Sean's Delinquent Detention 1 to 3

By SubstituteWriter

Copyright 2025 by SubstituteWriter, all rights reserved

[2,661 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Sean’s delinquent detention

(Oh, the lessons a boy can learn when confronted with an angry, patient girl out to reform him)

Not again! Sean found himself over the lap of Patty, a pretty, 12-year-old, red-headed girl. Sean, two years older, felt it unfair that he had to mind his ‘babysitter,’ who caught him sticking his finger in the peanut butter jar just moments earlier.

Patty grabbed the hem of Sean’s pants and underwear and whipped them across his butt and down his legs.

“Pay attention Sean,” Patty said as she rubbed his butt with the palm of her hand. “This kind of behavior must stop. You’re on thin, thin ice here. I’d hate to have to send you back to reform school. I’m going to double your usual punishment and you’ll have to stand in the corner an extra 30 minutes.”

Sean knew he’d really messed up but he could not help himself. He’d grown up in foster homes, more than a dozen already, and was rarely disciplined. He was used to doing anything he pleased and most of it was trouble.

“And count each one for me. If you make a mistake, I start over. Do you understand?”

“Yeah.” Sean barely whispered his response.

Patty gave him a swat on his butt and loudly proclaimed: “Louder, with proper respect Sean.”

“Ouch, okay, okay, gosh, yes Patty, I understand.”

“Good boy.” Patty lifted her hand and began a steady stream of whacks, alternating between butt cheeks. She stopped occasionally to softly rub his sore behind. She enjoyed feeling the heat of her spankings.

Sean, unable to stay still, lost count twice in the first minute, resulting in extra whacks. He was suddenly very sorry for trying to sneak a dab of peanut butter. After all, he should really feel fortunate. He could be spending time at the juvenile hall instead of this halfway house.

Sean wept openly as he felt Patty’s hand deliver spank after spank. The indignity of having to lay across this 12-year-old’s lap, his butt in plain sight, was almost too much to bear.

He became distracted time and again and forgot how many spanks he had taken from Patty’s seemingly indestructible right hand. He tried guessing and was always wrong. His punishment started over many times in the 15 minutes it took to complete.

Sean was supposed to receive 50 whacks, double his usual punishment, but felt over a 100 total before all was said and done.

Patty had Sean stand in front of her, his jeans and underwear pooled around his ankles. She made him put his hands on the top of his head and pointed to the timeout corner, where he would have to spend the next hour.

“Thank you, Patty, for taking the time to punish me and help me correct my bad behavior. I deserved it.” Sean delivered the proper response to a spanking.

“You’re welcome. Now you can bury his nose in the corner and think about how you want to behave and to be a good boy.”

Sean shuffled to the assigned corner, sticking his nose to the wall and keeping his hands on top of his hand. The spot was designed for maximum humiliation and exposure. Anyone entering through the front door would be greeted by the sight of a 14-year-old boy, his butt aglow, and his trousers around his ankles.

And who were the occupants of this halfway house? Since it was a private home designated to the purpose of a rehabilitating a young lad, the residents were all members of the same family.

It was all part of an experimental program, where boys like Sean could work off all of their delinquent behavior and prepare themselves for meaningful work when the time came.

Sean was like many boys who had passed through the program. His parents died when he was four years old and spent a little time with relatives who neglected him. He began drinking beer when he was six; wine when he was seven. He refused to listen to authority and was eventually shuffled into the foster care system.

The only one who seemed to get through to him was a young 6-year-old girl, who formed a tentative truce with him. Since he spent so little time with any one family, he spent hours on the phone with her wherever he lived.

Sean was nine when he met Francine. They were physically together many three months, but she became his calming influence over the next several years.

Sean’s social worker thought the “Puericil Project” would be the best place for him. It was the final step before he would be regulated to reform school and a likely troubled life. If he couldn’t make it through this program, he would never get another chance.

Sean had Francine on his mind as he stood in the corner. He couldn’t wait to call her (he was allotted one day a week) and fill her in on his situation.

The Calloway’s took him in. The program was financially beneficial for the family and it gave Mrs. Roberta Calloway a chance to guide her children in the ways of femdom, which she practiced with her husband Ted.

