By SuperEvil
Copyright 2024 by SuperEvil, all rights reserved
[17,181 words]
* * * * *
At 11 years old, Tyler has an accident that forces his mom to
reevaluate the way she punishes him. She decides that instead of
spanking him, she's just going to give him naked time whenever he acts
out of line, much to the pleasure of his two year younger sister,
Maggie. Over the years, Maggie figures out how to bend the rules in
order to get her brother punished whenever she likes. But a boy can
only take the blame for his sister's misdeeds so many times before he
finally snaps, and Maggie and their mother will have to find this out
the hard way. For Tyler, it's the only way out.
Chapter 1: The New Punishment
“Tyler, get your pajamas off! I need to put them in the wash with your
bedding!” Maggie Vanderbilt could still remember the first time her
brother had been punished with naked time by their mother.
“No, mom!” He had wet the bed. At 11 years old, that was embarrassing
enough, but his mom couldn't let him stay in wet, smelly clothes. Tyler
would have been happy enough to strip off and put on some dry, fresh,
clean ones, but his mom seemed to be insistent that he strip right in
front of her! Things only became worse for him when 9-year-old Maggie
came to investigate what all the yelling was about, having been woken
up from a deep slumber in the middle of the night.
“Tyler, now!” Their mom demanded.
Tyler's eyes grew wide, as he heard a little giggle from the doorway. “Maggie!...”
“Tyler, I said now!” Maggie watched with amusement as their mother came
over and started smacking him on the bottom. This wasn't the first time
she had seen her mom spank her older brother. Far from it, as it seemed
to be their mom's preferred method of discipline for Tyler, unlike her.
What she wasn't expecting was that her mom was going to start tugging
his pajama bottoms off too! She watched as they were pulled down to his
knees, revealing his tighty-whities, with a big old wet spot on the
front. He was given a few more spanks, and then his underwear began to
lower too!
“No, mom, please!” The boy begged as Maggie watched
this all play out with bated breath. As far as she could recall, she
had never seen her brother naked. Boys in general really held little
interest in her up to this point. They were yucky and gross, and liked
to play rough. Not at all what she was interested in. Some of the other
girls she knew liked to talk about the differences between boys and
girls, about how boys had little sausage looking appendages in between
their legs, and how those appendages rested on top of a little wrinkly
bag. She knew her brother was going to be different, but just how
different she wasn't expecting!
Tyler tried to keep hold of
his underwear, mainly gripping the front at all cost. His mother had
already gotten them down in the back, and for the first time, he felt
what it was like to have his bottom smacked bare! He let out a loud
yelp, not expecting that it would sting so much! His hands immediately
went to rub his aching behind! That was just the opening their mother
had been looking for, as she quickly yanked his little boy underwear
down! Maggie let out a gasp, as her brother's private parts were
revealed to her for the first time! His little three-inch penis was
sticking right out in her direction, still slightly glistening with
wetness from his accident. The little bag Maggie had heard about seemed
much more interesting than she was thinking, since she had never
imagined it to be flesh colored. Their mom made quick work of stripping
him after that, and soon Tyler was completely bare, hunching over
slightly and holding his hands in front of his privates in order to try
and hide them from his sister and his mom.
“Maggie, could you
help me and take your brother to the bathroom and wash his pee pee?”
Their mom asked, apparently oblivious to her brother's shame, as she
stripped the bedsheets off his bed, adding his spoiled pajamas to the
“But mom!!...” Smack! Tyler was shocked by another spank
to his behind from his mom, particularly because she had been nowhere
in his vicinity just a moment ago! She could move pretty fast.
Maggie giggled with delight, as her brother forgot about covering up
his privates in front of her for the moment to rub his increasingly
sore behind again. She couldn't help enjoying the way it bobbed up and
down with a little jiggle, as he tended to his bottom. Maggie was
starting to understand the fascination that some of the other girls
seemed to have with boys, and what they looked like.
