It's Not Fair 5
By Cassie

Copyright 2010 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. Instead of repeating the whole explanation, I'll leave you with another selection of letters from the "It's Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, more boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls' modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

(Remember the magazine responses are in italics, and I'll add my own observations between square brackets).

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it. Please, feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to. Thanks to Steven, for writing the first letter in this issue.

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It's Not Fair 5

Steven (14 years old)

I have always loved swimming and, to be honest, I have always been very good at it. Since I was 8 years old, I have been involved in a swimming program at the YMCA. I learned to swim there, and continued until now in a competitive swimming program. There are 12 boys on my swim team, and I am one of the 2 oldest boys on the team. Next year, when I get to high school, I hope and expect to swim on the school swim team.

Our coach for the past 4 years has been Coach Harris, a physical education graduate of our local university. The interesting thing is that she is a girl in her 20s, but she is a great coach who has improved all of our times in our strokes.

Up to now, we have always practiced in our own swim suits, and for meets we wear blue swim suits trimmed in gold with the YMCA logo. Since none of us can drive to get to our practices, our practices are usually watched by our mothers and siblings, as well as any friends our siblings brought along. There are bleachers that run along the pool, and that is where the people watching our practices sit. Of course, the people watching our practices were both brothers and sisters, and friends of each, which was never a problem until about 2 months ago.

Coach Harris told us at the end of a practice about 2 months ago that the Board of Directors had ordered a change in YMCA policy, and the YMCA was going to return to the policies of the 1950s. We didn't know what that meant, but she said she would explain it to us at the beginning of our next practice. I asked my mom what it meant, but she just said that Coach Harris would explain it all. I also noticed that my 2 younger sisters had a grin and self satisfied smirk on their faces, but when I asked them what it was about, they just said "Oh, nothing."

At our next practice, as we were in the locker room taking our pre-practice showers, Coach Harris came into the locker room, something she usually does not do. It's not that she had never seen us naked before, but it wasn't the usual thing. She explained to us that we did not need to put on our swim suits today, as we were returning to YMCA policies of the 1950s. She said that boys used to swim in the nude at the Y then, and that was how we were going to practice from now on.

Of course, Coach Harris herself was dressed in shorts and a YMCA T-shirt over a one piece bathing suit and sneakers, but she blew her whistle and we found ourselves marching out to the pool without bathing suits, underwear, or anything. We were all completely naked, and since then, that is how we have practiced.

Okay, you would think that since we were now practicing naked, that the Y would change its visitor and spectator policy. Right? WRONG! The Y has changed nothing about its visitor policy. That's right. Since then, my sisters, the sisters of my teammates, neighborhood girls, girls from my classes at school, older girls, younger girls, and girls my age all get to see my bare tushie and my peenie whenever we practice.

I am now bothered about something else as well. Before my mom started me taking this Puericil medicine, I was starting to get hair over my peenie, but the Puericil caused all the hair to fall out, so I am now just as bare as a newborn baby, just like I used to be. And now, all these girls know it. It's so embarrassing. The girls are even allowed to come into our locker room after our practices are finished, while we take our post swim showers. They stand right at the entry to the showers and watch. After all, we are told, what are they going to see that they didn't see while we were swimming? I'll tell you what. Knowing that these girls are watching us causes many of us, including me, to get a stiffie in the shower, and while we face the back of the shower while we are showering, so the girls will only see our tushies, we have to face the girls as we leave the shower, and we can't cover our peenies, as Coach Harris says it is not right for us to be "touching ourselves." We just have to walk past the grinning and giggling girls.

If this isn't bad enough, at the same time my mother started me on Puericil, she also brought back the paddle she used to spank me when I was younger. A couple of times, I have been spanked just before I went to practice, and, of course, there is no way to hide my red tushie during the practice, so I have to listen to comments about it during the practice and the shower afterward, like "Bad boy," "Stevie got spanks on his tushie," "Look how red it is," "Did it hurt?", and "Did you cry?"

