Preteen Lesbian Dommes


Copyright 2025 by NAMB all rights reserved

[7,958 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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Preteen Lesbian Dommes

The Sleepover

“Are you sure your mom won’t come down here?” Alicia asked.

“She won’t bother us as long as we don’t make too much noise,” Nancy said. “She’s a cool mom. She told me that she remembered some of the things she did when she attended sleepovers like this when she was my age. I asked her, ‘What did you do?’ and she replied, ‘I don’t need to give you girls any ideas but let’s just say I did things you girls haven’t even thought of yet.’ She then went on to say that anything was fair game as long as nobody is forced to do anything, and nobody is hurt.”

“I wish my mom was that understanding,”

“Well, your mom isn’t here now, Carol. We can do anything we want. We can talk about anything we want. This is our own private ‘Girl Time’ so let’s not waste it on some silly games. What would you and Nancy like to talk about?”

“Like duh, Alicia: boys, Of course, boys.” Nancy responded. “Like have either of you girls seen a boy naked?”

“Of course, I have, I help my aunt take care of my cousins all the time.”

“I know all about your twin cousins, Alicia. They’re like what? Three years old. Boys barely have a penis at that age. How about you Carol?”

“Well, when I was about 6 or 7, I was over my aunt’s house and my older cousin, Christina was babysitting me and my other cousin, Will. She made him show us how he made pee.”

“How old was he? He’s a year older than me. So maybe he was 8 back then.”

“Your turn, Nancy” Alicia challenged.

“I got to see my 16-year old cousin naked.”

“No way!”

“Of course, way.”

“Tell us about it. What did he look like?”

“My Aunt Peg owns a house on a lake. We go there every summer. Last year on the 4th of July, all of us were there: both my aunts and all my cousins.

We all had fun on the lake and my cousin, Jarad, even drove the boat when we went water skiing.

My aunt has a big house with a couple of bedrooms for the adults and two other big bedrooms: one for girls and the other for boys.

That’s the main house, then you go down towards the lake and there is a level area where the barbecue is and a bunch of seats. Then you go down again and there is the lake and a small dock. We rented canoes and had a great time.”

“Get on with the story, Nancy. Tell us about your naked cousin.”

“On the middle layer, the one with the barbecue, is a shower.

So, we are all sitting down at the picnic tables eating dinner and Jarad is taking a shower. Apparently, he didn’t latch the door well enough. A gust of wind blew the door open and there he was, totally starkers. What was even worse – for him and better for the rest of us who saw him, was that he had to step out of the shower to get the door and close it again.

His sister, Jasmine, laughed her head off. My aunt tried to stop her, but we could see she was smiling as much as her daughter. All us girls and women were smiling.

The adults tried to calm Jarad down when he got out of the shower telling him that it was no big deal, but it was to me.

Like the rest of you girls, I’ve seen naked boys before, but they were little boys. My cousin is 16. That’s almost a man. He’s got a great body: he plays a lot of sports.”

Alicia was impatient. “His PENIS, girl. Tell us about his PENIS!”

“I was getting to that. It’s a lot bigger than any other penis I’ve ever seen. Also, he’s got a big bush of hair around it. Little boys pee-pees look like a tiny pinkie sticking out there. Jarad had at least two thumbs worth.

Unfortunately, he was flaccid. I would have like to see what it looks like with an erection.”

“You saw it last summer and you didn’t tell us about it?” Alicia said.

“Well, I promised my aunt I wouldn’t tell anyone. She insisted that we don’t even talk about it within the family. Besides Jarad’s a nice boy. He’s polite and he looks out after us younger kids.”

“I don’t know if we can count that one.” Alcia said. “It was an accident. I don’t think it should count unless the girl makes it happen.”

Other than little boys, the girls had no success in this area.

“Well, at least we all know what a real one looks like. I mean our Human Development text book has some very good drawings but, we have got to do better,” Alicia observed, “There has to be a way to get older boys: boys our age and even older, naked for us.”

“Maybe we can get them to do that thing they call jerk off for us too,” Nancy added.

“I got an idea,” Nancy said. “Carol, can we talk in private for a moment?”

“Hey, we’re all BFFs here. What do you have to tell Carol that you can’t tell me?”

Carol and Nancy looked at each other. There was silence and finally Carol blushed and said, “We might as well tell her. She’s going to find out anyway.”

“Tell me what?”

“Carol and I are lovers.”


“Carol and are each other’s girlfriend.”

