It's Not Fair 40

By Cassie

Copyright 2018, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The magazine response is signed as INF, but it's actually written by Dr. Cassandra Miller, a feminist psychologist specializing in the upbringing of boys. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (the letter has been written by Leo ( mail not given at the author's request ). The response is by Cassie)


Leo (Age 15)   

Dear It’s Not Fair.

My name is Leo from Asia. My story started when my family faced financial problems. I am from a small town in Asia with middle class socio economic background. My father is a office clerk and mother is a housewife, and I am their only child.

We lived in a 3BHK apartment which was enough for us having my own bedroom and attached bathroom. Like normal town boys of my country, I stopped getting naked in front of my parents from 11-12. Before that my mother was in charge of my dressing, she used to inspect and supervise my bath and used to dress me after bath. I had no problem getting naked in front of my parents. After 12, my mother gave me privacy and I stopped being naked in front of them. I think western boys are given very early privacy in comparison to Asian countries as they can afford it financially. Also in my country, city boys are given early privacy as western boys. But for me, being a small town boy, privacy given at the age of 12. Given privacy meaning, mother stopped bathing me naked and dressing me. But rules are different for country village boys. In rural places boys nudity is considered not a big deal up to 16. This culture came as they are mostly poor families and can not afford to cloth kids. For clothing boys up to 15...16 is a luxury for them. So they are kept naked both indoor and outdoor most of the time. I saw bunch of boys playing, swimming in villages totally naked while visiting my grandparents’ home in a rural village. And also while travelling around the country in bus and train, I saw village boys naked outdoor activity. It is a common practice for village boys throughout the country. I can not imagine doing that. I was naked in front of my parents but always indoor. Never outdoor, never in front of strangers.

When I was 14, My father diagnosed with kidney problem. He was a patient of Diabetes for 20 years, so due to long complication his kidney affected. Doctor told us that my father needed both medicine and dialysis support. Dialysis cost was very high in my country and facilities not available in small towns. I was vey hard for us to maintain high medical bills. Almost 70% of my father’s income per month needed for dialysis. My parents decided to move to a big city, rent a very small apartment and carry on with father’s treatment. So my father got transfer on medical grounds. We sold our small town house and moved to the big city. But city life was very costly. My mother started working as a waitress in a restaurant. But in the city they can not afford my education and other expanses. And also our rented city apartment was very small for 3 people to live. So my mother decided me to live with her parents, my maternal grandparents, and me to do schooling from there. As they live in a rural country side., at first I did not want to go to a rural village to live. But I had no other option. My mother took me to her parents’ house. It was 12 hours train ride from the city. Place was pretty rural with huge water problem and electricity crisis. 8-9 hours power cut is a regular thing and water problem during hot summer days.

My grandfather is a retired govt employee living with his wife, my grandmother, and their unmarried younger daughter- “my aunt and my mother’s younger sister”. It’s been 7 years after me visiting their house again. Each year 3 to 4 times they used to come to our house for a stay so we did not bother visiting them. My grandpa already enlisted my name in the local school and they arranged everything for my need. They gave me a bedroom but no attached bathroom. In fact in the whole house there is only one bathroom. Having only one bathroom is very common in rural places.

Now my problem started. They are different culturally as they are living in a rural place. It was very hot summer days and they were facing water problem.

Mother came to me during my shower time and told me,” look son, its not your own house. Now you are in a village and they do things differently. And you have to obey that”

I got scared with mothers voice. She was very frustrated with our recent family problem.

Mother,” from now are going to do whatever your grandparents and aunt order you to will listen to all of it understood “

I nod my head,” yes”.

Mother, ”’s a rural place, they do not have much facilities like city people. Its hot summer days and they are facing water problem. so no running water in the bathroom. So you can not bath in the have to go to the river”

My grandparents house is just beside the river facing backside. From the backside of the house it’s a 3 minutes walking desistance- the river.

Mother added, “ we can not afford to have your clothes wet as its very hard to do laundry work with little water. So you go NAKED”

My jaw dropped hearing mother’s words.

