JasonCam Part 2
By Captain J
copyright 2008 by Captain J, all rights reserved
* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *
Part 2
To say that Jason was tired when he went to bed that night would be an understatement. He was exhausted and sore, especially the crack of his rear where Ali had scrubbed him with that stiff scrub brush! Between the fact that he'd cum three times and the dance show (including practice) and the emotional stress of the whole day, he just collapsed into his bed and passed out.
The next thing he knew was suddenly it was cool, very cool. <CRACK!> "God Damn!" he screamed as his ass felt like someone had just hit it with a hot poker and he jumped up in shock from his face down position on his bed.
"Get UP lazybones, You can't sleep all day!" said a voice beside him. <CRACK> and again his butt stung from being hit with something.
"SHIT! STOP THAT!" he yelled as he fumbled trying to find his glasses. "THAT FUCKING HURTS!"
"Now you're really in trouble Jason with all this swearing ," the voice calmly informed him. "So before you get in any deeper, I'd suggest you settle down and I mean quickly."
"What? Who are you?" he replied as he finally found his glasses and tried to get them on one handed while rubbing his sore behind with the other hand.
"Sally Crawford," <giggle> "your SUPERVISOR for today, and I don't really think you want to piss me off. One phone call and your life is over. Now GET UP you lazy boy!"
When his eyes finally focused he saw a young girl about 5' tall, skinny with blond hair and pigtails standing beside his bed, feet spread, arms crossed over her chest and a flyswatter in one hand, grinning at him. "Sally?" he replied almost in a whisper.
"How soon they forget! Yes! Sally Crawford, Ali's sister and one of your two designated supervisors as determined by 'The Watchers'. Now get your butt out of bed or you'll get some more from my motivator here. Understood?"
Jason grumbled but got off the bed and stood beside it. Sally immediately sat on the edge of the bed with the flyswatter laying across her knees. Jason finally got his head cleared enough to realize he was standing nude in front of a 10 year-old girl and his hand more out of reflex than anything immediately moved to cover his groin. His effort was rewarded by his left hand being stung with the flyswatter. "Ouch!"
"None of that Jason, you're not allowed to cover up in front of girls!" she told him smirking. "RULES Jason, you seem to have a problem remembering them don't you?"
"What... What do you mean?" he said as he rubbed his now sore hand.
"Oh my, and you were supposed to be such a smart guy... well how about, you are not allowed to cum unless you have permission from a girl or woman? How about any girl or woman may touch you anytime or where or how they want? OR how about this (prodding his limp cock with the flyswatter) is supposed to be hard in the presence of a female when you are nude to show respect; unless you have permission to be soft... which I don't recall giving?"
"But... But I haven't cum today? And... and you just woke me up?..."
"Jason, I am not the only one watching you. You were seen jacking off yesterday afternoon by the Watchers when you were practicing your dancing. AND I might add, you did NOT have permission to cum at that time. As a result, I have been ordered to punish you this morning for that transgression. Then when I wake you up, what happens, you swear at me showing no respect at all for your supervisor and I'm still waiting for you to get that limp little dick hard or that's going to be more punishment!"
"But...Bu...How?.... Uh... "
"No arguments Jason! You've been caught and must be reminded of the rules. First, however, I want you to go take a shower and get yourself really clean. When you report back I expect to see a better attitude and your little buddy there standing tall! Now go!"
Jason all but ran for the bathroom and she heard the shower start as she moved over to his computer and started looking through the files, starting with the bookmarks on his browser. Scanning the bookmarks quickly a few caught her attention: Sexboards.com, Nialos Leaning, AASTR.org, Nifty Archives, Deeker.com, DailyDiapers.com, Fictionmania.com, HarryPotterFanFiction.com, GayAuthors.org, YouTube, FanFiction.net, BibCams, WebCam-Porn.eu.... and the list went on and on. Sally quickly copied the file and emailed it to herself, then started looking through other file folders and quickly found 'flv' files of webcams both male and female and a ton of Harry Potter FanFiction as well as sex stories covering a wide range of topics in a directory helpfully called "Stories." So she shipped that off to herself also as well as about 40 for the video capture files. 'Ali and I will have to go through this stuff and see what his little pervert mind has been up to...' she thought as she heard the shower turn off and quickly cleared the screen back to the 'desktop' display.
When Jason reappeared, he was still damp and Sally giggled as his erection bobbed and weaved about as he walked. Even better he was red faced and obviously embarrassed to appear this way in front of a younger girl. "Much better Jason," she said smiling at him as he stopped directly in front of her.
"What now?" he mumbled with a growl.
"Now Jason, you really need to work on that attitude of yours, I mean, growling at me? Come on! I haven't done anything to you YET, to deserve that kind of response! But in answer to your question, you need to check your mail for messages from the 'Watchers'."
Sally moved from his desk chair and allowed Jason sit and logon to his Email account where he was quickly rewarded with a message:
To: Jason970From: Anon9875641
Subj: Bad Boy!
Too bad you didn't listen very well Jason. You were observed practicing your dance routine prior to the 'show' and it was noted that you masturbated to orgasm during your practice. As a result you are to be punished by one of your supervisors with 25 spanks either with a paddle or similar object. Ali has also reported your attempting to move away from her while she washed you, and even though she felt the 'brush treatment' was sufficient; we feel another 5 hard spanks are in order.
We certainly hope you have not taken up swearing again in the presence of Sally, as each swear word adds another 5 spanks at her discretion.
Have a good day Jason; we'll be WATCHING!
The Watchers
Sally was reading the message over his shoulder and smiled as she saw the shudder pass over his body. "Not good Jason that requires 30 spanks and let's see... I seem to remember 'God Damn, Shit, and Fucking hurts' so that's another 15... you're gonna be sore by the end of that!"
"Wh...When?" he said with a whimper, tears already forming at the edges of his eyes.
"Might as well get it over with," she replied with a sigh (but her face grinning where he couldn't see it behind him) "Do you have a paddle of some kind?"
Jason's mind was racing, the first thing he thought of was his dad's old fraternity paddle hanging on the wall in the basement. 'God no! Can't give her that!' "Uh...we have a ping-pong table downstairs, I... I suppose one of the paddles..."
