Johnny's Punishment 22
By Captain J
copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 55 – Wednesday
"Everybody up!" Johnny yelled as he headed for the bathroom, "The sun is up and we need to finish painting the house this morning. His call was greeted by various groans and unrepeatable statements from the girls. On his way down to get breakfast, he called his sister and told her they would be there in about an hour to finish painting the house.
Johnny fixed eggs, bacon, toast and fried potatoes for breakfast and had it ready when the girls stumbled into the kitchen. "God he's energetic this morning," Vicky told her sisters.
"Yeah disgusting," Nancy observed, "Debbie didn't you wear him out last night?"
"No he wore ME out last night." The youngest sister replied.
"Ok Ladies, today we finish painting the house, then we have the rest of the summer free except for normal chores and projects," Johnny announced, "I want to get it done this morning, because I have that class with Susan this afternoon, so eat up and get ready, Jane is expecting us in 40 minutes."
"Awful BOSSY this morning too," Vicky mumbled and got giggles from her sisters.
"Yeah but when the paintings done, his ass belongs to US!" Nancy responded.
"True and I have plans for those tight buns," Debbie added and they all started laughing.
After breakfast, Debbie and Vicky put on their oversized T- shirts and Nancy once again put on her paint encrusted shorts and top and the four of them crossed to his parents house. Jane met them at the garage and was also wearing her T-shirt as her painting 'uniform'. "Hi Johnny, Hi Girls, beautiful day isn't it."
"God she's all perky too!" Vicky mumbled and her sister's giggled.
"What's wrong?" Jane asked.
"Don't worry Sis, our Sisters have been grumpy ever since I woke them up this morning," Johnny told her as he gave her a hug. "Two of them must not have slept very well, the other one I KNOW had no trouble sleeping last night."
"Now he's boasting, was it THAT good Debbie?" Nancy asked.
"Actually it was, I passed out and didn't stir until he woke me this morning," Debbie replied wearing a big grin.
"Remember you have to share Sister, or we'll beat your little behind until it's raw," Nancy said to the grinning girl.
"If everyone is done grumbling, we need to finish the trim on the front of the house, that's the eve and around all the doors and windows, plus the shutters. Nancy you have the ladder, Debbie the step ladder and Vicky you can use my ladder to work in from the other end. Jane has the ground and I'm going to be going around the entire house doing touchup work as needed. After I finish the touchup I'll come help on the front. Everybody OK with those assignments?"
"I don't like ladders Johnny," Vicky replied
"Sorry Vicky, I forgot; Jane do you mind switching?"
"No I'll take the ladder Johnny, no problem." She replied
"Good, let's get to it and finish this up!"
An hour later Johnny came around the corner of the house carrying two cans of paint and two brushes, one green and one white, he'd inspected the other three sides of the house and found a number of spots that had either been missed or needed additional paint and taken care of them. He set the paint and brushes down and walked along the front of the house looking for spots there that needed attention. When he looked up at his sister on the ladder he chuckled to himself, she was wearing only the t-shirt and when she stretched, her entire behind was visible including her tight little virgin pussy between her long legs.
Johnny was grinning when he turned to see Vicky squatting as she started painting the bottom trim around the front door and could see she also wasn't wearing panties and was clearly visible between her spread legs. Becky had arrived and was helping Vicky and was bent over at the waist, her t- shirt half way up her back and bare behind sticking out at him. Debbie was on the step ladder and had one foot a step higher than the other as she stretched to paint around a window and once again no panties. Nancy was on the high ladder and for the first time he noticed her shorts were torn and most of one muscular cheek was visible from below. 'Quite a show!' he thought to himself as he continued looking at the area painted white on the front of the house. "Take a short break everyone!" Johnny called out. The girls were working quickly and would have it done in another hour at the rate they were going.
"Thank God!" Jane said as she started down the ladder, "Johnny how could you and Nancy work on those things all day, I've only been up there an hour and my legs and feet are killing me!"
"That's what we've been telling you girls all along," Nancy replied, "Now maybe we can get some sympathy at least from one of you."
"You have it Nancy, my feet are killing me." Jane replied.
"Have Johnny massage them and your legs, he's terrific at it and it really helps," Nancy told her and pushed her shoulder in his direction.
"Johnny could you massage my feet and legs? Nancy says it helps." She meekly asked.
"Sure Sis, sit here and I'll work on them for you," he replied smiling up at her.
Jane sat beside him and put her legs across his lap and Johnny lifted her left leg at the knee and stroked it from mid-thigh down to the ankle and then started massaging from the bottom of the calf working upward. Jane just leaned back on her hands and sighed as his strong fingers worked her sore muscles.
"You have great legs Sis," he softly told her as he worked on them.
"They came as standard equipment, but I'm glad you think so Johnny," she softly replied.
When he'd finished with her legs, Jane got up then deposited herself on his lap and leaned back, her chest a little to one side so she could look up at him. "Thanks!" she said smiling up at him.
Johnny leaned in and kissed her "You're welcome" he whispered and wrapped his arms around her hugging her to him.
The other girls were sitting together talking while Johnny and his sister sat cuddling. When the break was over, Nancy came over to them. "Jane, Johnny you two stay here and we'll finish this up, Debbie will take the other long ladder and Vicky the step ladder and Becky can finish the little bit of low painting left. You two need some time together so you just stay here and don't worry about the painting."
"You sure Nancy?" Johnny asked.
"Yes Johnny we talked about it and it's more important for you two to get some time alone than getting this done 15 minutes earlier. Now just relax and let your sister know how much you care about her."
"Thanks Nancy," Jane said beaming up at the older girl, I appreciate it.
"No problem Sister, we all have to look out for each other," Nancy replied as she rose and turned to go back to her ladder.
"That was nice of them," Johnny whispered and tightened his hug around his sister.
"Loosen up a little Johnny, I want to turn so I can see you better," she asked. Johnny loosened his arms and Jane turned inside them so that she was sitting sideways, then pulled her knees up against his side as she lay on her side facing up at him. "Better," she sighed as her head rested in the crook of his left arm.
