Troop 80 Part 7
By Captain J
copyright 2008 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 7
Billy woke in a dark room and he didn't know where he was or how he got there, he remembered going to the beach with the Cartwright family and then getting in the car to come home, but he didn't remember getting home with them. There was long hair on the pillow beside him and he could feel someone's hip touching his. <I must be in bed with one of the girls... which one? Their rooms are almost exactly alike except for the colors and I can't see color in the dark...> Stretching his body beside the one next to him, he decided it was Susan, he and she were almost the same height (she was actually taller by 1") and so was the girl in bed with him. Karen was about 3" shorter than him. <I really need to go to the bathroom!> so he climbed out of bed and went to the door. When he opened it he knew immediately it was Susan's room, he was right next to the bathroom; Karen's room was at the end of the hall. Plodding his way the short distance to the bathroom, he quickly took care of his needs but was still wondering why he didn't remember getting home or how he got in Susan's room. <I must have really crashed or passed out or something and they just put me to bed there... I'm hungry!> so he decided to see if there was anything in the kitchen he could eat quickly and headed down there.
He found cold leftover pizza in the refrigerator and pulled out two pieces, put them on a plate and decided to just go with them and a glass of milk. Sticking the plate in the microwave, he considered how long to heat it. <Nuke them for a minute or two maybe..> then saw a heading marked 'Reheating' and below it were two buttons 'dinner plate' and 'beverages' so he hit the one for 'dinner plate' and stepped back as the machine lit up inside and he could see the plate revolving. When it finished the cycle it made a loud beep so loud he thought it would wake everyone in the house! So he quickly removed the plate and sat at the table and started eating the now warm pizza and sipping his milk. "Billy?" he heard from behind him.
"Yeah?" he replied.
"Billy you had me so worried, I woke up and you were gone," Susan said stepping into the room.
"Sorry Susan, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom, and when I was done, discovered I was really hungry so I came down here to see if I could find something. I heated some pizza; want some?"
"Not really, Billy it's 3:30am!" she said putting an arm around him as she sat down beside him.
"Didn't know what time it was, I just woke up in the dark and didn't know where I was or how I got there, then figured out I was in your room and then went to the bathroom and well then I came here. I'm sorry if I worried you..."
"Billy I've been worried about you since you wouldn't wake up when we got home yesterday. Mom said that you must have gotten too much sun and that you were already weak from all... all that's happened to you and to just let you sleep. So I put you to bed, before dinner and well you didn't wake at all until now."
"I don't know Susan, I remember getting in the car and the start of the drive, then I think I leaned my head on Karen, but I don't remember anything else until I woke up a little while ago."
<giggle> "Yeah you dozed off on her shoulder and she moved you across her lap and 'babied' you all the way home. My sister really likes doing that with you, you know!"
<giggle> "Yeah I know! Monday after my treatment, when she stayed with me and I had that accident and she changed my diaper, we were talking and she said it was her job since her Mom left her in charge of me as... and she paused and then said 'care giver'. I told her she almost said 'babysitter' but that it was OK with me, since she'd just cleaned me up and diapered me, if she wanted to 'baby' me, I didn't have a problem with it. So I spent the rest of the morning being her 'big baby' and both of us liked it. Karen's really nice. I slept most of that morning, but I could feel her cuddling me and checking my diaper every once in a while. She was also whispering things to me softly all morning, I couldn't hear hardly any of it, I was so out of it, but I got the feeling I was loved and safe."
"Karen is really a nice girl Billy, but she's lonely sometimes. She's so much stronger and well, smarter than most kids in her class that she ends up being a loner, because other kids are either jealous of her or in the case of boys her age, scared of her since she could break them in two if they got her mad; so they just leave her alone a lot. It was really nice of you to let her do that with you, she really likes you and wants to help you."
"Susan, I needed to be held right then and was lucky Karen was willing to do it. Hell, I'm an emotional basket case, you've seen me break down over nothing but a diaper. I've never had the kind of love shown to me that your family has given me. I think you know I told your Mom I don't remember ever being held, or cuddled or babied in my family ever. Mother does that with Anne but never with me. I don't think she ever wanted a boy, just a daughter. I know you know all this because right now I always seem to have someone touching me and I'm never alone. It's a planned effort to make up for what I've missed at home. I'm not complaining because I've never had that and it feels good. But it's also smothering, especially when I can't even go to the bathroom alone. Coming down here to get something to eat is the first time I've been alone in days. I really like being here with your family, I don't have any secrets, I don't have to play any roles, I'm free to just be Billy Carter, as screwed up as I really am. I like being hugged and loved for just being me. But could I at least go to the bathroom alone?"
<giggle> "Don't I ever get to hold it while you pee again?" <giggle>
<chuckle> "Susan you can hold ANY part of me any time you want, including when I pee. I still think that's kind of gross; but you're welcome to do it if you want to."
"OK then, I'll talk to Mom in the morning and we'll back off a little bit, but not a lot cuz I really like touching and holding you. Now we need to go back to bed young man, so let's clean this up and go!"
A few minutes later, Susan escorted her best friend back to bed, where she did her best to smother him, until they were both back to sleep again.
Billy next woke with someone tugging on his toe and rolled over to see a smiling Karen.
"Get up Billy we have to leave soon and if you're not up it's no breakfast for you."
"Leave? Where are we going?"
"Just get up, Mom will tell you about it." She replied as she ducked out the door.
A few minutes later, Billy arrived in the kitchen where a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar was waiting for him, along with glasses of both milk and juice and a plate of toast. "Eat up Billy we have to leave in about 30 minutes." Diane told him.
"Yes I have a martial arts class I have to teach this morning, and there's no one else to take it' and both of the girls are in the class, so they need to go too and I can't leave you alone here; so you'll be coming with us to the health club."
