Johnny's Punishment 11
By Captain J
copyright 2007 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 32 – Tuesday, At the EcBright House
"Well isn't this interesting?" Nancy said from Debbie's doorway.
"What?" Debbie replied trying to wakeup and clear the sleep fog from her brain.
"What are you doing in Johnny's bed?"
"We didn't do anything; he had a bad dream and I just held him until it passed, then I guess I must have fallen asleep..."
"And that's why you're naked above the waist and he was sucking on your little titty when I opened the door right?"
"Uh...I'm not sure on that one..."
"Well wake him up and get yourself dressed before Mom sees you."
"OK...thanks Nancy."
"Johnny! Johnny! Wake up!"
"What?" his groggy voice answered.
"Get up Johnny, Nancy is up and wants to get going."
Johnny opened his eyes and saw a wonderful sight; Debbie was sitting on his bed wearing only her panties, and was looking closely at her left nipple. Her beautiful "A-Cup" breasts were so perfect in his mind, as she massaged and squeezed herself only inches from his face.
"Johnny you bite!" she finally said, "See here teeth marks!"
Her comment caused last night's events to flood his still fogged brain, she had comforted him and let him nurse on her breast until he went to sleep, then sometime during the night she had hugged herself to him and he must have nursed on her again.
"I'm sorry Debbie, I didn't mean to do that, I would never hurt you intentionally, you know that."
"I know it Johnny, but you're going to have to be more careful if I'm supposed to let you suck my tit every time you're really upset. I love doing it but, I don't want these teeth marks."
"What are you talking about?"
"God you really are clueless! Haven't you noticed that
Jane, Nancy and I have all let you suck our breasts at some
point in the past two weeks?"
"Now that you mention it, I guess so, but... it just happened didn't it?"
"No my beautiful boy, it didn't JUST happen, it was intentional!"
"I... I don't understand..."
Stroking his face then pulling him against her shoulder with her arms wrapped around him she explained. "Johnny you were a breastfed baby, in fact your mother let you continue long after most babies are weaned off; even while your sister was a baby, your mother let you suck her until you were almost 5 years-old. She found that whenever you were upset, the quickest way to calm you down was to feed you her breast, even when it didn't have milk anymore."
"I don't remember any of that..."
"Of course you don't but your body, and especially the primitive part of your brain does remember, and seeks it when you are really upset and losing control or on the verge of, well, a mental breakdown. Mentally you have been very fragile for the past weeks and have almost lost it a few times; so after finding out about your fixation, we have been using it to calm you down whenever we think you need it."
"You mean... you girls have let me do that on purpose... to calm me?"
"Exactly, we all love you and care about you very much. So if we see you losing all control of your emotions, we let you suckle us, it really does work too! Within a minute or two you get calm and peaceful and usually drop off to sleep."
"I... I never knew... I love you all so much... how can I thank you."
"By NOT BITING!" she responded with a giggle and shoved his head from her shoulder, "Now get up and get going or Nancy will bust your ass!"
"Thank you Debbie for everything... but especially for telling me the truth, I guess I'm just a big baby..."
"Yes you are, Johnny, but you're MY big baby! Now Go!"
"I love you Debbie," he softly said to the mostly naked girl on his bed as he headed for the bathroom.
"I love you too!" she responded as he disappeared from sight.
When Johnny got to the kitchen he found, Nancy, Vicky and Kay all there and Kay put a giant stack of pancakes with sausages, on the table before him. "I can't eat all that."
"I think you can!" Kay answered, "Besides, you need the carbohydrates to put some meat on that skinny frame. With all the work you've been doing and exercises and running you need the carbs for energy or you'll end up even thinner than you already are."
"Oh, thank you Kay I'll do my best then, I don't want to be more skinny than I already am." Johnny attacked the stack of pancakes and to his surprise 8 pancakes and 5 sausages later, the plate was clean.
"I feel stuffed!" Johnny commented when he looked at his empty plate.
"See I told you, you could eat that much. And as for being stuffed, Nancy will take care of that shortly." Kay said smiling at the boy.
Johnny realized at that point that none of the girls had eaten more than three pancakes and a couple of sausages. He was feeling piggish and embarrassed at how much he had consumed, as usual his face blushed red.