“You mean like being lesbians?”


“Have you … you know.”

“No, we haven’t had sex with each other yet but, we’ve kissed each other and we’ve felt each other up.”

“Does this mean you don’t like boys?”

“Oh, heck no! I like them just fine, but I prefer girls. Only a girl can know what a girl likes.

Nonetheless, I am as curious about boys as the next girl.”

Carol spoke up. “It started with a kiss and a hug. The three of us have been hugging each other since we were little girls. I don’t think there’s a girl on my soccer team I haven’t hugged. It’s just something girls do.

Boys used to not do it at all, but now some of them do. They usually just one-arm it and use the other hand to pat on the back. They’re still afraid to show intimacy with each other. That’s one advantage us girls have over boys: we can show our feelings for one another.

Anyway, it was a couple of weeks ago. We checked the bulletin board at school and found out we both made the volleyball team. We gave each other a hug and somehow it felt different.

I looked at Nancy and she looked back at me. We didn’t say anything, but we knew something was going on between us.

We broke the embrace awkwardly. I managed to say, ‘See you in English class,’ and walked away. My panties were wet.”

Nancy picked up the story from here, “I always knew there was something different about me. When the rest of us girls started noticing boys, I did too, but I also felt these same feelings for girls.

I’ve always had a special attraction for Carol. I don’t know why but something between us just clicks.

When we hugged, I didn’t want to let go. I think we would have gone all the way if there weren’t other people around.”

“I walked home with Carol and when we got to my house, I invited her in.

‘What happened at school this afternoon?’ I asked.

Carol replied, ‘You felt it, too?’

‘I did. Does this mean there’s something wrong with us?’

‘No, it just means that we have special feelings for each other.’

I don’t know how it happened, but we wound up hugging again. I felt a churning in my stomach and a tingling in my spine.

And then it happened. We kissed. At first it was a mere meeting of the lips, but we held the kiss for a long time. There seemed to be more than just physical contact. I could feel her as if she were inside me and I inside her. I can’t explain it any better than that.

All I knew is that something changed. Something woke up inside me. I wanted more.

We both came to our senses.

She told me, ‘I think I better go. I think we need to go home and think about what happened. I’ll call you in the morning.’

Then she left and I felt empty.”

“I had a lot to think about on my way home.

I’ve always had feelings for other girls, and in particular, Carol, but I never thought I’d be brave enough to do anything about them.

We’ve had a couple of clandestine dates since then.”

"Alicia spoke for the first time since her two friends “outted themselves,” “Wow, that’s some story. You girls are making me wet.”

“This is turning you on?” Nancy asked.

“Why not? It’s hot stuff.”

“But it’s girl on girl stuff.”

“Yes, it is, but you are giving me something to think about.”

“Have you ever kissed a girl?”

“Yes, but there was nothing to it. I was just a kiss. I was a couple of years ago.”

“Do you want to try it now?”

“You want me to kiss you and Carol?”

“Why not? We’re all friends. This is a sleepover, after all.”

“We’ll go easy on you,” Carol added with a giggle.

“It starts with a hug,” Nancy said, opening her arms.

Alicia embraced her friend.

“Close your eyes. It goes better that way.”

Alicia did as she was told and was surprised to feel Nancy’s lips on hers. At first it was a matter of shock. She could not believe she was doing this but, as the moments passed, she found that she liked it.

The lyrics of a Katie Perry song came to mind:

“I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry ChapStick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong, it felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it”

It was a passionate kiss, but not an open-mouthed kiss. Nancy did not press the issue with her friend’s first girl-kiss.

After about a minute, the girls stopped kissing and broke the embrace.

Alicia sat back in a chair. “Wow, I never thought it would be like that. I can see why you girls like that. I liked it. It felt good. I don’t know how to explain it, but it made me feel good to be female.

Carol, can I kiss you, too?”

Nancy laughed, “Carol, it looks like we have a convert here.

Alicia, of course you can kiss me. I’d like that a lot.”

The girls spent the rest of the afternoon, kissing and “making out” with each other. Carol and Nancy got bolder with Alicia and introduced her to “French Kissing.”

By the time they were done, all of their panties were wet and they didn’t care.


“OK, so what does us kissing have to do with boys getting naked for us?” Carol asked.

“This is what I think we should do,” Nancy offered. “I’ve been out on the internet and I noticed a number of sites that feature gay stuff: man-on-man and women-on-women. There must be a following for this kind of activity, or they wouldn’t have the sites.

