The Water Park Part 2
By Ben Holiday
Copyright 2007 by Ben Holiday, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Kyle wasn't entirely sure he wanted to go back to the park, but he couldn't come up with a
plausible reason to explain why to his parents. Besides, he did really enjoy the park and
most likely not all the same people would be there from yesterday that had seen (and
perpetrated) his humiliation. Plus, he had a wee bit of vengeance to indulge in.
Since Tad hadn't been to the water park the day before except to retrieve Kyle, that's where he wanted to go immediately. The shock of yesterday's humiliation still coursed through his body, but Kyle liked swimming so much that the lure of the water park trumped his uncertainty at what yesterday's humiliation might mean to him today.
The boys wore their swim trunks to the park, so, as Kyle did yesterday, they just put their shoes and shirts in a locker. Clad now only in their swim trunks they descended upon the water park.
Tad made a bee-line for the wave pool. The boys' parents found some lounge chairs to sit in and relax while the boys played. Kyle followed Tad into the pool working out the timing of his retaliation. He did chance a look around to see if he recognized anyone from yesterday's ordeal. He didn't and no one seemed to indicate that they recognized him. He figured he'd made a big enough impression that anyone who had witnessed his humiliation wouldn't be able to hide their recognition of him.
To throw Tad off any hint of his plans, Kyle joined him in their usual water horseplay including wrestling, dunking, and diving into the waves. For awhile, having fun with his brother had the effect of driving the horrible feelings from yesterday out of his mind. However, he still wondered whether Tad had really given him his trunks back as soon as he could have.
Regardless, he decided to put his plan into action. He told Tad that he would go under water, let Tad sit on his shoulders, and then toss him off. They had done this many times at public pools and lakes with Tad always getting a kick out of it. Tad quickly agreed and kept coming back for more. As Tad returned for another toss, Kyle leaped at him to wrestle with him a bit. He hoped two things: first that Tad wouldn't realize this was a ruse to untie his drawstring without him knowing, and second that Tad would still want to be tossed. Both wishes came true.
This time, he told Tad that when he went under water, Tad should try to stand on his shoulders. Tad thought this sounded even more fun and did so. As he had planned, Kyle came up quicker than Tad had expected grabbing onto Tad's swim trunks. Tad had been caught off guard and as Kyle yanked down his trunks, Tad jumped right out of them. Kyle had only intended to pull down Tad's trunks, not completely remove them, so this was far better than expected. The dreaded memories of Kyle's ordeal yesterday were momentarily forgotten when he witnessed the look of dawning realization on Tad's face.
"Missing something, Tad?", Kyle yelled with a devious grin on his face as he waved Tad's trunks over his head. "Now you know what it's like to be left naked in public. Not fun, is it?"
Tad exhibited the same ability as Kyle to show a red face through his dark tan. "Hey, give those back!" Tad yelled and leaped toward Kyle.
Kyle held up the trunks and Tad exposed himself several times jumping up in an attempt to retrieve them. Being two years younger than his brother, Tad was considerably shorter than Kyle. He had no hair associated with puberty. His penis was still quite small and his balls almost non-existent. Tad quit leaping up when he realized he was exposing himself to the people nearby.
A small crowd of kids drew near with some snickering at the small boy's predicament.
"I'm gonna tell Mom and Dad!" Tad yelled. "Please give them back" he said more quietly as he realized his yelling was only drawing more unwanted attention to himself. Kyle gave back Tad's trunks wanting to avoid getting into trouble with his parents, trouble which could result in him losing the privilege to come back to the park.
Even though he had had his fun, Kyle was worried about his parents finding out so he pleaded with Tad not to tell.
As luck would have it, their parents were on the far end of the pool and the boys antics were just part of the usual hub-bub going unnoticed by their mom and dad and most everyone else, except those near-by.
Along with his pleading, Kyle offered various new threats on top of yesterday's, so Tad finally agreed not to tell. Not wanting to stay in the wave pool with Kyle he headed toward their parents mumbling to himself about always wimping out to his brother's threats. Upon reaching them he asked to go on some of the water slides. He and his dad left to go for the slides, and mom stayed where she was, reading her book. A short while later she caught Kyle's attention motioning him to come in. She told him she was going to visit some of the shops and would he be okay alone. Assuring her he would be, they agreed on a time and place to meet later to then join up with his dad and Tad.
Kyle stood at the side of the pool for a few moments and watched the waves. He headed back into the pool and out to where the water came to his waist. Along with many other people he would jump into the oncoming waves. He found it a great excuse to "accidentally" bump into other people and blame the waves if the person seemed angered.
