Troop 80 Part 17
By Captain J
copyright 2008 by Captain J, all rights reserved
A Little Boys Shouldn't Be So Modest Story
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *
Part 17
During dinner Susan told her mother that Billy had been straining during his morning workout and Diane agreed that a full evaluation was needed since the one on Sunday had been cut short by the arrival of Jane and Jimmy. "After dinner we'll go down to the exercise room and finish it Billy," she directed and he just nodded.
"Can I watch?" Jane asked, "I've never seen one..."
"Me Too!" Jimmy quickly added.
Diane looked over to Billy who just shrugged his shoulders and nodded it was 'ok'.
"As long as you don't interfere or distract Billy," the woman replied and they finished their meal.
Downstairs in the exercise room Diane again had Billy stand on the stool and started taking measurements of every part of his body, and noted them all, then used the calipers again to check density and body fat. In the process he had to assume many 'poses' which made him feel like a mannequin in a display window; with all the other kids watching him. Diane was running her hands over his chest, back, arms, legs, tummy and buns probing with her fingers to feel the muscles, when it suddenly got more embarrassing by an erection sticking straight out in front of him. The woman just chuckled and mumbled "young boys!" but kept on working, then stopped and looked straight at his cock. Billy gasp when he felt her hand cup his balls, which were hanging very low and looked swollen, and gently probed them. "These feel awful full Billy, when did you last ejaculate?"
Turning beet red, he mumbled his reply, "just after lunch... but not much came out..."
"Lay up on the table," she directed and Billy stepped off the stool, his erection bobbing as he walked over to the table, which got a giggle from Karen and lay on it face up, his erection now pointing up towards his belly as everyone gathered around him. Billy just lay there blushing. "Pull your legs up Billy so I can examine you," Diane directed and he assumed the position he was so used to, his knees up by his head, legs spread and knew he was wide open down there, causing him to blush more.
Moving between his spread legs, the woman resumed examining his balls, then his cock, and softly said, "relax Billy you have nothing to be embarrassed about; everyone here has seen you before and we all love you."
Using some massage oil, she lubricated her hand and then gently inserted a finger into him and his whole body lurched when it touched his prostate. She rubbed it a few times and suddenly a glob of cum dribbled from his cock onto his stomach, then she removed her finger from him. Reaching up, she scooped it from his belly and examined it. "Just as I thought! Susan look at this!"
Susan looked at her mother's fingers as she rolled the substance with her thumb. "Looks like jelly," Susan mumbled, then Jane and Karen both looked at it also.
"Yes and it's not supposed to look like that. It's been in there too long and is solidifying. It should be white and cream looking not clear and jelly looking like this." She then turned to Billy still on the table, "Billy when was the last time you ejaculated before this afternoon?"
Billy had to think for a few seconds before responding. "Not yesterday.... Not Saturday... Friday night I guess... why?"
"Because it's been too long, Billy, you need to be emptied more often than that." She replied. "Young boys produce fluids constantly and it builds up and then if it's not emptied, it turns like this," she said putting her finger with the glob of jelly looking substance on it where he could see it. "Eventually your body would have expelled it in a wet dream if you didn't get it out sooner, but with all the problems we went through getting you well, I don't want it to get to that point. You need to be emptied on a regular basis to keep you healthy and apparently that isn't happening. Didn't you ask one of the girls to let you ejaculate?"
"No... Sorry..."
With a big sigh, she scooped him up off the table and carried him like a child over to a chair and sat him on her lap. "Billy, I'm disappointed in you. We went to a lot of trouble to get you well and you have permission to get help with this anytime you need or want to. Now why haven't you gotten yourself emptied?" she asked as her hand massaged his balls.
Tears welled up in his eyes and a shudder passed through him, which she responded to by hugging him with her other arm. "I.... I'm sorry... please don't... don't be mad at me... it... it's embarrassing to have to ask the girls to let me do that..." he replied almost in a whimper.
Kissing his cheek, she replied, "Billy I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed that you'd feel embarrassed to either ask to do it yourself or ask for help from the girls. This needs to be done at least once per day and you know that, from what you've been through." She softly told him, then looked up and louder so everyone could hear, "From now on Billy, you will either do it yourself at least once per day, or the girls will take charge and do it for you, whether you want to or not! Is everyone clear on this?" All three girls nodded that they understood. "Susan, take Billy up to his room and make sure he is completely empty tonight! All that old semen needs to be gotten out of there. Billy go with Susan and she will take care of you." She ordered and set him on his feet, then gave him a push towards her daughter. Both of them stood there waiting as she immediately turned to the other boy. "Jimmy come over here!" Diane ordered and Jimmy stepped over to her, looking confused and a little lost.
Diane saw she small boy looking a little scared and smiled at him. "Come here Jimmy, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to examine you and make sure you're ok." She softly told him and then positioned him between her legs and gently lifted his balls with her hand, while holding him around the waist with her arm. After a minute of exploring him, she murmured to herself, "he feels even fuller than Billy," then looked up and said to Karen, "hand me that oil," as she bent Jimmy forward over her thigh. "Relax Jimmy, I'm going to force a little cum from your prostate and check it like it did with Billy, this won't hurt a bit."
Oiling up her hand, she reached under him with one hand and cupped his dangling cock and balls, then easily slid a finger into him without any resistance. <God he's so open! I don't even want to think about why he's so used to being penetrated!> "Jimmy when was the last time you ejaculated?" she asked as her finger probed him and quickly found the spot she was looking for.
Jimmy grunted as she began massaging his prostate, "Last.... Wednesday..." he managed to sputter out between grunts, then felt cum dribble through his cock. Suddenly, she stopped and withdrew her finger from him and told him to stand up. When he did, he looked down at her hand that had been below him and saw 3 big globs of jelly like substance. Diane took one look and frowned as she looked up at the three girls and two boys.