Her mom asked, smiling at her, and trying to suppress a little giggle
of her own. Her daughter was obviously enjoying her first opportunity
to see the male anatomy in the flesh. She couldn't fault her for that,
as she could still remember how much she had wanted to see boys naked
at an early age, from 8, all the way until she was 15 and got her first
boyfriend. She was happy her daughter wouldn't have to wait for as long
as she had, even if the boy she was seeing was her own brother.
Maggie met her mother's eyes, with a little worry. She knew what she
was seeing was meant to be private to her brother, but when she saw her
mother's face, she knew she wasn't in trouble. Then it clicked for her
that her mom had just asked for her to wash her brother's privates!
“You want me to wash his pee pee??” Maggie asked with wonder as she
looked up at her mom. The idea of putting her hands on her brother's
appendage, just to get a feel for it, was really appealing to her.
Her mom grinned at her with amusement. “That's right, Maggie. I need
you to do this while I start the wash? Make sure you wash his little
balls, too, and anyplace else that seems to be sticky or smelly.” She
gestured to her son's testicles, which made Tyler realize that he was
standing there totally exposed once again. His bottom was no longer his
top priority, and he quickly clutched his hands over his groin. The boy
blushed deeply as both his mom and his little sister appeared to be
laughing at him.
Maggie came over and hooked her arm around
his elbow, ready to take him to the bathroom and get her hands all over
the interesting bits he had between his legs. Tyler was stubborn,
though, and refused to budge. “Mom, that's not fair!”
“Maggie, if your brother tries to give you any lip, just smack his bottom.” Smack! “Just like this.”
“Ow! Mommy!” Tyler once again brought his hands to rub and shield his
bottom, and that made Maggie have a giggle fit, watching his privates
jiggle and dance again, from a much closer vantage point now. “Quit
looking at it!” Tyler pleaded, as his sister's eyes were all over his
privates. There was no way he could keep himself exposed like this, and
moved his hands back to his front.
With Tyler's butt exposed
again, Maggie gave it a slap of her own. Tyler's hands flew to his
bottom once again, and Maggie watched her brother's privates wiggling
with delight. This happened a few more times, before Maggie gave him a
stern warning. “Stop covering it up, and I'll stop smacking you.”
Tyler looked to his mom for some help, with a little three and a half
inch shame erection pointing right at her as he soothed his bottom once
again. “Don't look at me.” His mom said with a smirk. “Listen to your
sister if you want her to stop smacking your butt.” Maggie wore a very
satisfied smile as her brother dropped his hands to his sides, leaving
his private parts exposed to her now. The boy blushed and wriggled with
shame, as he could see his sister taking in the sight of his exposed
penis and testicles. She had won their little battle, and an even
bigger war that neither of them had realized they were fighting. His
private parts were no longer going to be regarded as being as private
as hers, in the eyes of both his mom and his sister.
grinned the entire way to the bathroom. Her naughty older brother was
getting exactly what he deserved as far as she was concerned. She could
tell that being naked in front of her made him embarrassed like he had
never been before. Normally he was the one teasing her, but the dynamic
between them had just probably shifted forever. How would he ever be
able to tease her again, when she could just remind him that she had
seen his privates? The shameful way Tyler shifted from one foot to the
other, fighting his instinct to cover up, showed her that he was
feeling the exact same way. He knew that she now held the upper hand in
their relationship.
The younger girl made a little happy hum
as she wet a washcloth and covered it with sudsy hand soap. It
irritated Tyler to no end that she was enjoying this so much, and his
face turned red, not only with humiliation, but with anger too! Maggie
turned around, smiling from ear to ear, eager to get her hands on her
brother's most interesting parts. In a moment, she was pressing the
dripping, soapy rag over his crotch. “Maggie, that's cold!” He
complained, trying to push her hand away.
Maggie used her
other hand to give his butt another wallop! “I didn't want to waste
warm water! Now stop squirming!” She demanded, and the unexpected spank
was enough to get him to comply. When he seemed soapy enough, Maggie
moved the cloth away, and got down to the business she was really
interested in. Her bare, now soapy hand, reached out, wrapping her
fingers around her brother's penis. “It looks so hard but feels so
soft.” Maggie giggled.
