It's Not Fair 20

By Cassie

Copyright 2015 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue!

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Steven. The magazine response and psychologist's comments are Cassie's)

(16 years old):

Dear It's Not Fair:

I hope you are not getting tired of hearing from me, and I hope you and all the people at Boy Stuff had a Merry Christmas. Mine just brought more indications that I am still being treated like a baby. I think when I tell you about it you will understand why. I got some really cool gifts from my parents for Christmas, but I got 2 presents from Ellen, my 13 year old babysitter, that were anything but cool.

I told you in my last letter how, during our overnight trip to work on our history project at school, Ellen had me attend our evening class meetings in my cartoon pajamas, since she had already given me my bath (and a spanking too the second night, as you remember). As I have told you before, the pajamas are just a thin short sleeve shirt and thin pajama shorts with an elastic waist and an open fly in the front. Of course, Ellen never lets me wear underpants under my pajama shorts. As the weather was somewhat cool, it was cold for me to be sitting in those meetings in my pajamas, besides the fact that I looked ridiculous and like a total baby in front of all my girl classmates.

Ellen took my complaint about my pajamas being too thin for me to wear in cooler weather to heart, but not in the way I expected. When I opened the first gift wrapped package from Ellen, there were 2 pairs of footie pajamas in my size. They had the same light blue color and cartoon pattern as my other pajamas, but these were long sleeve one piece pajamas with feet. Are you kidding me? The pajamas have the same open fly as my pajama shorts in the front, and a drop flap in the back over the tushie that is fastened with 2 buttons.

Ellen immediately took me upstairs to my room and had me change into the pajamas and then brought me back downstairs to model them for my family. My sisters and father just smiled, but my mother was just gushing about how cute "her little boy" looked. How many times do I have to tell everyone that I am not a little boy. I am 16, for goodness sake.

Ellen even had me stand in my punishment corner and put my hands over my head, like I have to do after she gives me a spanking, and she unbuttoned the drop flap so it would fall open, leaving my entire tushie on display. Everyone laughed, and Ellen said "See, now I don't even have to pull Steve's pants down to spank him." I was horribly embarassed, but said nothing, not wanting to risk a Christmas day spanking. She then brought the back flap back up and buttoned it, and said "See, Steve, I do care about you. Now you don't have to worry about being cold when you wear pajamas in the winter weather."

Then, she had me open the second box, which was a long box. It was very light, and I couldn't imagine what was inside it. When I opened it, I was almost sick. Can you guess? It was a cane, given to her by Mrs. Thompson, the headmistress of our school. Ellen then informed me that since I was getting to be a bigger boy, that she had to make sure my spankings hurt enough. That was why she had a neighborhood boy drill holes in my paddle, as I told you about in my last letter, and she then informed me, in front of everyone, that from now on, any spankings she had to give me would be finished off with 6 strokes of the cane as I bent over the living room sofa. She had watched our teacher, Mrs. Weaver and our swim instructor, Ms. Chavez cane me enough times that she knew how to cane, and she had gotten advice from both teachers as well.

Then she said "Just so you know I am serious, come here and bend over the sofa right now. I'm going to give you just one stroke, so you can see that it is something you want to avoid. What could I do? So right in front of all my family, I bent over the sofa, and Ellen opened the drop flap once again and let it fall down, so my entire tushie was showing. She lined up behind me, brought the cane way behind her head, and brought it down with a loud CRACK on my tushie. It hurt as much as any stroke I had ever gotten in school, and I yelled OWEEE! OWEEE! OWEEE! and jumped up, rubbing my naked tushie with tears in my eyes. Ellen let me rub for a few moments and then turned me around and pulled the drop flap back up and buttoned it again. She then took the cane and placed it on a hook on the wall that I had not noticed before, right next to my paddle.

I continued rubbing my tushie over the pajamas, and I could feel the welt that was growing where the cane had landed. It did not stop hurting for a long time, and Ellen said "Now you know you want to be a good boy so I don't have to spank you. That was only one stroke. Imagine how 6 will feel after the paddle." I didn't want to even think about it. Trust me. I have plenty of experience getting the cane at school in front of all my girl classmates, who think it is so funny to see me getting it since girls don't get spanked at all, and the thought that there was now a cane in the house as well made me ill.

Then another decision was made for me that once again shows that I am regarded as a total baby who makes no decisions for himself. My parents bought each of my sisters a beautiful necklace and bought one for Ellen as well. All 3 girls tried on their necklaces very excitedly and admired them in a mirror. Then my parents gave Ellen another box and said "This is from Steve." I didn't know about this at all. It was a matching bracelet for the necklace. Ellen was very excited, and my parents said "Steve is going to be paying for that necklace from his allowance, since he is the one who gets the benefit of your wonderful babysitting." Oh, great. I just got a stroke of a cane on my naked tushie from Ellen and some ridiculous cartoon footie pajamas, and I gave her a necklace that I was going to pay for, and I didn't even have a say in the matter. My parents made the decision for me.

