It's Not Fair 3
By Cassie

Copyright 2010 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

If anyone has a comment or suggestion, I'd like to read it.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. Instead of repeating the whole explanation, I'll leave you with another selection of letters from the "It's Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, more boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls' modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

(Remember the magazine responses are in italics, and I'll add my own observations between square brackets).

Many thanks to an anonymous contributor, who wrote one of the letters in this chapter. Please, feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to.

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It's Not Fair 3

James (16 years old)

My mom always insists on being present in the exam room during my physicals, even now that I am 16 years old. I tried to convince her that she shouldn't, but she says the medical office requires parents to be present at the examination until the age of majority. I point out that some parents just wait in the waiting room and there's never any problem, but she just waves aside my objections, and says that it's not our business what other people do.

This morning I just had my annual checkup. The doctor is a female also. When we went in, the nurse told me to undress to my underwear. My mom took my clothes and put them on a chair next to the table. Then the doctor came in and asked me how I was and talked to my mom about my health and physical development. She asked me to take a sit on the examination table.

She started the examination, looking at my eyes, ears and throat. Then she took her stethoscope and listened to my heart and lungs, and after that she asked me to stand up in front of the table. She then grabbed a chair and sat on it in front of me. She checked my stomach and then she put her fingers around the waistband of my underwear and she slid them down to my ankles. My peenee was on full view of my mother and nurse who were standing just few feet away. (At my age, I find it very embarrassing to have people see my peenee because I still don't have any hair down there, because my parents make me take Puericil.)

The doctor did the hernia check, the testicles exam and then she retracted the foreskin to ensure all was OK.

For the last part of the exam I was told to turn around. I was relieved they would not have all their attention focused on my peenee, but this time it was the turn of my bare bottom to be exposed to my doctor, my mother and the nurse. The doctor checked my upper back, lower back and then I felt her hands pushing me forward so that I would bend over. She put her hands on my bottom cheeks and she spread them to her liking and looked inside my bottom. I was examined this way right in front of my mom and I was very embarrassed. It's not fair!

Dear James, medical exams can be embarrassing, but they are necessary to make sure you are healthy, and there's no alternative but grinning and bearing it. Remember that if your mother insists on being there it's because she cares about you and about your health. You are not alone, millions of boys take Puericil, and many of them are older than you, so you have nothing to be ashamed about!

[[Puericil not only makes boys more submissive and tractable, but it also has the side effect of completely eliminating the body hair that would normally appear with puberty, for as long as the treatment is continued. Although there is a new brand of Puericil which doesn't have this side effect most parents actually prefer the traditional brand, because they correctly believe that the lack of pubic hair keeps their male teens more childish and controllable.

Of course, most teenage boys also find it profoundly embarrassing, but that's very low on the list of parental concerns!]]


Ricky (13 years old)

When she takes my temp with her oral thermometer, my mom always says it's too low, and that I must be opening my mouth, or not placing it properly under the tongue.

Even though I'm a teenager now she still fusses over me every time she thinks my forehead is hot, even if I'm feeling OK. Just last evening I came home from playing and she kissed me and said I was too hot and that I probably had a temperature. I said it was because I had been playing soccer, but she said we'd better make sure.

She made me put the oral thermometer in my mouth, and when she pulled it out it marked 97. She said that there was no way this was right and that I had to roll over while she went and fetched the rectal thermometer. I complained and said that I kept it under my tongue and I kept my mouth shut, which I had, but she didn't believe me. So I had to lie face down on the sofa and have my pants and briefs pulled down all the way to my ankles and have it taken in my bottom.

So there I was, 13 years old and naked from the waist down right there in the living room in front of my mom, and of course with my luck that was when my little sister came in. She is two years younger than me but, believe me, she never has to be naked in the living room. She giggled and asked mom why I had my bottom bare with a thermometer sticking out of it. Boy, was that embarrassing!

When mom finally took it out she looked at it and said "Well I guess you don't have a fever after all", but it was too late. My sister had already seen me.

And did I get an apology? No way! Mom just gave me a light smack on my backside and said, "If you just kept the other thermometer under young tongue it would have saved us both a lot of trouble." But I had kept it under my tongue! It's not fair!

Dear Ricky, rectal thermometers can be a pain, but you should remember that your mom loves you and is only concerned about your health, even if you sometimes wish she wouldn't fuss so much over you, especially now that you are a teenager.