"Have I told you how pretty you are lately?" he said giving her nose a little tweak.
"No you haven't, you've been neglecting me and I've really missed you."
Johnny's right hand had been resting on her left knee and he slid it along the back side of that thigh until he reached her behind and gave it squeeze and pat. "I know Sis but things have been so crazy lately there just hasn't been time."
"I missed having you hold me like this and patting my rear like that, I've always loved the way you touch me without ever being embarrassed to make me feel good. Daddy doesn't do that he always keeps his hands in 'safe' areas if you know what I mean. Like he's afraid of being accused of molesting me or something. Touch me all over Johnny, I need it."
"You don't have to ask Jane I love holding and touching you, you have a wonderful body and it feels great when feel I your soft skin under my hands." Johnny's right hand squeezed her butt cheek then slid up along her spine tracing it under her shirt to her neck which he massaged a little, then back down to the small of her back. He then brought it around over her hip and opened it flat on her stomach, and stroked up to her neck on the front, pausing to caress her chest and tweak her erect nipples. He leaned in and kissed her and she responded wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself up into more of a sitting position but still on her side and returning his kiss, then nuzzling into his neck and kissing there as his hand continued to play with her nipples before sliding down onto the flat stomach again.
"Rub me Johnny,… down on my pussy, I need to feel your hand
Johnny moved his hand downward and soon had three fingers sliding over her wet place between her thighs. "Yes Johnny play with it, you are the only boy to ever touch it. I don't want anyone else to touch it, I love you Johnny and my pussy belongs to you. Just keep it happy that's all I want."
His middle finger was working her clit and occasionally sliding into her wet hole as her breathing became harsh and she clung to his neck whimpering trying not to cry out and attract attention. When her thighs clamped his hand trapping it and her body stiffened then relaxed he knew she'd climaxed and he returned his hand to her rear and massaged it some more. "That was wonderful Johnny, I love you so much…"
"I love you too Sis, and I love doing that for you." He said as he hugged her tighter. Jane just curled up against him and traced little designs on his chest with her fingertip as her breath softly caressed his neck.
"Susan is bringing those girls over at 1:00 for their class, she says she needs to talk to them more since none of them have brothers or sisters. She said some of them don't even know much about their own bodies. How could someone not know about themselves like that. She said one of them had her first period at school and went into a panic thinking she was hurt; her parents never told her about menstruation, can you believe that?"
"Yeah Jane I can, there are people out there who think anything to do with sex or reproduction is dirty and a sin. I don't understand that way of thinking but I know boys who were beaten anytime they touched themselves or had a wet dream. An erection regardless of the cause got them punished also. Some people are just weird like that."
"That sucks!"
"Sis are you still interested in finding out what it's like be the dominant in a sex act, you asked whether you could do my rear before, do you still want to do that?"
"Yeah, I'd like to do it once anyway just to see what it's like."
"Tell you what, I'll see if Debbie will loan you a strap-on and after the class today, we could let you experiment with it. My rear's going to be open after all of them find my prostate, so you might as well take advantage of it, for what you want to experience."
"You'd do that? Are you healed up enough?"
"Yes baby sister I'd do that for YOU, but not too many other people. I only ask that if I tell you to stop because it's hurting that you do not get carried away and continue. I'll be in a very vulnerable position physically and me making you stop would be very difficult; can you promise me that?"
"Johnny you shouldn't even feel it necessary to ask that, I don't ever want to hurt you, I love you too much. I trust you completely with my body and hope you can trust me the same way. Of course I'll stop if I even think it's hurting you."
"I knew that Sis, but I can be hurt back there and even permanent damage done so I wanted you to know to be careful and understand that my insides can be torn if it's done too rough or more deeply than my insides allow for. Debbie says my bowels make a turn about five inches inside, so you can't put the whole thing in, just stop when you hit resistance, don't try to force it in further."
"Oh Johnny I'll be very careful and I really appreciate you letting me try this, I'll probably never get a chance to do it again."
"Who knows Jane, if you do it good, I may let you do it again. You could also find a guy down the road who likes it like I do, and get to do him. Don't close the door on ever doing it again. You might also get to do it to another girl, the girls have used them on each other; they did it just the other night."
"Why didn't they tell me?"
"Sis you're still a virgin and have your hymen intact. I'm sure they didn't say anything because they didn't want to put any pressure on you. You still have lot's of time before you need to engage in vaginal sex and neither they nor I want to push you to do it before you're ready."
"Johnny I've been ready since I was 10 and Mom's had me on the pill ever since my first period. I've just been waiting for my big brother to loosen up some and take my cherry."
"You want ME to do that? Not that it doesn't make me feel terrific and very special, that you want me too, it tells me you love me a lot; but are you sure about this?"
"Absolutely sure Johnny I've wanted it for what seems like forever. Will you do it for me?"
"You're on the pill so you can't get pregnant?"
"Since I was 10 ½ and had my first period. Mom didn't mess around, she took me straight to Planned Parenthood and got me a prescription. I can show you my pills if you don't believe me."
"I believe you Sis and I don't need to see your pills. I was just surprised that you've been having periods that long and that Mom got you protection that fast."
"She calls me precocious and was afraid I'd be out fucking anything that moved as soon as I had my period. I'm not like that and never would be, but that's the way she thinks. Maybe she was like that and thinks I'll follow her path or something."
"Don't know Sis, I used to think I understood her and what to expect from her, but I was totally wrong about that and I've discovered more and more recently, I never really knew her at all."
"I've recently had a lot of time to think about her Johnny and this whole mental thing didn't just happen because of the classes being cancelled. She's been doing strange shit for years and I'm just now seeing it for what it was."
"What do you mean?"
