The New Rules 52 and 53

By SuperEvil

Copyright 2025 by SuperEvil, all rights reserved

[7,399 words]

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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 Chapter 52

While Lauren was dealing with her troubles in her fifth period class, Abbie was hoping that things would go more smoothly for her in hers than they had gone for her gym class. Abbie had English for fifth period, with the hippie-ish Miss Dakota, or Alice, as she insisted her students call her. The woman was hardly older than her students, only 22 years old, having graduated with her teaching degree early. Abbie figured if any of her teachers would accept her nudity without question, it was Miss Dakota.

Abbie minded her own business as she took a seat in class. She was trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, but she knew that was hardly possible with all of her skin on show. Most of the seated students watched her closely from the time she entered the room until she took her desk, and even now, some continued to watch her. The naked girl did her best to try and ignore them, instead opening her bookbag to get out what she needed for this class. Sitting right on top of her books was something she had totally forgotten about, the bright white towel Ms. Flowers had given her to sit on! Abbie took a look down in between her legs, noticing her pussy glistening in the light! She was going to need the towel for sure! With a light blush, she stood back up, and spread the towel over her seat, before sitting back down. Some of the other students made a chuckle at her, and she thought they must be aware of what the towel is for. A couple of her classmates were also in her gym class, and she could see them whispering to the other kids, no doubt telling them all about how Abbie had debased herself with the balance beam!

“Abbie? Hello, Earth to Abbie!” Abbie looked to her side to find her friend Sabrina talking to her. Along with her was Daisy, and both girls had little smug smiles on their lips as they watched their naked friend.

“When did you guys get here?” The blushing bare asked, having not seen them come in.

“That must have been some daydream. Was it the same one you were having on the balance beam last period?” Sabrina giggled, causing Abbie to flush deeply.

“Sabrina, be nice!” Daisy scolded, pushing her on the shoulder, though she couldn't keep the amusement from her voice either.

“God! How many people know?” Abbie held her burning face in her hands, only peeking through her fingers slightly to see what response they were going to give her.

“I'd say everyone, Abbie.” Sabrina put her hand on her bare knee. It was meant to be a comforting gesture, but it just made Abbie feel more bare than she already felt, especially as her friend slid her hand up and down her bare thigh. The naked girl felt like she was being teased, as her attention fell to the tight-fitting jeans Sabrina was wearing, and how not even a bit of her leg was showing! It was the same with Daisy, as while she wore a skirt, she had a pair of dark tights underneath! Abbie looked around her class, trying to find any girl with even just a bit of her skin exposed that wasn't her face or her hands, but could find nothing! Not one girl was bare from the neck down beside her, and that made Abbie feel more naked than she had all day! She wasn't expecting the other girls to show their privates like her, but not even a bare leg or an enticing shoulder was showing, except for hers!

“Abbie, are you ok? You look a little pale.” Daisy commented.

“I can't believe how dressed everyone is in this class…” Abbie's head was starting to spin, feeling like all eyes were on her. She was the naked one, the one everyone was meant to look at! Her privacy didn't matter! She was meant to be a sideshow for everyone to ogle and gawk at! At least that's what she was thinking in her head. “I don't feel so good.”

“Abbie?” Sabrina was starting to get worried too.

Abbie felt like she might pass out. She had gone through her first day naked at school almost without really thinking about it, just always moving, but now the overwhelming feelings were starting to catch up with her! She didn't know if she would be able to make it through the rest of the day naked, let alone the rest of the school year! She felt like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but was suddenly pulled from her sorrows by a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, Abbie!” It was Claire, the girl from Abbie’s neighborhood, and she was giving her a bright smile. “Are you alright, Abbie?” The girl became concerned once she saw Abbie’s pale, sweating face.

Abbie looked the girl up and down a few times, before getting a smile on her lips, and she felt a warm rush of blood return to her head. “I'm fine now.” Abbie giggled. Claire wore a short skirt, probably way too short for her long legs, and a cropped top shirt, that left her tummy totally exposed. The girl's brother's idea most definitely, as she remembered that he had retrieved her clothes for her that morning. She also noticed that she could see Claire's nipples pretty clearly through the material of the shirt, and guessed that she wasn't wearing a bra. Claire seemed to be in the same position as she had been the last few days, made to dress more skimpy and bare than she was used to, and Abbie couldn't help empathizing with the girl, even as she stared at her nipples through the thin material.

