It's Not Fair 33

By Cassie

Copyright 2017, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Red Rover The response is by Cassie)
(You can read Timmy's previous letter in INF 31)
Timmy (age 15)

Dear it’s Not Fair:

My name is Timothy Conway, but everybody calls me “Timmy.”  I am 15 years old and in the 9th grade.  I live with my mother, my 12-year-old sister Jenny and my 10-year-old brother, Danny.  I wrote to you about a month ago about being treated like a much younger kid, including getting my temperature taken in my bottom with four girls watching and about being about to get a baby sitter that is a year younger than I am.

Well, things are getting worse for me.  A week or so after the thermometer incident, Mom discovered that she had arthritis in her wrists and wouldn’t be able to spank us boys as she had been doing. So, she came up with the brilliant idea that JENNY would be doing the spanking from now on.  This is even worse than having my 14-year-old classmate, Tami, spank us while she is babysitting us.  But, as usual, boys have no say in what goes on around the house. At first, she would just tell Jenny when one of us needed spanking and Jenny would do it. But then she decided that Jenny was in full charge and could spank us any time, any place whenever she felt like it.  Now Danny and I have to go around bare-bottomed almost all day after we get home from school in case Jenny decides we need to be spanked.

And her spankings are nothing like the play-spankings she and her friends would give us when they were playing with us like we were babies. Jenny is a tennis player and athlete and is stronger than either of us boys, plus Mom will back her up with a belt if we try to resist. Danny tried to fight her once and had belt marks on his legs for days. If Jenny decides to spank me, she will sit down in a straight chair in the living room and tell me to bare my bottom and get over her left knee.  Then she pins my legs between hers and starts spanking my bare bottom with her hand.  At the same time, she will tell Danny to fetch the hairbrush.  When he is back with the hairbrush, she announces the warmup is over and starts smacking my bottom as hard as she can, covering every inch of my bottom, especially the “sit-spot” where the bottom cheeks meet the thighs.  After a few swats with the brush, there are tears in my eyes and I am sobbing after the first dozen or so. But she doesn’t stop there, she keeps pounding my sore bottom with that brush until I am howling in pain, with snot and tears running down my face and blubbering pitifully, begging her to stop and promising to be “the goodest little boy in the whole world forever and ever,” or some similar pathetic humiliating thing she wants me to say.

After she decides I have had enough, she dumps me off her lap onto the floor and I just lie there bawling and slobbering until I have the strength to get up.  I hear about kids that jump around and hold their bottoms after being spanked, but I am simply so exhausted I just lie there until she takes pity on me, wipes off my slobbery face and helps me stand up.  Then it’s into the corner to display my red, sore bottom for anything from ten minutes to an hour, depending on whatever else is going on. She takes special delight in doing this whenever there is adult company or when some of her girlfriends or some of my female classmates are visiting. (Danny and I are never allowed to have male friends over to the house – not that we would want to!) The procedure is the same when Danny is being spanked. But Jenny doesn’t spank Danny nearly as often or as hard as she does me. Maybe because he is younger than her and it’s more fun to smack me, the older brother, around.

When her friends are over, it’s like a party for them.  Mom gives them cookies, milk and other goodies and they sit around munching away and watching me or Danny (sometimes both) get our spankings. They giggle and make funny remarks during the spanking, like “Look how red his bottom is” and “Watch how his bottom bounces up and down” and “Boy, he sure squirms a lot.”   They like to come over and feel our bottoms for heat and give us pinches, slaps and rubs while we are standing in the corners. If it’s Tami, Debbie and/or Angie who is visiting, they act more adult, but they still giggle and enjoy the process.

When Tami is babysitting, she makes it clear that she is the one in control, not Jenny.  She doesn’t spank Jenny, of course, but she doesn’t let Jenny spank us either. We still have to be bare-bottomed after we get home from school as long as we are in the house or the back yard. That can be embarrassing, because our back yard just has a chain link fence around it and gates that lead to neighbor’s yards. So, the other kids and adults in the area get to see our bare bottoms and boy parts very often.  Fortunately, there aren’t any high school or middle school boys on the block; Danny and I are the oldest boys here. But it is still makes me blush when one of the younger mothers or older girls sees my private parts, especially if they are talking to me or in the yard. 