"Why are you blushing Johnny?" Vicky asked.
"I... I just noticed that I ate almost as much as you three combined... I feel like a pig or something."
"That's nothing to be embarrassed about," she replied, "You're a growing boy and need to fill out some; whereas we girls, need to watch our shapely figures." She added with a giggle.
"Yes you ARE shapely." He muttered, and all the girls broke out laughing in response.
"Well I'm VERY glad you think so!" Vicky replied and everyone laughed some more including Johnny, even as he blushed again.
"Now that you've finished your breakfast and complemented my 'shapely' sister, let's get your exercises done Johnny so you can get to work for the day." Nancy directed.
It was raining again outside, so Nancy took him to the basement and led him to a room he hadn't seen before. It was full of exercise equipment, barbells, dumbbells, a weight lifting bench and mats on the floor; there was also an exercise bike and a treadmill like machine on the far side. "Welcome to my workout room Johnny, now you will pay for those pancakes!"
For the next hour Nancy had him running on the treadmill, lifting weights of all types and doing 'standard' exercises on the mats. Last she had him lay on the bench and explained bench-press lifting to him. She set a barbell at 100 pounds and put it on the uprights of the bench and had him lay down beneath it. "Now I'll spot you," she said as she stepped to the head of the bench and stood legs spread above his head, both hands on the bar.
Johnny reached up and grabbed hold of the barbell and as he looked up to concentrate on the exercise, found he could see right up Nancy's shorts which were loose and she wasn't wearing panties! Her fur covered pussy was looking right back at him and he didn't even hear her when she said to begin; she'd lifted the bar and suddenly it came crashing down across his body when his arms weren't ready for it. "Uhggh!" he grunted as it landed on his chest. Nancy immediately lifted it and returned it to the holders, then circled the bench to check him for injuries.
"What happened Johnny? Are you OK?" she asked concerned that he might be injured.
"Uh... I'm OK... I just wasn't ready..."
Nancy quickly surveyed his body and immediately saw the problem, with his feet on either side of the bench, an erection was standing straight up from his body. "I think I see what the problem was, Johnny was looking somewhere he shouldn't have been, instead of concentrating on his exercises..."
"I...I'm sorry Nancy, I... I didn't mean to... but if you're going to stand like that above a guy, you... you should at least wear panties!" he whimpered.
"I'm sorry Johnny I didn't mean to distract you like that, usually I'm down here alone and I didn't even think of what you would see from below." She told the beet red faced boy. "I think we've had enough of this exercise for today, maybe we'll try again tomorrow." She then took his hand and pulled him upright and sent him to start working with a playful swat on his rear and a smile on her face.
Johnny went up the steps and into the kitchen and found Kay and Debbie sitting at the table talking. Debbie looked up at him as he rounded the corner and grinned widely "Exciting exercises today Johnny?"
Kay looked back over her shoulder at the approaching boy and also smiled.
"What?" A confused Johnny responded.
"This!" Debbie said and then reached out and lightly tapped
his bobbing erection.
Then, giggled, her eyes twinkling.
"Oh... Uh..." he stuttered.
"Well?" Kay inquired with a raised eyebrow.
"Nancy... Uh... distracted me during bench-
presses...Uh...she forgot to wear her panties."
Debbie lost it totally at his response and red face, and was laughing so hard she had to hold herself and couldn't breathe very well. That just caused the embarrassed boy to turn even redder if possible.
"Well as long as you were behaving yourself," Kay offered and that just got Debbie laughing harder.
"Now Johnny since you will be here all week, I've expanded the painting projects," she started as if nothing were out of the ordinary and a naked 14 year-old boy were not standing there with a hard-on pointed at her. "You will be painting the whole Den, not just the woodwork, ceiling, walls all of it; then both bathrooms, and if we still have time the kitchen, and hallway. There should be enough ceiling paint and wall paint downstairs to do the Den, and Chuck will bring more home tonight. So why don't you go get started."
"No problem Kay, and I want to thank you again for letting me stay here this week, I'm scared of Mom right now and I don't know what would've happened, if I was at home."
"It's our pleasure Johnny, just do a good job on your projects, and let me and Chuck worry about your Mother."
