1t's Not Fair 9
By Cassie


Copyright 2011 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. Instead of repeating the whole explanation, I'll leave you with another selection of letters from the "It's Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, more boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls' modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

(Remember the magazine responses are in italics, and I'll add my own observations between square brackets).

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it. Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I'll be happy to write the magazine's response.

Thanks again to Steven, who wrote another of his wonderful letters for this issue.

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It's Not Fair 9

Steve (age 15)

Dear It's Not Fair,

Boy, do I need your advice more than ever. It's me again, Steve. I wrote a previous letter to you regarding my history of being babysat by the four Scott girls from across the street. I told you at the end of the letter that I was now being babysat by the 5th Scott girl, Ellen, who is only 12 years old, yet still gives me a bath and spanks me with my mother's paddle in the living room. I also told you that she considers that she is babysitting only me, and I am the only one she bosses around. With my 2 younger sisters, as I said in my last letter, she acts as a friend, which she is, of course. Your advice in the last letter was to not be too ashamed when a younger girl sees me naked or exercises authority over me, as girls mature faster. You also told me that I should try to behave and act more maturely myself, and this would eventually lead to be being treated more maturely as well.

Well, I am trying my hardest not to give Ellen a hard time, but she has turned out to be the strictest and meanest of all the Scott sisters, and things are definitely moving in the wrong direction for me. Ellen has introduced three new things to her babysitting of me, all of which were never done by any of her older sisters when they babysat me. The first new thing is my required wear after Ellen gives me my bath. It is not bad enough that Ellen, like all of her sisters, always bathes me with the bathroom door wide open, but she also managed to find and buy with her babysitting money two new pairs of summer pajamas I must wear after my bath. Both pairs are exactly the same. The shirt is a thin pajama shirt with buttons down the front, the bottom of which barely covers the waist of the pajama pants. The pants are thin pajama shorts with an elastic waist, a single snap to fasten them, and an open fly, like most boy pajamas. The worst thing is the design, however. The pajamas are light blue, but they are just covered with cartoon characters from children's television shows. No kidding. They're on all these pajamas. Ellen dresses me in these pajamas after my bath and I must stay in them for the rest of the evening, until she sends me to bed.

The second thing is that Ellen has given me an earlier bedtime than my 2 younger sisters, who don't have a bedtime from her at all. They can stay up as late as they like when Ellen is sitting, since she is not babysitting them.

The third thing Ellen has introduced comes after any of the spankings she gives me on my naked tushie in the living room with my mother's paddle. It is corner time. I must stand in the corner of the living room for 30 minutes after my spanking, with my hands behind my head and my pants still pulled down or completely off, leaving my red, sore naked tushie in full view to anyone in the room as I cry. I am also not allowed to rub my tushie to try to soothe the flames left by the paddle.

My sisters think the pajamas are so funny, and when my mother saw them, she laughed as well, saying they were "adorable" on her little boy, and how mature and responsible Ellen was to have gotten them for me. But I'm not a little boy! As I said, I am 15. I'm a little man now.

Last Tuesday, I had the most horrible experience with Ellen, which shows you just how much control my mother has given Ellen over me. I had a doctor's appointment for a physical after school, but my mother found out that she had to be at my younger sister's school for a school play. My mother never misses any of our school functions, including mine, and since this was just a physical and not an appointment for being sick, my mother felt totally safe in sending me to the doctor with someone else. Who did she pick? My babysitter, of course, Ellen.

My other sister still attends the same school, so both girls would be with my mother. I was told to be home immediately after school, and Ellen arrived about 5 minutes later, letting herself into the house (my mother has given her a key). My mother had given Ellen money to arrange a taxi for us to and from the doctor. As soon as Ellen walked in the door, she hurried me up the stairs, telling me that a taxi was on the way and we had to get me bathed and cleaned up before the doctor's appointment. Moments later, I was in the tub being bathed by Ellen and then outside the tub being dried by her. I couldn't believe what happened next. She dressed me in a pair of my Cartoon pajamas and told me that I was wearing them to the doctor. My pleading with her to let me wear something else did not change anything.

You can imagine how we looked when the taxi came and we left the house. There was Ellen dressed in tennis shorts, a pullover tennis shirt, those peds with the rabbit tail on the back, and athletic shoes. There was me dressed in my flimsy Cartoon pajamas and flip flops. Ellen was carrying a big purse in one hand and holding me with the other.

Just before she closed the front door, she said "Oh, I almost forgot." She went back into the house, into the living room, took my paddle down from the wall and placed it in the bag, making sure I knew it was there. "Just remember, I have your paddle, so you better behave yourself today," she said.

I was so embarassed as we entered the doctor's office waiting room, Ellen holding on to my arm and leading me to the check in window, where she, not I, signed me in. The waiting room was full of people, including kids younger than me, and to my horror, two girls who were in my classes at school, who were both with their mothers. They were hysterical with laughter when they saw my babyish Cartoon pajamas, and started asking me embarrassing questions about who was my favorite Cartoon character and whether I liked wearing pajamas out of the house. One of the girls even looked closely and asked whether I was wearing underwear. I lied and said that I was, and Ellen said "Are you sure, you know it's not nice to lie. Maybe we should let Megan see whether you are wearing underpants."