I don’t think that we can attract ‘gay boys’ but there seems to be a big audience of men who like watching two women go at it.”

“Where are you going with this?” Alicia asked.

“Do you think we could make a group of boys hard if we made out in front of them?”

“I guess so.”

“I think we’d make them so hot that they could not resist jerking off.

And all we’d have to do is kiss each other. We wouldn’t have to take off a stich of clothing.”

Alicia had her doubts, “I don’t know about this.”

“Trust us,” Nancy said. “We’ll set it up. Your mom is out next Saturday morning, right?”

Alicia nodded.

“So let’s have a little impromptu party and invite a couple of boys.”

“So who do we invite?” Carol asked warming to the plan.

After considerable conversation involving who the girls thought the cutest boys were and which might have the largest penises and who seemed to be the horniest, the girls decided on Tom, Robert and Austin.

The Party

“Are you going to have any beer there?” Tom asked.

“No, my mom would kill me if she even found out you boys were over. We have to keep this a secret.”

The girls convinced Alicia’s mom that they were going to hang out and watch a movie. Her mom liked the idea that her daughter would not be alone in the house. It wasn’t unusual for the girls to have sodas, chips and other snacks when they did this.

The boys arrived on time, and they broke the ice by turning on some music and just talking.

Each girl practiced her seductive arts on the boy of her choice. Alicia took Tom, Carol took Robert and Nancy worked on Austin. The girls even got up and danced with each other using their sexiest moves.

They sat close to the boys, loosened up the top of their blouses and casually but consciously stroked the boys’ arms or put a hand on their leg working it up towards their crotches.

It did not take long when the girls looked at each other and gave a sign.

Nancy said, “If you boys will excuse us for a couple of minutes, we have a surprise for you.”

The girls retreated upstairs, “Do you think they are ready?” Carol asked?

“Judging by the bulges in their pants, there’s no doubt that they are hard. Tom’s even got a wet spot, poor boy.” Alicia replied.

“Are you ready, girlfriend?” Nancy asked. The response was a kiss on the lips.

When the girls went back downstairs, Alicia announced, “Carol and Nancy are going to put on a special show for you boys. Why don’t the three of you sit on that couch.

Today we are going to treat you to a special demonstration on how girls make out with each other. Would you like to see that?”

There was initial silence with two of the boys literally slack jawed with disbelief. Eventually, Austin mumbled a “yes” followed by nods from his two friends.

The two girls took their place in front of the bookshelf and started with a hug. They smiled at each other and then their lips met.

“Oh, man.” “That’s hot.” “I can’t believe it.” was a sampling of the remarks coming from the couch. And yet, the girls had just begun.

Nancy continued by planting a series of tiny kisses down the length of Carol’s neck. Carol hammed it up with a sigh. More moans and groans came from the couch.

Carol responded by nibbling on Nancy’s earlobe and then tracing the contours of her ear with her tongue.

Alicia smiled at the audience. She noted that the three bulges were exceptionally prominent and that all three boys were now wet.

She gave a subtle cough, and the two girls broke their embrace. The boys looked disappointed.

“Do you want to see more?” Alicia asked?

This time she was greeted with three very vigorous nods.

“Then you need to show us more.”

“What?” Robert responded.

“Take off your clothes.”

“You mean get naked?”

“Yes. I imagine it must be uncomfortable to have those boners cooped up like that.”

“Are you girls going to get naked, too?”

“No, but if you don’t do it, the show is over and you can go home and jerk off. You know you are going to do it anyway, so why not do it while watching the girls doing it live. We’ll be perfectly content to continue on our own.”

The boys looked doubtfully at one another.

“I don’t know about you boys, but I’m going to do it.” Robert said.

Tom and Austin seemed to have reservations until Alicia said, “You don’t have to get naked. If you don’t then you can go home. The show is only for boys who take their clothes off. You two can keep your clothes on and we will show you the door and Robert gets a private show.”

That seemed to be all the encouragement the other boys needed.

“To make it easier on you,” Alicia continued, “You can face the wall as you get undressed and when everybody is naked you can all turn around together.”

The girls watched as the boys disrobed before them. Alicia clicked a button and the hidden camera she set up on the bookshelf to record the boys was activated.

It didn’t take long for the boys to be naked. As the last one shed his clothes, Alicia announced, “On the count of three turn around … One, two, THREE.”

The boys turned to face the girls. Every one of them had his hands hiding his genitals. The girls didn’t care. They knew how to take care of that.

