Brad, Second Time Offender Part 3 By Aldric Copyright 2004 by Aldric, all rights reserved. ***** This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. Comments may be made to ***** Brad, Second Time Offender Part 3 When they got home, his mother had some news that made Brad's heart sink even lower. "Guess what," she started, "you're Aunt Abby is going to have her baby, so we're going to spend two days on the lake with your cousins until she and Uncle Bradley bring the baby home." Uncle Bradley was Brad's favorite relative; Brad had been named for him. But he didn't want Bradley to see him with the collar on, being ordered around by Melissa and Brian, he wanted his uncle to be proud of him and there was no pride to be had for anyone in DANIP. Besides, there were his cousins, 14 year old Kate, 13 year old Jay, and 9 year old Todd. He didn't know how much lower he could sink. Then Brad realized something else; he had only been sentenced to 3 days in DANIP, today was the first. But if they spent two days at the lake, then he still had his extra time in the APA plus his 'slave' time to serve, in effect adding at least another day to the sentence. Then his mom added to his misery. "And since we're going to the lake, you can each bring a friend if you wish." Melissa immediately went to invite her best friend, Matt, and Brian said he was going to call Tom. But before he did, he remembered Brad. "Mom, what about Brad? Can he go up there while he's in the program?" "Yes, he can, but I'm glad you thought of that," their mom answered. "I called Judge Eckerd today and he checked. Fox County does have a similar program, and they will bring him in to their program while we're up there. The judge says it's a little different, but the time will count for Brad's sentence. "It's too bad you had to go and get yourself in trouble again, Brad," she said, looking at him. "You could still invite someone if you wanted, but it can't be Kevin." Brad didn't want to have any more witnesses to his punishment than necessary, and besides, if he couldn't bring Kevin he didn't have a clue who else he would bring, Kevin was his best friend by far. He started to tell his mom as much, but then he thought of something. "Maybe I could invite Sam," he asked. His mother looked at him strangely; Sam was Melissa's age, 2 years younger than Brad. "I guess, but ask Brian if it's okay with him." Brad stood there for a second, hoping that either Brian or his mom would leave so he could ask in private. When he first entered the program, the worst time was being seen naked by his mother. Now he was a little more comfortable with that, but Brian had put a new wrinkle in. Brian knew exactly what was troubling Brad, so he stood there waiting. Finally Brad murmured "Please, master, may I invite Sam?" Their mother smiled despite her best efforts not to, this was clearly embarrassing her oldest son and that was something he needed. "I auctioned him off to Sam today for two hours; I think he's trying to get that done now instead of after we get back. But I think he should have a friend there, so if you don't mind, he can bring Sam. But I may not distract Sam with the two hours he bought, I'll make that decision later. And Brad needs to keep in mind that Sam is his guest and spend time with him just like he would with Kevin." Brad was still embarrassed at having to call his brother 'master' in front of their mom, and he knew he would have to do the same with everyone at the lake, including Sam. And his brother had just gotten to him again, causing him to invite someone with the hope of completing some required time, but now he probably wouldn't count it and he'd still have to spend the time with Sam after they got back. But there was no way out of it now. "I understand master; I will treat Sam as my guest and friend while we're at the lake." With that decided, Brian called Tom and Brad called Sam to invite them. Both were allowed to go, but their mom said they since Brad needed to be processed into their program they needed to leave very early, so all the guests were invited to spend the night with the Weslo's. That evening, the boys and Melissa had as much fun at Brad's expense as they could until Mrs. Weslo said it was time for bed. Brad's anger had returned, and his foul mood was growing worse. The next morning everyone was awakened at five in the morning so they could have a quick breakfast and get on the road. As they were packing stuff in the van, Matt and Melissa kept picking on Brad, trying to cause him to have an erection and threatening to make him stay hard for the entire drive. Brian noticed that Brad was very quiet, and knew from experience that meant he was angry. He decided to stay close just in case. And the need to be close came almost immediately. While Brad was bent over putting something in the back of the van, Matt reached between his legs and gave Brad's balls a little squeeze. Brad stood straight up, hitting his head on the door. His anger spilled out and he lashed out with an elbow aimed at Matt's face. But Brian was right there and stepped in front of Matt, taking the elbow in the chest. The air whished out of him from the force of the blow, making Brian gasp for breath. "Bradley Vincent Weslo, what on earth do you think your doing?" Mrs. Weslo stormed out of the house, having witnessed the attempted blow to Matt's face, but not the action that lead up to it. "That's