Travels With My Aunt 5

By brhmsj

Copyright 2025 by brhmsj, all rights reserved

[3,347 words]

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Travels With My Aunt, 5

New Experiences

As I lingered in the shower I thought about what my first couple of days here had been like. What was foremost on my mind was that I was having new sexual experiences. First sexual experiences really, other than a few times of slightly embarrassed mutual masturbation with a friend. Louis had taken an intimacy which under just about any other circumstances I would have thought quite out of line. Yet I had easily accepted it. And liked it.

Along with Louis’s attention to my erection, I had no question in my mind that Rejean was making quiet advances, no doubt sexual. Again, I didn’t mind; in fact I rather enjoyed it. I’d never felt any sexual curiosity toward other guys yet here I was enjoying it. I also was enjoying the sight of so many naked women, especially Louisa. I let out an involuntary gasp as I realized that I’d happily crawl into bed with both her and her brother. Separately, I thought with a smile.

All this made me hard again which provided a good excuse for taking longer in the shower as I waited to go soft.

Today it was Louis who took me to the beach. “To keep working on your tan,” he said. He waited until we were at the beach, with an umbrella set up, to cover me with sunscreen. We were under the umbrella but that did not keep the process from being quite public. He took more time on the sensitive spots than Rejean had and it took a real force of will not to get fully erect. As with the day before, I had my two fifteen minute sessions.

Louis stayed with me the whole time. I swam from where we were rather than exploring the boys’ beach. When we walked back to the hotel we went by the Beliveau cottage. Only Louisa was missing from the family group on the veranda.

“Let’s get a look at you,” Madame said. Another request that expected obedience but I was happy to comply. After looking me over and having me turn around she said “your tan is beginning. Keep doing what you’re doing and by the weekend you will have a fine and handsome tan.” I blushed at the compliment.

“Be here at eleven and we’ll go to the disco again,” Rejean said. Dinner was on my own it seemed. That was fine. “Remember, you owe me some dancing,” he added. I stuttered an affirmative.

“See ya laytah,” Rejean said, imitating an American accent. It was pretty good and everyone laughed. With that Louis and I returned to the hotel.

“You should rest before dinner,” Louis said. “Lying in the sun can be tiring and you did quite a bit of swimming. You’re a good swimmer.”

“Thank you.” He was right, I did need a rest and did nap.

Dinner was in the bistro and I enjoyed the informal atmosphere, along with not being formally dressed. Promptly at eleven o’clock I was at the Beliveau cottage.

“A boy who does what he’s told,” Madame said with a smile. She was warm, but an imperious side to her personality was clear.

Rejean admonished his mother in French. I didn’t catch much but had no doubt as to what he was doing. “He’s a good boy,” his mother replied in English.

“Ready for the disco?” Rejean asked. I said I was and we set off. Once again the place was jammed. “Would you like a cold drink?” he asked me when we arrived. I did.

The desire for a cold drink was sincere but it also would delay going to the dance floor to dance with another boy. I’d never done that and now the first time would have me fully nude, too. I saw no problem with it really, but I knew I’d be self-conscious.

When glasses were empty Rejean said “eh bien, allons y” and took my hand in a way that told me it was natural for him to do it. Soon we were in the midst of the jiving bodies, men and women dancing together, women dancing together, and guys dancing together. Quickly it felt fine and, as I had before, I gave no thought to my naked condition.

We danced for quite a while. Eventually Rejean called for a break for another drink. I’d had wine at dinner and our drinks here did have alcohol so I was beginning to feel rather mellow. I didn’t think we’d have the energy for more dancing but when the drinks were done we were back on the dance floor. Not for as long this time.

“We’re tired,” Rejean yelled over the music. I nodded. He took my hand again and led me out to the street. “Did you have a good time?”

“Very! I’ve never danced with a guy and dancing naked still is a new experience.”

“But you liked it.” I said I had. Which was true. As the evening had gone on I was finding myself more drawn to Rejean and he showed signs of being quite focused on me.

When we got to the cottage Louis was waiting. Rejean spoke to him in French. This I understood as he told Louis to return to our suite. “You stay here tonight,” he told me in English as Louis was leaving. I gaped at him in surprise. This was totally unexpected. I was finding Rejean more and more attractive but was I ready for sex with him? I was sure that was his intention.

“We’re covered in sweat,” Rejean said when Louis was gone. “We need a shower before bed.” Before I could respond he had taken my hand again and was leading me upstairs. His bedroom was welcoming and had an en suite bathroom. I assumed every bedroom did in this house which I could now tell was a lot larger than I thought. We weren’t under the water long but it did feel good. We washed each other, another new thing for me but it didn’t seem odd. We both got hard but I didn’t feel embarrassed. Rejean had a lovely erection, I thought.

Dried off we went back to the bedroom and Rejean’s king size bed. “Make yourself comfortable,” he said. One side table showed signs of regular use so I assumed that was his side of the bed and went to the other side. After a moment he followed.