“It looks like we are ready for act two. Boys, please be seated.”

Nancy and Carol resumed making out. This time they had open mouth kisses and sucked on each other’s tongues and lips. They also used their hands to roam over each other’s breasts and cup and rub each other’s rear ends and crotches. The boy’s pants weren’t the only things that got wet.

Even Alicia, the only clothed spectator, was feeling funny “down there.”

Alicia could see the boys squirming on the couch. She knew that they were reaching the limits of their endurance. She gave another subtle sign to her friends. They reluctantly stopped.

Alicia went on, “The price of admission for act three is to have the three of you jerk off.”

“No way,” Austin complained.

“It’s OK. You can get dressed and go home and wank off there. We know that you are going to do it anyway, so why not do it while you enjoy the show?”

“What’s act three?” Tom asked.

“The girls will slip off their blouses and you can see them in their bras.” Alicia announced. Her friends just giggled at the suggestion.

Tom responded by removing his hands from his crotch and giving his swollen organ a couple of token pumps.

The other boys removed their hands, too, exposing their pulsing erections to the girls.

“Hold it right there, boys. Let’s have a look.”

The girls were in in mini heaven. Each of them had had her experience with little boy penises. Now they were here together to share the experience, and these were not the little nubs of little boys. These were the penises of boys at least their age and they were fully erected.

Their excitement seemed to spread from girl to girl and each time it was passed, it grew.

One of the things that impressed the girls was that “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all,” doesn’t apply to penises. Each boy’s penis was as distinct as his face.

It stood to reason that as boys grow, so do their penises. However, they were shocked to see that each boy’s penis outgrew the rest for his body. These were much bigger in proportion to their bodies than any penises that they had seen before.

They heard boys talking about the size of their organs and knew that even among boys of the same age, sizes varied.

This was true here. Robert seemed to be slightly larger than the other two boys but Tom’s penis, seemed to be fatter.

Austin’s and Robert’s were ramrod straight while Tom’s curved upwards.

This made the girls wonder what the other boys in their class looked like.

The girls spent several minutes inspecting the boys’ organs before getting on with the rest of the show. Alicia continued, “There’s one more rule. The boy who cums first is the winner and he gets to kiss the girl of his choice. The boy who cums last gets a spanking, again from the girl of his choice.”

Strangely, the boys had no objection to this arrangement.

Carol and Nancy seductively removed each other’s blouses. By this time all three penises were dripping precum.

“Start jerking, boys,” Alicia, acting as the mistress of ceremony, commanded.

Nancy and Carol took a good look before resuming making out with each other.

That left Alicia and her camera as the only ones actually watching the boys masturbate. The other girls would have to catch up on video later.

Alicia was as much impressed with the boys jerking off as she was with seeing their individual penises. All of them used the same basic technique: grabbling the skin and pulling it over the head repeatedly. She wondered, “Do they teach this in the boys’ sex education class or do boys learn it some other way?”

However, each boy employed the same masturbation technique in his own way.

Of the three, Robert’s seemed to be the most primitive. He appeared to have a strangulating death grip on the organ and pumped on it with the rapidity of an air hammer.

The other two boys seemed to handle their organs more delicately. Tom used a slower pace and seemed to play with the shaft as well as the head. He also used his other hand to fondle his balls.

Austin rubbed his thumb over the head every couple of strokes.

Alicia wondered if the boys watched each other play with themselves if they would adopt each other’s techniques. She was sure the other girls would find this equally interesting.

Carol and Nancy seemed to be lost in their own pleasure. Alicia regretted not putting a camera on them, too.

She watched the contortions on the boys’ faces. They seemed to be in pain, but she knew better. Each was panting and grunting in his own rhythm.

Suddenly Robert stiffened up. His body arched on the couch. His face contorted and he stopped breathing. All was still for a moment. Then with an animalistic grunt, he collapsed like a rag doll while releasing an arc of semen into the air.

He went through a series of these convulsions, shooting a stream of semen with each one.

And then he collapsed.

He was followed by Tom and then Austin who had similar reactions.

By this time Alicia was not surprised by whatever the boys were doing. Their penises looked different, they jerked off differently and each came in a different way. Each boy shot his sperm a different distance and the number of squirts and the amount of cum varied from boy to boy.

“Oh yes, this will never get boring,” she thought.

Carol and Nancy broke their embrace. They, too, needed to sit down and recover. Both of them knew they would need a shower and fresh pair of panties.

