Charlie Part 22
By Captain J
copyright 2008 by Captain J, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 22
The next morning Charlie was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast with Max when Nick came running into the house startling both boys. "Hey Nick what's the big emergency?" Charlie asked as the boy stood near him gasping for breath.
"Noth... Nothing Charlie, I just ran over here... out of breath... that's all..."
"Nick come over here," he replied putting his hand out to him.
Nick scurried over to him his chest heaving and Charlie pulled him to beside him in a one arm hug. "Easy Nick, calm down, why were you running like that?"
"Just wanted to get here as fast as possible," Nick replied then wrapped both arms around Charlie's neck and hugged him, and kissed his cheek. "I missed you Charlie, I just couldn't wait to get here."
"Nick I don't want you running like that, you could get hurt and we don't want that. Now I'm glad you wanted to get here and see us but there was no need to run here like that." He said pulling the boy onto his lap and holding him as Nick leaned back against him still trying to catch his breath. When he finally caught control of his breathing, Charlie leaned his chin onto Nick's shoulder and softly said, "Nicky I'm glad you want to be here, but please don't do things like that when it's not necessary. I want you to be here too but you don't have to kill yourself getting here."
"I'm sorry Charlie, I was just really wanted to come here fast, I was all alone at the house. Dad's at work and Mom's out of town at that funeral and Susan went somewhere, and Max is here and well I was lonely. So I decided to run over here and be with you."
"Have you had breakfast? I could fix you something Nick?"
"Yeah I had some cereal Charlie, but thanks, I guess I could eat some toast though..."
"OK then get up and I'll put some in the toaster for you. How about some juice or milk?" He replied patting Nick's leg and the boy stood to let Charlie get up.
"Juice... thanks Charlie I didn't expect you to feed me..."
"No problem Nick just relax and it'll be done in a minute." Charlie replied with a smile. Charlie turned and was putting bread in the toaster when he heard Nick talk to his brother.
"Max what the hell did Mary do to you yesterday. You were totally wasted."
<snicker> "Just lot's of sex Nick, she's a wild woman in bed."
"Must be, you were asleep right after dinner last night and never woke once all night."
"She great Nick; I lost count of how many times I came yesterday. I've never experienced anything like that."
"So did Charlie tell you I had him claim me? I belong to Charlie now Max. I'm really happy about that, now I don't have to worry about picking bad partners."
"Yeah, I'm his and I have to get permission from him to have sex with someone else. But he told me that you and the girls in the group were ok; so it really doesn't change much except that I feel a lot better now that I belong to Charlie."
"Nick come and get your toast, I don't know what you want on it; we've got three kinds of jam, all are no sugar though, so I'll let you pick," Charlie said and Nick was immediately on his feet, while Charlie walked back to the table with a cup of coffee. "Max, I'll explain it to you later. I didn't want to do it; but he insisted," he whispered to the other boy. Max just nodded his head and watched his little brother, who was bubbling with excitement; he seemed so happy.
When Nick returned, he stood beside Charlie and waited. Charlie looked at him and then took his plate and glass and put them on the table, then pulled Nick closer and reached to remove Nick's shirt and the boy quickly stripped it off, then shoved his shorts down and kicked off his shoes, then Charlie pulled him onto his lap and held him, while Nick ate his toast. "I knew that's what you wanted Nicky," he quietly said in his ear and got a big smile in return.
"Yeah I did, I love the way you hold me Charlie, and it feels much better being naked on your lap." he softly replied.
"Does belonging to Charlie really make you happy Nick?" his brother asked.
"More than I can describe Max; it feels great and I trust him totally, Charlie would never hurt me and I love him. I wanted this so much and now I'm his."
"As long as it makes you happy Nick, that's what really matters to me. I trust Charlie too so we agree on that one anyway." Max replied and patted his brother's knee and gave him a big smile.
"So just what DID you do with my sister Max; Nick's right you were wasted yesterday?" Charlie asked.
"Everything Charlie, Everything. Regular sex, oral, anal, everything. She came so many times and so did I; then she put that vibrator up my butt and I was seeing stars. That's when I passed out. She great! What else can I say? Hell I'm still tired today and I slept like Nick said from dinner last night until I got up this morning."
"So how's your butt? That vibrator left me feeling open for hours after she used it on me one time."
"Just a little tender, but then so's my dick. Hell I'm tender all over, she was tossing me around all over the place and god she's so strong. I'm not used to all that exercise Charlie, she just kept on going and never seemed to tire at all."
"What did you expect Max? She spends every morning swimming, she doesn't have a bit of fat on her. It's all muscle?"
"I sure didn't expect her to wear me out like that. I never expected any girl to be able to do that to me. But I loved every second of it Charlie, I want more of that."
"Just so you two are happy about what you do, that's all I want for any of us Max. I want all of us to be happy about ourselves and what we do." Charlie replied. "You happy Nicky?" he asked the boy on his lap.
"I'm better than I've ever been Charlie. I don't think I could be happier." He replied just above a whisper. "I love you Charlie, being with you is the best possible thing for me."
"Other than this damn infection, I'm happier than I've ever been too Nick, for the first time in my life I have real friends who care about me, a girlfriend, sexy Max over here who likes playing, and of course I have you Nicky; something I never expected to even want. I love you too Nicky." He replied.
"Well those test results should be back today; maybe the infection part is over Charlie," Max offered, "Then you can stop taking those pills that make you feel bad."
"Yeah hope they call today; I'm really tired of being sick and tired all the time."
"In the mean time, you still need to take your morning pills Charlie," Max replied pushing the pill bottles across the table.