"Now that was helpful Jason, why don't you go get me one."
"K.... I suppose..." he replied trembling as she patted his shoulder.
Sally watched him as he left the room, walking slowly like a condemned man, 'he's scared' she thought and couldn't help but notice that his erection had wilted. It was over 5 minutes before he returned and he was looking very meek and his face burning in shame at the thought of what was about to happen. Sally was sitting on his straight back desk chair and extended a hand for the paddle. "Where?" he asked in almost a whisper.
"Right here works for me," she replied, indicating her lap as she sat on the chair, "just lay across my legs here and we'll get this over with."
Jason had been expecting to be bent over holding his ankles like they do at school or maybe laying on or over his bed. This was even worse! Draped over her lap, made it clear that it was a young girl who was about to beat his rear and the physical contact with her body would make it even more humiliating.
"I'm waiting Jason..."
"OK..." and he gingerly lowered himself across her bare thighs, her shorts leaving lot's of skin free for contact.
Sally guided him across her legs, she wanted his butt at just the right place. He ended up with his hands on the floor on one end and his feet touching on the other, his privates dangling between her legs as she wrapped her left arm around his waist to hold him in place.
To his surprise, there was no discussion, no lecture, no nothing in prep, she just started right in <Crack!> "Ouch!" as his butt cheek lit up in pain where the paddle had struck. 'Didn't think a little girl could hit that hard' flashed through his mind. <Crack, Crack, Crack, Crack...> by ten, tears were flowing down his cheeks as he ground his teeth, trying not to cry out or show pain. By 20 he gave up on being macho and was whimpering. At 30 he was openly sobbing and pleading he'd had enough. At 40 his entire butt was on fire and going numb to the strikes but pain was lancing throughout his straining body. When she finally quit at 45 he couldn't even think anymore. Just feel the hot pain and heat in his behind.
Sally held him in place on her lap for a few minutes, he was sobbing and actually blubbering to where she couldn't understand his words, and was using her hand to gently rub the fire engine red behind she'd created with the paddle. When she finally released him, he jumped up and was rubbing his butt with both hands as he danced about the room, oblivious to the show he was putting on as his cock flopped about. Pain was the ONLY thing on his mind at the time, throughout, he just kept saying the same thing over and over with a whimpering voice "I'm Sorry, I'll be good." During his dance, Sally looked up at the camera and smiled, giving a little wave; she knew Ali was watching and recording the whole thing.
"OK Jason, enough of your dancing. According to the 'To Do' list in the kitchen you are supposed to clean the house today, so I'd suggest you get to it. I have to leave for awhile, but I'll be back. No playing with yourself while I'm gone. Just get your chores done so we can have some free time this afternoon." She directed while rising from the chair and walking towards the door.
"Alright..." he whimpered as his mind was to numb to form sentences beyond that. But he did watch her as she left the room.
Arriving at her sister's room, Sally was greeted with a 'high-five' and a wide grin.
"Great Job Sally! Too bad there's no audio on it though. We'll have to hook of a mic to
that computer somehow."
"I checked his computer and sent myself a bunch of his files. We need to see what they are. It might give us some leverage." Sally reported. Then both went to her room and she dumped the video files and bookmarks onto a couple of stick drives. "You go through those and I'll check out these story files. I wonder what kind of kinky stuff he's interested in?"
The girls spent the next two hours going through the files and bookmarks before getting back together to report what they'd found. "You first Sal..."
"Really a wide assortment of sex stories over 600 in the file and I just random sampled, most involve young boys or teenage boys being humiliated and/or dominated by girls. A bunch of diaper stories also mostly older preteen or teen boys. Some forced cross-dressing or transgender stories again younger teens. A shitload of Harry Potter stories written by fans; some of those are gay, they call them 'slash' stories; Mostly Potter and Draco Malfoy characters but lot's of boy/boy sex. And if I had to give an overall impression of what I've seen, it would be mostly forced situations: stripping, humiliation, spanking, forced masturbation, domination by same age or younger females and some same age or younger boys."
"That confirms what I found on the bookmarks. Sexboards.com leads to a stripping and humiliation board. Nialos Leaning is mostly young female domination stories. AASR.org has just about any kind of sex story. Nifty Archives is mostly gay and transgender stories. Deeker.com and DailyDiapers are as you would suspect; Diaper lover sites. GayAuthors is kind of assorted but has a big fan fiction section on Harry Potter. HarryPotterFanFiction.com and FanFiction.Net have thousands of Potter stories of all types. YouTube has all kinds of videos, but you knew that. WebCam-Porn is a portal to sex webcams just as the name implies. The videos are mostly teenage girls on webcams, but about 15 of them are other young boys jacking off on camera. So what do we have?..."
Both girls thought it over for awhile, then Ali summed it up. "I think we have a 14 year-old whose shy around live girls; but wants to be 'forced' to do sex stuff by girls. He's got a real fixation on Harry Potter to the point of looking as much as possible like him. He's probably a virgin; no I'm sure he is; so the gay, diaper and transgender stuff are just an extension of the 'forced' issues. If he couldn't be 'forced' by a girl then a young boy would do; or he could assume the 'girl' role like the characters in the cross-dressing and Transgender stories."
"Well if nothing else, all these stories should give us lots of ideas as to how to dominate him. After all, he wouldn't have saved the story if it wasn't something that turned him on, right?"
"Right you are little sister, we are providing him with exactly what he fanaticizes about. He may complain and try to say otherwise, but we are his dream come true. I plan to make it happen and enjoy every minute of it!"
"That's two of us then. My pussy got so wet while spanking him, I HAD to leave or he'd have seen the wet spot on my shorts!" <giggle>
Meanwhile over at the Simpson house, Jason was running the sweeper in the Den, wincing
every time he stepped, his rear end still on fire. He looked at himself in the full
length mirror in the bathroom and couldn't believe how deep red his butt had turned from
the spanking. How was it possible for a 10 year-old girl to do that much damage spanking
him? He enjoyed reading a lot of spanking stories from the net but the reality of being
on the receiving end was more than he'd ever imagined. Even putting some lotion on it,
only lessened the pain slightly and SHE was going to come back yet today. He'd already
washed the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and took laundry down to the basement to be done
later; but he still had two bathrooms to clean. 'Better get started' he thought as he put
the sweeper away.
