He's Not a Freak 1
By Paul H.
Copyright 2025 by Paul H., all rights reserved
[6,721 words]
* * * *
This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions
of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young
teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in
this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful
and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read
or view such material, please leave now.
* * * * *
At 15 years old Henry was a very shy boy, the boys in his class called
him a freak because of the size of his penis. Henry was surprised
though when he received a party invitation from one of his female
classmates. He was worried when he realised he was the only boy at the
Initially Henry was worried but things turn around
quickly when one of the mothers realised Henry isn’t as shy as
they thought and definitely wasn’t a freak.
It turned out to be the best party ever for the girls and Henry.
He’s Not a Freak
Chapter One
couldn’t believe his luck, he had a crush on Virgina for years and
now, here she was inviting him to her birthday party.
Of course he accepted, at 15 years old he had never mixed with girls well, being very shy.
His mum Margaret dropped him off and made sure she wasn’t expected to stay leaving Henry with his classmates at the party.
only took Henry a few minutes to realise he was the only boy there,
besides Virgina there was Katie, Mandy and Carly from his class along
with Virginia’s 12 year old sister Marie and her friend Pam.
“Are there any more boys coming” Henry asked Virgina.
Virgina smiled at him, “No, you are the only boy I have invited” she replied.
Henry was shocked “Why, there must be a reason that I’m the only boy here” he asked.
“We all like you, we think you’re cute” Virginia replied.
“And you’re good looking” Katie asked.
also heard you’ve got the biggest cock in our class. The boys have told
us they’ve seen you in the shower after swimming trying to keep it
hidden” Mandy said adding “I don’t suppose you will let us see it,
especially Virginia seeing it’s her birthday”.
“I…I….can’t show….you…my…cock” Henry stuttered in response.
The girls laughed at Henry’s nervousness.
“Only joking, come on we’re just going to get changed and go swimming” Virgina said.
Henry groaned “I didn’t know you had a swimming pool, I haven’t brought my swimsuit with me”.
the girls left the room and went to the changing room Henry followed
them out to the garden. Standing outside Henry couldn’t help notice the
girls had left the door slightly open and he couldn’t see a couple of
them getting changed.
He gasped when he saw two naked bums, Katie and Mandy’s but was brought back to reality when a voice spoke from behind him.
“Henry, you’re not spying on the girls are you” it was Mrs Brown, Virginia’s mum.
“No I….. I was um…just waiting…..um….for them” Henry replied.
Mrs Brown shut the changing room door.
“Are you getting changed after the girls are ready” she asked.
“No, I um, I didn’t know you had a swimming pool so I didn’t bring my swimsuit” Henry replied.
Mrs Brown looked at him up and down.
“Come with me, I might have something you can wear” Mrs Brown said.
nervously followed her upstairs and she led him to her room before
sifting through a drawer and pulling out a swimsuit that belonged to
her husband.
“Here, go into the bathroom and change into these, I’m sure they will fit” Mrs Brown said.
took the swimsuit and realised it was a speedo type which he had never
worn before. Leaving the room to use the bathroom Mrs Brown stopped him.
“Use my bathroom” she said pointing to the en suite bathroom in her room.
entered the bathroom and stripped off and put the swimsuit on. It was a
tight fit and didn’t leave much to the imagination.
Opening the door he started to speak.
“These are a bit……oh my god I’m sorry Mrs Brown” Henry cried.
Brown was stood with her back to him only in her bikini bottom, she
turned around covering her breast with her arms and screamed.
“Henry, don’t look” Mrs Brown screamed. Henry stared wide eyed and open mouthed, he could see the start of Mrs Brown’s nipples.
“Oh my god Henry, I can see your penis” Mrs Brown cried.
looked down to see his cock was poking through the waistband of the
swimsuit. He quickly covered it with his hands and returned to the
Mrs Brown was now stood in shock. The boy is only
15 but just how big was his cock she wondered as she put the
bikini top on.
Going toward the bathroom door Mrs Brown
opened the door and had another shock, Henry was naked and his erect
cock pointing at the ceiling.
“OH MY GOD HOW BIG IS THAT THING” Mrs Brown screamed making Henry jump not realising that she had entered the bathroom.
