1t's Not Fair 8
By Cassie


Copyright 2010 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. Instead of repeating the whole explanation, I'll leave you with another selection of letters from the "It's Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, more boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls' modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

(Remember the magazine responses are in italics, and I'll add my own observations between square brackets).

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it. Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I'll be happy to write the magazine's response. Thanks again to Steven, who wrote the first letter in this issue.

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It's Not Fair 8

Steve (age 16)

Dear It's Not Fair,

I am writing to you as I don't really have anyone else to talk to about my problem, even though, if I am not mistaken, you are a girl. It seems that way with some of your advice that I have read. If I am right, it's kind of funny that they have a girl writing an advice column to boys in a boys' magazine, but grownups do things I don't understand sometimes.

I am the oldest of three siblings, and the only boy. My two sisters are 2 and 4 years younger than me. My dad's job keeps him on the road most of the time, so my mother absolutely rules the home. The problem is that my mother feels that boys need to be treated differently and much more strictly than girls, so she has always been much stricter with me than with my two sisters. Most importantly, mother has always felt that spanking is a boy punishment only, as girls are much more mature, even at younger ages, and can be punished in more gentle ways. Thus, as far as I can remember, since I was maybe 3 or 4 years old, my punishment for any bad behavior was a spanking.

At first, my mother just spanked me with her hand when I was little, then a small 12" ruler, but when I turned 10 years old, she bought one of those thick cedar "Board of Education" paddles. She asked a friend whose husband was a carpenter to drill holes in the paddle, and since then, and even today, I am spanked exclusively with that paddle. The paddle hangs on a hook in our family room, which happens to be where I always get spanked. My mother always spanks me on the family room sofa, over her knees, after she has pulled down my pants and underpants or pajama pants. My sisters almost always watch my spankings, although they are never spanked themselves, and if they have girl friends over, those friends get to watch as well.

My mother explains her reasons for spanking me this way in two ways. First, she says that a boy's bedroom should feel to him like a safe place, so it is not appropriate to punish a boy there. Secondly, she says that spanking is a childish punishment, and if a boy (me) needs a spanking, it is because I am acting out in a childish way, and children don't care who watch them being spanked. Well, I sure do mind, but mother won't ever change her mind. If I complain that I'm too big to be punished this way, she points out that I still look like a little boy and don't even have any hair over my peenie. Well, that's true, but only because she makes me take that Puericil medicine that most of my friends also seem to be taking.

A bigger part of my problem is the best friend of my 14 year old sister, a girl whose name is Eileen. Eileen seems to always be in my house, and our parents are good friends with hers, so she has always been around. I can't even count how many of my spankings Eileen has seen, and she loves to tease me about it. Eileen only has a younger sister, so there are no boys in her home. Everything she knows about boys' tushies, peenies, and spankings comes from her seeing me, and she never lets me forget it. She also loves to remind me constantly that I have never even seen her in her underwear. She knows how to push my buttons to get me spankings, as well. Let me tell you about two specific spankings she caused within the last year, to illustrate my point.

The first one happened on a summer Friday night when she was spending the night with my sister. I had already taken my bath and was lying on the bed in my bedroom in my summer evening wear of pajama shorts only. You know the type. Thin, with an elastic waist with a snap and open fly, and no underpants underneath, as my mother doesn't allow me to wear underpants under pajamas. She says my body needs to "breathe" in the evening. Well, I was minding my own business, when Eileen came into my bedroom (my bedroom door was open) to tease me about a spanking she had witnessed early in the week. She asked me whether my tushie was still sore and red. I wasn't in the mood, and told her loudly to get out. Well, she giggled, at least you're not crying any more, like you were then. That was all I needed to hear. I got up, turned her around, pushed her out the door (not hard) and closed my bedroom door hard. Well, Eileen went into her little act, falling on the floor and whining that I had pushed her hard out the door, causing her to fall. Well, the bedroom door opened a few moments later, and my angry mother came into the bedroom, grabbed me by the ear, and said she would show me how we deal with boys who "bully" younger girls. As she led me by Eileen, I wish you could have seen the self satisfied smirk and grin on her face as she looked at me.

My mother led me by the ear down the stairs to the family room, took the paddle from the hook, unsnapped my pajama pants and yanked them down, and put me over her knees in the familiar position. Well, I kicked, wiggled, and howled through a horrible spanking, watched of course by both of my sisters and Eileen. I kicked my pajama pants completely off during the spanking, and when mother finally allowed me up, I hopped around the room sobbing loudly and rubbing my tushie, trying futilely to soothe the flames left by the paddle and not even thinking about covering my peenie, as Eileen giggled happily. When my mother allowed me to leave the room, I ran up the stairs naked and crying. A few minutes later, my mother came into the room with Eileen and my two sisters and made me stand up and face Eileen (still naked, of course), look her right in the eyes and apologize for "bullying" her. Eileen had an even more self satisfied smirk on her face as I gave her a tearful apology. Eileen accepted my apology happily, and then my mother and the girls left, after dropping my pajama pants on my bed.

