Swim Team Part 1
By Ben Holiday
Copyright 2008 by Ben Holiday, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 1
"Please hurry, Mom!" Sarah heard her son plead from the passenger side of the car. She knew they would make it on time, but her son, Conner, wasn't so sure. She pulled the car up as close as she could to the entrance allowing Conner to leap out and race over to the locker room to change.
Sarah parked the car and headed to the bleachers. A quick search found the mothers of two of Conner's friends who were also his teammates. As she settled in next to the two ladies she saw Conner had gotten into his swimsuit joining his team out near the pool.
"I suppose Conner was as excited as Joel to be here." Carol said of her son to Sarah.
"He just knew we'd be late and he'd be in big trouble." Sarah replied with a slight rolling of her eyes. "I'm just glad the swim team survived as I know our boys love it so much.
"Tyler got us here about an hour early." the other lady said of her son.
The three ladies settled into their conversation eventually chatting about the forming of the swim teams. Their small town and several of the other one's in the county couldn't afford very many extra-curricular activities at their schools due to budgetary concerns. So the towns recruited volunteers to organize various activities including ones that would involve friendly competition among these towns. While many people agreed to help, those who chose to coach, officiate, etc., had little--if any--experience in their particular tasks. So, even though many of these volunteers worked hard, not all of these community activities lasted beyond the first year. The swim teams, however, had enough supporters and plenty of willing competitors such that the lack of true competence in coaching and officiating was largely overlooked.
"It's amazing the swim teams held together." Sarah acknowledged.
"You were a big part of that success, Sarah." Jenny, Tyler's mother, reminded her. "But I do agree. None of those poor volunteers seem to know what they're doing."
"Let's not be too hard on them." Carol said. "They do work hard and the swim teams did make it through to this year." Sarah and Jenny couldn't deny this. Leaving that topic, they went on to other things.
Near poolside, Conner was busy talking to his two friends, Joel and Tyler. Last year at the age of 10, Conner and his two friends were old enough for the youngest competing group. While he had plenty of room for improvement, Conner could hardly wait for this year's season. He had practiced when he could since last summer confident in his improved abilities.
The older boys' heats were first, to be followed by the older girls, so Conner and the others not in these races watched, warmed up or, in most cases, messed around. The coaches were always busy watching the races or conferring with other coaches regarding how to coach. Family and friends in the stands, though avid supporters of the sport, generally ignored races if none of their children were competing choosing instead to talk loudly about most anything. All this resulted in little, if any, supervision over the other swimmers who weren't competing at the moment. Thus, Conner's mother and the other two ladies were deeply engaged in conversation paying no attention to the current heats. At a brief lull in their chat, Sarah just happened to glance over at her son. He, Tyler and Joel were huddled together. Tyler and Conner were about the same height and build, both just about perfect for swimmers. Joel was slightly taller and thinner than his two friends. Sarah smiled at their camaraderie recalling how inseparable they were since becoming friends several years earlier. They did get into mischief from time to time, but nothing any other boy wouldn't be doing. She blushed slightly mentally chastising herself when she realized she was staring at the boys' cute red-Speedos clad rears. She noticed them point to one of the boys their age from the team wearing black Speedos. That boy seemed quite focused on the current heat.
"Conner's team is the Dolphins." she thought to herself, "Now, what are the other two teams' names?"
"Are you listening to me, Sarah?" Jenny said interrupting Sarah's thoughts.
"Sorry, Jenny," Sarah replied, "but I was trying to remember what the other teams' names were."
"Uh, if you look at the scoreboard up there," Jenny replied with a grin and a touch of sarcasm in her voice, "you'd see the ones in black are the Swordfish and the ones in grey are the Humpbacks."
Sarah blushed slightly as she looked up to see the team names prominently displayed just as they had been last year. But she knew Jenny was just teasing her meaning no harm.
"Why any team would call themselves the Humpbacks is beyond me." Carol said with a chuckle bringing about snickers from the other two ladies.