Johnny leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she responded with a bone crushing hug, then patted his behind and sent him on his way. After he left, she turned to her daughter, "He's a keeper! Don't let that boy get away Debbie or you'll regret it the rest of your life."
"I don't plan on letting him go anytime soon Mom, I like him too."
"Nice equipment there also," her mother said with a chuckle.
"Yeah I think it's just about perfect!" Debbie giggled back.
Johnny went down to the workshop and found everything he needed and started carrying it all up to the Den; roller, extension handle, roller pan, drop cloths, paintbrush, masking tape, and of course paint. Moving all the furniture away from the walls, he removed all the covers from the outlets and switches and covered everything with the drop cloths. Then proceeded to paint the ceiling first and while it was drying, did all the edging, cutting in around woodwork and baseboards. By the time he finished the baseboards, it was lunch time and Kay was calling him into the kitchen. He had paint spatters all over him when she came to the room to get him. "Just clean your hands and face, Johnny and I'll put an old towel on your chair, lunch will be cold it you clean all of that off," she said smiling at him.
"OK I'll be right there."
When he got to the kitchen and took his seat Nancy looked him over and couldn't restrain herself, "I see the ceiling is a nice flat white and the wall must be antique white from the looks of you." She chuckled.
"I haven't really started on the walls yet, I've just been doing edging, but yeah it's antique white, a little darker than the ceiling which is bright white. That roller throws spatters everywhere, glad I had enough drop cloths to cover everything."
"Everything except yourself!" Nancy snickered.
"Well I'm not allowed to wear clothes you know, so what did you expect?"
"We know Johnny and we are enjoying it!" That got a blush from him, which was what she'd been after. "Oh relax Johnny, I'm just teasing."
"I know Nancy, you guys have seen everything and then some, but it's not so embarrassing unless it's pointed out or I'm forced to think about it; otherwise it just IS, and it doesn't really bother me."
"I'm sorry Johnny I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"I'm OK,"
After lunch Johnny returned to painting, cut in the joint around the room where the ceiling met the walls in the first hour. By dinner time all the walls had been painted, he had only the woodwork to finish in that room. When Chuck got home, Johnny was removing the drop cloths except for around the perimeter.
"This is Great! I'm amazed you got this much done," Chuck commented as he looked at the room. "If you keep up at this pace, the whole house will be done by the end of the week; I'll have to get a lot more paint!"
Johnny showered and got all the paint he could see off and reported for dinner. Tonight was meatloaf, mashed potatoes & gravy with mixed steamed vegetables. As he launched into his heaping plate Kay watched him and sighed. "God how I love cooking for someone who really appreciates it." She murmured.
"What do you mean dear? I've always appreciated your cooking, you're a wonderful cook!" Chuck responded.
"That's just what I meant, sweetheart, I love cooking for men. You and Johnny attack what I fix with gusto; it doesn't matter what I fix, you enjoy eating it. You don't pick at it like women or girls do; you just make me feel appreciated and I enjoy watching a man feel good knowing I caused it."
"Kay I really do appreciate your cooking, it's great!" Johnny interjected.
"And I love fixing it for you Johnny; maybe Chuck's right I need a boy like you to cook for."
Johnny just smiled at her as he took another big bite of food, and Chuck gave him a 'thumbs up' signal when Kay wasn't looking.
As dinner was winding down, Chuck looked at Johnny and made a suggestion, "Johnny you should wear a hat when you're painting ceilings, you've still got paint in your hair."
"Didn't know I was allowed to, No clothes..."
"A Hat does not qualify as 'clothes' so wear one while painting, even the walls, those rollers spatter all over; no sense in having to get it in your hair, it's too hard to get out."
"Thank you," Johnny said with a nod to Chuck.
"How about an apron, so he doesn't get so much on him," Nancy asked.
"Good idea, Nancy I wouldn't consider that 'clothes' either, just 'protective gear'. In fact I thing I have an old shop apron down in the workshop."
"If not I have an old pinafore he could use, it would cover most of his front," she offered.
Vicky and Debbie snickered at the offer, they knew exactly which apron Nancy was offering, it was all frilly and lacy and Nancy hated it.
"That's good Nancy, but it will probably be ruined." Chuck responded.
