Johnny's Punishment 9
By Captain J
copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 25 – Disaster
Johnny mother woke him the next morning and told him to start working on the house as soon as breakfast is done. "The weather is supposed to be good today and you might as well start on it."
As he was rinsing out his cereal bowl, she came back into the kitchen. "I decided to make it easier for you Johnny you know all the girls who will be in today's class. The first group will be Mary, Chrissy, Peggy, Donna and Shirley; you know all of them from school so things should go easier than with someone you don't know and they are all your age so they will be responsible."
"But MOM, four of those girls hate me!" he cried.
"Nonsense!" She responded, "I've known all those girls since they were little and they are all mature young ladies."
"Enough, now get to work!"
"Yes Mother." It was a very worried boy who left the house to go outside and begin scraping loose paint.
The more Johnny thought about it the more worried he became. Mary is Janet's sister and Peggy is her best friend, both of them have always hated me, it's guaranteed that Janet will have told her, 'her version' of the park incident. Donna hates all boys, rumors had it that she was into girls. Shirley is big and fat and none of the boys would date her if their lives depended on it and as a consequence she doesn't get along with boys. Chrissy is the only unknown in the batch, she was quiet, skinny and a little on the plain side as for looks, but Johnny and she had always been at least polite to each other.
Around 10:00 he heard the girls arriving and his mother talking to them in the kitchen, he could hear laughing and giggles occasionally when his mother made some point or other, but he stayed out of their line of sight. At noon he was told to clean up and his lunch would be ready by the time he was.
Johnny entered the house through the side door to avoid the kitchen where he knew the girls were and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. He took his time drying, trying to avoid what he knew was going to happen, but knew if he delayed too long he'd end up getting a spanking from his mother.
When he knew he could delay no longer without invoking his mother wraith, he took a deep breath and entered the kitchen. His appearance standing there naked, initially resulted in silence; then Mary started laughing and within seconds the others joined her except for Chrissy who broke into a fit of giggles.
"Sit down and eat Johnny," his mother ordered and a very red faced and embarrassed boy quickly took a seat between Chrissy and Mary in the only open chair.
His mother was across the room filling soup bowls when Mary leaned near his ear and whispered "Hi faggot, nice costume you're wearing there..."
Johnny didn't respond, he just sat there, his face burning and feeling very small indeed.
His mother served everyone soup and sandwiches and he was basically ignored while they ate their lunch. His mother and the girls talked about a number of topics. Finally, lunch was done and Johnny was directed to do the dishes while his mother and the girls moved to the living room. As they left the room, one comment reached him, "He'd make a good little maid!" followed by giggles.
"Come to the living room when you're done Johnny," his mother called to him as she left with the girls.
As soon as he entered the living room, he found the girls waiting for him but his mother was no where in sight.
"Where's Mother?"
"Not your problem faggot," Mary answered, "But just so you know, she had to leave for something and left us in charge!"
"But?" he almost whimpered.
"After all we are all mature and trustworthy, not like a little HOMO who got caught in the park!" Peggy added.
"So Sissy-Boy, move your pathetic body over there so we can get this over with!" Donna said from behind and shoved him into the middle of the room.
"Well we're waiting Johnny," Shirley said, "Get it up so we can see it! It's so small I'm not sure I can find it otherwise." This got all the girls laughing and Johnny turned redder if possible.
Johnny reluctantly reached down and worked himself, but wasn't having much luck attaining an erection.
"Maybe we should go find a boy for him, he can't seem to get it up for women..." one of them commented.
"That wouldn't help from what I hear, he's into sucking cock and taking it up the ass, he wasn't even hard from what Janet said. Come ON cocksucker, we're waiting!" Mary demanded.
Finally, Johnny managed to get an erection, but that didn't stop the verbal barrage. "Geez no wonder he goes for guys, he doesn't have enough to satisfy a woman, that tiny thing is pathetic!"
"How are we supposed to learn anything on him, he's so small, it's a wonder even he can find it."