"Right, take your pills and feel like shit for two hours. Hand me my glass Nick, I can't reach it with you sitting on my lap." He directed and Nick picked it up and held it ready as Charlie pulled four pills from the bottle and popped two into his mouth. Nick held the glass to his lips and tilted it then waited as Charlie took two more pills and after Nick gave him another drink, he smiled at the small boy and just said, "Thanks Nicky."
The three of them sat there for a few minutes not saying anything, then Charlie looked at Max.
"Max not that I don't enjoy your company but I know I'm about to feel bad for a couple of hours, so I think I'll just go lay down on my bed. Maybe I can sleep through the worst part. You guys can watch a movie or something, whatever you want."
"I want to go lay down with you Charlie," Nick replied.
"I'm just going to try and sleep Nick, you'll be bored to death."
"That's OK, Charlie, I just want to be with you when you're not feeling good, maybe it will help if I'm there with you..."
"I'd like to do that too Charlie," Max interrupted. "I've missed being held and holding you; seems like it's been forever."
"It was just yesterday Max? Not even close to 'forever'." Charlie replied "But ok if you guys want to come and hear me moan when my stomach hurts,... fine... but three on my bed will be a tight fit."
Fifteen minutes later Charlie found himself sandwiched between Nick and Max, with Nick behind him and Max in front of him on his bed. Charlie had his arms around Max and was just dropping off when he felt Nick's erection poking him in the behind. "Back up some Nick," he mumbled.
"Can't I'm against the wall..."
"OK then Max move forward some, Nick's poking my butt."
"Can't, I'll fall off, I'm right on the edge now! And anyway you're a little stiff back there yourself Charlie."
"OK then at least one of us has to get up, because Nick's about to fuck me."
"So what, he's so small in the cock department, you'd barely notice," Max replied. "Believe me I know from experience."
"Not my fault I'm so small," Nick said indignantly, "ALL of me is little! What did you expect a 10" dick on a guy who's only 4'3" tall? Give me a break here!"
"Sorry Nick... I didn't mean to insult you. I was just trying to let Charlie know that even if you did put it in him, it wouldn't hurt, because my finger is bigger than you."
"Well OK I guess... Charlie? I'd like to do that with you if you'd let me. Like Max said there's no way it would hurt you?" came Nick's voice sounding very shy about it.
A long pause of silence followed and not even realizing it, both Max and Nick were holding their breath.
"Christ, it's going to happen sometime, might as well be now. Max, hand me that bottle of baby lotion on the night stand so Nick can at least lube me up good. Just go slow Nick I don't have any good memories of a dick in me back there. Hey at least I took a dump before breakfast so I'm empty anyway...."
A minute later Charlie felt fingers playing with his butthole as lotion was lathered onto it and a small finger gently rubbing at it until it slipped inside. "Just relax Charlie and push back like you're taking a dump and it'll loosen you some. That's it, relax, this doesn't hurt does it. No of course not, it's just my small finger," Nicky murmured in his ear. "Hey Charlie, how about you do Max while I do you, then you won't be thinking about it. Here's the bottle, Max is easy to open because he loves a nice one in him." He heard next and the bottle of lotion was passed to him.
"That ok with you Max?" Charlie Asked.
"Of course, I love your cock Charlie, anytime you want, I'm ready for it." Max replied.
Charlie applied lotion to Max and then his cock and eased forward and easily penetrated him. Max pushed back and moved his knees up and Charlie was quickly all the way in and Max groaned. "You OK? I'm not hurting you am I?" he asked.
"No... you're right on it, God!" Max groaned.
"How about you Charlie, am I hurting you?" Nick asked.
"No, I'm ok, you can start whenever you want Nicky..."
<snicker> "I already did Charlie," and thrust forward, "I'm in and god you're tight!"
"Oh... I thought that was still your finger..."
"Nope, you've got everything I have... I know it's not much but it's what I've got... damn... Max you won't believe how tight he is!"
It took a minute to get their movements coordinated but Max was groaning as Charlie's cock kept hitting his prostate and Nick was moaning as he worked in and out of Charlie. It was only three minutes later that Nick gasp and went stiff behind him and Charlie knew the boy had climaxed. A minute later, Max's body trembled in what Charlie knew was an orgasm but he was still hard and not even close to coming.
"Everyone turn over and switch!" Charlie ordered and put the bottle of lotion in front of Max after pouring a glob in his hand and applying it to Nicky. Max took the bottle and applied more to Charlie and then himself and fingered him to loosen him more and as Charlie entered a groaning Nick, he felt Max pressing into him.
"Relax Charlie, I won't hurt you," Max said from behind him as he pressed harder and was in about an inch. "Damn you are tight boy! Relax!" he said as he rubbed Charlie's back and kissed the back of his neck, while Charlie was moving forward until buried into Nick. Max pressed more and was stopping after about each inch to let Charlie adjust, until suddenly Charlie groaned and shivered. "There it is... I knew I could reach it..." Max said then pulled back slightly. "OK there Charlie?"
"Yeah Max that actually feels good. Ready to move? Cuz I'm all the way in Nicky and he's shaking..."
The next fifteen minutes were filled with moans, groans and shaking and trembling bodies as Charlie worked over Nick's behind while Max did his. When Charlie came for the second time deep inside Nick, he stopped completely out of breath and Max continued on for only another minute before he to expended himself and Charlie felt the hot fluid in his gut. All three lay still, clutching onto each other for quite a while before Max withdrew his limp member and then got up, giving Charlie room to back out of Nick. Nick on the other hand just lay there on his side, still trying to recover. Charlie stood on shaky legs and Max hugged him, and kissed him while they waited for Nick to catch his breath. "God my bed's a mess!" Charlie groaned while still leaning on Max. "I'll need to strip it and change bedding. But first a shower is definitely in order, I feel all sticky and funky."