One sight that really got him was a girl about his age who on several occasions almost lost her top to the waves. What made it even more exciting is she seemed too ditzy to realize she ought to tighten her top. Kyle thought he might help out the situation. Slowly he made his way toward her leaping into the waves as though he were just out having fun like everyone else. He reasoned that if he could just take hold of the string, he could untie it undercover of one of the waves ripping off her top losing it to the waves. As the next wave approached he reached out to undo her top almost overcome with excitement. Before he could pull off his plan, he heard a shout of "Hey!" behind him and felt a whack on the back of his head. This hit caused him to abandon his little plot. Plus he lost all preparedness for the oncoming wave getting knocked down and pulled under.
When he came up sputtering, he saw two more girls with the one whom he had tried to remove her top.
"Brenda, I'm telling you that little pervert tried to take off your top." one of the girls told her pointing at Kyle with anger on her face.
"If you'll just let me explain," Kyle pleaded noticing the fury on all three girls' faces, but he didn't get to continue.
Brenda, who just as quickly as she got angry switched to sweetness, interrupted him and said, "I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it." Turning to her friends, and winking to them, she said, "I'm supposed to check in with my parents, but," she added turning back to Kyle, "we'll be back cutie." She added as they were leaving, "What's your name, hotshot?"
He could barely spit out his name stunned not only at Brenda's sudden change of heart, but to be called cutie and hotshot by this hot girl. His tongue got so tangled he wasn't sure he would ever speak properly again.
He watched Brenda and her friends leave and eagerly awaited her return. When she did come back several minutes later, Brenda was alone.
"Where are your friends?" Kyle asked, hoping they wouldn't be coming back.
"Oh, Terry and Alicia? They still think you were up to no good and decided to go do something else." was her reply. "I just think your cute." and with that she leaped toward him and started kissing him. The initial shock quickly wore off and Kyle kissed her back. He couldn't believe this was happening to him but wasn't willing to let go.
Though it only lasted a few seconds, Brenda's kiss seemed to last an eternity. At least Kyle would've preferred if it had. "Did you like that?" Brenda asked. When he nodded yes vigorously, she replied, "here's even more."
Locking her arms around him, she began to kiss him again. Unbeknownst to him, Terry and Alicia were coming from behind him during the first kiss. They quickly went under water at Brenda's cue regarding the second kiss. With great agility, they maneuvered around Kyle, untied his drawstring and pulled down his trunks. Brenda's kiss so occupied him that Terry and Alicia were able to get Kyle's trunks to his knees before he could respond. Brenda held tight and though he began kicking his legs it was a vain attempt to stop the removal of his trunks.
Brenda let go when she saw Terry several yards away holding up Kyle's trunks just high enough so she could see them.
"Now, pervert, let's see how you like having your swimsuit removed." she whispered to him. "If it's any consolation to you," she continued whispering directly into his ear, her right hand sliding slowly down his right side, "you're a terrific kisser."
The look of horror on his face delighted Brenda as she felt him move her arm away and quickly cover his privates. He looked around desperately for his trunks. He saw Terry disappearing out of the pool with them.
"Please give me back my trunks," Kyle hissed desperately to Brenda not wanting any attention whatsoever (he was relieved that so far the girls were the only ones to know of his predicament, they hadn't called any attention to him.)
"From what I hear," Brenda said, "this is how you like it. Terry was here yesterday at the surf pool. Need I say more?" She didn't need to. Kyle figured that not only were they getting him back for his attempt on Brenda's top but were further humiliating him based on what they'd heard from Terry about his experience yesterday. He didn't remember seeing her there but remembering everyone who'd witnessed his humiliation wasn't a top priority at the time.
"Besides," Alicia, who had stood silently behind him until now, surprising Kyle, said "Brenda and I were upset we missed yesterday's show and wanted an encore presentation. And may I add," she said slyly looking at his bare butt, "the end is quite remarkable!"
Thinking he had only one option, he lunged toward Brenda. He figured that if he couldn't have his trunks, maybe he could pull off some or all of her bikini and that might distract from his nudity. Obviously, the girls had considered something of this sort and were ready for him. The split second between the tell-tale look on his face and his attempted attack was all Brenda needed to quickly alert Alicia. Alicia kicked him between the legs from behind and Brenda kneed him in the groin. He didn't have a chance. Fortunately for Kyle, the water was only waist high so that he wouldn't immediately drown as he doubled over in pure agony, then dropping to his knees. For a few brief moments, however, the idea of drowning presented itself as an acceptable alternative to his current painful situation.
