Travels With My Aunt 4

By brhmsj

Copyright 2025 by brhmsj, all rights reserved

[4,033 words]

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Travels With My Aunt, 4

Getting to know the Cap

The next morning I woke up with that feeling of “where am I?” when waking up in a new place. While I was coming to a realization of where I was I realized something else. There was an arm around me and Louis was spooning me from behind. His morning wood was sandwich between his tummy and my spine. I’d never experienced that and thought it rather pleasant.

As I was moving to extricate myself from his hold he woke up. “Good morning Pierre,” he said as he gently stroked my chest and abdomen. “Did you sleep well?”

“Very well! This bed is incredible.”

“Do you need help with this?” he asked, wrapping his hand lightly around my morning wood.

“Ah. . . no. . . but thanks.” I wasn’t ready to add that to his valet services. He was not bothered one way or the other. However, by all appearances neither of us wanted to get out of bed. I lay there reflecting on the past forty-eight hours. Unexpectedly, to me at least, there was a knock at the door.

“Stay right there, Pierre,” Louis said as he got out of bed. Still hard, I noticed. It was quite impressive. He opened the door to reveal a waiter with a cart covered in food and drink. “I knew you would like room service on the first day,” Louis told me as the cart came into the room. The waiter, of course, was naked, too. Like everyone here he had an all-over tan which looked quite well on him. I need to get a tan, too, I thought.

“Madame will take care of you,” Louis told the waiter who then took his leave. Louis began uncovering plates and things. There was far more food than two people were going to eat. “You have many choices. I hope you will find everything you want for breakfast.”

“Thank you. It looks wonderful.” I eagerly got out of bed, forgetting that I, too, was still hard. Louis noticed and I saw him give a slight smile. It took me a moment but I figured out what he was smiling at and started to laugh. “Morning food with morning wood!”

“Morning wood?”

“Yes, when you have an erection first thing in the morning that is as stiff as a board. Morning wood.”

“Ah!” Now both of us were laughing. “I will remember that.” We helped ourselves to food, juice, and coffee, which we took to the table. Being in France, there were croissants and pain au raisins. But not forgotten were typical American things such as bacon, eggs, and toast.

Breakfast was a very leisurely affair. We had not slept late but it was almost ten o’clock when we finished clearing the table. Louis made a phone call in French, which went by way too fast for me to understand much, but it seemed he was telling room service to take away things. Sure enough, within five minutes the same waiter appeared. This time he did speak, mostly to Louis and always in French.

“Was the petit dejeuner to Monsieur’s liking?” he asked me as he worked.

“Very much so. Grand merci.” He smiled at my use of French. He and Louis nodded to each other and he took his leave. Maybe it was me adjusting to a different culture but I thought that Louis and the waiter showed signs of some intimacy. None of my business, however.

“The Beliveau children wish to take you to the beach after lunch. Until then nothing is planned for you. I suggest that you take a look around the hotel and perhaps stroll through the village.” I didn’t miss that he said nothing was “planned for me.” Had Jenny created a schedule? Or did she tell Louis (or someone) to create one for me. Or did Louis think it was among his duties to have my days planned for me. Whatever, I did like the idea of doing a bit of exploring on my own. Louis got out a pair of sandals for me and put my keycard lanyard around my neck.

“Off you go,” he said he opened the door for me. There was a quick pat on my bottom as I went out the door. I admit that it made me smile.

“Grand” certainly was the right word for this hotel. I wondered how it compared with hotels in Monaco which I thought must have all the grandest of grand. I saw the dining room and the view was enough to make me eager to dine there. There were shops selling only expensive items, including jewelry. A spa and hair salon for women and men. A gym. In my wanderings I would discover that there was a spa and a gym in the village, too. You could choose whether to leave the hotel or not for these services. I’d never seen anything like it.

In the hotel store I bought a hat that would shield me from the sun. “Shall I charge it to Monsieur’s room?” the attractive woman behind the counter asked.

“Oui, merci.” Before I could tell her the room number she told me I was all set. Jenny must be a major figure here.

This really was a small town with shops, restaurants, snack bars, the gym, the spa, and various other amenities and businesses. It felt compact yet with a lot to see. I would adjust as the week went on.

Louis had not said when lunch would be or where. After my brief exploration it made sense to go back to the suite and I could have a lie-down until he arrived. I did not fall asleep but did feel rested when he let himself in.