Henry tried to cover his cock with his hands but Mrs Brown pulled them away still shocked at how big the boys cock was.
up at Henry’s face Mrs Brown Could see the boy was crying. Feeling
sorry for Henry she gave him a hug but then realised her mistake when
she felt his erect cock push against her pubis.
Mrs Brown gasped
at the touch, her body shuddered as she had a minor orgasm as Henry
returned the hug making the touch of the boys cock against her more
Mrs Brown guided Henry to her bed and sat him down.
don’t tell anyone about this, the boys are always teasing me about how
big my co…I mean penis is now you’re the first female to see it and you
can’t take your eyes off of it” Henry sobbed.
“Oh my dear, don’t
cry. Those boys are only jealous because their penises are small. The
ladies are going to love you when they see this. You definitely won’t
have trouble finding girlfriends with that” Mrs Brown said looking down
at his cock again.
“Really, you don’t think I’m a freak. That’s what the boys call me” Henry said still sobbing.
Brown hugged him again. “No way are you a freak, I’ve only seen a few
penises and yours is the biggest and nicest looking one I’ve seen” she
“Bigger than Mr Brown’s penis” Henry asked.
“A lot bigger than Mr Brown’s” she replied then realising she shouldn’t have said anything.
But Henry was smiling. “You mustn’t tell anyone what I just said” Mrs Brown Ordered.
“I won’t Mrs Brown, I promise. So you don’t think I’m a freak” Henry replied.
Brown smiled “No way Henry, but we must get to the pool, the girls and
the other two parents will be wondering where we are. Now let’s see
that swimsuit on again” Mrs Brown said.
“But it’s too small, it shows my co… I mean penis off” Henry cried.
Henry pulled the swimsuit on again showing Mrs Brown.
smiled “It’s only too small because your penis is hard, go back into
the bathroom and masturbate to make it go away” Mrs Brown said.
“I…um, I don’t know how to um do that” Henry replied shyly.
“Oh my, you’re 15 right. I thought all boys did it” Mrs Brown said.
“I get hard like this sometimes and something leaks out but I’ve never masturbated” Henry replied.
Mrs Brown looked at Henry’s cock again.
“Can I touch it” she asked.
Henry gasped but then nodded. He groaned in pleasure as Mrs Brown wrapped her hand around his cock.
“Ohh Mrs Brown, that feels so good” Henry sighed as she was now stroking his cock.
“Just lay back and let me do this for you” Mrs Brown whispered in Henry’s ear.
it was Henry’s first time he didn’t last long, he cried out in pleasure
as he felt something shooting out of his cock and his body was having
spasms. It was the best feeling he had ever felt.
Mrs Brown
couldn’t believe how much the young boy had shot out. She also felt
some sort of pride that she was the first person to make Henry orgasm.
Henry slowly recovered, he smiled at Mrs Brown.
“Thank you” he said.
Mrs Brown smiled, “You’re welcome” she replied thinking it was funny being thanked for something she had really enjoyed doing.
go and have a shower, put the swimsuit on and come down to the pool. I
will see you down there when you’re ready” Mrs Brown said.
was stood directly in front of her, his cock inches from her face. Mrs
Brown smiled at how at ease Henry was with being naked in front of her.
“We wondered where you had gone, we saw you disappear with Henry. Is he ok” Mary, one of the other parents asked.
been naughty. I accidentally walked in on Henry when he was changing.
My god girls he’s massive, I mean really massive” she said to Mary and
the other parent Sarah.
Both women looked shocked as their friend Natasha Brown told them of the events that happened between her and a 16 year old boy.
“You really jerked him off. Oh my word, I’ve never ever done that in my life” Mary cried.
“Me neither” Sarah added.
funniest thing is he’s never done it before, masturbated I mean”
Natasha said adding “So I was the first person to give him an orgasm.
It’s weird but it makes feel rather proud of myself, Henry will
remember his first orgasm and who gave it to him for a long time”.
That made the three women laugh.
They all stared as Henry walked into the room in his speedos.
Mary and Sarah gasped looking at the large lump in the speedos.