I protested, “ na...Ma. I can not go outdoor naked...I never done that...besides I stopped getting naked in front of everybody 2 yrs. ago. I am 14 now.”

Mother got angry,” it’s a village not a city or town. In villages its normal for boys of your age to be naked not only indoor but outdoor also. Now you are living in a village...which makes you a village boy now on. you do what they do. Now take those cloths off. .i do not have all day”.

Looking at my angry mother I could not say no. Mother took me by my hand and led me to the open backyard of the house. I stripped all my clothes one by one in front of her. I took off all my clothes including my underwear in front of her and handed back all clothes to her. Last time I did the same was 2 years ago.

Mother, “ now son...go straight to the river, bath and came back home.”

Me,” ma, people are going to see me totally naked. ”

Mother,” did not I tell you nobody cares ...specially now your status has been changed. We are poor now. You do what poor village kids do. You cannot do luxury of having pants. Now go ”

Mother went back inside the house and closed the backdoor leaving me outside as the day I was born. Being no other option I ran quickly towards the river. It was only 3 minutes walking distance through the village field. As I reached the river I saw village women doing their daily chores. some women doing dishes, some of them washing clothes in the river. There were at least 15 to 20 women present. I Was so shy being naked in front of all village women. But they did not care a bit. It was very common in village rivers. As I looked around I saw lots of boys around my age playing cricket, football totally naked and some boys bathing and swimming naked in the river. Seeing other boys of my age naked I got relaxed and swim and bathed in the river. In villages everybody knows everybody. seeing my new face some of the village women came close to me asked questions like “ who am I ?”, “where do I live “. I pointed my grand parents house and told them everything about myself and also that I was going to live here now on. I was totally naked in front of all grown up women in open field beside river. I was so shy internally but hide my shyness and acted brave to blend in. otherwise they were going to laugh and give more attention as it’s not very normal for city/town boys to be naked outside at that age. After facing some questions I came back to my house. I saw my grandmother, aunt and mother standing in the backyard chatting while waiting for me to come back. As I saw my aunt and grandmother I felt shy and covered my shame with hands. But my mother stopped me by saying “ do not be shy in front of your aunt and grandmother. They will be your guardian when I am gone. You have to listen to them. So no cover up..”

So, red faced, I kept my hands at my side. I was totally naked in front of them. For them, being from village, it’s very normal. So mother gave me clothes and I wore them in front of them.

After 3 days, mother went back to the city and my new school started. After my mother left my aunt gave their house maid the duty to look after me. She was a young lady of 28. During bath time, she called me in the open back yard.

Maid,” give me your clothes to wash and go to the river for a bath.”

I was so shy being ordered by a young house maid to strip.

Maid looked at me and smiled. she knew I was from a town, not accustomed of being naked outdoor.

Maid,” look boy’s a village. So no need to shy...and you are just a small boy”

While saying this she came close to me and took my all clothes off and stripped me totally naked. I was so humiliated being stripped like a baby. I ran towards the river to get my bath. Like previous days village women, working men and boys and girls saw me. Most of the boys around my age were naked but girls were always clothed. As I became common face for all of them, village women asked me if I wanted to be friends with their sons. I said yes. So they introduced me with them. I made few friends that day. I did not tell them or let them know that I was very shy being naked and not at all accustomed of. After finishing my bath I came back to the house. My aunt gave me new fresh clothes to wear.

After few days my friendship grows with local village boys. One day 2 boys came to our backdoor knocking. my aunt opened the door, both of them standing totally naked with a football in ones hand. They asked my aunt to give me permission to play football with them. My aunt asked me if I wanted to go. I said yes. My aunt said ok go. While I was going out aunt stopped me in the backyard saying “ can not you see both of them were naked. Why are you not? Took off all of them and go.”

I was so shy hearing that. ” why I have to naked?....i am not going for a bath”

Aunt,” your clothes will get dirty. We do not have enough water and time to do extra go naked and get dirty. No problem. And remember came back after bathing in the river”

I was abashed with shame. “ but. .its 3 hours before my bath come I be naked for that long?”