Girls don't get treated like this. They don't get spanked and we sure don't get to see them naked. IT'S NOT FAIR!

Dear Steven, in this month's issue of Boy Stuff you can find an article about YMCAs. The article does mention that the National Council of YMCAs (the people who make decisions about how YMCAs should work) has recommended local YMCAs to make rules like the one you mention. There are reasons for that: sometimes the filtration system gets clogged up by lint from the swimming suits, and dirt and soap may be released into the pool from the fibers of swim wear. Besides, the Council believes that it's more natural and healthy for boys to swim unclothed, and it is a return to tradition, because it's true that boys used to swim naked at the YMCA many years ago.

You obviously enjoy swimming and are good at it, so it would be a pity to let this spoil your enjoyment. We would like to encourage you to look on the bright side of it. In some ways, it may be a nice change. Some boys think that swimming without suits is more comfortable, and they feel freer in the water that way. The downside, of course, is that you have to be naked in front of people. The adults have probably seen many naked boys before, and they are not likely to think twice about it. Sisters and other girls, it seems, may sometimes be less mature about this, and use it as an excuse to tease you. Do not let that bother you too much. It's a pity they are allowed to be there, but the decision is not yours to make, so it's better to deal with it with a positive spirit. Try not to let them know it bothers you, because teasing is not fun if the teased party doesn't seem to care. Remember that many other boys are in the same situation and, as they say, two in distress makes sorrow less.

The same could be said about Puericil. It would be fastidious if you were the only one who has to take it, but you know that's not the case. Most parents nowadays make their sons take it, as you can probably notice when you see your classmates in the locker room or other boys in the YMCA. It's not something that can be hidden when you are a teen because, as you mention, it keeps you from having hair down there. If your mother started you on it, and if she paddles your tushie when you act up, it's only because she loves you and wants the best for you. She wants you to grow up to be a good man, and that's nothing to feel ashamed about.

Try to behave for your mom, though, because that paddle sounds painful!

[[The National Council of YMCAs has indeed issued a statement recommending local YMCAs to require underage males to swim naked. Doing the same with girls, of course, would be unthinkable. This double standard seems to be instinctive, and it's certainly very widespread. Girls are perceived as needing and deserving modesty, while boyish modesty is disregarded and ignored. Many adults feel very strongly about it, and consider signs of corporal modesty in boys as an early sign of rebellion that needs to be eradicated. They believe that boys should be taught their place, and that they must be under the complete control of adult authority figures. A teenage boy, after all, can hardly have that prideful attitude, that arrogant self-confidence necessary for rebellion when he is regularly made to be naked in front of clothed strangers, including girls and female adults. Enforced nudity at places like the YMCA becomes then a form of control, and I have no doubt that society approves of it so strongly for that reason, no matter what other reasons are cited.

Puericil makes that control easy. It doesn't affect cognitive processes, but it does have a deep emotional effect. It makes boys much more submissive and docile. They become emotionally insecure, dependent, in need of adult approval. It doesn't actually decrease misbehavior, but that misbehavior becomes more childish in nature: naughtiness, rather than rebelliousness. It also eliminates pubic hair, which constitutes another method of control. It's a question of self image: pubic hair makes teenage boys think they are almost adults, while the lack of it makes them see themselves as children.]]


Chris (10 years old)

My mom and my teacher have a conference every three months. I hate it when that happens, because it always means I get in trouble. I'm not really bad or anything, it's just that classes are really boring, and I can't keep still for so long, and Mrs. Harrold always has to scold me. So that's what she tells mom, and then when I get home I get a spanking.

Last month it was time for the conference again, and I had to wait in the classroom after the lesson was over, till my mom came. They talked about me a lot, and it was really boring, so I did not listen to most of it.

But then my teacher took out a paddle and said that she was going to paddle my bottom with it. I couldn't believe it, because boys don't get paddled at my school, but my mom said that the rules had changed, and that teachers could paddle naughty boys now.