“Maggie, what are you?...” He groaned,
as his sister's fingers started to move all around and feel his
appendage. This was a first for him, too, as he had never had another
person touching his privates in such a way. He hadn't even done so
himself! He didn't even know that it could feel so good! “What are you
doing to me!?” He asked, as his hips started rocking from the foreign
“I don't know, but it's fun!” Maggie squealed with
laughter as she noticed whenever she rubbed his little mushroom head in
particular, it seemed to be having the strongest reaction in him. Tyler
was in a total state of both bliss and shame, as what was happening to
him felt both so wrong, and yet, so good! Maggie was using both her
hands on her brother's penis now, flicking her fingers across the ridge
at the end of the mushroom head where it attached to the rest of the
sausage casing as she thought of it. Her brother closed his eyes, and
started breathing pretty hard, so she wondered if something was the
matter with him. “Everything alright?” She asked, still with amusement
in her voice.
Tyler nodded at her. “I don't know what you're doing, but it feels really good!” He explained, letting out a few more moans.
“It does?” Maggie smirked, learning this new secret about her brother,
and about boys in general. She was definitely going to use this
knowledge in the future. One of her hands slipped down to cup and
cradle his balls, tugging on the skin playfully.
Tyler's eyes
snapped open at that. “Please be careful, Maggie! Those are really
sensitive!” He couldn't help looking her in the eye, seeing her
amusement and pleasure! He took a look down at her, noticing how
covered she looked compared to him, in her modest nightgown that came
down to the bottom of her thighs. It was such a contrast to him, as he
was totally bare in front of her! Alarm bells stated to go off in his
head, as he felt a pressure building up inside his testicles and penis!
The feeling spread through his whole body, and he started to jerk and
wiggle all around uncontrollably! Maggie just laughed at this new
display from her brother, continuing to tease his penis and testicles
with her fingers. Neither one knew it just yet, but Maggie had just
given her brother his first orgasm.
“Maggie, are you done
washing your brother's privates?” Maggie and Tyler's mom let her
presence be known. She had been observing for the last minute, and
could tell that Tyler had just had an orgasm. She was happy to see that
he was still shooting dry, not wanting to have to explain to her
daughter what sperm was just yet. She knew she should probably step in
once he orgasmed, as she knew things could become really sensitive down
there for males afterward. She stood in the doorway with her arms
crossed, but wearing a similar smirk to her daughter, after just
watching her make her son orgasm.
Maggie pulled her hands away
from her brother slowly, and a little bashfully. She was worried she
might be in trouble for touching him this way, but looking at her mom,
she didn't seem to be upset. Maggie made a little smile back at her.
She had been having fun with her naked brother, but it seemed like her
fun was now coming to a close. “Yes, mom.” She answered, turning to the
sink to rinse the soap off her hands.
“Tyler, you're much too
old to be wetting the bed.” Their mother said to Tyler, who was still
coming down from the high of his orgasm. He could only pay half
attention because of that. “Maggie, what do you think your brother's
punishment should be for wetting the bed?”
Maggie turned to her mother, drying her hands. “I don't know?” She answered, too timid to say what she really wanted.
“How about if your brother has to stay naked all the way until bedtime tomorrow?”
“Really!?” Maggie made a little hop of joy.
“What!? But that's not fair!” Tyler whined, as he realized what his
mother was saying. Now that he was no longer being pleasured by his
sister, the shame of what had happened was all coming back to him, and
even stronger now. It was even worse now that she had gotten to play
with his penis too! Once again, he hunched over to try and hide his
privates with his hands.
“Maggie?” Their mother looked at her
before making a little nod towards her son. Maggie got the message
pretty quickly, and gave her brother's behind another smack! Tyler just
glared at her as he used his hands to rub his behind. “Maggie, you have
my permission to do that any time your brother tries to hide his pee
pee and balls while he's naked.”