You could try asking her to try taking your temperature under your armpit, and in the meantime have patience and remember that people seeing you naked for medical reasons is O.K. and there's no need to be so embarrassed because of that.

[[Notice the double standard again. Ricky's mom thinks nothing about baring him in the living room, while she would never do that to his sister, even though he is older. Medical concerns, even exaggerated and unnecessary ones like this, are one of the main reasons male children have lost so much of the right to privacy they used to enjoy in the past. Discipline and hygiene are the other main reasons, as we have seen in many other letters.]]


Andrew (12 years old)

I think this is so unfair. My brother is 16 and if he is to be spanked he is still made to take all his clothes off, all of them, no matter who is around, no matter their age, doesn't even matter if it is a guy or a girl. He gets so antsy, really red, and he looks hot to the touch, although not as much as when he gets off our mom's lap, crying like a baby, holding his paddled bottom and jumping all over the place. And I can't blame him as he is very mature, if you know what I mean. Besides, I am about at that stage, so to speak, and if the rules are still the same for my big bro then how can I expect them to change for me just because my body is changing? We really should get more privacy! It's not fair!

PS...and my mom, she spanks a lot, like for every little thing we do wrong!

Dear Andrew, don't be too put upon by all this. It's part of growing up, and certainly nothing unusual. Even though it's embarrassing as you get older, remember that your mother only disciplines you because she loves you. In a boy's teen years, discipline is as important as ever. It is your moms's right, and even her duty, to punish her sons when they act up. I am sure that if your brother behaved himself she would have no need to spank him, a fact you might wish to remember as you become a teenager. As for maturity, physical and chronological often does not equate to emotional age. That seems to be your brother's case, otherwise he wouldn't need to be spanked so often. Just try to behave, accept your mom's discipline and everything will work out.

[[This answer is interesting because the replies from the magazine in the "It's Not Fair!" column usually are a bit more sympathetic towards the boy.

Apart from that, it's clear that situations where a boy is naturally nude, like bathing and spanking, are increasingly used by parents and other authority figures to enforce the semi-public exposure of young (or not so young) boys. Nowadays these humbling experiences are regarded as positive for their development, as excessive modesty tends to give them lofty ideas about their place and importance within society. We'll see examples of that attitude in other letters.]]


Lester (13 years old)

I think it's very unfair that moms do not treat us boys the same as girls. Whenever I go on about it, my mom tells me to quit whining, 'cause boys need to be taught to respect other people and false modesty would only make us be all highminded and think we are superior to girls when we are not. But I don't want to be superior, you know, just equal.

Mom and dad don't agree, though, and whenever I misbehave I get a spanking on my bare bottom right there in the living room, even in the presence of my sisters and any of their silly, giggling friends who may be visiting. But I never see them, even though I'm older, because my sisters get spanked less often, and they get away with things that would earn me a spanking, and when they do get spanked it's always in their bedroom, behind closed doors.

And it's not just when it comes to spankings that we are treated differently. About two months ago mom took my sisters and me to a new family doctor (who of course was a woman) for a medical examination. All of us were called into the exam room. I had to get the exam first and my mom and little sisters got to watch the whole thing. The doctor told me to strip naked. I didn't think it was fair that I had to do that when my sisters were still dressed, but mom looked at me warningly and I had to obey, but I can assure that I was not the least bit happy about it and my face was beet red. I had to be completely naked for the whole exam, and it took really long. I could see my two bratty sisters looking at me all the time and giggling and whispering to each other. The doctor even examined my boy bits very carefully, feeling them and pulling the skin of my dinky back to see if everything was in working order. As if that was not bad enough, as soon as she handled my dinky it started to get big. Boy, was I red-faced then! The doctor told me to relax and that it's normal for a boy my age to get stiffies. She also asked me some embarrassing questions which made me feel even more uncomfortable, like how often I played with myself and if I spurted out my seed when I did. I didn't know what on earth she was talking about, and it must have shown on my face, because she went on, "you know, when you play with yourself and your little peenie gets all stiff and bothered, does any white liquid shoot out of your peenie?" My sisters started sniggering and I didn't know where to look as I mumbled, "a little bit".

Thankfully it was over soon after that and I could get dressed again. I thought then it would be my turn to see my sisters, but no such luck. I was told to go to the waiting room and wait for them there.

My mom was looking really satisfied when we finally left, and the two little brats were smirking at me all the time. It's not fair!