Tears were welling in his eyes and that didn't go unnoticed.
"Oh look the little Sissy is about to cry for us. God, what a whimp!"
"I'm tired of this already," Mary complained, "I think he deserves to be punished on my sister's behalf, he screwed up her relationship with her boyfriend, and I have no interest in playing with his pathetic little pecker."
Donna didn't say anything, she just reached out and took his balls in her hand and squeezed as hard as she could. Johnny screamed and dropped to his knees. The pain caused him to lose all control and he cried and whimpered, begging her to release him. Finally she did and he dropped to the floor holding his tortured balls.
Mary rolled him onto his back and lifted his legs. "Hold these up Donna, I'm going to get some payback for Janet." She directed.
Donna knelt with her knees on his shoulders and pulled his feet back to her and spread his legs, leaving him fully exposed and open. Mary didn't wait, she just started spanking his exposed behind as fast as she could. Peggy joined her and each took an exposed cheek, Johnny was screaming and crying, they hit his balls about every tenth spank and he was in real pain. He kept crying and pleading until Donna stuffed a cloth of some kind in his mouth to shut him up; after that he just moaned and cried as the beating continued.
Mary and Peggy were replaced by Shirley who lectured him about calling her names all her life and seemed resolved to take all the pain of her life out on his behind. When Shirley finally tired, Donna was replaced by Mary and Peggy in holding him while Donna took her turn at spanking the boy. When she was done, she reached into her purse and produced a dildo about 7" long and 1" in diameter.
"His mother said we should find his prostate and I for one have no intention of sticking my finger up his dirty little faggot ass, so I propose we use this!" Without further warning or any lubrication, she jammed half of it into Johnny's open hole, and he screamed into his gag.
"What's the problem faggot," Mary snickered, "from what I hear you took four MUCH bigger than that little toy in the park!"
Donna roughly fucked him with her toy while three other girls cheered and clapped. Finally she decided she'd done it enough and pulled it out. Then stood still holding it in her hand and looked at the crying boy at her feet.
"You're a pathetic Sissy-Faggot and there is absolutely nothing I can learn on you; so I'm leaving!"
With that, he was released and four of the girls got up and left the house. Johnny was left laying on the floor his behind on fire, a rag still stuffed in his mouth, crying and whimpering. After some time, he realized he was not alone. Chrissy was sitting on a chair looking at him, seemly in shock.
"Chrissy?" he whimpered.
Him calling her name seemed to break through to her mind, and she shook her head and rose to her feet. "I'm sorry Johnny, I couldn't stop them..." and she too left.
When his mother arrived home two hours later, she found him still curled up on the floor, crying, his behind showing black and blue spots and otherwise still bright red. "Johnny?"
Johnny came up from the floor in a rage.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT! I told you four of them hated me! But NO my mother KNOWS these precious little MATURE and RESPONSIBLE FUCKING GIRLS! They didn't want to learn anything, they didn't even TRY to learn anything they just wanted to PUNISH me! They crushed my balls and beat me, then because YOU told them to find my prostate, THEY FUCKED ME WITH A DILDO! You said they would be supervised and wouldn't hurt me; then YOU just left them to do what they wanted! They hurt me bad and they FUCKED ME! I won't be able to show my face in school ever again! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!"
<Crack!> she slapped him hard
"I will not be spoken to like THAT young man!"
"I'm sorry," he whimpered, "but why did you do that?"
"Apparently I've made a mistake and placed trust where it wasn't warranted; but you will never address me like that or I'll teach you the real meaning of pain!"
"Yeah, you made a little mistake, but I fucking paid for it!"
<Crack!> "I told you, you will not use that language to me!" <Crack!>
"Now who did this?"
"All of them except Chrissy and she just watched them, she said after the others left that she couldn't stop them..."
"Enough of this, go to bed while I find out what happened."
"Christ MOTHER don't you believe me? Look at my butt, my red balls, this is the rag they stuffed in my mouth to keep me from screaming! These marks on my shoulders and ankles where they held me down. Do you think I did this to myself? Can't you just once believe what I'm telling you? That your precious little Girl Scouts are capable of this?"