"Exactly what she's hoping for," Debbie whispered to Vicky and both laughed.
"So it's settled, a hat and an apron as protective equipment Johnny," Chuck ordered.
"Yes Sir," Johnny responded but wondered what all the giggling was about at the other end of the table.
After dinner Debbie took Johnny by the hand and led him away, "Come with me young man, we are going to get the rest of that paint out of your hair, and you still have spots on your back!"
"Yes Debbie," he meekly answered as he was led away.
Kay and Chuck just gave each other knowing smiles as they watched their youngest daughter lead the naked boy from the room, complacent as a puppy.
In the bathroom, Debbie had him stand before the sink and after dipping his head in the full sink, shampooed his hair until she was satisfied all the paint was out, then used a washcloth to clean the remaining paint specks from his back. When she was done, she turned him to face her and then wrapped her arms around him and kissed him firmly. "That was fun," she told him, "I'll have to add that to my list of things I'm responsible for!"
"I enjoyed it too," he meekly replied, then gave her a kiss of his own.
Johnny spent the rest of the evening reading on his bed, Debbie coming and going as she pleased, finally near bed time she plopped on his bed beside him and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, "Put your book away I want to talk to you," she softly said near his head. Johnny put the book down on the floor and turned to face her, looking into her green eyes, almost getting lost in them.
"Hello Johnny, are you paying attention," seeing he was distracted by something.
"You have the most beautiful eyes," he whispered in reply.
"Glad you like them, I like your's too, now pay attention," she said as she patted his cheek.
"Have you had any of those urges lately?"
"You know, the feel good urges in your behind?"
"Uh, not really."
"How about Wednesday, when Becky's fingers went in and hit it big time..."
"How did you know about that?" Johnny was beet red from embarrassment.
"Susan told us of course; we all keep each other informed on how you are doing."
"You mean you all tell each other everything?"
"Of course, how else would we be able to coordinate taking care of and supervising you."
"As far as I know. Yes, we talk daily about what happened with you that day."
"Oh... I didn't know."
"You didn't need to know, but since you do, it doesn't make any difference. Now back to those urges."
"Well it did feel good when Becky's hand was in there, but even her fingers felt awful big."
"So would you like me to take care of your little problem gland and make it happy?"
"Not if you plan on using a huge rubber dildo."
"Well you're in luck then, because your wonderful father got me a smaller one," and she showed him a smaller strap-on only about 6 inches long and an inch in diameter.
"Do you plan on using that on me?"
"Only if you ask me to; but I am responsible for taking care of those urges, so I can either use this or my fingers to keep that nasty little gland happy. But you told me you didn't like being 'milked' so I thought maybe we might tryout this new toy."
"Uh, OK I guess we could try it..."
"Are you asking me to? You don't sound very excited about it."
"Well I don't like that 'milking' thing so; Yes, Debbie please try your new strap-on, just please take it slow and be gentle."
"You know I will Johnny, I love you and don't ever want to hurt you."
Debbie got up and spread two old towels on the bed, then had him lay on his back and put a pillow below his behind, and covered it with a towel also. She then stood and attached the device to her body and noted is was only a little bigger than Johnny's when he's erect, it even curved upward like his does. She then got a glob of lubricant and smeared it on the dildo and got another gob and started gently probing his behind, until two fingers were moving in and out freely. Moving his feet back against his thighs, he was wide open, when she placed the tip against his hole. "Just relax baby," she murmured to him as she gently but firmly pushed the head inside, then stopped, to let him get used to it. Johnny moaned as she slowly pushed in inch by inch until it was half way buried. She shifted her knees slightly and Johnny moaned loudly, "I didn't hurt you did I?"
"No! That upward curve puts it right on it!" he gasp.
"Well that will make it easy then won't it," she giggled as she slowly withdrew it about two inches and pushed back in, and got another loud moan. When she looked down she saw his cock laying flaccid on his stomach, dripping fluid and knew she had the right spot.