While everyone else was distracted, Alicia turned off her camera. Since she seemed to be the only one in control, she decided the course of action: namely, give everyone a chance to recover, then clean up and get the boys out of the house.

The boys were given paper towels to clean both themselves up and the floor on which they left their cum.

Since Robert was the first to cum, he got to choose a girl to kiss. He chose Nancy.

The two let their lips meet. It was immediately apparent to Nancy that Robert was a novice. There was no spark at all when he kissed her. She might have just as well kissed one of her dolls that she still had even though she didn’t play with them anymore.

Austin also picked Nancy as the girl to spank him.

“What’s with you Nancy,” Alicia chided, “What kind of slut are you that all these perverted boys want you?”

Nancy felt funny as the boy draped his naked body over her lap. She had never given a spanking before and was not sure of that to do. She was sure she was hitting too softly but at least she held back her giggling that might have spoiled the moment.

The girls were surprised to see Austin’s erect penis when he got off her lap. Later they mused among themselves if boys really liked being spanked by girls and vowed to come up with a way to test the theory.

With the kiss and the spanking out of the way, the boys were allowed to get dressed and encouraged to leave.

The girls then retired to Alicia’s room.

“I need a shower. I’m soaked.” Carol remarked.

“So am I,” Nancy admitted.

“We all are. How do we decide who goes first?”

“Why don’t we all go together?” Carol asked.

“My shower’s large enough for us all to fit. Let’s do it. If the boys got off just watching you two kiss, imagine how horny they would get watching the three of us naked in the shower. Their dicks would probably fall off.”

Carol and Nancy had no problem stripping off. Alicia didn’t disrobe until the other two girls were almost naked. “You girls can have a pair of my underwear. Yours look as soaked as mine.”

The three girls crammed into the shower and spent a good deal of time soaping each other up. All three took turns kissing one another. It was Alicia, the newcomer to the triste, that was the first to fondle her genitals in presence of the other two girls. “There’s no reason the boys should have all the fun,” she said as she wiggled her finger inside her cleft.

Soon Nancy and Carol were also busy pleasuring themselves.

It was when the water finally started running cold that the girls agreed to get out, get dried and get dressed.

“OK, girls, what do we do next?” Nancy asked.

“I’m up for another shower. We have got to do that again.” Carol stated.

“I agree, but what about the boys?”

“I have the video of them. It will only take me a couple of minutes to make a trailer.”

The girls got wet again as they watched the video. Alicia did her editing work and soon each boy had a copy of it on his phone along with the message, “I hope you like what you see. We girls certainly do. If you don’t want even more girls seeing these videos, then be over Alicia’s house next Saturday at 10 AM.”


The girls ignored the calls and text messages of complaints from the boys responding only with “Be at Alicia’s at 10 on Saturday or the video of you jerking off goes viral.”


“Do you think the boys will show up?” Alicia asked.

“They better if they know what’s good for them. What would you do if someone had naked pictures of you masturbating.” Nancy put in.

“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?” Carol asked.

“It’s too late to back out now. Why go through all this trouble if we’re not going to follow through on it.” Nancy said.

“I still have a bad feeling about this.”

“Don’t worry, Carol. Everything will be fine. Once we get going, you’ll feel better about it.”


Tom arrived 15 minutes early. He was afraid to knock on the door and hung out on the street.

He paced up and down the block several times until he saw Robert and Austin coming towards him.

As soon as they got in conversation range, he said, “How fucked are we?”

Austin asked, “How did the girls get pictures of us. None of them had her phone out.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Robert responded, “All that matters is that they do have them.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s go in, talk to the girls, and see what they want.”

Tom asked, “Do you think they’ll make out in front of us again?”

“I doubt it. I think they did that to make us horny enough to jerk off for them.” Robert stated. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

The boys mounted the steps and knocked on the door. Nancy answered it. “Oh good,” she exclaimed. “You’re all here. Come with me. Alicia and Carol are waiting.”

She led the boys down to the same playroom where they enjoyed themselves last week.

The boys just stood there with heads hung low.

Nancy opened the conversation, “So boys, what did you think of the videos we sent you?”

Robert replied, “How did you get them? It’s not fair. You didn’t say anything about taking videos or pictures.”

“We never said anything about NOT taking videos or pictures. We put on a show for you boys, you liked it and you acted accordingly. You enjoyed what you saw so why can’t we girls enjoy what we saw?

