By SuperEvil
Copyright 2025 by SuperEvil, all rights reserved
[10,167 words]
* * * * *Chapter 50
Blake came into the gym to find his girlfriend looking nervous again.
By the time he got done changing, the majority of the other kids in
class were already there. Abbie was standing all alone, off in one
corner, but the fact that she was naked meant that she was the center
of attention for all the other students, particularly the boys in
class. As Blake got closer to her, he could see the rosy red on her
cheeks, and could see the little squirms her naked body was making. It
was only once he was right next to her that he could see just how much
excitement her body was displaying. Her pink nipples were long and
extended, looking like two eraser heads poking out from her breasts,
and her thighs were slick with a sticky wetness that led back up to her
plump pussy lips. She was standing with her legs held tight together,
but he could see the blood flow, making them more red in hue than they
were usually when she was not excited. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked
her, unable to contain a little grin at her reaction. He took a step to
her side, so as not to block the view of her from the other students.
Abbie's body shuddered automatically in response to his question, and
she was forced to open her legs to keep herself steady. As she did, she
felt like her pussy was almost drooling, as a big glob of her self-made
lubricant came dripping out of her pussy and down the inside of her
thigh, all the way to her knee! She scanned the faces of her
classmates, seeing that many of them were noticing her excitement now
for sure, and in response, she felt her face light up with heat the
likes of which she had never felt before! This was the worst case
scenario for her as far as she was concerned; her classmates finding
out her exhibitionist tendencies, and learning that she wasn't a nudist
at all! How long would it be before everyone in school knew that she
was getting horny being naked in front of them, and thought that was
the real reason Abbie wanted to be naked? What would they think about
her if that was their conclusion?? She was sure she'd be mocked and
shunned by most at school over this, for sure!
Abbie's eyes
fell upon the group of girls that were demanding an orgasm out of her
before the end of class, as she scanned the crowd. Besides Blake, they
were the closest to her. Two of them seemed to be smirking at her,
including the lead blonde, but the others seemed to have blushes on
their faces as they watched her. Could they really be envious of Abbie
for her nakedness, like one of them had said? She watched them for a
bit longer, and realized a couple of them had their hands in between
their legs, and were touching themselves through their shorts! Another
girl had pulled her arms back inside her sleeves, something she had
seen plenty of girls do when they felt cold, but this time, she could
see tiny movements in the front of the girl's shirt. The girl was
fondling her own breasts under there! They were just as excited about
her nakedness as she was! Abbie felt a pang of envy watching these
girls touch themselves, as she knew any attempts she made to touch
herself would be out in the open. That reminded her of the task she
needed to complete before the end of class today, bringing herself to
orgasm in front of the girls. A part of her was tempted to do it right
now, with everyone watching. After all, they had all seen her get off
during the assembly, but that had been under the guise of a
demonstration. Here, she would just be pleasuring herself under her own
volition. As much as she wanted to touch her aching pussy and tingling
clitoris, she couldn't bring herself to do so under these
circumstances. She would just have to find a way to get off discreetly
in front of the girls sometime later during class.
didn't have much time to decide anyway, as their gym teacher, Mrs.
Flowers, called for everyone's attention at the front of the gym.
“Alright class! In a few minutes we'll be moving over to gym three, but
first we need to do our stretching. Everyone, pair off and go through
the standard stretches.” Abbie was quick to grab Blake's hand before
anyone else could try to pair off with her. She was happy to hear that
they were moving to gym three, as she knew that's where their school
kept the gymnastics equipment set up. Whenever they had class there,
they were broken up into smaller groups, so that they could rotate
through each gymnastics station. That would give Abbie ample
opportunity to bring herself to orgasm in relative privacy, and she
knew exactly how she was going to do it. Now all she needed to do was
make sure she ended up in the same group as the other girls.
Abbie started doing her normal stretches, with Blake spotting her. She
could tell he was enjoying the way her naked body twisted and contorted
with every position she took. It kept her right on the edge of
horniness, but she was thankful for that, as she wanted to have this
orgasm in front of the girls as quickly as possible. She sat down on
the floor and spread her legs, and Blake sat down across from her,
putting the soles of his shoes up against hers and grabbing her hands
with his. Then they alternated pulling each other as far forward as
they could, to stretch their legs fully. The entire time, Blake's eyes
were locked on to her spread, dripping pussy, Abbie noticed, but all
that did was add more fuel to the fire in her loins. She noticed that
his cock was almost threatening to burst out of his shorts too, and
found her eyes locked on to his lap the whole time they were down on
the floor in this position. Everything inside of her wanted to lunge at
him and ride his cock right there, but she could think of a million
reasons why she shouldn't do that. She'd just have to be satisfied with
having an orgasm discreetly in front of the girls instead.
Blake helped her to her feet when the exercise was through, but as
Abbie stood, her sneaker slipped a little on the wooden floor. She
looked down to find that she had left a large puddle of her pussy juice
behind where she was just sitting! Abbie made a grimace of shame, as a
few other students nearby made a snicker at her, noticing what she had
left behind. The girls that wanted to watch Abbie masturbate and cum
for them all had large smiles on their faces, knowing that Abbie was
getting close to making their wishes come true. For the rest of the
time they were in this gym, Abbie moved to stand in front of the puddle
she had left on the floor, hoping that no one else would notice it with
her body blocking it from view, especially her teacher. Thankfully, it
didn't seem like anyone else did, as anyone looking in her direction
seemed to be focusing on her bare body instead, and soon they were
being directed to the other gym by Mrs Flowers.
Abbie hung
back, hoping to get the attention of the blonde and the other girls, so
that they were all in the same group. Luckily, they all seemed to
understand, as they approached Abbie instead of heading for the door.
Blake took a slightly defensive stance to Abbie's side as they
approached. He had been informed about what the girls expected out of
Abbie as they had done their stretches, and had to admit that he wanted
to watch Abbie bring herself to orgasm with them watching too. As long
as Abbie didn't get into trouble doing so, then he was going to go
along with it.