Karen handed her mother a towel and she wiped her hands, then pulled Jimmy back against herself as his body was still trembling. "Girls I'm disappointed you are not taking better care of our boys. I gave you permission to do what was necessary and it appears you have done nothing! Boys, I'm disappointed in both of you for not taking better care of yourselves and each other!"
Five red faced kids stood there sadly looking back at her. "Now tonight, Susan will drain Billy and I expect you two (pointing at Karen and Jane) to do the same for Jimmy. It's obvious to me that they are not responsible enough to ask for help so you will do it for them. Moreover, I don't expect to have a repeat of what I found tonight from either boy this week! Billy, Jimmy, you are to immediately go to one of the girls if you feel pressure building up and if I find out you didn't, you will be punished! You have nothing to be embarrassed about and I don't want to hear complaints about it! Now go all of you!"
Karen quickly grabbed Jimmy's hand and pulled him after her, while Susan pulled Billy and Jane followed. None of them wanted to stay and find out what would happen if they didn't immediately comply with the big woman's orders.
Susan quickly led Billy to his room then told him to sit and wait for her. Billy was not happy about being 'drained' or 'emptied' as the order had been given. Visions of those awful prostate massages came to his mind and tears welled up in his eyes at just the thought of having to go through that again. Susan returned with a small duffle bag and saw the tears leaking onto his cheeks.
"Billy, why are you crying?" she softly asked gathering him into her arms, then lifting him and putting him on her lap and cradling his body against her. One hand sliding down and stroking his thighs then cupping his cock and balls and gently massaging them.
"I don't want to be drained with one of those terrible massages again," he whimpered.
"Who said I'd do it that way? Mom just ordered that I empty all that goo out of you, she didn't say how."
<sigh> "You're right she didn't, did she... please don't do it that way Susan, I really hate that..." he replied laying his head into her shoulder as she continued massaging his balls.
"Mom's right though, you feel really full down here, doesn't it hurt when you get all full like that?"
"It would in another day or so if I didn't get it out, but right now it just feels like pressure and well I get a lot more erections..."
<giggle> "Yeah I noticed, as soon as I touched it, it got really hard." Sliding her hand from his balls to his cock, she wrapped her hand around it, "God, these are so neat, I can feel your pulse in it, and it gets so big and hard after starting out all limp and small."
"So if you're not going to do me with one of those massages, why did you bring the bag? I know you keep gloves and lubricant in there. Please say you're not going to do it that way..."
"I brought it, because at some point, I am going to have my finger up in there, and this makes it easier to clean up afterwards. Billy I want you to enjoy it when I do you, I don't ever want you to feel bad or worried about it. I've neglected taking care of you, Mom's right on that, and that's going to change immediately. Now I'm going to lay you down on your bed and I want you to just close your eyes and relax," then she gently laid him down and placed a pillow under his butt to raise it up. "Now raise your legs for me and just keep those eyes closed while I work on you this cute cock and tight behind, I'm going to try some different things and I just want you to relax and go with it ok?"
Billy did as she directed and lay there spread for her as he heard the bag unzipped and the sound of a glove being put on one of her hands; his legs trembled some as he waited, but he concentrated on relaxing. Suddenly he felt her breath caressing his thighs, then soft kisses trailed down the inside of the left thigh and her hair brushed the tender skin. The kisses moved downward, and he felt her tongue licking below his balls and then gasp as she drew one of his balls into her mouth and rolled it round in that warm place. At the same time, he could feel her putting lubricant on his hole and gently probing it with her finger, so he relaxed himself and let her in. His whole body jerked when she made contact with the special place and then she gently rubbed it, before withdrawing her finger and adding a second. Her mouth was now licking the underside of his straining erection and he was having trouble maintaining the position she wanted. He wanted to thrust at her mouth, but she was pressing down on his pelvis at the same time as the two fingers were working up from underneath inside him. Her hand was stroking his cock while she kissed and licked it and suddenly, he could feel cum rising inside it, but it was different than normal, it was so thick it was having trouble coming out, until finally it just gushed in one big spurt and dribbled on his belly. Susan kept stroking his cock, milking the heavy goo out, while Billy was trying to recover his breathing.
"There, we got that nasty jelly out, now we'll have a little fun and get to the good stuff," she said and her fingers were still in him but concentrating near his hole, getting him looser. "Keep those eyes closed," she ordered, as he felt her body moving on the bed as she knelt between his legs. The next thing her felt was her fingers leaving from inside, but something else was now pressing there and it was much bigger! Billy pushed out and whatever it was, was now just inside his rear. "Relax Billy, this will feel really good; just don't fight it, let it in..."
Billy grunted and relaxed his butt, and pushed against the intruder as it inched it's way deeper until it finally hit his prostate. "God, I feel like I'm being split in two! Is that, that vibrator thing?"
"No baby, this is a toy that let's me fuck you just like you did with Jimmy. Only now you're the fuckee, instead of the fucker. It's really neat, you're going to love this... Now just relax and let me screw that nice little butt of yours for you, I'll have you cumming in no time..."
Billy's hole was burning a little, from the thing she had in him, but it didn't really hurt any, and when she moved back a little then came back forward, it started feeling really good. "Can I look at you Susan? I want to see you..." he said almost whimpering.
"Sure Billy and let me take your legs and rest them on me, so it won't be such a strain for you," she replied then guided his legs onto her shoulders as she leaned over him, just as he opened his eyes she leaned down and kissed him, her hands holding onto his arms for leverage as she started thrusting in and out, never removing the thing inside him but each thrust pressed it against that spot and he was quickly thrusting back at her.
"Harder Susan, that feels really good! God! Yes!" Both of them were soon covered in sweat from their exertions and Billy's head was thrashing back and forth as their bodies slammed together. Both were breathing hard and then Billy was cumming and spraying his juice up between them, most landing on his chest and belly; but Susan just kept on pumping in and out and only a few minutes later he climaxed again, but again she just kept pumping him. Four climaxes later she finally stopped when she noticed he was passed out below her. In the process she'd cum twice, just from the friction of the strap-on harness on her mound.
