It's Not Fair 22

By Cassie

Copyright 2015, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Red Rover. The magazine response and psychologist's comments are Cassie's)

Benji (15 years old):

Dear it’s Not Fair:

My name is Benjamin, but everybody calls me Benji. I am 15 years old and in the 10th grade. I have two sisters Diane (17) and Lori (13). We live with our mother (Marie) who teaches 5th grade. She is divorced and we don’t see our father. I have been on Puericil for over two years now and I hate it! It’s true that I don’t get in as much trouble as I used to, but I hate getting treated like I was five years old instead of fifteen. Diane is in full charge of me and partly in charge of Lori. She is training Lori to take over when she leaves for college next year. Mom has told me that I will be on Puericil until I am 21 and maybe beyond that.

Fortunately, I was already 13 years old and 5’-5” when I went on Puericil so I don’t look like a 9 year old, And I am still as smart as I was then. But I have zero body hair below the neck, my penis is only an inch long and my testicles are very small and tight against my belly. So I look like a tall 11 year old when I change for gym or go swimming. But the worst part is being treated like a little kid by my sisters.

Diane is mostly in charge but if she’s not there, I have to obey Lori. Both of them have permission to spank me any time, any place for any reason – even if they just feel like doing it. I am spanked naked at home, in the living room, regardless of who else is there. It often happens that friends of Diane and Lori are there when I am spanked, so there must be several dozen girls from age 12 to 18 who have seen me naked and spanked. Sometimes they let the other girls give me a few smacks on the bare bottom or let them play with my boy parts. After a spanking, I have to stand in the corner naked for a half hour or hour.

Every night after dinner the girls give me a bath, with the “assistance” of several other girls who “happen” to be there. They all get to wash my private parts and play with them while I am naked in the tub. Then I go into the living room, still naked and they dry me off. After that, I have to lie on the rug with my bare bottom in the air while we all watch TV. My bedtime is 9:00 and the girls supervise me as I brush my teeth, pee and poop. If I don’t pee, they put me in diapers for the night to “avoid any accidents.” Otherwise I sleep naked.

Worst of all, on school days, Diane gives me my Puericil suppository in the front hall right after breakfast. I have to bend over the hall table, with my butt facing the door and she pulls down my pants and briefs. Unless it is real cold, the front door is open and anybody outside can see me. Our house is right next to the school bus stop, so a bunch of girls will usually come over and watch, some of them come into the hall to get a better look.

Diane puts grease on her fingers and lubricates my bottom hole and rectum. She has long fingers and puts them all the way in, so it makes me squirm and sometimes I get an erection, to the delight of the spectators. Then she pushed the suppository in as far as she can with her two fingers. To get it even further up into my colon, she has a rubber thing about the size and shape of a hot dog. She pushes that in until she has the suppository at least 5 inches up my butt. She says it’s so it won’t come out accidentally, but I am sure she does it to watch me squirm while her friends giggle.

Diane also has permission to spank me in school. If I get in trouble, the teacher sends me to the office and they call Diane. They have a rule that teachers can’t spank but they can allow parents or other designated “guardians” to come to school and give spankings. Since my mother’s school is several miles away from ours, she has designated Diane to do the spanking for her. (Next year, Diane will be graduated, but Lori will be a freshman so she will take over my school spankings.

Most kids who get spanked in school get it done in the principal or VP’s office behind closed doors. But Diane says this is silly because boys don’t need to be modest and the girls who watch will learn how to be good mothers when they have kids. Mom agrees and so do the principal and VP. So I get spanked out in the main office with a couple of female secretaries, the principal or VP and usually some senior girls who take turns working in the office. Plus any students or teachers who happen to wander in during the “show.”

I have to take off my shoes, shirt and pants and then stand in front of Diane while the VP reads off my offenses. Then Diane takes down my briefs and puts me over her knee, clamping my legs between hers so I can’t struggle much and my bare bottom is pointing straight up where everybody can see it and watch it bounce up and down and turn red. Diane uses a heavy wooden hairbrush for most of the spanking and she slams it into my quivering bottom with full force at every smack. She spanks slowly and thoroughly, covering every square inch of my bottom. It hurts like crazy and I am bawling like a 4-year old by the tenth stroke. But she keeps going until I am blubbering incoherently and babbling stuff like “I’ll be good” “please stop” and “It h-u-u-urts so bad.” It also feels like it is on fire.