To my horror, Ellen led me right to the front of Megan, turned me around, and pulled the back of my pajama pants out far enough to allow Megan to look in, and of course see nothing but a naked tushie. Megan started giggling and said "That's what I thought. What a cute tushie. Your're a bad boy to lie like that." She let go of my pajama pants before the other girl, Margaret, could see, but they both thought it was hysterical that I was standing there in front of all these adults and kids in my babyish pajamas with nothing underneath thin pajama pants.

Ellen then made the situation worse by saying "You're lucky I don't take your paddle out of my bag and spank your tushie right here in front of everyone."

Megan laughed again and said "You spank him with a paddle?"

"Sure," Ellen said, and took out the paddle to show the girls. If you remember, my mother had the paddle engraved with the inscription "For Steve's naughty (picture of a bear) tushie."

Both Megan and Margaret held the paddle and read the inscription loudly, accompanied by much laughter. Megan then said to me "You better be a good boy today, Steve, so your babysitter doesn't have to spank you with this paddle. I bet it really hurts. Do you cry when your babysitter spanks you?"

I didn't want to answer any more embarrassing questions, so I didn't say anything, but Ellen said "Don't be rude, answer the girl's question." I still didn't want to say anything, and didn't, until Ellen said "Okay, I guess the girls can get an answer another way."

She took me by the ear to where we were sitting, sat down, unsnapped my pajama pants and pulled them to my feet, telling me to step out of them and of course leaving my naked tushie and peenie on view to everyone in the waiting room. Ellen then pulled me over her lap like usual and gave me her usual terribly hard spanking in front of everyone in the waiting room.

After I was crying uncontrollably like a baby, she lifted me from her lap and led me to the corner of the waiting room, minus my pajama pants which I had kicked off during the spanking, and made me do my normal corner time with my hands behind my head and my sore red tushie in full view.

Halfway through corner time, my name was called, so Ellen took me, and without putting my pajama pants back on led me bottom half naked into the back, still crying softly, tears and snot running down my face, and horribly embarrassed.

The nurse stopped us at a scale just in the hallway and had me stand on the scale. She gave me some Kleenex to wipe my face, and then weighed me and checked my height in front of everyone walking past, with my tushie and peenie still exposed to everyone. She then led Ellen and me into an examining room and closed the door.

I remained pantless through the whole exam, which of course Ellen watched from about two feet away, including of course the hernia check. Finally, they determined that I needed a tetanus booster, which Ellen requested that I received in my tushie. That created a new wave of loud crying from me as I felt the terrible sting of the needle.

After my shot, I was finally allowed to put my pajama pants back on, and Ellen led me from the office, me still crying like a little boy with a red face, tears and snot falling again. As soon as the taxi delivered us back home, Ellen led me back into the house, right into the living room, once again took off my pajama pants and said "I told you to be good at the doctor."

Once again, she put me over her knee and gave me a second spanking, which on top of the first spanking and the shot in my tushie hurt like crazy, and I kicked and kicked and cried and cried.

Like I said, Ellen has turned out to be the meanest and strictest of all my Scott girl babysitters. What can I do? Like I said in my last letter, I'm not a little kid any more. I should be treated like a little man now, and Ellen is sure not doing it. What can I do? IT'S NOT FAIR!

Dear Steve, we're sorry to hear you had such a rough time at the doctor with your new babysitter. She really does sound strict! She probably feels the need to emphasize her authority, since she has to babysit a boy who is older than herself. The best way for her to do that is to be quite firm with you, and not to let you get away with anything, so that you know who is in charge and won't get out of hand.

Even though we know having such a strict babysitter is not easy for you, it's important that you know that being very strict is not the same as being mean. Probably when you grow up and become a father you'll understand that sometimes you have to be strict with boys. They need firm discipline, and it's for their own good that parents and other people in charge of them provide it.

Regarding the pajamas Ellen has bought for you, we understand your embarrassment. They do sound a bit infantile for a boy your age. At least people seem to think that you look cute in them, so they must not be completely awful. It's probably another way for Ellen to underline that she is the one in charge of you, but still it's kind of nice of her to spend her money on something for you. She wouldn't do that if she didn't care.

Anyway, you already know that the way to make people treat you like a big boy is to behave like one, but you unfortunately forgot that in the your visit to the doctor. Knowing how strict Ellen is, it was not a good idea to lie right in front of her, was it? Then you disobeyed her when she told you to answer, and that's a big no-no. You know better than that. When a babysitter gives you an order you have to obey it just as if it were an adult's order. Surely you are aware of that by now. And it doesn't matter that she is younger than you, because girls mature faster than boys.

