It's Not Fair 16

By Cassie

Copyright 2014 by Cassie, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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This story is set in the Puericil Universe.

See chapter 1 for an explanation about this series. This is another selection of letters from the "It’s Not Fair!" letter column, in "Boy Stuff" magazine. In them, boys complain about how little privacy they are allowed, and about the double standard that makes it OK for people to see them naked but protects girls’ modesty. The intention of this article is illustrating the attitude changes that the Conservative Resurgence has brought about: children, particularly male children, are firmly controlled by adult authority figures, who often make a point of emphasizing that control, in order to keep boys in their place and out of trouble.

Please feel free to contribute any similar letters if you wish to, and I’ll be happy to write the magazine’s response and the psychologist's comments. Thanks to the contributors for this issue: Edward, Steve and Mark A.

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Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Edward)
Eddie (15 years old)

Dear It's not fair,

I don't like Puericil. Mom started me on it when I was 12. Dad found the pills and went nuts. "No son of mine is going to be turned into a sissy boy" he said.

They argued a lot and Dad flushed the pills down the toilet. He made me promise never to take them again and I did. A few weeks later I bested a school bully but was suspended for fighting. For the three days of my suspension, I was spanked with mom's hairbrush in the morning and before bed. The P's argued constantly.

About a week after the suspension I came home to find Mom, her sister Mary, her daughter Emily and my two younger sisters (10 & 9 at the time) waiting for me. "I've talked to your principal and she agrees' You ARE going on puericil." she said

"No, I won't take it. I promised Dad!" I said. "You can't make me" I tried to leave but they wouldn't let me. If I could hold out, dad would be home in 1/2 an hour but it was not to be. They surrounded and held me. Mom pulled my pants and undies down and off. I was dragged over her lap and hairbrushed until all I could do was sob like a little girl.

Mom opened a box containing foil packets. She opened one and produced a cylindrical thing about three inches long.

"I know you promised your dad not to take Puericil. I will not make you break your promise. You are not taking this; it is being forced on you."

Emily (my 14 years old cousin) produced a jar of Vaseline and after spreading my cheeks rubbed some on my heinie-hole. Then she plunged her index finger all the way in! "Emily will be your baby sitter when I am not here so she must learn to administer you meds" said Mom. Emily removed her slippery finger Mom plunged that big suppository into my heinie and pushed it in with her whole finger.

I was squealing but mom told me to settle down. "I have to hold it in for ten minutes to make sure it stays. So there I was, over mommy's lap wearing nothing but a shirt and socks listening to how its going to be from now on when Dad walks in the front door.

He was livid. Their was a lot of shouting. He pulled Mom's finger out of my ass and slapped her. Then he dragged me to the bathroom and got out the enema syringe and pumped bulb after bulb into me. When I was full he let me use the toilet. and started again. After three evacuations the bathroom door burst open and four policewomen entered. They dragged Dad away and he was charged with assault and child abuse. He was given a ten year sentence.

I'm fifteen now and every week I have to let someone (usually Emily or one of my sisters) poke their finger up my heinie and hold it for 10 minutes. This is done in the living room and by now all my sisters friend have seen me in this humiliating position.

Dad was taken to prison and had a rough time. Child molesters don't get much respect. A year ago he was offered a chance for parole if he took this experimental puericil for grown-ups. He has been on it for a year and was released last week. Its great to have my Dad back, but its a little different now.

Dad's on parole and must take puericil just like me. Last night we were nose to nose over the knees of my sisters as they held our suppositories in for the required 10 minutes. (I've read that this isn't necessary but Mom just smiles and says better safe than sorry) Worse than that, Dad's medicine makes him a bed wetter so he is diapered every night after our baths. The parole people say he will have to take it for at least six more years, and Mom says I'll have to take it for as long as I'm underage, at the very least. So we will both be on Puericil until I'm 21. Its just not Fair!

The magazine’s response:
Dear Eddie,
It's not a good thing when parents argue and disagree, particularly in front of their children. As what happened later shows, your Mom was right and your Dad was out of control. Taking Puericil can be embarrassing if it's in the form of suppositories, since obviously you need to have your bottom bared for it. Some boys also dislike the secondary effects (like not getting any hairs around their peenies). However, the important thing is that it helps you keep out of trouble. What happened to your Dad should be a lesson to you. Boys -particularly in their teenage years-, and also some adult men, have a tendency to get out of control and resort to violence when they do not get their way. This is not at all acceptable in our modern society. You already got in trouble at school for fighting, and your Mom only wants the best for you when she makes sure you take Puericil up your heinie. That way you will not get in more serious trouble like your Dad.

That your cousin and little sisters get to help is too bad. We understand it must be embarrassing for you. However, they are part of your fam
ily, and remember that they are just helping with a medical treatment. You should take into account that girls mature much faster, so it's really no big deal for them to see you naked. Even if you are older in age, in term of behavior and maturity they probably see you as a child. It doesn't matter then that you are naked in front of them, and you should try not be ashamed.

