Johnny's Punishment 12
By Captain J
copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *
Chapter 34 – Thursday
Johnny woke the next morning to the feeling of someone breathing in his ear and a soft hand stroking his hard cock, "Cum for me Johnny, you know you need to, you know you want to," the voice whispered to him.
"Yes Johnny," she whispered, "Who else were you expecting when you're in my bed?"
"That feels nice... Why... Why are you doing that?"
"Because I want to, and because you need it, now quit talking and cum for me!"
Johnny did know when to shut up and just turned his head so he could look into her eyes as she continued working his straining member; it didn't take much longer, before he started thrusting towards her hand, coordinating with her hand strokes, and soon arched his back and cried "I'm cumming" as she held his head to her chest. When he was drained, she kissed his forehead, cheeks, then mouth before releasing him and then smearing his cum over his chest like a lotion.
When he recovered, he resumed his thinking and again asked "Why?"
"When I woke, I realized that you had given both Nancy and me so much pleasure yet neither of us had done anything for you…" she answered, "My poor Johnny went to bed hard and unsatisfied, we shouldn't have done that to you."
"But I love you girls and wanted to do that for you, it was a pleasure for me just to do it."
"I know you like licking pussy and suckling breasts you beautiful and talented boy, but you were hard as a rock when we went to bed, and I just went to sleep, leaving you that way. I won't do that to you again, I love you too much."
"Thank you Debbie, I appreciate your concern, but you don't have to… I love doing those things…"
"Quiet! You will let me do it for you and not argue about it."
"Yes Debbie, I love you."
"Now let's get up and go take a shower, we both need it."
"Yes Debbie."
Johnny and Debbie were in the shower having fun washing each other when as his hands massaged and washed her behind, a finger slipped inside her rear. "Oooh…what are you up to there boy; are you thinking of putting something in there?"
"What are you mumbling about?"
"I'm referring to your finger in my butt, it felt interesting, didn't hurt, but didn't do anything for me like it seems to do for you." She illustrated her point by pushing a soapy finger of her own up his rear and touching his prostate, which got a little yelp from Johnny.
"Oh,… I didn't realize I'd done that… you don't mind do you; it… it was an accident."
"Don't panic Johnny, I'm not mad at you. You can put your fingers anywhere you want on me, I love the way you touch me; what I was thinking was you might want to put that hard thing rubbing against my belly where your finger was, to see if we like it; especially since you can't put it in the front side. What do you think?"
"You would let me do that?"
"I just offered didn't I? Besides I certainly can't get pregnant from it and it might be something we like. You certainly like it when I do it to you with my toy."
Debbie stopped trying to explain and just turned around pressing her butt against his erection, letting it slide up and down her soapy crack. Johnny put his left hand on her hip and held himself steady as he lined himself up with her back opening, and she pressed herself back until the head entered, then paused to catch her breath. Johnny didn't move, he knew that initial entry was sometimes painful, so he just waited until she started slowly pushing back against him, before applying any forward pressure, Debbie gave a small grunt, then slowly forced herself back, stopping a couple of times and adjusting her angle until their bodies met with a slap. Once inside all the way, Johnny instinctively slid his right hand over her hip and down to her crotch, and began fingering her clit as he slowly withdrew a few inches then pushed forward again until their flesh slapped again.
"Oh Johnny that's nice, keep using your hand while you move; now do it to me Johnny, I want you to shoot in me."
Johnny started pumping slowly, her body wrapped tightly around his cock was the best feeling he had ever had, and he wanted it to last. Soon his urges took over and he was thrusting in and out faster, both were soon moaning as he pumped his cock in her behind and fingered her pussy. She mostly from his fingers, him from her tight channel working his straining cock. He felt her body tremble and a guttural moan and knew that she was climaxing, her internal muscles clamped on his cock at the same time and he could hold back no longer and emptied himself deep into her behind, both were gasping for breath as he continued to hold her against him, until he finally softened and slipped from her rear.
After catching their breath, they finished their showers as
Nancy had already knocked on the door twice and were drying
off when they let her enter. Nancy immediately dropped her
shorts and sat on the toilet. "Aaah!" she exclaimed as she
emptied her bladder, "If you two are going to make a habit
of tying up the bathroom for an hour, I'm going to have to
start using the downstairs bathroom; then Mom and Dad are
going to want to know why I'm coming down there instead of
using our bathroom."