Brenda and Alicia helped keep his head above water standing close to him, moving him around in an attempt to keep him hidden from other people in the pool. They wanted him to be naked but had some plans that could be undone if others saw he had no clothes and decided to break up their little party. The fact that they were in the wave pool helped cover his low moans from pain. As Kyle slowly began to recover, he could tell the girls were commenting on his situation, hearing Alicia eagerly describe the feel of his balls when she kicked him. Even though pain occupied most of his thoughts, it seemed like there were more voices now than just Alicia's and Brenda's. As Kyle began to slowly stand back up, still holding his balls, he realized there were now three more girls than when he went down.
"Ah," Brenda said, "he's getting up. Perhaps you'll think twice before attempting any other stupid tricks." She began to maneuver him to a bit deeper water. Though crystal clear and thus not hiding much of anything, Brenda figured deeper water would still be easier to hide their prize. Kyle was in no shape to protest especially since he didn't know why she was moving him. Becoming somewhat more aware of his surroundings he could now hear the other girls giggling and whispering comments about his naked body.
Using a sugary sweet voice, Brenda explained to Kyle that "We had Terry bring in some reinforcements so that others wouldn't notice you. They may ask questions we can't answer and we'd just hate it if they took away our naked boy until we get through with our fun." He noticed they were surrounding him effectively keeping him blocked from everyone else's view. "I suppose we don't have enough evidence to request a public spanking", she added bringing up the rotten memory from yesterday Terry had no doubt relayed to them.
"And just so you know the audience you'll be entertaining," Brenda went on trying to sound like the emcee of some game show (much to the amusement of everyone except Kyle), "I would like to introduce to you Chrissie, Ellen, and Maria. Chrissie, Ellen, and Maria, this is Kyle. His likes include swimming, surfing, and baring all he has. His dislikes include knees to the groin." These comments brought more giggles.
Kyle still couldn't react much due to the pain that seemed to have taken up permanent residence. This gave the girls some time to walk around him offering comments about his body, especially his very exposed butt.
"I'd label him quite the stud," Chrissie commented practically drooling over him, "except he keeps covered up some very important parts that are inherent in that description. Let's take him somewhere that we can have a better look." She whispered the last part to the girls near her (who passed it on to the others) so that Kyle wouldn't know what they were planning. The others agreed forcing Kyle to walk out with them. He still had his hands covering his privates, more for the pain right now, but also as an attempt to preserve some dignity. Any thoughts of escape (even if he weren't still hurting) had taken a vacation, because, as Brenda mentioned to him, he would be stark naked in the middle of the park.
"We could yell 'rape' and who would be in big trouble: the innocent girls or the naked boy?" she explained to him in a whisper. "Besides", she continued, "at least this way, we're the only ones who know you're naked. Not like yesterday when you put on your great show as Terry tells it." She said this with a gleam in her eye.
"Small comfort." Kyle thought.
His pain kept them at a snail's pace which annoyed some of the girls. They use the extra time taking turns walking behind him so as to enjoy the rear view and playfully smack his butt. He told them to stop the first few times but the reminder from Brenda that they could part ways leaving him naked there shut him up.
The group came to a shaded area that was partly secluded with the wall of a building on one side and extending out from it a concrete ledge about two feet high butting up against a flower garden of sorts. A few nearby trees shaded the area helping to conceal the group.
"Now, reach for the sky," one of the girls commanded Kyle pointing her finger at him like it was a gun and trying to sound like a western bandit. The others laughed at this joining in the spirit of the western theme with a few Yee-Haa's and whoops.
"You'd make a terrible bad guy," Chrissie said to Maria, "but you've got great ideas!"
"No, way," Kyle said in a low voice realizing his new precarious situation. "Haven't you all seen enough? Please, just give me back my trunks. Brenda, I'm sorry I tried to pull off your top. Please." he entreated her.
For a brief moment the other girls were dismayed as Brenda actually looked as though she were contemplating granting his plea. They need not have worried.
"Ummmm…I don't think so. I can't disappoint your audience here. Nice apology, though."
As if on cue, three of the girls moved in close and began tickling him. The sensation was horribly mixed for Kyle. And unfortunately for him, it eventually had the effect they wanted. He had to uncover his penis and balls to fend off their tickling.
The tickle attacks had of course caused him to dance around in attempt to stop the assault without exposing himself. At the precise moment he moved his hands to fend off the attacks, he had also spread his legs apart. This allowed one of the girls to take advantage of his spread apart legs and grab his balls from behind. He heard Alicia, who had gotten down on her knees behind him to do the nefarious deed, say, "Wow, these are big! How do you walk carrying these?" Several others laughed at this but were in awe at the sight of his balls.