it, I can't have any of that, I think we need to . . ." "No mom, let me handle this," Brian said, still trying to suck air into his lungs. "No Brian, this is way beyond what you can deal with. I think the judge needs to handle this, this is beyond DANIP." "No mom, you're wrong. You put me in charge of Brad because you trusted me; now let me show you, I can deal with this." Brian was able to stand up straight and his voice was getting stronger. "Matt is scared, but he'll get over it. I'll have a bruise, but I'll heal, and I'm not out of control. I can handle this." Mrs. Weslo calmed down a little, but said "No, Brian, I don't think so. He hit you, and he was trying to hit Matt. If that elbow had hit its target, we'd be on the way to the hospital now. I can't risk that my son would deliberately hurt someone for no reason. I think that this needs to be handled professionally." "Mom, Brad has been angry for days, and I wouldn't allow him any chance to let it out. I wouldn't let him yell, or be by himself, or run, all the stuff he does to cool off when he's mad. I saw the anger building, and I didn't do anything about it, in fact, I kept doing things that I knew would make it worse. If you look at it like that, I'm almost as much to blame. And Matt can take some blame too, he grabbed Brad's balls and squeezed them, causing Brad to hit his head. Mom, I can handle this. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I really believe it won't. I know how to let Brad let his anger out, and he will be punished a lot for hitting me, but I'll do it within the rules of the program. MOM, I CAN DO THIS!" Mrs. Weslo hadn't seen Matt's action. She asked him if he had done what Brian said, and he admitted he had. "Brian, I'm not sure about this. Matt's not the only one who is scared, I am too. That was too close. I want some assurance you can control this before someone gets hurt. Brad spoke for the first time. "Mom, it won't happen again. I knew my anger was brewing, and I needed something to work it out, but I never asked anyone. I should have, and I will come to you or Brian if I know I'm losing control again. I don't want to go to jail. I'll put up with anything Brian comes up with, not to keep myself from jail, but because I'm really sorry and I deserve what happens. I think Brian will be able to deal with me fairly, and I'm sure I'm not going to like what he does. But I'll remember what I tried to do and put up with it" He looked at Brian and continued. "Brian, I mean master, I will submit to your control instead of fighting you like I have been. I know this is my fault, and I've been blaming you for it. But please, remember how it feels to wear a collar, the hopelessness and frustration that goes with it." Next he addressed Matt. "Master, I am really sorry. I'm really ashamed of myself. You also know how it is to be in my shoes; please think of that as you continue to punish me. I will not try to hit you again, no matter what you do." Everyone was quiet for a few minutes. "Brian, are you really sure?" Mrs. Weslo asked. "More now than before. I didn't even realize Brad was blaming me. Mom, I can do this without hurting him, I know I can. And for everything Brad's ever done to my in my life, I can't remember a single time he has ever hit me in anger. He's right, I haven't given him any reason to have any hope, and I've left him frustrated at every turn. He's not going to hit any of us." She thought for a minute, and then said, "then let's finish loading the van or we'll be late. The rest of the trip passed quietly. At one point, Melissa poked at Brad's groin with her finger and asked "Can I play with it?" just to see how he would respond. Brad said "Master, no that doesn't sound right; how about if I call you Mistress, and Kate too when we get there. Mistress, you can do what every you want." He smiled at her. "Well, it's no fun if you're going to enjoy it," she said, trying to sound irritated, but in reality she was just happy her brother wasn't mad. They arrived at the check-in area a little early, but there were still a lot of people around, mostly kids. The man behind the table was big; he was much more than 6 foot tall and weighed about 250 pounds. Brad decided that no matter what happened, he wasn't going to give this guy any reason to dislike him. "I see that you're a second time offender; you're the second one checking in today. You sure picked the wrong day to join us; we had 6 boys get enrolled last night." Brad didn't understand why the number of offenders had anything to do with him, but he remained quiet. "Who is going to be in control of him?" Brian answered up that he was the primary person, but that any of the other kids could be if that was allowed here. "Oh, yeah, that's allowed. In fact, it's better to have a few different kids to hand him off to once in a while. Why don't all you come with me and I'll show you all how to give him the enema." Everyone, especially Brad, reacted the same way, but the man ignored them and brought them to the back. Here it was different in that the audience was roaming around instead of being kept back in one area. And Brad noticed that instead of spanking machines, there was a long row of stocks which looked similar to what he had seen in his history book, except that there was only a part for a head and arms, and it appeared to be set on a movable track that made it adjustable in a number of positions. The