It's very good that you have your Dad back, and that the family is together again. He should be an example to you, in that taking Puericil can keep you out of serious trouble. Having to be in jail is not nice at all, so you are lucky your Mom is looking out for you and doesn't want to let you get in trouble.

Good luck!

Additional (not published) comments from the author of the magazine’s response, a female psychologist who specializes in boys’ emotional development:
An excellent example of why males need to be controlled. Before the Conservative Resurgence, the amount of violence against females was staggering. But then, as society got over its traditional machismo and females started showing their academic superiority, they started getting most  well-paid positions and achieving more social influence.
The violence that used to be tolerated was no longer acceptable, and the development of Puericil was a godsent to help them control young males. From then on, the social dominance of women was uncontested.

Eddie here and his father sure found out the hard way. That boy, with such a bad example at home, would probably followed his father's steps. However, thanks to Puericil he becomes very easy to control. Letting his younger cousin and sisters help with his treatment in such an embarrassing way reinforces in his mind the superiority of females. His female cousing and his sisters are younger than him, but they have authority over him regardless of age because they are girls. It's kind of difficult for him to have the wrong ideas about gender roles when he is regularly naked over a younger girl's lap, getting a suppository inserted into his anus. Seeing his dad in the same predicament only makes the message even clearer. I imagine that it is also very entertaining for the girls, who also get used in that way to being dominant in their relationships with boys.

Most men who have grown up taking Puericil are already quite respectfult of women and assume as the natural way of things that females should have more authority. However there are still men who grew up before the use of Puericil was widespread. Fortunately, more variations of Puericil are constantly being developed, and one of them is specifically for adults. Men who commit violent crimes, like domestic violence against women, are prime candidates to take it.


Letter published in the It’s Not Fair section of the magazine called Boy Stuff:
  (this letter has been written by Steve, based on a story seed written by Mark A.)
Paul (17 years old)

Dear It's Not Fair,

If I hear one more word about the Conservative Resurgence, I think I am going to scream. As far as I am concerned, it is nothing more than a law that allows boys to be discriminated against (Did I spell that right?) I have 3 sisters, one age 19 years old, one age 14 years old, and one 10 years old. I am the only boy, but I get treated like much more of a baby than my youngest sister. I am the only person in the house who gets spanked now, or ever has been spanked. None of my sisters have ever felt a single swat on their fannies, yet I get my mother's cane constantly. My mother is American but grew up in England, so she learned all about using canes on naughty boys, and has a cane that she keeps in the kitchen to punish me. Always in the kitchen or living room, always bending over the table or sofa, always in front of my sisters or anyone else who might be in the house, and worst of all, always on my bare fanny, regardless of who is watching. Then it is pants down corner time in the living room, so the welts on my fanny can really grow and become even more red, and so anyone seeing me can laugh at them. Let me tell you something. There is nothing funny about those welts on my fanny. They hurt like blazes, and I think my sisters just like seeing their brother standing in the corner with a bare fanny and crying like a baby. My 19 year old sister is even allowed to cane me herself if my mother is not home.

Then my baths. My sisters, even my youngest sister, bathe themselves with the bathroom door closed, but when I get a bath, I am not allowed to bathe myself, even though I can do it perfectly well. No, I have to get bathed by either my mother or my 19 or 14 year old sisters. Also, I am always bathed with the bathroom door wide open, so anyone who wants to come in the bathroom can while I am in the tub. I can't tell you how many times my sisters' friends have come into the bathroom, just sat down on the closed toilet and talked to the sister bathing me, while I am sitting or standing in the tub completely naked. It's so embarassing. They act like I am not even there, even though all those friends, and even my 10 year old sister and her friends, spend plenty of time looking at naked me. I keep being told that I am still a little boy and don't even have any hair above my peepee. Well, that's not my fault. It's that puericil medicine my mother makes me take every day. It's so infuriating! (Did I spell that right?)

The discrimination even goes to doctor visits. Even though I am 17 year old, I still have to go to a lady pediatrician, Dr. Ivey. I had to go last week, and it was just awful, as it was my first doctor visit since the Conservative Resurgence law went into effect. There were changes in the office that were just horrible. It was explained to me that after the new law went into effect, the National Medical Association passed new guidelines that said that from now on, pediatricians would treat as patients girls up to the age of 12 years old, but boys to the age of 20. Girls above the age of 12 would be treated by a gynecologist or an adult internal medicine doctor. Before my check up visit last week, I was complaining to my mother about how unfair it was that I could not go to an adult doctor like my 19 and 14 year old sisters. Of course, my mother responded in her usual way. Pants and underpants down, over the sofa, and 6 strokes of the cane on my naked fanny in front of my 14 and 10 year old sisters, who were going with me to the doctor, even though only I was getting a checkup. There was no time for corner time, so I just sat in the back seat of the car crying as we made our way to the doctor's office. I still had tears in my eyes and was still sniffling as I sat in the waiting room with my mother and sisters.