“I’ll go and join the girls” Henry said walking past the women. They heard screams from the girls as Henry came into their view.
Feeling embarrassed about the tightness of the swimsuit Henry jumped into the pool to hide his embarrassment and join the girls.
the girls had already worked out a plan to embarrass Henry more, they
took it in turns to keep adjusting their bikini tops giving Henry the
view of more tit flesh.
Henry loved seeing more and more of the
tit flesh but didn’t realise his now erect cock was poking out of the
waistband of the speedos.
Someone’s hand accidentally brushed against Henry’s cock making him realise what had happened.
gasped, it was her hand that had touched the tip of Henry’s cock.
Virgina looked down and could see the boys penis was poking out, not
knowing why she did it Virginia took hold of Henry’s cock.
“His willy is poking out, I’m holding it” Virginia screamed.
the girls looked down into the water and saw Virginia’s hand holding
something. A couple of the girls screamed and reached out to touch
their male classmates cock but Henry pulled away and swam to the far
end of the pool leaving the girls giggling and swimming after him.
Natasha, Mary and Sarah realised something was wrong, poor Henry was close to tears.
“Virginia, leave Henry alone, all of you girls come out of the water for a minute” Natasha said.
two 12 year olds Marie and Pam didn’t know what was going on, they were
playing their own little game but got out of the pool with the other
All the girls gathered around Natasha.
Henry is shy but you knew that. I wasn’t really sure why you
invited him until I saw the large lump in his swimsuit. Now I want you
to let me go into the pool and speak with him, you can all go inside
and start on the food” Natasha said.
The girls reluctantly agreed and went inside leaving Natasha to speak with Henry.
Natasha entered the pool and got alongside Henry.
“Oh you poor boy, it’s happened again” Natasha said taking hold of Henry’s cock again.
“Can you do that thing again, you know, to make it go down again” Henry asked.
smiled, “I could, but it’s going to happen again. Look, the girls are
curious, they know you’re quite big down there and want to see it. I
told you before that when any female sees your penis they are going to
love it and you will be the most popular boy in school. Why don’t you
just throw caution to the wind and take the swimsuit off and let them
get over their curiosity” she said.
“I can’t do that, they will tease me and make my life hell” Henry said.
sighed “I will go and have a chat with them. If they promise not to
tease you or tell anyone else about this would you let them see it” she
Henry thought about it before nodding to agree.
Natasha was excited and hurried out of the pool and into the house.
The girls and the other two women saw Natasha smiling.
listen to me, I’ve got Henry agreeing to take his swimsuit off but
there are conditions” Natasha said hearing gasps and a squeal.
“Anything, we will do anything. What are the conditions” Mandy said with the others agreeing.
doesn’t want you to tease or torment him and you mustn’t tell anyone
else about it. If any of you do I will make sure you are punished one
way or another” Natasha said.
“Is that all, we can agree with that can’t we girls” Mandy said.
The other girls were shocked but excited not believing they were going to see their classmates cock.
They all nodded.
“Does that mean we’re going to see that boys willy mummy” Marie asked.
“Yes, but you mustn’t tell anyone about it, not your friends, nobody” Natasha said to her youngest daughter.
Both 12 year olds were jumping up and down excitedly, they never expected this.
I’m going back out to see Henry and I will bring him back in here for
some food. Hopefully he would have taken his swimsuit off but I don’t
want anyone looking out of the window to get a sneaky peek” Natasha
said winking at Sarah and Mary who looked as excited as the girls.
Getting outside to Henry again Natasha Tod him to get out of the pool.
As he climbed out Natasha could see his cock had gone softer again.
“Come on, let’s get the suit off and get this over with” Natasha said.
grabbed the waistband of Henry’s suit and started to pull it down,
Henry was holding the suit trying to keep it from sliding down but
Natasha gave one big tug and the swimsuit was around his ankles.
took hold of the boys hand and led him indoors to hear gasps from the
girls as they saw Henry’s huge cock hanging between his legs.
“Oh my, that is big and beautiful” Sarah said embarrassed when her daughter Mandy looked at her.