As soon as Billy finished his breakfast, they loaded into the car and 20 minutes later arrived at the back of a commercial building and parked in the alley. "In here," Diane told him as she unlocked a heavy metal door in the brick walled building. "Just wait here in my office Billy and we'll go change then come back and get you." She directed, as she ushered him into an office with walls covered in certificates and books. Ten minutes later, she came back wearing a white karate uniform with a wide black belt with three white lines on each end where it was tied around her waist. "Come with me Billy," she said reaching for his hand and walked him down a hallway, into a huge room with mirrors and padding on the walls and the floor covered with blue rubber mats. "Just sit over there on that bench Billy, while I get this class over with; it will only be two hours, then we can go back home again." She directed pointing to a bench along one wall. Over the next few minutes 20 girls ranging in age from about 6 or 7 to 16 came into the room, each of them wearing the same uniform, except the belts were different colors. each of them saw Billy sitting there, but none of them talked to him. A couple of them he recognized from school but didn't really know them. The only ones he really knew were Karen and Susan and he noticed that Susan wore a Belt like her mother's but with two white 'hash marks' and Karen wore just a plain black belt with no marks; there was only one other girl with a black belt and she was one of the older girls. They just stood around talking to each other and he could tell some of it was about him. Diane stepped into the room and it was suddenly quiet.
Diane clapped her hands twice and all of the girls formed lines across the mats, and Billy noticed they were grouped by the color of their belts, then all of them bowed to Diane, who returned their bow.
"Good morning ladies; as you have noticed we have a visitor today, his name is Billy and he is staying with my family this week. You have probably also noticed he is not wearing clothes. (that got a lot of giggles in response) Billy is undergoing some training regarding his modesty issues, but he is not to be harassed regarding is current mode of dress or in this case lack thereof. (this got some more giggles). Now Billy was injured last week and is still recuperating, and will not be participating in this class, he will not bother you; so don't any of you bother him! Now we will begin, Marsha, lead the warm up exercises." She finished and the older girl with the black belt stepped in front and began leading them through a series of movements that almost looked like a dance. As they assumed different poses, but it was obvious to Billy that if these movements were speeded up, they would be punches, blocks and kicks. Diane walked between the rows, correcting girls as she went, watching them closely as they did the movements. When they finished the warm up, Diane told them to break into pairs and practice basic blocks and kicks. One defending and the other attacking, then to switch off. Billy watched the girls practice and some of those kicks in particular looked really nasty. Another woman came in and talked to Diane a minute and they both stepped out of the room. Billy watched Karen who was about 10 feet away as she worked with a much bigger girl and she was really amazing how she avoided punches and kicks with seemingly no effort.
"So Billy Carter you think your something do you, parading around here showing off your puny dick to all the girls!" came a snide comment from near him.
"No...Oh hello Carol... I didn't see you were in the class." He replied looking up at a girl from his class in school, Carol Roberts.
"Stand up when I talk to you Carter don't you have any respect for women at all." The girl ordered and Billy slowly stood.
"Think your something do you running around in a women's health club naked like that; well you're nothing! I should kick those tiny balls of yours right up into your throat!" she snarled then shoved him, "Come on wimp show us what a man you are!"
Just then the girls right leg flew towards him aimed at his crotch and Billy managed to turn his hip so that the kick glanced off his side. "No Carol I haven't done anything to you!" Billy loudly replied, just as another kick was headed for him, this time towards his ribs. Before it could make contact, though, Karen stepped in front of him and grabbed the leg, then lifted it high, and shoved throwing the girl back and away landing on her back.
"Leave him ALONE! He didn't do anything to you or anyone else here!" Karen snarled.
"Why you little shit! Think you're tough! I know you only have that black belt because your mother works here. Now get out of my way I'm going to find out if these groin kicks really work!"
"No you're not!"
Then the girl shoved Karen to move her out of the way. Big mistake! Even more so when she took a swing at Karen, who blocked the punch, countered it with a punch to the stomach and then did a sweeping movement with her leg which took both feet out from underneath the other girl causing her to fall hard on the mats. Karen just stood there in a defensive stance calmly waiting to see if the other girl would continue.
"What the hell is going on here!" Billy heard Diane's voice coming across the room. Then standing over the girl on the floor demanded, "explain yourselves."
"She was pushing Billy around and tried to kick him in the groin, she missed with the first kick and I stopped the second, then she tried to push and hit me and I defended myself," Karen answered.
"He was being rude and obnoxious, and he has no business being in a women's health club!" Carol yelled from the floor. "And your little shit daughter was telling me what to do, I don't have to listen to her!"
"Marsha did you see any of this?" Diane asked her.
"Yeah I saw the whole thing, but was too far away to stop it. Carol's lying Billy didn't do anything, he was just sitting on the bench watching, he wasn't even looking in Carol's direction until she started bullying him and tried to kick him. Like Karen said, she blocked the second kick, then Carol told her to move and that her black belt was only because she's your daughter, and that she intended to kick Billy to see if the groin kicks work. Then she shoved Karen and tried to hit her. Karen blocked and countered with a solar plexis punch and a leg sweep."
"I see... Carol stand up! Now take off that green belt and hand it to me!" and the girl reluctantly complied. "All right all of you listen carefully.
One – Billy is here as my guest and therefore has 'business' here; as does anyone I choose to bring into the club.
Second – You Miss Roberts were told he was here with my permission and why and not to bother him.
Third – the purpose of these classes in DEFENSE not OFFENSE, a lesson you failed to learn Miss Roberts which is why you no longer have your belt and I will report this disciplinary action to the North American Karate Association.
Fourth – for any of you who have doubts about either Karen's or Susan's abilities; I cannot award a Black Belt on my own, Black Belts are only awarded by an examining committee of at least three instructors who hold ranks at least two belts higher than then one to be awarded, and requires extensive testing of both knowledge and skills, including defeating a black belt in an open sparring match. So those belts are very real!
Fifth – In this or any other dojo you will obey those who hold higher ranks or you will be removed from the class.
And Last – Miss Roberts you are expelled from this class for attacking a visitor without provocation and your membership to this club is cancelled. You have ten minutes to remove yourself and your belongings from this building or you will be arrested for criminal trespass!"
"You can't do that! My parents will sue you and this club's owners!"
"I CAN do that and I just did! For your information Miss Roberts, I AM the owner of this club and you'd better have your parents and their lawyer read the fine print in the membership contract before you threaten lawsuits! Now get out of my club!"
Carol turned and stomped from the room and the whole class just stood and watched.