The second spanking happened on another evening when Eileen was spending the night. This time, I was actually in the bathtub, and Eileen came right in, to tease me again. I yelled at her loudly to get out of the bathroom, as I was taking a bath. She just put her hands on her hips like a scolding adult and said, smiling, "What, like I've never seen your peenie and tushie before?" Then, she giggled and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door wide open, so I had to get out of the tub to close the door, which she watched laughing.

After I finished my bath and put my summer pajama pants on, I went to my sister's bedroom, where I found my mother, my sisters, and Eileen. I complained loudly about Eileen coming into the bathroom while I was bathing. My mother asked Eileen if she had done so, and Eileen put on this fake hurt look and said to my mother, "Well, I just wanted to ask him a question." My mother told her "Well, don't do that again. You don't need to go in the bathroom while Steve is bathing." I was irate. I said "That's it, that's all you're going to say or do?" My mother gave me that warning look and said "You need to change that attitude right now, young man. I told Eileen not to do it again, but you know better than to show me attitude like that."

Now I know that my mother was giving me an opportunity to avoid a spanking, but I was worked up, and I answered "That's not fair. Girls get away with everything."

Well, that was all my mother needed to hear. My mother grabbed me by the ear again, led me out the door and down the stairs, followed by the girls of course, and once again, I howled through a terrible attitude spanking.

There it is. Both times, I was just minding my own business, Eileen started the whole series of events, and I ended up getting spanked. I even had an occasion once where I was in my pajama shorts, standing on the step stool in the kitchen and getting something from a high cabinet when I felt some hands unsnap my pajama pants and yank them down, leaving my naked tushie in full view of Eileen. She just giggled merrily and left the kitchen. I didn't even bother to tell my mother about it, because, somehow, I would have been the one who ended up getting punished. Can you imagine what would have happened to me if I had done something like that to Eileen?

Sorry this letter was so long, but I wanted you to know what causes me to ask the questions I am going to ask. My mother and other adults always tell me that girls are treated differently because they are more sensitive, caring, and mature. If this is true, why do they work so hard at getting us boys spankings? I know they don't get spanked, so they have no idea how much it hurts, but can't they see that the spankings really cause us pain? If they are so sensitive, do they want us to suffer this pain? Is that being sensitive? Don't they know that it is embarrassing for us when they see us naked, younger girls getting to see my peenie and tushie? Is that being caring? Pulling my pajama pants down in the kitchen when I am helpless on the ladder, leaving my naked tushie fully in view... is that being mature? I know we boys are supposed to be tougher and can take it, but I have only one thing to say: IT'S NOT FAIR!

Dear Steve, thanks for writing to us again. I'm not allowed to reveal any personal information when answering these letters, so I can't really comment on whether I'm a male or female. In any case, my answer represents the point of view of the magazine, and I discuss it with my fellow writers and editors. It's funny that you thought I'm a girl, but bear in mind that impressions like that can be wrong as often as they are right.

But, anyway, let's return to your problem. If you are describing it exactly as it is, you are right that Eileen's behavior towards you is not particularly mature or sensitive. You'll often be told that girls mature much faster than boys, and that's true. Like it or not, it's a biological fact that has been scientifically established. However, you have to understand that it is a general principle. It doesn't necessarily mean that every single girl is always an example of maturity and responsibility.

Unfortunately, that general rule means that most grown ups tend to regard girls as more trustworthy than boys, and that can create an occasional unfair situation. My advice is: Try to be responsible and obedient, and always tell the truth, even when it will get you in trouble. When you are punished, try to accept it with good spirits. Remember that your mom is in charge and has the final word, even if she sometimes can make a mistake, and that she only spanks you because she loves you and she feels it's the best for you. By acting this way, you'll show her you are trustworthy, and she'll tend to believe what you say. Take into account that this is not something you'll accomplish immediately, but it's a long process. In short, if you want other people to treat you as a young man, rather than as a little boy, you have to start by acting like a young man. I know it's not easy, but if you really try you'll eventually get there, even if it takes time.