“But that's not fair!” Tyler stomped his foot in frustration at his mother.
“Don't get an attitude with me, or I'll allow Maggie to invite one of
her friends over tomorrow too.” Tyler stopped what he was doing, just
looking down at the floor beneath him with shame, as his sister and
mother seemed to just snicker at him for his nakedness.
was the first time Tyler had been punished with naked time, but it
certainly wouldn't be the last. Tyler's mother discovered that nudity
was a pretty effective discipline for her rambunctious older son that
day. Not only was he less likely to irritate his younger sister, but
much more compliant with her, knowing that her threat to invite one of
Maggie's friends over still lingered in the air. She decided from that
point on that nudity would be her preferred method for punishing her
son. She felt like it would be less damaging to his psyche than the
spankings she had been using previously. It was just Tyler, Maggie, and
their mother in the house, and so there was no one else that could
overrule her authority.
The next time, Tyler was punished with
nudity, only lasted for 10 minutes. The three had gone to the beach to
swim and play. Tyler met a bunch of boys there his own age, and was
having a grand old time. His sister, however, was more demure, just
playing in the sand at the edge of the water. The trouble came when
their mom called them for lunch. Tyler came rushing out of the water,
kicking sand into his sister's face! He hadn't meant to do so, but his
sister started crying anyway, and saying she couldn't see. Their mother
had comforted her with a tight hug after washing her eyes out with a
water bottle, while at the same time scolding him for his carelessness.
She then ordered him to lower his swim trunks to his knees, and stand
with his hands behind his head. Tyler was forced to stand there at the
public beach, totally exposed, as the boys he had thought were his
friends all laughed at him. He also noticed that, as he lowered his
swim shorts, his sister gave him a very satisfied smile, one that his
mother was unable to see from her position. It was a smile that Tyler
would see again and again, every time he was punished with nudity, as
his sister always seemed to be close by and ready to enjoy his misery.
Tyler's longest punishment came when he was 12, and had been messing
around with his soccer ball in the living room. He had been trying to
balance it on his head, and kicking it back to himself with the tip of
his foot every time it dropped. The trouble came when he miscalculated
one of these kicks, and ended up kicking the ball right into the big
screen TV! The screen was totally shattered and the set beyond repair.
Rather than trying to hide and deny what he had done, he went straight
to his mother and confessed. Tyler's mom had been so proud of him, that
she reduced his sentence of nudity time down from one week to just 5
days. Maggie just so happened to be in the room with their mother when
he came in, getting adjustments made to her clothes, much to Tyler's
chagrin when he was ordered to remove his clothes. Once again the
contrast between how brother and sister were treated was laid bare to
him, as he bared it all, while she got fitted for pretty school
clothes. Their mother even asked him to stay and assist her, which
Tyler knew he couldn't actually refuse. The whole time, his sister wore
that smirk, while her brother had to just grin and bear it. At least he
had school that week, and wound up getting a bit of a break from being
naked each day. His mother wouldn’t dare send him to school naked.
Tyler did try to protest when Maggie reminded her mother that she was
supposed to have a few of her friends over that week. To his dismay,
Tyler was told that it would be impractical for his sister to change
her plans just because of his punishment. As long as the girl's parents
approved, then Maggie was allowed to have friends over, just so long as
she wasn't going out of her way to embarrass her brother by doing so.
That was the first time Tyler could remember being naked in front of
any other girls besides his sister. It was like a whole new world of
shame had swallowed him up, as he had to admit that some of his
sister's friends were very cute. Being naked in front of them was so
much for him to handle at first, that for the first time in a long
time, he covered up his privates while being punished. Maggie, still
remembering what she had been told to do by her mom when he covered up
and tried to hide, was right there with a firm smack to his bare bottom
to remind him not to do so! The three other girls present could only
snicker and giggle at the older boy as he was spanked by his younger
sister, and forced to display his penis and balls to them.
Tyler's naked punishments continued, Maggie would begin to understand
that she could manipulate them into happening as she wanted. Her mother
seemed to take her word more strongly than his. That was the case when
Maggie had left a little mess in the living room after watching TV. A
couple of dirty plates and the blankets on the couch left unfolded.