Pulling out, she removed the harness and laid it on a towel on his chair, then used another towel and washcloth to wipe him off, where his seed had coated his chest and stomach. Then used her gloved hand and reached inside him and felt his prostate and was satisfied that it was now empty. His balls felt smaller too, so she used the washcloth and towel and wiped his rear of excess lube and a small streak of shit stain. Then turned off the light and slid in behind him as he lay on his side and pulled him to herself, her fingers lightly playing with his limp cock; as she dropped off to sleep, exhausted just like he was, but happy.
Down the hall, Jimmy was happily licking between Karen's legs, while getting a blowjob
from Jane and having a vibrator impaled in his butt. When he came the girls switched
positions and he was tasting Jane while Karen continued reaming him and sucking his small
dick. All three of them lost track of how many orgasms they'd had, and all dropped off to
sleep in a big heap exhausted. In the middle of the night, Jimmy woke with his face
buried in Jane's nice breasts and could feel Karen's body pressing against his back. With
a nipple poking him in the nose, he just couldn't resist and started sucking on it, and
licking. His small hand reached down and playing between the tall girl's legs and soon
she was moaning softly. He played until she came, then nuzzled her soft breast again and
went back to sleep.
Billy woke with a start when his alarm clock went off and then groaned as he tried to untangle himself from Susan. He was sore all over from last night and was trying not to wake the sleeping girl. When he finally managed to get free, he quickly ran to the bathroom and took a hot shower, which made him feel a lot better and then went to Karen's room to find Jimmy. One look was all it took to scrap the idea of getting Jimmy to help with breakfast. He was sound asleep, wedged tightly between two girls, both of whom were holding him tightly, their bodies so intertwined, it would be impossible to get him up without waking all of them.
Moving to the kitchen, he started a pot of coffee, and put potatoes in the microwave, then started a pan of sausages on the stove. By the time Diane and Dan arrived, the sausages and potatoes were done and he had toast ready to go. While Dan was taking his first sip of coffee, Billy put a plate in front of him with eggs 'over easy' and two minutes later served Diane her omelet. "Good morning," he greeted them with a smile as he put Diane's plate before her.
"Good morning Billy, this looks really good," she smiled back, pulling him into a one armed hug and patting his rear. "I don't know how we managed before you started fixing breakfast for us." Then kissed his cheek, before releasing him.
"We ate a lot of cold cereal," Dan responded from across the table with a grumble, "I like Billy's cooking much better! Come over here Billy, I want to give you a hug too."
Billy quickly circled the table and was grabbed in a two arm hug and kissed on both cheeks by the man and got his back rubbed and bottom patted before being released, with a "Thanks Billy!" Billy just smiled and went back to the stove to start the next batch of potatoes and sausages, before the rest of the kids arrived. "Hey, where's your assistant?" Dan asked him as he finally got awake enough to realize that Billy was working alone.
"Sleeping," Billy softly replied, and blushed. Dan didn't notice the blush but Diane did, but didn't say anything. When the adults finished, Diane cleared the table while Dan went to get his briefcase. "Sleeping?" she quietly asked.
<giggle> "He was wedged between Karen and Jane and they were so tangled up, there was no way to wake him without waking the girls. All three of them looked so happy, I just couldn't wake them." Billy whispered back.
Diane hugged him and whispered, "And did Susan get you emptied out?"
<Bright red blush> "Yeah if there's anything still in there, it's new, because there sure wasn't anything by the time she was done with me." <blush darker red>
"Good! Now don't let that happen again, I expect you to take better care of yourself. All you have to do is ask for permission and either do it yourself or one of the girls will be happy to help you. There's no reason for you to be filled up like that or have to wait for a wet dream to clear it out. Waiting like that isn't good for you."
"I know, and I'll do better from now on, I don't want you disappointed in me like that. I love you and my family here and I don't want to do anything to upset any of you."
"We all love you Billy and just want what's best for you and for you to be happy," she replied then tightened the hug and kissed him before leaving for work. "Bye Billy have a good day and be a good boy," she said as she walked out the door giving a little wave to him.
Just then Billy was picked up from behind and turned around then received a hug from Dan, who held him giggling against his chest. "Thanks for breakfast Billy, you're a great kid!" Dan said kissing his forehead and patting his bottom before setting him back on his feet. Billy hugged him around the waist and looking up at him grinning, just said "You're welcome, I like cooking and I love cooking for my family!" Earning him a kiss on the top of his head and a pat on the back before Dan also headed out the door.
Thirty minutes later, the other kids still hadn't arrived, so he went looking for them. What he found was three giggling girls and one small boy all in the shower together, washing each other. Some body parts were obviously going to be much cleaner than others. "Hey if you want breakfast get out here, because I can't keep it warm much longer without it going to crap!" Billy loudly called to them from the door of the bathroom.
Five minutes later, Karen and Susan appeared, wearing t-shirts but apparently nothing else and Jane came in dressed in running shorts but topless, carrying a giggling Jimmy, his body wrapped around hers, arms around her neck and legs around her waist. Karen and Susan took chairs and were quickly served and Billy was surprised when Jane sat down with a smiling Jimmy sitting happily on her lap, leaning back against her chest. "We'll take a big plate and share it Billy," Jane grinned at him and he just piled the plate higher and put it down in front of them, with a raised eyebrow. Billy brought his own plate over and sat between the sisters and got hugs and kisses from both for fixing them breakfast. Billy watched Jane and Jimmy through breakfast. Jane had turned Jimmy sideways and every time, he'd reach for food, she'd knock his hand away and then feed him, like a toddler, and both of them were giggling throughout. <Well that's certainly a change! She's treating him like a little kid and he likes it!>
When they finished eating, Billy started clearing the table but Jane interrupted him. "Just leave them Billy, Jimmy and I will take care of the dishes. We need to do something to help since we slept in today. Isn't that right Jimmy," she said smiling at the boy and tweaking his nose with her thumb and forefinger, getting a giggle and a "Yeah, we'll clean up... Thanks Billy." From Jimmy who was grinning up at Jane, his head resting on her shoulder.
