Fun with Polls Part 5
By Ben Holiday
Copyright 2010 by Ben Holiday, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 5
After he had lost his swimsuit, Joel had sat on his towel for awhile trying to figure out what had happened. He knew his suit was made to stay on. Swimming and diving competitively required such a suit so you wouldn't have to worry about it coming off, since such worrying could hurt your performance. And, yet, his came off very easily. His sisters had been shocked at seeing their older brother naked but eventually left him alone at their aunt's behest hurrying off elsewhere to play some more. Without them to bother him he had time to think and to observe. He was looking out across at the smaller waterslide when he saw a boy near the top lose his trunks. Knowing how the boy might be feeling, he looked away. His gaze fell on the three girls he had noticed earlier and they were looking in the direction of the boy on the slide. He remembered they were passing by the kiddie pool that morning when he'd followed the gaze of one of the girls to a boy whose trunks then fell down.
Joel had thought about this for a little while when, again, the strange message from a poll he had taken yesterday came back to him: "Enjoy your new superpower." The only way he had been able to get rid of the annoying pop-up seemed to have been choosing the red submit button. He pondered this for awhile. Still thinking about the poll, his attention was drawn to a group of boys jumping off one of the diving boards. He wished he could go join them as it looked like a lot of fun. Fun, that is, until one boy's trunks came off as he ran and jumped off the end. Joel was surprised to see the boy lose his swimsuit so easily. Growing suspicion caused him to look around. Yes, like with his own naked nightmare, other people were gathering around that bared boy. Once again, however, he saw three familiar girls. Joel had stood up and followed them at a distance to test a theory he had.
A little bit later, the three girls were present when a young boy's trunks fell to his ankles as the lad stood licking an ice cream cone. Joel began to formulate a plan. Reviewing what he had seen so far today he thought he might know how they were doing it—farfetched as it seemed as he hadn't thought anything of the red submit button other than it being annoying—and who was doing it. Seeing the three girls watch the older brother, Joel figured that boy would be the next victim which, of course, came true. Joel watched the girls being sure to keep his eye on the one he thought to be the perpetrator, who, when he had seen the three girls earlier he determined to be the prettiest. He saw Alissa concentrating more on the boy than the other two finalizing his theory. Why he waited to act after the crowd had mostly dispersed, he really didn't know. But it was time for Joel to strike as he believed now he could do what the red submit button seemed to have promised.
He watched in eager anticipation as he focused his first thought of de-bikining on the girl farthest away from the one he assumed had the de-swim trunking power. He quickly moved on to the one in the middle. He regretted they were facing away from him, but he was keen on trying out his power and hoped they may turn around for some reason giving him an eyeful. Once their screams got the de-trunker's attention, he made her top fall off. To add confusion—but more so to see some pretty girls' bare butts—he quickly used his power to pull down the other two girls' bottoms.
As he had thought would happen, the one girl still wearing her bottoms didn't move her hands from her exposed breasts in order to hang on to in a vain effort to protect her bottoms. Instead, keeping her arms strategically placed over her breasts, she began to turn around scanning the crowd ignoring the crude remarks and hooting. Joel knew she would be the first (and perhaps only) one to work out what was happening. He correctly assessed she would quickly figure out someone else had taken the same poll, had selected the red submit button, and now knew the super power was real. Due to his own earlier nude debacle, Joel briefly wished he had clicked on the third choice to keep his trunks on no matter what. But what was now happening—and what was about to happen—seemed to make his choice to be able to de-bikini girls the correct one. He saw the girl turn and meet his eyes.
Alissa stared over at Lycra boy. She could still hear Carla and Gail screaming as they struggled to get their bikinis back on. In the confusion, they had somehow tripped over one another. A lifeguard had approached in attempt to help, but inadvertently only added to the disorder prolonging Gail's and Carla's naked state. People were gathering around as they had with the naked boys paying little attention to the lifeguard's commands to leave. However, this time the crowd drew considerably more boys who—though they had earlier found the suddenly naked boys funny to see—were much more excited to find two completely naked girls and one who was topless. Alissa, however, ignored them all. She smiled at Lycra boy. He really was quite cute she thought. The boy smiled back thinking about how hot Alissa was. They both seemed to have a good idea of what would happen next.
Alissa saw Lycra boy wink at her. A second later her bottoms dropped to the ground eliciting more whoops and hollers from the crowd. Though her face now glowed an even deeper crimson red, she did not scream nor bend down to retrieve her bottoms. Instead, she winked back at Lycra boy. Joel cringed, knowing what that wink meant; yet, he maintained eye contact with his tormenter as his swimsuit once again descended very rapidly to his ankles to the delight of those on his side of the pool. Making things more embarrassing this time for Joel, he was sporting a boner due to seeing these three girls naked. His hardon smacked against his stomach upon its release from his descending swimsuit ending its bouncing up-and-down by pointing straight at Alissa. A very red-faced girl and a very red-faced boy looked across the pool at each other displaying all they had to a cheering crowd. Of course, they allowed their eyes to look each other up and down taking in the full glory of the other's nudity. Full blown embarrassment finally convinced them to stop ogling one another and both bent down to retrieve their respective swimsuits.
The End
A Few Excerpts from Alissa's Diary
July 14
Dear Diary,
You won't believe what happened today! I have a superpower that allows me to make a boy's swim trunks come off! It first started...
...but Trace had the cutest butt of all three...
...and there Lycra boy stood, naked, with a hard on! I could even see his balls! I was totally embarrassed, too, but it was worth it to see his package. I'll bet his face was redder than mine...
...a lady who I found out is Lycra boy's aunt talked with me a few moments before I left with Carla and Gail. Somehow she found out about my powers. She seemed a bit strange but invited me to Lycra boy's swim meet next week. I can't wait!
July 17
Dear Diary,
Carla, Gail, and I are going to a water park tomorrow! I should have lots to write about!!
July 18
Dear Diary,
I don't know where to begin, so many boys losing their swim trunks...
July 21
Dear Diary,
Today I went to Lycra boy's swim meet (his aunt told me his name is Joel)!! I got to see his bare butt twice and his penis once. His aunt Carol seemed to be just as thrilled as me, kinda creepy. Even better was when Joel spotted me in the stands while pulling his swimsuit up for the second time. His face was beet red but he did give me a weak smile. And he couldn't get me back since I was wearing regular clothes and not a bikini. I also made a few other boys' swim suits come off. There was this one...
July 22
Dear Diary,
I didn't have enough room yesterday after writing about all those naked swim boys. I met Joel. His aunt brought him over to me after the meet was over. He's so cute even if he's a year younger than me. He's as tall as me with the most gorgeous brown eyes. You could tell he was embarrassed (I was a little bit too because he did see me naked before) but I had so much fun talking with him. I had to have one more bit of fun though. When his aunt said it was time to go, he turned and walked away with her. He had his towel around his neck, his hands holding onto its ends. Yes, he suddenly found his swim trunks at his ankles, his gorgeous bare! The pictures are great!!
One year later
July 14
Dear Diary,
I seem to have lost my power to make boys' swim suits fall off. I'm going to miss it. But, it did let me meet Lycra boy (I don't know why I still call him that, but, oh well) and I did have a lot of fun with it last summer. Joel has really shot up and...
July 15
Dear Diary,
I found that poll again. It had a red submit button again. Look out boys! Look out Lycra boy!! Life is good!!