“So, did you tell your boyfriend what you're
going to do for us?” The lead blonde girl asked, amused, while the
other girls giggled behind her.
Abbie nodded at her. “Yes. He's going to make sure I don't get in trouble.”
“Why would you get in trouble?” The girl reached out and flipped one of Abbie's bare titties up with her fingertips.
“Hey!” Abbie reacted with both outrage and embarrassment, covering up
her one boob the girl had touched. Blake also gave her an angry scowl,
moving to stand between Abbie and the girl.
“Hey, relax. We're
just messing around. We all know the real reason Abbie likes being
naked, and we want to have some fun with it.” The blonde explained.
Another one of the girls spoke up behind her. “Yeah, I would switch places with Abbie in a heartbeat if I could!”
“Well, why dontcha!” Blake responded, letting his frustrations get the better of him.
“Blake…” Abbie put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Then she
turned her attention to the girls. “He does have a point. If you want
to feel what it's like, why don't you all just strip for gym class?”
The girl that has said she'd switch with Abbie in a heartbeat let out a scoff. “What?! We couldn't do that!”
“Why not?” The lead blonde asked, a smirk on her lips, while the other
girls all gave her a nervous stare. She ignored them and addressed
Abbie. “Abbie, we all just want to be friends with you. If we got
naked, would that prove to you that we mean you no harm?”
Abbie gave the girl a skeptical look, but she held firm, and so Abbie
slowly started to nod her head. “Yes, that would go a long ways.”
“Great!” The blonde grinned at her. “Then we'll make a deal. You give
us the orgasm you were already going to give us, and we'll all strip
naked before the end of class.” She held out her hand for Abbie to
“But Britney!” One of the other girls complained, but the tall blonde girl, Britney, shushed her.
Abbie took her hand with a firm grip. “Fine, but not in the locker
room. In gym three, where everyone can see you.” She squinted her eyes
at her, expecting that the girl might have been trying to pull a fast
one on her.
If she was, she didn't show any sign of being
nervous, as she shook Abbie's hand. “Looking forward to it.” Britney
just smiled brightly at her, showing no fear or apprehension for what
she had just agreed to do.
“Abbie, why don't you just do it
right now, before…?” Blake started to say, but before he could finish
suggesting that Abbie should play with herself right here, the door to
the gym swung open, and their teacher came back inside.
are you doing!?” Mrs. Flower demanded, holding her hands on her hips.
“The six of you are supposed to be in gym three! Now get moving!” She
gestured to the open doorway, and the young teens all scrambled to get
where they were supposed to be. Abbie had taken up walking behind
everyone else, but that gave her teacher the opportunity to catch her
and speak with her privately outside the gym, while everyone else
headed inside. “Abbie, I want to talk to you.”
“Yes, Mrs.
Flowers?” Abbie blushed as she saw her teacher's eyes moving up and
down to examine her bare body a few times. Her eyes seemed to
scrutinize her hard nipples and her wet pussy the most, which she was
trying to conceal by holding her legs together tightly. Abbie was
hoping her teacher wasn't going to reprimand her about being so horny.
“I've heard from some of your other teachers how you've, well, your body's been reacting to your new lifestyle.”
Abbie let out a gasp. “You have???” She felt faint; if her teachers had
all noticed, then it was a good bet that everyone else had too! Why did
her brother have to leave her so horny before school today, of all
days! On her first day naked at school! It was like her worst nightmare
about being naked was coming true! Everyone was finding out she got off
to it!
“Relax Abbie.” Mrs. Flowers put a comforting hand on
her upper arm. “Weren't you paying attention to Ms. Honey? She made it
very clear that it's to be expected that a girl will get horny when
naked, even one who is a nudist like you. She even sent out emails to
all of your teachers explaining so, and made sure we are all aware and
know that we shouldn't hold it against you.”
“Miss Honey did
that?” Abbie suddenly felt guilty, knowing that Miss Honey was looking
out for her this way, and yet she had treated her so poorly earlier
Mrs. Flowers smiled at her. “Mmhum. But that's part of
why I pulled you aside. Ms. Bruster asked me to provide you with a few
clean towels before you leave today. Apparently you have been leaking
and leaving behind your… Well, your wetness from your pussy, in your
other classes, and some poor boy sat in it last period.” Abbie felt her
face starting to burn at this news. “You're to use the towels to sit on
to soak up any messes you make.”
“I… I…” Abbie opened and
closed her mouth a few times, like a fish out of water, not sure what
to say. She'd never felt so mortified! To know that some unlucky boy
had sat in her wetness!
“Don't worry! These are the growing
pains we have to get through. Nobody said having a naked girl in school
was going to be easy!” Mrs. Flowers laughed, while Abbie just felt like
curling up in the corner and dying from shame. “Now, I'm gonna need you
to wipe down all the equipment you use today. Can you handle that,
Abbie?” Abbie made a small nod at her, still too stunned and
embarrassed to speak. “Good girl! Then head in and show them how well a
naked girl can do gymnastics!” Abbie pushed the door to the gym open,
but made a jump, as her gym teacher gave her bare bottom a smack! It
was meant as a show of encouragement, but the naked girl still felt
totally humiliated to have her teacher touch her this way! Worse, with
her holding the door open, her classmates had seen, and many of them
were giggling at her in response.
Abbie tried to ignore them
as she made her way over to where Blake and the girls were. She found
this hard to do, as all eyes continued to stay on her and her naked
body, at least until the teacher blew her whistle and had everyone get
back to what they were supposed to be doing. Blake and the girls were
at the station, where they were supposed to be doing headstands and
tumbling. As Abbie arrived, Blake was letting down the tall blonde,
Britney. She stood up, making a smirk at Abbie, before giving a little
wink to Blake.