Tami doesn’t spank me as often as Jenny does and treats me like I was a couple years younger than her, which is better than treating me like a six-year-old like Mom and Jenny do. Afternoons with her, Debbie and Angie are not bad, except for having my penis, testicles and bottom on constant view of girls my own age.  We do our homework together and we are all getting better marks as a result, so that part is good for everybody.  But when I do misbehave, Tami gives me the same kind of spanking as Jenny does and it really hurts.  Sometimes she has Debbie or Angie give me a hand-spanking as a warmup, but she doesn’t let either of them use the hairbrush on me (yet). The main difference is that after the spanking is over, Tami will hold me over her lap and rub my bottom.  Plus, one of the other girls will usually wipe off some of the tears and snot from my face while I am still crying. This gives me at least a tiny bit of dignity and I can stand up after a while and make it to the corner on my own.

I have tried talking to Tami as you suggested. She is sympathetic and says she likes me, but that I am too immature to have her stop spanking me. She read Dr. Vernon’s book and says that, for some boys like me, the Puericil stops the physical aggression and makes me more receptive to correction, but that it may make my impulsive behavior worse for a few years and so I still act like a six or seven-year old at times. She also says that I should start going through puberty when I am 17 or 18 and that she is willing to help me as long as I need her.  I really like Tami and I think she really likes me and believes that she is doing what is best for me. Angie and Debbie seem to like me too, but they get a lot of pleasure out of watching me get spanked. They are so unlike Jenny who is just on a power trip and wants to make life as painful and humiliating as possible for me. I think she is still mad at me for when she was 5-6 and I was 8-9 and used to boss her around.  Mom doesn’t really care about boys and just puts up with us because she has to. If it weren’t for the trust fund, I think she would have palmed us off on one of dad’s brothers years ago.

Bath time is kind of fun when Tami does it, but a nightmare when Jenny does it. Tami puts us in the tub one at a time.  She always bathes me first and is very gentle. She sometimes giggles when she washes my penis and scrotum and asks me if I am getting off on it.  It does give me a warm fuzzy feeling and makes me feel kind of tingly.  Sometimes I get an erection and she giggles and strokes me even more tenderly. She’ll say, “We’ve got to take good care of Tiny Tim here, so he can grow up and make us both happy.”  I can’t wait for puberty to set in, so Tami and I can be real boyfriend and girlfriend instead of sitter and kid.  I just hope she waits for me to grow up, but she says she’s not in any hurry and I’m too good a prospect to pass up.  I like it when she talks that way. Debbie and Angie are both in the boy-crazy phase and they practically go into orgasm when a boy notices them. (Yes, I know all the sexual stuff; I am immature, not ignorant, even if my body is still like 11 years old.)

If Debbie and/or Angie are around, they usually bathe Danny while Tami is drying me off and cuddling with me.  They treat him like he is just a kid, but they are gentle with him and he seems to like it.  He doesn’t have any girls his own age around except for the ones that hang out with Jenny and they are just as mean to him as Jenny is.  The nights that Jenny bathes us are really bad.  She puts both of us in the tub together and she and her gal pals just grab onto whatever they can reach and wash it with a rough washcloth and sometimes with laundry soap instead of bath soap. Our boy parts are almost always sore and sometimes raw when they are finished with them.  And at least one of the girls will always jam one of her fingers up into our rectums to “make sure they’re clean inside.” Sometimes, they try to put two or even three fingers into my rectum at once and it really hurts. After that, they scrub the area between our butt cheeks with a small scrub brush and that hurts too.  Sometimes it even bleeds a little.  But we can’t complain or resist even a little bit because then Jenny will spank our bare, wet bottoms with a big plastic bath brush and that is horribly painful, especially if we had already been spanked earlier in the day (which is usually the case). Mom usually hangs around the bathroom while Jenny is doing all of this and she laughs at us when we whimper and cry, “such little crybabies” and even encourages her to be rough with us.

