Fun with Polls Part 1
By Ben Holiday
Copyright 2010 by Ben Holiday, all rights reserved
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This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
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Part 1
Alissa had just finished one on-line poll when she went right for the next one. She loved answering these things, especially the ones that would tell you which character you were most like from a TV show, movie, cartoon, or book. Currently, however, she had taken to polls about superpowers. She almost always chose flying thinking about soaring above the trees in and out of the clouds. So, there were no surprises with the current poll as she selected flying. She took advantage of the ones that allowed you to elaborate on your choice of superpower and would write paragraphs describing why she wanted to fly.
Alissa looked at the clock and saw how late it was. She figured maybe she would take just one more poll and then she would definitely go to bed. She went back to the latest page of links she had searched for superpower polls. She scanned through the remaining possibilities and found one with what she considered a bit of an odd title: "Choose your superpower: de-bikini, de-swim trunk, or keep your own on." Though she doubted flying would be one of her choices here, curiosity pulled her to check it out.
She had to chuckle to herself when she read the full description. It said "Everybody wants to have some kind of superpower, maybe to be super strong, to turn invisible, to fly (Alissa nodded in agreement to this one), or to be super fast. But how about something a little more fun? What if you could make other people's swimsuits come off just by thinking about it? Take this poll and let us know what you'd like to be able to do."
Alissa thought it a bit strange, but continued on. The first several questions were like those of most polls asking for age and gender among other things. Once you stated your gender it simply asked one question:
"Which of the following superpowers would you prefer to have:"
a. The power to de-bikini a girl just by thinking about it.
b. The power to de-swim trunk a boy just by thinking about it.
c. The power to keep your own swimsuit on no matter what power someone else has.
Alissa had to chuckle to herself as she read this blushing a bit thinking about the choices. Before she answered she noticed the question was repeated realizing the first one was directed for girls to answer and the other for boys. That further intrigued her. She decided to look at the results first. Most girl respondents chose the power to keep their own on, with de-swim trunking boys a distant second. Boys, on the other hand, overwhelmingly chose de-bikining girls, with keeping their own on a very distant second. Alissa was not surprised with either result. "Boys are such perverts." she thought to herself.
She went back to the poll question. She thought a few moments. Finally, she checked "b". "Guess I'm a bit of a pervert, too." she thought to herself, chuckling just a bit.
She moved to click submit and noticed two submit buttons. One looked like most any other submit button. The other differed only in color. It was bright red. Alissa could not imagine why there were two submit buttons and clicked on the regular grey colored one. A small pop-up window appeared with the message "Are you sure you don't want to click on the red submit?" This surprised Alissa. She couldn't make the pop-up go away so she indicated she had made the choice she wanted to make. The pop-up didn't go away. It just changed its message to "Are you really sure you don't want to click on the red submit?". Alissa didn't like this. Perhaps this was a virus and she should just leave the poll to avert infecting her computer. But she wanted her choice to get counted so she once again indicated that she had clicked what she had intended.
"This is your last chance. Are you sure you don't want to click the red submit button?"
Alissa just stared at the pop-up. Was this weird or was she just being paranoid? She couldn't figure out which. Her desire to have her choice recorded won out so she clicked on the red submit button. The pop-up thanked her and added, "Enjoy your new superpower". That was odd, but Alissa decided to ignore it and made sure the site recorded her choice of de-swim trunking boys. She giggled again at the thought, blushed a bit, and went to bed.
Alissa awoke to an awfully hot July day due to the sounds of very loud voices outside. She looked out of her second story bedroom window to see her younger brother, 11-year old Nathan, running around with two of his buddies yelling and, in her opinion, making nuisances of themselves. All three were clad only in their swim trunks jumping into and out of the wading pool as part of their noisy fun. But it was all very annoying to Alissa. She thought about yelling at him and his friends to shut up but sat and watched them for a minute. The last message from the pop-up flashed through her mind: "Enjoy your new superpower."
Alissa looked down at Nathan. He was a bit small for his age and very skinny. His two friends, Trace and Dane, were taller than him. Trace, the tallest of all three was also quite thin. His thick black hair usually covered much of his face but did so even more now since it was wet. Dane, was somewhat stocky. His brown hair was always cut very short adding emphasis to his slight chubbiness.