Aunt,” all village boys play and run around naked all time ...nobody cares...look at your friends...came totally naked. Now go naked if you want to play with them or stay at home”

I can not resisted the urge to play football, so I stripped all my clothes off and went to a village open field to play. Lots of women, girls saw us but no one bothered as it was a daily routine for them. I played with them for a long time, after that I bathed in the river and came back.

So it became a routine. We boys became good friends and I adopted the ways of living like a village boy. I used to go out naked playing with them, bathing with them and roaming around the village. But always had shyness in my mind.

2 months after the rainy season began and river was wild and full of high speed current. my grandparents stopped me from going to the river alone. They gave the duty to the house maid to accompany me. So our young house maid went to the river with me. She stripped my all clothes off in front of all village women. All village women were doing their chores likewise. I was not able to stop her, scared of being caught by other women of me being shy. She casually stripped me totally in front of all of them in open river side and started to bath me like a baby. I was so shy being treated like a baby. She rubbed soap all over my body and after that washed it. She advised me not to go deep in the water. I was very humiliated that day. After finishing me bathing she kept me standing by her side naked while she was washing my dirty clothes. After that we walked back home, me off course naked. While returning she met with her friend, her friend is also a house maid and they started chatting for 10 minutes while me standing by their side like a fool. It was very embarrassing but totally natural for them.  Within few days rainfalls became more heavy. Which led us to complete stoppage of going to the river. My aunt told me that “you can bath in the backyard as we do not have water problem now”. I asked her if I could bath in the bathroom like everyone. She told me that I was just a child and its natural for boys to be bath outdoor.

It resulted in me bathing in the backyard. So during bath time I used to go to the backyard, strip all my clothes off and hand it to over the maid and bath. sometimes maid help in oil bath like putting oil all over my body before bath.

Now the story is from present days. It’s been 1 yr. I am staying in their place. I am now 15. Still I was not given privacy, they told me that village boys were given privacy when they are 18. Below 18 boys are all children, while girls were given privacy from age of 10-11. Very early before boys.

Recently one of my friends mother invited me for a sleepover at her house to stay at night with my friend. Its my 1st time being invited to a new village friends house. I went to their house at evening. I saw they live in a very poorly conditioned wooden house. Well, most of villagers are very poor and its not uncommon. I spent the time with my friend playing and chatting. At night her mother came to told us its time to sleep. As she said my friend stood up and stripped all his clothes off and gave it to her. Her mother looked at me and told me “ you too boy....i am going to put all dirty clothes in the washing basket to be washed for the next day. “

I was red faced hearing that. I told her that “ but my clothes are fresh...I do not need to be changed “

Her mother thought I was lying and said,” yes yes....just take them off so I can wash “.

Now I was in a fix. I can not protest her. If I did they would think I was shy which was more embarrassing for me. So took all my clothes off and gave it to her and she went out leaving two us totally naked and nothing to wear while sleeping.

As I asked my friend about it I got to know that he had only 2 pairs of dresses. One was for go out in public like school, local village market etc. and other is for regular use in home. As he had only one set of dress for home...each night his mother took that off to soak it in the water and next morning to wash it. After that clothes needed to dry leaving it only 5-6 hours’ time to wear it again. Also daily washing of clothes meaning more money. So her mother kept him naked so do less laundry. He said that all poor village boys had only one set of cloth to wear at home, so during washing time they had to be naked all the time. Clothes were luxury to them which they cannot afford. Only when they reach 18 ...they get 2 pairs of clothes. Most of the boys spend 90% of time totally naked, only clothed when going to school or other public places.

I got so ashamed to hear that. Now my condition was like them. My only piece of dress was taken away for washing. I had to spend whole night naked. I slept naked on the floor of the house with my friend. Next morning my friend mother wake us up. Still naked we had to all the daily works. His sisters, neighboring girls and women all saw us naked. And we saw most of the boys naked at home. They can not afford to clothe a male child and it became normal for them. No one cared a bit. I was never been naked all the time almost a day totally naked. It was so uncomfortable to be naked 24hrs of being naked. I spent 2 days with them and hardly 6 hours I had my pants on As it took quite a few hours of our clothes to get dry due to rainy season.