Ellen looked at me with a big smile and, surprisingly enough, with a couple of tears in her eyes, and said "Thank you Steve. It is beautiful." She gave me a hug and even a little kiss on the cheek. That was really surprising to me as I am usually the only one crying when I am with Ellen. She is usually completely stern and never shows emotions. The only one who cries like a baby is me. Then she said "It is so beautiful that I may let you out of one spanking that you deserve, but don't count on it." Everyone except me laughed, thinking that it was the funniest thing ever. Oh yeah, it is so funny. Everyone else is getting nice presents, and I am standing there in ridiculous footie pajamas with a red welt forming on my tushie. What a riot.

Well, in the last week, nothing has changed. I am now being seen by other neighborhood children, both boys and girls, in my footie pajamas, just like I was in my short cartoon pajamas before, and I can tell you that Ellen did not let me off a spanking I earned. The paddle followed by 6 strokes of the cane hurt unbelievably much, and I cried and cried and cried as I stood in the punishment corner. No matter what I do, nothing gets any better. What can I do? It's Not Fair!

The magazine’s response:
Hello, Steve!

Please, do not think we are tired of hearing from you. On the contrary, we like it when our readers write often, and we love reading your letters. We'll never get tired of you!

We are happy that you had a (mostly) nice Christmas with (mostly) cool gifts. However, did you know that "May all your wishes be granted" is actually an old Chinese curse? Yes, as you grow up you should start being careful what you wish for. You were complaining about being cold in your regular pajamas, so Ellen got you warmer ones. You were also complaining about getting treated like a little boy, so Ellen gave you a big-boy cane so that you can get big-boy punishments.

I know your new pajamas seem a bit embarrassing, but you shouldn't really worry about that. Yes, you are 16, but at that age you are still an immature young boy. Otherwise, how could a much younger girl like Ellen be so much more mature than you, and have so much authority over you, and handle you so easily and confidently? It's because even though there is a big age difference in your favor there is also a much bigger maturity difference in her favor. In some things you are getting treated as a bigger boy, but as you have seen that's not always a good thing! Being treated as a young boy has its advantages.

Please, do not be too embarrassed that you have a drop flap that makes it easy to expose your tushie. It's not a big deal. You are a boy who still has a babysitter. She bathes you! It's not as if people around you don't get to see your tushie and your little peenie all the time, is it? Even younger girls like your sisters and Ellen do so. No need to get all worked about it then, even if you are 16 and it seems a bit embarrassing. No one else thinks it matters anyway. Your mom just thinks that you look really cute in your new pajamas! If your parents, who are adults, see nothing wrong with it, why should you? Just relax and enjoy being a boy and having no grownup responsibilities!

It's clear that Ellen loves you and cares about you, Steve. Look how concerned she was that you wouldn't be cold in the winter!

It's too bad about your new cane. It looks like your punishments will be more stingy, and Ellen really knows how to use the cane! That's bad, but you have to remember that it's in your own hands. If you are a good little boy and you are obedient you won't need to be punished. You know that grownups and Ellen are fair. They wouldn't punish you without a good reason. Why, Ellen even went so far as to give you a sample so that you would remember how much the cane hurts and would try extra-hard to avoid it!

You complain that you don't get to make any decisions, but often when you are allowed to decide something (like wanting warmer pajamas) you do not like the consequences. Until you have the maturity to consider the consequences of your decisions, you are probably better off letting your parents and Ellen decide for you. They know better. That probably goes for your present for Ellen too. If they had not chosen for you, you wouldn't have thought of buying that bracelet, and look how much Ellen loved it! She even cried she was so grateful. That was not only because it was a nice gift, but because it was from you (even if you had some help) and Ellen clearly loves you and cares for you.

We are so sorry you got that hard spanking! But, as you say, you earned it. That's what you can do to make things improve. Be a good, obedient boy and don't get in trouble. Then you won't have to get punished and your parents and Ellen will start thinking you are growing up. Don't get discouraged if that seems impossibly far away right now. Maturity will come in time, and in the meantime you are a lucky boy, with so many people who love you. It's not all embarrassing moments and punishments. Childhood comes with so many activities and fun things to do! Enjoy yourself, and know that your friends at Boy Stuff are rooting for you! A big hug for you!

Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Steven. The magazine response and psychologist's comments are Cassie's)

(16 years old):

Dear It's Not Fair:

I know that I just sent you a letter about my Christmas day experiences with my babysitter, Ellen and her presents, the cane and the new footie cartoon pajamas. You haven't even had a chance to answer that letter yet, but something happened the next night that I just had to get off my chest. Please tell me if you think I am writing to you too much, but you don't know how much it helps me and makes me feel better to write to you. I really feel like you understand and hope this is alright.

The day after Christmas was a Friday night. My parents were going out for the evening, but had given permission for my sisters to have a sleepover, since we are of course out of school for the winter Christmas holiday. There was a total of 20 girls invited, friends of my sisters from the neighborhood and some of the girls from my class as well. You know that Ellen was there, of course.

Ellen went ahead and gave me my bath in the late afternoon and dressed me in my new cartoon footie pajamas (Oh good grief, all the girls were going to see me in them!) before the girls arrived. Ellen told me that as the big brother I would be expected to be a good and gracious host and help with all the guests. The girls invited ranged in age from 10 to 13 years old. The girls arrived and of course laughed to see the big boy dressed in cartoon footie pajamas like a baby.

Some of the girls who had never seen my paddle on the living room wall and of course, the new cane that now hung next to it had to ask me lots of embarassing questions about them as well. You know the type of questions. Are you the only one spanked here? Do you really get it on the bare tushie? Do you cry? Does it hurt? I of course had to answer the questions truthfully, because Ellen was standing there listening, and you and I both know what would have happened if I lied.

Pizzas were delivered, and I helped with the serving, as well as getting drinks for our guests. Once we got past the embarassment of the girls seeing me in these ridiculous footie cartoon pajamas and got past all the giggles over the paddle and cane on the wall, I have to admit that I began to enjoy myself. Some of the younger girls especially started commenting about what a good and cool older brother I was, and how nice it was of me to help.

After dinner, I tended to the cleaning up in the kitchen, and by the time I got back to the living room, the girls had seemed to divide into two groups. The older girls had gone upstairs to one of my sister's bedrooms along with my sisters and Ellen, while the younger girls, the 10 and 11 year olds, stayed in the living room. I had brought out some pretzels and other snacks, and there was cake, ice cream and drinks in the kitchen which I would bring as needed.

My parents had brought in some movies, one of which seemed the best to me, so I put it in the player, and I settled down on the sofa to watch the movie. Two girls sat down right next to me right away, both neighborhood girls, a 10 year old girl named Jenny on one side and an 11 year old girl named Amy on the other side. Jenny even leaned her head against me, which I thought was kind of sweet.

Amy was holding a cup of pretzels, and when she leaned forward for a moment, the cup tipped over and all the pretzels fell on the floor right in front of me. Amy acted like she was so sorry, but asked if I wouldn't mind picking up the pretzels. Being the gracious host and the cool big brother, I of course said yes, and leaned forward to clean up the pretzels from the floor.

When I finished, Amy said "Thanks so much. You are so sweet. But would you please bring me some more?" Given the opportunity to act gallant and cool, I of course said yes and got up to go to the kitchen and get some more pretzels. I heard some laughing and giggles as I left the room, but I just assumed that it was little girl gossip. I came back with the pretzels, and I was getting lots of smiles and requests from the girls. All of a sudden, all of these 10 and 11 year old girls wanted things, telling me how nice it was of me to get them and how lucky my sisters were to have such a nice and cool big brother. I started making trip after trip to the kitchen and back, bringing cake, ice cream and soda to different girls, getting lots of smiles and hearing lots of laughing and giggles, which I just figured were silly little girl talk. I probably didn't stop going back and forth for about 20 minutes, as I kept bringing things, taking empty plates to the kitchen, and bringing refills.

All of a sudden, some of the older girls, including Ellen and my sisters came downstairs, and Ellen suddenly yelled "STEVE!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" As soon as Ellen asked the question, there was a howl of girlish laughter and giggles, but I just looked at Ellen, totally confused. I said "I was just getting the girls cake, ice cream and drinks, being a good host like you told me to." Ellen listened to my answer and then smiled, as the girls around her starting laughing just like the little 10 and 11 year olds who had been with me in the living room already.

I didn't understand what was so funny, but Ellen took me by the arm out of the living room into the foyer by the front door where we have a full length mirror. She had me look in the mirror, and all I saw was me in my ridiculous cartoon pajamas. I still didn't see what was so funny, other than these ridiculous pajamas themselves, and I said "So?" Everyone had already had their good laugh over my babyish pajamas. Ellen then turned me around so I could see the back. OH GOOD GRIEF! It seems that sneaky Amy had dropped the pretzels intentionally, and whle I was being the good big brother and picking them up as I leaned forward, Amy and Jenny had secretly and softly unbuttoned the back flap of my footie pajamas, so when I got up to bring more pretzels and then with each trip to the kitchen and back thereafter, my back flap was open and hanging down and my tushie was showing to all of these little 10 and 11 year old girls.