"I said go to bed! I'll talk to Chrissy and see what she says."
"I'm fucked for life and she still has to check with a girl to confirm what happened..." he said to himself as he started to walk away, however it was loud enough to be heard and he was rewarded with a swat on his already abused ass for the comment.
Jane brought him his dinner in his room, but didn't say anything, just set the tray on his desk and left.
It was late that evening when his mother came to the room. "I talked to Chrissy and she confirmed everything you said; then I confronted each of the girls and they admitted it; they have been suspended from the Girl Scouts."
"Big Deal!" Johnny spat from his bed, "They have to miss their little scout meetings for beating the crap out of 'little Johnny' and screwing me with a dildo. Where's the justice or fairness, hell they won't even get a spanking for beating me up will they?"
"I admitted I made a mistake Johnny and the girls are being punished, their mothers are grounding them also, what do you want?"
"An apology for starters! I kept my end of the deal, I lived up to my promise to you! Even after I discovered you planned on letting every girl in town see me naked and handle me, not even considering how that will affect my life from here on out; I still kept my promise! YOU DIDN'T! You didn't even try! You just left me with your 'oh so mature and responsible' girls to be abused and beaten! YOU broke the agreement! They were to be supervised and I was NOT to be hurt!"
"OK I'm sorry this happened, but the classes will continue, I've made commitments to the mothers and girls and I won't break my word."
"Only to me, but apparently I don't count!" he cried, but she ignored him and walked out.
Johnny cried himself to sleep that night and didn't sleep very well at all.
Chapter 26 – Another Day
"Johnny wake up," his sister said gently shaking his shoulder.
"OK," the very sore and weary boy responded.
Jane pulled his blanket from him and saw his bruised body. "Oh Johnny they really beat you didn't they?"
"Doesn't anybody believe me?" he cried, tears leaking down his cheeks.
"For what it's worth Johnny, when Dad got home last night and found out what happened he tore into Mom big time. He yelled at her for hours, especially when he found out she wouldn't accept what had happened until she checked with Chrissy! I didn't get to sleep until 2am and he was still yelling at her then."
"Hope he got her attention!" Johnny whimpered and Jane hugged her brother in sympathy. "Nancy cancelled your exercise for today, she didn't think you be up for it." "Thank God for little favors."
After breakfast he went out and tried to work on the house, but his sore body didn't want to do much stretching to scrape paint, every movement reminded him of the bruises on his shoulders and behind.
At lunch he saw his mother for the first time that day, and she saw the bruises on his shoulders and backside. Her eyes were red and she was pale.
"I'm very sorry about yesterday Johnny, you have every right to be upset with me, your Father made that very clear!"
Johnny didn't say anything he just stared at her.
"In particular I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge that I believed you until after I talked to Chrissy and the girls; you've never lied to me about something important, and you didn't deserve that kind of attitude from your mother. Besides the physical evidence was overwhelming; but I just didn't want to believe they would do something like that. I'm sorry."
"Just... Please don't let something like that happen again." He said with tears running down his cheeks.
"I promise Johnny, and I won't break my promise again," she said as she hugged her crying son.
"OK Mom," his head buried in her shoulder.
"Now sit down and eat your lunch," she said as she guided him to a chair.
As they were finishing lunch, his mother reminded him that tomorrow was 'running day' for his exercises, then he was to work on the house some more. "I have another class scheduled for tomorrow, Brownie Scouts, I will handle the lecture and Susan will be here for the practical in the afternoon. I don't think you know any of these girls, Johnny they are all 8 or 9 year-olds and Susan will keep a close eye on them."
Johnny didn't say anything, he just nodded.
Johnny spent the rest of the day scraping paint and applying primer to a few bare spots, after dinner he went to his room and spent the evening escaping into his book.
Late, Jane came in and asked her now standard question, "How's my favorite brother doing?"
"Sore all over,"
"Would a massage help?"