“I didn’t think they got as big as that” 12 year old Pam said moving closer to Henry.
smiled “They don’t all get as big as this, Henry is lucky, you girls
are lucky to see something like this and I think you should all thank
Henry for letting you see it” Natasha said.
“Thank you Henry, can we touch it please” Pam asked.
Before Henry could answer Natasha replied for him.
at a time, get in line” Natasha said giggling when she saw Mary and
Sarah join on the back of the queue not wanting to be left out.
“Seeing it’s Virginia’s birthday I think she should go first” Natasha said.
Virginia was excited, slowly reaching forward she ran her finger down the length of Henry’s cock.
it like this” Natasha said wrapping her hand around the shaft of the
cock smiling when she heard the girls gasp as she did.
Virginia laughed as she took hold of her first cock, Henry groaned in pleasure.
“I think it’s moving” Virginia said releasing the cock from her hand.
“He’s getting a hard on” Mandy said taking her turn to hold her classmates cock.
cock was growing harder and bigger as each girl took a turn wrapping
their hands around the boys cock like Natasha had shown them.
The two 12 year old girls couldn’t stop smiling when they were holding it.
Then Sarah took her turn, she leant forward and whispered in Henry’s ear.
“This is the biggest one I’ve seen. Thank you for letting me and my daughter see and touch it” she whispered.
Henry smiled and then looked at Mary as she stood in front of him and wrapped her hand around his cock while smiling at him.
“Oh you are a big boy aren’t you” Mary said.
Natasha took hold of Henry’s cock again and pulled him towards the living room where she told Henry to lay down on the floor.
“Now we need to help Henry get rid of this erection, do any of you know how boys get their cocks soft again” Natasha asked.
The brashest of the girls, Mandy smiled “Yeah, they jerk off” she said.
yes, I suppose you could use that word but because we’ve got Marie and
Pam here I want to use the correct terminology which is that boys
masturbate. They hold their penises like I showed you earlier and then
move their hand up and down the penis like this” Natasha said
“Is Henry going to mastrabate for us now” Pam asked making the women smile.
you nearly got it right. No, Henry is not going to masturbate we’re
going to do it for him, seeing its Virginia’s birthday she can do it
first” Natasha said.
“Really, you’re going to let us do it” Virginia asked excitedly.
“That’s what your mum said, now get on with it because I want my turn” Mandy said.
Virginia took hold of Henry’s cock and moved her hand like her mum and shown her.
girls giggled as they watched Henry’s body hump in time with Virginia’s
hand and he started making funny noises as Virginia moved her hand
faster when her mum told her to.
But the giggles turned to squeals and screams when something was shooting out of Henry’s cock.
“What’s happening” Marie screamed as she watched several blasts of liquid leave Henry’s cock and land on his stomach and chest.
When Henry had finished shooting he closed his eyes exhausted.
“Let’s leave Henry alone to recover and we will tell you what just happened, back to the kitchen everyone” Natasha cried.
Reluctantly the girls left the room as they watched Natasha cleaning the stuff off of Henry’s stomach.
the women and girls were tucking into the food again they were all
surprised to see Henry casually walk into the kitchen with his
cock dangling between his legs.
“Can I have some food and drink please” he asked.
“Yes, come and help yourself” Natasha replied.
girls were shocked, especially Henry’s classmates. They had known Henry
for years and knew he was a very shy boy. Now here he was standing
naked amongst them without a care in the world.
the girls were looking at Henry’s cock most of the time and there were
a few ‘Accidental’ touches bringing giggles especially when Henry’s
cock started growing again.
“Can I help you with that” Mandy asked when the cock was fully erect.
looked at his smiling classmate, out of all the girls she was the one
that teased him most but now he was feeling so relaxed with her. Also,
in her bikini she looked quite sexy.
“Yes please, I’d love your help” Henry replied.
Mandy took hold of his cock and started stroking it while everyone else was watching.
“Stroke it faster please” Henry groaned making Mandy giggle.
Henry was soon shooting, but he heard someone shouting.
“NOT THAT WAY” Natasha shouted.
“Oh no, he’s done it all over the food, even the birthday cake” Mary cried.
Henry had finished shooting and collapsed to his knees.