“What was that about?” Abbie asked him, as the other girls in their group all gathered around Britney to chat.
Blake made a little blush at his girlfriend. “Well…” He rubbed the back
of his neck, conflicted, but ultimately decided to tell her what he had
seen. “None of them are wearing panties.” He whispered, just loud
enough for Abbie to hear.
“What? How do you know?” Abbie
squinted her eyes, wondering what the group of girls had been doing
with her boyfriend while she had been out in the hallway.
“Their shorts. The legs are wide enough that they kinda fall open when
they're upside down… Um, if I look down at the right angle, I uh, can
see everything…”
“I see…” Abbie could feel a little bit of
jealousy bubbling up inside of her, but then thought about it. Blake
had seen a lot of girls naked, and yet, he still chose her. She also
thought about how many boys had seen her naked and how much that had
turned her on. Should she really feel so jealous about him seeing such
parts of other girls, when he never got jealous about other boys seeing
her parts? Abbie decided to let it go. “Spot me.” She said, before
quickly flipping over in his direction.
Blake caught her legs,
despite being caught off guard, and held her until she was in perfect
headstand position. Then he came around and stood in front of her.
“You're not upset, are you?”
“Nah.” Abbie looked up at him and
smiled, slowly spreading her legs open as wide as she could while still
maintaining her balance. “Why should I get upset at you for seeing a
few other pussies, when every boy in school has seen this pussy.” She
invited his eyes to follow hers until they rested on her wide open
pussy lips.
Blake found it impossible to look away from
Abbie’s blooming flower, not that he would want to. With her legs
pointed in 45 degree angles, up and away from her body, and her outer
lips spread fully, she was now in the perfect position for Blake to
study her private parts to his heart's content. Her little pink inner
lips were clinging to her outer ones, with her wetness, and that meant
that her entrance was on full show. He could see her hole contracting
with every breath she took, and the steady stream of wetness trickling
out of it. With the way she was holding herself upside down, the stream
had turned direction, and headed for her clit. For now, the steady
stream was being held back by her pinkish white pearl, but he could
tell that Abbie wouldn't have to hold this position for much longer
before it spilled out. Then it would start trailing down her pubic
mound, and lower tummy, and maybe even further.
Abbie knew
that she was putting on a show for her boyfriend by holding herself
upside down like this, but after feeling jealous for hearing that he
had seen the other girls' pussies inside their shorts, she wanted to
prove to him that she was willing to show him a lot more. She could see
the effect it was having in him, as his hard cock pushed out the front
of his gym shorts again, and she couldn't help smiling at that, and
feeling good, as her aching clit felt the coolness of the open air,
only to warm again when her hot juices covered it. She had a thought
flash through her mind of him fucking her in this position, and she had
to wonder how long she could hold herself this way, and if she should
try that with him one day. It was such an exciting thought to her, that
she almost lost her balance, but she was able to catch herself in the
end. Her concentration was broken just enough that she noticed the
girls in their group, all standing behind Blake and watching her, too.
Instead of giggling or making fun of her, like she expected, all four
girls, even the tall blonde, seemed to be panting at the display Abbie
was making of herself. The tall blonde was biting her lip as she
started between Abbie's legs, and one of the other girls had her hand
down the front of her shorts! Though, she stopped and turned totally
red when Abbie’s eyes met hers. One thing was certainly for sure, these
girls were getting totally turned on about Abbie showing off her body
this way.
They moved over to the balance beam next, when Mrs.
Flowers blew her whistle and said it was time to switch. Six horny
teens, one boy trying to hide the erection in his shorts, four horny
girls, hoping their wetness wasn't going to start showing through
theirs, and one bare naked girl that couldn't hide her horniness if she
tried, all made their way over. This was the station that Abbie was
hoping to be at. When she had heard they were going to be in gym three
today, she had formulated a plan in her head. She didn't wait for the
others, instead she got up into the balance beam, straddling it with
her legs. Already she could tell her plan was going to work, with the
beam pressed snugly up against her already horny pussy. She called
Blake and the girls closer, and told them to surround her so that no
one else could see her.
“What are you going to do?” Britney
asked, as Abbie positioned herself with her hands on the beam out in
front of her, so that she was leaning slightly forward. Her eyes got
wide, as she watched Abbie start to grind her pussy into the long beam
underneath her! “Holy shit!”
“Oh fuck, that's hot!” The girl
that had wanted to switch places with Abbie exclaimed, rubbing her
thighs together and wishing she truly could be Abbie at this moment.
Abbie was already panting and moaning hard. She had found the perfect
angle to rub her needy clit up against the beam. She was already so
worked up that she expected it would take very little time for her to
orgasm. “Please!... Ugh!!! Don't let the others see what I'm doing!
Ahhhh!!!” The naked girl felt like she was losing all control of
herself, grinding her pussy back and forth across the beam. She threw
her head back and let out a mighty wail of pleasure.
“How are we supposed to do that when you're being so loud?” One of the other girls asked.
“I can't help it! It feels too good!” Abbie confessed. Sweat was
starting to stain her forehead and run down her naked body. She was at
the point of no longer caring who saw her. She needed to cum and
nothing was going to stop her!
“Let them look, Abbie.” The
tall blonde said with a teasing tone. “Don't you want them to watch you
cum? It's more fun when people are watching you.” Abbie snapped her
eyes open at the blonde as she said this, but nodded her head. She
would have spoken, but she was practically out of breath and any noise
she was able to make just came out as pleasure squeals.
“Abigail Larson…”
“Mrs!... Mrs. Flowers!!...” Abbie was able to get enough breath to say
the name of her teacher, but at this point she was so far gone that she
couldn't have stopped herself even if she tried. Now with her teacher
watching her too, Abbie went into one of the most intense but
pleasurable orgasms she'd ever had! “Oh!! Oh, yes!! Oh my God!!! Yes!!!
