The Farm Parts 1-3 (nudity, spanking, skinny-dipping, yngCFNM, yngFemdom)
By Captain J
copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 1 - Introduction
It was family reunion weekend at the Henderson family farm. Every Memorial Day weekend all of the children, grand- children and this year great-grand-children gathered at the big old farm in Madison County. The big old house was overflowing with people as the five sons and daughters of Doug and Elizabeth Henderson arrived with their spouses and nineteen kids including the newest arrival Jane the baby of the oldest of the cousins, Ann who had just turned 20 and been married for a year. Most of the kids ranged in age from 6-16 and were almost evenly divided between boys and girls. However the boys, all eight of them, were in the middle of the age range, grouped between 10 and 14, with the girls filling both ends of the brood.
Memorial Day weekend was the big family event of the year, all of the adult children were now scattered over three adjacent states and this was the only time everyone got together. Everyone looked forward to seeing all of their relatives and there was always lots of food, games, music and fun. The Henderson farm was some 1200 acres and located some six miles back from the State Highway, it was isolated and boasted two ponds, a small lake, several streams and a large woods. In short a paradise for young boys.
The usual events included some organized things like taking the family pictures, sing-a-longs in the evenings and a family church and memorial service on Sunday, but otherwise, it was just a big unorganized get-together. Everyone chose to do what they wanted. There were supervised games for the small children, but older children were left to their own devices as long as no one got hurt. Bumps, bruises, scraped knees, bee stings, even an occasional broken arm were part of farm life and no one got too upset about them; so if the kids took off running through the fields or woods the parents thought nothing of it.
Two of the boys favorite games were playing "War" or "Cowboys and Indians"in the woods and skinny-dipping in one of the ponds or at the "swimming hole" in the larger creek. This year they decided on "Cowboys and Indians" but nobody wanted to be the 'cowboys' so after some discussion they decided to be two Indian tribes warring against each other. The usual costume for Indians during their games (since Indians didn't wear 'White Mans Clothes') was to use towels or strips of old sheets or blankets secured by a belt or piece of rope as loincloths and their tennis shoes. In a typical game captives would be tied to a tree or log and 'tickle tortured' to reveal the location of their hideout. When at least three of the other side had been captured, the game was over and everyone went swimming.
It was Friday at noon when the negotiations took place in the barn, where the woods were divided into two areas with a stream being the boundary line. Jim and Mike the two oldest of the boys, chose sides, divided the remaining cousins into two groups. Jim (14) with a swimmer's build and blond hair; picking Tommy (13) tall for his age with blond hair, Ed (12) short and somewhat stocky and little Sam (10) and just starting to really grow. Mike (also 14) was a beginning athlete at 5'7" and muscular with dark hair; his group included; Glenn (13) lanky with red hair and fair skin, Pete (12) twin brother of Ed and Mark (11) his younger brother. With 'Tribes' established, the boys took their loincloths and left the barn to head to their areas to get ready for the game.
Outside the barn listening through the wall were three of the girls, Vicky (15) Sam's older sister, Pamela (14) Pete's older sister and Tammy (9) Ed and Mark's younger sister, who had seen all of the boys go into the barn and wondered what was going on. Once they heard the plans, they decided to join in and have some fun of their own! At the very least they were going to be watching the swimming hole in the afternoon.
Part 2 - Let the Games Begin!
The boys proceeded to their areas and quickly stripped off their clothes to put on their 'costumes'. The girls however, borrowed grandpa's binoculars to go "bird watching" at 'lookout rock'. From their vantage point the girls could see both groups of boys in the valley below, but only Vicky got to use the binoculars while 8 boys showed lots of skin while changing, since she wouldn't hand them over to the other girls.
"I get to use them at the swimming hole" pouted Pamela.
"Me too!" Tammy demanded.
"Ok, Ok," Vicky agreed, although somewhat reluctantly. Even though she had not been able to see much at that distance, she was excited by the prospect of getting to see her cousins bare.
Down below, the boys were still changing from their clothes into loincloths. Little Sam couldn't seem to tie a knot in his rope belt that would stay tied, so Jim (completely nude) came over to help him.