"Well you know that Social Worker lady talked to me and me telling her about our lives before the time… she attacked you, I started seeing her differently. I mean when I remembered things when we were younger, it made me look at it from outside if you know what I mean. She's always treated me different from you and Jimmy and only some of that had to do with me being the youngest and a girl. She's treated you much harder than she did Jimmy, she always has. When I looked back at things it was apparent to me that for some reason she's never liked you and was always punishing you even for the most minor things that she'd overlook if Jimmy or I did the same thing. I don't understand why she treated you like that, probably never will but I saw a pattern I never noticed before."
"Don't know Sis, for me that's just the way it was. Now that you mention it though I remember her yelling about having to give up her career because I was born; she told me that while she was busting my rear end with damn paddle of hers. When she said it, she seemed to get even madder at me and hit harder. It's like it was my fault I was born or something…"
"Oh Johnny that makes sense! She's bitched to me for years about having to give up her career because she had to stay home and take care of us. It must have been when you were born. She's been on my case for two years now to pick a career where I could take leave for babies and not suffer for it. That has to be it; you certainly never deserved all the punishment you got over the years for little things. It seemed like you were naked all the time and getting spanking constantly. I guess it's better that she finally had her breakdown, even though you got hurt in the process. Al least now you're safe and she'll get psychological treatment."
"I'm just glad I'm out from under her control and away from her. The down side is missing my Sister and getting to hold her like this. I love you Jane and don't want her to come between us ever. Can't you come over more often? I know the girls are about ready to come drag you over, they say you being alone in the house isn't good for you and want you involved in the things we do."
"I don't know Johnny ever since you moved over there it feels like I'm imposing on them when I go over there. I just feel, I don't know like an outsider or something."
"Listen to your big brother on this Jane, you are NOT an outsiders and they WANT you with them. They love you as much as they love each other. Your staying at a distance is hurting their feelings like they've done something wrong and they haven't. So little sister, I expect to see you over there anytime Dad isn't home or you're going to have me wondering whether you don't like me anymore."
"Johnny how could you even think that? I love you more than I love myself and I miss you all the time. Don't ever think something like that."
"Then get your pretty little behind over and join us, then you won't be missing me and you won't be alone in this house. You can have fun and be with us all day, everyday, you don't need a reason to come over. We want you there."
"OK I'll agree to be over there as much as possible if you answer the question you've so tactfully avoided."
"What's that?"
"Johnny not five minutes ago I asked you to take my virginity and you've avoided giving me an answer."
"Oh Jane I'm sorry, I didn't realize I hadn't answered you. You know I love you more than anyone. So if you want me to be the first, it would make me very proud to do that for you." He said then gave her his best kissing technique as well as the tightest hug he could without hurting her.
"I love you too Johnny and yes I want you to break it for me, the sooner the better, because from the sounds of things my little pussy is missing out on a lot of fun over at the EcBright house."
Johnny chuckled and kissed her again, then they just sat holding on to each other.
Johnny watched the girls finish the painting and the show of females bottoms, pussy's and long trim legs as the girls moved about. Sitting on the ground he had an even better angle of view than before. 'They really are beautiful, even little Becky," he thought to himself and felt very lucky to have them as his friends.
"I'm finished!" Nancy called out from the high ladder.
"About 5 more minutes," Vicky responded from the step ladder.
"About the same," Debbie told them as she moved her ladder so she could paint the top of the last window.
"I'm done!" Becky added.
"Come on Becky, let's you and me put our stuff away while they finish then, OK?"
"OK Nancy, I have some paint left, I should pour it into one of their cans…"
"Here Becky, Vicky said handing her gallon sized can down using the wire bail, "Just pour it in this one and get whatever Nancy has left and put it in too, I'll just sit up here on the top step until you give me my paint can back."
Nancy had just reached the bottom of her ladder and walked over carrying her paint can, "I've only got maybe 6 or 8 ounces left," she said as she tipped the can to combine it into Vicky's.
"Hey I'm out I need about three brush fulls to finish." Debbie told them and Nancy stopped pouring and handed her sister the paint can.
"This looks like enough Nancy thanks!" Debbie said as she resumed painting.
"There's about a half gallon of white sitting by the corner, Nancy could you close that up? It's the only white open today. The lid is back by the garage. You guys already used the can of green I had today, but my brush is there by the white paint."
"No problem Johnny I'll get it and the brushes, you and Jane just stay there." Nancy replied smiling at them.
"Thanks Nancy you're great!" Jane responded, smiling back at the bigger girl.
When Debbie and Vicky were done, Johnny got up and looked at the wall, looking for spots that need touchup, he only found one and used Vicky's brush to quickly give it a little more paint. "All done, all we need to do is clean up and put the rest of this stuff away." Johnny carried the long ladder belonging to his father and Vicky carried the step ladder while the other two girls carried brushes and empty paint cans and the one can of green that still had some paint in it. When they got to the garage, Nancy and Becky were cleaning brushes and took the ones they had and started on them too. "Only 1 ½ gallon of white left and less than half a can of green, Dad estimated that pretty close!" Johnny said, not really talking to anyone in particular.
"Well he's painted it himself what, three times before? He knew how much it took to do it before." Jane answered.
"Yeah, but it's still kind of amazing he could call it that close, especially when it was soaking in at different rates."
Jane walked over to the trash can in the garage and stripped off her t-shirt and threw it in the can, and stood wearing only her shoes as she turned back to face the others. Becky quickly followed and was naked in a flash. "Good idea," Vicky said as she removed her shirt and was followed immediately by Debbie. All of them were now nude except for Nancy. "Well?" Vicky said looking at her sister. Nancy didn't say anything she just stripped and threw her clothes including her shoes into the waste can. Six naked kids trooped over the yards to take a shower and get some lunch.
Kay was looking out the backdoor when they approached and saw all of them naked and laughing as they approached. "I'm assuming the painting is done, since you've all gotten rid your clothes. Just throw the shoes in the can out there and we'll get you new ones if needed, then all of you clean up and I'll have lunch on the table when you're done." She said smiling at the naked group.