“Abbie…” Claire blushed, covering up her nipples with her hands. All day, kids had been staring at them, and that had left them in a perpetual state of hardness! She hadn't realized how much she was showing until she had already gotten to school, or she would have demanded her brother bring her something else to wear!

“That's just going to bring more attention to them.” Abbie explained, getting her smirk back, as a few of the others giggled at Claire, most notably Sabrina and Daisy.

Claire took a seat to Abbie’s side, opposite Sabrina and Daisy, and tried to make herself forget about how exposed she felt. She looked Abbie up and down a few times, and realized that she was a million more times dressed than the naked girl anyway. All the attention was going to be on Abbie and not her in a bit. Still, she wanted to speed up the process. “You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, your nipples are completely bare, and yet hardly anyone is looking at them.” Just as Claire expected, the second she mentioned Abbie’s nipples, all the attention shifted over to them. Now Claire was the one smirking, while Abbie wiggled in her chair. Abbie felt her nipples aching with shame, and she slowly started to move her hands to cover them up. “Uh, uh, that's just going to bring more attention to them, sweetie.” Claire giggled at the expression Abbie was making at her for using the same advice she had just given her.

Abbie let out a tiny moan, as she laid her hands down flat on her desk. She could see everyone in class looking at her bare boobs and her hard nipples! Claire had made sure to speak loudly to alert everyone. Unlike before, however, when she was feeling overwhelmed, now she was just feeling horny again! Claire made a playful grin at her, at the noise she had just made, and Abbie couldn't help giggling at her. “You're mean!”

“How so?” Claire giggled back.

“Getting everyone to look at my nipples because you don't want them looking at yours!” Both girls were fully laughing by now, their embarrassment giving way to amusement at their own situations.

“Claire might as well just be topless, with how little that leaves to the imagination!” Daisy joined in the laughing, enjoying that the two girls were having fun with their exposure now.

“I heard that Claire was naked at the bus stop this morning!” Sabrina chimed in, receiving a lot of laughs from the other students. Sabrina loved to be involved in gossip any way she could.

While everyone else laughed, Claire started blushing profusely. She was upset that Sabrina would share what had happened to her that morning, and all the shame she felt about that came flooding back to her. Tears welled in her eyes, and she had to remove her glasses in order to wipe them.

“Claire was naked at the bus stop this morning? How marvelous!” Miss Dakota interrupted the laughing class, with a flourish, as she sprung out from behind her teacher's desk. She wore a long sundress that came down to just above her ankle, but the skirt fluttered up and around her knees as she moved around animatedly in front of her students. “Wouldn't it be interesting to put yourself in her shoes, or Abbie's shoes? I want you all to take some time to write a short story about what it would be like to be naked at the bus stop, or anywhere else in public, that you like. You can imagine you're a Feminudist, or meninudist, if you're a boy. Or maybe you'd rather write about forgetting to get dressed in the morning, and only discovering you are naked when someone points it out to you! I'll leave the particulars up to you, just write about what you think it would feel like to be so totally naked in front of your peers. You have twenty minutes. Begin!” Miss Dakota said excitedly, her dress fluttering up again as she moved back to her desk.

Abbie didn't have to imagine what it would be like. She was living it! She decided to write about the first time Blake has seen her naked. About the shameful punishment her brother Adam had given her to do that morning, and about how it had made her feel.

As soon as time was up, the teacher informed the class that they would be sharing their stories with each other for the rest of the period. “Abbie, since you have so much experience with this, let's start with you. Please come up here and share your story with the class.”

“Yes, Miss… Alice.” Abbie made a nervous smile as she moved to the front of the room. How many classes had she been told to come up front today? It seemed like all of them. Abbie recounted her story, explaining every bit of shame she felt, as she had stood naked in the front yard, bent over at the waist, with her pussy and probably much more that she didn't want to think about on show. She was shy about explaining how much it had turned her on to be in that position, showing herself off to Blake so explicitly, but she didn't want to leave anything out. Everyone seemed to know that she was excited about being naked on some level, so she felt like leaving it out would be pointless. Even now, as she recited her story from her notebook page, she was rubbing her thighs together, feeling that familiar warmth and tingle in between. “It all worked out in the end, because Blake is now my boyfriend, and I love him.” Abbie finished, receiving a big round of applause from her classmates.