"Hey Jimmy, you've got hair down there" Sam exclaimed pointing to his cousin's pubic area.
"Yeah, I'm a man now, not just a little boy like you!" Jim proudly replied. Standing up straight so that all of them could see his newly acquired, although admittedly sparse and barely visible blond pubic hair.
"It's no big deal" Tommy chimed in, "I've got hair too, I counted them just yesterday there's 21 of them!"
Attention was now drawn to Tommy's direction as the other boys took note that he did in fact have hair 'down there.' Jim also noted (much to his chagrin) that Tommy's equipment was considerably larger than his own. In fact, other than the hair he sported, his looked not much bigger than little Sam's, even though he was considerably taller and four years older.
A similar scenario was going on in the other group as they changed into loincloths. The girls, who could see the two groups of white behinds, wondered among themselves what was going on. They could see the groups of boys gathered together, but they just appeared to be standing around nude?
After a while, the boys got ready and started scouting the area looking for a boy to capture. Both groups moved down the valley away from their clothes and further away from the girls.
"You know what Pam, I think we should steal their clothes." Vicky said in almost a whisper. "How would they explain that one to our parents?"
"I LIKE it!" exclaimed Pamela, and without further discussion the three girls circled down into the valley and quickly found the clothes left by Jim's tribe; grabbed them and returned up to 'Lookout Rock' then seeing the boys still at the far end of the valley, proceeded to snatch the clothes from Mike's group.
Back up on their perch, the girls could now see that Mike had captured Tommy and had tied him blindfolded to a tree just below them, also that Jim's group had captured Pete and secured him to a log well back on their side of the stream. Mike and Mark were applying 'tickle torture' to Tommy to try and get him to tell where the other group were hiding. In the process his rope belt came untied and he was left completely nude, with his arms tied behind him around the tree. All of the bodily contact had also developed an erection which stood prominently out from his body.
"Let me see, Let me SEE!" Tammy almost yelled as she grabbed the binoculars from Pamela.
"Quiet!" hissed Vicky, "They'll hear us!"
Just then howls were heard from back in the area where Pete was tied and the girls could see that he had also been blindfolded, but was tied face down over a log with his behind up in the air. Jim and Sam were not only tickling him but also spanking him with their hands. Not satisfied with the results, Jim removed Pete's loincloth and proceeded to spank him on his bare butt. Apparently, he had quickly provided the information as Jim and Sam left the area and were moving along the stream towards the far end of the valley again.
Looking down, the girls saw that both victims had been left blindfolded, tied and nude by their captors. "Let's go look!" exclaimed Tammy as she pulled on the other two girls excitedly.
They quickly descended the hill and found Tommy tied to the tree with his hard-on still prominently displayed. They moved to within about four feet from him before one of the girls stepped on a twig, which snapped.
"Who's there?" ask Tommy as he struggled against his bonds. The girls whispered to each other as they took in the sight of their 13 year-old cousin's naked body and in particular his 6" erection. His struggling caused it to flop back and forth as they watched and all of them had to stifle giggles at the sight.
"I said, Who's there?" Tommy again asked, but got no response. Instead he felt fingers sliding over his chest, and then tickling under his arms. "Hey I told you what you wanted to know, leave me alone." He pleaded in between laughter at the tickling. Pamela was having a good time checking out her younger cousin at close range. Although she had been babysitting for a couple of years she had never seen a hard cock as big as his and bent down to look at it closely. Vicky and Tammy joined in the close inspection as Tommy struggled against his bonds. Tammy reached out with a fingertip an shoved down on the tip of the erection and marveled when it sprang right back up.
"Hey quit that! What are you a fagot or something? LEAVE ME ALONE!" demanded Tommy and the girls quickly left the area before someone heard him yell.
Returning to their perch, the girls saw Jim being drug along the side of the stream by Mike, Glenn and Mark. Soon he was tied to a tree near Tommy and the three boys left immediately to go capture another opponent. Apparently they didn't need to 'torture' him as they already knew what they wanted.