Johnny, Debbie, Vicky, and Jane threw their shoes away and all of them headed for the basement, Johnny carrying Becky as usual. After a quick shower, since none of them had much paint on them today, they dried off and stayed naked as they went up for lunch. Kay was surprised that all of the girls remained nude, but didn't say anything as she served them their lunch.
"So now that the big painting job is done Kids, what do you have planned for the rest of today?" Kay inquired.
"Johnny has that sex lesson with Susan this afternoon, but otherwise nothing Mom, why do you need something done?" Nancy answered for the group.
"Just normal chores dear, but they can wait until tomorrow, you kids have worked hard and deserve the afternoon off, I was just curious if my family had plans, that's all."
"Well I plan on evening out my tan a little," Vicky replied, "My arms and legs are taking on the 'farmer tan' kind of look, they're darker than the rest of me, so I'm going to work on that a little."
"Good idea Sis," Nancy said agreeing, "All of us except Johnny <giggle> has the same problem, so why don't we set up our little 'naked beach' back behind the garage where no one can see us, and just go lay out as we are?"
"Fine girls, just use lots of sunscreen, you have some parts bare right now that normally don't get sun on them." Kay said then giggled herself.
"Good point Mom, but this way we won't have tan lines to deal with, no matter what we wear."
As they cleaned up from lunch, Johnny pulled Debbie away for a minute. "Could Jane borrow one of your strap-ons this afternoon. She wants to try the dominant role with me and I told her she could after the class today. Hell after having six girls sticking their fingers in me I'll be open anyway, but she needs one of your toys." Johnny whispered.
"No problem Johnny and I'll explain to her how to do it safely. You're some kind of special guy to let her try that with you. I love you so much for being so helpful to all of us." Debbie whispered back. Then louder for the benefit of everyone else said, "Johnny why don't you take Becky back over and get her dressed so she can go home. Jane, I need to talk to you for a few minutes."
"OK," Both Johnny and Jane responded and Johnny left carrying little naked Becky back to his parents house where her clothes were.
When they got there Johnny helped her get dressed, since she couldn't zip up her dress by herself. She was standing between his legs as he sat on his sister's bed while pulling up the zipper for her and when he was done, she spun around and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thanks Johnny this has been great! I had a lot of fun painting, even if it was harder than I thought."
Johnny hugged her back and returned her kisses, then said, "I have a surprise for you Becky," and handed her a white envelope, "Here is your pay for helping paint from my Dad."
Becky took the envelope from him and opened it, inside were two $20 bills and a $10, she quickly closed it and got a very worried look on her face. "Johnny my Mom won't let me have this much money. She'll give it back to your Dad. My allowance is only $2 per week and she thinks that's too much."
"You're sure she won't let you keep it, after all you worked for it and earned it?"
"No she'll give it back saying it's way too much and probably say she should be paying you guys for babysitting me."
"Becky we didn't babysit you, you worked hard to earn that, and big girls like you really don't need a babysitter."
"I know but that's what she's gonna say."
"OK how about this, we'll leave the $10 in the envelope and I'll write a note on the outside telling her you earned it painting. Then I'll hold on to the other money for you and you show her the envelope. If she lets you keep it all, then you can get more of your money from me anytime you want it and she doesn't need to know. If you buy something we can always say it was a gift; I don't like deceiving her, but it IS your money."
"Could you do that? I don't like fooling her either, but I just know what she'll do."
"No problem Becky, we're friends remember and we have to look out for each other, so if we need to fool your Mom so you get to keep money you earned; that's what we'll do."
"Oh thank you Johnny!" she squealed and smothered him with kisses all over his face.
"Now get me that pen over on Jane's desk and I'll write the note."
Becky quickly retrieved the pen and Johnny wrote a note on the envelope. "Now take it home and make sure she see's the note, then we'll see how she reacts OK?"
"OK Johnny and thanks, it's been really fun helping paint and being with you guys all the time for the last week or so. I really like being with you and the girls, it's lots more fun than playing with little kids…"
"We like having you with us too, Becky, you're a very sweet girl and we like having you around, so you don't have to stay away just because the painting's done. You can visit anytime." He said giving her another hug then patting her rear as the smiling girl bounced out of the room and headed home.
Johnny left the house carrying the rest of Becky's money and met his sister coming out of the backdoor of the EcBright house. Jane was carrying a paper bag and smiled at him. "Debbie's toy," she said grinning as she held up the bag. "She gave me a long lecture on how to use it safely and how to make it fun for you." Looking at the money in his hand, "What's with the money?"
"Becky's pay," he said, then explained the girl's concern that her mother wouldn't let her have it and their plan. "Your's is on Dad's desk, by the way, but the other girls won't get their's until next month."
"That was nice of you Johnny. Knowing her Mom, she's probably right, she wouldn't let her keep it and would give it back to Dad. She'll probably even take the $10 and only let her have a couple dollars per week in addition to her allowance."
"Well this way Becky can have her money without having her mother take it away; she worked her little behind off to earn it and it's not fair for her not to get it."
"I agree, and you had a good plan there. Now I need to get home, those girls and Susan should be arriving soon."
"I'll walk with you Sis, I don't want you caught out in the open naked like that…"
"OK Brother you can protect your little naked sister," she giggled as she hooked her arm through his and they started towards her home. They crossed the yards quickly and Johnny left her inside the back door.
"See you in a little while," he said smiling as he patted her behind as she went through the door.
"You too, Love you Johnny!" she smiled back over her shoulder as they parted and Johnny returned home again.
Johnny put the money in his desk then relaxed on his bed, taking a short nap until he had to go over for the sex class.
Johnny was ten minutes early arriving for the class when he discovered this class was going to be different from the others. He called out "I'm here Susan," as he entered the room and stopped in the doorway as he heard squeals in high voices and saw 6 naked young girls grabbing clothes to cover themselves and Susan was sitting on the floor wearing only a bathrobe, with the front mostly open, the swell of her breasts visible in the gap.