"Sorry Nancy, I didn't realize we were in here that long.
I…was preoccupied." Debbie answered her sister.
"So I heard! You two weren't doing the dirty deed, were you? That's a no-no, you could get pregnant. It sure sounded like that's what was going on…"
"There is NO possible way for me to get pregnant from what we were doing!"
"NO! I let Johnny try the rear entrance to see if we liked it. Can't get pregnant from there."
"Well except for a couple of seconds, when he first entered, it didn't hurt, and I wasn't uncomfortable, it just felt like when you take a poop, not bad just strange. Then he started working my clit with his hand at the same time and I felt really great. I'm sure he was enjoying himself from the way he was moaning and pumping."
Nancy just looked at Johnny and raised an eyebrow.
"Fantastic!" was all he said in reply to her unvoiced question.
"Could I try it sometime? It might solve two problems, I would be in the shower with you so I wouldn't be dancing outside trying to hold my pee…"
"We can do that," Debbie replied, "tomorrow we shower together."
"Great! Now as soon as you get your boy-toy dry and fed, I'll meet him for his exercises, if you left him any energy that is…" she giggled.
After breakfast, Johnny reported to the exercise room, only to find it empty. He started searching the house for Nancy and finally found her outside sitting on the rear steps. It was a cool morning, foggy but the drizzle that had kept him inside all week had finally stopped.
"Get your shoes on Johnny, we are going to run today."
"I thought this was an exercise day and running tomorrow?"
"Normally yes, but since it's finally stopped raining, I decided to run today."
"OK, I'll be right back."
Five minutes later, Johnny returned wearing his tennis shoes and socks but otherwise as usual naked.
"Let's stretch first then we'll go."
Ten minutes later they were jogging around the circuit, at 5 miles, Nancy saw he was still running strong, and said, "Let's see how far you can go Johnny."
"Uh… OK …I guess…"
As they completed 9 miles, Johnny was visibly tiring, but managed to complete the 10th mile. Nancy was breathing hard at that point herself, but could have done more. "That was really great Johnny, I thought you were going to poop out on me at 8, but you seemed to get a second wind. Let's walk some to cool down, then that's it for today."
They walked around the half mile circuit once, and Nancy gave him a big kiss, before sending him in to continue his work painting.
That morning he managed to get both bathrooms and the hallway painted except for the woodwork trim. After a big lunch (Kay didn't seem to know what a light meal was) he started on the woodwork and had it all done by dinner time. As he was cleaning up the equipment in the basement sink, Chuck arrived home and came down to talk.
"Great Job today Johnny, Kay and I are so happy with everything you've done so far."
"Thanks Chuck, it's not that hard, just takes time, that's all."
"We need to talk about something though…"
"What Chuck is there some problem?"
"That's what I need to determine. Kay and I could hear you and Debbie last night and again this morning when you two apparently took a shower together. You aren't doing anything to get my daughter pregnant are you?"
"No Chuck, nothing we did could get her pregnant. Debbie wanted to explore some and that's what we did."
"I know this will be embarrassing, hell it's embarrassing for me to have to ask; but what exactly did you two do? I need to assure Kay that you are not going to accidentally going to you know…"
"Well… You're right this is embarrassing… How am I supposed to tell you that I spent an hour last night doing oral sex on your daughter… I guess I just did." Johnny said as he blushed as red as possible.
"And this morning?"
"We… we were taking a shower together, and…. And she wanted to try uh…. Anal sex, so… so we did that…"
"I'm assuming SHE initiated both of these?"
"Yeah… other than hugging and kissing,… I let her lead… I mean decide what she wants… But we will not do anything to get her pregnant, even if she wants to… I promised and I won't break that promise."
Chuck grabbed the boy and hugged him tightly, "I knew we had nothing to worry about, but Kay was concerned; I trust you Johnny and was sure it was OK. God I hate it that I even had to grill you like that…"
Johnny returned the hug; "I love all of you Chuck and I'll keep my promise."
"Then we have nothing to worry about, I'll tell Kay, so you won't have to worry about it, as long as you two keep it within bounds."
"We will, I promise!"
"Good, now let's go get some dinner."
At dinner Johnny saw Chuck give Kay a silent "OK" indicating he had accomplished the 'talk' and that they had nothing to worry about; she visibly relaxed after that silent communication. Dinner was another huge feast of homemade spaghetti with a huge salad and chocolate cake to finish it.