Quickly, the girls again descended the hill and found the two bound boys tied side by side. Vicky, walked over to Jim and without saying anything, untied his rope belt and pulled his loincloth off leaving him nude before her. Jim struggled harder against his bonds and his little dick danced about in the process, again the girls had to stifle giggles at the sight of his flopping about. Vicky then grabbed Tommy's loincloth from the ground and they returned to their perch on 'Lookout Rock.'
Once back up on the rock, the decided to go get Pete's loincloth also and thereby force at least three of the boys to remain nude. Pamela volunteered to go get her brother's cloth alone, because they could see that Mike, Glenn and Mark were closing in on Ed and the game would soon be over under the boy's rules. Pamela worked her way around the side and soon found Pete still tied over the log. Without saying anything she quickly untied his rope and pulled the fabric out from under him, leaving him tied to the log with his pink butt prominently on display. Not being able to resist, she gave her younger brother a quick swat on the fanny and walked off.
Ed was caught just as Pamela returned to the lookout and brought back to where Tommy and Jim were left tied up. Mike, Glenn and Mark secured Ed to another tree and then left to tell Sam and Pete that the game was over. While they were gone, Vicky took the opportunity to sneak down and remove Ed's loincloth leaving three naked boys tied below them. About 15 minutes later, the boys returned with Sam and a naked Pete and proceeded to untie the captives.
"OK you won, so give me back my loincloth and let's go swimming." Demanded Jim.
"Hey dude, we don't have it." Replied Mike.
"Mine too!" said Tommy. "Mine too!" said Ed.
"Well you guys took mine!" Pete retorted, "And You Spanked Me! That's not allowed!"
"They spanked you?" Mike said looking at Pete, who quickly turned around so that they could see his pink rear.
"Yeah and it hurt too!" Pete added.
"Well it's time for payback!" Mike proclaimed. Jim started to argue but knew they had broken the rules so decided to submit.
"Hey I didn't spank anyone!" Ed objected.
"Neither did I!" Tommy added.
"Doesn't make any difference, your team did, so all of you have to pay!" Mike ruled. "Now line up and bend over, grab those ankles…" "On the bare" he ordered, "or it doesn't count! I think 20 wacks will do!"
Tommy was the only member of his 'tribe' still wearing a loincloth so it was quickly removed and the four boys turned their backs to the winners and bent over as directed.
Each winner got behind his corresponding aged loser and proceeded to administer the penalty. When it was done four red-faced and red-rear-ended boys were hopping about the clearing. Rubbing their backsides trying to lessen the sting.
Up above three giggling girls watched the proceedings with glee. In particular the 'spanking dance' by the nude boys down below.
"Now let's go swimming!" Mike demanded.
Without further discussion, the boys walked away, 5 nude and 3 still wearing their loincloths. Four, joking with the others about the rosy glow of their backsides. Apparently, the whole matter of the missing loincloths had been forgotten in the spanking and it's aftermath, after all they were going skinny-dipping anyway so who needs the loincloth?
Part 3 – The Swimming Hole
Arriving at the swimming hole, the three boys still wearing
loincloths quickly removed them and everyone dove into the
water. For the next two hours the boys frolicked in the
cool water of the stream, played tag and swung on the rope
tied to be big old tree adjacent to the pool.
Meanwhile, the girls had swiped the remaining loincloths and sat back in the bushes watching the eight naked boys as they swam and played.
When the boys were starting to tire, two of them were sent back to get everyone's clothes so that they could go back to the house for dinner. Not long after the two left, they came back running and yelled to the boys still in the water. "They're all gone!"
"What's gone?" Mike questioned.
"All our clothes!" Tommy replied in a panic.
"Even the loincloths we left here!" added a red-faced Mark.
Quickly eight nude boys were searching the area looking for their clothes or at least their loincloths. Nothing was found.
"What are we going to do?"asked Jim.
From the slope of the bank, well hidden by brush, the girls gleefully watched the eight naked boys search the area looking for their clothes. Giggles were heard from each as she looked through the binoculars and watched the bare boys frantically running about, bending and twisting in all directions as they searched.