"That's because you ARE sticky and funky!" Max laughed, "Come on let's drag Nick up and go clean up."
The two bigger boys all but carried Nicky to the bathroom and then spent the next 15 minutes in a giggle filled shower, as the three washed each other, with a lot of tickling included in the washing. After drying off, they stripped the sheets from Charlie's bed, which were mostly just wet from sweat with cum stains. Max took them to the laundry room and put them in the washer while Charlie and Nick remade his bed with a fresh set of sheets. When they finished, Charlie sat on the edge of his bed watching Nick. The young boy was all but bouncing around the room he was so happy and excited. "Come over here Nicky," he softly directed and Nick was quickly sitting on his lap, his arms around his chest and his head pressed hard into Charlie's shoulder.
"Easy there Nicky," he softy said as his arms circled around the small boy. When Nick eased his grip, he tilted Nick's head up so he could see his face; blue eyes met green and Nicky was wearing a big smile.
"Nicky I need your help," he softly said.
"Anything Charlie, I love you and I belong to you..."
"I love you too Nicky, and it's about this claiming thing. I need you to help me with it. I need you to tell me when you want or need something or when you are uncomfortable with something. I want only what's best for you, but I don't want to control you. You're my friend and I love being with you. I want to protect you and help you; I need you to always be 100% honest with me; I want you to always be happy. That's why I need you to tell me how to help you. Like... Like today when you said you wanted to try anal with me; I need you to tell me what you want from our relationship and then I can decide whether I can do what you want or whether it's a good thing for you. Can you do that Nicky?"
"But you're in charge of me Charlie; you make the decisions. I belong to you and you MUST make the decisions..." Nick replied almost whimpering.
"I understand that Nicky and I'll make the decisions since that's what you want. But I want your input in making those decisions; that's why I need you to help me by telling me how you feel and what you want or don't want.
"But you'll still own me right? I want that Charlie..."
<sigh> "Yes Nicky but I'm really uncomfortable about it being called that. 'Owning' sounds like you're my slave or something; like you'll not have any choices or freewill regarding anything. That's just not me Nicky and I can't do that to anyone, especially not a friend like you, so I wish you wouldn't say that."
"OK we'll call it whatever you want Charlie, but you and I both know that you now own me and that I belong to you totally. But since you don't like that, I won't use that word when someone might hear as long as you know; that that's how I feel about us."
"Back to what I asked Nicky, can you tell me what I asked? I need to know how you feel about things, we've only known each other a short while and I don't even know you well enough to know how to make some of those decisions. What kinds of things do you do? Do you like any sports or games? What kinds of things interest you? Do you like to read? What kind of books and movies do you like..."
When Max returned, he had to smile when he saw his brother sitting on the bed with Charlie; Charlie holding him around the shoulders, as his brother excitedly was telling him about the things that he was interested in, moving from subject to subject not even pausing to take a breath and Charlie just sitting there letting him and smiling at him. 'Nicky's never been that happy with anyone; not ever!' he thought to himself as he sat on the other side of Charlie and leaned against him, his hand silently seeking Charlie's and when his fingers found it, he clasped it and gently squeezed and gave Charlie a nod and a smile.
After a while, Charlie left to go to the bathroom and Max turned to his brother. "Nick? Move over here closer so we can talk quietly." He said and Nick moved over and smiled when his brother put an arm around him and pulled him against his side, before continuing. "What's with you these days? You're different, you're, I don't know meek and submissive or something...?"
"Because it works better with Charlie when I'm that way. Charlie said I feel like a young girl in his arms when he holds me and that I respond like one when he plays with me. So if I have to be a little girly and submissive... what the heck. I get sex and love and more caring that way. Max that boy is everything I've ever wanted and a lot more, so don't say anything and fuck this up for me..."
"Well you got part of it right anyway. A few days ago, I found that putting him in charge changed everything. Before whenever I'd try to get close to him and you know kiss or go for some sex; any kind of sex stuff. He'd go all stiff and pull away. But when I told him, he's in charge of us, then all of a sudden, we're doing all kinds of stuff and he's relaxed about it."
"Charlie being in charge is a whole lot better. Nick, I hate to mention this but; you do remember that he's not gay or even Bi in his mind... and he's got a girlfriend. You're not setting yourself up for a big let down when Kathy's back in the picture are you?"
"No... well at least I hope not. When I had him claim me, he took right to it and is all protective and everything like that. Kathy knows he's doing stuff with us and is ok with it, since we're part of this group now and she knows about my situation and wants me protected. So hopefully even when she's well again, he and I'll still be able to do things and he feels responsible for me now so I hope I'll still be able to do things with him after that. I know that's a long stretch Max, but I really love that boy and I want whatever I can get..." The two of them just sat there on the bed silent looking at each other after that until Charlie returned.
"Max, you need to do that more often," Charlie said from the doorway smiling at them.
"Hold Nick more often. Nick says almost no one ever holds him and cuddles him, except me and that you only do it at night when you two are sleeping. He needs that Max, he needs to know he's loved and accepted."
After pondering a minute; "You're right Charlie, I don't do that much... never really thought about it... but no one does that for me much either... well that's easy to fix... Nick do you want me to hold you like this? It's kind of nice... makes me feel good too..."