"OK then, Billy and I will go do his workout and Karen we need to do some laundry today, how about putting some towels in, we're getting low and at least two beds need to be stripped this morning, Billy's and yours. And we need to air out the rooms to; yours is reeking with sex smells." Susan directed. Karen just nodded, blushing, and got up to go strip beds, while Susan led Billy down to the exercise room.
Down in the exercise room, Billy stopped and turned to Susan, "What's with Jimmy this morning? Jane's treating him like a toddler and he's eating it up? He usually hates it when someone treats him like a little kid."
"Billy they're just playing. Jane likes him and he likes her and last night they broke through the barrier between them. <giggle> Jimmy got blowjobs from both girls while he spent a long time between their legs eating pussy while getting his butt thoroughly reamed with a vibrator. They all lost track of how many times each of them came, but they all had fun. Besides, treating him like a toddler, puts his little head on her chest and he loves playing with her tits, and she likes him doing it."
"Speaking of butt reaming. What was that thing you used on me last night?"
"A strap-on dildo or dong; hang on I'll go get it so you can see it." <giggle> "You really seemed to like it!"
Susan went upstairs and Billy was checking out his revised workout schedule that Diane had left on the bulletin board, when she returned. When he heard her come back he turned around and was shocked to see a 6" cock sticking out from her pelvis. "What the fuck?" he mumbled as he moved closer to look at it; "That thing looks real!"
<giggle> "Yeah it does, feels real too. You like my dick Billy? It's bigger than yours!" <giggle> poking it against his limp member to emphasize the difference.
Reaching down with a trembling hand, he grasp it and felt it, "Feels real too, and it's at least twice as big as me..." he mumbled, "I took that up my butt?"
"Yeah you did, and didn't have any trouble with it either. You seemed to really like it, once it hit your prostate. You were humping at me like a mad man; kept saying 'faster' and 'deeper' in between orgasms."
"But it's so big?"
"Billy, it's only 6 inches long and about an inch in diameter. You didn't have any trouble taking it at all. In fact it's the same diameter as that dilator you wore just a little longer, about 2" longer."
Reaching down he felt the base of it and traced the straps around her sides. "It even has balls, and they move just like real ones! If it weren't for the straps, it would look real, totally!"
"Yeah, and the base rubs me just in the right place too, when I'm using it; I got off at least three times just from that, last night." She replied grinning. "Now just to prove to you that it won't hurt you, I think I'll do you right now," she continued and bent him over an exercise bench, then slid his legs apart and was quickly applying lubricant to his hole before he could even think to object. "Relax Billy," she said as a finger penetrated him and her other hand stroked his back. "Relax and let me take care of you; I love you Billy and would never hurt you," she softly said as a second finger entered and she worked him looser and added another finger. "That's it; relax and let me in, her fingers pulled out for a minute and she moved between his legs and put a condom on the dildo, then quickly had her fingers inside him again, as she held his hip with her right hand, stroking up his side, then down his spine. "Good Billy, almost ready, just relax..." and the fingers left from inside and he felt it pressing his hole. Suddenly it was inside and she stopped after about two inches to let him get used to it. "OK there Billy?"
"Yeah feels weird but it doesn't hurt." He replied as she moved it deeper and deeper, pausing to let him adjust, until it hit his prostate and he jerked. "That's the spot," he groaned.
<giggle> "Yeah I could tell, now just stay relaxed and I'm going to make you feel really good," she responded and pulled back a little then moved back forward, then started slowly rocking back and forth, her hands holding his hips. Soon Billy was thrusting back at her meeting each of her forward thrusts, and his body was covered in sweat, he moaned and groaned with each movement that pressed the dildo on his prostate and was gasping for breath, then it hit and his whole body shook with his orgasm, but Susan didn't stop, she just kept pumping her hips and soon he came again, but again she didn't stop, until she climaxed herself and stopped leaning over his back, hugging him with it still buried inside him. Billy was pinned over the bench with her weight laying on him, as he gasped for breath, trying to recover.
Susan recovered and held him tightly by the waist, keeping the dildo in him, then pulled him back with her until she sat on the floor mats, with him still impaled, and kissed his neck from behind. "Like my cock Billy?" she giggled into his ear as she nipped it with her teeth. "Want some more?"
Billy didn't respond with words, his legs were already outside hers and his legs bent under where he'd been kneeling, he just raised up, so it was just inside and then lowered himself on it, then started rocking as he fucked himself on the device in his rear. Susan just held his hips and guided him as he continued fucking until he came again, and collapsed back against her and she held him tightly while he again tried to get his breathing under control. "Wow!" was all he managed to get out between gasps.
Susan rolled them onto their sides and they both lay there, with the strap-on still in him; when he started breathing normally, she gave a little thrust with her hips, and held him while slowly fucking him again, and continued until both of them came again. Billy was asleep when she finally removed the toy from him and cleaned his rear entrance with a baby wipe from her bag. Removing the harness, she wrapped it in a towel and put it in the bag, then curled up behind him and took a nap herself. They both napped for almost two hours, before Billy woke and turned around facing his best friend, kissing her all over the face neck and mouth once her eyes opened, before capturing her mouth with his. "I'm supposed to working out, not sleeping," he said frowning and then moving with a groan.
"I think you've had enough exercise this morning; not what Mom had planned, but you used all your muscles, so we'll just say you did your workout," she softly told him as she stroked his body and massaged his behind.