Actually, Carol and I only saw the videos. Now we’re ready for some live action. We showed you what we could do. Don’t you boys think that it’s fair that you show us what you can do?”

The boys really didn’t have an answer for that. So Nancy continued.

“Let me tell you how this is going to work. You boys obviously are embarrassed that we girls have videos of you wanking off. Imagine how embarrassed you would be if we sent these videos to other girls.”

Robert cut her off, “I get it. Don’t rub it in. What do you want from us?”

“Nothing more than you’ve already provided us. We want to see you naked and we want to see you jerking off.

However, you’ll do it our way. You will do it when we tell you to do it. You will do it where we tell you to do it. You will do it in front of any other girls we tell you.”

Robert objected, “You said, no other girls.”

“I did not. I made no promises at all. I only asked you to imagine how more embarrassing it would be if other girls saw the videos.

We can be reasonable on this. First of all, you’re cute boys and we’d like to keep you to ourselves. Secondly, not all girls are as perfect as we are. Some of them might blabber and then the whole lot of us would be in trouble and the game would be over.

That’s not good for you boys and it’s not good for us girls. So, IF we decide to show you off to other girls, be assured it will be under controlled conditions. It will be fun to show you off to new girls, but we’ll make sure it’s safe.”

Nancy let her manifesto hang in the air in silence for a while and then said, “It’s time for you boys to get naked. We have a lot of things to do today.”

The boys remained silent so Nancy upgraded the threat. “We can edit the video we got to show each boy doing it individually, but we’re not going to let you get away with that.

Every one of you boys must get naked. If even one of you refuses, the video of all three of you jerking off goes out. You don’t want to be the boy who gets his mates in trouble, do you?”

Nancy was aware of the power of peer pressure in her threats.

Tom admitted, “What’s the use guys? The girls got us and they got us good. Besides they already saw everything last week.”

“I’m glad you boys are seeing it our way. We’re not out to harm you. We just want to have fun. You have to admit, it *is* fun when you cum, isn’t it?”

She got a couple of reluctant nods as a response.

“One more thing. We’re going to do you one at a time. Sure, it might be fun to watch you all jerk off together, but then our attentions would be divided. Now we can focus all our attention to the boy who is doing it.”

Alicia interrupted her, “Before we do that, let’s see what we are working with. So, which of you boys is the biggest?”

She didn’t get an answer, “Robert seems to be the biggest, but let’s see if we can put a number on it. I have a ruler handy.”

“How do you measure a penis?” Carol asked.

“I know,” Nancy replied, “I looked it up on a web site that was selling condoms.

You put the ruler on top of the penis and push it in gently. It might actually go in about an eighth of an inch. This part doesn’t vary much from boy to boy so giving each boy a bonus on his boner isn’t a big deal.

Then you take a playing card or credit card or similar type object and you slide it under the ruler with the edge touching the ruler. Keep the playing card as perpendicular to the ruler as you can. Keep sliding it until it just touches the tip of the penis. Then you take the reading off where the edge of the card is on the ruler.”

“Geeze,” Carol remarked, “That sounds more like a science experiment rather than fun.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never done it. Let’s try it and see.”

While a single girl could measure a penis on her own using this method, the girls decided to use two: one girl to hold the ruler and the other girl to slide the card. They swapped out which girl did which job on each boy. The boys, other than providing a penis to the process were completely passive.

Robert was, indeed the largest with 6 and 1/4 inches. The other two boys tied for second at 6 inches each.

Carol laughed, “That’s more than a half a yard of penis we have here!”

Nancy said, “OK, girls, it’s time we get on with this show.

Tom, you’re first up. How do you want to do it? Standing? Sitting? Laying down? Standing on your head?”

“I usually do it in the bathroom at home. I kneel in front of the toilet, that way when I cum, it goes into the bowl and all I have to do to clean up is flush.”

The other two boys looked at him. He responded, “What? You guys never figured that out?”

“Kneeling? Eh.” Alicia said. “I like that idea. It’s such a submissive position. I think we should have all of you kneel before us when you jerk off.”

The naked boy sunk to his knees. He looked at the girls hoping for a last moment reprieve. It didn’t come.

“Get to it,” Alicia said impatiently, “Start yanking.”

Tom closed his eyes and started pumping away. The two other naked boys tried to look away from their friend’s shame, but like a train wreck it was impossible not to look. They realized that their turn to debase themselves for the girls’ amusement will come soon enough.

The girls watched with utmost fascination and wonder. What does a boy look like when he cums while kneeling? They were witness to the boys jerking off while sitting on the couch, but there was so much other activity going on then, that they could not take in the details.