"Yes Max, I love being held and you're good at it," Nick softly replied then gave his brother a small kiss and relaxed against him as Max's arm came down across his chest and hugged him into his side and Nick nestled his head into his brother's shoulder.
Charlie crossed the room and sat down on the other side of Max and slid and arm behind him and then hugged himself into Max's other side. "See all these little problems can be fixed easily. You hold Nick more often and I'll try and hold you more often Max and then all three of us will be happy." He said just before leaning in and kissing Max, making sure to let Max know he was appreciated. All three sat there just holding each other until they were interrupted by the telephone ringing. "I'll get that; it might be the doctor's office!" Charlie yelled and jumped up and ran from the room. The two brothers weren't quick enough and were a minute behind him in running downstairs where Charlie was already talking on the phone.
"OK... yeah... OK I can do that... about 10 days worth... Yeah... OK thanks ma'am..." was what they heard as he talked on the phone to someone. When he hung up, he turned towards them with a big smile, then jumped up with both hands in the air and yelled "YES!" then ran towards them and leapt at them and was caught midair by Max and he wrapped himself around him. It was only Nick steadying them that kept them from falling to the floor from Charlie's forward momentum knocking Max over. "IT'S ALL GONE!" Charlie yelled then hugged against Max and cried into his shoulder, tears wetting his skin as he trembled against him. Nick hugged him from behind and laid his head against Charlie back until Charlie regained control.
"No more purple pills that make me feel bad," Charlie whimpered, "Just the vitamins and supplements until they're gone, but those don't bother me. She said it'll take a week before all of the medicine's out of my system... then we should know... whether I can be normal again..."
"That's great news Charlie!" Max told him as he held the trembling boy, "Hopefully it's all over now..."
"Yeah <sniff> God I hope so..." he replied then lowered himself back onto his feet and hugged a boy with each arm... "I need to really thank you Max... and Nick... and Cindy, Kathy and Mary and even Carol for getting me through this... I know I've been an emotional mess and it's been a pain in the butt for all of you to put up with me and my mood swings and all. I couldn't have made it without all of you guys..."
"We didn't do that much Charlie... just what you needed..." Max quietly replied.
"Don't say that Max; I can never repay you guys for being here for me when I needed it. I'll always owe you. Especially you Max... after... Kathy got hurt... you got me through it... I... I lost it so many times and you were always there to pick me up... you're really a great guy you know..."
"Well speaking of Kathy and Cindy, why don't we get some pants on you and then you can go tell them the good news."
<Blush> "Good thing you said that, I was just about to run over there. Forgot I was naked..."
<Laugh> "That's why I'm here Charlie, to remind you of these MINOR things and keep you out of trouble. I don't think their mother would understand you running over there naked..."
Three boys quickly dressed and headed down the street to visit Kathy, who was just as excited as they were that Charlie's infection was finally gone. Charlie spent an hour talking with her as he sat on the edge of her bed and the other boys talked to Cindy and her mother in another room to give the couple some space. Charlie was smiling when he met with them again and started to head back home. Cindy decided to come with them and as soon as they got home, three boys stripped and Max started fixing them lunch. Cindy watched the three naked boys and seemed a little nervous as they sat and ate.
"What's up Cindy? You look nervous about something?" Charlie asked.
Blushing she replied, "Just waiting for you to tell me I should be naked," she replied so softly he almost didn't hear.
"Well since you mention it; you should be," Charlie replied. "There's no reason to be dressed and all of us are members of the group, so what's the problem?"
"The same as always Charlie, I hate my body, it's so little girl looking with my flat chest."
Getting up and walking around the table to her, he put his hands on her shoulders and then leaned over near her ear, "I thought we sorted all that out yesterday Cindy. Why won't you believe me that you're beautiful just the way you are?" Then slid a hand down inside her top and gently played with her right nipple.
Cindy looked up at him her face red, "I know that's what you think Charlie, and mentally I can accept all your arguments; but emotionally, is a different matter...."
Reaching down he pulled up her top at the waist, and started removing it. With a sigh, she just raised her arms and let him take it off, exposing her chest, which she immediately tried to cover with her arms. "No Cindy, don't cover yourself. You're beautiful and have nothing to be ashamed of. Please don't hide your body from me."
Nick quickly came over to her and knelt in front of her. "Cindy? You've known me for what almost three years? (Nod yes from her) Cindy, we've sat in class together, usually beside each other every day for all that time. You're my friend Cindy and I've always thought you were very pretty. Please show me your body. You've seen me naked tons of times and never made fun of my small size and scrawny body. I'd never make fun of you either, no matter what. Please Cindy don't hide from me. I'm the only one here who hasn't seen your body, so it has to be me you're concerned about."
Cindy looked into his eyes and then blushing even redder, she looked down and lowered her arms. Nick took her hands in his and gave them a squeeze, until she looked up at him and he softly said, "Just like I always thought Cindy, you're beautiful." Then leaned forward and kissed her softly, then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. Cindy hugged back and their chests were pressed together. After a minute, Nick scooted his body onto her lap and she held him as his head rested against her shoulder. "I like your chest Cindy," he murmured and gently stroked her right breast with his small hand.
<chuckle> "That's because you're gay Nick, you don't like boobs," she replied.
"That's not true!" he exclaimed as he sat up quickly and looked directly into her eyes. "Well the part about me being gay is, but I like boobs; just ask Carol! She's got a great pair and I love kissing and touching them!"
"What? Carol let's you play with her tits?"
"Well only once, but it was great! She's got really big ones."