"Jimmy's got a cute behind" offered Vicky, "but he seems small in the front, especially compared to Mike."
"Maybe it'll get bigger when he grows some more" Pamela injected, "after all he's only 14."
"Tommy's bigger than both of them! And he's a year younger; what if his keeps on getting bigger. I mean his is awfully big now!" Observed little Tammy.
Down below the boys have come to the realization that in fact their clothes were gone and not just misplaced. What are they going to do?
"I guess we have to go back to the house and get other clothes," Mike decided.
"We can't go back like this, everyone will see us!" Jim replied.
"Hey, we can't stay out here forever, if we don't get back before dinner, Grandma will beat us all." Ed added, "I don't know about you guys, but I sure don't want her mad at me again."
"You got THAT right Dude!" said Pete, "I still remember that switching she gave us last year; we even had to go cut the switch ourselves!"
"We've only got about a half hour till dinner so we better get going." Mike demanded, "Hey I don't like this any better than the rest of you, but I don't see we have any choice in the matter!"
"OK, I guess your right, let's get going then," Jim answered.
Slowly, the eight boys started back up the valley towards the farm house, walking carefully since all were naked except for their shoes. It seemed like every branch and thorn found a way to smack or stick one of the naked boys.
Up on lookout rock the girls saw them headed towards the house and decided they better get back ahead of them so that they wouldn't suspect them of stealing their clothes. Besides, it was going to be a great show when they arrived at the house in front of all of their relatives.
As the boys reached the end of the valley, they had to leave the woods and cross the meadow towards the house. Much to their chagrin they could see all of their fathers sitting on the porch and most of their cousins playing in the yard, all of them between the boys and the house. Covering their 'privates' with their hands, the eight boys started towards the house.
Grandpa Henderson and his sons were sitting on the porch watching the younger children in the yard while the women were preparing dinner in the house. Folding chairs and tables made from sawhorses and sheets of plywood had already been set up in the front yard in anticipation of the coming feast.
Looking down the hill, he did a double take, then started laughing and almost fell out of his chair! Coming up the hill towards the house were his eight grandsons, all naked and trying to cover their privates with their hands.
"Elizabeth! Come out here! You're NOT going to believe this!" he yelled to his wife.
His sons, Bob, John, Bud, Jason, Jim Sr. and Dennis all saw what he was looking at and likewise broke into howls of laughter. All of the women came out on to the porch to see what was going on and immediately broke down laughing also.
Hearing all of their parents, all the children (all girls) in the yard, turned to see what was going on and immediately started running towards their naked brothers and cousins, laughing and cheering at them. Vicky, Pamela and Tammy came around the side of the barn just as the ruckus started and stood near the porch smiling and laughing as the boys approached, very red faced and embarrassed with hands trying to cover themselves.
As the red faced boys reached the bottom of the porch steps they were confronted by all of their parents staring down at them, while surrounded by their younger and older sisters on the ground who were laughing and snickering at them.
Grandpa Henderson stood up and with arms crossed over his chest and having great difficulty keeping a smile off his face, tried to look stern and said " Well I'm waiting, are you going to tell us what happened? Or Not?"
"Someone…Someone stole our clothes!" stammered Pete.
"Well that much is obvious," Grandpa replied, "The question is what were you doing that LET someone take your clothes."
"We…We were playing cowboys and indians… and then we went swimming…and when we got done…they were gone!" three boys responded as if it were a scripted play where each had part of a line to give.
"You were skinny-dipping weren't you!" demanded grandma.
"Yes….Yes sir" came a chorus directed at their grandfather rather than their grandmother who had asked the question.
"When I ask a question, I expect to be addressed with the answer!" Elizabeth Henderson fumed.
A VERY meek voiced Jim responded, "Yes, Grandmother, we went skinny-dipping in the creek at the swimming hole."
"Well I never!" huffed their Grandmother.