Mrs. Harrold told me to take down my shorts, because she was going to paddle me on my undies. I didn't want to, because I don't like my teacher seeing me with my shorts down, but I had to take them down anyway, and then I had to lie face down on my teacher's chair. She went behind me and paddled me, and it hurt real extra much, and I cried.

Then I stood up and went to my mom, and she hugged me. But after that, instead of letting me put my shorts on, mom pulled down my briefs and made me go over the chair again. Mrs. Harrold could see everything! Mom told her that I was used to bare bottom spankings, and that she didn't want me spanked any other way. Mrs. Harrold said something but mom said that she'd give her written permission or something. Then Mrs. Harrold paddled me again, and I howled a lot because it hurt a lot worse on my bare bottom.

Then they both hugged me and told me to be a good boy and pay attention in class, because I would get spanked a lot if I didn't. That night at home mom spanked me again, because the rule is that when I get in trouble at school I get spanked at home, and mom said that it doesn't matter if I already got spanked for it at school.

Since then, every time Mrs. Harrold scolds me I have to wait after class so that she can paddle me. She always takes down my shorts and briefs, and paddles me on the bare bottom. Instead of making me go over the chair like the first time, she makes me go over her knees, because she says that's how she spanks her own sons. I hate it, because the paddle hurts worse than my mom's hand. I have to take a note home, too, and bring it signed, and that means another spanking at home.

The worst is that everybody knows when someone is getting paddled, and some girls forget a notebook or something in the classroom and come back when I'm getting paddled. Mrs. Harrold lets them come in, even if I'm crying and they can see my bare bottom, and she keeps paddling me while they are there. Then she finishes, and the girls are still there, because they spend a lot of time looking for the thing they forgot, but they are really watching my paddling. And they get to see everything, because I'm crying so hard that I can't help it, I grab my bottom and jump up and down in front of them. Later they tease me, telling me that they saw everything of me and that I sure was crying like a baby. Like they wouldn't cry if they got paddled like that! I told mom about the girls, but she just laughed and said that it didn't matter.

I'm sure that the girls do it on purpose because they want to see boys get paddled, and they know they'll never get paddled, because girls at my school only have to write lines when they get in trouble. It's not fair!

Dear Chris, we know that for an active boy it's not easy being still and quiet in class. However, school is important, because you have to learn and study, to get a good job and earn money when you grow up. That's why your mom and your teacher punish you when you don't pay attention.

It's too bad that you have to get the paddle at school and the girls don't. It's probably because boys are tougher and can take it, while girls are more delicate. It's perfectly normal to cry and you shouldn't be embarrassed when you do, because spankings hurt a lot (they are meant to!). But they are over quickly and then you can go, instead of having to write lots of boring lines.

Try to learn your lesson and pay attention in class so that you don't have to get paddled so much. Don't mind the girls and their teasing. We bet they'd never be able to take a paddling like that!

[[Corporal punishment in school had almost disappeared, but now it's back with a vengeance. Very few parents are against it, and they do not speak up, because society would regard them as bad parents. Good parenting is identified with discipline, and discipline is identified with corporal punishment.

There's usually a double standard, because girls are seldom treated the same way as boys. In some schools they are spanked, but their privacy is usually better protected.

What happened to Chris is not that uncommon, by the way. Many parents give teachers or principals permission to discipline their sons beyond what school regulations allow. It is perfectly legal, just like it would be legal for a babysitter to spank a child with parental permission.]]


Shawn (14 years old)

Every summer I spend a month with my aunt and uncle, who have a house in Colorado, on the Western side of the Rocky Mountains. I really like it there, because I like the mountains, and they take me trekking and it's really cool.

The problem is that my aunt still thinks I'm a little boy. When it's time for me to wash myself she comes in the bathroom with me and she insists on preparing my bath. I always try to convince her to let me take a bath on my own or, even better, a shower, but she just scolds me for not having undressed, and then she takes my clothes off herself. It's really embarrassing, because I'm way too old for that, but no matter how much I try to explain that mom doesn't bathe me anymore, she just scoffs and says that in her house 14-year-old boys are not allowed to wash themselves. She says I'm really dirty after trekking, and that "dirt and boys stick together", so she's going to make sure I get really clean.