For the next couple of minutes, Alissa noticed Nathan having to stop and hike his trunks back up a bit. As skinny as he was, this was not unusual for him to have to do. But it seemed to be occurring more often than usual. Alissa found this interesting and a bit amusing. Nathan found it irritating and a bit frustrating. Alissa continued to watch him focusing her concentration on his trunks more and more. As she did this, the more often he was grabbing at his trunks to get them back into place. So far, they hadn't fallen very far as he was extremely vigilant at keeping them in place. Alissa concentrated her staring a bit more. This time, half of Nathan's rear was exposed before he caught his trunks to pull them back up. His friends were too busy dunking each other at that moment so they hadn't noticed. Alissa, unknowingly to her brother of course, had seen. She knew her brother to be very shy and smiled slightly at what he must be thinking.
Alissa waited until Nathan became the center of attention. Dane had just tackled Trace when a water balloon burst up side Dane's head. Both boys stopped what they were doing and turned in the direction of the origin of the projectile. They saw Nathan sporty a cheesy grin and holding two more water balloons. He had hidden them earlier waiting for just the right time to get them and fire away. Dane and Trace looked at each other, grinned, and yelled "Water fight!!" taking off toward Nathan. Nathan smiled throwing two more balloons as his soon-to-be assailants approached wanting to get their hands on the balloons to join in the fun. Alissa focused very hard on her brother deciding to put to the test what she now realized the poll had been implying. She was about to see if she really did have a super power.
Nathan did not run. He stood there laughing while bombarding his buddies with as many water balloons as he could. There was no sense in running since he couldn't take all the balloons with him. He knew they'd get some anyway so he might as well use as many as he could before his doom came upon him. He had made plenty knowing they'd all have a lot of fun. Dane and Trace were almost upon him when they came to a dead stop. Nathan knew what stopped them and what was causing them to stand there with their mouths hanging open. A moment before his friends came to their stop, Nathan felt his trunks fall to the ground. He stood there stunned holding two water balloons. His face turned red as Dane and Trace doubled over laughing at their naked friend. Alissa had thought at the last moment to grab her phone and got a nice picture of her brother's bare butt. Nathan dropped the balloons and quickly moved to retrieve his trunks. Alissa took a few more pictures giggling at each one showing Nathan's bare cheeks.
"I...I...uh..." Nathan stammered unable to talk coherently.
"Well, I didn't think you could stop us from getting a balloon and soaking you," Dane said through laughter, "but that worked!"
He and Trace were still laughing. Assuming only his two friends had seen his brief nude moment, Nathan recovered enough to throw a water balloon at Dane. Though it continued to occupy a small part on Nathan's brain, the incident was quickly forgotten and water balloons started flying.
Alissa leaned back looking at the pictures she'd taken, a sly grin on her face. However, her brow furrowed a bit. Maybe it was just a fluke she thought. Nathan was skinny as a rail so his trunks could've just fallen down on their own. This was all the justification she needed to try out her supposed super power again. Though she was two years older than Nathan and his friends, she did think Dane and Trace were a bit cute. Brats, but cute none-the-less. So seeing them naked—especially Trace—would be kinda hot she thought, not just funny.
She decided to test her power on Dane next. She tipped her chair back toward the window just in time to see Trace let go of one of the lower tree branches to land back down on the ground. Evidently it was show off time. Alissa couldn't make out specifically what Trace was saying but it looked as though Dane would take him up on some challenge. Alissa saw Dane climb up to grab a hold of the same branch Trace had just let go of and start doing chin-ups. She could tell Nathan and Trace were taunting him in fun trying to get him to let go. Unlike with her brother, Alissa wanted to test her power right away without building up. So, as Dane started lifting himself back up, she concentrated on him.
The boys loved teasing each other and Dane was giving just as good as he was getting while trying to beat the number of chin-ups Trace had done. All three knew he couldn't do so as Trace was the strongest and most athletic of the group. But, a challenge was a challenge and Dane just couldn't pass it up. Nathan had just taunted him with something about his girly arms when Dane felt a breeze. The insults from Trace and Nathan had suddenly stopped. Dane's chin was above the limb he had a hold of but it was what had happened below that made his eyes open in alarm. The moment his chin cleared the branch, his swim trunks fell off. And just like with Nathan, they fell clear to the ground. Unfortunately for Dane, he wasn't standing on the ground as Nathan had been. Dane's trunks came completely off.