“We will have a casual lunch today,” he told me as he went about taking an outfit for me out of the bureau. Very short shorts and a polo shirt. No underwear. As he had last night, he dressed me which hardly took any effort. Of course the clothes fit perfectly. The shorts barely covered my genitals or my butt. This seemed to be the way things were done here. From a bottom drawer Louis pulled out a similar outfit. When he was dressed he led me out the door. On the main floor was an informal bistro.

“This is the most popular place for lunch in the village. You never know who you may see here.” The maître d’ acknowledged Louis, apparently expecting him. We were led to a table for two at what I thought was a prime location. As I looked around I saw that we could see most everyone in the room and had a perfect view to see people arrive.

No menu was handed to us. A naked waiter with the inevitable all-over tan and an impressive physique came to the table. “Everything is in order,” he said to Louis. To me he said “I am sure that Monsieur will be pleased with our offerings today.” Had Louis ordered ahead or did the staff just decide for diners what they wanted?

There was nothing to complain about as a croque complet, a favorite lunch of mine from my only previous time in France, was put before me. An appropriate wine was poured in my glass. “I am always pleased with a croque monsieur and this is the best I’ve ever had” I told Louis after the first couple of bites. He had another traditional lunch, a small steak with a bit of salad and pommes frites, along with a glass of wine.

After lunch we went back to the suite, basically to get undressed. Apparently I was not allowed to have the key card when Louis was my escort. He was yet to hand it to me unless I was on my own. I wondered if this was customary at the resort. Louis helped me undress. “You will want this,” he said as he handed me my new hat. “A fine purchase.” He put it on my head and dressed only in a hat and sandals, I went out. Louis escorted me to the Beliveau cottage.

The kids were on the porch. I saw no sign of the parents. “Bonjour, mon ami, Rejean said in greeting. “Bonjour, I replied. “Nice to see you both again.” Both gave me the traditional sequence of cheek-to-cheek air kisses.

“We are pleased to take you to the beach,” Louisa said. “First, we all must put on what you Americans call sunscreen. We have some here.” There were four tubes on a small table. “Guests first,” she said. “We will get your properly covered.” Before I could say anything I had Louisa behind me and Rejean in front, each with a tube of sunscreen. They proceeded to cover me in ointment from head to toe.

Both had a nice touch, almost like a massage. It seemed that Louisa lingered a bit with my butt. Rejean did my genitals no differently than he did the rest of me. “This cannot get a sunburn!” he said as he coated my cock. It did stiffen slightly and I was sure that was his intention.

When I was done Louisa said “we always take care of each other.” With that Rejean quickly covered her, then she expertly covered him. His sister’s manipulation of his cock caused no reaction. Well, she is his sister after all.

The walk to the beach was not long and quite pleasant. The Beliveaus had towels and snacks. At the beach Rejean selected an umbrella which apparently was the family’s. “This is our spot,” he said when we settled. “Did you enjoy the bistro? Who did you see?”

“I enjoyed it very much. The best croque monsieur I’ve ever tasted. If there was anyone to ‘see,’ Louis did not point out any of them.”

“We will have lunch with you tomorrow. Louis was being discrete. We can be discrete and also tell you about people,” Louisa told me. “You need to get your tan started but you need to be careful the first few days. You want a tan, not a sunburn.” She put two towels just beyond the umbrella in the sun. She told me to lie on my stomach, which I did. She was on the towel next to me. We chatted about nothing in particular, getting to know each other.

After what likely was about fifteen minutes Rejean, who was still under the umbrella, said “Pierre, you need to roll over. But not for long! We don’t want your pierre to get burned.” We laughed. Another fifteen minutes and I was ordered back under the umbrella. I was happy to get out of the sun for a while.

Louisa produced bottled water and snacks, mostly sweets, from a bag. I didn’t feel hungry but was glad of the water. The three of us chatted for a while. These two were very good at conversation and it did not seem forced.

“Let me show you the best beach,” Rejean said after a while. Louisa smiled and made no move to join us. It took a few minutes to reach a somewhat secluded beach. Immediately I noticed that only men were on and around the beach. So, this must be the gay section, I thought. It was not a surprise that Rejean knew many of the men and introduced me to everyone he spoke to. More than one said “le bel Americain.” I wasn’t sure I fit that description but did like the complement. News of my arrival apparently had made its way around the community.

“You need to swim in the Mediterranean,” Rejean told me. We ran down to the water. It was shallow for quite a distance but when it was deep enough to swim it was divine. Rejean splashed me and I dove under to escape. “You can’t hide, mon ami.” With that he began chasing me. The water didn’t allow for speed and soon we both were diving under, chasing each other that way. Rejean caught up with me and started tickling me. I’m not all that ticklish but we were having a good time and laughing.