"OK but I don't have any. I'm as flat as you are."
"So what? They'll grow; Cindy you're only 10, well almost 11 years old. Cindy will you let me play with them when they grow? <snicker> Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't like looking at pretty girls and touching them."
Laughing she replied, "Sure Nick WHEN I get some tits, you can play with them; meanwhile you'll have to put up with my 'boy chest'."
"Cindy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your chest just the way it is! By the way, you cuddle nicely. We should do this more often...."
"You want me – a GIRL – to cuddle you? I thought you were gay? I mean... I like holding boys and well playing with them... but you're gay? How can you want a girl to do that?"
"Hey being gay doesn't mean I don't like being held, cuddled and played with by someone who likes me and that I trust not to hurt me. Cindy, gay boys and girls want to be loved by other people just like 'straight' and 'bisexual' people do. If I like and trust someone, I want to be close to them and that includes having them make me feel good and me doing the same for them. You know I do things with my sister; well I can do those things with you too if you want. Susan says I'm great at eating her pussy; she wants it all the time; and I don't mind doing that, she tastes good and besides I love her and want her to feel good. She sometimes gives me blowjobs and handjobs; we just don't do regular sex that's all."
"But I thought that being 'gay' meant that you only wanted to be with boys?"
"I prefer to be with boys, I love being with boys; but I'll take expressions of love from anyone who likes me and that I like in return. Cindy a mouth is a mouth and a good kisser is a good kisser regardless of sex. Hands don't have sex; different textures and sizes, but no sex attached to them. A boy's hands are usually bigger, but not always and sometimes rougher; but when a hand is on my dick, or a mouth on my cock; I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I know all about girl's sex parts and Susan taught me how to make a girl feel good with my hands and mouth; I doubt that it makes any difference to a girl whether, the fingers playing with her clit or tongue licking there is a gay boy or a straight boy, or even a girl doing it. She gets pleasure from a friend and that's what it's all about." "So if I wanted to play with you, you're ok with that?"
"Of course! Same with me making you feel good; I'm just helping a friend."
"Are you sure you're really gay?"
"Cindy, most people fall somewhere along the line between gay and straight," Max interjected. "I'm almost in the middle, I love doing things with both boys and girls. Nick is more towards the 'gay' end and Charlie is more towards the 'straight' end; but very few people are at the extremes. My point is that it doesn't make any difference, labels just restrict people. Most people are willing to give and receive affection from anyone they care about. I think that's what Nick is trying to tell you. He cares about you and is willing to do anything you're willing to accept or give."
"Thanks Max, I'm not good at explaining this and Cindy, that's just how I feel." Nick replied.
"Ok then, just one thing both of you need to know. Max, Nick, my pussy belongs to Charlie. He was first and the only one I want in there. If you want to finger or eat me ok, but no dicks in my pussy except Charlie." Cindy announced.
"How about anal?" Max asked.
"Yeah that's ok but it really doesn't do much for me. Charlie and I did that before I finally got him to take my cherry, but I can do that if you need to go that way. Charlie usually fingered me while doing it and that was ok."
About 5 minutes later, Charlie left them to go to the bathroom, and Max followed him. Charlie was sitting on the toilet when Max came in. "You ok Charlie? I didn't hurt you when I did your butt did I? I was worried about that, after your past experiences." He said as he sat down on the edge of the bathtub beside Charlie.
"No Max you didn't hurt me. That was so much different than... well before... that it's like night and day difference. You were gentle and loving and those guys were about pain and control. It felt really good when you did it and now I know it can be that way. Before, my only experience was pain. Thanks for showing me the difference Max, now I can see why you and Nick like it so much."
"Not that it's any of my business, but why are you sitting on the toilet? You can't need to take a dump, you were empty when we did it; and it hasn't been long enough for your breakfast to hit bottom yet?"
<chuckle> "Well you see, some friends of mine dumped about three or four loads of cum in my butt this morning and as I was standing there behind Cindy, I felt some oozing out of me and I thought maybe I should come up here and let it out, before I made a mess in the kitchen..." <chuckle>
<Laugh> "Yeah that can be a problem Charlie, but you were so good, I couldn't stop at just one or two. Nick sometimes has that problem too; he carries girl's maxi pads in his backpack if I've done his behind before school or church or something where he's dressed, and puts one in his underpants."
"So I have to use those girl pads now, if you guys are fucking me?"
"Not usually, and only if you're going out somewhere immediately, and didn't have a chance to do what you're doing right now, you know, letting it out. Unless it comes out soon afterwards, it's usually absorbed by your body. But you got at least 4 loads this morning, one from Nick and three from me..."
"Aren't you leaking any? I felt like I dumped a gallon inside you?"
"No and I know Nick's not either. We're used to it and while we were taking that shower, I used my finger to open me and let it drain out. I should have told you so you could have done that too. Nick and I always do that when we do it at home and shower afterwards."
"Aren't we supposed to use condoms? I see ads saying that on cable all the time."
"If we weren't positive we were all disease free, then yes we should. But Nick and I have been tested for HIV and other STD's and we're clean. You were tested whether you knew it or not by the doctor who was treating your infection. I saw it on your chart and you're clean. So as long as we don't mess around with others who might have diseases, then we don't need them, except with the girls who are having periods, but that's to prevent getting them pregnant."
"When did I get tested? I don't remember that?"
