Fun with Polls Part 3
By Ben Holiday
Copyright 2010 by Ben Holiday, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 3
Carla and Gail looked at Alissa with anticipation. Though they were still excited about what had happened to Lycra boy, they were even more eager to hear what Alissa had to say.
"Choose a boy here at the park." she said to Carla. Carla and Gail stared at Alissa with a look of confusion on their faces. "Go ahead and choose." she encouraged Carla.
Carla looked around a bit. Still not comprehending what Alissa was up to, the first boy Carla spotted was climbing the ladder of one of the smaller slides. He looked to be about 8 or 9-years old. He had wavy brown hair and retained just a small amount of baby fat. Carla pointed the lad out to Alissa and Gail.
"Watch." Alissa told her two friends.
As the boy reached the last few steps Alissa concentrated on him. Carla and Gail gasped when they saw his trunks fall to his ankles. It happened fast enough that the boy actually stepped out of his trunks. Though this boy's unexpected nudity took hold of their attention for a moment, Gail and Carla, still giggling, turned back to Alissa with a questioning look on their faces leaving the boy to extract himself from his embarrassing situation without their attention.
"I have a super power." Alissa said with a devious grin on her face. Her two friends' mouths fell open at this statement. They waited an explanation. Alissa told them about the on-line poll, about her brother and his friends, and about Lycra boy.
"You made that cute boy across the pool lose his trunks...from here?" Gail asked in amazement. Alissa nodded her head in the affirmative. "And the one just now on the slide." Alissa told them. They all three looked over in his direction, but he had disappeared. They saw his swimsuit on the pool deck at the bottom of the slide's ladder.
"Now, let's really have some fun." Alissa whispered to her two friends, a naughty gleam in her eyes. "Gail, it's your turn. Who would you like to see lose his trunks?" Carla made a quick mental note to herself to choose more wisely if she got another turn.
Gail tingled a bit in anticipation. She recalled early in the day seeing a boy from their class that she had a bit of crush on. She made an intensive search and spotted him with some of his buddies at the other pool, the one with the diving boards.
Drake was the youngest boy in his class but was also the tallest. He had thick black hair that stayed a mess no matter what, a trait that Gail found quite endearing. Even better was seeing him shirtless here in his loose white board shorts horsing around with his friends. He showed some good muscle development and a nice flat stomach. He played basketball and ran track which kept him in good shape. Most of the time he was very quiet but, as he was showing here at the pool, he could let loose a bit when he was with his friends. Drake's friends were quite chunky and were considerably shorter than he was. Drake literally stood out in this group, which bothered none of them. Drake and his friends were monopolizing one of the diving boards doing every kind of jump they could imagine getting yelled at by the lifeguards once in awhile.
Gail could not speak. She merely pointed in Drake's direction. Gail's choice in no way surprised either Alissa or Carla as they knew about—and often heard and teased her about—her crush on him. Gail had a few extra pounds that she had trouble trying to get rid of. And though other kids made fun of her for her weight, Drake never did. On the occasions when he could overcome his shyness, he'd even talked with her from time to time at school. This caused Gail a small amount of guilt at choosing him. But the thought of seeing him naked overruled. These things were going through her mind as she and her two friends walked over to the other big pool for a better view.
All three girls focused their attention on Drake. Alissa and Carla hadn't noticed him and his friends until the moment Gail pointed him out. Gail, on the other hand, picked up on his presence about the moment he'd arrived watching him during the times she wasn't talking with her friends or watching the naked Lycra boy. It may have been her imagination, but she thought he had looked over her way a couple of times. This compounded her guilt somewhat, but she still wasn't going to stop Alissa.
Drake stood up on the far end of the diving board. Goaded on by his friends' chants, he started to run (which elicited a whistle from a lifeguard). The second he reached the end and prepared to jump Alissa struck.
All three girls had their cell phones already recording Drake's run. Alissa concentrated on Drake's trunks. She thought about them coming off and as his feet left the end of the board she used her power to yank his trunks down and off. He leaped naked off the end of the board his free show being duly recorded by at least three cell phones. A few other people recording their own kids elsewhere obtained an added bonus of Drake's naked jump in the background of their footage.
Gail almost dropped her phone. They had positioned themselves to get a decent frontal view. The water had done nothing to shrivel up anything important...or, if it had shriveled up anything, wow! Alissa and her two friends were counting their blessings. They had already enjoyed a pre-teen's package and bare butt, Lycra boy's. Now, they could add in a cute young teen boy's junk as well. None of them had ever before seen boys this age naked regretting what they had been missing out on.
Drake knew something was wrong as he hit the water but could not put his finger on it yet. He surfaced facing away from his friends. Gail and her friends had positioned themselves as best they could to get a good look. As Drake brushed the hair out of his face, he unintentionally offered an unobstructed view of his penis and balls. Puberty had rewarded him early with nice sizes for each and quite a lot of thick black pubic hair.
It wasn't until he turned around to head back to where his friends were that his predicament sank in. Two things demanded his immediate and undivided attention. First he noticed his friends pointing at him and laughing. Second he saw a familiar looking pair of white board shorts hanging off the end of the diving board. He looked down into the crystal clear water. His exposed penis greeted him. Maybe the brightness of Joel's red face from earlier could be beaten. Drake's gave it a good try.
Not thinking very clearly, he began to swim toward the diving boards bringing his bare butt out on grand display. All three girls were beside themselves but Gail most of all. One of Drake's friends recovered from his laughter enough to snatch Drake's trunks away just before Drake could get to them. The boy waved them around drawing very much unwanted attention as far as Drake was concerned. The people near-by were already laughing and commenting helping to draw others curious as to what had happened. Several lifeguard whistles were blaring bringing even more attention Drake did not want. Two of the lifeguards ran over to the scene. Unfortunately for Drake, it was two female lifeguards. Upon arrival to find a good-looking very embarrassed naked boy, they wished they had slowed down a bit on their way over to prolong his show. Somewhat reluctantly, they made Drake's friend give him his trunks back which provided additional entertainment as Drake struggled to pull them on while still in the pool. It took great effort to accomplish his task, but he felt staying in the pool provided more cover than if he climbed out of the pool stark naked to pull on his board shorts. To the delight of those watching, the pool provided very little cover. Gail had a memory she would treasure forever, hoping to one day share the story of their father's embarrassing moment with their children. She had plans for herself and Drake.
"That was great!" Carla exclaimed. Both she and Alissa turned to look at Gail. Their excitement at what they had just seen quickly turned to concern when they saw Gail's pale white face.
"Are you okay?" they asked her in unison grabbing hold of her arms.
"I'm great." she slowly whispered to them, a big grin forming on her face. They helped her sit down in the nearest empty deck chair. She heaved a great sigh of contentment. Alissa and Carla were relieved and echoed their friend's thrill at observing Drake naked.
They left the now dispersing crowd to return to their original deck chairs. Carla, an accomplished story teller, recounted in vivid detail what they had seen lavishing much attention on Drake's package and rear. The other two listened attentively to Carla's wonderful rendition of Drake's naked adventure.
"Can I have another turn?" Carla asked once they had sat back down. "I didn't make such a good choice the first time." referring to the little boy on the slide.
Alissa had noticed a few boys she would like to see naked. She highly considered giving Lycra boy a second round. However, having already seen four boys of her own choosing lose their swim trunks today, she thought it would be reasonable to let her friend choose another.
"Who gets to entertain us next?" Alissa asked Carla.
Both Alissa and Gail smiled in response to Carla's wicked grin.
End part 3