man brought them over to where two girls were squeezing the last of the contents of an enema bag into a boy of about 14. "Is that the last bag?" the man asked them, and they told him it was. "Get your offender up here," he said to Brian, pointing to a table, "and bring his legs back like this." He brought Brad's legs back until his anus was completely exposed. "Now you hold still, or I'll show them how to tie you in position," he said to Brad. "Over here is the stuff you need. Throw the plug away after each use, there are several new ones in the kit. You fill the first bag with warm, soapy water, and put it all together like this." He was showing everyone how it was done. "Then you grease up the end a little so it will slide in easier, and insert just like this." Brad moaned a little as the hose penetrated his anus and a few inches were run up inside him. "Next you open this valve, and the water will flow into him, flooding out his insides. Leave it go for 5 minutes, he'll complain, but he can hold it." The man held the hose in place for the required time. "Okay, boy, I'm going to pull this out of you. There's a toilet right to your left, try to get there before this all comes spilling out." He pulled the hose out of Brad's rear end, and let Brad up. Brad looked to his left, and saw several porta potties with no walls. One boy, the one who was getting the enema when they first got there, was sitting on one of them. Brad ran for the other and sat down just as everything came running out. When he returned, they had another bag ready to flush out any remains. The man left the kids to handle it and said he'd be back in five minutes to do the next step. The man was back when Brad came back from his second trip to the exposed toilet. Of all the humiliations he had endured, he decided that taking a dump in public was near to being the worst. Brad was taken out to the area where the stocks were and placed in one near the end of the row. There was a girl in the stock just to his left. The holes for his head and arms were padded, so it wasn't too uncomfortable, until he realized that the stocks were designed to be positioned. "Okay, boy, let's get you down now," the man said, undoing a latch and lowering the stocks down until his head was just off the ground. The man grabbed his ankles one at a time and fastened them down to a pad, leaving his backside up in the air and exposed. The man wrapped a belt around Brad's waist, fastening it in the back. He could hear the man giving instructions to the others. "All second-time offenders here are prohibited from enjoying orgasm for the first 24 hours of their sentence. The belt is a lot more comfortable than the collar, but you can use either one. But keep this in mind, it is very important. If anyone sees him masturbating while he is wearing this color belt, they will report it. You will be called in, and you most likely will also be sentenced for 24 hours. Do you understand, each of you?" The others all said they did. "Now," he continued, "comes the part everyone hates the most." Brad couldn't see what he was doing, but if everyone hated it, he doubted if he was going to enjoy it. He heard a quiet buzzing then it was quiet except for Sam saying "Wicked!" Brad felt the man's hand on his backside and something cold was pressed up against his anus. The man gave a little shove and it slipped inside. "That's why we give them the enema, to empty them out. You need to pull this out at least once a day and give another enema, and then re-insert this till it fits right about here. Brad could feel the man's fingers just inside his hole, and then the device made contact with his prostrate. "Shit, not again" he thought, remembering the first time he was in the APA. Sure enough, the vibrator was turned on, and made constant contact with his prostrate. "Ummm," Brad said, trying to keep from getting hard, but it felt so good. Then it shut off. "Okay, let's have a couple of you take it out and put it back in to make sure you know how it's done." Brad had to endure the humiliation of having each of his guardians practice putting in the vibrator and moving it into position until they could get it right to where the man said it should be, and all of it while total strangers came up to watch. "The controller is attached to the belt here," and Brad felt a tug at the belt as the controller was attached, "and for now I've set the dial to 5. It's up to you where you want to set it. At position 1, it runs for 5 minutes and shuts off for 15. In position 10, it runs constantly. The battery will last for about 6 hours in position 10, about 18 hours on position 5, and over 24 hours on position 1. You're not allowed to turn it off except to take it out to give him an enema. Like I said, that needs to be done at least once more today, and you should probably do it before bed too. Other than that, leave it in him and turned on. Any questions?" Brian asked about extra batteries, and the man said there were several in the kit. There were no other questions, and Brian said "go ahead and set it on 6 for now, I may want to try different settings to see how he reacts." "Good idea, that's the way to be thinking about it. Remember, don't let him masturbate. And if you give control to someone else, you bear the responsibility for telling them the same thing." The vibrator turned back on, stimulating Brad's prostrate again and again, feeling