"They took blood and urine samples on your first visit right?" and Charlie nodded that they did. "Well they ran the tests on those samples in addition to looking for the infection in your bladder. They routinely do that with all teenagers now, just to catch sexually transmitted diseases as quickly as possible before more kids can be infected. They don't tell you they do it and don't give you the results unless they find something. The State Health Department pays for most of the cost, so it doesn't even show up on your doctor's bill. In fact all the kids in our group will be tested when they take their school physicals. So our group should be ok. Just don't go dipping your cock into someone, boy or girl without a condom if you aren't sure."
"Well until I moved here the only action my cock got was my own hand. And I know that Cindy, Kathy, Mary, and even Carol were total virgins up until we moved here and they let me do things with them."
"So was my sister, until I took her cherry and she doesn't do anything with anyone but me or Nick and when she and I gave you that blowjob? That was the first 'strange' dick she'd ever done. She really wants to try you out by the way..." Max replied.
"She'd never done that before?"
"Just with me and Nick. Charlie, Susan isn't a girl who plays around much. She's afraid of getting a bad reputation and well she doesn't need to go out for sex. She can have all she wants at home where it's safe. You were the first boy outside our family, she's done anything with. She's let a few finger her, but nothing more, because mostly they groped her and didn't know what the fuck they were doing and didn't show her they cared about her at all."
"Susan wants to try sex with me? she doesn't really even know me..."
"She knows you well enough, she was impressed that during your hair cut that you never made a move on her; not even to feel her tits that she was waving in your face.
"Charlie, she's talked to you and about you to everyone who's met you here in this town. She grilled, Mary, Kathy, Cindy, Carol, Me, Nick and even the other girls like Candy and even Angels who've only met you once for just a minute. My sister is hot for you Charlie. After we gave you that blow job, she was creaming her panties. When we got home, she all but raped me wanting to get off; and you never even touched her. Well you did give her that 'thank you' kiss; but that just fired her up even more. Why did you think she joined the group? To have sex with YOU of course. She didn't need to, to have sex with me or Nick and we are the only other boys in the group?"
"Hadn't thought about it really. Susan really is a nice girl and has a great body... Max you and Nick wouldn't, you know, get upset if Susan and I did something would you?"
"No Charlie. Are you upset because Mary and I fuck each other silly? No you're happy for us. Hell you even suggested to each of us that we get together. Susan is my sister and I love her to death and yes I'm protective of her, just like I am with Nick; but I know you'd never hurt her Charlie, so I'd be happy for the two of you just like I'm happy that you and Nick are together and seem happy about your relationship."
"But what will Kathy think?"
"She's ok with it, she and I even talked about it. Charlie look at this group. Four girls, possibly five if Carol comes in. Three boys, one of whom might as well be a girl since he's gay but can lend a hand or tongue, as it were, if needed. That leaves the two of us, to keep 4 or 5 girls and one gay boy happy. She expects you will have sex with more than just her. She was ok with you and her sister and your sister doing things right? Basically she's just adding Susan and Nick to the mix. She knew you and I were playing and expected Nick to be included, so she's fine with the situation. She just doesn't want you going out and messing around outside the group. And to be honest, if the two of us can keep those girls and Nick happy, I doubt we'll have enough energy to go looking elsewhere. I don't know about you, but this group is more than I can handle; hell your sister is more than I can handle."
"So I guess I better get to know your sister better," Charlie murmured more to himself than Max.
"That would be a good start Charlie. She's eager to know you better and besides, the hard part is already over. She's seen you naked and even sucked your dick; you've seen her tits which is the big hang-up for most girls and told her she was pretty. Now you can go back and cover all the stuff most boys and girls talk about BEFORE they see each other naked and do anything sexual."
"Sounds like a plan. Talk to Susan and get to know her better; then have sex if she wants..."
"Excellent! I'll tell her about the first part and the two of you can work out the second part."
Charlie stood up and wiped his butt, then flushed the toilet, before turning to Max. "Thanks Max, as usual you helped me sort out what I'm feeling about things and I really appreciate it." He said as he hugged the bigger boy, then kissed him deeply. "I'll get to know your sister better, then we can do what she wants. You know I'd never force her to do anything, and I promise not to hurt her."
"I know that Charlie, you'd never hurt anyone, that's just not you."
"God I just realized, I have to take care of 4 girls and 2 boys! How the fuck can I do that?"
<laugh> "Gently and with love; just the way you have been Charlie. Besides, we're not all going to jump you at once. Just be yourself and let things happen as they will, without forcing anything. We all love you Charlie and want you happy too; so don't overdo it. Just go with the flow..." Max replied then gave Charlie a kiss and pat on the butt. "Let's go see how Nick and Cindy are doing, he had her nipples hard before we left and she seemed happy to play with him."
"Is he really ok doing oral sex on a girl? That doesn't sound gay?"
"Yeah he is, and he loves doing it. Say's it's the only time when he feels in control of sex, he makes Susan scream when he does her. One orgasm after another and she loves it. She rarely let's me do that with her, because she says Nick's so much better at it. But then she does vaginal sex with me and not him, because he's so small he can't get her off that way. It all works out though. She gets him off with her hands and mouth and he does the same for her."
The two of them went back downstairs to find the kitchen empty and were just about to look around, when they heard a moan from the basement stairwell. "Oh! Oh God! Yes! Right there! Aaaaah, Aaaah, Yes!" could be heard from the basement Rec. Room."Sounds like he got her pants off and is busy at the moment," Charlie said with a snicker.
"Yep! That's my brother! Best little gay pussy eater in town!" Max replied as they backed away from the stairs and went back to the kitchen table and sat quietly talking as they drank another cup of coffee and waited. Charlie was fixing the four of them lunch, when Cindy and Nick returned up the steps; both naked and smiling and her arm around his shoulders, hugging him as they walked; like she didn't want him to get away.