About 8:00pm a knock on the door interrupted everyone. When Chuck answered the door he found two police officers, a tall man and a stocky woman, standing there.
"Hello Officers can I help you?"
"Is there a boy named Johnny staying with you?"
"Why yes there is, he lives next door, but he's been staying here this week."
"We need to talk to him for a few minutes."
"Is there a problem? I'm sorry come on in, he's in the den."
"We are investigating two assaults that happened this week, and we have some information, he might have had a reason to be involved."
"Assaults? Johnny isn't the type to be involved in that sort of thing; besides he's been here all week." Chuck said as he led the officers to the den.
Arriving there, they found Johnny sitting on the couch with Kay and Debbie and Nancy was sitting in another chair. The female officer chuckled when she saw the boy was totally naked, sitting between the woman and girl.
"Are you Johnny?" the male officer asked.
"Yes Sir," Johnny responded.
"Son, we are investigating two crimes and we need to talk to you about them; would you like to have your parents present, I understand they live next door."
"Crimes, I don't know about any? Could Chuck and Kay be present instead? My Dad's at work this evening, he always works late on Thursdays."
"No Problem! If you feel comfortable having them here it's OK with us; but the girls will need to excuse themselves."
"Girls go upstairs and we'll call you when you can come back down," Kay ordered and the two teens left Johnny with their parents and the officers.
"So what is this about?" Johnny asked.
"First, why are you naked?" the woman officer asked.
"I'm being punished… I have to be naked all summer, My Father ordered it and so did Judge Spencer; if I'm not, or leave either our property or the EcBright's I have to go to 'Juvie', the Judge said.
"If the Judge and your Father are imposing this, it must have been something serious." She observed.
"It was but did not involve violence of any sort," Chuck responded. "Now what is this all about?"
"Two girls were assaulted this week, one on Tuesday and one yesterday, we have information that they were involved in an assault on Johnny last week and the informant believes Johnny may have done it in retribution. Both were beaten severely and one has a broken arm."
"Johnny has not left this house since Monday morning," Kay responded "except for this morning when he and Nancy ran ten miles around the two properties. I can assure you that he was NOT involved in any assaults, because I've personally been supervising him and know he has been right here."
"Who was assaulted," Johnny asked before the officers could respond to Kay's statement.
"A girl named Donna, has facial bruises and a broken right arm and another girl named Mary who has bruises over much of her body. Neither girl, I should add has named you as the assailant, in fact neither are willing to talk at all. Another party reported that you would have reason to be involved in this."
"As I said before, Johnny has not left the house all week, he has been here 24 hours per day since early Monday morning, and he has been working his butt off and has not had time to be involved in anything untoward." Kay then listed all of the projects Johnny had accomplished during the week and again reassured the officers that if had he left the house even for a minute, she would have known.
The male officer looked at the newly painted den, then the hallway and ground floor bathroom, and saw the drop cloths and paint can sitting in the corner of the kitchen. "You really got all that done, this week?" he asked Johnny.
Kay then added all the plumbing and repair work he did on Monday to the list.
"Don't let my wife hear about this, or I'll never live it down, she has a list a mile long," the officer commented shaking his head; "Maybe I should hire you to work on my house?"
"Can't… Not allowed to leave the two properties." Johnny responded.
"Well officers since you have been assured that Johnny could not be involved in these assaults, is there anything else?" Chuck asked.
"Let me say this officers, I know both of the supposed victims; they are both pushy and snobs and they each have no doubt, a long list of people they have offended who would wish some payback. Both are bigger than Johnny and hurt him badly; yet he did not file a report on the incident where they assaulted him. It would seem to me that there are others out there who may have similar reasons to get them back, but couldn't for whatever reason. It would appear to me that they have finally reaped what they've sown." Kay observed.
"Yeah, you're right," the woman officer responded, "They beat up my niece last year and she refused to file charges, afraid of retribution. Donna in particular is a bad one."
"Well I think this is about wrapped up, sorry we had to come here, but we had to follow up the information we had. It is apparent that Johnny has an air tight alibi and no one reported any 'naked boys' being involved. To be frank, I don't know how he's done all the work, that's obviously has been recently completed here even if he worked all day every day with no sleep. You sure I can't hire you to work at my place? It would sure get me off the hook with the wife." He said with a chuckle.
"Thanks, but unless Judge Spencer and my Dad are willing to modify things; the answer has to be no." Johnny answered.