"Settle down girls!" Susan commanded, "Johnny has seen naked girls before, he has four sisters now and you don't have anything he hasn't seen before. Besides, it's not polite to make a big deal of covering up when he's standing there naked for your benefit and you will be exploring his body."
"We're sorry Johnny," a girl bigger than the rest said smiling up at him from where she was sitting on the floor, then lowered the cloth she had in her hands to her lap, exposing her chest with it's budding breasts; "I'm Cindy Carpenter, nice to meet you."
One after another each girl did the same, and introduced themselves except for the last girl named Tabitha who clutched her clothing to her chest. Johnny smiled at them and said, "It's OK girls I don't want you to be embarrassed or uncomfortable, you all look very pretty and it's a pleasure to meet you all. Now let me see if I got all your names right, "you're Grace" he said walking to her and gently shaking her hand as her eyes locked on to his cock right above her face level; "and you're Kathy," he said stepping to the next girl, then "Cindy, Jennifer, Melinda and Tabitha," then sat beside Susan and smiling said "Hi Susan, guess I was a couple minutes early."
"It's OK Johnny, this class has been different, I've been teaching them about their own bodies and we were just covering masturbation."
"Well that's good, they should know how to do that." He said and noticed all of the girls were blushing. "Don't be embarrassed girls, everyone does that, boys do it more often than girls from what I'm told by my sisters. You shouldn't be ashamed of making yourself feel good when you need to." Susan patted his leg, to let him know he's said exactly the right thing as he watched them relax in front of him.
"Now girls we are going to have something else different for this class from other's I've done. Johnny's sister is going to help us too and It will show you more clearly than any other way possible how girls and boys bodies are alike in some way and different in others. Jane we're ready when you are," she called out and his naked sister appeared in the doorway. "Johnny I'd like you two to stand side by side if you would." Johnny nodded and taking his sister by the hand put an arm around her shoulders and they stood beside each other in front of the girls.
"They're twins!" one of the girls commented.
"Actually they're not," Susan responded, "Johnny is two years older than Jane, they just look very much alike. Now remember girls I was telling you that girls grow faster between ages 8 and 13 and that boys usually get a growth spurt between 13 and 16 or so? That's why Jane is the same height as her brother, Johnny will shoot up several inches over the next couple years and probably end up just about as tall as his father at about 5'10". So although some of you are probably taller than boys your own age, don't let it worry you they will catch up and pass you very soon. Cindy you may end up taller than a lot of boys, since your Mother is tall for a woman."
"Yeah, she's 6'2" and my Dad was only 5'10" but he never seemed to mind that she was taller and overall bigger than he was."
Cindy stood up at that point and Johnny was amazed that he was looking up at her 'and she's only going on 9 years old?' raced through his mind, 'She's probably 5'7 or 8 right now?' Here body was still kind of straight as an arrow in shape but he could see where it was starting to take shape, her waist was narrowing and bottom rounding and of course her chest starting to push out behind her big nipples. Johnny couldn't help him self, "How tall are you Cindy? If you don't mind me asking."
"I don't mind Johnny, I'm 5'8" and still growing; I'm the tallest in my class."
"Well if you turn out anything like your Mother, you are going to be very beautiful! Your Mom is terrific looking and some guy will be very lucky to be with you."
"You know my Mother?"
"Yeah she handled some legal stuff involving me…"
"Oh… Well I think she's nice too."
Susan went into her standard lecture at that point, concerning male Vs female bodies only this time had one of each to show the similarities and differences. Two almost identical bodies other than the sex differences. When she got to the part on female development Johnny got another shock. "Tabitha would you show us your breasts, you have advanced development for being 11 and even though Jane here is way behind you, she'll make up quite a bit of the difference in the next two years or so."
"OK but don't laugh at me, I get that all the time along with boys trying to feel them," the girl timidly answered.
"We won't," Susan replied as the young girl stood and lowered her garment, exposing two large "C" cup breasts on her otherwise tiny body.
"Wow Tabitha! They're fantastic!" Jane said crossing to her and putting her arm around the girl. "I wish mine were even half that big!"
"No you don't," The girl responded, "People make fun of me all the time because I'm so short and skinny and they're so big. I hate it! It seems like they're the only part of me that's growing." She said almost whimpering with tears in her eyes.
Jane hugged the other girl their chests mashed together, "Don't worry about what stupid people say," Jane told her, "You are VERY lucky, and the rest of you will catch up in no time, then you can just about pick any boy you want, while the rest of us will have to pick up the leavings…"
"You think so?" the girl said hopefully.
"I know so! Guys love big breasts and you have exactly what they want. Just look at my drooling brother over there, he's beside himself seeing those beauties of yours."
"Really?" she said sneaking a peek around Jane's shoulder to see a smiling Johnny with a very excited part of his body sticking straight out. When she saw the erection, she giggled, "Did I do that? Just seeing me did that?"
"You bet it did! He's been here what, 20 minutes? And until you showed him your breasts he was limp. He's a breast lover and just the sight of them did the trick!" Johnny blushed at her assessment and all the girls giggled, Tabitha however, was feeling much better about her body.
"Well girls since Johnny's ready for the next part of our lesson, let's proceed," Susan directed and all of them giggled at his renewed blush, then the class progressed as it had in the past, with the addition of a discussion of condoms and how to put one on the boy. They all explored his boy parts and jerked him off twice, then Susan demonstrated oral sex and all of them tasted his cum.
One other difference was that Susan sat by his head while the girls explored his body and rested his head on her lap. Then leaned down near his ear and whispered, "Johnny you have been trying to see under my robe ever since you got here, do you really want to see them?"
"If you don't mind Susan, but I don't want you to be embarrassed or anything."
Susan just dropped her robe from her shoulders and two perfectly shaped size "B" breasts were suspended above his eager eyes.
"They're terrific Susan, I knew they would be."
"You can touch them and even suck a little if you want Johnny; it's the least I can do for you helping out with the class today."
Johnny didn't need to be told twice, he gently cupped one in his hand and leaned up a little while she leaned down some and had her nipple quickly in his mouth.