Sarah's thoughts went back to the three boys. Looking over to where she had observed them a few moments ago, she noticed Tyler was missing. He came hurrying back and showed the other two boys something that Sarah could not see. "They're up to some mischief," she thought, "but what?"
Tearing her eyes away from them, she returned to talking with Jenny and Carol for awhile. During a break in the heats and the conversation, Sarah described to the other two what she had seen. This turned their attention to their three boys. Jenny and Carol pondered the situation briefly but, figuring nothing out of the ordinary was happening, went back to talking about everything and nothing. Sarah couldn't quite leave the situation go only half listening to her friends. She recalled a conversation she had with Conner on the way home from his final meet last year. He had been very quiet at first and his mother thought it was due to the fact he'd finished last in his race. After some consoling words she got him to open up. Yes, he was a bit upset about coming in last but that wasn't the main problem. One of the Swordfish boys in his age group led many of the other Swordfish kids his age (along with a few Humpbacks and sadly one or two of his own Dolphin teammates) in some very devastating taunts regarding his swimming abilities (or, as they mentioned, his lack of ability). Conner wouldn't repeat some of the things to his mother they had said to him mentioning he wasn't allowed to say them. He left out the fact that their malicious comments had eventually made him cry further humiliating him. The usual chaos that reigned at these events allowed them to get away with this cruelty unnoticed and Conner didn't tell anyone until his conversation with his mother on the way home that day. As Sarah replayed this scene she looked back at the Swordfish boy she had noticed Conner and his friends pointing to. Conner hadn't described the boy last year, but this one was on the offending team and looked to be Conner's age. "What did he have in mind?" Sarah wondered about her son, "And should I stop him?" A potential scenario regarding Conner's possible thoughts ran through her mind for a moment. "It might be worth capturing on video," she thought palming her video recorder. Plus, she, Carol, and Jenny might get to deal out some creative punishments as a result.
"Carol, Jenny," Sarah said, interrupting their conversation, "I want you to take your camcorders and get into much better positions to record our boys' races."
Both ladies started to ask why they needed to go down now, but Sarah shushed them continuing with, "and pay particular attention on that boy." indicating to them the Swordfish boy she'd seen singled out earlier by their sons.
"Why him?" Jenny asked a look of confusion on her face. "He's not a Dolphin."
Not wanting to miss anything, Sarah gave no response except to hurry them on their way. Due to the normal confusion poolside, it took a bit of time for the ladies to get into various vantage points. Finally, Sarah got each one of them where she thought would give them three good views of the swimmers.
Conner and Tyler competed in their age groups' first heat with their mothers dutifully filming and cheering. Neither boy's time was the best of the group but each did do better than what he had done last year. Joel competed in the next heat. Jenny and Carol grew tired of standing near the pool, especially since their sons were now done, and desired to go sit down. Sarah signaled them to stay where they were for she believed Conner's plan was about to take place due to three events: (1) the Swordfish boy was getting into position to compete, (2) a bit of commotion was delaying the start of this heat, and (3) her son and his two friends were approaching the Swordfish boy.
When Tyler had disappeared earlier, Conner and Joel had convinced Evan, one of their teammates in their age group, to stall the beginning of his heat, the same heat that included the Swordfish boy. While Evan did this--risking disqualification--Conner, Tyler, and Joel quietly tip-toed up behind the Swordfish boy whom they had pointed to earlier. The Swordfish boy was up on his starting block concentrating on the pool trying to ignore everything but his lane. It took some extra work, he bemoaned, due to that Dolphin boy causing some kind of bother with the starter, but he maintained his focus. Looking around, Conner, Tyler, and Joel made sure the starter and other officials were still distracted and that most people's attention was elsewhere. They put their plan in motion.