“Oh, Abbie, before you sit down, would you mind showing us the position your brother had you take?” Alice asked.

“Right now?” Abbie gulped, receiving just a nod and a smile from her teacher. Abbie felt her face burning once again, as she looked out at her classmates. With a couple of deep breaths, she turned around, and then slowly spread her legs to shoulder width. She arched her back, bending over at the waist, while keeping her legs stiff, and she grabbed her ankles with her hands. She had closed her eyes as she moved into position, but now she finally opened them. The first thing she saw was her puffy red pussy staring back at her! In this position, her lips were parted, and she could see her hole winking at her! She and her classmates, as it seemed to be pulsing in order to keep letting her horny juices out! Her clit was completely on show too, and it seemed to almost be jumping every time her hole contracted! It was like a little pinkish white Mexican jumping bean just begging to be stroked! “Oh! Oh!” Abbie felt her knees getting weak and her hips starting to jerk, as one of those mini orgasms she had been having earlier started rocking her body once again!

“Holy shit, she's soaked!...” Abbie heard one of her male classmates comment, seated near the front row.

“Eww, she's such a slut.” The girl he had been commenting to whispered back to him, before making a glare at the naked girl's private parts. Abbie knew that the boy and girl were together as a couple, and could only guess that she was jealous that her boyfriend was getting such a close and explicit view of everything between another girl's legs. She certainly didn't like being called a slut, but she tried not to let it bother her, as she couldn't control who got to see her privates anymore. The only thing that did bother her was how aroused she became whenever she was asked to show herself off this way. If she was going to continue going naked, then she felt like she needed to get a handle on staying unaroused in these situations.

“Thank you, Abbie. You have a very lovely body, and I'm sure everyone is glad you're sharing it with us so openly now.” The teacher, Alice, came over to get a look at everything exposed between Abbie’s legs too. She had no qualms about being blatant about what she was doing, simply smiling at Abbie once she got a good look at her spread pussy. “Go take your seat, Abbie. Noel, you're up next.”

Abbie took her seat as requested, happy to no longer be showing off her privates so blatantly. Her friends, Daisy and Sabrina, along with Claire, all made faces and giggled at her as she sat down in between them. Abbie couldn't help blushing at them, knowing the faces they were making at her were all about how much her body had been enjoying being shown off like that. Even if Abbie felt humiliated in her mind, her body seemed to have other ideas.

The girls finally concentrated up front, and Abbie realized that the girl who had called her a slut was up next. Noel held her own paper in front of her, but seemed to have a particularly nasty attitude as she started. “I'm Abbie Larson. I'm a Feminudist. That means I flaunt my naked body in front of everybody, even those that don't want to look at it. That's why I'm naked at the bus stop. Everyone thinks I'm gross for being naked, but I do it anyway, because I don't care what anyone else thinks about me. Everyone calls me insane. Everyone calls me a pervert. Everyone calls me a slut!...” The entire class gasped at such a naughty word, and Abbie had to stop herself from yelling at the girl, but she was able to hold her tongue. The only one who didn't react was their teacher, who just kept a blank expression about her. “But I don't care, because I hide behind the term Feminudist! I use that label to make it seem like I'm better than everyone else! I use it to make it sound like I'm more important than I really am!”

“That's not what Feminudism is about!” Claire had heard enough, and couldn't hold back her displeasure for the way this girl was talking about Abbie any longer.

Alice held up her hand in a stopping motion at Claire. “Please, Claire, you'll have your turn, but it's Noel’s turn right now.” Claire folded her arms, but sat back down.

Noel took that as her cue to continue. “All Feminudism is, is an excuse to show off my body, and get a sexual thrill from the way boys look at me, because lord knows, they never looked at me when I was wearing clothes.”

“Shut up, bitch!” Sabrina slammed her hands on her desk and jumped to her feet.