Sally came back an hour later and noted that Jason was scrubbing the bathtub in the ground floor bathroom and slid up the steps to his room and sat back down at his computer. Activating his browser again, she looked at the 'history' file to see what he'd been looking at that he'd not bookmarked. Surprisingly there were 5 sites that sold 'adult toys and sex aids'. She called up one of the pages and was amazed at what was there. Fake cocks, some with harnesses to allow them to be worn, vibrators, dildo's, plugs to be put in your behind, whips, handcuffs, one item drew her attention 'cock rings' they were supposed to keep a guy hard by trapping the blood in his penis and not allow him to cum. Clicking on an 'adjustable' cock ring, strapon-dildo (small), and two different vibrators, she told it to go to the order page and was very pleased when Jason's Paypal account automatically logged on (love those saved logon and password functions!) and paid for the items. All she had to do was fill in the type of shipping desired. "FEDEX Express Overnight" she selected and logged off.
Sally then went back to searching the hard drive looking for possible hidden files and wasn't surprised when she found a whole directory of Porn. Naked young boys and girls, some qualifying as 'Child Porn' boy with erections and girls spread wide and bondage and more video's. Once again she sent the file to herself, then cleared the "sent" file on his mail program to remove the messages. 'Enough for now, time to go find our boy!' she thought as she left his room and went back downstairs, making noise in the kitchen like she was just entering the house. "Hey Jason! Where are you?" she yelled.
"Finishing the Bathrooms!" he yelled back, "Back the hallway..."
"OK!" she responded and proceeded to where she already knew he was. Standing in the doorway she had to smile as she found him kneeling as he used a scrub brush to clean the bathtub, with his VERY red behind toward the door, wiggling back and forth as he scrubbed. <giggle> "Nice butt action there Jason."
"What? Oh... it's the darn hard water... it's a bear getting this lime crap out, have to scrub like hell..."
"Well it looks like you're doing an excellent job; your parents should be pleased."
"Uh...Thanks...I guess..."
"You had lunch yet?"
"No... I wanted to get this done first."
"You finish up, then get cleaned up yourself and I'll see what I can find for you."
"OK... be about 15 minutes I guess..."
Sally was sitting at the kitchen table when Jason appeared 20 minutes later, with two sandwiches and some Pepsi waiting. "Found some deli turkey in the fridge." She offered as he approached. 'God I love to watch naked boys walk' she thought as his penis swayed with each step, even when soft. "Uh rules Jason!"
"OH!..." he replied and immediately reached to stroke himself, gaining a smile from his young 'supervisor'. When he'd managed to get hard, she handed him a plate with his sandwich. He took it but just stood beside the table.
"Not sitting?" she asked.
"A bit sore and tender," he replied blushing.
"Understand...still very red back there... Move over here and stand beside me."
"Because I WANT you to, that's all that's necessary!"
"Uh... OK... I guess..." and he moved to stand beside her chair while he ate.
He no more than got into position when he felt her hand slide up the back of his leg and gently caressed his hot behind, gently feeling the heat still radiating from it, and giving it little squeezes and pats. "Uh... Sally... what are you doing?"
"Feeling your butt. What did you think I was doing?"
"Because I want to and because I can," she said with a sigh, "Jason basically your body belongs to me to do whatever I want. If I want to feel your butt; I can. If I want to feel your little hard-on, I can do that!" as she made her point by moving her hand to the front and stroking him, "Or your balls or any other part I want," and moved her hand behind him and slid her index finger down the crack of his ass to his puckered little hole and circled it slowly. Jason took a half step forward away from her finger. <CRACK!> her open hand slapped hard on his already sore left butt cheek. "Ouch!"
"It will hurt a lot more if you ever move away from my touching you again Jason! Now eat your sandwich!" she snarled as her hand returned to stroking his upper legs and behind.
Jason didn't reply, but he didn't move either. I was clear that she could and would do whatever she wanted. All he could do was stand there and let her as the humiliation burned through him.
When they both had finished eating and Jason was taking the plates to the sink, Sally interrupted his thoughts. "Grab that bottle of Dermacare Lotion off the drain board and bring it over here Jason, you need something on your rear it must be really sore."
Getting the bottle, he handed it to her. "See says right here," she said with a perky voice, "Dermatology Formula, Developed and clinically proven to help heal chapping, raw cracked skin, redness, soreness and other surface skin problems. Sounds like just the thing. Now bend over the table here beside me." She continued as she poured a big glob in her hand.
Jason complied and moved so he was bent over the table resting on his forearms with his rear pointed back. Sally moved her chair behind him and was quickly slathering his sore behind with the lotion, getting a sigh and soft moan for her efforts. "Feel Good?"
"Cool and it's helping already..."
"Good, just relax and I'll get you all fixed up here..." she said as she massaged the lotion into his hot skin, paying particular attention to the still raw area where Ali had scrubbed him with that brush yesterday. Jason relaxed completely and just enjoyed her hands, until a finger was pushing at his rear hole. "What? What are you doing that for?"
"I'll say it again only once Jason. Because I can and I want to!" was her reply in a stern voice as her finger wiggled and was suddenly buried to her knuckle.
<Crack> a slap landed on his butt from her free hand. "Stand Still or I'll really turn your butt so red you won't sit for a week!"
At first her finger hurt when it entered then after awhile it started to feel good and Jason found himself pushing back against her probing hand.
The girl's finger worked in and out and around until it was moving freely with all the lotion providing lubrication, then she added a second finger and was probing as deeply as she could reach. Sally continued working them around. In particular he seemed to like it when she touched a little bump she could feel inside. She even heard him moan a couple of times like it excited him. When she finally stopped, he sagged and moaned like he wanted more. And when she'd wiped off her hand and had him face her, she saw his penis straining and twitching, as hard as it could get, like he was about to cum.
Jason started to reach for his cock to get himself off, when her voice stopped him cold. "Don't cum Jason, You DON'T have PERMISSION."
"Please?" his voice pleading and his whole body trembling.
"Later... Now go wash those plates and glasses..."