"We do need to clean up in here though, you dripped cum on the mats and we need to get the smell out. So let's get that done and we can go relax by the pool with the girls and Jimmy."
Susan got up and came back a few minutes later with a bucket and some sponges. The water smelled like pine and had a disinfectant; and they quickly started wiping the benches (all of them) and the mats where they had lain. "So do you like anal now Billy?" she asked with a little smirk.
"Yeah. Now I know why Jimmy likes it so much. I've never cum like that or so many times before ever. It was nice."
"Well that's good, because I love doing it; and I plan on keeping that little butt of yours happy!"
They were finished in almost no time at all and Susan took her bag upstairs and thoroughly cleaned the strap-on before putting it away, then went outside where she found Karen swimming her laps and Jimmy and Jane cuddling on a lounger Jimmy apparently asleep his face resting on her chest. Billy was just coming down from the house, having put away the cleaning supplies; and was walking a little funny which got a giggle from Susan.
"What's so funny?" Jane asked.
"Billy... he's walking a little funny since he just got his second round of anal in the past 14 hours..." <giggle> Just then Billy arrived beside her; "Yep screwed his little behind until he couldn't take it anymore," Susan reported hugging Billy to her side, then patting his rear; while he turned beet red.
"You used that strap-on then, since we had the vibrator. How was it Billy?" Jane asked with a straight face.
"Uh... good Jane..." He mumbled and managed to turn even redder, his blush now extending down onto his chest.
"What was that Billy, I couldn't hear you?" Jane asked smirking.
"Uh... very nice Jane..." he managed to reply and got still darker red.
"Oh... that's good, maybe you'll let me try doing you with it, I've never used one of those before and I hear it's a real trip, to fuck a boy with one."
"Uh... I don't think...'ll need to check with Susan on that, she says she owns my butt, what with all the time she's spent with her hand in there..." he softly replied and couldn't take it anymore, and just curled into Susan and buried his face in her shoulder as she hugged him and stroked his back.
"That's enough Jane you're getting Billy all embarrassed, last night was his first time and we just did it again and he's not used to talking about it yet."
"OH sorry Billy I didn't know it embarrassed you, but I would like to try it sometime..." Jane replied.
"Let's sit down Billy," Susan whispered and guided him to a lounger beside Jane and Jimmy then pulled him down onto her lap and cuddled him, while she continued talking to Jane and he hid his blushing face against her. "Back to your request, Jane, I don't mind you doing Billy as long as he's ok with it. I'll loan you the strap-on anytime you want. Just be real careful to get him good and loose before using it; but once it's in; Billy cums like crazy; he can't seem to get enough." She told the other girl as she stroked Billy's body, paying particular attention to massaging his behind.
"Jimmy told me how great it is for a boy to be fucked like that, but I didn't realize how good it felt for them until I watched him cum multiple times when I used the vibrator on him last night. It must be really special for them. He just kept cumming until he passed out."
"Billy was the same way both last night and this morning, multiple orgasms then he finally couldn't take anymore and dropped off to sleep on me." Billy sniffed and tried to bury his face further to hide. "It's ok Billy, you have nothing to be ashamed of here," Susan told him, "We all love you and want you to be happy and that means the other girls need to know how good it made you feel when we did that. So just relax and let me take care of you and sooner or later, the other girls will make you feel good to when you want it. OK?"
"OK," he replied with a whimper, "It's just embarrassing to have you talk like that about me..."
"Billy we all want you to feel good," Karen said sliding a wet arm over his side and rubbing his chest with one hand and stroking his hair with the other. "Nobody is going to force you to do anything you don't want to; but we all need to know what you like and what you don't like so that we can take good care of you. Listen to your 'Big Sister' on this Billy, you don't have any reason to be embarrassed," she continued planting a kiss on his cheek.
"OK... Uh Susan, would you mind if I sat with Karen for awhile? Then you can talk to Jane and I won't have to be embarrassed, sitting there listening to my sex life being discussed."
"No problem, Billy why don't you two go over on the other side of the pool there and let Karen hold you while Jane and I compare notes."
"Thanks Susan, I really appreciate this..."
"Go with Karen Billy," she replied patting his rear.
Billy got up and walked around the pool with Karen and was soon cuddled up on her lap as they lay on a lounger, quietly talking, while Jane and Susan continued their discussion. "Thanks Karen, I really didn't want to hear them discussing me like that." He softly told her.
"My pleasure Billy, I've missed holding you like this, you're such a good boy to cuddle with."
"Yeah I like it to, you're really nice when we do this..."
"Billy, why were you so embarrassed by that discussion?"
"It's the whole anal thing.... It's so gay you know? Guys aren't supposed to like it like that." He whispered back.
"But it was a girl doing you not a guy; so it's NOT gay Billy. Just a variation on sex between a girl and a boy. It's only gay when two boys do it."
"Yeah, logic tells me that, but emotionally... well I've been taught all my life that boys aren't supposed to like or do those things. And well, guys don't talk about sex like that, not ever..."
"Mom told us about that back when you were so sick. We wanted to know why you were so embarrassed when Daddy drained your prostate for you; but didn't seem embarrassed when we did it. Daddy had a sex talk with us and Mom said, it was very unusual for a man to discuss sex at all; and that he must really love us to do that."
"I was embarrassed by your Dad doing that Karen; it went against everything I was raised to believe was acceptable. Doctors and nurses are OK to put their fingers or things in a boy; but not men or other boys. Then I just looked at it like he was a doctor or my own dad, doing it for medical reasons and it was ok then. But your Mom's right, guys don't talk about sex, almost never. They might say they had sex with a girl or something; but they don't talk about particulars or mechanics of it; not ever..."
"Billy, I love you and I want you to trust me, could you talk to me about sex and what makes you feel good? I promise that no one except Jane and Susan will ever know what you tell me and we'll never tease you about it."