“You're out of line!” Daisy added, joining her friend to defend Abbie.

“Girls, you'll get your turn.” Alice commented, but didn't show an ounce of anger towards the interrupting girls.

“But Miss Dakota!... Alice, I mean! She's totally missing the point of what Feminudism is really about!” Abbie had tried to hold herself back, but had finally decided to speak up, seeing as her friends already had. “She's misrepresenting the movement!”

“Well, it looks like we have a good old-fashioned debate on our hands, class!” Alice got a big excited smile. “Abbie, girls, and anyone who wants to represent Feminudism please come up here now and stand to the left side of the whiteboard.” Abbie couldn't believe she was being asked to stand in front of the class once again that day, and now twice in the same class! Joining her were Sabrina, Daisy, and Claire, but it seemed like that was the only support Abbie was going to get from the class for her side. “And anyone who wants to take the position against Feminudism, like Noel, please come up and join her to the right of the whiteboard.” Two other girls got up and joined her. “Interesting. It seems that the male population of our class is neutral on the topic of Feminudism.” Their teacher got a bit of a laugh from that. “Alright, Feminudists, I'd like one or more of you to explain what Feminudism is in your own words.”

The three other girls looked towards Abbie, knowing she had way more experience in this then they had. “Umm, Feminudism is a movement for the equality of the sexes through female nudity.”

“How could it be equal if only the girls go naked?” Noel challenged, with a smug smirk of her own.

“Please, Noel…” Alice started, but Abbie cut her off.

“No, that's ok. I'll answer her question.” Abbie squared herself off, finding confidence deep down that she didn't know she had. “Feminudism achievements female equality through demystifying the female body. Studies have been taken that show that men and women think about sex at a pretty similar rate, but what they think about is completely different. Men, in particular, think about the different parts of the female body, and spend brainpower imagining what their female peers, such as their classmates, look like naked. Well, they don't have to wonder with one or more female peers naked in front of their eyes.” Abbie turned her body slightly to show herself off purposely, getting a light round of applause and a few cheers from the students watching the debate.

“Thank you, Abbie, for your answer. Now, let's get back to what Feminudism means to your group, before we run out of time.” Alice said with a nod at the naked girl, and Abbie went back to her side of the room.

“Freedom!” Sabrina stepped forward with her own answer. “It means freedom.”

“Sabrina, I'm really interested in your answer, but before you continue, don't you think you could do something to better represent your side in this debate?” Sabrina looked at the other girls on her team, but they all just shrugged, not sure what the teacher was getting at. “Your clothes.”

Finally, the realization set in at what Alice was saying. “You want me to remove my clothes??” Sabrina gulped, while the opposing team started laughing at her. “In class!???” Sabrina squinted her eyes shut with a glare for the girls and started taking her clothes off right there! She wouldn't let them make fun of her! She turned back to give a nod to Daisy and Claire, before resuming getting undressed. The other girls understood, and soon all four girls on the Feminudist side were matching in their bare skin.

Sabrina was blushing. How could she not? She had never been naked in school, nor in front of a whole classroom of her fellow eighth graders, but she did her best to barrel on through. “Being a Feminudist means freedom, and not just freedom to be naked, but also freedom from expectations. Most girls take great care in their appearance, a lot of times to their own detriment. I don't exclude myself from this. Why, the clothes I just took off, I could have bought an entire wardrobe with what I spent on those! We girls focus on flashy and trendy clothes, but we're only holding ourselves back by doing so.”

“Feminudism for me means joy.” Daisy said, seeing that her friend was done talking. “There's a joy in knowing that I'm a human being, a girl, with private parts, and that everyone can see my private parts. It's not perverted, like Noel was trying to claim. It's spreading joy.” She slowly moved until she could place her palms on one of the desks in the front row and lean forward. “Why Noel, look at the joy on your boyfriend's face, seeing me naked!”

“Oscar!!” Noel shouted at the way her boyfriend was staring at the naked girl's chest hanging down in front of him.

“Oh, don't get jealous!” Daisy teased, spinning around on the spot to shake her bare ass in Oscar's direction, before giving a wink and a giggle to Noel. “Jealousy isn't very joyful.” and she took her place back with the other Feminudists. Noel was fuming mad when she was through.