Sally smiled to herself as she watched the amount of restraint and effort it took for the boy to NOT stoke himself to climax. His whole body shook as he forced himself to not touch himself and go to the sink to follow her directions. This was so exciting she almost lost it herself. SHE was in complete control of him and they BOTH knew it!
Jason on the other hand was burning with a need to ejaculate so bad it hurt, but knew if he did he be punished severely. He was now under the control of this young girl and he knew it. Moreover he was excited by just the thought of it. He'd read a bunch of stories about things like this but never suspected it could happen for real. Taking several deep breaths, he made it to the sink and tried to wash the dishes with shaking hands. The tip of his straining cock rubbing against the smooth counter did not help any either. When he finished the dishes he returned and just stood beside her.
"Let's go up to your room Jason," she said smiling up at him and then took him by the hand and led him; with him meekly following.
When they got to his room, she plopped on his bed then moved so she was sitting with her back against the wall, her young bare legs spread wide. "Sit here," she ordered and pointed to the space between her legs, then as he sat, she reached around him and stroked his chest, while resting her chin on his shoulder. "You know, I always wondered what it would be like to have a cock," she murmured in his ear as her right hand slid down and grasp him firmly, then slid down cupping his balls and playing with them, getting a gasp from him.
Jason's body was trembling against her as she stroked him and she knew he was terribly excited sexually, his breathing was raspy and he was sweating. "Want to cum now Jason?"
"Please!!" he whimpered.
"Turn sideways between my legs, I want to see clearly..."
Jason didn't have to be told twice, his body spun around until he was sitting on the bed his back against her one knee, while his legs draped over her other leg and her cheek rested against the front of his shoulder. "Show me Jason, Show me how you make yourself cum... Do it really good for me..." she whispered.
Sally wrapped her small arms around him as he gabbed himself and stroked at 90 miles per hour, his whole body straining as he reached for a climax. Sweat was pouring from his brow and his head was thrown back, his body arching into his hand until suddenly he went over the edge and was shooting spurt after spurt of white goo all over his chest, belly and hand. When it finally stopped, he collapsed back against her knee and she continued to hold him tightly until he finally started to recover.
"That was awesome Jason, I really liked watching you do that. Did it feel as good as it looked?"
"Wonderful...the best ever..." he gasps between still ragged breaths.
"I'm glad...But Jason you got some of your stuff on my arm. Lick it off me."
"I said LICK that cum off my arm... That is if you ever want to do this again!"
Jason did NOT like the idea of licking his own cum from her, but decided he didn't have a choice in the matter, so he bent his head and gave a tentative lick where he could see white on her wrist. 'Salty, but not so bad...' he thought and then licked the rest from her forearm.
"Good Boy!" she whispered in his ear, then kissed his cheek. "Now go get cleaned up, you've got that stuff all over you..."
When he returned, Sally was still sitting on his bed and he paused to really look at her. Slim, long legs, cute face, sexy smile and those pigtails. 'God! I never thought I'd think of a 10 year-old as sexy!' he thought to himself. Sally patted the bed indicating she wanted him back sideways between her legs again and as he gently settled himself into position was rewarded with another kiss on the cheek and a hug.
The two stayed like that for the next several hours, her hands roaming all over him continuously, and him getting erect in no time at all, which was a surprise to him given how hard he'd climaxed. She stroked and teased his body, playing with every part of him, but seemed particularly fond of playing with his balls and sliding her hands over his behind. At 5:00 she stopped and told him she had to go home for dinner. "You need to check for messages each hour for the rest of the night," you never know what the Watchers might want..." she instructed as she extracted herself, leaving him with a very hard cock, which she's teased for the past several hours.
"Ali has you tomorrow," she offered with a grin looking back over her shoulder as she left the room, leaving a very frustrated boy behind.
Back home Sally met her sister in her room and filled her in on everything that happened.
"I had two fingers up his butt and he was loving every second of it, he was moaning and
groaning all the time and his cock was so hard when I stopped I thought it was going to
burst! OH, I almost forgot, I ordered some toys using his computer and Paypal account,
they should be delivered tomorrow."
"What?" Ali asked with a sly grin.
"Oh...just a couple of vibrators, one plastic, one penis shaped, a strap-on dildo with harness and a pack of adjustable cock rings..."
"No! Oh we ARE going to have fun!"
"What about tonight? I left him with a straining hard-on and frustrated."
"How about another dance show finished with a jerk-off?"
"Works for me, but I really liked holding him while he did it to himself. I think that's the best. He knows I'm right there, breathing on his neck as he pounds it only a foot away while I watch."
"Sounds wonderful, I'll have to try that one myself... Time to send a message on tonight's show..."
Jason got another email instructing him to do another dance show, but this time he was not
allowed to jerk-off until after the song. He was to kneel facing the camera and look
directly at it while pleasuring himself, until he came. Then he was to lick all of the
cum from his body and swallow it all.
Jason did exactly as instructed. Danced, masturbated, then licked what he could from his hands, and then scraped the rest from his body with his fingers and licked and sucked them clean. By the time he was done, he was both physically and emotionally exhausted. It had been a long day.
Jason was having a wonderful dream. A beautiful girl was giving him a handjob, her
fingers wrapped around his cock felt SO good as they caressed the full length of him, the
thumb working over the head each time she reached the top, before sliding back down to the
bottom. 'Just a little more...' he thought 'and I'll cum...' then – it stopped.
"NO" he moaned, "Just a little more..."
"NOT NOW... Time to get up Jason." A female voice said.
The hand which had been stroking him was real and moved over his hip and patted his butt. "I said it's time to get up Jason."
Cracking one eye open, he saw the outline of a girl sitting on his bed and reached for his glasses on the nightstand. Once he could focus he realized it was Alison. "Ali?"
"That's me!" she said with a giggle.
"What? I was having a wonderful dream..."
"Really? Well it's too bad you woke then isn't it. Maybe we can do something fun though... now get up, it's a beautiful day out there and here you are wasting it in bed."
"O...OK...Uh...I need to go pee..."