"Elizabeth, calm down, this isn't the first time this farm has seen a naked boy." Grandpa responded, while looking at his five sons on the porch. "Hell, these boys were naked more than they were clothed when they were growing up."
Aunt Marion (Pete and Ed's mother) stepped to the front of the crowd. "Well I don't know about the rest of you but I didn't bring enough clothes with us for mine to be losing them everyday. In fact, other than socks and one T-shirt each, I've only got one spare set for each of them and that's their good clothes for Sunday. I just don't know what to do with them."
"Same here," Added Aunt Jane (Jim's mother), "Maybe we should just have them stay the way the are! It just MIGHT teach them a lesson!"
"But what about the girls?" Aunt Louise (Mike's mother) asked.
"Well if they haven't seen a naked boy before now; they're going to now! Besides, they have to learn sometime, they will all be mothers themselves sooner or later." Ruled Grandmother Henderson.
The boys had been listening to this conversation, trying to appear non-existent if that were possible. They didn't dare interject themselves into the conversation for fear of punishment. They had learned long ago that when the adults started talking about them when they were present it was better to lay low; otherwise things got worse quickly. But the course THIS conversation was taking didn't sound good. It sounded like they were going to have to stay naked until Sunday!
"Now boys!" Grandmother Henderson said as she turned towards her grandsons, "You will remain as you are until Sunday. And no more skinny-dipping without an adult present! "
"But… But Grandmother!" the group pleaded.
"No Buts! You brought this on yourselves. You will remain just as you are until I say otherwise. No matter who is here or what you are doing! Furthermore, get those hands away from your crotches, I'll not have you playing with yourselves in front of the girls. You have NOTHING to hide from anyone on this farm! Do I make myself clear?"
Quickly eight sets of hands moved from crotches to sides or behind their backs and eight sets of boy genitals came into view, which elicited giggles and laughter from eleven female cousins. All of the boys turned even redder from embarrassment if that was possible.
"Now girls, don't embarrass the boys!" Grandma chided.
This brought snickers even from the assembled parents!
"Now if everyone will please help, dinner is about ready. Boys you can help bring it outside; everyone else please find a seat. Grandmother ordered.
As the boys mounted the three stair steps leading up to the porch, Chissy a 6 year old took note of the bare bottoms ahead of her. "Grandma! Look at their bottoms, four of them are all pink…. Like….like they've had a spanking!"
Immediately the eight boys were lined up along the wall of the house and it was clear to all that five of them had been spanked recently.
"Well… I'm waiting for an explanation!" demanded their Grandmother.
Jimmy turned and faced his Grandmother, "Our… Our team cheated… and we got punished… according to the rules…." He stammered.
"Well young man, we don't tolerate cheating here, we'll discuss this later, more punishment may be in order." Grandma huffed, "Now all of you get in the house and help carry dinner out to the tables." Quickly the eight boys complied, not wanting to get Grandmother any more upset than she already was.
Vicky, Pamela and Tammy heard Grandmother's ruling with glee. It was fun seeing the boys in the woods, but this was GREAT! They were going to see them all up CLOSE all weekend!
Everyone except Grandmother and the eight naked waiters found seats at the tables. As each boy came down the steps from the house with his hands full, he was on complete display for everyone at the tables below. Eleven girls and most of the mothers snickered as they watched the boys descend the stairs. The steps made their cocks and balls bounce and sway. All of the young girls were turned in their seats to watch the show.
The boys had to step between the seated girls to place their loaded platters and bowls on the table and this gave the girls a closeup view of their naked brothers and cousins. The young girls in particular were VERY interested in the naked display before them.
Once all of the food was on the tables. Grandpa said grace and the feast began. The seating was such that all of the parents were on one end of the table and the children normally would be seated in descending order by age, with the younger children at the far end, this would usually put the boys in a group in the middle. However, the girls had spread out so that the only empty chairs were between pairs of girls. Eight very unhappy boys soon found themselves seated between two girls each, and the girls were not being shy about checking out the naked boys.