Debbie concentrated to moving back and forth over 'the spot' and was only thrusting back and forth a few inches, Johnny was half hard, a couple minutes later when he climaxed and ejaculated on his chest. Unlike when she milked him it didn't dribble out, it shot and his moans and groans were the same as when she jerked him off. Never stopping, his head was twisting back and forth, his mouth open gasping for breath, his chest heaving, and periodically his whole body would arch and strain as another load shot from his cock. Finally nothing was coming out, but he still had two more full body orgasms, before she stopped and he collapsed on the bed, passed out. She used a washcloth and a towel to wipe his sweat covered body, clean of cum, then cleaned his rear entrance, of lubricant, before covering his sleeping form on the bed. She removed the strap-on and went to the bathroom to wash it and was standing at the sink when Nancy stuck her head in the door.
"How many?"
"I'm not really sure, 8 times I'm positive of, but near the end is was almost continuous, so maybe more..."
"Eight orgasms in a row? I've never heard of any guy who could have more that 3 or 4 in a whole night, resting in between, let alone that many in less than an hour! He must really like having that done to him."
"I know he likes it at the time, I'll find out in the morning how he feels about the whole thing though."
"Let me know the results for future reference; when I get a boyfriend of my own, I may want to use that."
"Will do, goodnight Nancy."
"Night Debbie," and both went to bed.
Chapter 33 – Wednesday
Johnny woke up the next morning with a finger lightly tickling the tip of his nose and pair of big green eyes staring at him over a smiling mouth as she lay half across his body, her chest resting on his. "Good Morning sleepyhead!" she whispered then kissed him soundly.
"Good morning," he said croaking, his mouth and throat dry.
Debbie produced a glass of water from somewhere without moving from his chest and gave him a sip, "better?"
"Yes thank you Debbie."
"Are you awake yet?"
"Yes, I love you Debbie."
"I know and I love you too, but it's nice to hear you say it."
"Should I get up? Did I oversleep?"
"No not yet, it's still early... I wanted to know how you feel about...what we did last night?"
"It...It was wonderful! I came, I don't know maybe ten times, I've never felt anything that good, ever! It was like almost one continuous orgasm, especially near the end before I guess I passed out. You can do that any time or place you want and I don't care who is watching."
"That's an awfully big offer you just made, so I'll assume you like it."
"Not like, loved it, just like I love the wonderful girl who caused it."
"So you wouldn't mind if we did it again sometime."
"Whenever you want! I love you so much."
"Well good! We'll just keep that for special occasions, unless you feel 'urges' and if you do, you are to tell me, without me having to prod you like last night."
"I promise Debbie, I'll let you know if I feel that way."
"Good, now get up and go take a shower, I wiped you off as best I could but you do need to clean up more.
Johnny sat up and was rewarded with another kiss, before he left for the bathroom.
After breakfast, Nancy took him back to the exercise room and started him running on the treadmill since this was a 'running day', after almost 3 miles on the meter, he was straining and breathing hard. "What's wrong Johnny you ran 4 miles on Monday in the rain and weren't even breathing hard.
"This is like running up hill all the way, at least outside some of it is flat and there's even a couple of downhill slopes. Besides it's boring just looking at the wall all the time while I run."
Nancy walked around to the front of the machine and took off her top exposing her braless breasts, then leaned against the front of the machine with a hand on either side rail and let her breasts hang down in front of the panting boy. "We wouldn't want you to be bored, so here is a little visual stimulation."
Staring at her breasts as he ran on the machine, within minutes he was erect and it was smacking against his body as he ran. "That's not fair! It hurts running with an erection."
"So maybe you should get done quickly, after all I didn't cause that, I didn't even touch it. So you have only your own dirty little mind to blame."
When the buzzer went off indicating he had reached the 4 miles set on the controller. Johnny all but collapsed when he sat on the tread trying to catch his breath. When he finally looked up, he was disappointed to see she'd put her shirt back on.
"Up we go Johnny, we have more exercises to do." She ordered and helped him stand. After pushups and some sit-ups, she told him he was done for the day and to relax a few minutes then to get back to his painting.
After resting, Johnny went to the workshop and found a small tapered paintbrush and got the white enamel paint for the woodwork. Going back up stairs, he was greeted in the den by all three girls who were smiling at him.
"What?" he said wary of the looks they were giving him.
"We have your protective equipment." Nancy answered and Vicky handed him a pink ballcap.