"Have fun?" Max asked them with a snicker.
"Yes!" Both replied at the same time and then laughed together at having both answered at the same time.
"Actually Nick is wonderful at oral sex," Cindy replied, "Best it could possibly be! Besides he and I talked and we decided some things to help each other."
"What's that?" Charlie asked, where he was dishing out four bowls of soup.
"When we go back to school, we're going to act like we're a couple," she replied. "That will help both of us."
"How?" Max asked.
"Well we're in class together all day and usually sit beside each other. So if Nick and I are a 'couple' it will keep boys I don't want to from hitting on me and help Nick by getting rid of suspicions that he's gay. If he's seen with me as his 'girlfriend' then they won't beat him up or call him names."
"They still might try and beat me up because I'm so small, but a 'gay boy' can't possibly have a 'girlfriend' so we think it will help." Nick added.
"So how are you going to manage this?" Charlie inquired.
"Simple just being seen holding hands and kissing every once in a while. Nick's great at kissing so that's easy..." she replied.
"Yeah he is good at that," Charlie replied blushing. "Hopefully the whole Angel's thing will help keep both of you safe too. By the way Cindy, where's your shorts? I don't see them up here. Nice that you're comfortable being naked with the rest of us though."
"Shit... Downstairs... I forgot them!" she said as she, quickly ducked back down the stairs, to the sound of three laughing boys.
A minute later, a blushing naked girl returned carrying her shorts and then picked up her shirt and was quickly dressed, before sitting at the table with the boys.
"You didn't need to rush and get dressed Cindy, none of us mind you being naked with us." Charlie softly admonished.
"No but I feel better with clothes on," she replied, "Charlie, I'm not a nudist and I'm not used to being naked with other people."
"Well I'm not either, but I've sure gotten used to it this summer," he replied.
"OK, well I'll have to work on being more comfortable with my body I guess," she said, then took a big bite of her sandwich, trying to ignore the fact that she was blushing brightly.
Mary came home about halfway through lunch and Charlie dished her some soup and made her a sandwich. As soon as she'd eaten, she grabbed Max by the arm and they disappeared up the stairs to her bedroom.
"Well that was interesting," Charlie observed, "Not a word, just grab the boy and disappear up to her room..."
"Apparently she didn't get enough sex with him yesterday," Nick replied with a snicker, then proceeded to tell Cindy that Mary had completely wiped out his brother physically yesterday.
"You're kidding?" she replied.
"Nope totally wasted. He crashed after dinner last night and didn't wake until this morning when the alarm clock went off."
"Well after what you did to me downstairs, I can see how that could happen," she softly replied with a blush as she noticed Charlie looking at her.
"Don't be embarrassed about having orgasms Cindy, that's what we want to happen with sex..." he admonished.
"It's not having orgasms that embarrass me Charlie, it's that Nick was able to make me have so many and I only gave him one..."
"One was all I needed Cindy," Nick said as he reached over and took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "Besides, it was great that I could make you cum so many times. Usually I have to work harder on Susan to make her cum more than once or twice."
"How many?" Charlie asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Five or Six, I'm not sure, I lost count..." the blushing girl replied.
"Wonderful, I'm happy for you," he said as he got up and leaned over kissing her cheek as he picked up the dishes from the table. "Max said Nick was good at it and loves doing it, so you know where to go for great oral sex now."
"Yeah, I sure do..." she mumbled and blushed some more. "I suppose I should go back home now guys, I'll need to do my shift with Kathy. She's going to be so jealous when I tell her about what Nick and I did..."
"I can do that for her too, you know," Nick replied. "Just not when your mother's around, especially not if she's as noisy as you are when she cums."
"Hey that's my girlfriend's pussy you're talking about." Charlie said indignantly.
"Yeah she is, but she's my friend too Charlie and part of the group, so if she wants me to do that, I'm just saying I'm willing to help her out that way. Don't get your undie's bunched up over it." Nick replied.
"Uh... right, sorry about that. It's her choice anyway. I'd do the same thing for her if she wanted. With those casts on her arm and leg that's about all she could do now anyway... Any news on how she's healing Cindy?""Yeah Actually there is. Those x-rays they took, showed her arm and ribs are healing fast. The ribs were hairline cracks and the arm is mending much faster than they expected. It was the small bone in her forearm and it didn't break completely, so she'll be able have the heavy cast off in a little over a week and just wear a brace on her arm after that. The leg will take some time though, it was the big bone in her lower leg, and they said she'll have that cast on for about six weeks or so and then will have to use a crutch for awhile to keep her weight off of it for a few weeks longer."
"So how's she going to go to school? Even with that brace on her arm, she won't be able to use crutches even with the cast, her arm wouldn't take the stress?"
"She'll be in a wheelchair for the first few weeks of school, then on crutches once her arm can take it." Cindy replied. "She really hates all this, she's always been so active and suddenly she's stuck in bed and can't even get out of it."
"Well we'll do whatever we need to do to help her Cindy. She's to tell us when we can help, because we really don't know how we can help her otherwise." Charlie firmly stated. "Is there anything more we can do now? Just visiting doesn't seem like enough.... But I just don't know what to do..."
"Charlie your visits are the one bright spot of her day. Just keep doing what you have been and take care of yourself and be the good friend you've been to her. When there's something you can help with, I'll call and let you know. Now I need to get home, or Mom will be pissed, I was supposed to take over at 12:30 and it's almost 1:00." She finished then got up to leave. Before leaving she was thoroughly kissed by two boys and had a big smile on her face as she went out the door.