“For-for me, Feminudism means finally being seen.” Claire took her turn, though she didn't step out of line with the other girls. She was too nervous to single herself out at the moment. “No one really paid much attention to me. Not until today when I wore a very short skirt, and a shirt that was…” She blushed deeply. “Well, let's just say nothing was left to the imagination. If being naked means I get to be seen, then I want to be naked!”

A few boys let out some whoops and hollers at her. “Yeah, go Claire!” “Can I get your socials?!” One boy even called. Claire couldn't help beaming, feeling very pretty without her clothes.

“Would any of you like to make a rebuttal to what the Feminudists just said?” Alice asked with a smirk. The anti Feminudists seemed befuddled, and knew that they were close to becoming enemies of the class if they took a stance against the naked girls now. They all just shook their heads, too scared of the consequences if they did.

“Excellent!” Alice shocked everyone by whipping her long dress up and over her head! She hadn't been wearing any underwear, the material of the dress had been heavy enough to hide that fact, but she wasn't hiding anything now! She turned to the class and spoke confidently. “After hearing such benefits, I've decided to join the Feminudists myself, and I encourage all of you to join us too!” Her taut and perky breasts shook slightly as she spoke, large enough on her frame, but not sagging at all. “Boys, you can support and defend all Feminudists you meet on campus, and girls, you can enjoy the equality, freedom, joy, and attention that Feminudism offers!” She had a small amount of curly dark hair growing from her pubic mound, thinning out around her pussy lips. A stark contrast to the blonde, braided hair growing on her head. “Come on, girls, join us in our nakedness! I am letting you all have the choice now, but soon you will not have any choice. Starting a week from Monday, all of my classes will function as Feminudist classes, and that means mandatory female nudity! If you don't want that, then I suggest that you transfer from my class as soon as possible!” She made a clap and tossed her dress on to her desk.

“Miss… Alice, can you do that?” Abbie asked, just as bewildered about her teacher's proclamation as the others in the class. Everyone seemed to be stunned, though some of the girls had already stood and started to undo their clothes, thinking that this was mandatory right away.

“This is my classroom! You are my students! I don't see why not!” Alice had always been pretty impulsive, and when she had heard the way the Feminudist girls had stood up for their movement, she had decided it was the way she wanted to live her life too, including in her classes. She hadn't come into this class expecting to be naked by the end of it, but she wanted to see it through. “Girls, I implore you, take this time to try out Feminudism now, while you have the chance! Being naked is so much more than you'd expect!” She hopped over to stand in front of her students again, spreading her legs and putting her hands on her hips. Many of the girls gasped at her, but what she was really enjoying was the looks of the boys. She knew that her body was good-looking, yes, but even she didn't realize how much the males in her class would enjoy seeing her naked. It was just like Daisy had described it!

The girls that had already started to undress continued to remove their clothes, at the same time trying to convince some of the more shy girls to also join them. Some of them were successful right away, while others took a little more persuasion. A few continued to hold out, including Noel and the other two girls still standing at the front. They were watching their female peers undressing before them, feeling more shocked than any of them had ever felt in their lives! Noel, in particular, felt like she was in a dream as she watched one of the girls she knew as very shy remove her bra and lower her panties, to reveal a body that put hers and the Feminudists to shame!

“Come on, Noel,” Oscar hoped up and poked her in the tummy with a few tickles. “You have to get naked. All the other girls are. Even your teammates are.” He teased her.

Noel whipped around, finding one of the girls had her hand on her jeans button, like she was trying to decide if she should or not, and the other one was pulling at the edge of her shirt. Noel turned back to Oscar with tears in her eyes. “Please don't break up with me!” Before he could say anything, she was dropping her jeans and revealing her bra. Training bra would be more accurate. She pulled that off too, revealing that she only had little breast buds on her chest, with puffy brown nipples. She lowered her panties and revealed that she did have quite the growth of pubic hair, that covered up her private parts from view down there.

“Why would I break up with you?” Oscar asked, pulling his newly revealed naked girlfriend into a tight hug. Another joy he had just learned; hugging girls when they're naked is spectacular!