"What difference does it make, it's going to have paint all over it, and I hate that thing, this way I have an excuse to throw it away. Mom bought it for me and I can't get rid of it without some valid excuse." Vicky explained.
"And your apron," Nancy said smiling as she handed over the most frilly pinafore he had ever seen.
Johnny started backing away, when both Vicky and Debbie stopped him by each taking hold of an arm; while Nancy placed the neck opening over his head and lowered the garment into place. Debbie quickly tied the sash behind him a big bow; she then pronounced her verdict, "adorable!"
Johnny blushed red as the three continued looking at him, Nancy adjusting it some so that it hung 'properly'. "I look like I'm wearing a dress!" he sputtered and they giggled.
Nancy stepped forward and held him by the shoulders and looked straight at him. "Johnny I have the same problem with this apron; that Vicky has with the hat. I hate it and I can't get rid of it without a good reason, so please get LOTS of paint on it, so I can throw the damn thing away! I'll trust you to make sure it can't possibly be cleaned."
"OK Nancy, I'll help but I must look like some kind of idiot with this stuff on, so please don't laugh at me!"
Three smiling girls left him to get to his painting. At first he used masking tape to edge the woodwork, then found if he was careful and used a steady hand he could paint it faster without the tape. As he was stretching to paint the upper part of a doorframe, Kay called his name and he looked back over his shoulder. A bright flash told him she had just taken his picture.
"What are you doing Kay?"
"Getting blackmail material on behalf of my grandchildren." She replied smiling, "The way your cute behind dimples below that big bow is just adorable. It will look great in the photo album with the girls bare bottom baby pictures and you kids taking baths together; great stuff to embarrass parents with!"
Johnny just groaned, he was had he returned to work, the camera flashed twice more, then she apparently left.
By lunchtime he had it all done and was placing the furniture back where it belonged. The only piece he left in the middle of the room was the bookcase which was to be painted black, and he left it sitting on a drop cloth.
During lunch, Kay turned to him and said, "Johnny I'm sorry about those pictures, but you just looked so cute in that hat and pinafore, well I just couldn't pass it up, will you forgive me?"
"Yes Kay, just please don't go showing those pictures around, at least until after I graduate from school or I'll never be able to live it down."
"Did I hear blackmail material?" Debbie said from the doorway.
Johnny just groaned and shook his head.
"Yes Debbie, but they are MY blackmail pictures to use when you two get married and have some kids. Nothing better than photo evidence to keep young parents in line."
"So you have us married already?" Debbie asked.
"Girl, I'm NOT blind and neither is your Father, nor are Johnny's parents! We can see you two love each other, it's only a matter of time..."
Debbie walked over and hugged Johnny around the shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before responding; "Guess we didn't hide it too well, so now we don't need to at all."
"No you don't, but I don't want you doing anything that will get you pregnant until after you are both out of school AND married. Anything short of that is OK. Understood?"
"Yes Mother!"
"Yes Kay, I love her and we won't do that." Johnny firmly added.
"Good! You are both good kids and I trust you not to give me grandchildren before the proper time. We see entirely too many 'premature' babies being delivered in this town only 6-8 months after a wedding. I wouldn't like being embarrassed like that."
When Kay left the room, Johnny turned his head towards Debbie who still had her arms around him. "Did your Mother just give us permission to fool around as long as you don't get pregnant?"
"Yes, everything except vaginal sex. Vicky was one of those 'premature' babies, Mom was pregnant when they got married, and she just wants us to avoid that."
"Oh...we can do that! There's lots of other stuff we can do..."
"I knew you weren't totally retarded! Yes there are many things we can do short of that, and I plan on trying all of them, if you're willing of course."
"Willing? Just tell me what you want, and we'll do it!"
"That's my Johnny, and that's why I love you so much." With a quick kiss she released him and both finished their lunches.
After lunch Johnny painted the bookcase, then the ceilings in both bathrooms and the hallway. He completed cutting in the one bathroom but didn't have the right paint color to do the other one, so he did the hallway which was to be antique white like the Den, then it was dinner time.
Johnny was standing in the basement cleaning the paint brushes in the deep sink when Chuck came looking for him. "Cute outfit! Especially from behind!" he said and chuckled to himself.