And she does! She gets me in the tub and washes me everywhere, rubbing every part of my body as if she wanted to polish my skin. The worst part is when she washes my peenie and my testies. It's very embarrassing when she holds and rubs them, because I don't have any hair down there (I have to take Puericil), and because sometimes I get a stiffie. Thankfully she never says anything about that and stops rubbing when it happens! She also spends a lot of time soaping my hinny, and she even puts her finger inside my hinnyhole to make sure I get clean everywhere.

Even worse than that is when my aunt and uncle go to a dance at the town on Friday nights. They say that I still need a babysitter, and it doesn't matter how much I argue and explain that I'm a teenager and I'm old enough to take care of myself. My aunt just says that she'd be too nervous if they left me alone. So a neighbor lady who is a friend of my aunt comes to stay with me, and before sending me to bed she also gives me my bath. If you think that having my aunt bathe me at 14 is bad, you can't start to imagine how much worse it is to have this lady I don't really know that well see me naked and touch every part of me, and I mean every part! Even my boy thingies and my hinny! And she spends as much time there as my aunt does. It's really bad!

But at least she is a grownup, like my aunt. Mom always says that it doesn't matter if grownups see me naked, because they don't care about seeing naked boys, so it's all right and I shouldn't be embarrassed. But last week the worst of the worst happened, because my aunt's friend couldn't come and she sent her daughter instead to be my babysitter. I almost died when I saw her, because she was a girl my age! I took my aunt aside and told her that no way, that I couldn't have a girl my age as a babysitter. She told me not to be silly, that girls were much more mature than us boys, that of course a girl my age could be my babysitter, and that Becky was very responsible and reliable.

So that was it. My aunt even told her to give me my bath, and my uncle told me in front of her to do everything she said, or I would get a spanking as soon as they returned. Talk about embarrassing!

I thought that once my aunt and uncle left I'd be able to deal with that girl and make it clear that I didn't want or need a babysitter, but boy, was I wrong! Becky was pretty, but she was really bossy, and she was always giving orders and calling me little boy, even though she was shorter than me. She shouted at me when I didn't want to do as she said, and told me that if I didn't obey she'd make sure I got my hinny spanked till I couldn't sit for a week! She was like a sergeant or something, and she sounded like a grownup when she scolded! She also looked at my eyes really intently, until I had to look down and do what she wanted. In the end I had to do everything she said, because I did not want her to tell my aunt and uncle so that they'd be mad and give me a spanking. I was already afraid she'd tell them I had been difficult, because I knew that would be enough for me to get spanked silly.

Becky spent all the evening ordering me around, and then she made me go to the bathroom and prepared a bath for me. She shouted at me every time I tried to argue and I was too scared now to disobey, because I knew my aunt and uncle would be back soon and she looked really pissed when I tried to reason with her.

She made me undress, and when she saw my peenie she took it in her hand and inspected it, and then she looked at my eyes, smiled and said: "See? You are just a little boy!" My face was so red that it was burning, and then she swatted my hinny and told me to get in the tub. By then I simply did not have the strength to resist her orders.

She suddenly seemed to be very happy, humming to herself as she bathed me, and I just wanted to die, or at least for it all to end, but there was nothing I could do, but let her handle me.

Becky spent longer washing me than her mother or my aunt ever did. When she soaped my peenie she even pulled back the skin at the tip to wash under it, like her mother does. She rubbed it so much that I got a stiffie, but she kept on until I got rigid and some white stuff came out. Then she called me "naughty boy", and swatted my hinny hard with her hand. I was so confused and mortified that I had tears in my eyes.

Finally she was done with my bath, and she dried me and dressed me in my pyjamas.

At least, when my aunt and uncle came back, Becky told them I had behaved for her like an angel. I had been afraid she'd say I had been bad and make me get a spanking.