"Well goodnight folks, sorry to have bothered you," the tall officer answered and the two headed for the door.
"Goodnight officers," Chuck responded and let them out.
"OK Girls you can quit eavesdropping and come back down." Kay called to her daughters.
"Awe Mom! We had to know what was happening." Debbie said with a pout.
"I don't suppose you two know anything about these assaults… Strike that question, I don't want you to have to lie to me… So I didn't ask that." She quickly asserted before they had a chance to respond.
"Why don't you three go find something to do, your Mother and I need to talk," Chuck directed.
Without comment, the two girls and Johnny disappeared upstairs to Debbie's room.
"We both think at least one of our girls was involved in
this," Chuck quietly said to his wife.
"Probably," Kay responded, "But I'm not going to feel sorry
for Mary or Donna, they deserved what they got as far as I'm
"I agree, so we'll drop this. I talked to Johnny about those noises we heard, they have been experimenting with oral and anal sex; but he is adamant that they will not do anything to get her pregnant, even if she tries. It would also seem that she is the leader in what they're doing. He let's her decide what to do and when and where, he's not initiating anything except some hugging and an occasional kiss. I wish all boys had that kind of restraint, then I wouldn't have to worry about the other two."
"Oral and Anal? Well that explains the slapping noise this morning and loud groaning last night," Kay observed. "You're right, Johnny is about as safe a person as possible for them to experiment with, but I would still feel better if we got all of them on the pill, and provided condoms, in case they decide to branch out and play with some other boys."
"The pill part, you'll have to deal with Kay, they will need to go to a doctor and get prescriptions; along with one of your famous Mother-Daughter talks. As far as condoms, I'll pick up a carton and leave them in the upstairs bathroom." Chuck decided.
"I love you Chuck, do you know how few men could even have this conversation, let alone be accepting? After all we're talking about boys having sex with your daughters."
"Well, whether we talked about it or not, those girls would sooner or later do it; so it's better that we do talk about it and make sure they don't get in trouble. I love all three of the girls more than I can describe; I'm just glad Johnny is Debbie's first to experiment with. He IS her first isn't he? Do you suppose either of the others are messing around with him? God he's such a great kid."
"Easy my lovable husband; yes I'm positive Johnny is the first boy Debbie has done anything with, she is very open with me to discuss such matters. I'm not positive, but I believe, Debbie may have invited Nancy to play with them also. And Yes Johnny is a great kid and wouldn't do anything to hurt any of our girls."
"Two of my daughters? Where does he find the energy after working his behind off all day?"
"He's 14, Chuck; you had a lot more energy at that age also, if I recall correctly, you also had the ability to uh… recover…. Much more quickly," she chuckled as he turned red.
"Yeah, I did… and could…"
"Why don't we go to bed and discuss this more… in depth." She suggested. Both rose and retired to their bedroom for the night.
Upstairs, both girls sat on Debbie's bed as Johnny followed them into the room. "Should I ask how Mary and Donna were injured?" Johnny asked the two.
"I don't know anything!" Debbie immediately responded.
"No you shouldn't ask; what you don't know, you can't tell
even under duress." Nancy answered. "Besides I told you it
was not your problem anymore. I'll just add that others
were also involved and they weren't the only two who got
"What do you mean?"
"I mean a certain fat girl named Shirley will have trouble sitting for a couple of days; just like you did."
"Anyone else?"
"Not yet, Peggy and her family left town and won't be back for another week…"
"Nancy, I told you I didn't want you to do anything to get yourself in trouble."
"So you did, and I'm not in trouble… you heard the officers, neither girl made any accusations. Someone else did… and that someone better hope no one finds out who they are."
"Nancy please drop it; it's over… I don't want you taking anymore chances… Please!"
"Ok Johnny, I'll drop it since that's what you want, I can't speak for anyone else."
"Who else?"
"I can't tell you that. I can only relay your feelings on the matter, then it's up to them."
"So what do we do now?" Debbie asked the two.
"It's only 9:00, too early to go to bed," Nancy observed.
Debbie got up and walked over to her desk and turned on her record player and the room filled with music, "Let's dance!"
"I…I don't know how.." Johnny blushed.
"Then it's time to learn and we will teach you!" both girls laughed in response.