When I got called in, my mother and sisters came with me, and my mother said nothing about my sisters waiting in the waiting room. I couldn't believe the changes to the office. As soon as you entered the door from the waiting room into the corridor, there was a wide alcove on the right with a sign that said "Height and Weight Area and Boys' Injection Area." There was the big scale there with the height gauge for measuring height and weight, but there was also a stretcher there like the kind they use in ambulances. The stretcher was covered by the same kind of paper on a roll that they use in the individual exam rooms. What I noticed was that this was not a room at all. Behind it along the wall was a big refrigerator with a lock and several cabinets which were also locked. The whole area was wide open, and there was no curtain or any attempt at privacy at all.
There was a girl about 8 years old on the scale having her height and weight taken. She was barefoot, but was wearing 2 hospital type gowns, one covering her front and the other covering her back. We passed that area and continued on into an examination room, and the lady taking us back told me to get completely undressed, not the slightest bit concerned that my sisters and mother were right there with me. There were even chairs for the 3 of them to sit, while I was told to get up on the exam table after I had undressed.

Not wanting any more spanking after the caning at home which still hurt my fanny tremendously, I turned my back to my mother and sisters and undressed, and hopped up on the table, which hurt my sore fanny quite a bit but just sat there anyway, my hands covering my peepee. A nurse came in and confirmed my name, age, and other information with my mother, and said "Ok, Paul, let's go get your height and weight. Off the table." I was expecting her to give me a couple of hospital type gowns to put on, but she took me by the arm, opened the door, and before I even realized what was happening led me out into the corridor toward the scale completely naked. I passed 2 little girls on the way to the scale, who were dressed, of course, and heard giggles behind me as they apparently noticed my welted fanny from the back.

I was made to stand on the scale while the nurse took my height and weight, and then she said "Looks like someone has been a bad boy. At least you got what you deserved." Gee thanks. Then off the scale and I was led back to my exam room. My sisters had the biggest grins on their faces when I went back into the room. After a few minutes, Dr. Ivey came into the room and began my exam. First she had me lie on the exam table face up, and then roll over so I was face down. That is when Dr. Ivey said to my mother "Those are some first rate welts on Paul's bottom. Do you spank him with a cane?"

"Yes," my mother answered. "I believe that the cane is the only thing to use on an older boy."

“I’m sure it’s most effective,” Dr. Ivey answered. “I hope you do not use corporal punishment on your daughters, though?”

“Oh, no, doctor. Of course it’s not necessary to spank the girls. Only Paul gets his bottom blistered in our family.”

"And you do a very good job! Paul, if you don't want to feel that cane on your bottom, all you have to do is behave." She followed that comment by 2 hard slaps on my naked fanny, which caused me to say "Oweee," and caused my sisters to giggle.

Then I had to sit up so she could listen to my chest and back with the stethoscope, and finally, stand up, so she could perform the hernia test, right in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing. Finally, Dr. Ivey reviewed my records and said "Paul is due for 2 injections. I'll have the nurse take him to the injection area in a few minutes Take his clothes with him when you go, as he will be finished after the injections, so you can get him dressed and then proceed to the checkout area."

My mother said "I can't help but wonder. That sign said 'Boys Injection Area.' Do you handle girls differently than boys?" "Of course," Dr. Ivey answered. “According to the new standards by the National Medical Association, both boys and girls up to the age of 3 are given injections in their upper legs, like we have always done. After that, girls up to the age of 12, the oldest girls we handle, get their injections either in their arms or upper legs, depending on the medicine. Boys over the age of 3, however, get all injections in their bottoms. The girls get their injections here in the exam rooms, but for boys, it's easier to have one area for all injections. The boys just lie over the stretcher and we give the injections there." "But everyone will be able to see me," I said." "So what," the doctor said. "You're only a boy. Everyone sees little naked boys sometimes." There it was again. I was being called a little boy, even though I am 17. I knew better than to argue, though, so minutes later, there I was, lying on the stretcher face down, completely naked, in front of my mother and sisters and anyone else in the corridor. The nurse opened the refrigerator, took out the 2 medicines, took 2 syringes from the cabinet, prepared the injections, and gave me one injection on each side of my fanny, as I kicked and cried like a small baby and people, especially younger girls, got to watch a 17 year old boy acting like a total baby.

As I got off the stretcher crying and my mother started to help me get my underpants back on, followed by the rest of my clothes, everyone continued to watch and of course saw everything. Finally we checked out and left the office, my sisters totally grinning at me. One of the worst experiences of my life.