Sarah zoomed in on the boys after a quick signal to Carol and Jenny to pay attention. While filming she could see the boys sneak up behind the Swordfish boy and very deftly slip a fish hook through the back of his swimsuit's waistband. They then backed away while slowly unraveling a fish line. The Swordfish boy took no notice of this giving his full attention to being ready to go when he heard the starter pistol go off.
The boys' plan started to make sense to Sarah. "This will be funny." she thought to herself battling the notion she should do something to spare the Swordfish boy the humiliation she envisioned.
Jenny, being at the far end of the pool still didn't quite know what was happening. Carol, like Sarah, started to piece together the possible outcome. She had her camera focused on the Swordfish boy, but stole a glance in Conner's direction. She couldn't see as well as Sarah could what the three boys had done, but saw them approach and then slowly back away from the Swordfish boy. Then they heard it:
"Ready, set…" then Bang!
The starter pistol had fired. As the three ladies filmed the start they heard the cheering of the few people actually paying attention change to a collective gasp. Following that you could hear people laughing. A murmur went through the crowd as the news quickly spread through them what had happened. Sarah, with a quick check that Jenny and Carol were still filming the Swordfish boy, moved back to Conner and his cohorts. Unknown to them, Sarah's camera captured them laughing. Conner was doing what he could to conceal the Swordfish boy's swimsuit he held, but Sarah did get his possession of it recorded.
Most people were laughing now, yet the Swordfish boy, unaware of his naked situation, swam on.
Both Sarah and Jenny, along with a few nearby at the start of the race caught a quick glimpse of the boy's naked butt as his swimsuit was pulled off. The fish hook had been placed just right so that he jumped right out of it as Conner, Tyler, and Joel yanked back on the fish line. The officials had been taken by such surprise that none of them knew what to do. So, they did nothing but watch six 11-year-old boys swim to the other end and back, one with a bare butt showing to all those in attendance. As the lady who volunteered as the stroke judge was equally confused as to what to do for the unaware naked boy, she simply did her job walking the length of the pool keeping pace with the swimmers looking for any other infractions. If you paid close enough attention, however, you might have heard a chuckle and noticed a slight grin as she watched the Swordfish boy's bare butt.
Though the boy's swimsuit being ripped off had happened so fast, Carol had already been zoomed in on him at the start. She had got a very quick peek at his penis as it flopped down when it had been freed from the confines of his swimsuit. Of course it happened so quickly, that, even with freeze-frame later on, you really couldn't see much. That and the fact that he was only eleven.
As the swimmers neared the finish, the Swordfish boy led the others and indeed won the race. The officials still lacked any idea of what to do especially as the usual chaos was greatly enhanced with this new spectacle. Thus, nothing was done to prevent the boy's next humiliation. Upon reaching the end he leaped out of the pool with his hands raised in victory while unknowingly flashing the crowd. His own teammates did nothing to enlighten him to his public nudity as they found the whole thing hilarious. Still not grasping his nakedness, he crossed his arms over his chest frowning at all the people laughing at him. His own team should be cheering him, he thought, and the others should be grudgingly congratulating him, not laughing. His mother, who had been shocked into silence until now, came running down, yelling his name.
"Tanner!" she yelled to him. He turned to look in her direction seeing her running toward him. It bothered him that, like his teammates, her face didn't have the look of joy he'd expected, but one of horror.
As his mother worked to get through the crowd in the stands and down to her son, snippets of various comments began to come clear in Tanner's ears despite the continued loud laughter. He caught remarks that included words like "naked", "bare butt", "small package" and the like. He looked around the group befuddled by their actions and words. His attention was very quickly drawn to three Dolphin boys his age. From their position in the crowd, they very carefully revealed some kind of cloth to him hoping that only he would see they had it. "That looks like one of my teams' swimsuits." He thought to himself. "Why do they…" and he stopped. The dawning realization on his face was priceless to Conner.
"Gotcha!" Conner mouthed silently to the boy.