"Now if any of the rest of you have problems with my guest being here, you may leave also, but are welcome back in the future which Miss Roberts is not. Also if you have problems with my rules, you may leave and go elsewhere for your lessons. I am not training you to be bullies or attackers; I am here to teach you to prevent or defeat attacks only! Is that clearly understood?"
"Yes Sensi!" was the group response.
"Good then get back to work!"
Diane then looked over to Billy who was standing watching all this, with Susan holding him to herself, her arm tightly around his waist as she pulled him into her hip. "You OK Billy?"
"Just a red mark where her kick glanced off my hip, I got turned sideways in time..."
"Susan why don't you take Billy to my office and you two wait there until the class is done."
"Ok Mom, come on Billy let's get you out of here..."
Susan led Billy to her mother's office, then opened a door inside the office which led to another small room, which had two lockers, some shelves full of supplies and a massage table. "Billy it's Wednesday and you need to be drained again today. I was going to do this at home this afternoon, but we have almost an hour and a half to kill, until Mom's done and we can leave. How about we just get it over with and I'll do it here for you."
"But there's no diapers and what if I leak?"
"I have an idea we can try, and we can always put some towels down just in case..."
"OK... if you say so..."
"Then let's get you up on this massage table, the doctor told me some other positions to put you in; maybe one of them will be easier on you than kneeling like we've done so far." Then she scooped him up and put him on the table laying on his left side, and had him pull his knees up towards his chest, kind of the same as if he were sitting on a chair, but laying on his side. "Is that comfortable?"
"Better than kneeling... can you do it when I'm like this..."
"Yeah, I think so, we'll just put a towel here to catch the fluid," she said, as she pushed a towel slightly under him from waist to crotch and also under his thigh, "Now we need to make sure your privates are all on this side," she said as she lifted his top leg and moved his balls and cock from between his legs, so they kind of dangled downward above the towel near his stomach, "there that should work..."
Moving over to the shelves, she got a pair of rubber gloves, some lotion and a small pillow. "Here let's put this under you head, it will make it more comfortable." Billy laid his head down with a sigh and waited while she put on the gloves and moved behind him then he felt her finger, gently working at his hole, until it slipped in, "OK there Billy?" she asked as she stepped up and leaned over his side looking down at him with her finger still up inside him, her free hand stroking his back.
"I'm OK..."
"Good, I'll start then," she replied and he felt her starting to loosen him some more then she moved down towards his feet, where she could see him over his legs and he could see her, as she slid two fingers in and rotated her hand so that her fingers were facing towards his front, then gently probed until she found the gland and then started slowly massaging it. Almost immediately he started dripping on the towel, but stayed soft throughout, as more and more fluid dripped out of him until it finally stopped. Susan removed her fingers from him, and then stroked his limp cock twice to make sure it was empty, then used the towel below him to wipe some cum from his hip and then wiped his butt, where lotion surrounded his open hole. Billy just sighed when it was over as she wiped him. "Was that any easier for you Billy?"
"Better than on my knees and it was nice being able to see you while you did it; at least it let me know it was you and not some unattached fingers up my behind; you really concentrate when you do it, I didn't know that."
"It's all by feel Billy, so I have to concentrate on my fingers and what I'm feeling..."
"So now that my butt is gapping open again, what was this idea you had."
"Well we looked at that mess you had on Monday and it seemed a lot of it was the lubricant, so I thought maybe a Tampax would work, to soak it up. You know the things women use when they have their period. And if it swelled up like it does with women, then it would be kind of a plug until we can get something better."
"So do you have any of the Tampax things?"
"Billy, this is a WOMEN's health club; we have cases of them here." <giggle> "just relax and I'll get one and we'll see if it works."
Susan went back to the shelf and dug into a blue box and pulled out a white tube wrapped in paper, "That looks awful long," Billy observed.
"Most of this is just the applicator tube Billy the absorbent pad part is only about an inch or maybe inch and a half long since this is the large size. The pad swells as it absorbs fluid and it has a string attached to help get it out and keep it from getting 'lost' in there."
"Oh..Ok I guess..."
Stepping behind him he felt the applicator press against his hole and then something lodged inside him just inside the opening, then felt the string dangling against his butt cheek. "All done!" Susan said, "That didn't hurt did it?"
"No, feels weird though... like a turd sitting there waiting to get out... Susan, I'm cold it's really cold in here."
"Probably because there's an Air Conditioner vent right above you, I'll get you a blanket and you just rest here on the table, and we'll see if my idea works. OK?" then she covered him with a blanket from the shelves and stood beside him stroking her fingers through his hair her other hand resting on his hip to make sure he didn't fall off the narrow table. "Better now?"
"Yeah thanks..." he said closing his eyes and snoozing.
"Poor Billy that really tires you out doesn't it..." she mumbled more to herself than him, then shifted leaning alongside the table her arm along his back, as her other hand reached under the blanket and first stroked his chest, then just held his hand in hers.
She was still standing beside him holding him on the table when her mother appeared in the office; "In here Mom," she called to her through the open doorway.
"Oh there you are, is Billy hurt or something?"
"No I just decided to go ahead and get his treatment out of the way since we had so much time to kill, this way he'll be back to more normal this afternoon."
"Good idea, but how are you dealing with the possible leaks?"
Susan didn't say anything, she just lifted the bottom of the blanket and her mother could see the string dangling from his bottom, then she recovered Billy with the blanket.
"Well that's a new use for those! Maybe I should contact the company and tell them, they may even pay for the idea."
"You're kidding?"
"No companies are always looking for new ways to market their products. I doubt anyone ever thought of using them for this. Good idea Susan and it seems to be working too. So let me get changed, then I'll stay with him until you're changed and we can take him home. Karen's taking a shower right now."
Five minutes later, she was back and Susan was gone. Diane picked Billy up still wrapped in the blanket and carried him into her office and sat down with him or her lap. He never woke, he just nestled his head against her shoulder as she sat there holding him. <God I wish you were mine Billy, this is so nice> she thought to herself as she smiled down on his sleeping form.
Billy didn't stir as she carried him out to her car, and it was only when she was handing him to Susan and Karen in the backseat, that he woke, "What?" he mumbled, and it was Karen who had his shoulder's in her arms who replied. "You're ok Billy just go back to sleep, I've got you..." she softy told him.