Oh, yes!!! Oh, yes!!! OH, YES!!!!” All of her yelling brought the
attention of everyone in class, and everyone dropped what they were
doing to come over and observe the last few moments of her spectacular
climax. Finally, Abbie seemed to be done, and she rested herself
forward on the balance beam, almost lying down on it, but not quite.
Seeing she was through, one of the boys in class started clapping for
her, then another, and soon the whole class joined in. Abbie peeked up,
flushing deeply as she found out that her whole class had witnessed her
orgasm! That was exactly what she was hoping would not happen.
“Alright! Back to your stations!” Mrs. Flowers scolded the others,
blowing her whistle to get them moving. Then she turned to Abbie with a
serious look. “I'll see you after class.” She said, before moving to
observe the next station.
“Oh, Mrs. Flowers!” Britney called,
chasing after her. Abbie and the others watched the two talk for about
a minute, before Britney came back with a happy look on her face.
“Well, here goes nothing…” she said when she was close enough, and then
hooked her thumbs into the band of her gym shorts. She looked at Abbie,
made a deep breath, and then quickly pushed them down her long legs!
Blake was right, at least Britney didn't seem to be wearing any
panties! Her bare slit, with a little fringe of blonde peach fuzz on
the sides, was now totally out in the open! Britney then pulled off her
shirt, and even took off her bra without undoing the clasps, leaving
her in just her tennis shoes! The now bare blonde started blushing
hard, as she noticed quite a lot of her other classmates were starting
to notice that she was now undressed too! “Well, I said we'd do it…”
she twisted her foot bashfully, setting her clothes down on a part of
the balance beam that Abbie was not occupying.
Abbie smiled at
her. “You did. Wow, you look great!” Abbie could feel the struggle
going on inside Britney, as the girl looked like she wanted to cover up
her nakedness so badly. Abbie took a good look at what she had to
offer, thinking that her breasts looked small because of her height,
but they were probably about the same size as Abbie’s. Abbie did have
more pronounced hips, as Britney seemed to be straight as a board in
that department. Abbie hopped off the beam, and grabbed a towel to
clean up her wetness. Then she took Britney's hand, and led her over to
get on. “Go ahead.” Abbie smiled at her mischievously.
“You want me to?...” Britney's eyes went wide, as she thought about what Abbie had just done with the balance beam.
Abbie let out a giggle. “No, silly! I want you to use the balance beam
as intended.” She leaned in closer to speak softly to her. “Knowing
that everybody in class is going to be watching you up there naked.”
“Oh fuck!” Britney let out a quiet moan, thinking that nothing could be
hotter. With Abbie's help, she got up on the beam, and started walking
back and forth slowly. Each time she reached the end of the beam, she
would look up to see who was watching her before turning around. She
wanted to watch them watching her more, but she needed to look at her
feet while on the beam, or she was worried she would fall off. Every
time she did look up, however, she found more and more of her
classmates watching her balancing on the beam naked, and that excited
her to no end! She couldn't believe she was actually doing it, and just
how good yet embarrassing it felt for her to be like this. Her nipples
were standing straight out in front of her, and she was sure she was
starting to leak, just like Abbie! She wondered if the others,
particularly the boys, in her class could tell how turned on she felt.
A part of her really hoped so, and that they would use it against her
to make her go naked in class again in the future.
All too
soon, Britney's turn was over, and Abbie was helping another girl out
of her clothes and onto the beam. Abbie learned this girl's name was
Penny, and that she had very large breasts and a lot of public hair,
though she kept her pussy lips hair free. This was the girl that had
wished to trade places with Abbie, and even though Abbie didn't put on
her clothes, for all intents and purposes, the girls had switched
places. Penny didn't have enough good balance to stay up on her own, so
Abbie held her hand on one side of the beam, making sure the girl was
displayed optimally to as many of their classmates as possible. By the
end of her turn, Penny was a sweaty, horny mess, and looked exhausted.
She told Abbie that this was the most exhilarating moment of her life!
The last girl to go was a cute redhead named Cammy. She was very
reluctant to undress at first, but Britney, Penny, and the other girl
that had just had her turn, Rachel, all surrounded her and forced her
out of her clothes. Cammy could do nothing as the three naked girls
stripped her until she was as naked as they were. Now naked, Cammy was
the most bashful out of the group, but the other girls were able to get
her moving by giving her bare skin some pinches! They started with her
tummy, then moved on to her butt and thighs, but when that still didn't
work, Britney thought of pinching her nipples! Cammy was already moving
to get on the balance beam at that, but it was not fast enough for the
other girls, as they all kept pinching her bare breasts and nipples
until they were out of reach! Even then, they went back to pinching her
bare behind and the back of her legs until she started earnestly moving
along the beam. Cammy was a nervous wreck the whole time she was up
there, knowing that all of her classmates had their attention on her
and her naked body.
During Cammy’s turn, Mrs. Flowers came
over to collect the clothes from the girls that had stripped. “If you
girls want to be naked, then you can just stay this way until the end
of class. You can come get your gym uniforms from me on Monday before
class begins.” She explained, before blowing her whistle and sending
them to the next station.
The four girls that were now naked
moved nervously to the next area, weary of any of the boys getting
closer to them. The thought of being naked had excited them greatly,
but being naked for real came with a real feeling of shame that they
were not prepared for. They all wondered how it was that Abbie lived
her life this way, feeling a different kind of bond with her than they
were expecting. Still, both Britney, and Penny especially, were still
feeling exhilarated, and that made the whole thing worth it. Britney,
feeling bold, asked Abbie if her feelings of embarrassment would go
away if she got more used to being naked. “It comes and goes.” Abbie
answered her honestly. All the girls were interested in what she had to
say about this. “Sometimes being naked is pretty mundane, and sometimes
it's the most freeing feeling in the world. A lot of the time, it is
embarrassing, especially when others try to make you put on a show for
Britney blushed at that. “Sorry…”
forgiven.” Abbie made a little smile at her, and Britney gave her a
relieved smile back. “That was one of the best orgasms I've ever had,
so I won't complain too hard about it.” She laughed. “Being naked can
be all of those things, and all of those things all at once, but, at
the end of the day…” Abbie bit her lip in thought.