"Well let's go then." She replied standing from the bed. When Jason rolled to the edge and got up she followed as he wobbled his way to the bathroom on unsteady legs, his erection bobbing with each step. As he reached the toilet bowl he realized that the girl was standing beside him and he blushed at the thought that she would see him pee. "Uh Ali? You don't need to be here... why?..."
"Because I want to watch silly <giggle> now are you going to pee or not?"
"Uh...I can't...with... with you watching..."
"Why not? You either have to go or you don't. So either do it or let's get some breakfast."
"Uh... it's embarrassing... could you...you know leave for a minute..."
"Jason that's just stupid!" she said as she reached out her hand took his erection in hand, then pointed in down towards the bowl. "I'm standing here fully clothed while you are and will remain naked. I'm holding your little pride and joy in my hand and you're embarrassed that I'll see you urinate? Get over it! There is NOTHING about your body that I won't see, feel or touch when I want to, so either pee or don't."
Jason let out a big sigh then closed his eyes and tried to relax enough to pee. It took what seemed to him like forever but finally, he felt the first spurt start, then it was like a floodgate opening, as he emptied his bladder, when it stopped, she shook his now soft penis a couple of times, before releasing it.
"All better now? See, That wasn't so bad was it?"
"Uh...yeah...I was really full. No... I guess it was OK..."
"Good!" she replied as she stepped to the sink and was washing her hands. "Now finish up in here and come down to the kitchen and we'll have breakfast and figure out what you'll be doing today." After drying her hands on a towel, the smiled at him then patted his shoulder before leaving. "Don't take too long Jason..." she said as she walked out of the room.
Jason sighed deeply, then took a dump, washed his face and hands, brushed his teeth and combed his unruly hair as best he could, and was starting to head downstairs before remembering, he needed an erection in front of Ali according to his rules. Pausing, he closed his eyes and remembered the feeling he'd had yesterday when he'd masturbated while sitting between Sally's legs with her breathing on his neck and shoulder and hugging him. To his surprise, he immediately got hard, really hard! "Wow!" he whispered to himself. "That little girl makes me hot!"
With his erection bouncing in front of him Jason made his way downstairs and into the kitchen where he found Ali sitting at the table with a plate of French toast in front of her and another plate beside her along with a glass of orange juice. "Awake now?" Ali asked as she patted the chair beside her while looking up smiling at him, pleased at his erect state. "See you remembered your rules this morning, now sit and eat."
"Yeah....thanks..." he said as he eased into the cool chair gently. His rear was still a little sore from the day before.
"I see you're still a little tender from that Scrub Brush I used on you. Sorry about that, but you really managed to piss me off. I'll put some more lotion on it for you after breakfast."
"Uh...Thanks... and... and I'm sorry I made you mad at me... I...I didn't mean to..."
"It's OK Jason," she said as she reached over and stroked his shoulders and massaged the back of his neck, "You were learning that we are in control of you and weren't thinking clearly at the time."
"Uh...yeah...I guess you're right..."
"Of course I'm right Jason, I'm always right; that's why I'm in charge of you. You need to remember that one too."
"Uh...O...OK." Jason started eating and his mind wandered remembering all that had happened so far since getting that first email with his video attached.
"Earth to Jason! Pay attention."
"Oh Sorry...I was thinking..."
"No a major problem. According to the note on you chore's list, you are supposed to clean out the garage today, so as soon as we finish here, you can get on that."
"Yeah... have to get that done, Dad's been after me for a month to get it done..."
When they'd finished breakfast, Jason took the dishes to the sink and quickly washed them and the skillet she'd used. "Bring me the lotion Jason," Ali directed from where she was still sitting at the table. He picked up the bottle and handed it to her, with a slight tremble, remembering Sally and what she did the day before.
"Just bend over the table there and I'll get you all fixed up," she told him with a smile.
Jason blushed, but bent over resting on his forearms as Ali moved behind him. He could feel her hands as they caressed his butt. "Spread your legs nice and wide," she ordered as she nudged his inner thighs with one of her hands. Jason spread his feet wide and realized that he was wide open, his cock and balls dangling between his legs only inches from her and he knew is hole would be clearly visible. This was really embarrassing, to be exposed like that to her and he blushed even more in response. Then he felt her finger tracing down his butt crack. "Only a few little pink areas, it's healing nicely," she said from behind him. <Squish> he heard the lotion being poured from the plastic bottle. Then both her hands were spreading the cool stuff over the globes of his backside, massaging as they went, getting a deep moan from him and unknown to him, a big smile from her.
'Sally was right, he really loves having his butt massaged,' Ali thought to herself as she heard him moan and thought he was actually pushing back against her hands. Adding some more lotion, she concentrated on the crack with her right hand while the left kept massaging his left globe, making sure to get the pink areas, then traced down to his hole and pressed her fingertip against it. She was surprised when her finger slipped in without hardly any resistance. 'He relaxed and let it in!' she realized, 'He WANTS me to do this! Whether he will admit it or not!' Sally had told her about the 'bump' inside and how he'd reacted each time she touched it, so Ali was looking for it as she felt around with her finger and sure enough when she slid over it, he all but collapsed onto the table and grunted, then moaned. Ali pulled back and slid as second finger in working both in, out and around and snuck her left hand under him and caressed his dangling balls with her lotion covered hand, then stroked down on his cock while she continued to work her other hand in his behind. Jason was moaning frequently now and pushing his body against the invaders in his rear. Ali moved in closer, putting her legs between his to get better leverage as she held onto his cock with her left hand to get leverage, while probing his rear hole with the right. His hole was really loose now and when a third finger joined the first two, and her fingers were working directly on that bump, pressing down as she slid over it; his whole body suddenly shook and jerked like a convulsion and he collapsed on to the table as he let out the loudest moan yet.
When Jason stopped moving after that convulsion Ali got concerned, until she looked down at her legs and saw they were covered with semen. 'Shit! He came all over me! He had an orgasm from me working his butt! Wow! I didn't know that was possible.' For the most part she'd just been holding his cock not really stroking it, using it like a handle to keep him in place while she worked inside him. Jason stirring above her got her mind back on tract. "You OK Jason?" she asked.
<Moan> "Uh...Yeah...Ali...that... that was awesome!..."
Releasing his limp cock and extracting her hand from his butt, she slid her chair back and looked at her legs. Cum was splattered from her knees half way up her thighs.