"K..." he replied with a yawn and was dozing again immediately.
"You know wrapped up in a blanket like this, he's just so innocent looking and loveable," Karen whispered to her sister, "I just want to hug the stuffing out of him."
"Yeah he's really cute like that, like a little toddler the way her responds to being held. I just love that." Susan replied.
Billy woke up when Diane got out of the car and closed her car door, but was still drowsy as the woman took him from Karen. "Have a good nap Billy?" she asked as she debated whether to carry him or let him walk.
"Yeah,... I can walk..." he said rubbing his sleepy eyes, but Diane kept an arm around him anyway as she led him up the steps and into the house. Once there she stopped and sat in a kitchen chair, "bend over Billy I need to check you," she said turning his body so his back was to her and lifting the blanket as he bent forward. "Good Susan's idea worked! Now just relax and I get this thing out of you, he said spreading his cheeks with her fingers as she tugged on the string gently until the tampon popped out. "Hand me a paper towel or napkin," she told Karen who was standing there watching and Karen handed her a couple of napkins from the counter. Diane wiped his hole and watched as it quickly closed now that the intruder had been removed. "All done Billy, that worked really good!" she told him as she patted his rear. "And now that you've had you nap, we can have some lunch! Just sit down and I'll see what I can whip up quickly."
What she 'whipped up' was deli sandwiches and a big salad for each of them with fruit for desert.
After lunch the girls decided to swim and Billy joined them in the pool for about 20 minutes, then got out and just sat on the side of the pool. Diane had been watching and called to him, "What's wrong Billy?" and saw the boy's shoulders slump. "Come over here Billy," she told him and watched him slowly get up and walk to her. Reaching out from where she was sitting on the lounge chair, took his hand in hers before speaking. "Talk to be Billy what's wrong."
"Just so tired... I'm exhausted..."
"Then sit here with me sweetheart and rest, and we'll watch the girls wear themselves out while the two of us relax."
Billy was pulled onto her lap and lay lengthwise down her body as she hugged him and he rested his head on her left shoulder, his legs straddling her left thigh. She loosened her arm a little, but still held him in place, then used her free hand to gently stroke his chest and tummy. "Just relax Billy, you don't need to get more worn out than you already are. Now tell me what's wrong."
"It's these treatments, every time I have one, I'm just completely wiped out all day. All my energy goes out of me and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I just feel so helpless afterwards... I don't know my whole body just goes limp..."
"I'm sorry they make you feel so bad Billy but the doctor says they're necessary. Hopefully you'll only have two more of them, Friday and Sunday and then you can get back to being all normal again. But in the mean time, why don't you just relax here with me and maybe you'll feel better by dinner time and then we can do something together that's fun."
"OK but I feel so... I don't know, so useless and I hate feeling that way and I'm making such problems for you and Dan and the girls... I hate that too... I should be at least able to take care of myself, not have to have people doing things for me all the time.... It's really depressing to feel this way."
"Billy don't feel that way, you are really no problem at all, Daniel and I love having you here and the girls love it too. You were injured and we are just helping you get well and nothing you've done has really been a problem for any of us. None of this is your fault and you need to understand that and feel good about yourself."
"But like today down at the club, you... you had to kick that girl out of class and it was because I was there..."
"Now you listen to me Billy Carter that was NOT your fault. You were there because I took you there and that's the only reason you were there. Carol Roberts got kicked out because SHE chose to attack you when you weren't doing anything but sitting there like I told you to do. SHE caused the problem not you and you will not blame any of that on yourself! Am I clear on this?"
"Yes Ma'am, I understand..."
"Good now I want you to just relax and both of us will enjoy the afternoon resting here. I really like holding you like this, it really brings out my Mothering instincts; so I hope you don't mind if keep holding you for awhile."
"I don't mind, I like it too you know," he said looking up at her and smiling.
After a little while, Billy turned onto his side his legs falling between hers and his head lay on her shoulder, his face buried into the side of her neck and she realized he was sound asleep and she spent the next two hours holding and cuddling and stroking a wonderful sleeping boy.
Billy woke about 3:00 and felt better and went to join the girls who were once again in the pool having spent time while he slept working on their tans. Dan came home about 4:30 with a concerned look on his face and motioned for his wife to join him inside.
"What's wrong Daniel, I know that look you're wearing?"
"I got a call at work from Doug Booth, he's a Supervisor at the Police Department, I know him from Lodge. He was trying to find Billy and heard that he might be with us. I told him Billy was staying with us this week and maybe next on Doctor's orders due to his injuries, but that Billy was getting along fine. It seems that Billy's parents had a major blowup last night. His father came home from one of his sales trips and found out about what happened to Billy, then went out and got drunk and came back and beat up his wife. The police came and arrested his father for Domestic Violence and he spent the night in jail, this morning Doug was interviewing him about the incident and found out about what happened to Billy. When he went to their house, the door was unlocked and his mother and sister were gone along with all their things and the car gone too. Apparently she's left the area. Doug had apparently talked to Dr. Collins and issued a warrant for her arrest on charges of Child Endangerment; felony charges due to the injuries. Mr. Carter is facing at least six months in jail on the Domestic Violence charges and no one seemed to know for sure where Billy was. So as of right now, his father is still in jail and his mother is a wanted criminal, on the run. Billy has no home to go back to and his father can't take care of him even when he gets out of jail due to being gone so much. If and when they find his mother, she's facing one to two years in jail."
"So what can we do? That poor boy, he doesn't need this!"
"Well I've done what I could today until this all shakes out some. I called Judge Mullins, he's the domestic court judge and told him we have Billy in our care. He issued us temporary custody of Billy until some of the legal stuff gets sorted out. I know him from Lodge too, and he had no problem issuing that order, said it was much better than a foster home, which is where he'd be sent otherwise. I hope all that's OK with you, but I had to move fast to keep Billy from being picked up and put with Child Protective Services."
"Daniel you know I love that boy, I'd do almost anything for him. I think you love him too or you wouldn't have done what you have."
"Yeah I do. I also put our attorney Tom Clark on it, and he's tracking what's going on to look out for Billy's interests, we may end up being Billy's foster parents or something. At any rate, Billy will be staying with us for the foreseeable future, at least all summer the way it looks."