"I do trust you Karen and I trust Susan and Jane and Jimmy, it's just so hard to do that, but I'll try if you really want me to."
"OK then tell me about oral sex. Do you like doing it with a girl? You know both giving and receiving it? What can I do to make it better for you."
For the next two hours Billy sat there on Karen's lap, being held and stroked, telling her more about sex than he'd ever even considered in his own thoughts. What he liked and didn't like and which particular things felt really good or just so – so. When they got to intercourse, he drew a blank. "I've never done that Karen, so I don't know how it would feel. The closest I've ever gotten was doing anal with Jimmy, I suspect, it would be similar being in a girl, either anal or her... you know pussy, but I don't have any experience doing either with a girl."
"Well we can fix that lack of experience in doing anal with a girl, but Mom won't allow us to do vaginal until we're 14. House Rule and we don't dare break that one. Anything else is allowed and I'm willing anytime you are."
"You'd do that with me? I mean let me do anal with you?"
"Yeah Billy I would, whenever you want as long as I get to try anal with you, using that strap-on. I think it would be really neat to do this cute behind of yours that way. I'd get to feel what it was like to be the one in control and maybe imagine what it would be like to be the boy in a sex act."
<giggle> "Karen, my two beautiful sisters are totally in control of my sex life ALL the time, you are the one holding me right now, not the other way around. You're stronger than me and could do ANYTHING with my body you wanted. So how much more CONTROL do you think you'd have? I mean you girls decided everything about what sex I can have or do. I'm not even allowed to masturbate myself without one of you giving me permission and supervising me...."
"I know Billy and I love being in control like that, it makes me feel really good to have control of your body like that. I love you so I'd never abuse that power. But Billy, I've been playing with you cock and balls now for almost an hour. How come it's still all limp and not hard? I like it when it's nice and stiff and hot feeling."
"Susan." <giggle> "She drained me totally last night and again this morning. When I'm empty it's really hard to get an erection and although your hand feels really nice; it's just not responding. I thought you knew that from all those prostate massages; I couldn't get it hard back then either."
"Yeah, guess I forgot... Maybe I could help a little then," she said grinning down at him, then put her finger in her mouth and got it wet, then reached down behind him and gently slid it inside him and quickly found his prostate, and gently rubbed it. Billy was hard in only a few seconds. "That's much better," she purred, then reached down and gently stroked his cock with just her finger tips, while keeping her finger deep inside him with her other hand.
"Karen," he said with a whimper, "what... what are you doing?"
"Taking good care of my little brother, Billy, just relax and let me make you feel good."
"OK... but there's nothing going to come out; I'm empty..."
"That doesn't mean you can't cum Billy, just that it will be a dry one, that's all. But I still think it will feel good." She replied capturing his mouth with hers and thoroughly kissing him, then working her kisses down on to his neck as she continued working him with both hands.
"Can... I touch you too Karen?"
"Absolutely Billy, I love those magic fingers of yours..."
Billy slipped a hand down between them and quickly was playing between her legs and both of them were soon having trouble breathing, until he came hard, his whole body trembling; and she quickly followed suit with an orgasm of her own.
Across the pool, Susan and Jane had watched the whole thing and just smiled as they watched the two of them masturbating each other to orgasm. Jimmy was still sleeping and missed the whole thing, but was happy with Jane's nipple in his mouth as he slept. Jane decided he'd slept enough and gently woke him. "Wake up sleepyhead," she softly said, kissing him.
"Jimmy you need to wake up, you've been sleeping all morning," she continued patting his rear.
"Oh...OK... but this is so nice, laying here with you Jane... do I have to?"
"Yes Jimmy, you need to work on your swimming, and Billy needs to swim his laps, so why don't you go get him from Karen and the two of you get in that nice pool and swim for a while."
"OK if I have to," he replied and slowly got up and stretched standing beside her, a big smile on his face.
"Hey Billy!" he called out, "Jane says I have to work on my swimming and you need to do your laps, so get up and let's do it, before one of them decides to spank us!"
Billy just started laughing and got up from his comfortable spot on Karen's lap and dove straight into the pool and started swimming laps, while Jimmy swam side to side in the pool, working on various strokes, being careful to not get in Billy's way as he passed end to end with his laps. Meanwhile the girls all went up on the deck for a mini-conference while the boys swam.
When he finished his laps, Billy swam to the shallow end and he met Jimmy there by one of the pool walls. "So Susan did anal on you and you liked it Billy?" Jimmy asked grinning.
"I thought you were asleep when they were talking about that..."
"Naugh... I've been awake almost all morning, enjoying being held by Jane, and pretending to be asleep. She's really nice and I love her boobs, they feel and taste really good. Come over here and hold me so we don't have to talk to loud, and I'll tell you what all I learned this morning. Girls talk more about sex than I ever thought possible."
Billy swam over to him and Jimmy wrapped himself around the bigger boy. "God I've missed this," Jimmy murmured, kissing Billy, then just laying his head on Billy's shoulder. "If they ask, we'll just say I was feeling shaky and you were just helping me Billy; but I really do love holding you like this. Now let me tell you everything they talked about. You won't believe what they say to each other when they think we don't hear...."
Up on the deck, the girls saw the boys holding each other and decided they must need some private time due to Jimmy feeling needy and left them alone until they parted and started splashing each other. Then all three girls went down and dove in the pool and joined the boys in playing in the water until lunch time.
After lunch they sat around playing cards and talking for awhile, when Jimmy looked over at Billy and shocked all of them. "Hey Billy, would you mind doing anal with me? I mean me fucking you instead of you doing me?"
"Jimmy.... I'd... I'd rather not... you're... shit, might as well be honest, you're so small it wouldn't do anything for me... but I suppose I owe you at least one, for the times I've done you..."