As a “grand finale,” Diane takes a heavy wooden ruler and gives me a dozen or so smacks on the “sit spots” where my bottom joins with my thighs. That hurts so much that I howl like a banshee at every stroke and the audience cheers and laughs. Sometimes she will lay a few stripes on the upper thighs as well, which hurts even worse.

Finally, I am laying over her knee, totally exhausted and making little mewing noises because I can’t scream any more. Diane invites the audience to come up and feel my red-hot bottom. They often will give me little “playful” spanks or squeeze or pinch my bottom cheeks, which starts me howling all over again. Sometimes the senior girls put their hands between my legs and fondle my boy parts while giggling at my protests. Then I have to stand in the corner, bare butt exposed until the end of the next period so that another two or three dozen students and teachers can wander into the office and see me in all my glory.

That is bad enough, but a few times, Diane has actually spanked me in my classroom with all my classmates watching. So now everybody in my class has seen my bare bottom and watched my blubber like a baby while being spanked. Worst yet, a couple times she has taken me to the Home Economics classroom and spanked me in front of about twenty freshman girls.

I have complained to my mother, teachers and the principal but they all say that little boys need to be taught to behave and that spanking and humiliation is the best way to do that.


The magazine’s response:
Dear Benji,

Ouch! It sounds like your sisters are very strict with you. We are sorry about that. But embarrassing and painful as it must be, you have to remember that it is done out of love, and for your own good. You probably do not appreciate it now, but when you are older and more mature you will be grateful that you had a family who loved you and disciplined you when you needed it.

Of course you are smart! Puericil does not make boys less intelligent. It just makes them more obedient, which when you have such strict sisters is actually a plus. Imagine if you got in trouble much more often. You would be getting spanked all the time, even more often than now!

Since they are in charge of you it’s normal that both of them have permission to spank you any time and place and for any reason. That’s usually the case when someone is in charge of a little boy. We are sure your sisters have your best interests at heart, though, even if sometimes they seem to you overly strict.

It probably seems to you that your Diane and Lori go out of their way to humiliate you and expose you naked in front of people, including girls. The reason for that is what they have explained to you: Many people believe that embarrassment is a powerful tool in the discipline of boys. If it works in avoiding even more frequent spankings and helping you grow up to be a responsible adult, then it has served its purpose with little harm done, since most people also believe that boys do not need any of that “false modesty”.

Look, we know punishments are not pleasant… that’s why they are punishments. We are sorry you have to get them. However, they are part of boyhood, and you should try to learn for them and behave so that it doesn’t happen too often.

Next time you are naked at school getting spanked, or getting your Puericil suppository in front of everybody, remember that your sister is doing it because she wants the best for you, even if it’s embarrassing, and that she wouldn’t take all this trouble and chores if she didn’t care.

So, instead of complaining, sometimes you should show your appreciation to your sisters for taking care of you, making sure you are clean and keeping you on the straight and narrow. Even the embarrassing parts are done to help you. Do something nice for them and mention that you appreciate their being there for you, even the discipline. Show them that you are growing up and accepting responsibility for your mistakes.


Additional (not published) comments from Dr. Cassandra Miller, the author of the magazine’s response, a female psychologist who specializes in boys’ emotional development:

Many girls love having power over boys, and it is clear to me that Benji's sisters are enjoying the power they have over their teen brother. That's as it should be. On average girls are more mature and much better students than boys, and it is only right that they should have authority over them. It makes girls more confident and some humiliation does a boy a lot of good.

Puericil was created to keep control of teenage boys and it is an excellent tool for that. Instead of getting in trouble and becoming rebellious Benji, like countless other boys, is firmly under his family's control. Puericil makes him submissive and easy to order around. It doesn't make him any less embarrassed about his public nudity, though. Quite the contrary, since this lack of aggression and self-security makes boys shier. Boys on Puericil are so shy and helpless that it is a lot of fun to make them strip, and even better if it's in public.

(The End)