"Jason, stand up a minute."
"Uh...just a sec..." he replied, trying to get enough strength to lever himself upright as his breathing started returning to normal. When he finally managed to get upright. He turned to face her.
"Jason we have a problem here."
"Wha... What's wrong Ali....That... That was the best I've EVER cum..."
"Well that's part of the problem Jason, you didn't have PERMISSION to cum. AND you sprayed it all over my legs!"
"OH GOD Ali, I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to do that....I....I didn't mean to cum at all..."
"Relax Jason, I know you didn't do it on purpose. I don't think either of us expected that to happen. However, your semen is all over me... I think you should clean it off."
Not even thinking, Jason dropped to his knees and began licking the cum from her legs. Ali was surprised but his mouth and tongue felt REALLY good as he licked and she wasn't about to tell him to stop, especially as he licked her inner thighs. Her stomach was doing flip flops and she knew she was getting very wet in her secret place. Right now she wanted nothing more than to slide her hand down into her panties and rub herself; but not with his face only inches away. Finally, he finished cleaning her legs and sat back on his heels looking up at her apparently very worried he would be punished.
Ali leaned forward and cupped his face in her hands, then kissed him lightly on the forehead. "It's OK Jason, we didn't know that would happen so you're not in trouble. Now I think you should get started on cleaning the garage..."
"Oh Thank you!" he whimpered and leaned down and kissed her knee, before getting up slowly and stumbling towards the door. His body still weak from the exertions of his orgasm.
Ali just sat there in a daze, watching his cute behind as he made his way out the back door, nude and opened the garage door. As soon as he was out of sight, her hand was in her panties, stroking and rubbing herself furiously until she came twice, before collapsing back on the chair in exhaustion.
About 40 minutes after Jason went to the garage to work, the doorbell rang and Ali went to
answer it since Jason was out back and naked. It was the FedEx delivery truck. "Jason
Simpson" the delivery man asked.
"Sorry he can't come to the door right now," she replied with a smile.
"Just need a signature," he replied while giving the young girl an appraisal type look. Taking note of her very short and tight shorts and halter top; he smiled.
"I can do that," she replied and scratched Jason's name on the electronic clip board he handed her. He didn't even look to see that it was a boy's name she'd written, he was too busy giving her 'lustful' looks.
"Thanks!" she said as she took the box from his hands and then stepped back to close the door. And watched him return to his truck.
"Who was that?" she heard Jason ask from around the corner.
"Just a delivery... Some stuff Sally ordered and had delivered here. Aren't you supposed to be working young man?"
"Uh...yeah... I heard a vehicle in the drive and was afraid they'd come back to the garage..."
"Hiding are you?" she said with a giggle.
"Well the nasty old delivery man is gone, so get back to work."
"OK," he replied and moved back down the hallway towards the rear entrance.
Once he was gone, Ali quickly opened the box. "OH MY GOD!" she exclaimed as she saw the contents. One 10" plastic vibrator with batteries, one 6" 'Realistic Vibrating Dildo' made of some kind of soft rubber and even had attached balls and suction cup on the base; one 'Dr. Johnson's Strap-on 6" silicone dildo with leather harness; one package of three silicone adjustable cock rings, pink; 12 assorted condoms (bonus for online orders) and 1 'complimentary trial size' 3 oz. bottle of 'AnalEz' lubricant. Quickly she closed up the box and carried it home to hide it in her room before returning next door and checking on Jason in the garage.
Walking into the garage she found Jason stacking boxes in one corner, with a huge pile of trash in the center of the garage. "God Jason, what is all this stuff?"
"Junk and Trash mostly, except for the Christmas stuff up on those shelves, Mom can't seem to throw anything away. All that stuff over there is Dad's tools and stuff; back here's stuff for fixing the cars and over in the corner are garden tools. All this stuff (pointing to the pile in the middle) is trash, old magazines, newspapers, clothes, broken stuff Dad was going to fix and never did, hell there's even all the wrapping paper and ribbons from the last three Christmas's."
Ali looked at the stuff, then just stood looking at him as if waiting. Jason suddenly realized he was nude in her presence and not erect; and quickly reached for his cock and started stroking it to get it hard. Ali just smiled at him as he worked himself blushing shyly. When he gotten it stiff again, she walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "Thanks, you're obviously learning," which just made him blush even more. She then sat down on an old trunk and leaned back against the wall. "Don't let me stop you from working Jason, I'm just watching."
Jason returned to going through boxes and throwing stuff on the trash pile, but occasionally looking over at Ali to see if she was watching him. Also occasionally having to stroke himself to keep his erection, which seemed to 'fade' about every five minutes or so, (it was getting frustrating).
Ali watched the older boy as he worked, admiring his well toned body as his muscles moved when he bent over or picked up something. Seeing his problem of maintaining an erection, she remembered the cock rings and got an idea. "Hey Jason, come over here a minute." Then got up and walked over to the trash pile and dug out a box of old gift wrapping extracting some ribbon.
"I have a solution for your little hardness problem, I think." She offered.
"Well it seems you have to stop frequently to stroke it to keep it hard. I was thinking if I tied this around it, it might help keep the blood trapped and keep it stiff for you..."
"I don't know..."
"Well let's try it and see what happens? If it works then you don't have to stop all the time to keep that cute cock hard for me."
"O.... Ok I guess..."
Ali sat down on the trunk again and Jason stood directly in front of her with his most private equipment at her eye level. Ali reached out and stroked him a few times until he was nice and stiff, then took a ribbon and looped in under his balls and over his cock and then back underneath again before tying it off tightly. Then took another piece and looped it directly under the base of his shaft and tied it in a bow on top. Jason's cock was now hard as ever and both it and his balls stood out from his body due to the ribbons. "There all pretty like a present." <giggle> and Jason turned even redder in the face.
"Did you have to use PINK ribbon?" he snarled.
"I used what I happened to grab, besides I LIKE pink, it makes you look all girly and sweet at the same time."
"Shut up Jason, unless you are going to speak to thank me for my help."
"Uh... thanks.... I guess..." knowing he was treading in dangerous waters.
"Better, but you need to work on your attitude, you don't sound very sincere... Now back to work."
