It's Not Fair 27

By Cassie

Copyright 2015, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Steve. The magazine response is by Cassie)

Steve (age 17)

Dear It's Not Fair:

Steve here again. I have not written to you since the Scott family reunion. I have felt rather bashful about reaching out to you since you saw all of those embarrassing photos of me taken at that time. You now know what both I and my babysitter Ellen look like, but you have seen much more of me than you have of Ellen. As a matter of fact, you have seen every bit of me, and have seen me both with a natural color tushie and a totally red striped tushie from my spanking and caning by Ellen, which you also saw in photos. You described the photos as "natural" and "cute," but I certainly did not see them that way. However, the new school year has started, and there have been some changes, but my frustration level is still very high, so I felt like I wanted to write to you again.

First of all, Ellen and I have both had birthdays again over the summer, so I am now 17 and Ellen is now 14. I was tested at the end of the school year again, and I did well enough on the tests to move up to the upper school. Finally!!!!! This meant some changes right away. I am now allowed to wear a school uniform with long trousers instead of the shorts I had to wear the first 2 years in this school. I am now in classes with some other boys, so I am not the only boy in a class with girls 3 years younger than me. When we have our swimming classes, we are still naked with our instructor, Ms. Chavez, but the classes are now boys only. The girls in my class have their own time for swimming lessons. I am no longer the only naked boy in a swim class of 3 year younger bathing suit clad girls. If Ms. Chavez gives me or any of the other boys the cane, there are only other boys there to see it, who can be caned as well, instead of the giggling girls who knew they would never feel the cane as they watched my canings and the horrible red stripes always forming on my wet naked tushie. All of the other boys in my class can also be caned in class, but they lower their trousers and bend over the desk with their underpants on to get the cane strokes. Everything should be much better for me, right? Wrong. I will now tell you why.

After I was successful in my tests and was moved up to the upper school, the school officials discussed with my parents how they felt Ellen was totally responsible for my improved grades and performance. It was like they gave me no credit for it all, despite the fact that I was the one doing the work. As a matter of fact, now that I am making good grades and moving up to the upper school, I shouldn't need a babysitter any more at all. Right? WRONG. My parents are totally supportive of Ellen, and while they are proud of me, they practically worship her. The school decided that due to Ellen's "superior academic standing," that she would move up to the upper school with me, so she could continue to monitor my school work and give me help where needed. Good grief! I can't get rid of Ellen for anything. I am certainly the only boy in my upper school class who has a babysitter, and my sitter is a GIRL 3 years younger than me. It is also no secret that Ellen is my sitter, so I get teased over it.

Since I am a boy who still has a babysitter, it was decided and authorized by my parents that I still be punished like a little boy in the lower school. Thus, if I ever get the cane from my teacher, Mrs. Goodwin, I still have to pull down my pants AND underpants, and still get the cane on my naked tushie in front of my classmates, both boys and girls. To make it even worse, even though I am 17, I still cry like a baby in front of everyone when I get the cane. As hard as I try, I can't help it. And then, when Ellen and I get back home to my house, the paddle and cane come off the wall and Ellen gives me another spanking for getting caned at school. That also has not changed at all. More of me crying loudly like a baby.

Speaking of things that still haven't changed, despite my age and school success, my treatment by Ellen at home is still exactly the same. She still bathes me, and yes, still with the bathroom door wide open. Also, Ellen still makes me wear these horrid cartoon pajamas, either the short ones in warm weather or even worse, the footie pajamas in cold weather. You have seen a photo of me in my short cartoon pajamas. Don't you agree that they are ridiculously babyish for a boy my age? If you agree with me, perhaps I can show your opinion to my parents, and maybe I'll be allowed to wear more adult pajamas or even boxers, like other boys my age.