Jenny makes a big deal out of our peeing and pooping, too.  While she is in charge, we can’t go to the bathroom without her or one of her buddies going in with us to observe.  Sometimes they will hold our penises while we pee, “to make sure you don’t miss. Little boys are so sloppy.”  Then they wipe them off with a baby wipe and are not very gentle with that either.  When we poop, the girls will “supervise” while we wipe our bottoms and then make us stand up, bend over and spread our cheeks so they can check to make sure we are clean. They run a baby wipe over our cracks and usually stick it up into our rectums and wipe around there.  If the wipe comes up dirty, we get five or ten whacks with the bath brush and then a re-inspection.  Tami, Debbie and Angie, don’t do any of this, just sometimes check us with a baby wipe and tell us to wipe again if it comes up soiled.

After our baths, the other girls go home. Jenny takes her own bath and then supervises us while we clean up the bathroom. If it doesn’t pass her inspection, it means more smacks from the bath brush. Then, if Jenny and Mom are home, Danny and I are sent to bed naked and not allowed to get dressed until after breakfast in the morning.  If Tami is staying over we get to put on our pajama shirts and sometimes our pants, (but the pants have to come off when Mom gets home.)  Usually Danny goes off and plays games on my computer while Tami and I sit and watch TV until Mom gets home.  If Jenny is off in her room, Tami and I can cuddle on the couch, which we both really enjoy.  When Tami stays over, she sleeps in Danny’s bed, so Danny has to bunk with me, but my bed is big enough so we are comfortable.

I really wish that Tami could be my babysitter all the time and Jenny was out of the picture, but that’s not likely to happen because Mom thinks that boys, especially boys on Puericil need to be treated harshly and spanked frequently. I wish she had never heard of Denise Vernon and her stupid book, because I think I could be a good kid for Tami if she was in charge of me all the time.

Well it turned out that what I worried about last time, that Tami would be a harsh babysitter didn’t happen.  Tami is a wonderful girl and very patient and kind to me except when she has to punish me. But Jenny and Mom are just a bad combination. They are much crueler to me and Danny (especially to me) than they need to be.  I just wish I could get adopted by Tami’s family.  Her mom and dad are always good to me and her little brother, Kevin, is a happy little kid. My big fear is that Tami will find a real boyfriend before I am grown up enough for her and I will wind up stuck with Jenny and her nasty little friends all the way through high school.


The magazine published response:
Dear Timmy,

First of all, I'm happy you have a good relationship with Tami. It looks as if she cares for you a lot, even if she is strict with you. You have to notice that despite liking you she also shares the opinion that you are too immature not to need babysitters and spankings. Even though you are a teenager you are still a very little boy in terms of maturity.

On the other hand, regarding what you say about your family, I have to say that even if a boy needs regular spankings and firm discipline, he also needs to be treated with love and tenderness. It looks like you sometimes did not treat Jenny well when she was very little, and she may be paying you back now. That's not right. I have nothing against parents putting their daughters in charge of their sons, even if their sons are older, because it's a biological fact that boys are very immature compared to girls, and it's only right that the mature sibling, in this case the girl, helps with the upbringing and care of her more immature siblings, in this case the boys. However, maturity should show in putting the interests of a child you are caring for above any personal matters. That means that even if she treats you sternly, it should be out of care, because it's the best for you, not because of any personal payback.

One thing for you to think about? Are you sure you treat Jenny with all the respect that is due for a family member with full authority over you, someone who, even though she is younger, is much more mature than you, someone who babysits you, and bathes you, and you takes care of your hygiene, and spanks your bare bottom when needed? Sometimes boys can find it difficult to accept that a little sister can have that authority over them, and resist them and in general have a bad attitude. If you are doing that, it might be why she finds it necessary to be so rough with you, to show you who is in charge.

When you have one of those quiet times with Tami, cuddling while watching TV, you might want to talk to her about your feelings on this, as you have done with me. Maybe she'll want to talk to Jenny. In any case, don't expect miracles. Some people are more tender than others, and you'll have to accept what your family decides for you, until you grow up and mature yourself. In the meantime, try to behave and be respectful and obedient, and that way you won't have a sore and red bare bottom so often.

A big hug to you!


(The End)