Abbie watched as every girl in class had removed their clothes now. She no longer felt alone. She was no longer alone. She was now surrounded and supported by a group of girls that knew exactly how she felt. She smiled as her friends, Sabrina, Daisy, and Claire, all enveloped her in a big hug.

Chapter 53

After a chaotic English class, where her teacher had pretty much mandated that all the girls were to attend naked from now on, Abbie was relieved to just have her study hall as her final period of the day. That meant heading to the school library, where she was supposed to work on homework or study for tests in relative quiet. If things continued to go the way the rest of this day had gone for her, then Abbie was guessing that she'd be making some kind of spectacle of herself in front of the students in the library by the end of the school day.

One thing Abbie had going for her was that her boyfriend Blake would also be there. He had the same study period as her, and that meant she knew someone would be there to have her back. Not that he had prevented things from going off the rails during their gym class, but at least she wouldn't be alone.

Abbie didn't know how right she was, as when she came into the library, she hadn't expected to see a bare naked Lauren arguing with the librarian! “I'm telling you! Call Mrs. Bennington and ask her! I'm not allowed to wear my clothes until after school!”

“I will! You just wait right there, young… Another one!” The old librarian lady, Ms. Gibson, had just spotted Abbie coming in.

Abbie was shocked when she matched right up to her, grabbed her ear forcefully, and dragged her by it over to where Lauren was standing! “Hey! Ow! What are you doing!?” Abbie complained, as the other students in the library started snickering at her. She couldn't believe she was already being made the center of attention, and the bell hadn't even rung yet! The fourteen-year-old naked girl rubbed her ear as soon as the woman let go of her, looking to Lauren for some answers, and blushing about the mistreatment she had just received. Lauren just shrugged her shoulders at her, knowing she couldn't really explain what was going on either.

The old librarian got on the phone with someone, but the naked girls couldn't hear who she was talking to. They just knew she sounded pissed, and that her anger seemed to be growing the longer she spent on the phone. If they had to guess, they would guess it was someone from the main office she was talking to, maybe even Ms. Bruster herself. “This is unacceptable!... No, I didn't check my email! You know those new fangled machines are useless!... That's not good enough! Either they go, or I do!” She slammed down the phone, and just glared at the naked girls with disgust.

“Ms. Gibson?...” Abbie started to say, but got cut off by the old woman quickly.

“Shut up!... You hussy!” Abbie and the other students were all shocked by the way she had just spoken to her. “Where's your sense of pride! Your sense of modesty! You girls think you're so special to be showing off your bodies! You think that makes you popular with the boys! Well it doesn't! It just makes you cheap! And easy! And the boys just see you as slutty sex objects!”

“Hey, you can't talk to my girlfriend that way!” Blake had just come in, but came charging forward to stand in between the two naked girls and the old lady as soon as he saw that she was yelling at them.

“Move out of the way, young man! This has nothing to do with you!” Ms. Gibson was not through yelling at the naked girls, but the gasps she was hearing from the other students caught her attention. She spun around, and her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets!

There, in the flesh, was her boss, the principal of the school, Ms. Bruster, and she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing above the knees! “Ms. Gibson, I could hear you all the way down the hall!” She was furious, looking fuming mad at the woman.

“What is the meaning of this!?” The old lady was shocked to see her boss in the buff!

Ms. Bruster folded her arms below her bare breasts. “You said it was the naked girls or you, so I'm here to relieve you of your duties.”

“What? But!” The old lady started to stutter. “But I'm only one more year away from retirement!”

“You should have thought about that before making such an ultimatum.” Ms. Bruster hid her smirk, knowing she had the upper hand now. “You said, either they go or you do.”

“Please, I didn't mean it! The naked girls can stay!” She started to beg. “I promise I won't pay them anymore mind!”

“That's not good enough.”

“Please! Please!” Tears were starting to build in her eyes.

“Well, there's one way you can prove to me that you want to stay.”

“Yes, anything!”

“Agree to work the rest of your days here at the school naked.”

“You've got to be kidding me!” The old librarian woman didn't like that idea at all!

Ms. Bruster knew she had the woman over a barrel now. “Either strip naked now, or I'll have you escorted from the school grounds.”