Cheer up, Lester. Medical exams are necessary, you know, to make sure you are healthy, but it's too bad that your little sisters got to watch, and that they were so immature about the whole thing. Many parents think that girls need more privacy but that it's OK for boys to be seen naked. It's embarrassing, we know, but it's the way it is, so it's better not to let it bother you too much.

[[As mentioned earlier, the attitude expressed by Lester's mother is getting more prevalent nowadays. Not only do boys need less privacy, but allowing them little privacy is also a good choice from a parenting point of view. It prevents them from acquiring airs that would be detrimental for their discipline and respect for authority figures.

It's also worth noting how Lester mentions that his family doctor is of course a woman. The fact is that many families prefer female pediatricians, simply out of concern for girls' modesty. This is not a unanimous point of view, however, since many people feel that adult authority comes first, and that female children need to have their modesty firmly protected in front of boys, but not in front of adults of either sex.]]


Cameron (12 years old)

My parents died last year in a car accident, and I now live with my older brother (23 y.o.) and his girlfriend (18 y.o.). I thought they would act like buddies rather than like parents, but instead they are really strict, in fact stricter than my parents were. They expect me to obey immediately. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, when they tell me to do something I have to follow their orders right away, and if I don't I get a spanking on my bare bottom, real hard.

They are also way too strict about baths. Right from the beginning, they said I don't do a good job myself, and that I leave them no choice but to bathe me. It was really, really embarrassing, especially the first times, and I used to wriggle about when they tried to undress me, and try to run away. But if I did they would just catch me and scold me a lot, real stern, and then they'd take my pants off and smack my bare hiney till it was all red.

I really think I can do it myself, but they stand me in front of them and undress me, then say good boy or something like that. Then they help me into the bath, and they wash me all over, including my willy, which feels even nice sometimes and goes stiff (lol), but its embarrassing when they pull the skin on my willy back and wash underneath, and when I have to go on my knees or lie on tummy while I have my bum washed. I really hate that bit. Then that's it, they just dry me usually on their knee and put me into my briefs until I have to go to bed.

I'm too old for that and they shouldn't be so strict. It's not fair!

Dear Cameron, we are really sorry about your parents' accident. Remember that your brother and his girlfriend are probably still insecure about their unexpected new role as your guardians, and are trying to do their best. Since they are in charge of you, it's their job to make the rules, and you should try to make things easier for them. It's just as if they were your parents, so you don't need to be embarrassed when they undress you or spank you.

[[It's a curious phenomenon that young men who have been under their parents' discipline until recently are particularly eager to exercise power over their own charges, as if saying 'I have gone through this; now it's my turn to be in charge and have power over other boys'. Cameron's brother's reaction is far from unique, certainly.]]


Jack (14 years old)

I have red hair and very fair skin, with lots of freckles on my face and some on my back and chest. My pediatrician says that because of my fair skin I'm vulnerable to skin cancer, and I need regular skin exams. Therefore, I have to use a lot of sunscreen, and my mom was told to take me to the pediatrician every two months (and every month during the summer) to have my skin checked.

The first time we went, I was told to take off my clothes as soon as we got into the exam room. I took off my shirt, but the nurse explained that I have to be naked completely. I am kind of shy, and didn't want to take off my boxers in front of the young nurse (she was about 20). However, mom ordered me to do it immediately and I know better than disobeying her when she uses that no-nonsense tone of voice.

After a few seconds, I was in my birthday suit in front of the nurse, mom and the doctor, who of course was also a woman. The very worst thing was that when I took off my boxers in front them: my peenie got big and hard without delay. I was mortified. None of them said anything, but I could see they were staring at my peenie. I had to get a complete skin exam with like that. The exam was really thoroughly, and the doctor even checked between my toes. The most embarrassing part was when I had to bend over the exam table, spread my legs and open my hinie with my hands, knowing that all three of them had a front-row view of my hiniehole and balls.

When we got home my little sister (she's 12) was all interested in what had happened to me, and asked lots of questions. Mom answered all of them, and now my sister wants to come with us to my next exam! And mom said she could, and that it's good she's interested in medical procedures! It's not fair!

Dear Jack, it does sound embarrassing, but don't lose sight of the fact that the really important thing here is your health. Skin cancer is not a joke, and all the precautions are meant for your own good! Having said that, try talking to your mom. Explain that it would be embarrassing for you to have your sister watch your exam and ask her not to let her go. Maybe it won't work but it doesn't hurt to try!

[[Another example of the double standard: if Jack's sister needed skin exams there's no way Jack would be allowed to watch!]]

(The End)