The women and girls just looked at the sperm covered food.
often wondered what sperm tastes like, now is my chance to find out”
Sarah said taking a sandwich with a big dollop of sperm on it and
biting into the sandwich.
“Mmm, a bit more salty than I like but not too bad. You should all try some” Sarah said.
Mary and then Natasha tried a sandwich each.
“Yuck mum, that’s come out of Henry’s cock, how can you eat it” Virginia asked.
not bad, a bit salty like Sarah said but better than your dads which
has a bitter taste” Natasha replied realising she shouldn’t have said
“MUM, TO MUCH INFORMATION” Virginia screamed.
Mary and Sarah laughed as the other girls turned their noses up.
the first girl to come forward was Mandy, if the adults were eating the
sperm covered sandwiches then they couldn’t be that bad. Mandy picked
up a sandwich and started to eat it.
“Oh yeah, I love salty
stuff and this is delicious” Mandy said prompting the other girls to
try it. Soon everyone had a sandwich in their hand and eating them.
Mandy gave a sandwich to Henry who had recovered, Henry bit in to the sandwich not realising it was his sperm that was on it.
“Wow, this sauce is nice, what is it” Henry asked.
The three women and Henry’s classmates all laughed, Marie and Pam just smiled not realising why everyone else was laughing.
Again, with all of the ‘Accidental’ touching it wasn’t long before Henry was hard again.
“Who’s going to help Henry this time” Natasha asked.
Obviously all of the girls wanted to but there wasn’t going to be enough time for them all to have a turn jerking Henry off.
think there’s going to be enough time for two more goes today, so let
Katie and Carly do it for him, that way his four classmates have had a
turn. I wouldn’t mind having a turn as well so I think we should all
meet up here next week so the rest of us can have our turn” Mary said.
Everyone agreed.
took hold of Henry’s cock and began stroking, they had turned away from
the table with food on it but Natasha turned him back.
“Try and hit the other plate of sandwiches this time” Natasha said making everyone laugh.
was enjoying herself but was disappointed when Henry began shooting
because she knew her time was over and she had to let go of Henry’s
“Well done Katie, you managed to cover the cheese
sandwiches really well” Natasha’s said taking one from the plate and
biting into it.
Katie giggled, everyone was looking at her and smiling and she wondered why.
“You can let go now” Natasha said.
Katie realised she still had hold of Henry’s cock so quickly released it.
was watching closely for Henry’s cock to start reacting to the
‘Accidental’ touches and smiled when she noticed it beginning to grow.
didn’t wait for Henry’s cock to get fully hard, taking hold of the semi
erect cock she cried “My turn” and began stroking her classmates cock.
Mary and Sarah smiled, it was funny seeing the sudden change in Henry
who had arrived as such a shy boy but here was naked in front of the
women and girls here and even letting his classmates masturbate him.
What a change in just a few hours.
“Yes, I’ve done him as well” Carly screamed as Henry was shooting again.
There was a knock on the door, it was Katie’s mother June come to collect her.
my god mum you will never believe who’s in here naked, it’s Henry from
school” Katie cried dragging her mother into the kitchen where everyone
“Well I never, how did you manage that. Henry, aren’t you embarrassed” June asked not taking her eyes off of the boys cock.
was embarrassed but now all the girls seem to like me naked, we’ve had
so much fun haven’t we girls” Henry said smiling at June’s reaction.
The girls agreed.
“I bet the girls have enjoyed themselves” June said still staring at the boys cock.
“Would you like to touch it, you seem fascinated by it” Henry asked.
“Really, you wouldn’t mind” June asked shocked.
Everyone laughed.
“They’ve all touched it, as I said we’ve had a great time” Henry replied.
June reached out and took hold of the boys cock.
“Oh my, you are a big boy aren’t you” June said before realising everyone was looking at her so she quickly released it.
Another knock on the door, it was Henry’s mum.
“Do you want your mum to see you naked” Natasha asked adding “I’m sure she would like to”.
Henry wasn’t sure, it had been fun in front of these girls and women but what would his mum say.
Natasha had answered the door.
“Hello Margaret, before you go through I need to have a chat with you” Natasha said.