For the next hour Johnny learned how to dance, with two teachers who seemed to never get tired, they would demonstrate steps with each other, then he worked with each until he had the steps down, before moving on to something else. By the end of the hour he all but collapsed, exhausted. All had been 'fast' songs and he needed to catch his breath. The girls gave him a few minutes then Debbie put a new stack on the machine and it was time for 'slow' dancing lessons.
The girls demonstrated the 'box' step and then Nancy grabbed the boy and pulled him to her, positioned his hands and started moving, her leading him. Her hands wandered over his back and down to his behind and gave him a few squeezes there as she rubbed her chest against him. It didn't take long until his erection was pressing against her groin and she slid her leg between his, so that her thigh rubbed his balls and hard-on.
As Nancy kept him occupied, Debbie stripped and when she tapped him on the shoulder to 'cut-in' he found himself pressed against a nude girl who made sure they had maximum body contact as they danced. Johnny was beside himself, her pert breasts rubbing his, chest, and her pussy on his thigh as his cock and balls rubbed her's, and her hands seemed to be everywhere, especially his rear. Just as he was about to cum, he felt Nancy hug him from behind, rubbing her breasts on his back and her crotch on his butt. Debbie turned him to face Nancy and just as his face buried against her, his body had, had enough and he ejaculated between them, his cum coating both of their stomachs and crotches.
"You naughty boy!" Nancy exclaimed, "You broke the rules and now have to be punished!"
"Wha…What?" Johnny's fogged brain tried to understand.
"You didn't announce that you were cumming, before you ejaculated, and as a result I have it all over me! What should we do about that Debbie?"
"Well for starters, he should clean it off… maybe with that talented tongue."
"I like that! Johnny you have been very bad and must lick all that nasty cum off my body. If you do a REALLY good job, I might not spank you." Nancy, lay down on his mattress and looked up at the still stunned boy, "Well I'm waiting, or do you want a spanking?"
Johnny did NOT want a spanking so he immediately knelt over her and gave her belly a tentative lick, tasting his own cum for the first time. It's wasn't all that bad, he decided, so he quickly cleaned her stomach then worked downward, until finally his head was between her strong legs and he tasted her juicy secretions mixing with his. Now he went to work in earnest and brought her through three fast back-to- back orgasms before he stopped, only to find Debbie spread before him legs open. Johnny started working his mouth on Debbie, when he felt himself being lifted and turned around so that his head was toward her feet and then felt a mouth engulf his cock as hands probed his behind. His legs were forced open and he felt a second mouth kissing his thighs and as he continued working on Debbie two tongues and mouths alternated sucking, and licking his cock and balls. Nancy had lain beside her sister and her pussy was under his left hand so he started working it while continuing to eat Debbie and soon all three were moaning with pleasure. With two girls working his crotch, he came again and when Debbie had her fourth climax, he switched his attention to Nancy again until she came again; then he just collapsed on their legs totally spent.
The next thing he knew, it was night and he was in his bed, but not alone, on either side of him was a naked girl fast asleep, and both were hugging him, it was the best night he'd ever spent in bed.
Chapter 35 – Friday
"Up Champ!" were the words that woke him Friday morning. "Let's go it time to go exercise!"
Johnny opened his sleepy eyes and squinted at the bright light streaming through the window, standing over him, already dressed in her running shorts and tank top was Nancy, with hands on hips. "Come on Johnny, get up and get a move on, we'll shower after we're done running."
"We… We ran yesterday…" he mumbled.
"Yep! And we're running again today. I want to find out if you were just lucky yesterday at 10 miles or if you're now up to it."
"Oooh…" Johnny moaned, as he rolled on his side to face Debbie who was now laying with her head resting on her hand watching him with a grin on her face."
"Don't look at me for help, Nancy is in charge of your exercise program," she snickered, "Once you two get out of here, I'm going back to sleep."
Nancy took hold of his left bicep and literally lifted him one handed to his feet, then reached for his shoes and socks and forced them into his hands. "Outside in 10 minutes mister or you will NOT like what I have planned as an alternative!"
Johnny sat back down on the mattress and put his shoes and socks on then made a quick bathroom call before heading out the back door. Nancy was waiting, it was a cool foggy morning, and he shivered as the cool breeze passed over him. "You'll be warm soon enough; now let's stretch and get on with it. I have plans for this afternoon and need to get this done early."
Nancy led off at a quick pace and Johnny quickly followed until they were running side-by-side. On the third circuit around the properties, a small figure appeared as they crossed along the front sidewalks, it was little Becky.