They soon found out that there was quite a show to see before the main event.

They watched as Tom’s body started to stiffen and quake. His breathing started to falter. They wondered if this was normal or was caused by the exceptional embarrassment they forced upon him. They bit their lower lips and stuck out the tip of their tongues and wondered if he was getting sick, but still they looked on with wide eyes.

Then there was a moment when his body went rigid and he stopped breathing. The girls stopped breathing, too. They sensed that this was the moment they were waiting for, but still didn’t know quite what to expect.

With a load groan, an outrush of air and a buckling of his body, Tom shot his first load. The girls giggled and screeched with both awe and joy. And then he did it again … and again … and again.

Finally, Tom collapsed on his haunches and rolled over on his side.

After overcoming their collective shock, the girls rushed to his side. “Are you OK?” “Can we help?” “I think we should let him lay there and recover.”

The girls were relieved when they saw Tom recover.

“Are you OK?” Alicia asked again.

Tom actually smiled, “Yeah, I’ll be OK. Jerking off takes it out of a guy.”

“So I guess this means that there is no chance of a repeat performance.”

“Not right now. Even if I weren’t tired, I’d still need an hour or two to recharge.”

“OK, cool. Who’s next?”

The girls decided that Robert would be their next victim.

Robert and Austin put on equally impressive shows and now that the girls knew what to expect while watching a masturbating boys, they were able to enjoy the show.

“We girls would like to see more,” Nancy observed, “but Alicia’s mom will be home soon. So clean up your mess, get dressed and we’ll see you here next week.”

The Girls Get Hands-On

Things were tense during the week at school. The boys did their best to avoid the girls and the girls did their best to ignore the boys. This was, after all, a secret thing, and nobody wanted anybody else to know about it.

Yet the boys, knew that they had been seen and coerced to do things for the girls and they knew that as the days passed, they will once again be naked before them.

So it was on Saturday. Nancy had them strip as soon as they arrived.

“You boys put on a good show last week. I think it’s now time we had some audience participation.

I think each one of us girls got a good look at how boys ‘do it’ and now we are willing to ‘try our hands’ at it.

I wonder which one of us will be the best masturbatrix.

“You boys are going to decide which girl gets to masturbate you. As you can see, each of us girls has a different color hair band holding her ponytail in place.

In this bag we have the mates to these bands. You boys decide who gets to pick first.”

Tom picked first and drew a blue band. “That’s me!” Nancy piped up.

Robert pulled Red and was paired up with Carol. Which left pink, Alicia and Austin as the remaining pair.

Nancy said, “We decided to do this alphabetically by us girls’ first names, so Alicia and Austin will go first, Carol and Robert next and finally me and Tom.

I’m looking at three hard cocks, so you boys must be ready. Alicia, come show us girls what to do and the boys what you got. Make us proud of you.”

The girls decided to have the boys lay down on the coffee table for this. They noticed how weak the boys all got when they ejaculated and figured that this would be safest for them. Also, it give the girls not masturbating a boy at the time a good view and plenty of photo opportunities.

Alicia grabbed a hold of Austin’s cock. She gently wrapped her fingers around it and give it a test tug. Satisfied that she had the right grip and could pull the right amount of skin over the head, she started to pump it slowly. As she gained confidence, she increased her tempo.

Nobody had ever touched Austin’s cock before and it felt strange. If he had thought about it, his mother obviously did when he was an infant as did his aunts and perhaps even his now out of college cousin and there was probably a procession of teenaged girl babysitters. However no boy thinks about that kind of stuff.

Alicia’s touch felt strange to him. She was inexperienced, this was her first time touching a penis this way. He knew that he could do a much better job, but he also knew that he had to let her be in charge of this masturbation.

Nonetheless, the girl was giving him pleasure. It took him nearly twice as long to produce the first drop of pre-cum. His sexual tension increased slowly. He never “stopped to smell the roses” on his way to orgasm.

It was both pleasurable and frustrating. It was pleasurable in that he could relish the feelings the girl was producing in his penis. He never had time to attend to those feelings before. They were well below the intensity of an orgasm, but made him feel good.

It was frustrating because he did not have the patience of a girl. He could not tolerate the delay in reaching the peak. Had he been masturbating himself, he would have gripped tighter and pulled faster. But he was not in control of his orgasm; Alicia was. She determined all the parameters.