I have explained all this so that you can understand how shaming this is for me. Why can't grownups understand that I'm old enough to wash myself? And why can't I have some privacy? I'm a teen, not a little child! And I know girls are more mature than boys, but is it right that a girl is allowed to see me naked and bathe me as if I were an tot? It's not fair!

Dear Shawn, it seems that your mother allows you a lot more independence than your aunt. Ultimately, it's your aunt and uncle's house and they make the rules, but maybe you could get your mother to talk your aunt into giving you more responsibility. At least, it's worth trying.

In the meantime, having a girl your own age as a babysitter can be really embarrassing, especially when she is allowed to bathe you. You are not the only boy in that situation, though. In this column, we have received many letters from boys who get girls close to their age or even younger as babysitters. We know it's a difficult situation for you, but if it happens again we would advise you to think of your babysitter as an adult, rather than as a girl. That should make it easier for you. After all, Becky wouldn't have been entrusted with this responsibility if she weren't trustworthy and mature enough for it. Still, she clearly lacks experience, because otherwise she wouldn't have kept rubbing when your peenie got stiff. That inexperience also explains why she shouted at you so much. She probably felt a bit insecure and feared you would not accept her authority as your babysitter and she wouldn't be able to do her job. The fact that she didn't get you in trouble shows that she is not really unkind. Hopefully she'll learn from her mistakes and avoid making them again.

Try not to let this embarrassing incident affect you too much, and enjoy your holidays!

[[Contrary to what the magazine editor says, I think it's clear that young Becky made this teen boy under her care ejaculate on purpose. More mature or not, it's clear that having such power over a boy her age can be quite intoxicating for an adolescent girl. Once she had asserted her authority over him and was manipulating his male organs, she could not resist the thrill and temptation of making him cum.

It is worth noting that Puericil makes boys submissive and easily subdued, so it's not surprising that Becky, having been placed in a position of authority, was able to dominate Shawn with relative ease. Still, that young lady seems to have a strong character.

The belief that girls are much more mature than boys is strong and commonplace. Most families treat their sons differently than their daughters, giving boys less freedom and controlling them very firmly indeed. To understand the reason, one has to consider that the times of rioting and juvenile delinquency that preceded the Conservative Resurgence are still branded upon society's collective imaginary. Boys are believed to be potentially unruly if they are not disciplined and kept under strict control. Therefore, most families nowadays keep their sons, especially teenaged ones, on a Puericil treatment. It's necessary to point out that it's not only the troublemakers the ones who are made to take Puericil. On the contrary, the practice has become widespread, and most people believe that it's irresponsible not to make a boy take this medicine.

As the magazine's response states, it's not that uncommon to hire a female babysitter as young or even younger than the babysat boy. Many people simply believe that these girls are mature enough to do the job, and a few even consider that it's good for a boy to have a younger girl babysit him, as it puts him in his place and makes him easier to control. Allowing the young babysitter to bathe her charge is also a way to reinforce that effect. The boy's modesty and his unavoidable embarrassment is simply regarded as unimportant. As far as adults are concerned, boys do not need to be modest, and modesty may in fact be a sign of rebellion against parental and societal control, so it should be viewed with wariness. Of course, most people don't make such an elaborate analysis on a conscious level, but the attitudes are deeply ingrained.

Puericil actually increases boys' feelings of modesty about their bodies, because it makes them less self-assured and more insecure about themselves, and therefore shier. As one may imagine, that conflicts with how little regard society has for their modesty, and makes everything much more difficult for them.

Another thing I wanted to comment is that boys, particularly teen boys, are now more childish and juvenile than they used to be just a couple of decades ago. They have an extremely sheltered upbringing, with no access to the internet or the media, except to heavily controlled areas of it. They are closely supervised, treated like little children, and given almost no sexual information. They are taught only childish terms for their sexual organs, and sternly disciplined when they use profanity or any vulgar expression. On the bright side, they are allowed to play and be children, without the pressure of having to grow up too quickly. When looking at boys in previous decades, who were almost miniature adults, one might argue that the strict discipline and the occasional embarrassment are worth it.]]

(The End)