"Billy? Are you really ok with that? Remember that discussion we had?" Susan asked, looking concerned.
"I remember Susan, but I really like Jimmy and I should do this for him..."
"Billy you won't feel bad afterwards will you?" Jimmy asked concerned for his friend's feelings, after the discussion the two of them had, Sunday night.
"I don't think so Jimmy, it'll be different than one of the girls doing me but, I'm willing to let you if you really want to..."
"OK then Boys, you have permission, but it has to be here with us watching, or the answer's no, and if I see Billy being uncomfortable with it; I'll stop you." Susan ruled.
"Let's get you ready Jimmy," Karen said to the small boy and stood him up then sucked him until he was hard.
"Here's the lube Jimmy," Susan told him, handing him a tube of K-Y, "make sure you open him first."
"How do you want me Jimmy, hands and knees, laying on my stomach or on my back?" Billy asked.
"Let's try hands and knees Billy, you may have to lean a little forward though since your bigger than me," Jimmy replied and then as soon as Billy was in position, was applying lube to his hole and working a finger inside. Billy relaxed and let Jimmy probe his insides, then Karen stroked Jimmy to get him good and hard again and applied lube to his small cock. "OK Jimmy do him!" she whispered in his ear.
Jimmy positioned himself and was quickly inside full length, but like Billy said he was so small that it was just like having his finger in him. Jimmy was really enjoying it though, so Billy just held still and let Jimmy do what he wanted. Jimmy pumped quickly and his belly made slapping noises as it mashed against Billy's rear; he was breathing hard and thrusting as fast as his body could move until he finally came and shot his juice into Billy, then collapsed back onto his heals. "Wow Billy that was great!" he gasped out.
"My turn!" Jane said from behind the boys, and Billy looked back over his shoulder and saw she was standing there with the strap-on sticking out from her body. "Just stay where you are Billy, that will work for me."
Billy blushed but didn't move out of position, as Karen lifted an exhausted Jimmy out of the way and then sat him on her lap as she sat on a chair and watched the show. Susan applied more lube to Billy and working his hole until he was more open, then put some on the condom covered dildo and Jane was quickly in position. Jane lined up the dildo and was surprised at how easily it entered, and as Billy relaxed himself, it sunk full length into him, until their bodies met. "You ok Billy?" Jane asked.
"Yeah, if you're going to fuck me, get on with it." He grumbled, and lay his head on his arms in front of him.
Jane shrugged and started gently rocking back and forth and Billy was meeting her thrusts grunting and moaning as she pumped him and caused two orgasms in him before she finally pulled out and stopped. Billy rolled over onto his side and tried to recover his breath, while softly crying into his hands.
"Billy? What's wrong Billy?" Susan asked rushing to him and gathering him in her arms. "Billy why are you crying... didn't you like it?"
"I'M FUCKING CRYING BECAUSE I'M UPSET!" he yelled at her, pulling away from her and wrapping his arms tightly around his legs with his knees drawn up and buried his face against his knees. "Nobody except Jimmy ever asks me what I want or whether it's ok to do something. SHE DIDN'T ASK! SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS GOING TO FUCK ME AND THEN DID IT! JUST LIKE YOU DID LAST NIGHT AND AGAIN THIS MORNING! NOBODY GIVES A SHIT WHAT I THINK! You all act like you own my body and treat me like a sex toy or something! It fucking stinks!"
"Billy, I'm sorry..." Jane started to reply.
"NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU SAID EARLIER YOU WANTED TO FUCK ME WITH IT AND I NEVER AGREED TO IT! I told you to check with Susan because I KNOW I have NO FUCKING SAY about my sex life anymore! Then you just TELL me going to fuck me and then DID it! So don't tell me you're sorry because I know it's a lie!"
"Billy? You've never said anything..." Susan tried.
"BECAUSE I'VE NEVER HAD ANY FUCKING CHOICE!" he yelled at her. "I JUST GOT MY ASS RAPED AND YOU HAND ME THAT SHIT? You all handle me whenever you want; however you want and keep telling me you own me. The ONLY one other than Jimmy who's taken the time to find out what I like and don't like is Karen and I thank her for at least treating me like I'm human and have feelings. But even she, handles me without asking when she feels like it. So just drop it Susan, I'm not buying this shit anymore. If you really LOVED me like you keep saying you do, you'd at least ask me before USING me! Now please just leave me alone for a while, I need some time to think."
Before anyone could say anything, Billy got up and walked gingerly down towards the pool and curled up on a lounger, facing away from them. Jimmy immediately got up and went after his friend. "Billy?" he softly said, "Billy can I sit with you, you shouldn't be alone right now..." Jimmy continued with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I know what you're feeling Billy, I can help you..."
Billy looked over his shoulder and saw his friend crying for him and nodded and held his arms out and Jimmy was quickly laying with him curled up in his arms and they softly whispered comfort to each other. "I'm sorry I started all that Billy," Jimmy started.
"No Jimmy, you didn't do anything wrong. You asked me and I agreed because I really like you and it wasn't a big deal. But then Jane just up and fucks me without even asking; that's why I'm upset. It's happening all the time. I can't walk around this house without someone feeling me up or playing with my body. I'm just sick of it! Please just hold me Jimmy, I'm feeling kind of shaky myself right now and I need you to just hold me..."
"OK Billy, I'm here for you, just relax and let me help you... I know what that feels like..."
Up on the deck three girls sat in shock. Without saying a word, they moved inside and went to Susan's room. Susan was crying when she sat on her bed and looking at the other two, whimpered "What have we done? We've hurt him so bad..."
Karen took a deep breath before replying. "He's right, we have treated him that way ever since he got here. At first it was because of his medical needs, we handled him without asking anyway we felt we needed to; whether he wanted it or not. But once he was well again; we kept right on doing it like it was our right to do what we wanted. He's never had a choice in anything and I'm really ashamed of myself for treating him that way because I really do love him."