It has been a long while since Harriet Gibson had thought of herself as sexy, and even longer since anyone had seen her naked. At 64 years old, she had never been married, though in her youth, many men had tried. She had enjoyed playing the field, but that had left her lonely in her later years. With so much built up frustration, the woman had found herself becoming a loaner. Now she had no romantic relationships and hardly any friends either. With utter embarrassment, she started undressing herself, knowing that her boss, and a bunch of students, were all watching her do so. She noticed that a lot of the boys were cringing at her as she did so too, and that was the worst feeling in the world. In her younger days, these boys would have been drooling to watch her strip!

Despite her age, she kept herself spry and skinny. She slipped off her skirt and her slip, and then her old-fashioned panties as well. She hadn't needed to impress anyone with her body for years, so had left her pubic hair natural. Still, the blonde hair that grew down there was pretty thin, leaving her pussy lips with only a slight fuzz. With age, her outer lips had loosened a little, and that meant that her clitoris was on show for all the students to see. She took off her top and her bra next. She was not very well-endowed in the breast department, only being about the same size as Abbie, so they hardly sagged, even with her age. She had quite prominent dark nipples that stood out, long, hard, and puckered, from her body. She could hear the murmur of surprise spreading throughout the students, particularly the boys, as she covered up her naked shame with her hands automatically. Harriet might be older, but she had an impressive body considering, underneath the frumpy clothes she chose to wear.

“No covering up, Ms. Gibson. You should be proud of the way you've taken care of yourself.” Harriet dropped her arms at her boss's prompting, feeling her cheeks glowing at the compliment about her body.

“I have to work this way for the remainder of this year, and all next year?” The naked librarian woman asked, putting her cheater glasses on her face. With them on, she could see that a few of the boys were actually giving her lustful looks! She hadn't expected that! Her heart fluttered at the thought that she was still sexy.

“Yes, that's right.” The principal answered.

“I think I can handle that.” Ms. Gibson smiled. Then she turned to the naked girls, with a shame filled apology. “I'm sorry for everything I said. I, uh, understand everything now.” 

“It's ok.” Abbie came over and took her hand. “Have you heard about the new group I'm a part of called Feminudism?...”

Things quieted down after that. Abbie, Blake, and Lauren headed to an open table to work on the respective homework they had been assigned that day. They chatted quietly too, with Lauren explaining how she had ended up with a naked punishment. Abbie took the time to tell them all about what had happened during her English class, and how Alice had declared that the girls were to go naked now in her classes. Every once in a while, they would look up from their work and smile, watching as the naked librarian went about her business. Sometimes one of the boys would come up to ask the woman a question, but Ms. Gibson could tell that their real motivation was just to get a closer look at her naked body. She found herself not minding that at all, and even enjoying that the boys were getting such a thrill from looking at her. Abbie could see the glistening moisture growing in volume in between the older woman's pussy lips as time went on, too, when the light hit just right. Abbie felt a kindred spirit in the woman.

For a while, Blake had been away from the table, off to find some book for his research, but when he came back, he was flanked from behind by a few other boys. “Hey Abbie, can I speak with you privately?” He beckoned her over behind the nearest bookshelf, away from the study tables, with an amused smile on his face.

“What is it?” Abbie asked. As she rounded the corner, Blake grabbed her and shoved his hand in between her legs! “Oh my God!” Abbie gasped, shocked, but her pussy had been aching for more release since last period, so she didn't protest any harder. “Oh, Blake, yes!...” She tilted her head back, and spread her legs more for him, making sure to keep herself quiet. She didn't want to alert anyone else to what her boyfriend was doing to her.

Blake smirked. She was like putty in his hands. “The boys made a little bet with me. They don't think I have control over you.”

Abbie could feel her entire body getting hot at the idea of him having control over her. “Do you want total control over me?” Her voice came out as a whimper, finding that she could hardly speak with Blake's fingers teasing her clit this way. Somehow she had jumped from just control to total control in one response, and that made her pussy contract with great pleasure!

“I do, and I want to prove to the boys I have total control over you too.” Abbie made a whining moan as he stopped stroking her pussy, but as he stepped back, he pulled some kind of chain out of his pocket.