During this time a big accident happened. Me and my 4..5 friends went to the river to swim, of course without a piece of cloth. 2 of my friends told me to go opposite side of the river to show me a great spot to hang around. I was pretty new so I wanted to see. So we swim to the opposite side, walked almost 20 minutes through a forest. At that time I was scared knowing we were so far from our home. I told them to get back. but they told me its only 10 minutes more. So we walked. As we reached the spot I saw a beautiful waterfall. It’s beautiful and surrounding nature of forest is gorgeous. but as I approached to the place my heart started beating. It’s a very popular tourist and picnic spot. Lots of families from town and cities were present at that time. Lots of young city girls, women. I was shocked. Not only that, I saw some foreigners from Europe and America, beautiful white women. I was right middle of them, no way I can back off as I was with my friends. I told my friends to go back. But for them it was not a matter but for me it was big deal. I knew city women and girls not accustomed of seeing. It happened what I feared the most. Young girls and women started to laugh, giggle and pointing at us. Their mothers also chuckling. Foreigners specially women were also staring at us. Now all of them considered us like poor village boys which we were, expect me. My friends went to the waterfall to enjoy the water and bath in it. Having no other option I had to accompany them. I was blushed with shame being naked in front of city people. One girl directly pointed her finger at me. Saying thinks which I heard ...

Girl,” look shame. I think he is about 14-15. .still naked in public...running around outdoor totally naked....”

Her mother replied giggling,” oh!...they are poor villagers. They can not afford clothes. They are used to be brought up naked like that...they are naked most of the time of the day”

Girl giggling with hands on her face,” if they can not afford clothes they should stay indoor...not to be running around naked front of girls... they are so shameless...look totally naked in front of me...looking at me like a fool with no pants on and I can see his everything....all of it.”

Girls’ mother,” now. .do not be such a cruel. .do not laugh at some ones poverty. They do not have pants that’s why they are naked.”

This was the exact conversation pointing at me. I was so ashamed. I do not know what foreign white girls and women were thinking about us. We stayed there for another 15 minutes. I hurried and forced my friends to come back home early from that spot. My friends wanted to stay more but I forced them to return early. My biggest fear of being naked outdoor became true that day.

Now it’s a very recent incident. few days ago A very wealthy and posh women and her daughter (18 yrs.) came to our neighborhood just beside my home. They are from the city. They came to sell their property in the village. It’s her daughters first time in the country side, she always had urban life. They are going to stay here for 2 months while selling their property. Being our neighbor both my house members and them started to get familiar with each other. She used to come to our house. Now being present in my home, she have seen me naked already quite a few times. First time she saw me naked when our house maid stripped me totally in the backyard and started to give me a oil bath. Maid rubbed the oil all over my body and made me stand naked in the sun for 30 minutes for oil to soak in. After that maid bathed me. When she 1st saw my condition, she was giggling all over and watched the whole show of me bathing. She was only 18 and I was 15 with no privacy. I was so shy in front of her. She is always dressed in a very posh and elite way which makes me more shy in front of her. Later she saw us bathing naked in the river, playing in the fields naked, got to know about village culture. She is always present while I am being bathed by someone or going to the river. She always teased me and my friends saying,” shame shame puppy shame”. She also came to know that because of poverty boys can not afford much clothing in the village and that’s gave her some sort of power and authority. Her attitude is “ She is so rich and have all luxurious cloths and poor boys do not have cloths to hide shame “. She is very beautiful and always dresses sexy in western outfits which makes me more difficult to be naked in presence of her. Earlier I had that superior felling while watching naked village boys that I did not have to be one of the poor ones but now I was included in the poor naked village boys group and she is having the sense of elite, upper class. She acts like our guardian as she wears clothes and have privacy and which we do not have. She always says,” no one needs your opinion who still gets naked in front of everybody front of front of me...running around outside naked. You are just a baby”. Her mother also smiled at me and tease me while I was being bathed by maid, saying “ you are looking so cute, naked boy”. But otherwise she is very good and compassionate but I do not like her teasing.