"So what do we have to do?"
"For now at least, we need to create a room, Billy can call his own and go get his clothes and things from his house. Tom said he take care of getting Billy's stuff, because he'll have to have a court order to get in the house."
"Well that's easy, we'll just move my home office out of the spare bedroom and make that room Billy's room; I can put that stuff down in a corner of the exercise room. Daniel how do we tell Billy about this; he's going to blame himself for it, you know that and he's so wasted today from his treatment? I just don't think today is a good time; maybe tomorrow?"
"I've already told my staff I'll be out of the office for the rest of the week. I need to go meet with Tom and Judge Mullins and probably Doug too and get things firmed up and see what the options are. So why don't you and I plan on telling him tomorrow evening when we know more and can give Billy answers that are firm as to what's going to happen. I don't see any reason for him to be worrying about it, when we don't have those answers yet."
"Daniel you are such a wonderful man, how did I ever come to deserve you." She said hugging him tightly and had tears streaming down her cheeks.
"It's me that's the lucky one, Diane I still don't know how I got you to notice me and then let me love you..."
"Simple you pestered me for months for a date, then were a perfect gentleman, you always are. Then made me love you when I wasn't looking. Then suddenly I'm married and having children... Trapped by your devious plotting."
"Give me a break, I've never been devious in my life, I can't even tell a lie and get away with it!" he replied smirking, "Especially to you..." and kissed her.
"So we have children to feed and distract until tomorrow; how about you fire up that expensive grill of yours and cook some burgers or hot dogs or brats or something and I'll make the stuff to go with it."
The Cartwright family spent a quiet evening at home, Diane and the kids playing cards for much of it and Billy and the girls all having a good time. That night Billy slept with Karen and slept surprisingly well for having a naked 9 year-old rubbing up against him most of the night. Dan left the house early the next morning and Billy had considerably more energy than the day before. Everyone agreed that it was the treatments that seemed to totally drain him of all energy in addition to the fluids. His depression disappeared by morning and he seemed lively and happy as he finished his breakfast.
"Kids I have some errands to run today, so I'm going to leave you here alone, I expect you to behave yourselves and take care of each other. No visitors. Are we all clear on this?" Diane announced.
"No problems Mom," two girls chorused and "Certainly!" Billy added.
"Good! Now behave yourselves and I'll see you this afternoon. And Billy no more than two hours out in the sun, you need to slow down on that tanning; time in the pool doesn't count."
"Yes Ma'am," Billy replied smiling, it was nice having someone care if he got sunburn or not, his own mother sure didn't care.
The kids decided to play badminton in the back yard and set up the net and marked off a court. Susan played Billy first and won; then she played Karen while Billy watched and Karen won. Billy played Karen and it was a close match, he had the advantage of a little longer reach but she had more stamina in long volleys. Finally he won but only by one point and was exhausted by the end. "I have to sit down," he said as he plopped on the bottom step leading up to the deck, gasping for breath; who knew badminton could be so tiring?
Susan and Karen sat on either side of him and one held him by the shoulders as the other had an arm around his back and hand on his waist. "That was a close one Billy, but you won." Susan told him.
"Only because I got distracted," Karen replied. "It was too many cocks." <giggle>
"What do you mean, there's only one shuttlecock," Susan replied.
"Well there's the shuttlecock and there was Billy's cock flopping about and I was watching the wrong one!" <giggle>
<groan> "Oh lord just kill me!" Billy moaned and covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.
"Oh come on Billy I'm just teasing. I told you before you have a nice one and it's really neat to see it flop about like that; very distracting – that should be illegal!" <giggle> she said wrapping him in a hug and then kissing him "but it is fun to watch." <snicker> <kiss>
"Karen <sigh> I don't have a single item of clothing here other than my shoes, not even a sock. I was naked when I got here last week and except for the diapers, which are even more embarrassing, I've been naked ever since; over a week! Give a guy a break here. You've seen it every day, all day, touched it, wiped it, done everything but kiss it, so why is it a distraction now?"
"You're right I haven't kissed it! Maybe I should do that!" she replied with a giggle.
"Well go ahead then and get it out of your system," he replied and leaned back and opened his legs grinning at her. But to his surprise, she quickly knelt between his legs, picked it up with her fingers, then kissed first the side, then the head and gave the head a little suck, then released it and sat back beside him, looking down at it and watched it grow into an erection.
"Well IT at least likes my attention and kisses," she snickered then flicked his boner with her finger making it slap against his belly.
"Well too bad IT isn't allowed to do anything and couldn't anyway the way I've been kept drained; but I do like your attention and kisses little girl," he replied and pulled her head to him and planted a big one on her mouth.
"Hey! I'm here too you know." Susan complained, so Billy turned his head her direction and was soundly kissed again including a little tongue action. When she broke off the kiss she whispered in his ear, "Girls like to be kissed down there too you know."
"Oh yeah, it's supposed to be really great!"
"What?" Karen asked.
"Come little sister, we are going to teach Billy about how girls like to be kissed down there too." She replied as she lifted Billy upright and led him inside to her bedroom. Billy spent the next two hours alternating between two sets of smooth thighs, kissing and licking his way in, on, over and all around two virgin pussy's and neither he nor the girls could get enough of it. His only complaint was that he was a limp noodle down between his legs and couldn't even get it hard again.
Three smiling kids ate lunch together and then took a quick dip in the pool before laying on the pool deck in the sun all three of them completely naked. They were still laying there when Dan came home at 2:00. "Hi kids; where's your mother?" he asked standing over them.
"Said she had some errands to run Dad, said she'd be home before dinner though." Susan lazily responded.
"OK then, Oh Billy I think you've had enough sun, you're getting pretty pink on your rear. So are you Susan where that triangle your thong cover it. So you two need to get out of the sun for awhile. Go play cards up on the deck under the awning or something."
"Ok Dad, thanks for telling us," Susan replied and stood and pulled Billy up onto his feet and was quickly joined by Karen with her already all over tan. Dan just shook his head as he watched the three naked kids calmly walk up the steps onto the deck; then lounge around the table as Karen shuffled the deck of cards.