"Sorry Ali..." and he indeed went back to working; only now with a prominent erection sticking out wrapped up in pink ribbons with a big bow on top. Every time he looked down at it he'd blush again, much to Ali's amusement.
It took another full hour before he'd finally sorted all the stuff and put loose trash in trash bags or cardboard boxes to be hauled away on trash collection day. By the time he was done, he was dirty and sweaty with grease smears on his arms and legs and dirt smudges all over him. "I need a shower," he announced and Ali just nodded her approval. "Can I take this stuff off?" he asked pointing at the ribbons on his groin.
"Yes for now. But if you keep having this problem I'll have to come up with something else." She responded knowing full well that she had some cute little pink silicone adjustable cock rings waiting for use.
Jason untied the ribbons and stuffed them in a trash bag, then headed inside for his shower. Ali moved inside also and waited in his bedroom.
Looking around his room in earnest for the first time while he showered, she realized it was filled with "Harry Potter" stuff: posters, a complete set of the Potter books, a fake plastic wand, a miniature model of 'Dobby the House Elf', action figures of Potter, Malfoy, Dumbledore and Voldemort, DVD's of the first five movies, there was even a cape folded up on his dresser with the 'Gryffindore' House emblem on it. On his lower bookshelf were about twenty notebooks, pulling one out she read the title, Sword of Gryffindore, then checked others, Destiny of Prophecies; No Thanks; Refiners Fire; Sunset Over Britton; Sunrise Over Britton; No One's Heard from Harry; Dumbledore's Army;.... All Potter fan fiction that apparently he'd liked well enough to printout and put in binders. Just as she was replacing another one called Gold Tinted Spectacles, by some named Beren, Jason returned from his shower. "Quite a collection of Harry Potter stuff Jason, you must really be a big fan."
"Uh... Yeah... I am, I mean people are always telling me I look like that movie star Daniel Radcliffe, and the stories are way cool, I mean wizards and witches and magic that can do almost anything," he was almost gushing as he told her about the what was obviously something he loved.
"What about all these notebooks," she asked pulling the book back out and showing him the cover which had a drawing of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy with the title Gold Tinted Spectacles, printed in old English letters.
"Oh...those are stories written by Harry Potter fans and distributed on the internet. There are thousands of them and some are even better than the original stories by Rowling. They use the same characters and settings; but some add new characters or take incidents from the original and either expands on them or changes the outcome then go from there."
"So what does this one do," she asked pointing at the notebook on her lap.
"Oh... well that one's 'Slash'..."
"What's that?"
"Uh... well some of the fan writers in fact a lot of them have more romance and sex than the original stories, they pair different characters off like Harry and say Hermione Granger or Harry and Ginny Weasley, or Luna Lovegood, or say Ron Weasley and someone..."
"Jason, I've read the original stories so I know about the characters, Rowling didn't have much in the way of romance in her stories, it was mostly action/adventure."
"Well, like I said, the fan writers try different pairings and explore what might have happened."
"So what about this one?" again pointing to the one on her knees.
"Uh like I said that's 'Slash'"
"What's 'Slash'"
"Un..." turning a deep red from embarrassment, "Uh... slash is Uh... gay couples..." almost whispered as his eyes looked away from her and he fidgeted. "Uh...that one is a Harry Potter – Draco Malfoy story, but it's different, Uh... Harry is a 'Hecatemus' and is driven to find his 'soul mate'."
"So you like GAY stories? Boy/boy sex?"
"Uh...usually no, but it's a Harry Potter story and... and it's very well done... and it has a lot of action and adventure in addition to the... Uh... gay parts."
Ali was watching Jason and it was obvious he was very nervous about the gay aspect of what she found on his shelf. "Come over here Jason and sit down," she said patting the end of his bed. Jason moved towards her and seemingly refused to look at her. When he sat, she immediate sat beside him and wrapped an arm around him, hugging him to her. "Jason you are embarrassed that a gay book was found on you bookshelf aren't you?"
"Yeah..." he whispered as he still was looking away from her. But from the deep red of the tops of his ears, Ali Knew his face must be really burning in shame.
"Don't be... It's fiction, fantasy, not real, and you seem to be a huge Harry Potter fan, so it's natural to wonder about all the possible 'what if's' that the characters could be involved in. That's not something to be embarrassed about. So what the hell is a 'Hecatemus' anyway, never heard of that?"
That seemed to perk him back up and he went into an explanation of the magical creature who could see magic around him and call elemental magic to his will and he was quickly back into his excited personality, telling her all about the story. All thoughts that it was a 'gay' story seemed to have disappeared along with his embarrassment.
"So are any of these other's you've printed out slash?" she gently asked.
"Well yeah... Uh... a couple... Sword of Gryffindore and Destiny of Prophecies are by someone DK, Dan somebody...They... they are another Harry-Draco pairing, but.... But again more action/adventure around uh... the Uh... gay couple. I think all the others are 'Het' pairings Harry and one girl or another..."
"Heterosexual... you know boy/girl..."
"Jason the fact that you have a couple of gay stories mixed in with considerably more 'het' stories as you call them doesn't make you gay nor is it anything to be embarrassed about. After all, they are Harry Potter stories and you are a huge Harry Potter fan right?"
"Uh... Yeah I am..."
The discussion of Harry Potter fan fiction continued for over an hour while they went down and had a quick lunch, Ali keeping Jason within reach throughout, and always touching him as he excitedly told her about some of the stories. Jason explained that he preferred stories where Harry was more 'independent or powerful' and those where he told the Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape to go stuff it and had the power to enforce it. Meanwhile they'd moved back to his room and were sitting on the bed again, with Ali holding him around the shoulders as he lay across her lap looking up at her. Her free hand roaming over his naked body and frequently stroking his cock to keep him hard but never enough to get him off. Jason seemed to accept her manipulations as 'natural' never even seeming to notice that it was a clear role reversal from 'normal ' boy/girl interaction.
"So, If you were really Harry and could do all the things in those stories, who would you hook up with for sex?"
"Don't know... I never really thought about it... Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Susan Bones..."
"How about Draco?"