Without realizing it we had swum to where we could stand up in the water. Rejean wrapped me in a big hug. “I like you, mon ami. I’m glad you joined us and hope you will have a good time here.”

“So far I’m loving it.” It was a honest statement. Rejean had not let go and now I had my arms around him.

“We should get back to Louisa,” Rejean said as he released me. As we started wading to the shore I felt his hand on my bottom. Not a pat but holding it. When in Rome, I thought, and placed a hand on his bottom. It was firm and well proportioned. Eventually we had to let go.

Back at the umbrella it just us for the time being as Louisa had gone off somewhere. After a while a handsome teenage boy was heading our way. “Ah, Jacques,” Rejean greeted him.

“Is this the Americain I’ve heard so much about?” Jacques asked.

“I don’t know what you’ve been hearing but I am Americain,” I replied.

“You are a handsome garçon.”

“Well, thank you,” I said, a bit startled by the compliment.

“Jacques and I have been coming here since we were very little boys,” Rejean explained.

“So we know each other very well,” Jacques add, with a wink. I wondered just how well Jacques meant.

As cocktail hour approached we packed up and walked back to their cottage. Their parents were sitting on the porch.

“Let me get a look at you,” Geneviève said in what was not an order but definitely a very firm request. “We don’t want you sunburned on your first day.” I went up to her and she looked me over. “Tres bien. By the end of the week you’ll be nice and brown like Rejean and Louisa.” She smiled as she said it.

The three of us shared information about our days, Rejean and Louisa doing most of talking.

“So you had lunch in the bistro,” Marcel said when we finished. “You must have seen many of our local celebrities.”

Before I could speak Geneviève said “don’t be silly. We’re all celebrities here.” That did seem likely after what little I’d seen already.

“Louis didn’t point out anyone.”

“I will take you for lunch tomorrow and explain what you need to know,” Marcel told me. His wife gave him a whimsical look but said nothing. “In the meantime, we will take you to dinner at the Grand Dining Room. Louis will have an appropriate costume for you.”

“Thank you. I seem to be getting wined and dined, as we say,” I replied with a smile.

C’est rien,” Marcel replied back.

During all of this Louis had shown up and was bringing cocktails and hors d’oeuvres from the house. “Don’t spoil your appetite,” Geneviève warned me.

“No, ma’am.” After a while Louis had taken things back into the house.

“We will meet you in the lobby at eight o’clock,” Marcel said. “You will have some time to rest if you wish.”

“Thank you. This has been a wonderful day,” I told all of them. Louis appeared and we walked back to the hotel together.

“Did you enjoy the beach?”

“Yes. We don’t have anything like that at home.”

“Nothing is like the Mediterranean. Did Rejean show you the boys’ beach?”

“I guess that’s what it was.”

“I’m sure you were quite popular.”

“Nothing happened, really. He introduced me to a few of his friends, that’s all.” Louis gave me a look which said that he didn’t believe me but he said nothing.

At the hotel we showered. Showered together as it turned out. Louis washed me which felt like a luxury. I was getting used to him touching me, even intimately. Neither of us got fully hard and he made no move to stroke me.

After we dried off Louis selected my clothes for dinner, then put me on them, as I had come to expect. When I looked in the mirror I thought I looked quite elegant. In a few minutes the phone rang. Louis answered, speaking rapid French. From what I could tell, the Beliveaus were waiting for us in the lobby.

If it was possible to have a better located table than the one we’d had at lunch, tonight’s appeared to be it. Louis had excused himself before we went into the dining room. I did not miss that Rejean made a point of sitting next to me. Once again no menu appeared however once again a fine multi-course meal was laid before us. I wasn’t sure what everything was but all of it was delicious.

During dinner Rejean discretely indicated other diners. Most of the names meant nothing to me but Rejean made it clear that anyone he pointed out was a business tycoon, a socialite, or both. As dinner went on, people stopped briefly to greet Monsieur and Madame. I was introduced to some. My imminent arrival had been announced before my actual arrival. I was greeted regularly with “ah, the Americain” or something to that effect.

At various times during the meal I felt Rejean’s hand on my upper leg. I smiled at him when he did and the smile was returned. Later I felt bold and put a hand on his leg. He didn’t react but did put a hand over mine. Was he just friendly, or was it sexual curiosity about the new guy, or was this something people did in the Mediterranean? I had no idea but I was enjoying the attention.

In typical French fashion, the meal took about three hours, hours which went quickly. In the lobby Louisa said “go upstairs and get undressed then come over to our cottage. We’ll take you out to see some of the nighttime sights.”