"Can I run with you guys?" she asked, directing her question at Nancy.
"Sure Becky, but we have another 8 ½ miles to go. If you get too tired, I want you to stop and sit down. OK?"
Becky took off ahead of them and Johnny watched the 8 year- old running before him, she wasn't dressed for this, wearing a dress, she did have the right kind of shoes on at least. After one circuit, Becky dropped back beside Nancy and Johnny took the lead, now setting the pace.
"Are you his girlfriend?" Becky asked Nancy.
"No we're just good friends, my Sister is more his girlfriend."
"I'm his friend too!" the little girl responded.
"So I heard, you got him away from some kids didn't you?"
"Yeah a girl was being mean to him and I punched her till she left."
"That was awfully brave of you."
"I had to! She was hurting… hurting his boy things… you know his sack."
"You mean his balls?"
"Yeah those things hanging between his legs… Uh Susan called
them testis."
"Yeah, that's the medical term, but most people call the
balls or nuts."
"Yeah, she was squeezing them and hurting him, so I… I stopped her."
"Well I'm sure Johnny really appreciated you doing that, since he's not allowed to stop girls from handling him."
"I know, that's why I had to do it…. I really like him."
"So do I, but isn't he a little old for you?"
"Maybe now, but when we get older, it won't matter… My Dad is 6 years older than my Mom, and Johnny is 6 years older than me; so once we're grown up it won't matter."
"I see…" Nancy chuckled, "planning ahead are we?"
"Well us girls HAVE to don't we? This is too important to leave it up to boys to decide."
"Funny, my Sister says the same thing! Just don't let Debbie hear you say you plan on taking her boyfriend, she has plans there too you know…"
"Well she has him now, but if she changes her mind, I'll be waiting!"
Nancy started laughing at that last statement which got Becky giggling, Johnny about 5 yards ahead could hear they were talking but couldn't hear what they were saying, suddenly stopped, at the laughter behind him.
"What did I miss?"
"Nothing Johnny, just Girl Talk, boys aren't allowed; now get going again." Nancy responded.
Johnny blushed, he didn't know what they were laughing about but was sure it had to do with him.
Once Johnny was leading again, Becky resumed her
conversation with Nancy.
"I think he's cute and very smart too!"
"Yeah he is cute, especially since he's toning up his muscles now, look how his behind dimples when he runs."
Giggle, Giggle… "Yeah I like watching him naked, I mean I see my brothers all the time, but I like Johnny better!"
"We all like watching him naked Becky, especially when he blushes or even better turns red from embarrassment." Nancy started laughing again as Becky giggled.
Johnny stopped again and this time was red faced when he turned around, "If you two are going to make fun of me; you could at LEAST let me know what you're laughing about!" "Who said we're making fun of YOU?" Nancy responded "EVERYTHING isn't always about you, you know."
"I… I just thought…"
"Well quit thinking and run MISTER, or you know what happens!"
"OK…Sorry Nancy…" was the weak reply.
When Johnny was far enough ahead again, she looked down at Becky and said, "Have to keep them guessing you know, can't let boys know what we really think!"
"Oh I understand, two brothers, and you learn that one early!" both girls started giggling again as they ran the circuit.
Two more laps and Becky moved up and ran beside Johnny, who was now starting to tire as they approached the 6 mile mark, sweat was running down his back and at the same time the cool air made it feel chilly. The fog was very dense, especially around the back of the properties near the creek and they had to slow on that stretch since a couple of spots were muddy and slick from the rain all week.
Becky was a few steps ahead when suddenly she went flying through the air, when she hit a slick spot and landed hard on her back in a muddy soup. Johnny immediately went to her and heard her moan. "Becky! Becky are you OK?"
"Hurt!" she gasp.
"Where?" Johnny asked as he feverishly started checking her arms and legs for possible broken bones. Not even thinking about it he flipped her skirt up and was feeling her thighs, when Nancy arrived. He then ran his hands along her ribs and probed at her stomach, finding no obvious broken bones; he asked again "Where do you hurt Becky, I can't find anything broken?"
"All over, especially my shoulder though…"
"Can you sit up?"
"I…I'll try," the girl whimpered, then slowly edged herself into a sitting position and looked down at herself. "Mom's gonna kill me… this dress is almost new, and…and just look at it!"