Vicky, Pamela and Tammy made sure that they had Jimmy, Mike and Tommy between them and frequently found reasons to touch the boys; Vicky spent most of dinner with her bare leg rubbing against Jimmy's leg while her other bare thigh rubbed against Mike. Pamela and Tammy were using the same ploy on the boys and also found reason to brush the boys' thighs with their hands (all accidental of course). By the end of dinner all of the physical contact had the result of three boys with very stiff erections tenting their napkins.
When everyone was getting up to leave the table, three boys stayed seated and were trying to hide their erections. They kept finding bits of food to eat hoping that their 'problem' would go down before anyone saw it. Grandmother Henderson took note of their delaying tactics and rounded to their side of the table and immediately saw the tented napkins in their laps.
"Well I NEVER!" she shouted at them. "What have you three been doing… Playing with yourselves during dinner?"
All three boys immediately denied having done anything, but Grandmother wasn't hearing their pleas of innocence. Her shouting at the boys immediately drew the attention of the family and the boys found themselves surrounded by all of their female cousins.
"Well you three now have the pleasure of clearing the tables and washing all of the dishes!" Grandmother ruled. "Furthermore, Vicky and Pamela will supervise you and every dish, pot and pan had better be spotless or you will be punished! Do I make myself clear?"
"I'll help too!" volunteered Tammy.
"Very well," Grandmother responded " each of you supervise a boy and make sure they do the job right!" She then stomped away from the table leaving three red faced and very stiff naked boys under the direction of three smiling girls.
"Well get up and get busy!" demanded Vicky as she stood over the still seated boys.
"I…I can't" Mike pleaded with tears welling in his eyes as he looked up at her.
"Why not?" said Vicky as she stood over him with her arms crossed over her chest.
"I'm…I'm hard…down there…everyone…will…will see me." Mike almost whispered.
"Me…Me too" Jimmy cried as tears leaked from the corners of his eyes and his whole body trembled.
Tommy didn't say anything, he just stood up and started reaching for plates as his 6" hard-on stood straight out and brushed against the edge of the table, bobbing about as he worked.
The girls hadn't replied to the pleas, just stood there waiting, when Tommy rose and started working all three of them smiled. Jimmy and Mike must have decided that all options were over so they stood and started clearing dishes also. Mike sporting a 5" but thick protrusion and Jimmy a much thinner 3 ½ " pointer.
The girls helped carry dirty dishes inside but did not help the boys wash and dry the accumulated dirty dishes, pots and pans. They followed the boys up the steps and giggled as they watched the boy's bare butts wiggle as they walked. As the boys worked, the girls found many opportunities to rub against the boys as they inspected their work. Vicky frequently would put her hand on Jimmy's back and rub up and down as she would lean around him to check as he scrubbed pot after pot in the sink, pointing out any spot he missed. Pamela used the same technique on Mike and even ran her hand over his butt as she checked the plates he was washing. Tammy supervised Tommy as he dried all of the dishes and found frequent need to touch him as well. Several times 'inadvertently' brushing against his protruding hard-on as she reached across in front of him for one thing or another.
The end result was the boys remained erect throughout their chores.
Outside, the five remaining boys were required by their sisters and cousins to participate in games with them. In particular the girls liked volleyball, and took great glee in watching the naked boys as they stretched and jumped about, their genitals bouncing and flopping about as they played.
After several hours, Grandmother came into the kitchen and inspected the completed work. The boys were lined up in front of the sink and the girls stood across the room as she checked each pan and dish. Noting that all three of the boys were still sporting very hard erections she walked over to them and looked all three boys over.
"It would seem that you three LIKE to be naked in front of the girls," she said as she checked the sink behind them to make sure that it had been cleaned as well. "All of you have a bit of growing to do yet," she added as she looked directly at their erections, "especially you Jimmy."
Knowing that she was referring to his lack of equipment in comparison to his cousins, Jimmy turned beet red.
"Well you boys did a good job, so punishment is remitted. But I think you got most of the grease from the pots and pans on yourselves; your filthy! Get up stairs and take a bath. Girls go with them and make sure they do as good a job as they did on the dishes. Any problems and the punishment is back on! Now GO all of you!"