Two thoughts took their appropriate turns in Tanner's mind. First, Conner reminded him very much of the boy he'd insulted and humiliated last year. Second, and more importantly, the boy's brain said, "You're naked. You're naked in public." His predicament finally sank in. He slowly looked down and the horror on his face surpassed that on his mother's. He had no swimsuit on and he was displaying all he had for this crowd. He had no pubic hair at all. His penis and balls were perhaps a bit bigger than most his age but the cold water prevented this from being apparent for the time being. And now he began to piece together that his suit had been off since the beginning of his race. In horror, he moved his hands to cover his privates. Even though covering himself up front brought some relief, he knew his bare butt was still showing and most likely had been during the race.
"My boy!" he heard his mother call out, "My poor naked boy!"
Mrs. Donahue, Tanner's mother, was a large, dramatic woman. Her shouts and wild gesturing didn't help Tanner's situation at all. Here he stood butt naked, paralyzed by embarrassment, surrounded by these kids (including girls he noted with dismay). His coach and one other official waded through the kids each grabbing one of Tanner's arms. Though their intentions were to help him, their actions pulled his arms away from his crotch re-exposing his privates to the crowd. Still not realizing what they'd done, they dragged the stunned lad through the crowd to what they hoped to be relief from this humiliation. As they did so, Tanner endured a variety of crude comments and nasty remarks. Several kids took the opportunity to smack his bare butt as he was hauled by. His mother had somehow gotten around to where he exited the encircling kids, grabbed him from the two men's hold, hugged him tight, sobbing and threatening the wrath of the gods on whoever did this to her boy.
Mrs. Donahue, just like the officials and most of the adults who were actually watching the start of Tanner's race, saw his swimsuit get yanked off. So she, like the others, figured this was no accident. However, strangely enough, instead of watching it get reeled in by Conner and his friends in order to catch those responsible for this misdeed, they kept their attention on the naked swimmer. Thus, only a few nearby kids and Evan (and, of course, the three boys' mothers) knew of Conner's, Joel's, and Tyler's role in Tanner's stripping. And those kids weren't going to say anything to anyone as they were laughing so hard.
Tanner fell deeper into embarrassment. His mother's cries only served to continue drawing attention to him and, of course, in her embrace, to his bare butt. Plus he could now include the humiliation of kids seeing his mother babying him like this. He broke out of her grasp and dashed to the locker room.
"Man, he's fast," one kid called out, "we should call him 'Flash'!" The laughter from this and other similar comments trailed him as his bare butt disappeared behind the closing door.
Tanner's mother was in hysterics heaping great invectives on the coaches, the officials, the crowd, and anyone else she could think of. The coaches tried to calm her down apologizing for what had happened promising to investigate. The other officials tried to bring some order to everyone else. As Tanner's heat had been the last of the day, the times were reported and most people started leaving many still laughing about his entertaining finish.
Conner, Tyler, and Joel disposed of Tanner's swimsuit realizing if they were caught with it they would be in big trouble. But, they agreed, any trouble would be worth the vengeance Connor had dished out with the aid of his friends. They were glad most people had concentrated on Tanner's naked situation and thus didn't know who had perpetrated this misdeed. And those nearby who did know the culprits conveniently forgot the boys' role as they found the whole incident quite amusing. The boys did make one error. They didn't realize their mothers had observed their role in Tanner's comeuppance.
"That was hilarious!" Jenny claimed to Carol and Sarah as they moved toward the exit to wait on their boys. "How did you know that was going to happen?" she asked of Sarah.
"I didn't exactly," Sarah replied, "but I had an inkling something of the sort may happen."
Still chuckling, Carol reminded them that their boys had done something quite terrible. "They really should be punished." she said.
"I've thought about that." Sarah said to Jenny and Carol noting Jenny was re-watching the scene on her camcorder. "Neither Tanner's mother nor the officials may know who did this, but before we tell them—and we will—let's do a little planning ourselves, you know, to help them punish three very naughty boys."
Carol and Jenny loved Sarah's devious grin.
End part 1