"Don't worry about the dress or your Mom," Nancy said as she slipped behind the girl and unzipped the dress down the back and pushed it down, exposing her shoulders and upper chest. Nancy quickly checked the shoulders for injuries couldn't find any problem other than a little redness on the left shoulder. "Stand up honey," she said as she helped the girl get up and then pulled the dress down and it fell in a heap at her feet. Becky was left in only her panties and was trying to cover her chest with her hands. "Put your hands down," Nancy said with some frustration, "I need to check you over, and Johnny as seen girl's chests before." As Nancy checked her, she noticed that Becky was putting all her weight on her right leg, "Does your left leg hurt?"
"I think I twisted my ankle, it hurts when I put weight on it."
"Johnny we need to get her back to the house."
"I'll carry her!" he replied.
"You sure? I could do it, no problem?"
"Yeah she's small, I can carry her… besides she's my friend…"
Before Nancy could argue the point, Johnny scooped her up, and Becky wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her quickly towards the house. Nancy picked up the dress and followed behind.
Nancy held the door open as he carried Becky into the house and was immediately met by Kay in the Kitchen.
"What happened?" Kay asked as she looked at the mud covered girl being carried by an equally muddy Johnny.
"She was running with us and fell back by the creek, I think she may have a sprained ankle, but nothing seems to be broken." Nancy responded.
"Well it's a good thing I was a Nurse before I started having babies; sit down Johnny, you can keep holding her while I check that ankle."
Kay immediately went in to 'medical mode' and checked the girl's ankle, turning it and flexing it, at most she got a small ouch, and decided it was a minor sprain and an 'ace bandage' was all that was needed.
"Now before we can do anything else, all three of you need to get cleaned up, you're all covered in mud and tracking it through my house. So take her downstairs and use the shower in the laundry room, it drains directly into the sewer. Johnny carried Becky down to the basement, where a shower head was mounted beside the deep sink, it was nothing but an open shower over a floor drain, he moved a stool under the shower head with his foot, while Nancy turned on the water and adjusted it until it was warm. When he started to put her on the stool, Becky tightened her grip around his neck.
"Could you keep holding me Johnny? I feel better with you holding me…"
He didn't argue, he just sat on the stool with her perched on his lap and got a kiss on the cheek as a reward. Nancy knelt in front of them and quickly stripped Becky's muddy panties off leaving the 8 year-old naked on his lap, her soft behind right on top of his cock.
Johnny just sat holding the girl as Nancy washed both of them, as well as herself, Becky wiggled every once and a while and Johnny's cock responded with a hard-on poking up between her soft thighs. That got a giggle from Becky, who whispered to him "I really like you holding me like this, and… and apparently you like it to."
"Yeah it's nice," he whispered back as he stroked her ribs, "I like holding pretty girls." Their conversation was interrupted by Nancy.
"OK you two, I got everything I could, but you are going to need to stand up, I couldn't get to her back or your lap Johnny with her sitting on your lap."
Johnny lifted Becky by the arm pits and guided her to a standing position, then turned her so her backside was available to be washed as Becky hugged him, his erection now rubbing her front. When Nancy had finished her back and behind, Nancy held her while Johnny washed himself and Becky's front which now had mud from his body. He then held her again as Nancy turned off the water and got towels. Nancy held and dried Becky while Johnny dried himself, and Nancy wrapped a big towel around the girl covering her. Johnny then picked her back up and carried her back to the kitchen where Kay was waiting to wrap the ankle. Nancy rinsed the mud from the dress, panties and her own clothes, and put them all in the washer, before donning a towel herself and following them upstairs.
In the kitchen, Johnny started to put the girl on a chair, but she insisted that he hold her, so he sat and put her on his lap again while Kay wrapped the ankle. "Looks like you have another fan there," Kay snickered to Johnny as she worked on the ankle. She then made up an ice pack and handed it to Johnny, "keep this on her ankle for awhile to prevent swelling," she directed and went back to her own work.
Nancy joined them in the kitchen just a Kay brought them hot chocolate to drink and soon Becky was asleep in Johnny's arms, her head resting on his shoulder as he held her around the shoulders and the ice pack on her ankle. Nancy suggested that they move to the den and took the ice pack, as he carried the girl then sat on the couch with her across his body, her head still on his shoulder as she hung onto his neck with both arms. With the couch now supporting her legs, he didn't need to hold the ice pack in place, and held her hip with his free hand.
Johnny was just relaxing when a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Not even two hours and already he has a naked girl on his lap! What am I supposed to do with him?"
