Forced Nudity
Story Archive
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Stories by Adrianne Bloom

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The Conversation
by Adrianne Bloom
A conversation between two young girls living in the married quarters of a Royal Navy base in the south of England in the fifties. It concerns a boy slightly younger than them, a nasty bully, and his comeuppance.
The Conversation June 30, 2014

Arkwright & Buckingham
by Adrianne Bloom
Arkwright, a skilled artisan, is asked to build a whipping contraption. Then he is invited to witness its use on two young girls.
Arkwright & Buckingham October 1, 2013

Untitled Series

by Adrianne Bloom
This is a series of stories that can be read individually or as a whole taking the reader from the First World War through to the present day. Essentially they have CP as the theme but there is nudity and humiliation included as an integral part of the procedures.
The Prologue begins at the time of the First World war when the grandfather of one of our protagonists, a young teen at the time, is send to live with his aunts, young cousins and two governesses. It tells the story of his humiliations and punishments at their hands.
(Fm, Fm, Fm, fm, fm)
Robin's story brings us to the early 60's and describes the characters of those that will continue the stories onwards. Robin is a boy scout that gets into trouble with the guide mistress for lewd behaviour with two of the guides.
(mf, Fm, Mm)
Kim's story describes how the guide mistress developed her interest in punishing young boys as a babysitter for her neighnour when she witnesses his spanking and then becomes so fascinated that she has to try it herself.
(Fm, fm, f/self spanking, Ff)
Deborah's story concerns one of the guides that Robin got into trouble over and how her fascination for CP causes her to seek out a professional lady to satisfy her desires. 
(f/self spanking, Ff)
Tom's Story has Tom, the scout leader from the first story, now a gym teacher at an all girl's school, practicing his perversion on the girls and teachers at the school and how some of them become so turned on that they get into all sorts of mischieve in order to be punished by him. Kim, the baby sitter, also makes an honary appearance in this story.
(Mf, MF, fF, ff)
Prologue - Life in a Female Household June 16, 2013
Part 1 - Robin's Story July 7, 2013
Part 2 - Kim's Story July 21, 2013
Part 3 - Deborah's Story August 4, 2013
Part 4 - Tom's Story August 28, 2013
Part 5 - Pinky & Perky's Story October 21, 2013
Part 6 - Car Park Cyclist November 10, 2013

The stories accessible from this page copyright © 2007-2014 by Adrianne Bloom, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2014, all rights reserved.  Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story.