Margaret needed to sit down shocked at what Natasha was telling her.
“You’re telling me my son is in there naked with a load of girls and women” Margaret asked.
right, one minute he’s as shy as you like but then after a little
conversation he’s openly stripped off and letting the girls see and
touch him” Natasha smiled.
Natasha led Margaret into the kitchen where everyone was.
“Oh my god where did you get that from” Margaret cried looking at her son’s cock.
The women laughed.
“He doesn’t take after your husband then” Sarah asked her.
“That’s double my old man’s penis” Margaret replied before she could stop revealing her husband’s secrets.
Henry couldn’t look at his mum, he started to leave the room to get dressed.
wait there young man, if you can let everyone else touch it then so can
your mother” Margaret said as she took hold of his cock.
“Can I get dressed now mum” Henry asked.
looked at him “Yes you can, but you’re going to have to show this to
your sisters when we get home because it’s not fair you showing these
girls, even the younger ones and not your sisters” Margaret said before
releasing his cock and picking up a sandwich.
“You don’t mind do you, I’m peckish” Margaret asked Natasha who nodded in response.
is this mayonnaise or salad cream, you’ll have to let me know where you
get it from it’s delicious” Margaret said picking up another sandwich.
The women and girls laughed.
your son produced it, the girls were masturbating him and he shot his
load over the sandwiches, we all liked the taste so he shot some more.
It is nice isn’t it” Sarah said.
“Oh my word, you’ve done that to him as well. I can’t believe I love the taste so much” Margaret said.
smiled “Oh, by the way, Henry is coming back next week. Everyone wants
to have a turn masturbating him so he’s agreed to come back. I hope
that’s ok with you” she said.
“I’m just pleased he’s came out of his shell, I still can’t believe it” Margaret replied.
returned to the room now dressed, he loved it as every one of his
classmates gave him a kiss as he left with Natasha hugging him while
whispering in his ear.
“Thanks for making my daughters party
such a success, I’m looking forward to seeing you next week so me, my
friends and the two younger girls can play with you” Natasha whispered.
Henry blushed but smiled, this had been a strange day for him.
On the drive home Margaret asked her son “I’m pleased to see you come out of your shyness but how on earth did that happen”.
Henry told his mum the whole story, he wasn’t embarrassed about any of it.
“So it was Natasha who talked you into it” Margaret asked.
but she was right. All the girls seemed to like me and they all kissed
me when I left. Usually they hardly speak to me but Natasha said once
they had seen my co… I mean penis all the girls would like me. And she
was right” Henry said.
Margaret wasn’t sure if she was angry or
not with Natasha. She had used her son to entertain the girls and her
friends even masturbating Henry herself. But on the other hand her
son’s personality had changed completely in such a short space of time.
arrived home with Margaret still deep in thought about what she had
seen and heard about the party but most of all thinking about the size
of her son’s cock. She hadn’t seen one as big as that since seeing her
brother laying naked on his bed after coming home drunk.
smiled at the memory, her brother Kent was 17 at the time, he staggered
into the house obviously worse from drinking. Their mum shouted at him
to go to his room before their dad returned home because he would be
As Margaret who was 13 at the time went to bed that night
she passed her brother’s room and looked through the slightly open
door. She gasped when she saw Kent laying on the bed naked with his
hand partially covering his cock.
Margaret crept into the room
and stared at the part of Kent’s cock that she could see. Kent stirred
moving his hand away leaving his cock fully exposed to Margaret who
nearly screamed. Her brother’s cock was really long just laying across
his body.
Looking at Kent’s face seeing that he was out cold
Margaret ran her finger along the shaft of her brother’s cock a couple
of times before wrapping her had around it. She felt so cool touching
her brothers cock knowing he would be angry if he ever found out.
wait, something was happening, the cock seemed to be growing bigger, it
was definitely harder than when she had first taken hold of it. Kent’s
cock had now gone from soft to hard in a matter of seconds.
remembered one of her biology at school when they separated the
boys and girls to learn about each other’s body parts. In the girls
class they couldn’t help giggling as the female teacher told them what
happens to boys penises when they get excited. It was even funnier when
they were shown some pictures of boys soft and hard.