"It couldn't hurt Sis, I hurt all over."
"Then put that book away and I'll get some lotion."
Jane left and returned shortly carry a bottle of baby oil. "Couldn't find the lotion I wanted but this will do."
"Great now I get to smell like a baby too..."
"Hey! I don't have to do this you know."
"Sorry Sis, It's just been a bad week so far."
"I understand Johnny," as she spread oil on his upper back before starting to work at the muscles.
"Oh! Ooh.. that spot is tender," he said when her fingers dug into a bruise on his right shoulder. She couldn't see the bruise because in was underneath, it was where a knee hand been used to hold him down.
"Sorry," Jane offered.
"It's OK, just go easy along my collarbones, that bitch held me down with her knees and I have deep bruises along both sides.
Jane worked his back muscles and upper arms, then scooted down and sat on his legs as her oily hands massaged the abused flesh of his rear end. "Those bruises look like they hurt," she commented.
"They do so go easy, please..."
"I will," and she gently massaged the flesh of his butt, then worked down onto his legs before telling him to turn over.
"I see what you mean about your collarbones, she must have been putting her full weight down on them."
"Sure felt like it."
Jane worked the muscles of his chest, then the front of his thighs before coming back up and very carefully working up to his scrotum and cock, he flinched when she touched his balls. "Poor Johnny, she dug her nails into your sack when she grabbed you, there's a couple of scratches."
"Grabbed is an understatement, crushed would be more descriptive."
"Well I'll be gentle with them, we have to take care of these or Debbie will be real upset when she wants to have a baby."
"So you've got Debbie and me married already?"
"Not yet brother, just a matter of time." She giggled.
"Wonderful, my life's already planned out for me, can you tell me how many kids I going to have?"
"Probably three, Debbie thinks that's a manageable number."
"Any boys in there?"
"She wants 2 boys and 1 girl; the girl last."
"Well I'm glad I don't have to worry about it then, it's all decided."
"Of course it is! These things are too important to leave it up to you guys to decide. Now I'm all done and you need to sleep, so goodnight brother."
"Thanks Sis!" he said as she left turning off the light as she exited.
Chapter 27 – New Humiliations
It was a still very sore Johnny who waited on the patio the
next morning, his bruises were starting to fade but big
yellowish blotches had taken their place, with dark spots in
the center of each. Nancy came around the garage and
stopped in front of him then gently took him by the
shoulders and turned him around to look at his back side,
then turned him back to face her.
"Do they still hurt Johnny?"
"Not as much as they did; a couple are still real tender to the touch, but mostly I just hurt all over."
"We are going to take it easy today, I don't want you overdoing it, and making it worse."
"Thanks, Nancy, should I start?"
"Lead off, and set a pace that's not painful to you, I'll follow."
"Ok," Johnny said and started jogging down the driveway. It was obvious he was hurting but Nancy let him go on until they got back around to the woods.
"Hold up Johnny," she said and walked over to a log and sat on it. "Come over here."
Johnny didn't know what was going on but didn't want to get Nancy mad by not following directions so he moved over to stand in front of her.
Nancy reached out and took hold of his hips and pulled him to herself and sat him on her right thigh, holding him around the back. "Is this OK Johnny, I don't want to hurt you."
Johnny put his arm around her shoulders to steady himself before answering, "It's OK as long as I don't move around while sitting."
Nancy put her left hand on his right thigh to further steady him then looked up into his eyes. "Who did this?"
Tears filled his eyes as the events flashed through his mind; "Donna held me down while, Mary, Peggy and Shirley spanked me, then she took her turn while Mary and Peggy held me, then....then she rammed a dildo into me... it hurt really bad." Johnny couldn't hold it back and started weeping. Nancy pulled his head to her chest and lifted his legs so that he was now fully setting across her lap.
"They didn't spank you Johnny they beat you. Has any blood come out when you went to the bathroom?"
"A little the next morning when I...I pooped..."
"Jane said your balls were badly swollen the next morning, who did that to you?"