"That looks like both of you are really enjoying it," Tabitha said kneeling beside them her big breasts bouncing some as she got down near them. "Could I try that? I'd like to know what it feels like."
"Sure," Susan replied and lifted his head from her lap while Tabitha guided it to her breast, as she scooted herself into position to sit with his head on her lap. Johnny switched girls without any complaint and loved the taste and feel of her big breasts on her little 4'10" frame.
"Oh…This is very nice," Tabitha murmured as his mouth licked and sucked at her while his hand played with the flesh and nipple of her other breast.
"Yeah, Johnny's very good at that," Susan chuckled as she closed her robe back over herself.
Last, they all located his prostate and soon the class was over. Johnny stood and each of the girls hugged and kissed him rubbing their naked bodies all over him as they thanked him for the class and being such a nice guy to let them explore his body. Cindy in particular seemed to take extra time hugging Johnny's smaller body to her, his head just reaching a little above her chin, "Thanks Johnny, Mom said the kid she helped was very special and since it was you, now I know why."
Johnny hugged each girl back and returned their kisses, and was soon alone with his sister and Susan. "Well that seem to go well," Johnny muttered as the last girl left the house.
"Yes it did," Susan replied as she got dressed, "And both of you are responsible for making it go so well. You both were so casual and said all the right things at the right times. You made it very special for those girls and they will remember it for a long time. Thank you so much, for helping, I was so worried about those girls, but now they at least know some basics and won't be as likely to get into trouble."
"You did most of it, Susan," Jane said facing her, "we were just there to be examples and of course Johnny's equipment was needed…"
"No Jane, that's not true." You two showed them that being naked and sexual touching is normal and good. That they shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies and need to learn to enjoy those things as a natural thing, not some weird shit or sin like some of them have been taught at home or not taught at all. Johnny is so good with young girls, he quickly put them at ease and told them and showed them they had nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. And you handled Tabitha's concerns about her breasts and body perfectly and now she feels good about herself. You both do it without thinking and they can really see that you mean what you say and that you care about them. You two made this class special; I just filled in the technical stuff they needed to know. Don't minimize what you two did today. You helped six girls along the path to a better sex life and they will never forget what you did for them."
"We just did what we could Susan," Johnny said hugging her and giving her a light kiss, "You shouldn't minimize what you did either, you are very good at teaching, you should consider it as a career."
"I have Johnny, I think I might want to do that. But I don't see me teaching sex classes all my life." She giggled.
"Whatever you taught, I know you'd be good at it," Jane added and gave Susan a hug also as she was getting ready to leave. "Don't be a stranger now that these classes are done, feel free to come over anytime," Jane said and kissed Susan's cheek as she left, leaving the naked brother and sister in the doorway.
Jane closed the door and locked it then faced her brother, "Now that they're gone, you and I have another lesson to deal with," she said grinning as she grabbed his behind and squeezed a cheek, "I want to fuck my brother silly!" then playfully swatted his butt.
"Then don't just stand there grinning at me, go get your cock and let's do it!" Johnny said grinning back and pushing her down the hallway.
Johnny was laying on the floor waiting when his sister returned wearing the dildo, it's six inches of flesh colored rubber standing out from her hips and bouncing about as she walked. "Is that what it looks like when I walk around with a hard-on?" he giggled, "If it is, I see why I always seem to get laughed at."
"It's exactly what you look like Johnny, when I put it on, I looked in the mirror and for a second thought you were standing in front of me, very weird, I must tell you. Now that I have a cock too, we are twins; mines almost the same size as your's and it rubs nicely against my clit when it moves so this is going to be fun."
"So are you going to fuck me or just kneel there talking about your cock."
"OH I'm going to fuck your boy pussy unit I drop, now roll over on your side so I can lube you up good," she said pushing on his hip. Johnny rolled onto his side and Jane had him raise the top leg then put his foot by the knee of the bottom leg leaving him open without having to strain anything. Then took a big glob of Vaseline and started working it into his already loose opening. Jane dipped into the jar twice more and liberally coated him as far as she could reach inside, then coated the dildo and laying on her side behind him eased it up against his opening. "Ready Johnny? I'm about to enter and I didn't want to surprise you and have you clamp up, that might hurt and I don't want to hurt you; but I am going to thoroughly fuck you."
"I'm as ready as I can be, just go slow at first until I get used to it."
"No problem Johnny," she softly replied planting a kiss on the back of his shoulder as she held his hip while slowly pressing forward into him. Johnny moaned then pressed back towards her and had half inside quickly, then paused and Jane waited for him. "Ok more," he moaned and she inched forward slowly until she felt resistance then stopped. Her belly was against his butt cheeks and she would have to curl under his rear to get more in so she decided to stay in that position, since it wouldn't allow her to push further without changing positions. "You OK Johnny? I think I hit bottom, where Debbie says it makes a turn."
"I'm OK Sis, now quit talking and fuck me."
Jane held onto his bottom shoulder and wrapped an arm under his top leg hooking it for leverage, then slowly eased back and reentered a few times. Johnny was moaning loudly and started pressing back as best he could each time she came forward until her stomach met his butt. "Faster!" he said through clenched teeth, "do it faster!" Jane started pumping now, thrusting into him and was quickly working up a sweat from this new kind of exercise. The strap-on was rubbing her right on the right spot too and she soon found herself approaching an orgasm. Johnny's whole body was sweaty and he trembled with each thrust and it only took a few strokes more before her body climaxed and she cried out against his back, then stopped moving as she tried to recover. Johnny kept rubbing himself on the dildo and his body shuddered violently then paused and started again.
Jane decided to change positions and pulled out of him then rolled onto her back. "Get up here Johnny I'm not doing all the work." And Johnny slowly rolled to his knees and looked down at his beautiful sister on her back with the dildo pointing up. "Straddle me and ride it, that way you can control the depth," she gasped out.