“What?” The girls asked.
“At the end of the day, I like being naked, and I think everyone else
enjoys me being naked too.” Abbie explained, finding her face getting
hot despite her positive statement. It was embarrassing her to admit
that she really did like being naked, even if she still wished it was
her choice to be.
“Oh, we love it!” Rachel said. “After today,
I don't think I'm going to get naked in class ever again, but I'm still
going to enjoy seeing you naked every day!” She reached out and gave
Abbie’s bare tummy a tickle.
Abbie let out a quick,
uncontrollable laugh. Being naked left her vulnerable to tickles a lot,
but this time she realized that she wasn't the only one naked. Unlike
her brother or her boyfriend, Rachel was bare from the ankles up, just
like her! In a moment, Abbie pounced at her, tickling her bare tummy,
up her sides, until she reached her under arms! “No! Noooooooo!!”
Rachel squealed, laughter pouring out of her as Abbie tortured her most
ticklish spot. Not to be outdone, the other naked girls joined Abbie,
and soon Rachel found herself down on the mats, being relentlessly
tickled from all directions! The loud laughing from the naked girl was
enough of a commotion to get the attention of the rest of the class,
and they all stopped what they were doing to watch Rachel squeal and
squirm. “I yield! I yield! Please! No more!” Rachel started to beg, and
so the other naked girls stopped tickling her.
That only ended
up being an interlude to an even bigger tickle battle, as Britney gave
Abbie a look, and gestured at Penny. The two girls piled on top of her,
and it was on! The five naked girls were soon all rolling around on top
of one another, trying to get the advantage over the other girls, as it
became every girl for herself. No one seemed to have any advantage, as
the girls all rolled around on top of or underneath each other,
flashing their pussies with wide open legs at their other classmates as
they wriggled and squirmed. The rest of the class watched with
amusement, at least until Blake moved closer and started tickling his
naked girlfriend too! Then it was like the floodgates were open. The
rest of the class, boys and girls alike, all moved to pull the naked
girls apart, but not to stop them. Instead, some of them held the naked
girls down, flat on their backs and with their limbs spread out as wide
as possible, while their other classmates went to town tickling the
naked girls' most sensitive and inviting areas! At first, it was their
tummies, their sides, and their under arms, but it quickly moved on to
more intimate areas! Penny found her big breasts being felt up, while
Rachel's inner thighs were being caressed. Britney's clit was being
played with, while Abbie felt a finger entering inside of her pussy!
Most shamefully for the most bashful girl, Cammy, she had her legs
pulled up towards her head by two boys, while one of the other girls
not undressed started teasing her asshole! All the while, Mrs. Flowers
just watched on in stunned silence, unsure what she should do or say.
She was saved from saying anything as the bell rang and most of the
students took off for their respective locker rooms. That just left
Blake and the naked girls, who all just lay on the mats on their backs
for a bit, until they got their bearings back. “Are you girls alright?”
Mrs. Flowers finally asked. She was sure what she had just witnessed
was going to lead to big problems.
“I'm alright.” Abbie offered. The other girls nodded, and they all got to their feet, still seemingly a bit stunned.
“Girls, what just happened to you…” Mrs. Flowers started, but wasn't sure what else to say.
“Mrs. Flowers, we're alright. Really.” Britney jumped in, knowing that
if she didn't, this little incident could cause a lot of trouble for
the school and for them, and put an end to their fun. “We asked them to
tickle our privates.”
“You did?” The teacher asked.
“We did?!” Cammy repeated, but received a bump on the shoulder and a scowl from Britney to shut up.
“Yes, we did.” Britney looked at the other girls, nodding her head, until they all started nodding along with her.
“And why would you do that?” Mrs. Flowers was now glaring at the girls,
and folded her arms with annoyance. She believed that Britney and her
friends could be dumb enough to cause such a disturbance in her class.
“Because Abbie can't be the only one having fun!” Britney let out a
laugh, but just received a harder scowl from her teacher that stopped
“That is not ok!” Mrs. Flowers blew up at them. “In the
future, any nude girls attending my class will masturbate herself to
completion in front of the rest of the class, so there will be no
excuse for something like this to happen ever again! She will only have
five minutes to get to completion, or there will be harsher
consequences! Is that clear!?” The girls all nodded, even Abbie, who
realized that she was going to have to masturbate every day in gym
class as long as she was attending school in the nude! The other girls
at least had the option of wearing their uniforms, or so she thought at
least. “I’ll be having a talk with the other students in this class to
let them know that inappropriate touching is strictly prohibited. And
one more thing, next week, the four of you will be attending my class
in the nude again, since you seem to think this is all fun and games!”
“But!...” Cammy started to complain.
“If that's not good enough for you, I'll talk to Ms. Bruster about
having you registered for full-time nudity like Abbie! Got it, Cammy!?”
“Yes, ma'am…” Cammy hung her head.
“That goes for the rest of you too.” The other girls nodded, sure they
would die from embarrassment if they were made to attend all of their
remaining school days in the buff. All but Abbie, who knew she was
already expected to attend all of her classes in the nude. “Dismissed!”
Chapter 51
When this day had started, Lauren had never imagined that everyone in
school would be seeing her naked, or that her health teacher would be
asking for her to spread her pussy in front of the whole school! During
Miss Honey's health presentation, she had had an involuntary orgasm in
front of everyone, too! But despite the shame she felt for what had
happened, a small part of Lauren was also feeling a bit of joy about
it. It didn't hurt that a majority of her fellow seventh graders, the
boys especially, were cheering her on in the hallways after they had
been dismissed from the assembly.