"Donna grabbed them and crushed them in her hand, I couldn't stop her, and they're still tender."
"Jane said she cut you when she did that. Can I see them a minute."
"OK," he weakly responded and spread his legs.
Nancy gently lifted his sack and found four scabs on the bottom where Donna's fingernails had dug in. Nancy gently lowered it again, then pulled his outside leg back on to her lap and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"Those girls are going to pay dearly for what they did to you Johnny, I'm not sure when or where or even how yet, but I promise they will be painfully reminded about what they did!"
"Mom said they were suspended from the Girl Scouts and have been grounded."
"That's not what I'm talking about baby; I said they are going to pay and I mean with their asses! Nobody can beat up a friend of mine like that and get away with it! Believe me they will remember that when I'm done with them. Especially that dike Donna!"
"Don't get yourself into trouble over me." Johnny said concerned, "It's not worth it!"
"Don't worry Johnny, YOU are worth it; when I'm done with them they won't say a word to anyone!"
"I love you Nancy and I don't want you to get into trouble."
"I love you too Johnny and that's why they are going to pay big time, now don't you worry about me or them; it's not your problem anymore."
They sat there for another 40 minutes, Nancy cuddling and stroking his body, Johnny just relaxed in her strong arms and allowed her to do as she wished.
"Aren't I supposed to be exercising," he finally said interrupting her thoughts.
"You've done enough today, let's get you back to the house before your Mother starts looking for us, OK?"
Johnny got up and the two walked back to the house and Nancy gave him a hug before leaving.
Johnny went back to work on the house until he was called in for lunch. "Eat on the patio Johnny, then you can work on the house some more. The girls won't be here until 1:00 and I'll need to talk to them for almost two hours before we'll need you. I'll call you in 30 minutes before you're needed so you can get cleaned up."
"Ok Mom," he responded and took the offered plate and glass she handed out through the door.
At 2:30 his mother called him and he went inside to get cleaned up. Passing the doorway to the living room, he heard giggles from inside and one comment registered as he went by, "Hey there he goes and he all naked!"
Johnny emptied out his bowels, then rinsed with an enema, then showered and had no more than dried off when his mother called him to the living room. As he stood in the doorway several giggles were heard and considerable whispering back and forth. "Come on in Johnny." His mother directed and he walked into the room.
"Now girls, Susan will handle the next part of the lesson but I want to make one thing perfectly clear; Johnny is being very kind to allow you this opportunity, as you can see he has some bruises that are still tender, so be careful not to hurt him, or you won't ever have an opportunity like this again. Ok Susan take over."
As his mother left the room, Susan started her lecture almost exactly the same as before and five pair of eight year-old eyes were locked onto his body, especially his middle. As before Johnny just stood there trying to keep his mind elsewhere while Susan described his body parts, and lifted his cock to show it to the girls. She then asked him to lay on a blanket on the floor, and invited the girls to look closer. Johnny lay down and opened his legs to give them better access and put his arm across his face as they eagerly started poking, prodding, stroking and feeling him.
"How did you get hurt?" Johnny heard whispered in his ear and could feel a small hand on his shoulder. Moving his arm, he looked over to his right and saw a small girl leaning over him.
"You don't remember me do you Johnny?"
"No, I think I've seen you before, but I don't know where."
"I'm Becky, I was here last week for an exercise class; I don't mind that you don't remember me, you were kind of busy and Nancy was really being hard on you."
Johnny blushed at the realization that the little girl had seen him being spanked. "Yeah, I was very distracted that day."
"So how did you get hurt?"
"Five older girls beat me up on Monday." He confessed softly and a tear leaked from his eye.
"Oh Johnny, I'm sorry they did that! Everyone seems to be so hard on you."
Their quiet conversation was then interrupted by Susan, "Becky, aren't you going to look down here?"
"I don't need to, I've got two brothers and I've seen them naked many times. Johnny is just bigger than my brothers..."
During the conversation, Johnny had attained an erection and the little girls were very excited about how much it had grown and how hard it had gotten, Johnny hadn't even realized it because he was concentrating on his conversation with Becky.