"Yeah, Kay thought so too, so she took some pictures when my back was turned." Johnny responded with a sigh.
"Don't worry about it Johnny, Kay loves you and won't use them to hurt you or embarrass you."
"She said she was taking them as blackmail material for her grandchildren's benefit."
"That sounds like my Kay alright!"
By now Chuck had reached Johnny and gave him a hug, "don't let little things like that worry you Johnny, we love you and want only the best for you, the same as we want the best for the girls."
"Yeah, I think she's already planning the wedding."
"Well it is obvious that you and Debbie love each other and would make a great pair. Just one word of warning, don't you get my daughter pregnant unless you ARE married!"
"I won't ... We won't do that unless we're married; Kay said kind of the same thing, just worded differently."
"You have to know she's just looking out for your best interest on that one. We were only married six months when Vicky arrived, and Kay had to endure some nasty attitudes from other women in town over it. She doesn't want any of the girls to have to go through that, and neither do I."
"You don't have to worry, Debbie and I both understand and we won't do anything that would put her in that kind of situation. I love her too much to let that happen."
Chuck was still holding him around the shoulders when Johnny turned inside his arm and wrapped both arms around the man's chest and returned the hug. "I love you to Chuck, and Kay, you're like my second Dad and Mom, and I really do love all the girls, especially Debbie."
A tear trickled down the man's cheek as he ran his fingers through the boy's hair and patted his shoulders. "Come on Johnny we need to get upstairs for dinner or that second Mom of yours will be upset with us." As Johnny removed the hat and pinafore, Chuck secretly wiped the tear from his face as he pretended to blow his nose. 'God what a great kid!' he thought as he watched Johnny finish cleaning up.
Dinner was another feast to Johnny, Pot Roast with potatoes and a big salad, then warm cherry cobbler for desert. "I'm stuffed again, If I keep eating like this, I'll be all fat."
"Not to worry Johnny, I'll guarantee you won't get fat, at least not while I'm in charge of your exercise program."
"That's what I'm worried about! If I put on a few pounds, you'll kill me making it into muscle." His concern got laughs from around the table.
"So what's on for tonight?" Chuck asked.
"I was planning on relaxing and reading," Johnny offered.
"I have some research to do for a project I've been working on," Debbie answered.
"Just relax and hope there's a decent movie on TV tonight," Nancy said.
"Vicky how about you?" Kay asked.
"I going down to the church, we need to get some stuff ready for the Vacation Day School classes."
"And will a certain Minister's Son be there?" Kay asked with a knowing smile.
"Probably..." answered a blushing Vicky.
"Just make sure, you are working on the class materials young lady, no hanky panky..."
"Yes Mother."
Johnny helped Kay and Debbie wash the dishes then retired to Debbie's room and lay down to read.
Later Debbie came in and looked down at him, "Are you really going to read?"
"I was planning on it unless you have something more interesting in mind."
"Well I do! We are going to do some research."
"What are we researching?"
"SEX and each other's bodies!"
"I'm up for it."
"Well not yet, you aren't," pointing to his limp dick, "But you will be shortly!" she giggled.
Debbie dropped her shorts and then removed her panties, and sat on the edge of her bed, her legs spread wide, "I want you to do that thing with your tongue again, it was fantastic!"
"OK I will, but could I ask a favor first?"
"Anything, you know that!"
"Uh... could we get rid of some of that gets stuck in my teeth... kinda gross."
"Easy to fix!" she replied and pulled her shorts back on and led him to the bathroom, then locking the door, removed her shorts again, and handed him her Dad's razor and a can of shave cream. Sitting on the toilet lid, she opened her legs wide and used scissors to trim what little hair she had, then rubbed a washcloth over the area to soften the hair. "OK Johnny shave any or all of it, however, you'd like it."
Johnny carefully spread shaving cream over her crotch, then with trembling hands carefully removed every single hair, until it was smooth like at little girl's. "Perfect!" he whispered as he wiped it with a clean washcloth after he was finished.
"Now that it's 'perfect' let's go back and do that research." Debbie said with a giggle.
Quickly putting her shorts back on, they ran back to her room and resumed their former position with her on the edge of the bed, and Johnny sitting on the floor in front of her, his mouth at perfect pussy level, no straining involved, especially with his legs under her bed.