Dan was inside the house quietly packing up the home office into boxes when Diane came home about 4:00 and passed the kids still playing card on the deck in the shade. "Oh good you started that then," she said as she saw what he was doing. "I ordered a twin sized bed, dresser, night stand, small desk and chair to be delivered tomorrow," she reported. "Billy needs to have decent furniture in here. So how did it go?"
"We dear Lady are now officially Billy's Foster Parents at least until all court cases and custody matters have been resolved. Tom and Doug will go over to his house tomorrow and pack up all his clothing and personal items. I told them to make sure they don't forget his Scout and camping equipment. Tom said they'd check the whole house and garage and anything that even remotely looked like it might be Billy's they would be retrieved and brought here tomorrow evening."
The family had a good dinner and Dan decided it was time to get it over with. Guiding Billy into the family room, he sat in his big chair and pulled Billy onto his lap; while Diane brought the girls in and sat with them on the couch.
"Billy there's no easy way to tell you this, so I'm just going to have to do it. I need you to be really strong here until I'm done OK?" he said wrapping his arms around the boy sitting crosswise in his lap. "Billy your father is in jail and will be for at least 6 months; he got drunk and beat up your mother. Your mother and sister have moved out of the house and nobody knows where they are. And the police have issued a warrant for your mother's arrest for Child Endangerment, because of what she let happen to you. So there's nobody at your house anymore. That's the bad news."
Billy trembled and his body started shaking and Dad hugged him harder and Billy settled down some, but he could see the boys chin quivering. "There's good news too Billy. As of this afternoon Diane and I are legally assigned as your Foster Parents and you will be living with us until all court stuff is taken care of; that will be at least 8 months and probably longer. If possible we want to adopt you when this is all over, your grandparents are the only ones who have legal standing and might object. The Judge has already determined that you can't live with your dad even after he gets out of jail, because he's gone too much and if she's convicted, you would not be allowed to live with your mother, even after she gets out of prison. So the short version is you're going to be living with us for a long time."
Billy took a deep breath and sniffled a couple of times before responding. "He did it because of what she let happen to me; didn't he?"
"We don't know all the details Billy but the police officers told me that was part of the reason but not the only one; apparently your parents have had some long term problems that were involved too; so this is NOT about you. It's them and how they've chosen to handle their problems. Your situation is just one of many from what they said. Now you are part of our family and I want you to be happy here, so I don't want you worrying about things; that's my job as your Foster Father, You are a good boy and haven't done anything wrong and have no reason to blame yourself for any of this. Tomorrow we will convert the home office room back into a bedroom and we've bought you new furniture and all your belonging will be delivered here tomorrow afternoon or evening. This is your home now Billy and we want you here. You are part of our family and we all love you."
Billy didn't respond immediately then suddenly threw his arms around Dan's neck and crying on his shoulder whimpered "I love you too, thank you, all of you!"
Over on the couch, Diane was hugging two crying daughters and once Billy pulled himself together a little he found himself in the middle of a family group hug; and all of them had tears in their eyes.
It was Susan who took Billy to bed that night, but soon they were joined by Karen, it was a tight fit, but the three of them spent the night on a twin size bed, tightly holding each other. Billy woke several times during the night very stiff down there either from rubbing against a warm body part or a hand playing with him, even though the owner of the hand was sound asleep. His hands were busy during the night also, finding their way to two girl slits and roaming large areas of girl flesh. But none of them minded all that contact in the slightest.
When Billy woke the next morning he was surprised to be in bed alone after a long night wedged between two girls. Slowly prying himself out of bed, he made his way to the bathroom and took a shower after relieving himself, then made his way to the kitchen his mind still dopy with sleep.
"Good morning Billy," Diane said pulling him into a hug and then kissing his forehead while holding his face in her hands and then looking into his eyes, "How are you this morning, and I mean really, how are you, I know all this is hard for you."
"I can't lie to you Diane, I'm an emotional mess right now. I know Dan said none of this is my fault, but I'm having trouble getting around the fact that if this stuff hadn't happened to me with those girls, then none of the rest of this would have happened." He replied with tears welling in his eyes.
The woman sat down and pulled him onto her lap, hugging him, "Billy I know the girls have told you that I have trouble getting close to men actually all males because of something that happened to me. One of the reasons you are so special to me is because I can see you going through some of the same mental battles I've had to deal with. It took me a very long time to realize that what happened to me was not my fault but decisions and actions by other people. And even then, I was still afraid of males until I was so physically strong that I could defend myself against 99% of them. By then I was so used to keeping males at a distance, that I still couldn't accept being touched until Daniel came into my life. It took you coming into my life for me to realize I was still doing it and how much I was missing by keeping all males away from me. You are a wonderful and loving boy Billy and I love you as much as I do my girls and my husband. Believe me when I tell you that you have done nothing to deserve or create any of these things that have and will happen. Your parents made bad choices, both of them. Put the blame where it belongs, on them and those girls who abused you. Otherwise, you'll eat yourself up inside. You don't want to go down that road Billy. It will make you cold and distant and ruin a wonderful young boy. Don't do that Billy, just accept it that it's not your fault; we can tell you again and again, but you have to accept it."
Billy sat up on her lap obviously thinking very hard looking across the room, it was several minutes before he moved. Then he looked directly at her their noses almost touching. "This NOT my fault!" he said with conviction. "Mother put me in that situation and the girls abused me. My father and mother have been fighting for years; that's why he stays on the road so much to avoid her. I didn't make him get drunk and I didn't tell him to beat her; he did that! She decided to leave, not me, but I don't want to go back to her after being with a REAL family. I believe you Diane and thank you for making me really think about it and not just pity myself. I'm really lucky to have you and Dan and the girls to fall back on and I want to be part of your family. Thank you!" he finished with tears streaking his cheeks and leaned forward and gently kissed her, then leaned into her body and snuggled against her."
Tears were streaking her face too as she hugged him tightly to her body, both of them sniffling but also smiling and happy. "Anything you need Billy..." she whispered.