Their mother had called for the both of them after finding the mess,
wanting to know who was responsible. Maggie was going to explain the
mess was hers, but then got another idea. What would happen if she
blamed her brother? “I saw Tyler watching TV in here earlier, mom.” She
said before he even got a chance to respond.
“What?” Tyler was more stunned than anything. His sister had never lied like this before.
“Tyler, get your clothes off and clean up this mess.” Their mother said, folding her arms.
“What, but mom!...” Tyler wanted to explain how he hadn't done it, but received a furious glare from his mom.
“Just for that, you're spending the evening naked, Tyler.”
Tyler let out a sigh before he started to undo his pants. It felt
really awful to him that he was being punished for something that he
hadn't even done, but he knew he wasn't allowed to explain himself
until he was naked. He pulled his underwear and pants off in one go,
revealing that he was just starting puberty now, with a light tuft of
brown hair growing above his penis. His shirt soon joined his bottoms,
and this time the smirk his sister was giving him seemed to be evil in
nature. “Ok, can I?...” He started, only to be cut off by his mother
“Tyler, just take your punishment like a good boy. Like
you did a couple of months ago when you broke the old TV. It's only for
this evening, and only your sister and I will be here, so I don't know
why you're making such a fuss now.” She said, before looking down at
his exposed penis, which was starting to get hard. She smirked, and so
the naked boy made a shame filled wiggle. It embarrassed him to no end
when his sister looked at his privates, but it really shamed him
whenever his mom would stare at them this way. Even worse, the way she
stared at him caused him to become fully erect. As his punishments had
continued, it was becoming harder and harder for him to control when he
became hard, as he entered puberty. By the time his mom turned around
and left the room, his boner had grown to full length.
As soon
as she was sure her mom was gone, Maggie started pointing and laughing
at her naked brother. “Haha! You have a boner!” She sang. “You popped a
boner in front of mom!”
“Shut up!” He scrunched up his red
face with annoyance at her. “Why did you lie and say I made the
mess???” He demanded to know through gritted teeth.
“I don't
know.” She shrugged, still eyeing his boner with amusement. “But it
seems mom trusts me more than you.” The 10-year-old girl came over and
tried to take hold of her brother's hard penis, but he slapped her hand
away. “Hey! How dare you! Do you think it'd be hard for me to get you
in trouble again!?” She asked, putting her hands on her hips, and
taking an intimidating stance.
Tyler let out a sigh before
stepping into her reach again. “That's better.” She said, taking hold
of his boyhood with both hands. While she had been allowed to clean her
brother's privates by her mother during his first naked punishment, her
mother had a strict no touching policy regarding Tyler and his private
parts. Maggie had wanted to get her hands on them ever since the last
time she had done so, but she was frustratingly never allowed to. Now
that she had taken matters into her own hands, she decided she should
be allowed to play with them all she liked. As long as her mother was
none the wiser, then she decided that there would be no harm in that.
“As long as you let me play with your sausage and eggs whenever you're
punished, I promise not to get you into too much trouble with Mommy.”
she teased, as she stroked her hand with a grip on his sausage casing.
“Maggie, that's not fair!” He said, as his 12, soon to be, 13-year-old hips rocked back and forth with her hand.
“I know.” She smirked as her brother shivered with embarrassment at her
touch. “But that's just the way it's going to be, because I bet I could
get you naked practically every day. Or how about if I got you into
trouble in front of cousin Alice? Bet she'd really like seeing you
naked! Or maybe I could invite a bunch of girls from your school over
to see you getting punished instead.”
“Ok! Ok!” Tyler grunted,
having another orgasm at the hands of his sister. In between the first
one she had given him, and this one, he had experimented with himself.
He knew how good touching himself down there felt, but always had it in
the back of his head how much better it felt the time his sister had
done it to him. Now he had confirmed that it felt so much better than
his own hand. This time, he even ejaculated a tiny bit of cloudy clear
liquid onto the back of her hand when he came, and he knew, shamefully,
that this was now the best orgasm he had ever had.