"Maybe if... it was like in that Sword of Gryffindore story, where they became really good friends first. But usually Draco is such a stuck up bastard in most stories."
"So if Draco wasn't such a prick, you'd consider fucking him or maybe letting him fuck you?" she asked while stroking his cock.
Jason blushed at the question, "I... I don't know... I mean he's always described as not just handsome but beautiful in a more feminine kind of way, pale skin, long blond hair, willowy slim body,... I mean even that Tom kid who plays him in the movies, especially the first two was kind of sexy... I just don't know..."
"Tell me the truth Jason, did you like it when I... I had my fingers inside you this morning?"
Turning Beet red and a shiver passing through his body, "Uh...Yeah Ali, I did... it was I don't know how to describe it... 'awesome' doesn't seem big enough... it was like electric shocks... really good you know?"
"I think that's what guys feel when they have sex with each other; I guess that's what attracts them to it... But you know Jason, you don't need another boy to feel that, I mean you felt it with just my fingers. So you wouldn't mind if we did that again sometime would you?"
Looking directly into her eyes, he blushed again but also had a little smile on his lips, "No Ali I wouldn't mind, you... you were wonderful..." earning himself a kiss on the forehead and then a light kiss on the lips.
"Then we'll do that and maybe find some other things that make you feel really good. I like you Jason and I want you to like me too, I think you're an interesting boy and I want to be your best friend not just your 'supervisor'. Do you think that's possible?"
Jason's brow furrowed as he considered what she'd said, then smiled, "I... I think I'd like that Ali... When this all started with the Watchers and all and they said you'd be in charge of me, well I was really worried and scared. I really didn't know you or your sister even though we've lived beside each other for years, but both of you seem really nice and you seem to care about me... not like those Watchers, whoever they are."
"Well this all started because of them, so I really can't complain about the Watchers hacking your computer system then telling Sally and Me that they wanted us to supervise you and your sex life. I mean you are a cute guy with a great body and smart on top of it all. So don't be too hard on them, after all they got us together and I wouldn't be sitting here stroking you like this (giving his erection as squeeze to emphasize the point) if not for them."
"Good point," he said with a smile, "I've had more sexual activity in the last couple of days than I thought possible. <Pause> Ali am I going to be allowed to cum this afternoon? You've been touching me and teasing me for hours now and... well I'd really like to if it's OK with you?"
"Sure Jason," she said smiling and leaned down kissing his forehead again. "Just sit up, how about between my legs like Sally said you did with her yesterday and I'll hold you while you do it? That way I can watch and enjoy it too."
"OK," he replied and quickly repositioned himself sitting between her legs, leaning against her and one knee with his legs draped over her other leg as she hugged him around the shoulders and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Ready?" he asked excitedly.
"Go for it!" she whispered in his ear, nibbling on his neck.
Jason didn't need to be told twice, he grabbed himself and was stroking for all he was worth, oblivious to the fact that he was being held by a 12 year-old girl as she watched him masturbate himself. It took almost no time before he was spurting cum on himself and his body was wracked by spasms as his orgasm shook his body. Ali hugged him tightly and was kissing his neck and licking his ear as he pleasured himself to the point just short of passing out.
When Jason collapsed in her arms, Ali was smiling, 'he accepted that it's my decision whether he can get off and he's not even embarrassed that I'm right here holding him while he does it! You're MINE Jason Simpson!' raced through her mind. When he started recovering, she dipped a finger in his cum and tasted it. 'Not bad tasting, I see why he doesn't seem to mind licking it off, kind of slippery and salty though...' Then to her surprise, Jason licked his cum covered hand and proceeded to clean it off his body and again licked his hand clean without being told to.
"Thanks Ali, I really needed that," he said smiling then turned enough to kiss her on her cheek.
"Anytime Jason," she replied, "If you ask, the answer will usually be yes, just don't forget to ask..."
"I won't, I don't like being spanked and I really do like the feeling of being held while I do it... It's not so lonely as jacking off by myself..."
"Jason, you don't ever have to be alone when you do it from now on, if I'm not here,
just call and either Sally or I will come right over; who knows, we might even help!
"Thanks! That's wonderful."
"OK Jason, it's getting late and I need to get home before my parents come back from work, so let me up and I'll leave you to do your own thing for a while." Jason moved from between her legs and Ali extracted herself then stood as he sat on the edge of the bed. Ruffling his hair, she kissed his forehead then patted his shoulder. "You have my permission to masturbate again tonight if you want or need to unless you get a message from the Watchers saying otherwise. You've been a very good boy today Jason! Bye!" she said smiling at him as she turned and walked out the door.
'Wow! She's really something!' he thought to himself as he watched her tight little behind as she left, 'sexy and smart and really nice!'
Ali had to stop in the garage and rub herself to another orgasm on the way home. 'This is great, I've got him body and soul...'
To: Jason970From: Anon9875754
Subj: Good Boy!
Ali reported you were a very good boy today! Well Done! We have other things to do tonight so no show this evening. Ali said she gave you permission to masturbate if you need to so have fun!
The Watchers
Next door two young sisters discussed the events of the day and both were very happy with
the progress. Sally looked at the new toys and both giggled at the thought of using them
on Jason.
That night when they were watching 'JasonCam' they got a surprise when Jason was roaming around his room, looking at a couple of the notebooks then picked up the plastic 'Harry Potter wand' and sat on the bed as if thinking. Then he got up and went off camera for a minute and came back with a small jar and set it and the wand on the table before picking up a notebook and reading for awhile. Jason stroked himself as he read, then paused again and picked up the wand and coated it with the stuff from the jar, then laid back with his legs raised and slowly inserted the wand handle in his rear. Then used one hand to move the wand in and out while he used the other hand to stroke himself. After only a couple of minutes he came and collapsed, the wand still deep in his butt. When he finally recovered, he gently extracted the wand and cleaned himself, licking his cum from his hands, then walked off camera again carrying the wand, before returning and replacing it on a shelf and laying back down, quickly going to sleep.
"God! He must really like having something up his butt," Ali told her sister, "Bet that was one of those Slash stories, he was reading to get himself hard beforehand. We've got something MUCH better than his magic wand, if that's what he wants..." <giggle, giggle> and both girls broke down laughing hard.