Nick stood beside Charlie as they watched Cindy leave, and pulled Charlie's arms around his shoulders and then wrapped an arm around Charlie's back and held himself against Charlie's side. "She's really a pretty girl, I don't understand why she's so modest about her body, she's got a great one and like your sister, she's all toned and muscle from tennis lessons...." He said softly as he leaned into his friend.
"I don't understand it either Nicky, she so beautiful and such a nice girl on top of it. I guess I just don't understand girls..."
"No male understands women Charlie, that's been true for ages..."
"Got that right. So are you staying or going home too?"
"Staying unless you want me to go. I'd stay here all the time if I could..."
"I don't want you to ever feel you need to leave Nicky, not because of me anyway...."
"Charlie now that you're well, could you do a sleepover at our house? Mom's still out of town and Dad's left on a sales trip today. It'll just be Me, Max and Susan at home tonight. Mom's not due back until tomorrow evening. Maybe Mary could come too?""I don't know, I'll have to check with my Dad on that one... I'll go call him and find out. That sounds like fun."
Nick held onto Charlie tightly while he talked to his father on the phone. It seemed like Charlie was never going to get around to asking about the sleepover, when he kept talking about the tests and needing to keep taking some of the pills, but not the nasty ones. Finally he got to the point and Nick pulled himself flush against Charlie's front, his head pressed against him as he waited for the reply. Finally, he heard, "Yeah... ok... I will... bye Dad..."
"So?" Nick asked looking up, then smiled when he saw the smile on his friend's face.
"Yeah I can, but he said to take diapers with me since I'm still having wet nights and that it would be ok for Mary to come this evening, but not spend the night, since there's no adult going to be there... She'll be pissed about that, but that's between her and Dad; I'm not getting in the middle of that one..."
"So I get to sleep the whole night with you?" Nick asked.
"I guess so... From what Max told me earlier, it may be with him and me or with Susan too, I guess you guys will have to negotiate who gets to actually sleep with me in bed. Unless your bed is bigger than mine, even 3 on one bed is a real tight fit."
"Well I'll tell you right now mister. I will be on that bed!" Nick firmly replied. "Anyone else is optional, but I WILL be there!"
"Ok Nicky you have a reserved spot," he replied, then kissed the boy still clinging to him in a tight hug.
Charlie and Nick spent the next hour talking; Charlie trying to get to know 'everything' about Nick and his life. They only stopped when they heard Max and Mary coming down the stairs; both grinning. "Have fun did we?" Charlie asked.
"Oh yeah..." Mary replied, "I think I'll keep this boy, he's just too good at sex to give him up; besides, he seems to like me too."
"'LIKE', is such an understatement. She's great!" Max replied, then kissed her cheek before turning a grinning face back to them.
"So we have a surprise for you two." Charlie said as he stood up from the couch. "We have permission to go to your house Max and I get to stay overnight! You get to spend the evening there Mary but, unfortunately, Dad said you have to come home since there won't be any adult there."
"That's so unfair!" she replied, "I'm calling him right now! I want to sleep over too!"
"That's between you and Dad Mary, you know he's being protective of you. You ARE his 'little girl' you know..." Charlie replied.
"So I'm calling him. Susan will be there, right? That leaves her alone in the house with three boys? She and I can 'protect' each other from you guys... Right? Think that will work with him?""Might... worth a try anyway..." Charlie replied, "Good luck!"
Mary left to make the phone call and Max just collapsed on the couch beside Charlie who'd already sat back down beside Nick. "Think it'll work?" he softly asked.
"Might... depends on what kind of mood Dad's in and how she sells it... Mary can usually get what she wants from him..."
Ten minutes later she returned. "Well it was a hard sell but I get to stay over too, that is as long as it's ok with Susan and you guys..."
Max jumped up, "Of course it's OK with us! Only one thing Mary, you have to promise to let me get SOME sleep tonight, you wasted me yesterday and if we keep up like a little while ago, I'll be completely wasted and then you'd have to explain THAT to my mother, tomorrow evening!"
"I promise to let you get enough sleep to avoid explanations, but you WILL be busy tonight mister!" she firmly replied.
"Ok well I've got to go put some diapers in my backpack and then we can head over," Charlie replied, "we can hang out there just as easy as here...."
"Uh Charlie? Could you pack that toy in your closet while you're at it? Max may want me to use it tonight... or Susan... or maybe even Nick?"
"OK I'll put it in the pack, but remember, whoever wants it used on them, has to ask me for permission. That's the deal Mary or it stays here." He replied and headed up the steps to his room.
"What's that all about?" Max asked.
<Blushing> "Well before everything blew up, Charlie let me order a strap-on dildo using his credit card. Then we had our problem and it's been in his closet ever since. Charlie refuses to let me use it with him, and said that if... if Max wanted me to use it on him... then Max had to ask Charlie for permission, because Charlie wants to make sure that Max really wants that. It's all about how controlling I was and he still doesn't totally trust me about that...."
"Not one of those huge one's is it?" Max asked concerned.
"No, actually it's almost exactly the same size as Charlie. So... are you interested?"
"Maybe... I'll have to see it and then we'll talk about it... No one's ever used one of those on me and I just don't know..."
"OK well when we get over to your place, I'll show it to all of you. Nick could use it to get Susan off; or on Charlie, or Susan or me, on any of you boys... or each other... I think it could make for an interesting evening..."
"We'll see..." was the reply from both doubtful boys.