The Water Park Part 1
By Ben Holiday
Copyright 2007 by Ben Holiday, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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A new amusement park had gone in a few hours drive from where Kyle lived the year he
turned eight years old. His parents took him and his six year old brother Tad and both
boys thoroughly enjoyed their time there. Over the next three years the family would take
a day trip to the park liking it better each time. The year Kyle turned twelve the place
had added a water park much to the boys' delight.
Kyle and his brother were both great swimmers never missing a chance to go to the beach, pool, lake, wherever water would allow them to indulge their love of swimming. This devotion to any aquatic activity helped keep them trim and in great shape. Kyle especially garnered the unspoken adoration of many of the girls in his class at school.
The addition of a water park increased their eagerness to get to their destination and scope out the place. Upon their arrival, Kyle and Tad led the way straight to the water park trying to take it all in. They by-passed the various pools for now wanting to try out the many slides, rafting, and innertube rides.
Eventually, one pool did catch Kyle's attention: the surfing pool. When the family came upon it he became quite interested in it. The pool was made up of two side-by-side basins that had a downward curve dropping about five feet over a length of about 30 feet. The water was pumped forcefully upward toward the rider who was on a body board attempting to "surf" the waves. Kyle asked if he could try it and with his parents permission off he went. Tad decided against going on this one. While he did swim quite well, Tad felt nervous at the likeliness of making a fool of himself thinking he didn't have the skills to do well surfing. Thus, he decided to stand by and watch his brother. "And besides", he thought to himself, the thought being fueled by no small amount of normal sibling rivalry, "maybe Kyle will make a fool of himself out there." He grinned thinking of the possibilities.
Though he didn't last long early on—sometimes mere seconds --the short lines allowed Kyle to try surfing several times that day. Studying others' techniques during his short periods of time awaiting his turn, he steadily improved. Though they encouraged him as his skill level advanced, his family did want to move on. Tad had quickly grown tired of just watching, noting with dismay that his brother was getting better rather than worse. Though reluctant to leave, Kyle joined his family as they enjoyed the rest of the park.
The next year, just after Kyle's thirteenth birthday, the family came back to the park. The parents surprised the boys when they got there telling them they had decided to get a hotel and stay several days to really enjoy the place.
The next morning, both boys were eager to get started with Kyle wanting to immediately go to the water park. However, everyone else wanted to ride the roller coasters and other rides in the main park. Despite the fact he did like these rides, he longed for the water park, his taste of it last year increasing the call for him to come. Finally, and, in the case of his mother, reluctantly, his parents let him go off to the water park on his own. They and Tad wanted to stay in the main park for now. He raced to the water park, got a locker where he immediately deposited his shirt and shoes. Wearing only his bright new orange swim trunks he made a mad dash to the surf pool. Since his last time there, he had experienced a growth spurt making him slightly taller than average for his age. His shoulders had broadened somewhat and his workouts for various sports had given him some nice muscle development. These attributes along with his great tan helped capture the attention of many of the young girls he passed by at the water park.
His surfing abilities had definitely improved. He could stay on the body board much longer and do some of the tricks he had seen others do last year. One of his favorites involved spinning around over and under the board in what he heard others call a "barrel roll". Since he could last longer now he usually had to be told his time was up by one of the workers.
Despite the fact that there were many people watching, not many were in line to do the actual surfing. So each time he had to get out he could quickly get back around to the pool for another try.
He appeared to the crowd as someone having natural talent eliciting "oohs" and "aahs" from them—exclamations he'd noticed earlier reserved for those who truly excelled. Though not normally prone to conceit, the thrill of these huzzahs began to go to his head. He became quite the showman drinking in the crowd's cheers. Unfortunately, this began to lead to a mostly unfamiliar yet somehow strangely satisfying state for him: arrogance. He would taunt the person in the basin next to him trying to throw off their concentration. While waiting in line, he would mercilessly ridicule the other surfers commenting on their lack of ability. Though attempting to splash the people watching was common among the surfers—especially if it involved a group of their friends—Kyle aimed primarily at little kids laughing when they began to cry. He would also try to splash the workers though common courtesy required this should not be done. He eventually became defiant when he was told his time was up. Thinking that the crowd was here to see him, he reasoned they shouldn't be denied the opportunity to watch his great feats. He would stay in a bit longer until he was told several times to get out. While people had enjoyed watching Kyle at first they were getting just as fed up with his antics as were the workers.
As Kyle came back around to the launch site several of the people were grumbling to each other about his behavior.
"That kid needs to learn some manners" said one of the ladies whose kid had been splashed earlier by Kyle and made to cry. Most of the people watching, including the workers, thought to themselves that Kyle really exceeded mere annoyance wishing he would get his comeuppance.