Kyle stood there stunned. He tried to force himself into believing that this was all a bad dream. He couldn't be standing naked in the middle of a park with a girl holding his balls. He moaned in renewed agony as Alicia began playing with them. With her holding his balls from behind, he had to stand there practically spread eagle.
At the same time, he heard, "Well, well, well," from Chrissie who was staring at his exposed penis and pubic hair. "Looks like 'stud' does describe you through and through." Her proclamation was accompanied by nods of agreement and wide-eyed staring from the others affirming her assessment.
"How do you walk with all that down there?" Ellen asked in disbelief. She had seen his balls in Alicia's hands and came around front to view his penis. For a brief moment, Kyle's embarrassment took leave to be replaced with relief that he was well endowed for his age. The relief didn't stay long, inviting embarrassment back, but he was thankful.
Now that the tickling had stopped, he went to cover back up his privates to prevent the girls from further ogling him. But a squeeze from Alicia and a comment from Brenda forced him to pull his hands away.
"We still have some viewing to do, Kyle…" Brenda said while Ellen whispered to Maria "among other things", both of them giggling at this.
"…so keep those hands back or Alicia might test to see how tough your sack is." Another quick squeeze to his balls drove the point home. "In fact," Brenda continued, "clasp your hands behind your back, but don't cover up that cute fanny of yours."
This seemed to be too much, but he couldn't think of any reasonable alternatives. He slowly did as Brenda commanded. Then, very quickly, his hands were tied together. The look on his face adequately expressed his bewilderment prompting Brenda to answer his unasked question about being tied up.
"We just want to make sure you're a bit more helpless." Brenda replied. Changing to a babyish tone rubbing her hand across his chest, she continued with, "We wouldn't want big, strong, naked you to be able to do something stupid, right?"
He began to endure what basically amounted to being molested. The girls felt his chest and arms commenting on his developing muscles. Their hands explored his flat stomach some even reaching as far down as the top of his pubic hair. Other hands were sliding up and down his legs and inner thighs. While none of girls seemed to have the courage yet to touch his penis (a bit of a surprise as some hadn't had any problem fondling his balls), all this sensory overload began to bring Kyle's soldier to attention. He thought he was going to hyperventilate when he realized this was happening. And, of course, he knew it only seconds before the girls did. Alicia, who had handed over the task of exploring his balls to Ellen, was the first to notice his budding erection gasping at the sight.
"Someone is having a good time, aren't you?" Brenda taunted him upon noticing his boner. They all gazed in awe and Kyle's tan face couldn't prevent the brilliant shade of red that surpassed even yesterday's redness.
Kyle wanted so badly for all this to end. He gasped out another plea for mercy apologizing but to no avail. The girls were enjoying this too much to give up now.
"While we do have something a bit special to end all this, Kyle," Brenda responded to his petition eyes firmly fixed on his growing erection, "as a farm girl I can think of one more fun activity before we proceed to the finale. Anyone here ever milk a bull?"
Puzzlement showed on the other girls' faces. Even Kyle managed a quick confused look on his face.
"You don't milk bulls," Maria began. "It's cows that…" She stopped mid-sentence upon realizing what Brenda meant. "You mean…" and here Maria lowered her voice, "'milk' Kyle?"
While the girls discussed this new idea, Kyle's panic level rose sharply. He couldn't hear all they were saying, but he had distinctly heard Brenda say something about milking a bull and he knew that bulls are not what one milks.
A wink from Brenda cued Ellen to give Kyle's balls a quick squeeze to take his attention away for a moment reminding him of their precarious placement in Ellen's hands.
And then it happened. He felt a hand slowly rubbing up and down his hardening shaft. He closed his eyes repeating the word "no" in his mind trying to convince himself that this wasn't happening. But pleasure suddenly mixed in with the embarrassment with the effect that he had no idea what to feel.
"How big does it get?" he heard one of them say in wonder and disbelief.
"Don't use him all up yourself," Kyle heard from someone else. "Don't worry," came Brenda's reply, "He's a young teenage boy, he'll be good for awhile."
Though he wouldn't open his eyes, he knew that they were taking turns stroking his penis comments flying about horses and elephants. Suddenly, his whole body began to convulse. He so wanted to hold back what was about to happen, yet there was no way.
"Wow-eee!" he heard several of them exclaim. "I didn't know boys could shoot that far." Chrissie exclaimed in awe. "I want to be the one to make it happen this time."
Knowing he would need some time to recover, their fondling of him began anew. When he began to harden again Chrissie took over forcing him to ejaculate once again accompanied by the girls giggling with pleasure. Kyle couldn't tell if he wanted to die or wanted this to continue.
