It's Not Fair 29

By Cassie

Copyright 2015, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by NAMB. The response is by Cassie)

Michael (age 14)

Dear It’s not Fair,
My name is Michael. I’m a 9th grader at Branson Middle School and a member of the Branson Pumas track team. For the past 3 years, I’ve been representing the school in all kinds of meets and competitions. I work out hard, but I owe a lot to Coach Wilson.

Coach really knew how to challenge me without making the task out of reach and developed me to my full potential. It was a shame that he had a heart attack last month. Fortunately, he’ll be OK, but that left the team without a coach with several big meets coming up.

There was no way to hire another one on such short notice and with only several weeks to go in the season. So the school shuffled around some responsibilities among the faculty taking Ms. Verona’s Human Development class away from her so she could coach both the girls’ and boys’ track teams.

The girls were disappointed in this decision since they really liked the way she taught Human Development. I’m not sure what the girls did in their classes, but all we boys learned was rather clinical: how conception takes place sperm + egg but no mention of how sperm was delivered, development of the fetus, how not to catch a sexually transmitted disease and definitely no views of what girls actually look like “down there.” All of it was boring stuff. The girls, on the other hand, came out of their classes chatting excitedly.

We boys were disappointed in the decision, too: what could a lady coach teach us about track?

The girls also had some concerns about sharing their coach with us boys. Normally the teams were in two separate universes. The only time we every got together was to meet up for the busses to and from the meets. Even then it was girls in one bus, boys in the other.

The girls’ concerns disappeared during our first meet when Ms. Verona came into our locker room. Us boys were in various states of undress and many of us scattered looking for a piece of clothing or something to hide behind. It might not have been so bad if it were just her. She had Ellen Mason, a 7th grader and Melanie Easton, an 8th grader with her.

“Boys, don’t be so modest,” she yelled at us. “I’m the coach and I belong in here. Now gather around, I want to go over the details of the meet with you.”

“But what about them?” my friend Jason said, pointing at the two girls.

“They are my assistants. They are here to help me keep records.”

“But they can’t see us naked,” he protested.

“They already have,” Ms. Verona replied. “Besides, they are mature girls and know what boys look like. They probably know more about your bodies than you do. I’m quite thorough in my teaching of Human Development.”

That’s how it started. It got worse as the weeks went on. As we gathered for one meet, she called us together. “I got some complaints from some of the parents about how dirty and smelly you boys come home from the meets.

I don’t have this problem with my girls; they know how to shower properly. Since you boys don’t seem to know how to do that, I’m instituting a new policy. These are Helen, Tracy and Susan. They will be your shower monitors. They will inspect you after you shower to make sure you are clean enough.

I told them to be very thorough in their inspection and you will obey every order they give you. If they tell you to bend over and spread your ass cheeks so they can see if you are clean there, you will do it. If they want to roll back the skin on your penises to make sure you re clean there, you will let them do it.

Any boy that gives them any pushback on this will be spanked.”

And she was serious about the latter point. Several of us, self included, wouldn’t let the girls touch us, so we were pulled aside and kept naked while the rest of the boys got their inspections and were allowed to dry up and get dressed.

She then called the entire girls’ track team into the room and selected some of the girls to give us our spankings while everyone watched. “That’s what happens to boys who don’t follow instructions,” she said. Only then did she let us get dressed.

I learned my lesson: don’t mess with Coach Verona; she’s really strict. However, none of the girls are ever treated this way. We never get to see them in their locker room. We never get to watch them shower. We never get to spank them.

It’s not fair!


The magazine published response:
Dear Michael,

Thanks for writing. We realize that the changes Coach Verona implemented may be difficult for you, being different to what you were used to, and that you may feel self-conscious about being naked in front of the girls. However, you need to realize that there is nothing wrong about it, and that there’s no way that the situation could be reversed, with you seeing the girls in their locker room.

At first it may seem unfair to you, but once you think about it you’ll understand that boys and girls develop at very different rates in terms of maturity. Girls are much more mature than you boys, so they need their privacy and their space. Anything else would be inappropriate and damaging. Boys, however, do not have the maturity to require modesty.

There is no real need for boys like you to hide your bodies as if they were a big secret, because your emotional development is still at a childish stage, and children have no need for so much privacy.

The uneasiness you feel when having girls check your hygiene is due to boyish shyness or false modesty, and there is no harm in having your coach use girls as her assistants. In fact, it is a well-known fact that too much modesty can be damaging for a boy’s emotional development. In some cases, extreme boyish modesty can end up causing rebelliousness and violent impulses.

So do not think too much about it. It’s perfectly all right. As Coach Verona said, girls are mature, and they are not going to think twice about seeing you naked. They are just interested about helping you stay clean and you should not make their work more difficult by being disobedient. That way you will also avoid getting your bottom spanked.

You are a child, Michel, and it’s normal for you not to be given more privacy than a child requires. It’s silly to be upset about that, so try not to be!

Best luck to you!

Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Robert G. The response is by Cassie)

Bobby (age 12)

Dear It’s not Fair,
I'm 12 and a few weeks ago, I got in trouble for playing in the bathtub for too long and my sister couldn't get ready for bed. My mom came in and said that if I couldn't take a bath, she would do it for me. She started to wash me. My sister came to the door and stood there watching with a dumb smile on her face. My mom noticed her standing there and said that if she has nothing better to do, she can be giving me the bath because she (mom) had other things to be doing.
My mom left and my sister came in. My sister is 2 years older than me and she has never - never- ever - seen her little brother naked, until now. All I did was sit there with my head down, embarrassed. She started to shampoo my hair, not saying anything. Then it was one part after another - my back, arms, and so on. She only talked to give me orders, like - put your arms up, or put you head under the water and rinse. Then she said stand up! I didn't move. She said she'd call mom. I had to stand up. Then she washed everything, down there. I was so mortified I could not talk. Then she said get out, you're done. I got out and she dried me all over, and sent me to my room, naked to get my pj's and go to bed. I did.
The next night, my mom told my sister to give me a bath again since last night went so well. Then the same thing the next night. And it's been every night since then. Thing is, I'm getting used to it, but if any of my friends ever found out I'd be dead. The whole school would find out. I'm in 7th grad and my life would be over. But, like I said, I'm getting used to it. We talk a lot now about stuff when I'm getting my bath. Actually, my sister is sort of nice. But no body can ever know.
I saw in the magazine that this happens to other boys, so I wrote to say that this is embarrassing, and I'm afraid kids at school will find out. It’s not fair!


The magazine published response:
Dear Bobby,

Sometimes you have to put yourself in your mom's place. Being a parent is a lot of work, and if you were playing in the bathtub and taking too long she does not always have time to supervise you. It's perfectly natural that she would ask your sister to help. You are noticing that it's perfectly all right. She is making sure you do not get in trouble and making sure you wash properly. Once you are starting to get over your silly modesty you even have a good time sharing this moment with her. It's a nice bonding experience with your sister.

You should not be embarrassed. Your sister seeing you naked is unimportant. She is infinitely more mature than you, so to her it does not matter that she sees a little boy naked, and neither should it matter to you.

Good luck! Hopefully your little friends at school won't find out, but if they do, don't pay attention to their teasing and they'll soon lose interest in it.

(The End)