Once in bed with me Rejean slid toward me and put an arm around me. “Have you ever made love to a man?” he asked in close to a whisper.

For a moment I was at a loss for words. “Ah, well, I’ve never made love to anyone,” I admitted. I could feel my face heat up as I blushed.

“Just relax and enjoy.” The rest was a haze of pleasure I’d never imagined. I orgasmed at least twice and I know that I brought Rejean to at least one climax. He was gentle and caring, leading me expertly.

The next thing I knew was Rejean kissing me awake. “You learn quickly,” he said after greeting me.

“You’re a good teacher,” I told him. We lay in bed for quite a while just enjoying each other’s presence. Eventually there was an imperious knock on the bedroom door and his mother announcing that we’d best get up right away and have breakfast. So, the family knew that I had stayed over. That was embarrassing but there was no way of hiding it, in any case.

Breakfast consisted of an impressive spread. “Good morning, mes petits,” Madame said with a broad grin. I stuttered a bonjour. I felt rather conspicuous after what had gone on in Rejean’s bedroom. No one acted as if anything unusual had happened. Gradually I did manage to relax.

After breakfast I thanked the family all of whom, including Marcel, gave me a familial kiss on the lips rather than air kisses. With that I took my leave and walked back to the hotel. Louis was in the lobby.

“Did you have a pleasant night?” he asked, with no indication that he knew what had gone on.

“Very,” I answered, now with a big grin. It had been good and I had no regrets.

Back in the suite the phone rang after we’d been back for about ten minutes. Louis answered with the French “allo oui, spoke a few words then handed the phone to me. “William wants to speak with you.”

After greetings William said “we want to have lunch with you. There’s a place near the water that has a clothing optional deck so you don’t need to put on clothes.” After I got over being startled at the invitation I agreed to join them. William told me where and when.

There were a couple of hours until the lunch date and I needed to relax after my eventful night. I didn’t fall asleep but did have a pleasant hour or so reflecting on all that had happened. I did not feel that I was falling in love with Rejean. Maybe he was what a friend with benefits was all about. The benefits certainly were good.

Rested, I put on my hat and sandals and went to meet William and Alastair. I was eager to have some social time with new people and based on one short meeting, these two were appealing. I was curious as to what their relationship was, too. When I reached the restaurant the host showed me to the table where the two friends already were seated. He hadn’t given me a chance to announce myself. My reputation was preceding me everywhere.

William and Alastair stood in greeting and we shook hands. “I hope you don’t mind,” Alastair said, “we wanted to have you to ourselves for a while.” I knew I blushed.

“It’s fine,” I answered. “It’s good to widen my circle of acquaintances.” We sat. A quick glance told me that yet again there was no menu. Almost immediately aperitifs and appetizers were brought to the table. The waiter was the most attractive I’d seen so far. Unashamedly we checked out each other. Things were changing in my life it seemed.

“I admit to curiosity about you,” William said as he started in on the food and drink. “I’ve known your aunt for a couple of years but you’re the first of her family members we’ve met. What is life like living with her? It must be interesting, to say the least.”

“Well, she’s always been a favorite person but I’d never spent a lot of time with her until now. I’d never been anywhere that nudity was expected and now I’m in my third week. I can’t say it’s been overwhelming but it is new.”

The two laughed. “You get to like it,” Alastair said. I noticed that he said “like it” as opposed to “get used to it.” I definitely was getting used to it but not quite sure yet about liking it.

“When does she join us?” William asked.

“Sunday or Monday. Whenever she finishes her business here in France. I’ve never seen her naked so that is going to be a new one!”

“Oh you’ll like what you see,” William assured me.

It proved to be a long lunch. We shared life stories and I enjoyed getting to know them. They were friends at home, having known each other since early childhood. They’d been coming to the Cap with their families for about five years now.

At one point Alastair said “in case you’re wondering, we’re not lovers.”

“Just good friends with good benefits,” Willliam added. I know my eyes widened at hearing that. “We understand that you had a night with Rejean. You should be honored.”

I blushed yet again. “I guess I am. I’m still learning about life here so don’t know yet about these things.”

“Well we hope you’ll join us sometime,” Alastair added. The blush didn’t fade quickly.

By the time lunch was done I felt that we were fast friends. In fact, I felt closer to them than I did so far with Rejean and Louisa.

“You can join us at the beach if you want. We know you need to work on your tan,” William said when lunch was done. “It’s coming along nicely.” I said I was glad to join them. We went directly from the restaurant to the boys’ beach. They had their own umbrella and spot with a duffle bag filled with towels, sunscreen, and other beach accoutrements.

As soon as the umbrella was up Alastair said “let’s get you lathered up.” Before I could respond he was in front of me, William in back, both liberally applying sunscreen to me from top to bottom. Unlike the Beliveaus, they made sure to get me hard. “Helps to fully apply the sunscreen,” Alastair said with a smile. I managed not to shoot which was a relief.