When they started stroking him in earnest, however, his attention was drawn to what they were doing down there. Just as things were feeling very good, one of them pinched his left ball and he all but jumped, "Ouch! That hurt!"
"Mindy, I told you to be very careful with his testis didn't I?" Susan directed at the culprit.
"Yes Susan, I didn't think I squeezed that hard. I'm sorry Johnny I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's OK Mindy, but please be more gentle, and don't squeeze like that again. OK?" Johnny said to the girl trying his best not to scare her.
It was only a couple of minutes later when Johnny felt his climax approaching and said "I'm cumming!" and the girl pumping him gave a yelp when his first load shot straight up. She was leaning over him and caught it right in the face. This got everyone laughing including the gasping boy on the floor.
Like the last time, Susan had all the girls taste Johnny's cum and most of them were indifferent to it's salty taste. She then demonstrated oral sex on him, but didn't have the girls try it and to his frustration stopped before he could cum again.
New hands started working him and were changed off periodically. In all he came three more times before the part he really hated arrived.
"Now you were told about the prostate gland that boys have and the last thing we will be doing is to find it." Susan announced.
"You mean we have to put our fingers in him? He poops from there!" one of little girls observed.
"Yes he does Michelle, but he's all cleaned out. You are, aren't you Johnny?"
"Yes Susan, I emptied myself and rinsed out with an enema." He replied blushing deep red.
"See Michelle, he's all clean inside."
"Johnny, I'm going to loosen you up some before the girls start poking around, is that OK?"
"Thank you Susan."
"OK, Johnny if you would turn over and get on your knees, head down and rear up..."
Johnny assumed the position she wanted and heard giggles and whispers about his privates hanging down between his spread legs. Susan lubricated her fingers and started with one, then two probing and stretching his sphincter, when her fingers were moving freely she stopped and told the girls where to find his prostate.
One after another, small fingers entered him and felt around until they found the walnut sized gland, each was rewarded by a grunt or moan from Johnny when she found the right spot. Becky was last and by that time, Johnny was wide open, and when she pushed her short fingers into him, she was not finding it, she pushed harder and suddenly her fingertips jabbed it rather than felt it, Johnny cried out in pain. "Susan!" she called out in panic.
When Becky cried out; Susan turned, and saw Becky had two fingers buried in Johnny and had obviously found the gland, as Johnny was now rocking back and forth on the girl's fingers, he was covered with sweat and moaning loudly.
"Easy Becky, it's OK, just hold your arm still for a minute," Becky nodded and very carefully held her arm in place.
Susan knelt beside Johnny and grabbed him around the waist and held him, stopping his rocking on Becky's hand. "Now Becky put the fingers close together," Becky nodded that she had, "Now slowly pull your arm back until you are out, OK?"
Johnny moaned loudly as the fingers withdrew and Susan held him tightly to keep him in place. Finally the hand was out and Johnny collapsed onto the floor.
"I think the class is over now girls; all of you go to the bathroom and wash your hands real good, then you are free to go." Susan directed.
Becky stood there looking down at Johnny on the floor, "I didn't...hurt him did I?" she said almost crying.
"No I don't think so Becky, in fact I'm sure of it; your fingers felt good to him and he just got a little carried away; now go wash up." Becky nodded, then, ran off after the other girls.
When Johnny came to, he was face down on the floor with Susan sitting beside him, "What...What happened?" he mumbled as he noted that the girls were gone and they were alone.
"Apparently, you like 8 year-old girls putting their fingers up your behind!" she chuckled, "You had Becky's fingers up to her knuckles up your behind and were rocking back and forth on them."
"I don't remember..."
"Well I'm here to tell you that you did, and were apparently enjoying yourself. I had to stop you; you had her scared half to death!"
"She's OK isn't she?"
"Sure it was just a shock, when her fingers jabbed your prostate and you cried out and then you pushed back and took all of her fingers."
"But she's OK now?"