I felt sick, and was suddenly afraid that Ellen was going to spank me in front of everyone, but Ellen realized that the girls had tricked me and had no intention of spanking me. She did, however, lead me back into the living room and make me apologize to these little girls for walking around with my naked tushie showing. Like it was my idea, and something I had wanted to do.

She then turned me around to give all of the girls one more good long look at my tushie before she pulled the flap back up and buttoned it. I was so embarassed the rest of the night. As we watched the movie, no matter where I looked, there were girls grinning at me, and I knew that every single one of them had had many good looks at my tushie and knew exactly what it looked like. How embarassing. Of course, the girls in my class had seen me naked in swim class all the time, as well as seeing me getting caned on my naked tushie by our teacher, Mrs. Weaver, or the swim instructor, Ms. Chavez, but I'm pretty sure that some of the younger girls here had never seen me spanked or in the bath tub before. Now my tushie was certainly not a secret. Even for the girls in my class, being seen in this circumstance, where I clearly did not know that my tushie was showing, was a new and different kind of embarassment for me and something very funny for the girls. It all happened because I now have to wear these silly footie pajamas. It's Not Fair!

The magazine’s response:

Hello, Steve!

We do not mind! Really! Please, write to us as often as you'd like. We are your friends and like hearing from you. If you keep asking whether you write too much we may have to talk with Ellen and ask her to punish you! And you know you wouldn't like that, because she always turns you into a bawling, bare-tushied little boy.   ;-)

You really should think about what happened at the sleepover. First you were so embarrassed because they were seeing you in your footie cartoon pajamas. The younger girls laughed when they saw you, but not because they don't like you. I'm sure it was just because they found you cute and adorable.

Then they saw your paddle and your cane and they were curious and asking all those questions. And of course you had to tell them the truth, because Ellen was there and she punishes you when you tell lies. That had to be so embarrassing, telling all those young girls how you are the only one in your house who gets spanked, even though you are the eldest child (but it's normal because your siblings are girls, so they are more mature). Or how you always get it on your bare tushie. Or how much you cry and jump around bawling. Or how Ellen, even though she is so much younger than you, babysits you and bathes you and paddles and canes you whenever you need it. We know that was embarrassing but we are proud of you for telling the truth and avoiding a spanking. It shows that you are growing up a bit!

The important thing, though, is how once you get over that wave of false embarrassment you start seeing that it's not so bad, and that you can enjoy yourself and have a good time. Girls find it cute when a little boy acts all embarrassed, so once you stop thinking about it they also act normal and you all enjoy yourselves.

We are also proud of how helpful you tried to be all the time. That also shows you are growing up!

It's a pity the girls played that joke on you and you got so embarrassed. But you really shouldn't have. They were just playing a good-natured joke. Sure, they all saw your tushie for a long time, without you even knowing that they were seeing it. But... does it matter so much? You are still a little boy, Steve. It's not like you are a mature young man. Nobody really minds when a little boy like you shows his tushie without realizing it.

Ellen thought that you were being deliberately rude and she almost got mad, but when she saw that you were not doing it on purpose she did not get mad at you. She is fair and only punishes you when you deserve it, so you didn't get in trouble. You just had to tell the girls you were sorry for being rude without noticing, and that was that.

Did you notice that you did not get in trouble at all? That would never have happened some time ago, with so many things going on at the sleepover. That means you are maturing a bit. Little by little but you are. So do not get discouraged. You'll grow up in time!

A big hug for you, Steve, and happy new year!

Additional (not published) comments from the author of the magazine’s response, a female psychologist who specializes in boys’ emotional development:

As always, I'm filled with admiration and female pride for young Ellen. In spite of her youth she is so easily in command all the time, and she thoroughly dominates Steve with such confidence! She knows how it is with boys, no matter if they are teenagers: you make the decisions and give the orders, and they do exactly as you tell them. Puericil helps with that quite a lot. If they do not, you bare their little bottoms and warm them up for them. She also knows how to use embarrassment to increase his childish feelings of helplessness.

I have a lot of fun imagining Steve, 16-years-old but still so immature and submissive, standing there in horror as he is displayed in his impossibly cute footie pajamas, or as his drop flap is demonstrated, leaving his tushie naked for all to see. Or howling and jumping around after getting caned by his babysitter. Or in that sleepover, squirming in his pajamas in front of so many giggling younger girls as they interrogate him. How deliciously embarrassing for him, having to tell all the truth! Or how the girls played their prank, making the older boy display his bottom for them to see, everytime they sent him to the kitchen.

All in all, I'm surprised Steve is not always burning with abject embarrassment with all these memories!


(The End)