An hour later Debbie was gasping trying to recover from her 6th orgasm and finally told him she'd had enough. Collapsing back onto her bed, she finally recovered her normal breathing as Johnny crawled up and lay beside her, hugging her and stroking her lean body. "That was wonderful Johnny, but I can't take anymore of that, I need to rest."
Just then there was a knock on the door, "Debbie, can I come in?" Nancy asked.
Debbie quickly pulled on her panties then opened the door. Nancy came in and sat on the bed as Debbie closed the door again.
"Deb, Johnny I wasn't trying to, but I've been hearing you two for the last 45 minutes, and well I'm kind of horny, and I wondered if I could join in what you are doing, it sounded like Deb was climbing the walls with orgasm after orgasm."
Debbie looked at Johnny and he gave her a nod of his head to indicate he was willing if she was. "Nancy, Johnny has been practicing oral sex on me and he is very good at it, probably the best you will ever find; there's only one thing."
"What's that Deb?"
"He doesn't like hair down there, it get's stuck in his teeth."
"Is that all? I'll be back in a flash!"
Ten minutes later Nancy was back and quickly stripped off all her clothing, Johnny gave a little whistle of appreciation as her body was revealed. She had hard muscle everywhere, muscles rippled under her skin as she moved about and her firm almost "b-cup" breasts bounced as she walked. He had seen them before, but never in combination with the total physique. Nancy struck a few poses and flexed different muscles and both Debbie and Johnny complemented her on her obviously very strong body.
Debbie positioned her sister on the edge of the bed, and Johnny sat between her legs, with his mouth again at pussy level. Johnny moved in and gave her young cunt a tentative lick, then started working in earnest; unlike Debbie who lay relaxed and spread, Nancy quickly locked her legs around his head, trapping him there. He kept at her, and she trembled and shook through multiple orgasms, until suddenly he was beating on her thighs with his fists until she finally loosened her leg lock on his head.
"I couldn't breathe!" he gasp, "Nancy you were crushing my head!"
"Oh Johnny I'm so sorry, I didn't realize what I was doing to you, please forgive me!"
"It's OK Nancy," as he checked to make sure his ears were still attached. "But you need to lighten up on the legs, you don't need to trap my head, I love doing this!"
"Obviously a 'safety officer' is needed here", Debbie observed and pulled Nancy's left leg up and held on to it; "Ok Johnny I'll hold onto this leg so she can't pin your head again, go ahead and show her what you can do."
With her held spread, Johnny attacked her young sex organs with both mouth and fingers and quickly Nancy was covered in sweat as her body was wracked by the strongest orgasms she had ever experienced, when she was panting and out of breath, Johnny quit and Debbie released her leg, then both lay beside her stroking her body as she recovered.
"My God! Debbie how can you stand that so long? I was going crazy almost immediately, but you went for almost an hour!"
"I don't 'stand' it Nancy I love every second of it!"
Johnny's hand reached down and gently stroked across Nancy's clit and she almost jumped as she grabbed his hand.
"Please Johnny I can't take anymore! I've never felt like this, I'm weak and totally exhausted."
She then took Johnny's head in both hands and thoroughly kissed him forcing her tongue inside and working his mouth until both of them were panting. "Johnny you are the most talented boy I will probably ever meet. If my sister here ever gives you up, just let me know and I'll be there as fast as I can run!"
"Not going to happen Sister," Debbie observed, "He's all mine, but I am willing to share once in a while but nothing on a regular basis. If Johnny is willing that is."
"I'll take whatever you two are willing to give, just tell me where and when and I'll be there!" Nancy responded, "God I'm pooped, I could workout all day and never feel this weak!"
Debbie and Johnny helped Nancy get dressed then ushered her to the door and said goodnight. "I'm tired too," Debbie whispered her head leaning against him, let's go to bed.
Debbie guided him to her bed then looked deep into his eyes, "I love you Johnny, thanks for helping Nancy, from now on you're sleeping up here instead of down there on the floor, I want you where I can hold you all night."
"I love you too Debbie, and I love it when you hold me, it feels so safe and warm."
"Goodnight Johnny" said as she turned off the bedside lamp, then hugged and kissed her best friend.