"No problem, she was more concerned that she'd hurt you than anything."
"Johnny it's wonderful that your first concern was for Becky. I always thought you were a great guy, but you just confirmed it more than you could any other way." Susan said, then leaned over him and kissed him before getting up to leave. "That's all, Johnny why don't you get yourself cleaned up, you have drying cum all over the front and Vaseline smeared all over your behind. I'll be going now, see you on Friday."
"Bye Susan, take care..."
Johnny cleaned up and was relaxing in his room when his mother returned and started working on dinner. Johnny went to the kitchen and was helping by peeling potatoes when she spoke; "Susan says everything went well."
"I guess so, except for one pinched nut, it was OK, I'm still not thrilled about how many girls you plan on having do this though; I'm just a piece of meat to them. I really hate all this, it a huge humiliation. How am I supposed to be able to look any girl in the face when I go back to school, knowing she's prodded and probed my most intimate parts."
"Well they need to learn, and you are naked for another 2 ½ months, so you are going to help out; besides, how many guys your age get girls to jerk them off three days per week and have their mother arrange it for them?" she said with a chuckle.
"None that I know of, so I guess I'm stuck. But I want you to know I hate it and I wish you'd consider how it makes me feel."
"Now that's an unacceptable attitude; enjoy it while you can, in the Fall you'll probably be back to doing it to yourself, with no one to help like every other boy your age."
"You're probably right about doing it to myself, but it will be because I'll be the laughing stock of the school, especially among all the girls," he sighed and continued peeling potatoes.
Johnny spent the evening after dinner reading as usual, and his sister checked on him as usual, but he was already drained from the class and no further 'assistance' was needed.
Chapter 28 – Thursday
Johnny woke early the next day and was waiting for Nancy on
the patio when she arrived. "Hello Nancy, this is an
exercise day isn't it?"
"Yes Johnny, today we resume regular workouts. How are you, the bruises look like their almost gone, still sore?"
"Just my left shoulder, it gives me a stab every once in a while, it must have been a deep bruise."
"It was shaped like her knee, I think she put all her weight down on it," she said probing his shoulder with her fingers and getting a wince from Johnny when she pressed down behind his collarbone. "I think we'll leave out the pushups today, they would strain your shoulder and no doubt hurt."
"Thanks Nancy, I appreciate it."
"No big deal, I'll just work your little behind off on the others."
Nancy proceeded to do just that, by the time his exercise hour was up, Johnny was a tired puppy. Fortunately, he had only earned 4 penalty spanks and submitted without complaint. He wasn't sure, but it didn't feel like Nancy hit him as hard as usual, but he certainly wasn't complaining.
Exercises completed, he got out a ladder and started working on the house. The kids exercise class started about 10:00 but he ignored them as he scraped along the underside of the roof edge and upper part of the end wall. About 11:00 he heard someone call his name and looked down to the bottom of the ladder. There stood Becky looking up at him.
"Hi Becky," he called down from his perch.
"Johnny could I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure thing, I'll be right down."
He descended the ladder and as he turned away from facing the ladder, Becky grabbed him around the waist and buried her face against his lower chest, holding him as tight as she could.
"Johnny I was so scared and worried! I didn't hurt you yesterday did I?"
Johnny didn't know what to do, her chest was pressed against his crotch and her warm skin rubbing against him as she feverishly hugged, and it was having a predictable effect. He had to reassure her and get her back from him or he was going to be in an embarrassing situation. So he stroked her hair and shoulders, as he responded to her question.
"No Becky you didn't hurt me, but apparently I scared you..."
"First my fingers went in...then it seemed like my whole hand was going to... I was sure it was hurting you."
"Becky when your fingers went in it hit right on my prostate, and... well it felt good, and I don't remember but Susan said I started rubbing it on your fingers, that's how your hand got so far in; it was me making myself feel good, I'm sorry it scared you."
"Johnny did I do this?"
"This, your...your penis is hard and pressing against me just below my chest, right where my top ends." She giggled as she made her observation.
