It's Not Fair 35

By Cassie

Copyright 2017, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The magazine response is signed as INF, but it's actually written by Dr. Cassandra Miller, a feminist psychologist specializing in the upbringing of boys. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Lucas The response is by Cassie)

Alan (age 13)

Dear It’s not Fair,
You have probably heard from other boys with a problem like mine, so you may have some ideas.

I am Alan, almost 14, and I live with my aunty - though she is really a great-aunt. I love her to bits - but when she thinks I have done something bad she still punishes me on my bottom! She takes me up to the big bedroom upstairs, and it's really shameful for a thirteen-year-old boy to have his aunty pull his trousers down. And everybody knows what I'm getting, because the walls are thin, and the neighbours can hear the hard bare-bot smacks and also hear me screaming, so they know where I'm getting it. Sometimes they make 'funny' remarks, which is really embarrassing. Please, dear INF, how can I get Aunty to punish me in a way that's a bit more private?
But it could get even worse. I brought a note home from my teacher, and I was taken upstairs and given a hot one, then Aunty said that if I brought another note she'd have the teacher come up and watch me getting it, even perhaps have her give me some extra. Oh, dear INF, to have my teacher smacking my bare bot I'd just about die of shame. You don't think Aunty means it, do you?

Oh, It’s Not Fair!

The magazine published response:
Dear Alan,

Yes, I can assure you that you are not alone in having problems such as yours. Quite the opposite: There are plenty of boys in similar situations, both younger and older than you.

I’m happy that you love your aunt and realize that she is great. I can tell that she loves you too with all her heart, and she takes care of you and does the best she can for you, and that includes pulling your trousers down and spanking your bare bottom when you need it. If she didn’t love you, if she didn’t care, she would bother correcting your bad behavior.

Remember that it’s in your hands: if you don’t want your bare bottie warmed you just need to behave. Now, I understand that sometimes, when you are a boy, that’s easier said than done. But, well… you have your aunty for that, to make sure that you don’t lose your way. Her control and discipline are just another expression of her love for you, just like her hugs.

You should not worry too much about people listening to your spankings. They are not shameful. That’s what boys do. From time to time, when they need it, they get spankings. It happens. You wouldn’t get them if you didn’t have someone who loves you, taking care of you. It’s perfectly normal. And if some neighbors tease you a bit about it it’s just because they find it cute.

You really should behave at school. Even if sometimes it seems boring now, school is very important for your future. That’s why your aunty is strict about it, because she knows best. She knows that she would be letting you down if she let you get away with misbehaving at school instead of paying attention. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she means exactly what she said about inviting your teacher to watch you getting your bare heinie spanked, if you bring another note home for being a naughty boy at school. Teachers and parents (and aunties!) have to work together to bring up children. Both your aunty and your teacher care about you.

Think about it: why would your teacher bother going to your home, to watch your aunty take you upstairs, pull down your trousers and your underpants and spank your naked bottom? She could be resting instead, or doing something fun. But have no doubt that she would be willing to do that for you, and even reinforce your aunty’s spanking with one of her own, right on your bare-bottie. Remember what I told you about your aunty punishing you because she cares about you? Well, the same is true of your teacher. There’s nothing that gives a teacher more pleasure than helping her students learn and be good. Even if in your case that means spanking you, right on your bare bottom.

You do not need to be ashamed of that, Alan. I’m sure your teacher has seen a naked little boy before. She is not going to mind seeing your naked bottom and your little peenie. That’s not important for her, and it shouldn’t be a big deal for you either. The only thing you should be ashamed of is misbehaving so much that your aunty and your teacher have to spank you.

So have a big hug from me, and another for your aunty and your teacher, and try to be a good boy for them!

Additional comment by Dr. Cassandra Miller (not published):
When talking with Alan’s aunt to get her permission to publish her nephew’s letter, she told me that she hadn’t really thought about inviting her teacher, that it had been mostly a threat to get his attention and make him improve his behavior at school.

However, I encouraged her to follow through. I explained that it would send mixed signals if Alan noticed that she was not keeping her promises. Happily, I managed to convince her, and she assured me that the next time he brings a note from school for bad behavior she will invite her teacher to come witness his spanking. I reminded her to let his teacher spank him too, to reinforce the message.

I also spoke with Alan’s teacher. She’s a rather young woman, who is only on her third year of teaching, and when I informed her of the situation she was not only willing, but positively eager. I have no doubt that she will be watching Alan’s behavior very attentively from now on, and as soon as he gives her an excuse, I know of a young man who will be getting bared by his aunty right in front of his young, female teacher. She will see every private, secret place of his body, and will even be spanking him herself. He won’t be dying, as he so dramatically put it, but imagine the exquisite shame! It will be good for him, though. A little embarrassment does wonder for a boy, to make him submissive and under control.


(The End)