“Sounds wonderful,” I replied. Louis appeared and escorted me to the room where he undressed me.

“Will you get a tour of the nighttime spots?” he asked as he got me naked.

“Yes. It should be fun.”

“It will be, but this is your first night on the town, as you say. Behave yourself,” he advised with a smile.

“No reason that I won’t.”

A pair of sandals appeared. “Evening wear,” Louis told me as he slipped my feet into them. He seemed serious about it so I refrained from any sort of wisecrack. “You are ready to go. I know you will be most popular.” I felt myself blush at that. Things still were a bit overwhelming and I didn’t think I was ready to be popular. “I will meet you when you return,” he said. He did not hand me the card key but now I was coming to expect that. “Off you go,” he told me, with a quick swat to my butt.

“Hey!” I teased. Together we went down to the lobby where we parted and I made my way to the Beliveau cottage where they were waiting for me.

“You look ready,” Louisa said as I joined them on the porch. Even though we’d been together not long before, there were air kisses all around. Louisa and Rejean embraced me, his embrace feeling a bit more than just friendly.

“You behave yourselves,” Madame said as we made to leave. “Remember, Pierre, this is your first night out so don’t go crazy, as you Americans say.” I promised to be a good boy.

Life definitely did not slow down at night here and now it was after eleven. There was something for everyone. We started at a café for coffee. No one wanted more food at that point. I was introduced to some people they knew, including a few of their friends, male and female. I liked the friends. “Will you be bringing him along to things?” one of them asked. Rejean said they would be.

Most of the evening we were at a disco. I’d never seen a room full of naked people jiving to music. The dance floor looked full but Louisa took my hand, saying “don’t be shy” and took me into the crowd of dancers. All thoughts that I was naked vanished. I don’t know how long we were out there but eventually I said that I needed a break and something to drink. We found Rejean at the bar with a couple of his friends, English boys, Alastair and William. I ordered something non-alcoholic and settled in with them. At some point Louisa separated herself.

The four of us shared life stories, getting to know each other. Alastair and William knew who Aunt Jenny was. “You’re lucky to have an aunt like that,” Alastair told me.

“She keeps life interesting, that’s for sure,” I told them. “She’ll be joining us next week,” I added, news which delighted them. Slowly I was getting the idea that a week here with Aunt Jenny would be quite the adventure.

Much of the time Rejean had an arm around my shoulder. It was reassuring, as I still was new and getting to know the place. And his touch was pleasant. As conversation began to wind down a bit, Rejean said “let’s show you a couple of other places then get you back to your room. Tomorrow night we can dance together.” I was fine with leaving and was getting tired, too. We walked slowly back to their cottage with Rejean pointing out things to me as we went. During the walk he put his arm around me again a few times. There was no sign of Louisa but I was fine with his company.

Back at the cottage Louis was waiting for us. Had he been there all evening? “Did you have a good evening?” he asked. I assured him that we had.

“We need to get this boy to bed,” Rejean said. A bit presumptuous I thought as he was hardly any older than I was. We said good night and made tentative plans for the next day, then Louis and I walked back to the hotel with Louis asking about specific things that we had done.

There wasn’t much to do to get ready for bed and by now I was tired. I think it was after two o’clock and I wasn’t used to being up so late. I got in bed and as I was drifting to sleep I felt Louis join me. He put an arm around me and we fell asleep spooning.

As I woke up in the morning I was aware that Louis not only had my morning erection in his hand but was slowly stroking me. I know I gasped with surprise, but I made no move to stop him. It felt good! I’d never taken so long to reach an orgasm, and it was quite spectacular when I got there.

“I’ve messed up the bed,” I said when I had recovered.

“Not to worry. They change the sheets every day and they see a lot of stains like that,” Louis told me. His arm was still around me. He gave me a squeeze and said “Go use the bathroom and I’ll get out some breakfast clothes. We’ll go down to the grand dining room. You’ll get to meet more people here.”

I trotted off the bathroom having decided that I was going to take my time in that shower. It was yet another amazing thing at this resort. Even with forced nudity this visit showed signs of being a very enjoyable couple of weeks. I let my hair air dry and went back to the room. Clothes were laid out on the bed.

“I will shower quickly then I’ll get you dressed.” True to his word he was quick. He brought out an outfit that here qualified as casual but looked quite classy to me. When he had me dressed he took out his own clothes and dressed quickly. Then we were on the way to breakfast and the start of another day’s adventures.

(End of File)