I think with 1 yr. when I will be 16 I am going to get my privacy. I still feel very shy and being a town boy I think it’s not fair to be getting privacy so late in villages. I hope you help me with an answer. Thanks.


The magazine published response:

Dear Leo,

Thanks for the effort of writing in English, You have done a good job.

You are suffering from something called cultural shock. The circumstances in your life have changed, and you are now living in a town with different social customs than the ones you are used to. It’s no big deal and there’s nothing wrong with those customs, but because you are not used to them you find them strange and embarrassing.

You shouldn’t, though. The first thing you have to remember is that you are doing this to help your dad. You have to live in a poor lifestyle because the money is needed for your father’s medical treatment. People you love are much more important than material things, and so you should be happy to make that sacrifice for your parents, just like they would happily do it for you. It’s very important that you do not fuss and complain. That would only make your parents miserable and it would be very wrong and spoiled behavior.

Boys your age and even a bit older run around naked all the time in your new village. Everybody sees them, and no one cares. What’s good enough for them is also good enough for you.

You are smart when you realized that you should not fuss in public because that would only call attention on your nudity and make people notice you, while otherwise you are just another country boy running around naked. You need to get over yourself and just get used to it as the other boys are. After all, what’s the big deal? The other boys are like you, aren’t they? They have the same things. Everybody sees them naked and nothing bad happens to them. So what’s the problem? Just accept that way of living and make the best of it. Be a boy! Enjoy yourself and play without worrying about adult things like modesty!

This is what you have to do, because it’s your way to help the family. You cannot work and earn a lot of money yet, so study and play as boys do, and be happy. That way your parents can be happy also and that can only help your father’s health.

So from now on, when anybody tells you to strip naked, you do it, Leo. It’s the right thing to do and people will not care much if you don’t. Your aunt, they maid, the village women and all the girls will see you naked often, so just accept it and do not make a fuss.

It’s too bad that city people saw you. That reminded you of the different customs you used to have, and made it more difficult for you. But just ignore them, they are just city people, so what do they know about the country? They are no better than country people. So when something like that happens, look at the other boys for cues and act like them.

A big hug to you, and we hope your dad gets better soon!

Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (the letter has been written by Rick1463 ( ). The response is by Cassie)

Cody (age 19)

When Kim proposed to me, I was overjoyed for so many reasons. Well, for three reasons in particular.

The first reason was the simple fact that I'm in love with Kim. She has showed me her love in so many ways and we care for each other deeply and consistently. The second reason was that this surely meant that I would finally stop taking Puericil! And that would mean that my body might finally start developing. Right now, I look like a 13-year-old boy with genitals that would still look small on a 10-year-old boy. And finally, the third reason for my great joy was that marrying Kim would mean that I would move in to her apartment. And this meant that I would no longer be living with my younger sisters, both of whom act as my caretakers and spank my bottom on a regular basis.

I said yes on the spot, of course. Kim is 19, just like me. Unlike me, though, she really does look 19. She's so pretty and smart and I'm so in love with her. When I said yes to her proposal, she kissed me on the lips and gave my bottom a hard smack. She's always giving me random, playful (but hard) smacks. I cried out when the smack landed, because my bottom was still sore from a recent spanking, delivered by one of my ‘loving’ sisters. But who cares about that - I was now engaged! Bye-bye sisters and bye-bye Puericil. Yay! I could not say good-bye to spankings altogether, because Kim and her trusty hairbrush did their frequent share of damage to my poor bottom, but I suspected that it would become less frequent after I stopped taking Puericil and my body started looking closer to my actual age.

And so, immediately after she'd kissed (and smacked) me, I asked if I should stop taking Puericil right away or until after the wedding. I also suggested that it would probably be best to stop taking it right away, in order for my body to develop somewhat before the wedding, because, you know (and here I winked twice at her), she might want me in proper manly form for the wedding night and the honeymoon. In response, she laughed out loud and then told me not to be silly. She said that she would keep me on Puericil all through the wedding and beyond. She reasoned that I still acted like a child, so it was just right that I looked like one. Our married life would just be a little unusual, she said, since I would still look like a young boy and would be treated as such, but we should think of it as a 'special' and even 'groundbreaking' marriage. We might be setting an example for other couples to follow, she said. Needless to say, I was devastated by this news. All my hopes had been crushed. Well, ok, not all of my hopes. I still wanted to live with Kim, of course, and I still wanted to get out of the reach of my strict younger sisters.