“So, like, you totally
enjoyed that, didn't you?” Lauren heard a voice asking from behind her,
as she got the books she needed for her next class from her locker. Her
friend Marissa stood behind her, wearing the same knowing smirk she had
when she and their other friend Holly had discovered her naked at the
bank. Marissa suspected that Lauren had a thing for public exposure.
Lauren turned around and blushed at her friend. It felt like, no matter
what she said, there was no denying that she had enjoyed her naked time
up on stage. It was written all over her face by the way she smiled at
the girl, despite her blush. Still, she found herself too embarrassed
to admit it out loud, so she just shrugged her shoulders.
“Don't give me that!” Marissa took her by the hand and started leading
her to their next class. “I want details! We all saw you get off
without even touching yourself! Girlfriend, you need to admit the truth
and tell me you loved it up there!”
“God, could you be any
louder?!” Lauren found her face getting even hotter, particularly when
she noticed a lot of the other students starting to snicker at what her
friend was saying as they passed them in the hall.
giggled at her friend's embarrassment. “I could be a lot louder! I'll
be as loud as it takes to get you to admit that you had a great time
being naked in front of the entire school!!”
The girls stopped
walking as they reached their classroom, and Marissa squared herself
off with Lauren, expecting her to finally admit the truth. Lauren was
on the cusp of doing so, but she noticed that a ton of other students
were gathering behind Marissa, waiting for the little blonde girl's
confession, and she couldn't bring herself to do it with them watching.
She yanked her hand out of Marissa's grasp, and quickly fled into the
safety of the classroom.
Marissa followed her inside after
rolling her eyes, and took the seat in front of the one Lauren had
taken. It was just as well, as the bell started to ring just as she sat
down. “Now are you gonna admit it?” Marissa asked, flabbergasted that
it was so hard for Lauren to just admit the truth.
class, open your books to chapter 20, page 93.” Lauren shook her head
at her friend, and pointed up front as her teacher started to speak.
Marissa was getting angry at her now. “Admit it!” She yelled.
Lauren slammed her palms down on the desk and leapt to her feet. “Fine!
I admit it! I had fun being naked in front of the entire school!”
“Girls!” The teacher shouted at the interruption of her class, while
many chuckled at Lauren for what she had just said. Lauren’s face
started to burn as everyone was staring at her as she stood there,
having just heard her admission. “Lauren, come up here, now!”
Lauren had never had a teacher yell at her like this in the middle of
class. With fright, she quickly scampered her way to the front and
faced the woman. “Lauren, remove your clothes.” She said flatly, with a
touch of cold in her voice. A lot of the students gasped at what she
had just said.
Lauren was beside herself when she registered
what her teacher had told her to do. “But Mrs. Bennington! You can't be
serious!” She could hear the giggling starting up again from her fellow
13-year-olds, and she found herself becoming agitated.
“I am
most certainly serious. Ms. Bruster has approved your mother's request
for naked punishments for you, young lady! You better learn to act in
line, or you're going to be spending a lot of time naked in school!”
Now the giggles were becoming full-blown laughter, and Lauren could
feel her tears stinging her eyes, especially when she saw how Marissa
was laughing at her. It was her fault she was up here to begin with!
“But that's not fair!” Lauren complained, grabbing the hem of her
shirt. She wasn't sure if she was doing it for comfort, to make sure it
was still there, or if she was going to comply with the order to strip.
“No, I suppose it is not.” Her teacher made a tiny smirk at her. “But
you just told us you enjoyed your time naked today, so it should be no
trouble for you.”
Lauren found herself slipping her shirt over
her head, even if the very last thing she wanted to do was get naked
again. All the while, her classmates continued to laugh at her. Some of
them even started making teasing remarks about her, and how she should
be used to being naked by now. “Can't you tell them to stop laughing at
me?!” Lauren complained as she undid and dropped her skirt and her
panties. Then she peeled off her training bra, before folding her arms
and glaring at the whole classroom of her peers. She didn't attempt to
cover, as she knew that everyone in here had already seen her totally
naked today, instead wishing she wasn't the only one naked.
“Oh, a little shaming is in order, as this is meant to be a punishment
for you.” Mrs. Bennington made an encouraging smile at the rest of the
class as she collected the girl's clothes.
“You'd think
a girl with so little to show would be ashamed to let everyone see, but
apparently Lauren has fun being naked!” Marissa called out, making much
of the class double over in laughter.
Lauren could only see
red at what her friend had just said. “Why doesn't Marissa have to be
naked!? She interrupted class too!” The little naked blonde whined,
finding that her complaining just caused everyone to laugh harder.
“Because her mother hasn't requested that she be punished naked.” Mrs.
Bennington told her. Then she faced the class. “A little shaming is
alright, but if anyone takes it too far, I will make sure your parents
are contacted and expound the virtues of naked punishments. Am I making
myself clear?” The class nodded, and their laughter died down after
that. “Lauren, you may take your seat now. You'll get your clothes back
at the end of class.”
Lauren felt totally out of place as she
took her chair. The only naked girl in a classroom of her peers, about
30 other seventh graders. She tried to put it out of her mind, that she
was so naked, and concentrate on what her teacher was talking about,
but it was hard for her to do when Marissa would keep turning back to
smirk and giggle at her. She wasn't the only one, as many of the class
were doing the same, and even Mrs. Bennington would make a little
amused face whenever her eyes would roam over her. The only feeling,
equal to her shame, was the anger she was feeling towards her friend.
Marissa may not have known that Lauren was going to be punished with
nudity, but she was clearly taking a lot of delight about it. This girl
was meant to be her friend, but right now, Lauren was wishing for all
the absolute worst things to happen to her.