Dan had been standing in the doorway behind them and neither had noticed him and he heard the whole conversation between them. When they finished, he quietly backed away unseen. Both of them had just done a lot to heal each other. Diane was more concerned about the boy than her own issues and Billy finally recognized where to put the blame. It was emotional for both of them and they needed time alone to share their grief and hope.
By the time Billy had finished his breakfast, Dan and the girls had moved everything from the home office down to the exercise room and by 10:00 the new furniture was delivered and they were unpacking it and setting up Billy's room. By lunch it was done and new sheets and bedding in place the only thing missing was Billy's belongings from his parent's house. When lunch was over, Susan had to spoil Billy's good mood. "Billy I know you don't want to hear this but it's Friday and we need to do your treatment today."
Billy surprised her when he got up and went around the table to where she was sitting, she was looking very nervous about having to deliver the bad news, and he hugged her from behind resting his chin on her shoulder. "I know you need to do it Susan, and that I need it done, neither of us like it because it makes us both feel bad when it's over. But I love you dearly for doing it for me and I just needed to tell you not to feel so sad about reminding me. So please do it for me and then we can both get past it." He said to her softly and kissed her cheek, while two parents looked on proud of two wonderful kids.
Once the table was cleared completely, towels were placed on it and Billy climbed up and this time Susan had him lay on his back with his legs raised. Once he was relaxed and open, she had him rest his legs on her shoulders as she pulled him right to the edge of the table and stood there looking at him as she inserted her gloved fingers into him. Billy jerked a little, when she first made contact, her fingers pressing upward this time, but smiled at her as she started working on him. Almost immediately he was dripping onto his belly and glob after glob soon followed, until finally only clear liquid oozed out and she withdrew her fingers from him and let him relax. All throughout, Diane stroked fingers through his hair, while Dan and Karen held his hands. When Susan stopped, Karen quickly wiped him off and handed Susan a diaper, which she quickly had on him, before lowering his legs and pulling him up into a sitting position then kissed him before lowering him to his feet, on shaky legs. Then guided him to the family room and Karen took hold of him and laid him on her lap to recover. Billy looked up at his family surrounding him as Karen cuddled him and said "Thank you, all of you for being there for me...I love all of you so much it hurts... but I'm so tired..." and his eyes closed as he turned his head into Karen's chest and was immediately asleep. Billy slept for the next four hours, each member of the family holding him for an hour in turn. Dan was holding him when he finally woke.
"Hey there Billy, feeling better now?" he softly asked as Billy's eyes slowly opened.
"Dan? I thought Karen was holding me?" he said confused.
"That was four hours ago. She did hold you for an hour and then Susan and then Diane and now I have you. We all love you Billy and wanted to help."
"Billy sniffed, then leaned up and kissed Dan's cheek, thanks 'Dad', I love you too. I'm so lucky..."
When he got up Dan took him to the bathroom and removed his diaper and Billy only needed a little wiping, which he did himself, where he'd leaked just a little this time. Then the two of them came back and found the women on the deck, Dan's hand resting on Billy's shoulder as they walked. Billy went to each of the girls and then Diane, giving each a hug and a kiss for helping him, then sat in a chair on the deck smiling at his new family. "What's for dinner, I'm hungry?" To which they all started laughing hard.
"What did I say?" Billy asked wondering why they were all laughing.
"You were being a typical growing boy Billy, always hungry," Diane replied, giving his cheek a pat and then asking "how about steak and salads, that way I can make Daniel Do some work for a change?"
"Sounds good to me! Dan told me he'd been loafing for the last hour, holding me." Billy said with a smirk.
"Hey wait one minute here Billy; as the only other male in this family you are supposed to be defending my honor, not ganging up with them on me." Dan sternly told him, but grinning.
"What? And have them all mad at me? No Way! You can defend yourself!" Billy replied and all the women were laughing even harder, especially when Dan developed a bewildered look on his face.
"Absolutely no respect..." Dan grumbled as he went to light the grill which just renewed the women's laughter.
Shortly after dinner a police department van pulled up behind the house and Doug Booth and Tom Clark started unloading boxes, which all of them helped carry into Billy's room. His camping equipment was last to come out of the van along with his bicycle. The bike was placed in the garage and his camping equipment for now taken down to the exercise room. Billy thanked the men for bringing his things and then Dan shook hands with each of them, but Billy noticed the hand shake looked different, almost formal the way the men did it, then he realized, these were special handshakes, not normal ones. Once the men left, Billy turned to Dan; "They're Mason's too aren't they?"
"Yes they are Billy, how did you know that?"
"Guessed it more than knew it. When you thanked them and shook hands with them, it well, it was different than meeting someone on the street. Each of you were careful how you gripped the other's hand and I don't know, it looked like a ceremony of some kind."
"It is a ceremony of sorts Billy, that handshake is called a 'recognition' sign, telling the other man that you are a Freemason and know he is too. When we do that, we remind each other of all the things we stand for as members of that group and affirm the ideals we hold dear to us. You do the same things when at your Scout meetings you repeat the oath, laws and code as a group. We do it without saying a word. The special handshake reaffirms our belief in all those things."
"Wow I didn't know you could do all that by just shaking hands."
"Actually you can do more, there are different levels in the fraternity called 'degrees' like your Scout Ranks, and each level changes the basic handshake slightly, so you not only know he's a mason, you can tell what degree level, by the way he grips your hand. But we have lots of symbols that have meanings only to us too and each symbol just by seeing it can remind a member of pages and pages of meaning, if it were written out. Some of the symbols have multiple meanings depending on when and where it's used. But all that's too complicated for you yet young man. When you get older, if you're still interested, let me know and we'll talk about it some more. Ok?"
"OK thanks, I don't want you to get in trouble telling me their secrets. They'd have to kill you or something." Billy replied.
"No Billy that's a myth. The worst that could happen if I told you something I shouldn't is one of three things and only three things. Reprimand – meaning being formally told I messed up; Suspension – not allowed to participate for some time or Expulsion – basically kicked out of membership. Those are the only real penalties."
"So is my father in trouble with the Masons in addition to with the law?"
"Yes he is, I'm sorry to tell you. He will face Masonic misconduct charges with his Lodge. We are peaceful men who obey both the laws of God and men. When a man breaks a civil law, like your father, he also breaks our code and is subject to those penalties I just talked about."