Regarding Eileen, I know you must be frustrated, but keep in mind that very few people are truly bad, not even those who do bad things. Perhaps she treats you that way because she finds it funny to tease you, without realizing how much she is hurting you, just like little kids sometimes find it funny to tease their older siblings. Or perhaps she even has a crush on you and doesn't know how to deal with it better, just like a young schoolboy may pull the pigtails of a girl he finds attractive. It's impossible for me to say without knowing her, but hopefully she'll grow out of it very soon. In the meantime, don't be unkind to her, and try to avoid her when you can.

Cheer up, and remember that all boys go through the occasional bad time as they grow up. Concentrate instead on the good times, because there are a lot of great things about being a boy, and a lot of fun to be had.

[[This is an interesting letter because Steve, who has over the years sent several letters to the magazine, some of which you have seen published in previous issues of this series, makes a completely right guess about the writer of the magazine's responses. It is indeed a female writing the replies. I should know, because I'm the one who writes them, along with another column and an article in every issue of Boy Stuff. It's a nice part time job, which I can do from home while still having time to devote to my family. I also write a couple of other columns for local newspapers. I told the truth when I said I'm not allowed to reveal personal information in the magazine but, although I haven't told you before, there's no actual reason not to do so here.

Anyway, in spite of being a female, I think I'm qualified to write about boys' activities and boys' problems. I have sons myself, after all, and I also volunteer at the Scouts and at the local school. Of course, I can't write the It's Not Fair magazine responses in a completely free way. The magazine, while being sympathetic and supportive, has to uphold adult authority. That's the proper, educative idea to instil in boys, of course, and we also have to keep in mind that the ones who make the final decision about whether their sons can subscribe are the parents. It wouldn't do to give our young readers rebellious ideas. That would be bad both from an ethical point of view and from a business point of view.

Regarding Eileen, for example, I have little doubt that she is having the time of her young life, with the power she holds over an older teen boy. She gets to see Steve naked, and gets to see him paddled on his bare bottom. She also gets to tease him to her heart's content, and can get him in trouble if she wishes to. I do not approve of it, mind you, but I can certainly understand her reaction. Besides, it's actually rather harmless. I do not think it will cause any lasting damage to young Steve. There's a reason society treats boys more harshly than girls, after all. They can grow wild if they are not kept in place with strict discipline. I do not hesitate to spank my sons whenever it's needed, and you can be sure that it's always on their naked bottoms. I also don't think twice about exposing them in public. Boys really have no business being modest, and if you start by letting them keep their "private" parts private they may end up becoming too full of themselves and hiding worse things from you. Boys should be loved and cherished, yes, but not spoiled.

Boys themselves are happier that way, once they understand for sure that they are not in charge, not even of their own bodies, and that adult authority figures are the ones who make the decisions. That way, they can enjoy a happy and carefree childhood. And, by childhood, I mean till they are legally adults. I believe that older teenage boys are still children, and treat them accordingly. As I told Steve, there are a lot of good things about being a boy, and a lot of fun to be had, but one must not forget who is in charge.]]


Payton (10 years old)

Dear It's Not Fair,

My twin brother and I sometimes have to go spend the night at our Grandma's house, when mom and dad have to work the night shift. We get a little embarrassed when Granma gives us our bath, but mom says it's OK 'cause she's family and we are too young to be trusted to wash ourselves properly anyway. I don't think getting a bath is that difficult, but mom says we are a disaster for things like that, and dad agrees.

We are kind of used to that, but last night Grandma couldn't look after us, so we ended up spending the night at our friend Eli's house. Problem is, mom told Eli's mom that we needed someone to give us our bath, and she said that was fine, 'cause she always bathed Eli, and would take care of us too. It was kinda funny that Eli still got bathed by his mom like a little boy, but it wasn't so funny because he'd know we still get bathed too, and even worse, we would get bathed by his mom!

I kind of argued with mom, but she said that if I kept complaining she'd give me a bare bottom spanking, and she told Eli's mom to do the same to us if we gave her any problem, so I just shut up, 'cause mom spanks really hard.

So, we had a good time, but then it was time for our bath. Eli's mom said she'd bathe us three boys (me, my brother and Eli) together, 'cause they have a big tub and that way we'd save time. Then Eli's sister, who is 11, asked her if she could help. My bro and me sure didn't want her being there, but her mom said that she often helps her give her little brother a bath. We would have laughed at Eli, but since it would happen to us too we whined and said we didn't want her seeing us, but her mom told us that she is not going to stare at us, and that she'd only bathe her brother Eli, and besides we've got nothing different from Eli down there, so it doesn't matter.

So we had to go to the bathroom and get naked, with Eli's sister there. It's much worse than his mom seeing us, because she's a grownup, but his sister isn't even taller than us, and looks just like one of the girls in our class. I tried to cover at first, and so did my brother, but it was no use and we gave it up. We all had to stand up, raise our hands up and turn around under the shower hose. Eli's sister even washed my hair and rinsed us off, even though her mom had said she'd only help with Eli.

