teaching boys). She's supposed to be an older girl, but she's actually 14. OK, technically speaking that's older, because we are all 13 or 12, but it's not much difference. She looks our age, but she also gets to come into the locker room with us to help supervise us. She got an eyeful, believe me. You should have seen her staring at us when we were naked, with a big grin all the time. I would be grinning too if I got to watch naked girls (ha! as if that would ever be allowed!), but she doesn't even try to pretend she is not staring.


She even scolds boys who try to cover themselves so that she doesn't see. I had just dried myself after my shower and was about to start getting dressed when I noticed that she was right by my side, looking at my peenie. I naturally covered myself with my hands. It's like an instinct, if suddenly you see a girl looking at your peenie. Well, she went and gave me a smack on my bottom!


"Do not play with yourself, Zac!" she told me. "Putting your hands on your peepee is rude."


I got really red in the face and had to take away my hands, and I was the center of attention. Does she have the right to do that? She is not our mom or like a real coach, anyway. But don't think the coach told her off or anything. She just smiled and nodded approvingly at her.


Then some of the boys teased me because I had her handprint on my bottom, where she had swatted me.


"Look! Zac has the shape of Christine's hand on his bottom!" one boy said. And then everyone gathered around to look at my bottom and admire the shape of her handprint on it. It sucked, because I got all self-conscious about that, but there wasn't anything I could do.


Man, let me tell you, it sucks when girls are allowed to see us naked, and we never are allowed to see them naked. I hate it!






From: Cody (Cody Elliot Gallagher, age 12)


Oh boy, that sucks! How embarrassing to have a girl there in the lockers with you guys. It's not like she's a grownup or anything.


-----Several days later:


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)


I can't believe it! Today at basketball practice Christine spanked a boy!




From: Benji (Benjamin Grady O'Connor, age 13)


Who's Christine?




From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)


You know, Christine, the junior coach. She's a girl who helps our real coach with our training. She gets community volunteer credits or something like that. Well, she's just 14, so really almost our same age, but since she is considered a coach (even if just a junior one). So our real coach says she (Christine) has authority over us, and that we need to obey her just the same as we have to obey her (our real coach).


She's cool most of the time, anyway. She really likes basketball and is good at it, and she has taught us some movements. But she's awfully bossy, and she acts all important, as if she were a grownup and we were just little kids.


So anyway, our coach was talking to us about the exercise we were going to do and some of the boys were fooling around. So she got pissed and said "Quit clowning around, boys, and pay attention. I don't want to tell you again!"


So the boys got quiet, but after a couple of minutes one of them started joking around again, and the coach saw him.


"Billy! Come here!"


We are well very quiet, and then she said, "Christine, Billy can't behave today. Please, would you give him a spanking for me while I finish explaining the exercise to the others?"


"Certainly, ma'am," she said.


She took Billy by the arm and said, "Come with me, little boy. Let's get your fanny warmed up."


So we were all very quiet, and listening to the coach while we sneaked looks to see what was happening to Billy.


She took him to a wooden chair behind the basket and she sat on it and pulled his shorts down, scolding him all the time, so that he was naked from the waist down. She swatted his hands away when he tried to cover himself (I bet she was telling him not to play with his peenie, as if that's what he was doing with her staring a few inches from her peenie).


Then she took a small wooden paddle our coach has, and took Billy over her knees.


Boy, she paddled him hard! And he was howling for all the gym to hear. More than one of the boys were rubbing the seat of their shorts in sympathy.


When she was done she took off his shorts completely, and took his hand to bring him with the group, still naked down there, with everything on show.


"Miss Joanna, can Billy play like this, so his bottom can cool down and everybody sees what happens to boys who are naughty at practice?" Christine asked our coach.


She agreed, so we started doing exercises and Billy had to be naked from the waist down for the rest of the practice, in front of everybody who was there. He soon had an audience watching him from the sidelines, let me tell you. Most of them were girls who had been practicing on the other field, or family who were watching. Lots of girls saw everything he has. His peenie and his red bottom.