"No this is all my fault," Jane replied, "I pushed him too far when I did him with that dildo and now we've lost him..."
"No Jane, this has been building up, what you did was just the straw that broke the last barrier. We've all treated him like an object not a person when it came to using him and he's finally reached his breaking point. We're all to blame and we didn't make any move to stop you even when it was obvious that he didn't want to do that." Susan replied.
"Well I don't know about you two, but I'm NOT losing my brother. I love Billy and I'll do anything to patch things up with him." Karen replied and stomped from the room. She paused long enough on the deck to strip naked before walking down to where the boys lay together on the lounger. "Jimmy? Billy? Could I join you? I'm really scared right now and I want to be held by both of you. Billy, I really do love you and I don't want to lose my brother and it seems like that's what's happening. Please Billy?"
Billy looked back at her and saw the tears flowing down her cheeks, then sat up and motioned for her to come to him, then guided her onto his lap and hugged her to him. "I don't want to lose you either Karen," he cried kissing her cheek and their tears merging as their cheeks rubbed as she snuggled into him.
"Billy I never meant to treat you like that, it started when we were taking care of your injuries and we had to do things, you didn't want or like.... Then well it just never stopped when it should have. I promise Billy, I'll never treat you like that again and I'll stop anyone else from treating you that way."
"Thank you Karen, you really are a wonderful person, I don't want to lose you, I love you too much."
"Billy if it will make you feel better, you can do anything with me you want, whenever you want. Well except vaginal sex; that's still out, but I'll never complain if you want to feel me or hold me or do whatever with me."
"I don't want that from you Karen, I love holding you, but only when you want it; and I love feeling your body, but only when you want me to. I guess what I'm saying is; I want you to be my beautiful sister and friend and only when we both want it my lover. I've never touched you sexually unless I asked permission and I won't unless you tell me it's ok. I don't want to force anything on you ever."
"That's easy Billy, I agree to all of that. <giggle> Can I still pat your bottom without asking? I really like doing that."
"Yes and you can hug me and kiss me whenever you want, because we both like that. Just from now on please leave my private parts alone unless we both agree that we want that."
"Billy, Mom still expects us to check your balls frequently to make sure you're ok down there..."
"Yeah I know, but they don't need to be checked every half hour by someone with no warning, just grabbing them, which is how it's seemed recently. Just tell me that's what you want to do and it'll be ok. I can live with that...."
"So are we good then Billy? You and me I mean? Susan and Jane will have to make their own peace with you. But I love you and don't ever want to lose you..."
"Karen? Would you spend the night with me tonight? I'd really like that if you're willing..."
"I'd love to spend the night with you Billy. Every night if I could..."
"Thanks Karen," he replied kissing her and patting her shoulder then tracing his hand down her back and patting her rear. "I get to pat your bottom to, it's only fair and you've got such a nice one to pat" <giggle>
"Billy, I should get up. I think my sister wants to have this same discussion with you, she's standing over there crying her eyes out waiting...."
"Come on Jimmy, let's let them talk in private," Karen said holding out her hand to him, and Jimmy got up and each slid an arm around the other both pulling them together as they walked and left Billy and Susan to make peace.
Billy and Susan spent the next hour crying over each other and all the things that went wrong in their relationship. When they parted it was as friends but no longer 'best friends' she'd let too many things happen to him to maintain that title. They agreed that maybe it could be rebuilt, but not soon, she was too dominant and Billy had lost trust in her; but still loved her as his sister and would always do so.
Jane took her turn and started by asking Billy to spank her for being so bad with him. Billy refused and then she asked him to fuck her anally like she'd done, and he refused. "Jane I don't want to punish you or rape you or anything like that. I like you and I still want to be friends with you. You're beautiful, smart and sexy and I love those things in a girl. Just please ask me what I want in the future, don't just tell me like you did today. Both sobbed over each other and spent a lot of time hugging and kissing but reached a new relationship as a result. They would always be good friends and sometimes lovers, but never like before, where she called the shots. Billy took control of that relationship.
That afternoon was a major turning point in Billy's life. Once he took control of his sex
life, he never completely gave it up again. From that day forward, he enjoyed an above
average sex life a young boy; getting more sex than anyone of his male friends even
thought possible. Susan, Karen, Jane and yes occasionally Jimmy all had a part in it and
he eventually married his 'Big Sister' Karen and settled down together for a happy life.
He never got taller than 5'7" and his wife was a beautiful woman at 6' tall but their
height difference never bothered either of them. Even years later when their kids were
around he still enjoyed sitting on his wife's lap being held and cuddled.
Jane graduated early as anticipated, and had her MD as well as a PHD designator after her name by age 24, but was lonely. Then one day she was sitting in a coffee shop and a slim young man walked in and sat at the counter. "Jimmy?" she asked and the man turned towards her. "Jane! My God it is you!" and it was the start of a swift but romantic relationship. Jimmy worked for a publishing house as an editor and Jane made 4 times his income; but it didn't matter to either of them. Jimmy loved his tall slim Doctor Jane and she loved the way he kept himself fit and took care of her needs.
Susan had a hard time finding someone right for her all through high school and college. Her dominate tendencies, in relationships tended to drive men away after only a few dates. Finally at age 28, she found a slim, submissive, blond, almost feminine looking 24 year old college grad student who was exactly what she was looking for and guided him through their relationship until she got him in marriage and quickly had him tied down with three kids and a mortgage.
And what of Troop 80? Billy became the star of the dance troupe, with his long hair and well toned build and dark all over tan. He was impressive just to look at not to mention his doing the premier dance at every show. He loved camping with the guys, but he loved being at home with his two beautiful sisters even more. He never made it to 'Eagle' rank, but he replaced Paul as the patrol leader of his patrol and was always willing to help the youngest Scouts learn the skills needed to succeed in the Troop.