Most girls do, anyway, because it was not very nice of your two classmates to tease you like that. Still, you need to have a sense of humor about it, instead of getting all upset. You know that if someone gets teased it's better to act as if you don't care, because if you get upset the people who are teasing you find it funnier and are less likely to stop. I know it's not easy, because you must have been embarrassed, but embarrassment is not an excuse for misbehavior. By misbehaving, you only managed to get punished, which was much more embarrassing in the end.

You want to be treated like a little man, and that will come with time, but before that you'll have to work on correcting mistakes like the ones you made at the doctor's. In the meantime, don't be in a hurry to grow up. Being a child has it inconveniences, but it's nice to be able to play without a care in the world, without having adult worries and responsibilities.

[[Young girls like Ellen often get a deep satisfaction from having power over a boy, especially over a boy their age or older. We have here a twelve year old girl who is treated almost like a peer by adults. She is given responsibilities and put in charge of a fifteen-year-old boy. She has absolute power over him. She can see him naked and touch his body whenever she wants, be it to give her a bath or for any other reason. She can scold him and treat him like a small child. She can give him orders and have them obeyed immediately. If she is at all displeased by his behavior she can bare his bottom and paddle him till he cries, before putting him in bare-bottomed corner time. Her domination of this teenage boy is complete. She can embarrass him in any way she likes. His body is not threatening. Sure, his penis probably has the normal size for a boy his age, but it looks kind of childish with no hair at all, as produced by Puericil. Puericil also makes him complying and submissive. He is stronger than her, but he doesn't even dream of physically challenging her, just like a small boy does not even dream of physically challenging an adult in charge of him.

All that gives a girl a strong sense of superiority over boys that can be quite pleasing for her. It's quite natural, really. We adults do not mind too much, because it is not really a bad thing. It gives girls a sense of empowerment, and teaches boys humility and keeps them in their place, so that they will not end up getting in trouble and becoming teenage delinquents.]]


Andy (10 years old)

Dear It's Not Fair,

Last Wednesday, daddy was not home, and mommy had to go shopping, so she took my little brother and me with her. We do not like shopping, but she took us anyway.

It was really boring, and she always goes to the same shops to look at the same dresses. My little brother Markie, who is 9, and me started to get bored and we were kind of acting up. Mommy scolded us and even smacked Markie's bottom, but we were only quiet for a while.

Then, in one big store, Markie and I started playing with one of the mannequins in a shop window, trying to see if we could make it move his arm. But it must have been faulty, because it fell apart, hitting another mannequin and bringing the whole pair down. There was a very big crash and everybody was looking at us!

Then mommy came and shouted at us. She said "naughty boys get their bare bottoms smacked!" None of the usual "wait till I get you home!". She had us step on the shop window and she took off our shorts and undies.

Then she sat down, took Markie over her knees and started spanking him hard. She was crying, and I was there with my pee-pee in the air for all to see. All the people in the store were watching, and a lot of people were watching from the outside too, because we were in the shop window.

I hid my pee-pee with my hands, but mommy said "None of that! Put your hands on your head!" So I had to, and everybody was seeing my pee-pee and my bottom.

Then mommy let Markie go and he was there crying and running around holding his bottom, and mommy pulled me over her knees too, and I got a spanking. It hurt so much! Mommy was really mad!

After my spanking I also jumped up and down holding my poor bottom, and Markie later told me that my pee-pee was waving around in the air. There were a lot of girls watching, too, because it was a store with girl clothes.

Then we wanted to put our shorts and undies on, but mommy said that naughty boys deserve to have their bare bottoms on display. So we had to go home bare-bottomed, and everybody on the street was pointing at our red bottoms and laughing.

When we got home mommy gave each of us ten more smacks and made us do corner time.

I know we were naughty, but couldn't mommy have waited till we got home? Everybody saw our pee-pees and bottoms, and saw us crying. Girls too! It's not fair!

Dear Andy, it's too bad that you got spanked in front of all those people. Of course, if you don't like being spanked in public it's safer not to misbehave in public, but we know that sometimes it's hard for boys to behave when they are bored. They often don't realize how close they are to getting a spanking until it's too late.

Anyway, you know getting spankings is part of growing up, so don't worry too much about it. It happens to all boys! We are sorry so many people saw you, but hopefully Markie and you will remember next time and avoid any more spankings like that.

Don't be too embarrassed. Everybody has seen little boys being spanked on their bare bottoms. It just happens, so it's not like you are the only ones they have ever seen. Even girls see little boy's pee-pees and bare bottoms from time to time, so it's not a big deal.

Cheer up and try to behave!

[[Less and less people are shy about spanking their boys in public, and it's not really that unusual anymore to see a boy (even boys older than Andy and Markie) getting a public bare-bottomed spanking. People are very supportive, and will often congratulate you for keeping your boys in line properly. None of my sons are strangers to public spankings, not even the teenagers. There's really nothing wrong with people seeing what happens to naughty boys!]]

(The End)