Now here
Margaret was with the real thing in her hand. She moved her hand up and
down her brothers cock smiling as she heard Kent groan. Then Margaret
remembered what happened to the boys penis when he got overexcited but
before she could stop stroking Kent’s cock it was shooting something
all over his chest and stomach making Margaret squeal.
Kent had
finished shooting, Margaret looked at the mess on her brothers body and
was going to clean it up but heard someone coming up the stairs so she
quickly ran to her room making sure Kent’s bedroom door was fully
closed on the way.
The following morning Margaret was in the
bathroom cleaning her teeth when she heard shouting and suddenly
the bathroom door burst open
“You dirty animal, get in there and
shower off” it was her mum dragging the naked Kent into the
bathroom towards the shower cubicle.
“Mum, I didn’t jerk off. Hey, Margaret is in here she can’t see me naked” Kent screamed.
Margaret giggled, it was funny playing with her brother’s cock last
night but now it looked different and funny dangling between his legs.
my god Kent, I can see your willy, wow it’s really big” Margaret
remembered saying as her brother tried to keep his cock covered with
his hands.
That’s when their mum looked at him.
“Move your hands away” she ordered.
“But mum, Margaret’s here” Kent pleaded.
serves you right, now move your hands away otherwise your dad will be
finding out about the state you were in last night” she said.
Kent slowly moved his hands away exposing his cock to his mum and younger sister.
“Well at least you take after your dad in that department” their mum said looking at Kent’s cock.
“Oh no mummy, he’s getting a hard on look” Margaret said.
Their mum laughed “You’re obviously enjoying letting us see it. Show your sister what you did to yourself last night” she said.
“But mum, I didn’t jerk…. I mean masturbate last night” Kent sobbed.
you did, I can still see your dried up spunk on your chest and stomach.
Now show Margaret what you dirty boys do in secret” his mum ordered.
started to stroke his now fully erect cock, Margaret remembered smiling
and as her brother was making funny noises. She laughed when Kent
grunted as he shot something out of his cock.
“Oh that’s so good” Kent panted as he was finishing.
you can clean up your mess and then shower. Come along Margaret” their
mum said as she left the bathroom. Margaret couldn’t resist grabbing
her brother’s cock as she walked past him.
“Hey, you shouldn’t touch my cock” Kent shouted.
Margaret saw her mum smiling at her when she heard her son shouting at his sister.
Margaret had seen her son naked, at only 15 he was about the same cock
size as her brother and was still growing. Her daughter’s 18 year old
Kelly and 14 year old Chantel were waiting for her.
“I’m going out to see Jodi for an hour or so, ok mum” Kelly said.
Margaret stopped her leaving “I think you will find staying here for a while will be more fun” she said.
“But I promised I’d be there as soon as you got back” Kelly cried.
“Henry, you know what I told you at the party, now show Kelly why she should stay” Margaret said.
Kelly and Chantel gasped when their brother lifted his shirt over his head.
“What is he doing mum” Kelly asked.
smiled “When I got to the party to pick him up he was naked. I told him
if he can be naked in front of other girls he can be naked in front of
his sisters” she replied.
“Naked, Henry, no way” Kelly cried.
But Henry was down to his boxers.
was staring at Henry wide eyed and open mouthed, she squealed when
Henry lowered his boxers and his large cock was swinging between his
“Oh my god look at the size of that” Kelly cried.
Margaret smiled at her two daughters reactions.
was a bit embarrassed, at the party Natasha had helped him to relax but
a slight nervousness had come over him now being naked in front of his
“Come over here and touch it” Margaret said taking hold of her son’s cock herself.
“What has happened to the Henry we know” Kelly asked.
laughed “It looks like we won’t be seeing him again” she replied as she
let Kelly take hold of Henry’s cock which was beginning to grow.
it was fully erect Kelly called Chantel over. The younger girl wasn’t
sure if she should touch her brothers cock but Kelly took her hand and
guided it to the target wrapping her young sisters hand around their
brothers cock.
Still with her hand covering Chantel’s hand Kelly started moving their hands in a stroking motion.