She was not experiencing the urge to ejaculate like he did so she could afford to be patient.

What Austin did not know what that she was experiencing a sexual tension of her own. His excitement came from her hand on his penis. The penis was designed as a sex organ. A girl’s hand is not.

Her excitement was not physical. It was all in her mind. She could not get it out of her head that she was in control of a boy. She determined what she would do with his body. He had no choice but to surrender to her. She would drive him to an orgasm whether he wanted one or not. She could feel the power draining from his penis with each stroke and traveling through her hand and up her arm and down her spine to the pit of her stomach. There it tickled the innermost of her feminine core.

Both boy and girl were drifting into a trance. Alicia’s assault on Austin’s penis finally broke through. He was getting to the point where the distraction of the sensation of an impending orgasm could no longer be ignored. He had never taken himself this close without immediately pushing himself over the top.

But Alicia had the patience. She could tell by the body signs that all the girls witness that he was getting close. She did not witness the subtlety of his actions when he did it. She did not see the increase in his pumping and the tightening of his grip at the final moment.

So she kept on going as she did, extending the time of his pre-orgasmic frustration beyond what he could ever achieve on his own.

For Austin, it was like watching a fuse burn towards a powder keg slowly and never quite getting to the explosive. Then, as his mind screamed for an orgasm, it happened.

The cramps that accompanied expulsion were stronger than he ever felt before and the spike and dump of his blood pressure were beyond the peaks of any orgasm he ever had.

He could feel the surge as the fluid gushed through his penis. Alicia could feel it too! She squealed with delight taking joy over what she made Austin do.

Austin was a toy in her hand to play with as she pleased and now she pleased to do to him what boys were ashamed to admit to each other. She had taken his jerk off virginity.

The boy lay there, helpless under her control as she milked out every spurt of his semen.

The other girls cheered her as she accomplished her task. They were envious that she was the first. The first of her group, that is. They knew that girls probably did this to boys all over the world and had probably been doing it since well before their grandmothers’ days. But this was THEIR private show.

With a gasp, Austin’s body went limp on the table. Alicia released her grip. Something else was also going limp on the table.

Alicia put her finger in the pool of cum on Austin’s stomach. She wiped up a small sample and put it to her nose. “I can’t really smell a thing. Maybe a faint musty odor.”

The other girls followed her example. Nancy rubbed it between her thumb and finger. “It’s slippery and sticky all at once. Sort of like a raw egg white.

The girls let Austin rest for a while. He looked so vulnerable laying there.

Then it was Carol’s turn with Robert and finally, Nancy’s turn with Tom.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, the girls got their turn mastubating each of the boys.

With each masturbation, the girls learned more about boys and how they react and how they can be manipulated. They also enhanced their skills and learned the art of edging to bring the boys even more under their control.


Masturbating the boys was fun, but the girls wanted even more. They figured that if girl-on-girl action was something the boys enjoyed viewing, that they would like to see some boy-on-boy action.

It started with a kiss. The girls had the boys kiss each other. “Us girls are brave enough to kiss each other. What’s wrong with you boys?” Nancy challenged.

The boys were “forced” into it, but after a while accepted it. This was step one. Step two was to have two naked boys sit next to each other and kiss as two of the girls sat next to them.

For example, as Robert and Austin sat on the couch kissing, Nancy and Carol sat on either side of them stroking their penises. The objective was to condition the boys to associate kissing another boy with sexual pleasure.

In the meantime, Alica sat opposite the couples, taking pictures and videos as she also fondled Tom’s penis.

From there, the girls were able to escalate the activities to the boys giving each other blow jobs. There was some objection to this activity, but surprisingly not as much as when the girls made them kiss each other.

The girls also experimented with other ways to masturbate the boys using their feet (with or without various types of footwear) and rubbing their penises with various objects, testing for fetishes.

One of the girls’ favorite activities was to have the boys embrace each other and kiss while standing and rubbing their penises together. Sometimes two of the girls would literally take a hand in this activity.

The boys were thoroughly humiliated but accepted their fates. It was true that they were under total control of the girls and that they were forced to do humiliating things for the girls and with each other. However, they knew that the girls would not hurt them.

The girls lived up to their word and did not invite other girls into their little coven. Nor did the girls humiliate the boys in public or outside of their weekly sessions.

On the other hand, the boys had to admit that as humiliating as these sessions were, they were having the best sex of their lives. The girls forced them to do things that they could not even imagined doing on their own. It was a sexually liberating experience for them.

(End of File)