The biggest problem in that regard is that my mother thinks I look "darling" in the pajamas. She doesn't seem to want to give me credit for being 17 years old now. Oh, and another thing. Even though I am 17, Ellen still does not let me wear underpants under my pajamas. That means that if my peenie does that thing where it gets all stiff, it tents the front of my pajamas, which everyone except me thinks is really funny. Don't you think a boy my age should be allowed to wear underpants for support under my pajamas?

I haven't been spanked by either of my parents in 2 years, but the spankings from Ellen are as frequent as ever, and Ellen still pulls down my pants or opens the back flap of my cartoon footie pajamas in the living room in front of anyone who is there, and spanks me in front of everyone. That's another thing. Now that I am 17, don't you think Ellen should not spank me on my naked tushie any more, and shouldn't I be entitled to some privacy in my spankings at my age?

I am doing really well in school, but Ellen is still getting all the credit, since she makes me do my homework at the dining room table with her, whether I feel like it or not. I sure hope you see my point and support my position, because IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

The magazine response:
Dear Steve,

It was very nice hearing from you after such a long time! You do not need to feel bashful or embarrassed at all. It’s okay. Young boys do not have any real need of modesty, and you are young enough to have a babysitter, to get your tushie bared and spanked in front of god and everyone who happens to be there, to wear cartoon pajamas, including footie pajamas with a back flap, to cry whenever you get your tushie spanked, and even to be bathed by your babysitter. That means you are not mature enough to be worrying about things like modesty, which are appropriate for grownups or for girls, but not for little boys. You’ll have time to worry about such things when you grow up and gain in maturity, but in the meantime you only have to worry about being a boy, playing and having a good time with your friends, doing your schoolwork and being a good boy for Ellen and also for your teachers at school, so that you do not need to get your bare little tushie paddled or caned.

Yes, I have seen every bit of you in the photos Ellen sent me. It’s perfectly innocent and harmless, though, and you should not feel shy. All the staff at Boy Stuff Magazine agrees. They have used words like cute and adorable to describe you, and we all think Ellen’s sister is an excellent photographer. Francine, our layout designer (she is the one who decides how each page of the magazine is organized and makes sure that everything looks good) commented that you are a darling, and that you should be a really good boy so that you do not need to get spanked. She said she was sorry when she saw the pictures of your tushie after getting punished, because they really looked “ouchie”. We all feel the same. We are very fond of you and we want you to always be the good boy we know you can be.

So do not feel bad about it and don’t let that childish modesty bother you. As the saying goes, “boyish modesty is false modesty”. Besides, aren’t you naked in front of people all the time? Isn’t a girl, a much younger girl in fact, your babysitter? Doesn’t she see you naked all the time? Doesn’t she wash your little peenie and your tushie when she is giving you a bath? Doesn’t she bare your tushie and spanks you till you are bawling like a baby whenever she decides you need to be punished? It does not matter, though, because regardless of age, deep down you know that she is much more mature than you. Can you imagine Ellen having a babysitter, or getting spanked, or needing someone to help with her baths? Of course not! All those things happen to you all the time, though, so what’s the sense in being shy?

Don’t you get bathed with the door open, so that anyone who is around the house can come in and talk to Ellen or you, and see how she washes you? Aren’t you still naked at school for your swimming classes? Sure, there are no girls in that class any more, but your instructor, Ms. Chavez, is a woman. And at your regular classes, don’t you have to pull down my pants and underpants, and get the cane from Mrs. Goodwin on your naked tushie, in front of all your classmates, including all the girls? Don’t they all see your tushie and your little peenie? Why would you worry then about some innocent, candid pictures?

So do not feel bad, Steve. You have no reason to be ashamed. Even though you are now 17, you now boys mature much slower, and you have to do so at your own pace. Your peenie looks like a little boy’s, without any hair. Your body is childlike, and so is your behavior and level of maturity, so quit worry about such silly things.