"I think that's enough for now," Brenda said. "Come on, Kyle, we have one final bit of fun planned for you, although it will mostly likely be…"she paused here, wanting to add to the effect of her statement, "…anticlimactic. I believe Terry's got everything set up for us at the end?"
Terry nodded yes. As they began to walk away, keeping Kyle in their midst, Brenda explained to Kyle that besides bringing their other friends to enjoy his nudity, Terry had arranged the final event. Kyle really wasn't paying attention. His thoughts were filled with the utter shame he had just gone through.
"The final event will be fun," Brenda half said to herself, half to Kyle, "but I doubt it'll top what we just did."
As they walked on, Kyle had to continue bearing the pokes, pinches, and proddings of the girls whenever they could sneak one in. Keeping him surrounded while enjoying his nudity took a lot of work for them. Nearing one of the water slides brought a shiver to Kyle. While he didn't know what they were going to do to him, isn't this where he was to meet his family? "Oh, no," he thought, "no, no, no, no, no!"
They neared one of the enclosed water slides. The girls chose one that had short lines but a lot of people at the bottom watching the riders. When they reached the top he began to realize the set-up. The attendant in charge of the ride was the one from the surf pool yesterday whom he had defied and splashed.
Seeing Kyle's head over the surrounding group of girls, the attendant smiled greeting him with a fake sweetness in her voice.
"Are we ready?" she was asked and she answered in the affirmative.
"Okay, kid, I sent your trunks down the slide several moments ago. They should be floating in the middle of the pool at the bottom. You go down this and they're yours, provided no one else has taken them." the attendant said making no pretense at hiding her enjoyment of his situation. The girls and the attendant laughed as they forced him to sit on the mat for the ride down. One act of mercy, they did untie his hands before sending him down although the vote was close as to whether they would do so or not. Just as she pushed him, Kyle heard the attendant say with barely suppressed amusement, "Keep you arms, legs, and any other extremities on the mat." Brenda added quickly, "Terry's at the bottom with her camera. Bon voyage!"
He took off down the slide with the dual terror of landing naked at the bottom and of a camera set to record his humiliation.
He came down with a splash and immediately looked for his trunks. They were no where to be seen. He heard several in the crowd gasp asking others nearby if they had just seen a naked boy come out of the tube or if it was just their imagination. Looking around desperately, he saw a flash of orange. Tad stood at the rail holding Kyle's swim trunks, a look of concern on his face.
"Why were your trunks down here, Kyle?" he yelled, "Why are you naked again?" he added
genuinely confused. He realized it didn't look good that he once again held Kyle's
Yesterday's look of havoc paled to Kyle's look today.
"Shut up and just throw them to me!" Kyle commanded with a voice dripping with murderous
resonance. Tad really did fear for his life this time knowing it couldn't look good that
he had his brother's trunks once again. Against his better judgment, Tad tossed the
trunks to Kyle. Kyle pulled them on with a speed not before recorded in this endeavor
suffering the whistles and catcalls of the people watching.
He quickly headed toward Tad who wanted to run but knew he couldn't outrun Kyle. Plus, running might make him look guilty of something. When Kyle reached him he grabbed Tad by the arm dragging him away from the crowd. Tad knew this was the end since Kyle could now annihilate him with no witnesses present. Tad was saved by the fact that Kyle did not know where their dad was thinking he must be nearby since Tad was here. Holding his fury in check for the time being, Kyle allowed Tad time to explain.
"Dad needed to leave for a minute telling me to just watch until he got back", Tad hurriedly explained shrinking from Kyle's homicidal glare. "I wasn't to go on any rides without him here. I saw a flash of orange come down the slide and thought they must be yours. Someone picked them up and I was afraid they would take them so I said they were mine and could I have them back. They did give them to me and a few seconds later you came down. Please don't kill me." Tad finished crouching down with his arms over his head.
Resisting all impulses to slug Tad, Kyle started to speak but was interrupted by Terry.
"I got some great pictures, Kyle. Thanks for all you've done today. Hey", she said looking at Tad' "you're that same kid from yesterday you took Kyle's trunks out of the surf pool and followed us around, right? Good job." With that, she left leaving both boys dumbfounded.
Tad wanted to disappear. He had been found out and knew this was the end. If their dad hadn't just arrived, Tad would probably be a spot on the sidewalk.
"Ah, Kyle, good, we can all head over to your mother who's waiting for us to go to the show."
Following their father, Tad knew Kyle wouldn't harm him in the presence of their parents. But to help ensure protection from future death at his brother's hands he would have to promise never to tell of Kyle's naked ordeals.
"Perhaps", Tad thought, "I will make it to age twelve."
End Part 2