Later in the locker room we didn't even tease him. We were sorry for him at that point, and thinking that it could have been us. I sure intend to behave at practice!




-----Several days later:


From: Zac (Zachary Randy Saunders, age 13)


Today was our first league match. It was weird playing basketball without keeping count of the score. For what it's worth, I think we won. We played better, and I scored a lot of baskets, if I say so myself. But we are not allowed to keep count or talk about who won and lost. The coach gave us a talk about that before the match.


Oh, well... It was still fun. And mom came to watch me play.


One thing I did not enjoy so much was in the locker room, before and after the match. It's bad enough that the coach and Christine get to come in and see us naked. But today three mothers came in with us too. They are parent who have volunteered to help supervise us on match days. They are encouraged to, because of the parental involvement program.


So they came in and watched us boys in the locker room. That was embarrassing, having three ladies I don't even know see me naked! The worst thing is that they insisted on inspecting us for cleanliness after our showers. We had to stand there, naked and wet, in line before one of the moms, so that we could be inspected and given the OK.


Christine was by my side while I was waiting in line. She has become a friend because I'm the best player in the team, and she likes basketball as much as I do. (Even though she can be nice, don't think that she doesn't boss me around like she does the other boys). Anyway, she whispered to me "Your face is kind of red, Zac. Don't tell me you're embarrassed to be naked. How many times have I told you that little boys shouldn't be so modest?"


To tell you the truth, I am still embarrassed when Christine sees me naked, even though she does at every practice. But I wasn't going to tell her that. She's always scolding us about not being embarrassed and saying that it doesn't matter if little boys are naked, because we are not mature enough to need privacy. But to have three ladies I don't even know and who I have just met seeing me naked is almost worse. I don't care if they are grownups and moms and everything. I still get embarrassed.


"It's just that I don't even know those ladies, and now they are going to see me naked and everything," I whispered to her.


"For goodness' sake, don't be silly," she told me. "They are moms! You think they don't know what a naked little boy looks like."


"I guess so," I said.


Then she smiled teasingly at me and took my peenie between her fingers.


"So you are worried they are going to see your little peepee? Well, I'm seeing it, ain't I, and the world hasn't ended. It's no big deal, you are just a boy, so who cares you are naked?"


She waved my peenie around.


"See? I'm Zac's peepee," she said in a phony high-pitched voice. Look at me! I'm just a bald little thing, but Zac gets embarrassed when people see me."


The boys around me were looking and laughing (even though they were naked too).


"Oh, quit that," I said, trying to push her hands aside.


But she said, "be still, little man, or I will smack your bare bottom for you."


So I was still, because she means it when she threatens to spank a boy. Believe me, she will. She doesn't even have to ask the coach for permission. The other day, when one boy was fooling around in the showers, Christine grabbed him, took him out of the shower and started smacking his bottom. He was all naked and wet, and she slapped his bottom hard, time and time again. He was running around in circles and crying, while she held on to his arm and spanked away. Later she told him that fooling around in the showers is dangerous because someone might slip and fall if we are playing there.


Finally she let go of my peenie and patted my bottom.


"You be good, or you'll be feeling the palm of my hand on that cute bottom of yours," she told me.


Boy, I was blushing hard!


Then I got to the mom who was inspecting the boys in my queue. She was a fat lady, who took up my arms so that she could look at my armpits. Then she pulled back the foresking from my peenie to see if I was clean in there. Then she made me turn around and opened the cheeks of my bottom and looked inside! I was dying of embarrasment!


Then she slapped my butt and told me to go back and shower again. I really don't know what dirtiness she saw. I had already showered good!


So I had to shower again and this time I was inspected by one of the other moms, who also examined my armpits, and my peenie and my bottom and then pronounced me clean.


At least the other boys had to go through it too, but it was really embarrassing. And Christine was watching me all the time. She is really cute, so it's good when a cute girl pays attention to you, but not when you're all naked and in an embarrassing situation!



(The End)