good. Brad knew the next 24 hours was going to really suck. "Is he sentenced to any spankings today?" the man asked. Brian said there were two severity 1 rule violations, but the man didn't know what that meant. "Are they just a little problem, or moderate, or did something really bad happen?" the man asked. Brad really expected the worst now, but Brian said "just two little things, not important at all." "Then he'll get 4 on each cheek for each offense. But since he's a second-time offender, they'll be with a paddle instead of by hand. You can have me do it, or chose someone from the audience to do them. I'll give you a hint, I don't hold back none." Again, Brad expected the worst, but Brian said he would have someone from the audience give them. The Stocks were then raised up till Brad's head was a few feet off the ground. The vibrator was still running, and Brad was already wishing he could touch his dick, which was hard. "Here's how your days start while you're in our county. You are put in the stocks, the newest kids first. We start with third time offenders, the only one we have today is that young lady next to you. Then the second time offenders are put in place. Once the last of them are in place, the first time offenders are marched through in order. Each one will approach you and you will perform oral sex on them until they orgasm. Do you know what that means?" Brad muttered a weak yes to his question. "There are no girls today, just 12 boys." Brian was thinking that meant that he had to give 12 blow jobs today, in public. "The first time offenders will then get something to keep them hard and go to the girl on your left. Then comes their spanking, and finally, they have to masturbate. Sometimes that takes a while; if it does we will get you moving along faster." Then, the second time offenders will come down the row. There are 4 of them, not counting you, but the one who will be next to you is also on his first day, so you don't have to suck him. They then go to the girl on your left, and then they masturbate. Finally, you get released. Because we have so many kids today, I'd expect you to be here for at least an hour. Get used to it, you come back tomorrow and do it again." The other kids were being brought in order of their position. By the time they had the last one done, the first time offenders were all brought over. Brad could turn his head and see the first one walk up to the boy in the first stock and let that boy work his dick into his mouth. It took him a long time to get the boy hard, but once he did, the boy moved on down the row and the next boy stepped up. Meanwhile, the vibrator finally shutoff, giving Brad some rest from the constant stimulation of his prostrate. The line moved slowly along. Each time the lead boy moved down one spot it took longer for the next person to get him off. It took between 10 and 15 minutes before the first boy got to Brad. Brad had trouble getting the kid's soft penis into his mouth, but finally succeeded. He got the kid hard, and then his vibrator kicked in for the fourth time. He pulled his head up and sucked harder, bringing the kid off right away. Brad hadn't paid enough attention, and he didn't know if he could spit out the sperm or if that would get him into trouble, but before he could turn his head and look, the next kid in line was there. Brad swallowed. An hour later, the last of the kids passed on to Brad's left. Brad's lips were sore from sucking, and his knees hurt from the position he was locked into. He couldn't see what the boys did with the girl, but she wasn't giving them blow jobs. Soon he heard the sounds of hands striking soft flesh, and knew the first boys were getting their spankings. As the first time offenders were now trying to bring themselves to hardness again, they started the second time offenders. Brad soon had more sucking to do, but this time he turned to watch and saw that every other boy had swallowed the sperm, so he knew he had made the right choice. Only 3 of the five kids were brought to Brad, and again, he couldn't see what was happening with the girl. Then he heard a sharp noise from his right, and turned to see the big man swinging a ping pong paddle at one of the other second time offenders. The noise it made when it struck was bad, but the screaming of the boy each time the paddle hit scared Brad, even though he knew that Brian had not submitted him to that. Once it was done, the boy was released and brought to the boy on Brad's right. Brad gave him a blow job next. The boy to Brad's right was released, and Brad heard Brian call out Sam's name. Sam actually had tears in his eyes as he approached Brad and took the paddle from the man. The smacks were no where near as loud or hard as the man had delivered, but each one still stung. Finally, Brad was released from the stocks. He had a very firm erection, and the vibrator was running as Brian and Sam fastened his arms in the belt and took him over to where his mom was waiting in the van. Sam was still crying, and Brad finally asked why. Brian answered for him. "The way that other kid was spanked scared him a lot. Brad, I don't care if you hit me again, I'll not let that man touch you if I get a choice. I may want somebody else to do it, Sam didn't really hit you, but it won't be the man, I promise you." Sam appeared to settle down upon hearing that, and it sure made Brad feel a lot more comfortable.