Once their teacher
was done explaining the topic of the day, she handed out worksheets and
told the class, they should get to work. Mrs. Bennington usually
tolerated a bit of talking during this part, as long as it remained
quiet and things didn't get out of hand. With such an opportunity,
Marissa couldn't resist starting the teasing back up about the naked
girl in class. “Lauren, I think you're brave.” The blonde gave her a
skeptical look. “No, I really do. You'd have to be, to be willing to
show off such… I don't think tiny is the right word? Microscopic? Yeah,
let's go with microscopic! You'd have to be, to show off such
microscopic boobs to everybody!” Marissa and a few of the classmates
seated near them all laughed, while Lauren fumed with anger and shame
at her friend.
“They're such cute little boobies!” Another
girl seated beside Lauren said. “Maybe for a 10-year-old!” She added,
and everyone but Lauren burst into more laughter.
“Shut up!”
Lauren complained, finding herself surrounded on all sides by people
who wanted to make fun of her. She was on the brink of tears again.
“They are cute, even if they're so tiny!” The boy behind Lauren
commented, leaning over her shoulder to get a good look at her bare
chest. “Makes you just want to reach out and tickle them.” And he did
just that, reaching around her to tickle her tiny boobies and little
nipples. “Coochie coochie coo!”
“Stop it!” Lauren screamed, almost jumping in her seat from the unwanted contact.
“Lauren, one more outburst from you, and you'll be spending next class
period naked as well!” Mrs. Bennington scolded from her desk, too busy
grading papers to have realized that it was the boy's fault she had
“But!...” Lauren stopped herself, as she noticed the
other kids seated around her smirking at her like hungry hyenas, most
notably Marissa. They were going to try to get her into trouble again,
for sure!
“Wouldn't that be a shame, Lauren, if you had to go
to your next class naked too?” Marissa mocked, knowing that she held
the power to keep Lauren naked if she wanted to, and she really wanted
“Please! What did I ever do to you guys?? This isn't fair!”
“Oh, like you've never teased any of us ever!” The girl beside her
said, getting a scowl on her face. “Or have you not been calling me
brace face every day for the past year?”
“I don't think there's anyone in here you've never picked on, Blondie.” The boy behind her added.
“Yeah, even your own friends.” Marissa squinted her eyes at her, folding her arms.
Lauren could see she was in real trouble here, with no one seemingly on
her side. “Please, I-I was just kidding around.” The naked blonde gave
the others a nervous smile. “Can't you see that being naked is way more
embarrassing than anything I've ever said about any of you.” She
collapsed her hands together, making her plea. “I promise I'll never
make fun of any of you again!” She squirmed her bottom in her chair, as
it appeared to be that her pleas were just falling on deaf ears.
“Please! I promise!” She used her index finger to cross her heart,
drawing everyone's attention back to her tiny bare boobies and nipples.
Then she made one last pleading grin.
“Well…” Marissa smirked at her naked friend, knowing that she held all the cards. “How about we make a deal?”
Lauren nodded vigorously at her. “A deal is good!”
“Great! You make a little scene and get yourself in enough trouble to
spend the next class period naked, and we promise not to get you into
trouble again on Monday.” Marissa grinned proudly at her wicked plan,
while Lauren’s jaw fell open with shock.
“You can't be serious!!” Lauren shouted, loud enough for the whole class to hear.
“Lauren!” Mrs. Bennington’s head shot up from her papers. “Up here!
Now!!” Lauren expected this to be it, but found that her teacher had
different plans for her when she reached the front of the room. “Turn
and face the class, spread your legs, and put your hands behind your
“What??” Lauren was confused by the order, but did just that when her teacher gave her a particularly nasty scowl.
“Now, I expect you to stay silent. You're going to remain up here just like that for the rest of this class. Got it!?”
“Yes, ma'am…” Lauren hung her head, as many of her peers started up with the snickering again at her predicament.
When the naked girl finally did look up, she found many of her
classmates were staring at her, looking over her naked body from head
to toe. Her cheeks burned, as she knew things were never going to be
the same between her and her peers. They'd always have this to hang
over her head; that she'll be naked in school any time she gets into
trouble. They'll always be able to tease her about it and take
advantage of her for it, and there was not a thing Lauren could do to
prevent it from happening! Even if the others didn't conspire to use it
against her, she knew that she was in trouble enough in class that
she'd probably be naked for one of her classes at least once a week,
probably more. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay on her best
behavior all the time.
Speaking of bad behavior, Marissa was
making faces at her naked blonde friend until she got her attention.
Lauren watched her for a bit, until she finally got that her friend was
trying to tell her to get into more trouble still. The thought of
getting herself into trouble on purpose was making Lauren's stomach
churn, but she didn't want Marissa and the others making good on their
threat to get her naked again on Monday. Who knows how long they'd try
to keep her naked for if they accomplished that. At least this way, she
knew it would just be for the next class period. Lauren wasn't sure
what to do to get herself into more trouble with Mrs. Bennington, and
made a little shrug at Marissa. That's when Marissa started pantomiming
like she was going to touch herself! It took a few seconds for Lauren
to realize she was telling her to touch her pussy in front of the whole
Lauren still had just a bit of her dignity left, and
started to shake her head vigorously at her friend for her suggestion,
but Marissa got a serious scowl on her face and started pantomiming
harder, even reaching underneath her own skirt and panties to rub her
pussy for a moment! The naked girl knew it was either go along with
what Marissa wanted her to do or face her wrath on Monday. With a shame
filled sigh, Lauren brought her right hand down to rub at her bare
slit, knowing it wouldn't be long before her whole class knew what she
was doing. Some gasps and giggles rang out, and just as she expected,
those not watching her were soon informed about what she was doing by
those that were. Lauren might have had an orgasm up on stage earlier,
but she had done so without so much as touching herself. She didn't
feel like she was responsible for that. Here, in her fifth period
class, she was touching herself all on her own, and that gave the naked
blonde more shame than she'd ever felt in her life before! She was
naked, in front of her seventh grade classmates, and touching herself
for their amusement! Lauren let out an involuntary moan, only now
realizing just how horny she had gotten. All those times she had made
Abbie, her sister, or Heather go naked, her panties had been soaked.