Kyle went out and started to do his usual tricks including splashing some little kids. He once again defied the call for time being up irritating the female life guard in charge. Just as he decided to do another barrel roll, she blew her whistle yelling for him to get out. These combined noises caused him to lose his concentration and thus lose control of this body board part way through the barrel roll. The body board shot away from him and--much to the delight of the crowd--it had somehow snagged his swim trunks ripping them off him as it flew to the back of the pool. Before Kyle could recover and realize what had happened someone reached in and to the amused looks of those nearby, took the trunks hiding them behind his back.
Kyle stood up sputtering and trying to recover from his spill. He reached up to brush his hair out of his face. He then heard the people laughing and saw them pointing at him. With his hands still on his head and a quick "Please don't let it be what I think it is" thought in his mind, he looked down. Sure enough, he discovered that he was stark naked in front of all these people. Since the water wasn't very deep he was unwillingly flashing all that he had to these people. He rapidly moved his hands to cover his privates while a quick scan around the pool told him his trunks were nowhere to be found.
Though the shock of the situation prevented him from seeing any good of this, at least he should've taken some satisfaction that puberty had been kind to him--and that the water wasn't icy cold. Coming on early, puberty had given him a bigger than average penis. His balls hung quite low for a boy his age. He had a reasonable beginning of pubic hair, currently matted down. While his quick flash showed he should be quite proud of his endowment, it in no way consoled him allowing sheer embarrassment to take over. If it was possible to be seen through his dark tan, his face turned a brilliant red.
He couldn't believe that he was naked out here and showing his bare butt to all these people (and though it was untanned, the girls watching his predicament were quite enthralled with how well-shaped and muscular it was). He looked around pleadingly but no one seemed to want to come to his aid. The employees had to at least feign concern for him but were slow to offer any help as it is quite difficult to assist someone when you're laughing enough to almost wet yourself. He started to run out of the pool toward one of the exits but fell down several times allowing a few more good views of his butt for those gathered around the pool. As he ran by the row of people watching he had to endure their catcalls and heckling with several of them taking the opportunity to smack him on his bare butt.
A lady who had just got there and didn't know about Kyle's misbehavior took pity on him lending him her beach towel. Though relieved a solution had presented itself, the employees were secretly annoyed Kyle's humiliation hadn't lasted longer. The life guard he'd defied especially thought it wasn't enough.
Kyle mumbled a quick thank you to the lady, wrapped the towel around his waist and took off to get away from the taunts and whistles from the crowd. He ran a good distance away from the surf pool stopping in the middle of the walkway situated among several of the other pools and water rides. He had to think what to do since he only had this towel on. Looking around, he noticed other people with towels wrapped around their waists so he figured no one would suspect he was naked under his. He thought about his shirt and shoes in the locker trying to figure out how to get those and wear them strategically without people wondering about him, figuring the lady would eventually want her towel back.
Before he could even start toward the lockers, however, he suddenly felt the towel ripped from his waist! For a few brief moments he was stunned at giving another free show to those passing by. Here he was stark naked in public again with his face renewing its efforts to burn a brilliant red through his tan. Covering his privates with his hands, he turned around to see who had taken his towel. He recognized them as some of the kids who had been at the surf pool where he'd lost his trunks.
"Hey! Give that back!" Kyle yelled but to no avail. While most people passing by were occupied by their own thoughts drowning out what seemed like the usual yells from groups of kids at a park, several groups of teenagers noticed the ruckus. They encircled Kyle and the boy holding the towel becoming quite engrossed in the unfolding drama.
"No," the boy replied who had snatched away Kyle's towel. "The lady who gave this to you wants it back now that we've told her how you were acting back there."
Panicking from embarrassment, Kyle lunged toward the boy who was older and taller than he was. The boy held one hand out in front of him catching Kyle in the chest. With the other hand he held the towel up over his head out of Kyle's reach. Kyle tried to use only one hand in an attempt to get his towel but without uncovering his penis and balls with the other hand, he only succeeded in delighting the crowd with his bare butt dance.
"Great show you're putting on for us, kid," a girl yelled from the group of teens. Kyle came to what little senses he had using both hands to once again cover his privates looking around at all the faces smiling at him. Others included their take on the situation to the point of some suggesting they would like to see a little bit more. Kyle was horrified at this knowing he couldn't long prevent his exposure if they wanted it.
To his momentary relief, a park attendant came over to the group to see if something was wrong. Upon discovering a naked boy in their midst, she quite naturally demanded to know from the group what was going on. Kyle would've preferred she just get his towel back and let him get out of there.
Before anyone could attempt to explain anything, they all heard, "There you are!" and Kyle felt a hand grab a hold of his arm. It was the lady who had lent him her towel.
"I can't believe you took advantage of my good nature!" she yelled at him turning him toward her, "and still running around stark naked, too! Are you some kind of pervert?" she demanded looking him up and down. Before he could respond, the park attendant, puzzled by this new development, asked the lady if she knew this naked boy. Along with the boy who still held the towel and the others who had been at the surf pool, the lady explained the situation.