The 'groundbreaking' aspect of our marriage began right at the wedding itself, which featured several differences from standard weddings. For instance, instead of saying 'you may kiss the bride', the priest said, 'you may spank the groom'. At this signal, Kim turned me sideways and gave me a single extra-hard smack, making me jump in place and cry "Ow!" pathetically, much to the amusement of the attendees, all of whom burst out in laughter (the priest included). Immediately afterwards, she gave me the traditional kiss on the lips and everyone applauded. I gave my bottom a quick rub while she was kissing me.

At the wedding party, more 'groundbreaking' stuff ensued. Right after the wedding dance, Kim danced a song with my father while I danced with Kim's little sister, Cindy, who's only 11 years old. When the song finished, Cindy gave my bottom a firm smack to send me back to my seat, telling me to go eat all of my dinner 'or else'. This, of course, made everyone burst out in laughter again (including Kim and my father, who were next to us on the dancing floor). Needless to say, I did eat all of my dinner. I knew from experience just how much Cindy's 'or else's could hurt.

Later on, I threw a tantrum for some childish reason, giving Cindy the opportunity to exercise her effective spanking arm. She dragged me by the ear to the ladies' room, everyone laughing at me as we walked past. Once there, she stripped me completely and whipped my bare bottom with my own belt. Then, as I was still bawling, she dragged me out to the dance floor in my birthday suit, so I could perform an after-spanking wedding dance in front of everyone. I pranced around the dancing floor, stark naked, my tiny bulb of a willy flopping around, as I rubbed my burning bottom and cried my eyes out. Our guests laughed so hard that I could hardly hear the music in the background.

Cindy then announced that the entertainment was not yet over. It was time for a little party game, she said. She gave some young girls (their ages ranging from 6 to 10 years old, I guessed) each a piece of my clothing, and I was instructed to run after them all around the dance floor, in order to get back my clothing from them. The girls had so much fun making me run around in the nude. They also enjoyed taunting me, dangling a piece of clothing a few steps from me to distract me so that a different of girl (or guest) would surprise me from behind with a firm smack on my already stinging bare bottom. Everyone had the time of their lives, watching and/or taking part of my embarrassing and painful situation. Aunt Lydia laughed so hard that she became blue in the face and they had to take her out for some air. This incident was fortunate for me, though, because it meant that the game was becoming dangerous for our guests, so the game was ended. Cindy instructed the young girls holding my clothes to get me dressed. They did a lot of groping in the process, to my further embarrassment.

At the end of the party, a final humiliation awaited me. Kim asked Cindy to take me to the ladies' room and put on me some sexy white lingerie that she'd picked up for our wedding night. I protested because lingerie is for girls, right? But this only resulted in Kim giving me a few hard smacks for backtalking. Once in the ladies' room, Cindy stripped me again and put the lingerie on me. I started crying from sheer humiliation. Then she sent me out with a hard smack on my tushie. And then, when the music stopped, and the guests started leaving, Kim had me bend over against the wall, right next to the exit, so that each departing guest would get a chance to give my lingerie-clad bottom a good-bye smack and have a good laugh at my expense. Each smack stung real bad, because I was still sore from Cindy's belt whipping. After each guest smacked me, I said "Ow! Thank you so much for attending our wedding!" I was bawling again by the time the last guest departed.