She had been living vicariously through them; enjoying their shame of
being naked and exposed, while she got to play it safe, but now she was
the one exposed, and she couldn't deny how much the shame of being
naked in front of her peers was exciting her. She could feel the
evidence on her hand as her pussy was soaked! More giggles rang out,
and Lauren's vaginal muscles contracted with excitement! This was her
deepest, darkest fantasies coming true! Something inside of her was
enjoying being teased! She watched the faces of her peers, as they all
seemed to become mocking smirks! They all knew that she got excitement
from being naked and shamed; they must, she was thinking to herself.
Her private parts felt like they were on fire as she found her clit and
rubbed it as fast as she could! She felt ashamed of herself for how
good it felt to display herself to her classmates this way! As the
laughter of her peers grew in volume, so did her moans! She was past
the point of no return. Her body needed the pleasure, despite her
shame; no, because of her shame! She felt ashamed of her body, ashamed
of who she was, and how underdeveloped she was, and that shame made her
pussy ache! She knew that her classmates were going to tease and taunt
her about this forever, about how she couldn't control herself in front
of them, and how she had made such a slutty spectacle of herself for
them, but that's exactly what she wanted at the moment! What she
needed! “My boobs are so microscopic! I can't grow any public hair!”
Her own voice called out, without even realizing it, but it got the
exact reaction she was looking for. The entire class broke out into a
fit of shaming laughter at her. Lauren groaned, knowing she was getting
close to her ultimate shame, cumming in front of a classroom of her
“Lauren Gardner!” Lauren suddenly felt a hand grabbing
her wrist and pulling it away from her little sex! “Just what are you
doing!!??” It was Mrs. Bennington, and she seemed to be more angry than
she had ever seen a teacher angry in her life.
“No! Please!!”
Lauren begged, her little horny hips humping at the air for the
pleasure to resume. “I'm so close!” The laughter that brought out of
her peers spiked Lauren's excitement again, and she tried to use her
other hand to finish the job! Mrs. Bennington caught that one too,
however, leaving the little blonde girl to continue humping the air
with frustration! “No! No! Please!” Tears came to her eyes as she
realized that her teacher wasn't going to let her get off.
“Carlton, come over here!” Mrs. Bennington called to a boy seated in
the front row, as she tried to maintain her grip on the wriggling,
desperate girl. “Hold her hands behind her back and don't let her touch
herself!” She explained to the boy.
Carlton grinned as he
moved behind her, taking her wrists and capturing them behind her back.
Lauren had been a terror to him and a lot of his friends too, so to be
a part of her humiliation like this felt like the perfect revenge. He
knew something that Lauren and even Mrs. Bennington didn't know. His
buddy in the front row was recording Lauren with his phone under his
desk at this very moment! They were going to have this video to hold
over the little blonde terror's head for the rest of the time they were
in school together! Lauren would never be able to mock Carlton for
being a little chubby, or his friend for wearing dorky clothes and
glasses ever again!
While Carlton held the desperate blonde,
Mrs. Bennington got on the phone. After a quick conversation with the
principal, she returned to address the miscreant naked blonde. In that
time, Lauren had calmed down some, now only panting with a desperate
need to get off. “Lauren, for your actions today, and your blatant
disregard for my directions, you are going to remain naked for the rest
of the school day!”
“But! But!” Lauren started to beg, while her classmates snickered at her new punishment.
“Ha ha! Lauren's gotta stay naked in school! Lauren's gotta stay naked
in school!” Marissa started a chant, and her other classmates joined in.
“No! Please!” Lauren's hips started to rock back and forth again with
their teasing. “You don't understand! I just want to cum!” She cried
with frustration, as her classmates’ mocking taunts continued to ring
in her ears!
Mrs. Bennington gave her a mocking sneer. “Don't
you understand this is a punishment, girl?! You can just add your horny
frustration to your punishment as far as I'm concerned!” She reached
out and wiggled Lauren's outer pussy lips back and forth a couple of
times between her fingers, before standing back upright with an
approving grin on her lips and a chuckle in her voice. Then she wiped
the girl's wetness on the front of her dress, something Lauren blushed
profusely about. “Yes, I think this'll teach you that you don't want to
end up naked in school.”
Lauren was beside herself as her
teacher touched her down there, only just not getting off from the
contact! She looked up at her teacher to give her a pleading look, but
recognized that expression on her teacher's face right away. It was the
same look she had been giving to Abbie and her sister before she had
ended up naked. Mrs. Bennington was getting off to tormenting her this
way! Suddenly, Lauren felt as if her entire body ached, particularly
her nipples, the inside of her vagina, and most greatly, at her clit!
Knowing that a teacher of hers felt the exact same way she did was
causing her to spontaneously cum again! Her entire body started
gyrating, and it looked like she was almost having a seizure, as
Carlton tried to keep hold of her. Her whole class broke out into a new
round of laughter at this new display from the naked blonde, even Mrs.
Bennington, who knew exactly what was happening to her naked pupil.
“Well, Lauren,” Mrs. Bennington folded her arms, waiting for the girl
to calm down some before speaking. “It looks like you're going to need
to be punished even more, if you're going to defy me and cum when I
explicitly told you not to!”
“But!...” Lauren was going to
explain that even if she just got off, she still felt totally horny,
and like she still wanted to cum more! She wanted to explain that she
felt totally ashamed that she could not control her body, that she had
cum spontaneously from the others mocking! She wanted to, but she never
got the chance.
“Until further notice, you will be attending
my class in the nude, Lauren Gardner. Is that clear?” Mrs. Bennington
leaned in closer to her, face to face, and gave the naked girl a little
Lauren just nodded at her teacher, too preoccupied by
the second involuntary orgasm she was now having to speak, thinking
about all the ways Mrs. Bennington and her classmates were going to
shame and tease her for being naked in class!