"Well, looks like I shouldn't have said anything about your girly arms," Nathan said snorting, "as small as that is maybe I wasn't insulting you."
Dane's penis and balls were actually about normal size for a boy his age. In fact they were a bit bigger than Nathan's. But few boys would care about that when they had the opportunity to humiliate a friend. Alissa gasped a bit as she got to see a bit more of Dane than she did of her brother. The limb Dane was hanging from gave a side view of him to Alissa. The way his legs were when his trunks fell off, gave her a brief glimpse of his penis. It flustered her so much, she dropped her phone missing the opportunity to take a picture of him in that position. By the time she rescued her phone, Dane was on the ground struggling to get his trunks on. His back was now turned to her so she did get a few nice pictures of his bare butt.
Alissa leaned back again to try to take this all in. Twice now, a boy's swim trunks fell off when she wanted them to. Once again, though, maybe it was just coincidence she thought. And once again, this was just her way to excuse testing her power out.
She looked back out the window. The boys were on the swing set for now with Dane looking a bit subdued. The boys were considerably quieter now. Dane was in the middle swing and it looked like the other two boys were trying to console him. For a moment, Alissa felt a twinge of guilt. She quickly justified the situation by reasoning that he was only seen by his two friends and—unknown to him, of course—by herself. He shouldn't be too upset she figured. She was relieved to see a moment later that Dane grinned at something Trace said and playfully punched him in the arm. That started a round of wrestling which seemed to bring everything back to normal.
"Good." Alissa thought to herself. "Now, one more test and I'll be satisfied this isn't all a big coincidence." She knew very well she didn't need a third trial to convince herself that the power was real. She simply needed to rationalize dropping Trace's trunks.
Nathan and Dane ganged up on Trace, who, as usual could hold his own fairly well against both of them. At one point, he had escaped their hold on him. Nathan and Dane came at him from opposite sides. Trace waited until the right moment then held out his hands just in time to meet up with his friends' chests holding them at bay. All three were laughing so hard that Trace wouldn't be able to hold them away for long. But that's all the opening Alissa needed. Intent as they were on bringing Trace down, neither Nathan nor Dane noticed at first what prompted Trace's face to change from laughter to bewilderment.
Alissa watched with glee as the young lad's trunks dropped to the ground. As with her brother, sadly enough, Trace's back was to her window. However, he did have the cutest butt of the three she'd seen that day. To make matters worse for Trace, he pulled his arms back from his friends in order to pull up his trunks. This proved to be very unhelpful to him. Nathan and Dane lurched toward him unbalanced at the sudden removal of Trace's hands. They collided with him resulting in all three falling in a heap to the ground, Dane and Nathan not yet realizing their friend was naked. The two boys were sprawled across Trace's back so Alissa still had a nice view of his bare butt, an excellent position for several more pictures. She heard a yelp which was produced by both Nathan and Trace. In an effort to untangle himself from the others, Nathan's hand came in contact with Trace's butt. In their normal play fighting nobody would've thought anything of this, just simply part of what happens. However, in this case, both boys realized a very naked rear end was being touched. Nathan quickly withdrew his hand and jumped up, wide-eyed. Dane was soon off, too, and for the first time noticed his naked friend.
"Why'd ya take your trunks off?" Nathan yelled at Trace holding his hand away from himself scrunching up his face. "Are you crazy?!"
"I didn't...I mean they just...well, it was like what happen to you two." Trace yelled back grabbing his trunks and struggling to get them back on. "They just fell off right before you two fell on me."
Alissa could tell the boys were still trying to sort out what had happened. But she was too busy making a phone call to pay much attention.
"Gail?" Alissa asked when the phone got answered. "Get your swimsuit and towel. We're going to the pool today!"
Without any more explanation than that, Alissa hung up on a bit confused Gail in order to call Carla. Gail and Carla, Alissa's two best friends, may not know it yet, but Alissa had a fun day planned for the three of them.
End part 1