Patty was one of three girls. She had an older sister, 16-year-old Angelica (Angel), and a younger one, 10-year-old Marlene (Marla). Patty was just beginning her training and was assigned to Sean.

The Calloway’s took in one boy at a time so they could focus their energies. Angel was usually busy with Ted, and Marla was simply an observer.

Roberta kept things running with a stern hand. Sean had to follow strict guidelines, always up at a certain time and sent to bed at a certain time. His tasks included driving Patty and Marla to and from school, keeping both of their rooms clean, and acting as a companion for whatever they asked of him.

Sean had been there for just over a week. He’d already spent hours in the corner as he tried to follow rules. Fortunately, Roberta believed in forgiveness. If he did his best, Sean could look forward to starting out fresh no matter how often he was punished.

(End of part one)

Sean’s delinquent detention
(Part II)

(A neighbor is invited to supervise Sean’s bathroom duties)

Sean still had his nose tucked into the corner when Angel and Marla came through the front door. They both noticed the 14-year-old boy with his hands on his head and his naked butt exposed. They both giggled.

“So, what did our poor little boy do to deserve this?” Angel inquired of Patty.

“I caught him sticking his finger into the peanut butter jar again.”

“He’s got to learn to stick to the rules,” Marla said. "You sure did a number on him. That’s as red as I’ve ever seen him.”

If they could see Sean’s face, they would notice an even redder face due to the intense embarrassment he felt from both his exposure and the girls’ drawing attention to it.

“How long does he have left?” Marla asked. “I’d like to let Laura Ann get a glimpse of him.”

Laura Ann, six months older than Marla, lived next door to the Calloway’s and knew what went on in the house. She had witnessed several spankings and the precocious tween thoroughly enjoyed them.

“He’s got about 10 minutes left,” Patty said. “Then he’s on bathroom duty.”

“Thanks, I’ll go see if she can come over.” Marla raced out the door.

Sean wanted to protest, but knew better than to open his mouth, lest he taste the bar of soap again. His humiliation just kept getting worse.

Laura Ann rushed through the door moments later, walked right up to Sean and put a hand on his nude butt.

“Wow, he really is on fire! Hey Sean, does your butt hurt?

When Sean failed to answer, Laura Ann tried to stick her head between the boy and the wall. She managed to catch a glimpse of his cock, which had grown because of the physical contact.

“You have cute little willie,” said Laura Ann, who withdrew her head and covered her mouth as though surprised of what she had done.

All four girls snickered, as though they shared a secret. Sean didn’t think he could get any more embarrassed, and yet he thought he might explode from the humiliation.

“Marla said he’s going on bathroom duty next,” Laura Ann said. “Can I stay and watch?”

Angel looked at Sean’s rear end and then back to Laura Ann. “Of course you can stay. You can be his supervisor.”


Angel, Patty and Marla got a kick out of Laura Ann’s excitement. Their energic neighbor squeezed every ounce of happiness out of her experiences that they could only smile and share in the fascination.

“Would it be okay if he kept his pants down, since he’s going to be in the bathroom?” Laura Ann asked.

“I’ll tell you what; not only will he keep his pants down but you can give him demerits if he gives you any trouble,” said Angel. “In fact, since you’re the supervisor, you can judge if he does a good enough job.”

“Great and he better look like he’s so happy to let me watch him or else!”

His corner time complete, Sean brought his arms down, covering his genitals, and proceeded to the hall closet to gather cleaning materials. He tried to keep a straight face but could only feel the pain of his spanking and of his humiliation.

With his hands loaded with supplies, he could no longer hide his private parts and both Marla and Laura Ann got several looks at his penis. It was hard and pencil thin, extending maybe four inches.

Sean didn’t realize how puericil affected his growth and how it delayed maturity. The absence of pubic hair was another indication. As puericil invaded his body, Sean would also experience a sense of obedience.

What Sean really wanted to do was go to his room and masturbate to ease the built-up tension. What he did was force a smile as he began cleaning the girls’ bathroom.

Laura Ann took her supervisory duties seriously and handed out instructions like “make sure to get behind the toilet” and “you missed a spot.” She and Marla enjoyed how his cock bobbed up and down and how wet his clothes were getting.

As he stood at attention in the doorway for a final inspection, Laura Ann looked around the bathroom for any mistakes, noting a bit of dirt here or soapy scum there.