The park attendant's attitude toward Kyle changed quite suddenly. "While I am quite new here, I do know the park allows us to punish those who break the rules", she said. Continuing on, she added, "However, he hasn't technically broken any rules, he just seems to be annoying. Let me call this in to see what to do." She contacted her supervisor explaining the situation.
During all this, Kyle could feel the heat of humiliation coursing through his veins. Couldn't they at least give me the towel while they debate, he thought. Nervously he scanned the crowd shocked at the looks of lust on many of the girl's faces. He quickly recognized he'd most likely had that same look while checking out the girls earlier in the day, but they weren't stark naked at the time, outside of his mind anyway.
"Okay", the attendant finally said after a few moments, "seems the park and the community allow for certain punishments for boys who haven't broken any written laws but demonstrate a lack of respect for others." She asked Kyle his name which he very reluctantly gave.
"Kyle, due to your unruly behavior, those harassed by you are allowed to spank you and yes," she added noting the looks of anticipation in the crowd's eyes, "it will be a bare-bottom spanking."
"No, please don't!" Kyle begged "please, let me go!"
He tried to apologize which proved difficult to do since he hadn't acknowledged to himself that he had misbehaved. But the lady who still had a firm hold on his arm marched him over toward a near-by bench and with seemly superhuman strength and speed pulled him over her knee. Once again his bare butt was brought into unhindered view for an audience. With someone holding his hands out in front, she began spanking him.
His howls of agony encouraged the crowd who lined up to spank him. Though very few from the surf pool incident of earlier were present, they reasoned they could spank him in place of those who wouldn't get this chance. It was the least they could do they said laughing. Adding to his humiliation someone commented on his penis and balls bouncing around during his spanking.
When the attendant finally ended his ordeal, he stood up rubbing his butt. Realizing he was once again exposing his privates he quickly moved his hands to cover them noticing several girls eyeing him with a gleam in their eyes, pointing and giggling.
As the attendant broke up the crowd, alarm grew anew as Kyle noted with dismay no one offered him anything to cover up with. The dissipating crowd would leave him naked in the middle of the park.
"Please", Kyle called to the park attendant, "may I have something to cover up with." He had managed to keep from crying during the spankings but being left naked here proved to be almost too much. Tears welled up in his eyes. He had to fight hard to keep them back not wanting to add to his humiliation.
She turned to look at him, but before she could answer, someone tapped Kyle on the shoulder. "Are these what you want?" said a voice accompanied with snickers.
Kyle turned toward the familiar voice, shocked to see Tad holding up his bright orange trunks.
"Why are you running around naked?" Tad asked as Kyle grabbed the trunks almost falling over in his rush to put them on.
"Never mind that!" Kyle yelled in the middle of pulling up his trunks, rage burning across his face. "Why did you have them?" Kyle demanded of Tad grabbing him by the shoulders.
Tad's previous snickers and devious smile didn't last long upon viewing the mayhem shooting out of Kyle's eyes toward him. His quick glance around told him the park attendant had left--she figured Kyle was okay now that he had his trunks and wouldn't need her help—and no once else might be quick enough to save him from Kyle's vengeance.
"Please, before you kill me", Tad started, fear on his face and in his voice, "let me explain."
"You have about two seconds to do so, twirp, and then you're dead!" Kyle threatened tightening his hold on Tad's shoulders.
Tad, wincing form the pain and wanting to live to see age twelve, hurriedly told Kyle that he had been sent by their parents to find him so they could go to lunch.
"I got to the surf pool just as you lost your trunks." Kyle's grip tightened at the reminder of this humiliation causing Tad to grimace with increased pain. He continued, though his voice was quieter as he attempted to talk through the pain.
"I couldn't get to you in time and lost you in the crowd until I saw that bunch of kids and came over to see what was happening. I tried to help you, Kyle, I really did." Tad finished on the verge of tears.
As excruciating as his brother's grip on his shoulders was, Tad was faking most of his tears. While preventing his untimely death at the hands of his brother helped motivate him, he really had to hope his acting to be persuasive enough to prevent Kyle from finding out that his story wasn't entirely true. Though he had rescued his brother's trunks as he had said, Tad had falsified the part about losing Kyle in the crowd. Rather he had followed him the rest of the time staying back and observing the whole situation laughing quietly to himself.
"Please believe me, Kyle" he pleaded innocently. "Besides, we're late and Mom and Dad may kill me saving you the trouble."
Despite his desire to maim his brother, Kyle decided to believe Tad for now. Kyle released him wanting to get far away from this place of humiliation. With a stop to get his shirt and shoes from the locker, the boys headed back to the main park to meet up with their parents. Kyle threatened Tad with great bodily harm if he told their parents what he had witnessed. Tad, knowing Kyle just might carry through with this threat, promised he wouldn't tell. Unknown to Tad, none of his promises and pleadings prevented Kyle from formulating several ideas at some kind of revenge on his brother.
End part 1