Later that evening, Kim and I walked into her apartment for our wedding night - our first night as husband and wife. Then Kim said that it was time for some love-making. Finally! I stripped off my clothes in a hurry, lingerie and all. Of course, I knew that my stiff little willy was way too small to make a good impression (or any kind of impression, really) upon insertion into Kim's body, but still, I was ready to give it a good try. I told Kim as much and she laughed in my face. "Don't be silly", she said, as she ruffled my hair. "Little boys don't get to pleasure a woman that way." She went on to explain that our love-making was going to be different, and that it would be, in fact, practical for a special reason, because it would allow us to take care of 'two birds with one stone'. Then, she opened a drawer and brought out a strap-on (a freaking strap-on!) and started putting it on. My shock became even greater when I realized that the strap-on's fake penis was actually a larger version of my Puericil applicator (a plastic tube, smoothly curved at the end so that it can slip in gently), just like the one my sisters had used for years to push the Puericil suppository into my rectum! The only differences being that this one looked thicker, longer and, well, fashioned into a freaking strap-on! Kim explained that this was a brand-new method for the administration of Puericil into older boys, such as myself ('older' in regard to actual age, anyway). Instead of a suppository, though, this 'Puericil-Wang' applicator (which was what she called it) had to be filled with rich, creamy Puericil 'milk' (again, her word), which would ooze into my rectum by means of consistent and energetic pumping motion. And this... yeah, it means exactly what it sounds like.

And that is how, moments later, I found myself on all fours over Kim's (now our) bed, moaning loudly as Kim happily pumped the Puericil into my rectum with a perfectly consistent and energetic tempo (too energetic, if you ask me). I have been married to her for a few weeks now. She pumps the Puericil into me with her Puericil-Wang every single night. She also takes her trusty hairbrush to my bottom quite regularly and for the slightest of reasons, crushing my hopes of getting spanked less in married life than I had been at home with my sisters.

Next weekend, Kim will go out of town with some friends and Cindy will babysit me. Which means that she'll be on Puericil-pumping duty, of course, as well as on spanking-Cody's-bottom-for-the-slightest-of-reasons duty. She gets a giggling fit every time she reminds me that she's going to have a blast pumping me with the Puericil-Wang. I don't want Cindy to pump my bottom. I mean, she's eight years younger than me, fer crissakes. I don't even want my own wife to pump my bottom - it should be me pumping her at night, not the other way around. Just as it should be me spanking my 11-year-old sister-in-law's bottom, not the other way around. It's just not fair!

The magazine published response:

Dear Cody,

First of all, congratulations on your wedding. Getting married to the girl you love is one of the most wonderful moment in any boy’s life. We wish you all happiness.

I’m sorry not everything was as you expected, but you should understand that getting married does not magically increase your maturity. You will get there eventually, but it wouldn’t be natural to turn from a boy into a grown man in a day. That requires a process, and it will go at your own pace, as your body and your mind require. I mean, if the day before you were behaving like a child and earning bare-bottom spankings from your little sisters, is it reasonable to expect that suddenly you are going to behave like a grown-up? Of course not, things take time and so you’ll have to be patient and allow nature to set the pace.

It’s clear that getting married has put silly ideas into your mind that you are an adult now, but there’s more to being an adult than a ceremony. You will truly be an adult when your behavior warrants it, and Kim is the one perfectly placed to judge that.

You should know that those embarrassing events at the wedding were designed to remind you that you are still as immature as a little boy, and that you will be treated that way for as long as it’s necessary. Your body still looks like a boy’s, and I bet that when you were smacked on the bottom and when you were stripped and spanked bare by your little sister in law you had no doubt that you were not a grown-up yet.

Because, be sincere, would a grown-up have accepted such treatment? Would a grown-up have thrown a tantrum in public? Would a grown-up have to be dragged to the ladies' room by his 11-year-old sister in law? Would a grown-up be stripped naked by her and whipped bare bottom with his own belt? I mean, by an 11-year-old girl! Would that alleged young man then be dragged back to the dance floor, naked as the day he was born, to do his spanking dance there for everybody to see? Of course not!

You are very lucky that Kim loves you, and that she is willing to take care of you while you finish growing up. When she administers your Puericil, that’s part of taking care of you, and you should be grateful for it. So be a good boy and do not make any silly fuss. If your wife asks her little sister to help take care of you when she can’t, that’s perfectly fine, and you should not be difficult because you know what happens to naughty and disobedient little boys. They get a good spanking on their bare bottoms!

A big hug for you, Cody, and be good!

(The End)