She took her time looking over Sean, taking in his messy hair, dirty shirt and wet pants.

“One last thing and you’re finished,” said Laura Ann. “Marla and I are going to rinse you off. Get into the tub and take off all your clothes.

(End of part two)

Sean’s Delinquent Detention
Part III

(Washing the delinquent boy turns into an extracurricular activity)

Laura Ann enjoyed watching Sean turn a deep shade of red when she announced the last task. He was pretty much exposed as it was, and now he was going to be completely naked.

This was a new experience for Laura Ann, who had seen a lot of butts and not as many cocks in the past. She was aware that she was experiencing sexual feelings as he removed his clothing while standing in the bathtub.

It wasn’t so much seeing a naked boy but that he was taking off his clothes because she told him to do it. That feeling of dominance sent her into a controlled frenzy. She wanted to feel this way as often as possible.

Marla had Sean hand over his clothes, piece by piece, to her. She held them in a wad, letting the excess water fall into the tub. After receiving his shoes and socks, Marla told Laura Ann she was taking them to the laundry room and she should start rinsing off Sean on her own.

“Oh my gosh I’m going to be alone with this naked boy,” she thought. “I could make him do anything!”

Laura Ann watched Marla leave the bathroom and then turned to Sean. “Okay big boy, I’m in charge now. All you have to do is stand there with your hands out to the side while I do all the cleaning.”

Before he arrived at the Calloway’s and the beginning of the “Puericil Project,” Sean would have stormed off somewhere instead of being cooperative with this girl, whom he had just met in the past two days.

Sean still felt rebellious but he couldn’t get his mind to make a scene. It’s better, he thought, to just conform and do what she wanted. He didn’t think he was just being obedient, he was just making it easier on himself.

Besides, Sean rationalized, Laura Ann conveyed confidence that was hard to fight. Plus, she was cute!

Sean just stood there as Laura Ann took a wet, soapy washcloth and started with his fingers, moving in toward his torso and then down his chest and back. When she arrived at his genitals, Laura Ann covered his cock with the washcloth and then began rubbing it up and down.

Sean quickly responded with some deep breathing, his cock stiffening. Laura Ann didn’t miss a beat and kept going, allowing Sean to take quick breaths, his heart racing.

Sean began moaning and making sounds that appeared to be words but were incomprehensible. Laura Ann kept her eyes glued on the tip of his cock. “Let go,” she whispered in Sean’s ear.

That was all the encouragement he needed as Sean belted out a long, loud “OOOOHHHH” as his sperm flew out of his cock. Laura Ann was able to avoid contact with the sticky liquid and she continued to work the washcloth on his cock until Sean eventually returned to normal breathing and his cock shrunk.

“That was pretty good,” Laura Ann said. “We’ll have to do that again some time. But, you know Sean, I want to be the only one who can do that to you. Do you agree?”

Sean nodded. “Yeah, sure. Okay. Fine.”

“That means you can no longer jerk off on your own Sean. Instead, you’re going to have to call me and ask for me to do it. No, beg for me to do it. Yes?”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Laura Ann completed rinsing and drying him off just as Marla returned with a pink cotton robe she found in the back of her closet. Sean slipped it on, knowing he would be spending some time in the robe.

Sean spent the rest of the day wearing nothing but a robe. Laura Ann stayed on for dinner and then helped Sean clean up. She had a Chesire Cat-like smile as she relived what she had done – for the first time – with Sean. She enjoyed how embarrassed he looked and how he would cringe each time she “accidently” brushed his genitals.

Laura Ann loved the feel of his cock, even though it was not skin-to-skin. She would make sure to get a good feeling the next time. She felt superior that she was able to make him do that and that he minded everything she told him to do.

Sure, she was younger than Sean. But not that much younger. Even though she was in the eighth grade and he was in high school, she still felt grown up. And those tingles she was feeling all over her body! Man was she thrilled.

Sean couldn’t really understand how he felt about it. He had masturbated before, but this felt special. He hoped it would happen again, though he began to wonder how he could ask for it.

He felt her control over him and it felt both humiliating and exciting. It mixed him up a bit and he wondered about his future, something he had never thought before.

(End of Part III)

(End of File)