Johnny straddled her body a knee on either side, then reached under and lowered himself on to her cock, shifting a little until it was almost all the way in, as he faced her. "Fuck me Johnny," she murmured as she reached up and played with his nipples pulling on them. Johnny started moving on the dick as they looked into each others eyes and didn't think it was possible to love his sister more than he did at that moment. Then concentrated on moving the dick on his prostate while she held onto his hips to keep him steady, occasionally returning to playing with his nipples. Johnny had three fast orgasms his limp member spreading his juice on her taunt stomach below it; Jane came again from the dildo base working her before he collapsed against her the rubber cock still in him.
Jane wrapped her arms around him and rolled over so he was now on the bottom, then shoved his legs back and started pumping him again as she leaned over him. Johnny's sweat covered body lay under her, his head lolling back and forth from side to side as she worked his rear entrance, he looked like he was cumming almost continuously as she pumped, her speed slowing down considerably as she tired; when she came again she just collapsed on top of him, the dildo still deep inside him and they just lay there with her on top for a while, both of their chests heaving as they gasp for breath. Johnny's arms encircled her and clutched her to him. "I love you Sis, you can do that anytime you want, that was great!"
"I liked it too," she gasped
Finally they untangled themselves and Jane removed the dildo from him, then both managed to get up having to hold on to each other as neither was very steady. "We need to get cleaned up," Johnny said looking at the clock, "It's almost dinner time and we have to be presentable in less than 15 minutes! God what a workout!"
Jane removed the dildo and Johnny picked up the old blanket they had been on and threw it down into the basement, then both got in the shower and cleaned each other. Jane washed the dildo while she was at it and as soon as they were clean, they dried each other and Jane left to get dressed for dinner at the EcBright's. They just arrived at the back door and ducked in when Kay turned from the stove. "There you are; I was just about to send out a search party."
"Sorry had to take a shower after that class for Susan," Johnny meekly offered, as Jane walked right on through the room to return the dildo to Debbie and still needing to recover some herself. A few more minutes out from under Kay's watchful eyes would help.
"Well sit down Johnny you look bushed; it's a good thing you did for those girls but it sure seems to have taken a lot out of you so sit and dinner will be on the table in a minute."
By the time Jane and Debbie came downstairs, Jane had composed herself and looked normal, other than having damp hair. Johnny was sitting gingerly however and Debbie just grinned at him when she saw him squirming a bit. "You OK?" she whispered to him.
"Yeah just tired, it was great, tell you later…" he whispered back. Debbie just nodded and grinned at Jane who was wearing a wide smile.
Dinner was quiet and Johnny stayed to help Vicky and Nancy clean up afterwards. Debbie took Jane up to his room and plopped on his bed. "You must have really done him good," she told the younger girl, "he was sitting gingerly down there and still had a flushed look about him. You didn't get him all raw again did you?"
"No if anything he'll be shitting Vaseline for a day or two, I used half a jar on him," Jane said with a giggle. Then Jane recounted the events and that they used three different positions and that she'd cum 3 times but had lost count of how many Johnny had. "He just went crazy it seemed like he was cumming continuously near the end until he dropped from exhaustion." Jane told her.
"I never thought of having him on top like that, he can control the speed and depth and you don't have to do any work; have to try that one. But yeah he probably was climaxing almost continuously if what's happened before is a guide; when he gets to that point, he just goes until he either drops or passes out. So how did it feel being the 'fucker' rather than the 'fuckee'" Debbie asked.
"Debbie I don't have much experience to compare against, I've only been fucked once and that was that time in the shower when Johnny did my ass; I'm a virgin, didn't you know that?"
"I thought so, but didn't want to pry into private matters Jane, but I know I really get a rush emotionally screwing Johnny. I just wondered how you felt doing it."
"It was incredible Deb, I felt so powerful and he was so submissive… I loved every minute of it and he really seemed to enjoy me being in control…"
"I feel the same way and he's so eager to please me when I strap that thing on. I'm so wet by the time we actually do anything I usually start cumming almost immediately. Being in control is a real high and Johnny seems to like giving me that control and that makes it even more of a rush. Your brother is very special in that regard you know."
"Yeah I know. I've been learning recently just how special a brother I have. I've always loved him dearly but after watching him in that class today with those girls and the way he handles Becky and what he does for me, I wonder if I'll ever find a guy that good for myself. For now at least he's agreed to take my cherry, so I won't be left out of all the fun."
"I was wondering whether he'd do that for you. You know with the incest thing and all, I mean he's our adopted brother so it's not the same as with you. But I was sure, my sexy little sister, could convince him to help her out."
Jane giggled, "It isn't that hard Deb, when you're laying on his lap and his hand is rubbing your little pussy after just getting you off."
"Besides Jane you've had him wrapped around your finger for as long as I can remember, he'd do anything for you and you know it."
"Hey ease up, being his little 'baby sister' has to have some advantages" she giggled.
"Yeah and you've played that role very well my little sister, how long has he been playing with that virgin pussy of yours?"
"Ever since I can remember, he's been touching me there all my life and I love him for it!"
"Lucky girl, wish I could have gotten those hands in my panties sooner."
"You probably didn't ask. I did, clear back when I was a toddler, I wanted him touching me all over. He was never shy or reluctant to do that for me and never ever tried anything I didn't want or like."
"Kind of like the way Becky seems to go after him then, I swear that little girl can find more reasons for her to be naked and get him to touch her than I thought was possible. He just does what she wants and never pushes for more and I know he could get her to do anything he wanted. But he never asks that of her, just gives her what she needs. God I love that boy, he does the same thing with all of us."
"Yes Debbie, WE have a very considerate and lovable brother."
"We do. So have you made any plans as to when he's going to bust that cherry of your's?"
"Not yet, he just agreed to do it this morning."
"What, when you two were sitting against that tree? You mean he got you off with all of us right there and we didn't suspect anything?"
"Yeah he did," Jane giggled, "I had to bury my face in his neck and clamp my jaw shut to keep from making any noise, but he fingered me right there behind you while you were painting."