Henry groaned in pleasure.
“Please move your hand faster” Henry groaned.
Kelly laughed, she had never seen a boy jerk off before now here she was with her younger sister both jerking their brother off.
Kelly speeded up their hands and it didn’t take long for Henry to start grunting and shooting over the floor.
“What’s happening” Chantel cried.
“I’ll explain later” Kelly said smiling as she looked at Henry.
couldn’t believe what she had just seen, her two daughters had just
masturbated their brother in front of her. Never had she expected to
witness something like that.
Someone was knocking on the front door, Kelly let go of Chantel’s hand which was still wrapped around Henry’s softening cock.
Kelly knew it was her friend Jodi at the door, Kelly had sent Jodi a text message when Henry started lowering his boxers.
“Was that text a joke” Jodi asked.
dragged her friend into the kitchen, Jodi screamed. Standing in front
of her was a naked Henry with his younger sister holding his cock.
my god you were serious, oh my god look at how big that thing is, oh my
god Chantel’s just jerked him off”Jodi screamed as she looked at the
scene in front of her.
Margaret and Kelly laughed at Jodi’s reaction.
“Chantel, let Jodi hold Henry’s cock now” Kelly said.
“Really, you mean Henry will let me hold it as well” Jodi asked amazed.
Chantel was enjoying holding her brothers cock but she reluctantly let go of it.
had always fancied Jodi who knew the boy had a crush on her as did
Kelly who often teased him about it when Jodi wasn’t around. Now Jodi
was going to hold his cock.
“It’s so big”Jodi gasped as she took hold of the younger boys cock.
“Oh my, he’s getting hard again already” Kelly cried.
was enjoying himself, so many girls and women had held his cock all in
one day. The best thing was they all loved the size of his cock, the
boys at school called him a freak but now he had found out he wasn’t a
freak but that the boys were jealous.
His eyes were closed as he enjoyed Jodi stroking him but was startled when he heard his mum and two sisters shout out loudly.
was the scream as something warm and wet engulfed his cock. Looking
down he could see Jodi had taken his cock into her mouth.
what is she doing” Chantel asked as they watched Jodi moving her
mouth back and forth along the shaft of Henry’s cock.
Henry had never felt anything so good and wanted this to last forever but he could feel himself about to shoot his load.
“I’m going to cum” he cried.
Henry expected Jodi to pull away but was surprised when as he was shooting Jodi was swallowing.
“Yuck, she swallowed that stuff” Chantel cried out.
Jodi smiled “It tastes quite nice” she said.
“Everyone at the party liked the taste as well, it’s really good on sandwiches” Margaret said.
“MUM YOU DIDN’T” Kelly’s screamed.
laughed “I wouldn’t have but I didn’t know until I was eating the
sandwiches, apparently one of the girls masturbated him and he was
facing the table with the food on it. Before they realised what was
happening Henry had shot his stuff over the sandwiches” she said.
Kelly screwed up her nose “And they still ate them” she asked.
“Yes, honestly they tasted really nice” Margaret said.
Henry was recovering.
“Thank you Jodi, that was great” Henry groaned.
was kneeling on the floor “I’m sorry everyone, I love giving blow jobs
to my boyfriend and I got carried away when I was holding Henry’s cock”
she said.
“Is that what it’s called, a blow job. I didn’t see you blowing” Chantel said innocently.
Margaret, Kelly and Jodi all laughed.
“Well I think Henry has had enough for today, you need to go up and have a shower” Margaret said.
The girls were disappointed but smiled when they heard Margaret speak again.
“But no clothes whiled your in the house from now on” Margaret called after Henry.
“You’ve got to get our other friends Tina and Maisie over here tomorrow, they will love this” Jodi said.
laughed “I know that, I’m just worried they will be like you and take
advantage of my brother for their own sexual gratification” she said.
Jodi blushed remembering the blow job she had given Henry without asking.
was in the shower, what a fantastic day he’d had. He couldn’t believe
it and topped off by his first ever blow job from Jodi.
He had
gone from shy and reserved to an exhibitionist in just a few hours
and loved having girls admiring him, especially his cock.
His life had definitely changed.
(End of File)