"Well honey you've been rubbing against it with your body, and... well sometimes it does that on it own." Johnny turned red as he realized his predicament. Here he was getting hard in response to an 8 year-old.
"It must think I'm pretty then; Daddy explained that boys get hard like that when they see pretty girls."
"Well you ARE a very pretty girl, and it got that way, so maybe you're right," he said with a chuckle.
"Are you making fun of me?"
Johnny took hold of her shoulders and moved her back so that he could look directly into her eyes. "No Becky I'm not making fun of you. You are a very pretty girl and I like you very much. Making fun of you would hurt your feelings and I would never do that intentionally." Then he kissed her on the forehead.
Becky reached out and stroked his hard-on casually as she looked right back into his eyes, "Would you be my friend Johnny? I mean I don't have many, but I like you and I want to be your friend. I realize you wouldn't want me as your girlfriend, I'm too young, but would you be my friend?"
"You are already my friend if that's what you want," he responded, "I already consider you my friend. You are a kind, caring and pretty girl, what more could I want in a friend?"
"When we both grow up, if...if you're not married, would... would you consider me as a possible girlfriend?"
"Yes sweetheart, when we are both grown up, if we both are still available, I'll consider you very high on my list..."
Becky hugged him again, rubbing against his erection and this time rubbed his behind with her little hands before letting go, then stood on tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips, before backing away.
"I have to get back to work now, so you be good and take care of yourself."
"I will," she responded, "and don't you forget about what we talked about, when I'm 16 and Dad will let me date, I'm going to check to make sure whether or not you're attached; if not I'll be reminding you!"
"You do that Becky! Jane sometimes accuses me of being dense, so I might need reminding. Meanwhile, we'll be good friends, OK?"
"OK Johnny, don't work too hard." And she was gone in a flash, leaving a very erect and frustrated boy to return to his work. Johnny got back up on the ladder and found having a hard-on and ladders don't work well together, his erection kept hitting rungs on the ladder.
"Can't leave the boy alone for a minute; turn my back and he's already chasing after other girls! What am I going to do with you?" the chuckling voice said from below.
"Hi Debbie, you don't have to worry, we just agreed to be friends, at least until we're grownup and she's at least 16. So you have 8 years, to make sure I'm not available when she turns 'sweet sixteen' if she even remembers me by then."
"Oh never doubt it Johnny SHE will remember, every word of it, she'll probably write several chapters in her diary about that little conversation. She's in love with you and will be for some time."
"You're kidding?"
"Jane's right you are retarded when it comes to girls! Johnny she has a crush on you, can't you see that?"
"I didn't think about it but... yeah now that you point it out, I can see..."
"Come down here, you deserve a reward for the way you handled it."
"But I didn't do anything, I just talked to her."
Debbie grabbed him and planted a through kiss, accompanied by the tightest hug she could manage. "You were operating by instinct, Johnny, but you did all the right things to build up her self esteem, yet put her off, in this case for 8 years. She feels good about herself and you and is a happy little girl, who wasn't laughed at by a teenager she likes, and she will in fact be your friend for a long, long time."
"I did all that?"
"Yes my beautiful dummy, you did. Now about this though (holding him by his hard cock), I'm going to have to keep a close eye on that little minx. She did this (giving his cock a squeeze) on purpose; she knew exactly what to do to cause it, regardless of her innocent act."
"Well she has two brothers and she was in that sex class... but you don't have to worry because I belong to you, remember?"
"Yes, and don't you forget it, or I just might remove this and make you into a girl," she said with a snicker.
"Yes Debbie, I'll remember that! I've grown partial to my equipment just as it is."
"Good because I'd hate to ruin such nice equipment; now get back to work!" She said as she kissed him again then gave him a playful swat on the behind to get him moving back to the ladder. "See you later!" she called out as she walked away, leaving him still hard and frustrated as he ascended the ladder again.
Johnny worked on the house until lunch, after lunch his mother informed him that Chuck EcBright wanted the lawn mowed if possible today, so after lunch he headed over to their house.