By the way, like your parents, we are so very proud of you for doing well at school. Congratulations! We knew that with Ellen’s help you’d do it and be able to move up to the upper school. Isn’t it great, being treated like an older boy and being allowed to wear long trousers? You did it with your hard work, and also thanks to Ellen’s help. Be honest, Steve, do you think you would have studied half as much if she hadn’t been there to make sure you did? You probably wouldn’t be in the upper school without that! I bet that’s the reason why your parents are so adamant that you still need Ellen’s help. It can be frustrating, I know. At 17 you feel like a big boy, and you do not like being bossed around and controlled by a babysitter, particularly when that babysitter is a girl 3 years younger than you. But you have to consider that your parents and Ellen love you and want only the very best for you. You may not believe this when you are getting your poor tushie reddened, but I have spoken with them and I have seen how much they care about you. You need to trust them and be obedient. Show them that you are getting more mature. Childish tantrums about modesty and complaints are not going to do that. If you ever feel the need to let off some steam you know I’m always ready to listen, but it’s silly bothering the grownups in your like with that (I’m including Ellen in that group; she may be 14, but hr maturity is that of a young adult.) They see your behavior all the time, and they know better than anyone whether you are ready to be treated like a big boy and trusted with more responsibility. Instead, do your best at school, be respectful and grateful towards Ellen and your parents for all the work they do for you and how they take care of you, and make things easy for them.

To answer your questions, no, I do not think that Ellen should not spank you on your naked tushie any more. Even if it feels ouchie and is embarrassing, she is doing so for your own good, and you are achieving good results because of that. The same goes for being entitled to some privacy for your spankings. It is not a matter of age, Steve, but of behavior and maturity. The time will come, but it clearly hasn’t yet. Aren’t you the one who, through your behavior, decides when you need spankings? Has Ellen ever taken advantage of her authority to give you a spanking you had not earned? You know she has not, don’t you?

Regarding your clothes, it’s not up to you to decide about that. You are still a boy, Steve. You still can’t be trusted to bathe on your own. If she is the one who washes you and spanks your tushie when you need it, I do not see anything wrong with Ellen deciding what you wear. Even if your little peenie gets stiff and tents the front of your pajamas, what does it matter? Haven’t all the people there seen you naked a lot of times? They laugh because they think it’s cute, and you should just grin, shrug and get on with life. It’s not your fault, so no need to be ashamed about it, and you do not have need of any of that false modesty.

A big hug to you, Steve. We are proud of you and you have reason to be proud of yourself. We are sure that with Ellen’s help you’ll keep doing well. Keep working on your behavior and try not to get in trouble!

Additional (not published) comments from Dr. Cassandra Miller, the author of the magazine’s response, a female psychologist who specializes in boys’ emotional development:


I like showing Steve’s pictures to everyone. The quality is excellent and you can appreciate every detail. I like the ones showing normal family fun, but I particularly enjoy the embarrassing ones.

His cartoon pajamas are indeed the kind of design you would expect a toddler to wear. Young Steve does indeed look cute, and also silly, in them. Teenage boys do not have much more emotional maturity than a toddler, though, so it’s not inappropriate. I may buy similar ones for my own three teenage sons.

By the way, I do not hesitate to show Steve’s “candid” pictures to anyone. I have also allowed many young girls to see them, along with Steve’s letters. They all laugh gleefully at them, and remark how silly he looks in his pajamas and also naked, getting bathed by Ellen and even getting showered outdoors to get the sand from the beach off. The also love the ones where he gets spanked by a younger girl, and has everyone see his peenie and his bottom. In the pictures before the spanking he looks all concerned about being naked but is not allowed to cover himself, but in the ones afterwards he is more concerned about his burning bare bottom. Ellen really knows how to keep him in line.

I always tell the girls that boys are indeed silly and immature, and that it’s natural for girls to have authority over them. As a feminist, it’s a satisfaction for me to see a confident and self-assured young girl like Ellen taking charge of an older boy so matter-of-factly.

Perhaps I’ll publish some of Steve’s pictures the next time he writes, so that everybody can see how cute they are. He is just a boy. There’s no reason for him to be so modest.

(The End)