"So the worst is they could kick him out of the fraternity."
"Correct, but for a man who believes like we do, that's really a harsh penalty."
"Oh...Ok then..."
"Now let's go inside and put your stuff away, if we let the women do it you'll never be able to find anything." Dan said with a chuckle and ruffled Billy's hair a little getting a grin in return.
Inside, they found the women hanging his clothes up, and putting things in drawers for him, and when the last box was empty Billy sat on his new bed, while Diane finished hanging the last of his clothes in the closet. "Diane, when will I be allowed to wear clothes again?" he softly asked.
"What dear?" she replied, then came over and dropped down on one knee in front of him and resting her hands on this knees.
"When will I be allowed to wear clothes again? I've been naked now for two weeks straight. I don't hide myself anymore and it's really awkward, never being allowed to wear clothes."
"Oh Billy I haven't even thought about it; I mean it's not a problem for me if you're naked and I know the girls don't mind; hell it's a job to ever get Karen to wear clothes. I think she's really a nudist at heart. Has it been a problem for you?"
"Sometimes but not usually, any more I don't notice especially here with the girls. But it's a problem for me when people make fun of me or gawk at me, then it's embarrassing. And well in the evenings it gets chilly wearing nothing unless someone is keeping me warm."
"The only problem I can see right now Billy is your injuries. Wearing pants or underwear right now with your innards still healing wouldn't be a good idea. You're not supposed to have any pressure against down there. So until the doctor say you're healed, I rather you didn't wear any bottoms, but I suppose there's no problem if you feel chilly and want to wear a shirt. This isn't about modesty Billy, because you don't need to be modest about your body; no little boys do; this is about not doing anything to delay you getting all well again. I don't want you to take a chance on hurting yourself by putting pressure on your testis right now. Is that OK with you?"
"Guess so, better than naked all the time anyway..."
"Billy I just don't understand, that attitude, you have a beautiful body for a boy and should be proud of it not ever ashamed of it. If you need to wear clothes for protection or warmth, that's one thing, or if people would be offended by you being naked. But otherwise, why should you hide yourself, be proud of who you are and what you look like. False modesty is more troubling to me than nakedness ever could be."
"So you think I should be naked most of the time?"
"No I didn't say that at all. I think people should be free to choose whether they need to wear clothes or not; and it's nobody else's business. There are social situations where custom demands we wear clothes; but most of the time there is no reason; especially for children to wear them, except to hide their bodies, because someone's told them it's not nice to be naked. You said you didn't mind Karen being naked around you didn't you? Well she obviously doesn't mind you being naked around her; so why should either of you have to get dressed if you don't want to or need to?
"Nobody ever explained it that way before. They just said I shouldn't be embarrassed."
"And you shouldn't be embarrassed. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You are a good looking young boy, with a nice slim body. Fat and flabby bodies have something to be embarrassed about since they don't take care of themselves. But you Billy are beautiful to look at, so why should you be embarrassed about it?"
"I guess I shouldn't then. So can I wear a shirt tonight, I'm chilly right now with the window open."
"I sent most of your t-shirts and a lot of your casual clothes down to the laundry room since they needed washing, but how about I get you one of Daniel's it'll be too big but it will keep the chill off anyway."
"OK thanks!"
Diane left and returned a minute later and pulled a big white t-shirt over his head, it was so big it fit like a dress, coming down to mid-thigh and the neck hole was so big most of one shoulder was still bare. After putting in on his she sat beside him as he sat back down and rubbed his back."How's that Billy, I know it's way too big, but it covers you and should help some."
"I feel better already."
"Good now how do you like your new room. I tried to get stuff I thought you might like, more simple designed rather than all frilly like the girls like. Tomorrow you and the girls can decorate it however you like, put up posters or pictures or whatever."
"I really like it, it looks wonderful and I can't thank you enough for taking me in like this. I kind of feel like an orphan, with no home anymore."
"This is your home now Billy and we want you here. So I don't want to hear any of that orphan stuff."
"OK I really love all of you. Diane won't I ever get to sleep with the girls anymore? It's been really nice cuddling up with them and keeping each other warm, it helps keep the bad dreams away, we don't do anything but sleep but it feels nice and I think I'm really going to miss it sleeping alone again."
"If it were any boy but you that asked that question Billy, I'd be upset. But I trust you with my girls and they trust you too. So if they want to sleep with you that's their choice. I know you wouldn't think of imposing on them. And yes it is nice to share a bed with someone, especially when you love them and I know the girls love you. Now are there any other problems we need to solve tonight? If not let's go out and sit with our family and maybe watch a movie."
Out in the family room Diane told the girls to help Billy decorate his room tomorrow and to help get the laundry done, since most of his clothes ended up down there. "One other thing, I know you two have been alternating sleeping with him to keep his bad dreams away. If you want to keep doing that, OK but only one per night. Last night all three of you tried to sleep on one bed and none of you slept well. And use Billy's bed not yours, his room is right next to the bathroom if he needs to use it; and switching rooms every night is confusing to him."
"Goody my turn tonight," Karen said hugging him, "He keeps me really warm and cozy."
Dan looked over at Billy then turned to his wife "Did I just lose another T-shirt?"
"Just tonight dear, once we get his laundry done, you'll get it back." she smirked.
"Well that's a first, between you ladies I keep losing shirts and never get them back!"
"What can I say sweetheart, your t-shirts are better than any nightgown made!" <chuckle>
Billy spent the rest of the evening wedged between the girls watching the movie.
At bed time, he found a happy naked 9 year old in his bed, waiting with the covers lifted for him to climb in. "Lose the shirt Billy, I want to feel you keeping me warm not a stupid shirt." She ordered, then when he turned off the light and slid into bed pressed her tight body against him, and even reached down and played with him a little.
"Waste of time Karen, it won't get hard tonight, not after being drained today, right now it's just limp and useless, good only to pee with." He sadly told her.
"Well you can play with mine then, you have magic fingers Billy, work some magic."
Five minutes later, Karen was breathing really hard and fast as his fingers played her like an instrument.
Billy just spent the night enjoying the feel of her very soft and smooth, yet incredibly firm body nestled against him all night. He certainly didn't have any bad dreams.