What did I do to deserve this? It's Not Fair!

The magazine’s response:

Dear Paul,

Let me start by saying that we completely sympathize and understand your feelings. As you grow up, it can be difficult to still be treated like a child while your sisters, even the younger ones, are increasingly given more responsibilities as befits their maturity. That is the whole reason behind this difference: maturity. It is just a fact of life -of biology- that boys mature at a much slower rate than girls. That’s why even your 10-year-old sister can be disciplined by reasoning with her, while you still need to be controlled by using the cane on your bare bottom. That’s what the doctor meant when she made sure your sisters were not disciplined like that. You do not need to feel bad about it. In no way does in mean you are a bad boy: it is only natural and a consequence of the differences in maturity between girls and boys. We know that doesn’t make your bottom hurt any less when you get caned (that seemingly innocent and light piece of wood really smarts, doesn’t it?), but that’s just part of life for boys, so you may as well get used to it and try to be obedient and well-behaved so that your mother and sister don’t need to use it often. There are also many good things about being a boy, like being able to play and enjoy yourself without worrying about any grown-up responsibilities, since all important decisions are made for you.

It is worth remembering that when you are punished it’s not because they are trying to be mean, but because they love you and want the best for you, including making sure that you get discipline when you need it. That’s why sometimes it may seem that your little sisters are happy when you get it. They love you, and probably they just feel satisfaction that their brother is getting loving discipline when he needs it. Spankings are a bit like getting a vaccine. Getting a shot hurts, but you know it’s for your own good, so it’s a “good” kind of hurt.

Then we get to your baths. It’s too bad that you are still not allowed to bathe on your own. It can be embarrassing, we know. You feel grown-up, and want to be allowed more responsibility. However, you are far from alone. If you read these letters, you’ll see that there are many boys, even your own age and older, who still get bathed. Mothers just feel that teenage boys do not care enough about hygiene. Be honest here: would you be as thorough if you were allowed to bathe yourself as your sisters are when they give you a bath? It’s a pity that their friends get to come in and see you when you are being bathed. We understand it’s embarrassing. You should remember that for them this is an extra chore, and that they do it to help the family: your mother, who has less work thanks to your sisters’ help, and you. You can’t really begrudge them the chance to chat with their friends while they work. Yes, we understand you do not like being naked it front of all those girls. Your sisters are used to seeing you naked, but all their friends? It’s tough! Remember, however, that those girls are mostly interested in chatting with their friends. It’s not like they have never seen a naked little boy, so try not to think about it too much. Besides, so what if they see you naked? It’s just your body; there is nothing wrong or different from any other boy there!

Which takes us to your medical exam. You must have noticed how people are giving less and less consideration to boys’ privacy. Most adults believe that boys do not need modesty, so when it is more convenient to have them naked in front of everyone instead of making provisions for their modesty they tend to do exactly that. That is what’s happening there. No one is trying to embarrass you, even though you, like many other boys, are embarrassed in those situations. Still, plenty of people see you naked regularly, including girls your age and younger than you. What does it matter then if a few more do so?

They are paying so much attention to you because you are acting all embarrassed. They probably think it’s cute that a boy like you acts so modest. This is also why you cried so much when you got your injections. You were so upset by then that your emotions got the best of you, even though getting a shot is not so bad.

So, to sum up: remember that it’s not such a big deal if people see you naked. There’s nothing wrong about your body, and no one cares if a little boy is naked. Just try to behave and don’t make trouble for your mom and sisters, because that will only get your bottom caned.

Best luck to you, Paul!

Additional (not published) comments from the author of the magazine’s response, a female psychologist who specializes in boys’ emotional development:
I have to admit I love reading many of the letters that our boy readers write for this column. I also have the pleasure of treating many boys like them in my practice as a psychologist specializing in male adolescence. Of course, I also have first-hand experience as a mother, having three teenage sons myself. Teenage boys who take Puericil are so adorable and helpless!

Take Paul here. Can you imagine his utter embarrassment when he is being bathed with the door open and all his sister’s friends come in and watch him completely naked? And being washed by his little sisters? Can you imagine how much attention those girls must pay to his privates, and how helpless and embarrassed Paul must be with all that unwelcome attention, at his age? Can you imagine how terrible it must be for him to be stripped naked in a public part of the house and have to bend over and offer his helpless bottom to the cane, wielded by his mom or sister? And then having to stand crying in the corner, striped bottom on display? And can you imagine how much the young girls must love that, the feeling of empowerment and superiority over boys in general, and this helpless and silly 17 year old in particular?

The events Paul describes at his medical exam are also typical: both laws and social attitudes tend to grant boys less privacy as time goes on. That is as it should be, because even if the boys dislike it, it paradoxically it does them good, as it keeps them in their place and makes them feel more dependent and less rebellious.

(The End)