"Well Sister mine, we need to plan this fuck carefully so it's very special for you. You only get one first time and it needs to be special."
"Whatever you say Debbie, no matter where or when will be special for me, I want him so bad I'm ready to go jump his bones right now and wouldn't care who watched."
"Well not tonight Jane, from what you described I don't think he'll be up for it until sometime tomorrow at the earliest. You probably milked him dry and I seriously doubt he can even get it up right now. If you drained him as much as I think you did, he's going to be a limp one at least overnight."
"Really? He's never seemed to have a problem before?"
"Yes he has, when I tried that prostate milking oh him a few weeks ago. If you completely drain him, he doesn't want sex until his gland starts building up fluid again. You said yourself the next day that he'd told you the night before that he didn't need to cum when you saw him before bedtime."
"Yeah, I'd forgotten about that, he was limp and even his balls felt small compared to normal. Bet if we checked him right now, they'd feel the same way."
"So why don't we let him rest a day and build it all back up and plan something for Friday. You have that whole house over there, so it won't be hard to get some privacy and like I said we need to have it be special."
"Ok, I'll think about it over night and we can talk some more tomorrow; I need to get home soon, Dad should be arriving anytime now and I'll need to fix him something."
It wasn't long after his sister left that Johnny came up to his room and found Debbie sitting on his bed. "Hi Debbie," he said smiling at her.
"Sit down Johnny I want to talk," Debbie responded smiling back at him
Johnny sat near the head of his bed and pulled his left leg up and wrapped his arms around his knee, then let the right leg drop out to his side and tucked the right foot behind his left, his privates on full display to her even though he didn't seem to notice that; then rested his chin on his arms looking at her.
"Johnny you have no idea how sexy you look sitting like that," Debbie said grinning.
"What? I'm just relaxing…"
Debbie leaned in and kissed his lips as his head rested there, "So innocent and so clueless, you really have no idea what a look like that does to a girl. I love you so much."
"I love you too Debbie, so what did you want to talk about?"
"Jane said you two had quite a time, how're you feeling."
"Yeah she did me good, I'm completely drained. Don't think I could get an erection right now if my life depended on it," he sheepishly responded with a light blush.
"Don't be embarrassed with me Johnny I know how you feel about getting it in the rear and what it does for you. You were sitting kind of antsy down at dinner, you OK back there, not rubbed raw are you?"
"No if anything kind of over lubricated, Vaseline keeps seeping out of me…"
"Let me see." She directed and Johnny lay back and raised his legs exposing himself to her. Debbie smiled at how submissive he was, his legs spread wide and his limp cock and balls dangling above his rear hole. Debbie gently inspected his cock, felt his balls and fingered the sack, then leaned down to get a close look at his rear. She traced a finger gently around the muscle and at her touch a little Vaseline oozed out. She rubbed it around the entrance with her fingertip and gently slipped a finger in and Johnny sighed at her finger's entrance into him. She felt around inside and he didn't react with any pain so she removed her finger and let him lower his legs. Then she laid down beside him her face only inches from his, her head resting on her hand supported by her bent arm as her left hand stroked his side and played with his balls a little before resting on his behind. "Looks OK no redness at all, she must have used a lot of lube though, some oozed out while I was checking you. Better too much than not enough."
"Have to agree with you on that! Better to have to wipe my butt for awhile than have it raw like it was when you girls all did me."
"Johnny you know we didn't intend for that to happen, we just didn't use enough lubricant and well you know the result. That's why I was concerned about you this evening. I needed to make sure you weren't all sore again. So don't be embarrassed."
"I know Debbie, it's just this whole topic is so embarrassing. I mean, guys aren't supposed to like things… going in… back there and I really do like it when you girls do it to me, but know I'm not supposed to… It's just so confusing so I get embarrassed about it."
"Johnny from what the books say, it's normal for guys to feel good when they get penetrated in the rear; but with the whole world saying homosexual sex is bad, most never experience being penetrated. Most women don't know much about the prostate and so don't do anything to let the guy feel how good it can be. You my lucky brother have girls who DO know about it and want to make you feel as good as possible. And since we ARE girls, it's not a homosexual thing, but just another way we can show our love for you. We won't tell people about this, it's just between us girls and you so you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about it at all. We love doing it as much as you like us doing it, so what's the big deal to be turning red over?"
"You know Debbie when one of you is doing me like that, I feel totally different. It's hard to describe, but it's like…I'm giving up all control to you… because I love you and totally trust you and need for you to take that control… I don't know I feel kind of free for any guilt at the time… because you are controlling things. It's very liberating not to have to make decisions and just let you decide what we do. Does that make me weird or something? I've never heard of any guy that thinks like that."
"No Johnny that doesn't make you weird. It says a lot about how much you love us though. Most guys could never give up control like that. They are too insecure about themselves to give up control. It tells me you are stronger than them and that's a very good thing. Basically when you let us take control you are assuming the traditional female role in the sex act. It takes a VERY STRONG male to do that. To give yourself freely over to another person's control is the most trusting and intimate thing you can ever do. We love you for your ability to trust us that much and would never think less of you because of it. Johnny you are more of a man than most men ever become in their whole lives."
Debbie sat up and pulled him to her and he curled up against her as she stroked his head as it lay against her chest. "I love you more than I can describe Johnny, you are such a good and loving person. Don't ever be embarrassed about anything with me. I admire everything about you; nothing you could do would ever make me think of you as weird or bad; it's just not in you to do bad things and I want us to be happy forever," she whispered holding him tightly.
"I love you so much Debbie," he said crying into her chest, his body trembling.
Debbie held his head then slipped a hand down and opened her blouse letting him move to her left breast as she soothed him stroking his back and massaging his neck as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. "Sleep baby, you've had a hard day…" she whispered as he nursed on her breast.
Johnny was asleep ten minutes later and she gently put him to bed, turned out the light and then joined him, her naked body snugly against his sleeping form as she too dropped off to sleep.