“What's that?” She asked suspiciously.

He let the chain unfurl, and it was revealed to be a dog collar and leash! “Put this on, and let me lead you out in front of the boys.” He held it out towards her.

“But Blake!...” She complained, even as she took it. “You'll let me get off if I do?” Since when had she needed his permission to get off, but the thought of that was pretty appealing to her. She wrapped the chain around her neck and clipped it together.

Blake nodded. “Good girl.” He actually patted and stroked the top of her head, which threw Abbie off at first, but then she felt a warmth she had never felt before. “Now, dogs don't walk on two legs, so get down on your hands and knees.” He told her as he took hold of her leash.

Abbie felt compelled to do as he said, and was down on her knees in a flash. “Now walk in front of me. That's right. Good girl! I bet you never thought about how much your pussy shows in this position.” Abbie could feel her face burning, knowing that he must be getting a perfect view of her wet slit. Blake let her move until the leash was taught, and then he started following her. As Abbie expected, more gasps rang out as soon as someone spotted her. Here she was, down on her knees, totally naked, being led around like a pet!

She could hear some giggles from the other girls, and a few jumped up and approached her. “Oh, she's so cute!! Can we pet her?” Abbie soon found herself being stroked everywhere by the girls! One stroked her head and hair, while another stroked her back. A third girl knelt down beside her, and started petting her tummy, but as soon as no one was looking at her, she moved her hands up to start stroking and fondling her boobs! Abbie's eyes went wide at that, and the girl just giggled at her expression.

“Oh, is this some kind of relaxation technique you Feminudist girls use?” Ms. Gibson asked, sinking down to the floor on her hands and knees too, next to Abbie. If she was in her right mind, she would have put a stop to what the others were doing to Abbie, but she was lost in complete arousal at this point. Soon both naked females were surrounded on all sides by the other students, having their full bodies massaged all over. It didn't take long for one of the boys to suggest that Lauren should join them as well, and she was soon getting the same treatment.

Abbie felt a hand probing between her legs, and looked back to see it was Blake putting a finger inside of her. He wasn't alone, as he was directing another girl on how to pet her clit! Abbie was soon in pure bliss as her whole body was stroked, most importantly, her private parts! She only had to take a glance to see that Lauren and Ms. Gibson were having their pussies stroked by the other students too! “Oh yes! Yes! Right there!”

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” Lauren's shrill voice called, as she couldn't believe the position she was in.

“That's it! That's it!” Harriet echoed the other girls, all three crying out in pleasure as they came! The other students did not let up, and so all three naked females kept having orgasm after orgasm until the final bell of the day rang. Finally, the students relented, and the three naked females were allowed to collapse to the floor and roll onto their backs.

“Hey Ms. Gibson!” A boy came back over after putting away his things, standing in between her legs so that it'd be impossible for her to close them. “It's gonna be pretty cool having you naked around school all the time!” He held up his phone and snapped a few pictures of her, naked, sweaty and exhausted, lying on the floor.

“Young man! Please!!” She called, but the boy just chuckled and fled from the library. Now, with her horny feelings totally gone, all she felt was humiliated about the position she now found herself in. That boy had just taunted her for her nakedness, and she expected the other students would too. As she stood up, she recognized all the smirks and snickers she was receiving from the exiting students as them making fun of her. She had been lost in a fantasy of feeling sexy again, but the shame of having to be naked without a choice had just smacked her upside the head. “Does it get easier?” She looked to Abbie for solace.

“Being naked?” Abbie asked, and the woman nodded. “Sometimes. Sometimes it's pretty easy, and sometimes it's the most humiliating thing in the world. Just try to think about the fun you were just having.” Abbie smiled at her.

Harriet couldn't help smiling back. “I haven't felt that good since…” she blushed. “Well, it's been many years. I hope I won't get in trouble for allowing that to continue.”

“I doubt it, if I can read Ms. Bruster correctly.” Abbie grinned.

“Maybe she'll let you get away with doing this every day even!” Lauren added.

“Maybe…” Harriet pondered to herself, the spring returning to her step. She watched as the naked girls giggled at her expression, walking over to meet up with Blake, before they headed out the door.

(End of File)