"Debbie…it…it's not… not what it looks like…" he almost whimpered.
"I know Johnny, I'm just teasing, Mom told me what happened…"
"Oh… OK… She just won't seem to let me put her down…"
"What have I been telling you! She has a crush on you and this was a perfect opportunity to get you to hold and snuggle her… You are just so dense sometimes, but I love you for it anyway."
Just then Becky opened her eyes and looked directly at Debbie; "Don't worry Debbie, I'm not stealing him, but it's nice having him hold me like this."
"I know it sweetheart, I like it too, just don't you be getting in the habit of it. Understand?" she said as she gave the girl a grin and a quick kiss on the cheek. "He belongs to me, and he knows it! Don't you Johnny?"
"Yes Debbie," which earned his a kiss also.
In a little while, Kay came in carrying Becky's now clean
clothes, "Here you go Becky, the clothes are all clean and I
did the best I could on your shoes, but they need some more
cleaning; now let's get you dressed.
Kay helped the girl stand, and she showed no embarrassment
as she removed her towel and stood nude before the boy,
after all he'd seen all her private parts before. So she
put her panties on and Kay helped her with her dress. The
right shoe went on with no problems, but due to the ace
bandage on her left foot and ankle, the left shoe could not
be tied. "I already called you Mother and told her what
happened," Kay explained, "Nancy will help you get back
home, that foot should be fine by tomorrow morning, just
keep ice on it for a few more hours."
"Thanks Mrs. EcBright, for everything; and thank you Johnny, you were wonderful!" she said as she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips.
As she watched Nancy escort the girl from the house, Kay chuckled and shook her head as she mumbled to herself, 'that one's going to be a real handful in a few years, glad I won't have to deal with her…"
Returning to the den, she looked at the naked boy on her couch. "You did a good job Johnny, she was scared and you kept her calm, she'll be fine. Now if you work fast, you can get the kitchen ceiling done before, I need to start fixing lunch, then after lunch start on the walls."
"Thanks Kay, I didn't really do anything except hold her; I'll get right on the kitchen."
"Holding a scared child is all that's needed most of the time, Johnny, remember that when you have some of your own. Bumps, bruises, scrapes and light sprains make up most of the injuries children have, broken bones are rarely the problem, usually, a Band-Aid and a hug and maybe a kiss or two will fix the problem."
"I'll remember, thanks Kay… I'll get to work on the kitchen now."
Kay gave him a 'mother hug' as he passed on his way to start working.
Johnny had the kitchen ceiling painted before lunch, but the room was covered with drop cloths, so lunch was just cold sandwiches eaten in the den. There really wasn't much open wall space in the kitchen due to the appliances and cabinets, so the walls were painted by 2:45, but needed to dry before he started on the woodwork. He decided to wait until tomorrow to do the trim woodwork and didn't have anything else left on his list of projects.
"Kay is there anything else you need me to do? I can't start on the woodwork until the walls are completely dry."
"Why don't you just relax Johnny, you've done more this week than Chuck would have gotten done in months. I don't want you to start anything new until after we find out what your Father decides at your review tomorrow; I suspect he will want you to get back to work on your house now that they are not forecasting rain for awhile…"
"My review…" he mumbled, he'd been here all week and hadn't even thought about his Mother for the past couple of days, what was her reaction going to be, when he returned home…
After dinner, Chuck and Johnny walked through the house inspecting all the work he'd done that week. Chuck was very happy with the results and told Johnny what a great job he'd done; but for some reason, Johnny looked down. Pulling the boy into the master bedroom, he decided to find out why. "Talk to me Johnny, what's wrong?"
"I have my weekly review tomorrow, and…. And I don't know how Mom's going to be when I get back home… I scared Chuck…. I… I don't know what's going to happen."
"Don't worry about it Johnny," the man said giving the boy a hug, "Everything will be fine, your Mother has had a week to cool off and calm down, and your Dad says she's almost back to normal. Now why don't you go find the girls and relax this evening, you've had a hard week of work and you deserve it."
"OK Chuck and thanks for letting me stay here this week, I don't know what I would have done otherwise…"
"It was great having you here son, now go relax ok?"
"OK." He said as he gave Chuck a hug in return before leaving.
Johnny had a great evening, he spent most of it playing cards with Debbie and Nancy, then once again fell asleep between two soft and warm naked girls.