When we got out of the tub, Eli's sis slapped my bottom and said, "See? It was not so bad!"

But it was bad! I don't want girls I don't even know to see me naked!

And then it got worse. Eli's mom said that it was Friday, so it was time for us to take our Puericil, and that since we were already naked it was a good moment. I looked at Zach (my brother), but we didn't understand. Puericil is just a yucky medicine we have to take every week, but we didn't know what being naked had to do with anything.

So we all had to go to the living room, and we boys were bare naked still. Eli's dad was there, which would have been embarrassing, but since Eli's mom and sister were already seeing us naked all this time I guess his father seeing us too didn't seem so bad.

Eli's mom patted Eli's bottom and told him to go with his dad.

Eli went and got face down on his dad's knees, and then Eli's mom sat down and called Zach, and Eli's sister sat down too and told me to come there.

I thought we were going to get a spanking and started arguing, but I was told not to be silly, that we were not going to get a spanking, but we would if we made a fuss.

So I got over this girl's knees, and then she opened my bottom with her hand, and took something her mom passed her. I didn't know it yet, but it was a suppository! She pushed the suppository inside my hinnyhole and held me there with her hand on my bottom till it went well in.

Eli's mom pushed another suppository inside Zach's hinny, and Eli's dad gave Eli his.

Only then were we allowed to go get dressed.

Eli then told us that he has to take his Puericil that way every week, with a suppository up his hinny, and he has to go bare bottomed over his mom's, or his dad's or his sister's knees to get it, but most of the time it's his sister, 'cause she likes giving Eli his suppository and his parents like that she wants to help. Of course, since she is a girl, she doesn't have to get Puericil. She sees Eli naked all the time, and now she's seen us, but she never has to be naked in front of boys. It's not fair!

Dear Payton, Eli's mom did a nice thing looking after Zach and you when your parents and grandma could not, and when you are at someone's house you are guests, and you should adapt to their rules without complaining. There are a lot of boys, many of them older than you, who are still bathed by their parents. It's normal, and it's a matter of hygiene because quite often boys are not really careful about washing properly.

It looks like Eli's sister is used to helping with her brother's bath, so it's logical that she'd also help her mom when your brother and you were there. You shouldn't feel bad because she saw you naked, because it's natural to be naked for your bath. She's used to seeing her brother anyway, and won't have thought twice about it. Besides, even if she isn't taller than you, you have to remember that girls mature faster than boys, so to her you are probably like little kids, and it doesn't really matter if he sees you naked.

Now, regarding Puericil, it's a medicine that most boys take nowadays. There are several kinds. The one you usually take is administered orally (through your mouth). At Eli's home you took another kind, which is administered rectally (through your bottom), but works just the same. It could have been worse, because there are other kinds of Puericil that you have to take through a shot in your bottom! Anyway, you don't have to be embarrassed about that, because it's for medical reason, just like you don't have to be embarrassed when you have to get naked in front of the doctor.

Don't worry too much about it and just be a good boy!

[[Another example of how casually adults treat their boys' nakedness nowadays, and how little regard they have for their modesty. In the past, parents went to ridiculous lengths to protect boys' privacy, but since the Conservative Resurgence took hold there is little patience for such nonsense. The modern and deeply held belief is that boys are just boys, not men in miniature, and that they have no real need for modesty. In fact, whatever modesty they have is "false modesty", and should not be indulged. Boys are bared whenever it is convenient, and in front of whoever happens to be there. In fact, I'd say that mothers sometime get out of their way to get their sons naked in front of other people, particularly girls. I know I do, because the occasional exposure teaches them some very necessary humility and submissiveness. My seventeen-year-old, for example, has a lot of false modesty, and the other day, when I bought a couple of swimming suits for him, I made him try them on right there in the middle of the department store. Why occupy a dressing room for something as silly as a naked boy? There were girls there too and you can bet he was blushing, but it did him a lot of good. He is at an age where he thinks he is almost an adult, and things like that remind him that he isn't an adult at all. I don't care whether he is seventeen or five. He is only a child, and is treated accordingly.

Regarding Puericil, there are indeed several kinds, with different routes of administration. The original one is administered orally, and has a characteristic bitter taste. There are several other varieties now, some of them with better tastes, and others administered in different ways. Like Eli's parents, I favour the rectal one. I like the weekly ritual of having my sons bare their bottoms and go over my knee so that I can insert their Puericil suppositories. It's an intimate and bonding moment, and I find it rather soothing.]]

(The End)