Next they took care of each other, then we spread towels in the sun, and got comfortable. “You can do twenty minutes per side now,” William told me as we got settled. While we worked on our tans various friends of the two Englishmen stopped by. One guy was not subtle about ogling me which was both flattering and annoying. So far in life I’d never been a sex object. As far as I knew, that is.

When the forty minutes were up and we were back under the umbrella I could tell that the tan really was coming. “Let’s hit the water,” Alastair said and we ran down the beach and into the Mediterranean. These two weren’t as playful as Rejean but we had fun splashing each other. Both guys grabbed my cock a few times and I returned the compliment when I could.

Feeling a bit waterlogged we headed back to the umbrella. It was four o’clock and I said “thanks guys, this has been a great day but I really need to get back to my room for a while.”

“Will we see you later tonight?”

“It really depends on how I feel. Don’t be insulted if I stay in.” I did feel tired and the idea of just reading a book all evening was enticing.

Back in my room I didn’t nap but definitely did relax. There was no sign of Louis which seemed odd. The result of that was that I ate alone in the bistro which was fine. The waiter I’d had before took care of me and showed every sign of being glad to have me to himself.

After dinner I returned to the suite. I lay back on the bed with a book. The next thing I knew it was morning. I had slept alone for the first time since my arrival. As much as I had enjoyed company in bed I was happy to wake up alone. No doubt I’d share a bed again with somebody, maybe even tonight.

I called room service and requested breakfast. The same waiter soon knocked on the door and another sumptuous breakfast was served. He was pleased to see that I was alone and made no effort to depart quickly. We chatted for a bit then he said he should leave. I felt it polite to stand as he was leaving. He took advantage of that and wrapped me in a hug, one hand exploring my butt. I started to get hard and could feel him doing the same.

After he released me he said “I’ll see you soon,” and was off.

By now I was settled into a routine. Louis returned that morning and resumed his services though did not sleep with me again. I was in the company of Rejean, Louisa, William, and Alastair most of the time, in various combinations.

During one of my times working on my tan I was with only Louisa. Friends of hers came and went and I met quite a few of the female population of the Cap. Most of them made comments to Louisa in French but it was obvious I was the subject. “You could have your choice of the ladies,” Louisa remarked when we were alone for a while.

“Including you?” I asked, feeling bold. Our friendship seemed solid enough by now.

Mais oui,” she replied with a big grin. We both laughed and left it at that. I suspected that something would go on with her before Jenny and I went home.

That night I had dinner with William and Alastair at the outdoor bistro. They did not want to put on clothes if they could avoid it. By now I didn’t care. I was naked and that was that.

“When does your aunt arrive?” William asked at one point.

“Sunday or Monday. Whenever her meetings are done.” This was the second time they asked, apparently eager for her arrival.
“Do you have any idea what she does?”

“None and I don’t think she wants to share that information with me. Whatever it is, it includes a lavish lifestyle.” The guys laughed.

“That she has,” Alastair agreed. Of everyone at the resort, apparently I knew the least about my aunt. She had been mentioned often. Some people sounded respectful, others proclaimed having fun, if not raucous, times with her. I had a lot to learn!

Wialliam and Alastair had no intention of letting me go after dinner. They took me to a quiet outdoor pub where we had drinks. I’d had plenty of wine at dinner. Soon I felt a bit lightheaded. I was enjoying it!

By eleven o’clock we were at the disco. Rejean was there with a stunning man who appeared to be a bit older than all of us, perhaps in his twenties. Rejean introduced me to him. His name was Henri. From the looks he gave me I guessed that I’d been approved. I did wonder just who he was. After a brief chat with us Rejean led Henri to the dance floor and that was the last I saw of them that night.

William and Alastair pulled me onto the dance floor for three-way dancing, another new experience for me. I was not surprised to end up in their hotel, a king size bed plenty big for three. Sex with these two was different from sex with Rejean but no less exciting. Again things were a haze and I had no idea how many times any of us climaxed. It was late in the morning when we woke up.

“You’re fun,” Alastair said as we were coming to.

“Thanks. You guys are, too.” They called for room service rather than go out for breakfast. Perhaps the best part was the Bloody Marys which I certainly needed.

During breakfast my cell phone rang. It was Jenny. I was delighted to hear from her.

“Having a good time, darling?” she asked before I could say more than “hello.” I told her that I was having a very good time, beyond my expectations. “You can tell me all about it and who has bedded you when I get there tomorrow afternoon.”

Her assumption that I was having sexual adventures had me tongue-tied for a moment. “Ah, yeah, I’ll have stories for you,” I finally managed to say. With a breezy “good bye” she hung up.

“That was Jenny. She’ll be here tomorrow.” Both boys were delighted at that news. Alastair was quite eager to see Jenny together with a family member. We chatted for quite a while, like long-time friends. I felt very close to them when I returned to my hotel.

For the moment, Louis was not there and I had the suite to myself, which felt good. I needed some time to myself to think about Aunt Jenny’s arrival. I was eager to see her, no question of that, but the reality of never having seen her naked hit me again. Could it really be any stranger than anything else I’d experienced over the last three weeks? I’d know soon.

(End of File)