After all
her threats, every time Tyler was punished with nudity in the future,
Maggie made sure to at least give his cock and balls some tickles
whenever she knew her mom wasn’t looking. Sometimes she would jerk him
off like she did during that punishment, but other times she would just
leave him frustrated, hard and horny for his entire punishment. Those
times, Tyler was forced to take things into his own hand after his
punishment was through, but it never seemed to satisfy quite as much as
when she did it to him.
Tyler also knew that it was highly
unlikely that he'd ever be able to get back at his sister for this. The
one and only time he had suggested that Maggie be punished naked after
she had done something against the rules, their mother had turned all
her attention to him. Maggie got to watch her brother naked for 3
hours, all while her punishment was completely forgotten. His mother
had further let him know that she would never use such a punishment on
a girl, as that would be totally undignified. This kind of punishment
was only reasonable to use on a boy.
By the time Maggie had
turned 12, she had become a total brat to her brother. She knew all it
would take was her word, and her mother was practically stripping Tyler
naked any time she wanted, as long as she could set him up and get him
into trouble. There were never any consequences for her actions, and so
she felt totally justified in treating her brother this way. It wasn't
like she was doing all that much harm to him, she figured. She was just
getting him naked and toying with his cock whenever she wanted. Unlike
Maggie, the 14-year-old Tyler was miserable about the way his sister
treated him. She didn't only keep it strictly to his punishments, but
also expected him to pick up her slack and even do her chores outright
on many occasions. This was all on top of Tyler trying to do well in
school and stay on the soccer team.
The worst punishment Tyler
received when he knew he didn't deserve it was the time Maggie
conspired with her new friend Janet to get him punished naked in front
of the both of them. Janet was new to the neighborhood, having moved in
to the house next door just about a month before this, and she had no
knowledge about how Tyler was punished. The just turned 13 years old
girl got the shock of a lifetime when Maggie asked her, “Would you like
to see my brother naked?” Janet had already met the 14-year-old boy,
finding him very cute and handsome. Tyler kept himself in good shape
with his soccer.
To say the girl was intrigued would be an understatement. “How? Are you kidding me?”
“We just have to make a little mess in the kitchen. My mom will take
care of the rest when we blame it all on him. My brother always gets
punished with naked time.” Maggie explained.
Janet gasped. “But isn't that, like, lying? Won't your brother get mad if we blame it on him?”
“Nah, my brother doesn't mind.” Maggie told her with a smile. “He
enjoys it. He even lets me play with his penis when mom's not looking.”
Janet's mouth fell open. “He does?”
“Yeah, so come on.”
“I don't know…” Janet said, still conflicted about the idea.
“I see the way you always look at my brother. Don't tell me you don't
want to see him naked. Trust me, his thing is just the cutest.” She
said, holding her hands apart, as if she was showing off her brother's
“You've really seen it!” Janet giggled.
“I told you, my mom's been punishing him with being naked for years. It really works on him.”
“Well, alright, how can I pass up seeing a cute boy like your brother
naked?” The two girls giggled to each other as they headed for the
After making their mess, the girls only had to wait
about an hour in Maggie's room before her mom discovered it. Like
usual, she called both of her children into the room, only this time,
Janet followed close behind Maggie. “What is it, mom?...” Tyler asked,
gasping at the state of the kitchen as soon as he saw it. It looked as
if a cocoa powder bomb had gone off inside! Every surface in the room
was covered in the dust!
“Tyler, care to explain this!?” His mom demanded, looking just about as pissed as he'd ever remembered seeing her.
Tyler looked at his sister and Janet. His sister seemed to be trying to
hide her smirk, while Janet looked like she was trying to hide her
anticipation. Tyler knew the girls must be the culprits, but they had
laid out their trap cleverly. Maggie didn't really like chocolate
brownies all that much, unlike him. Brownies were his favorite. The
fact that they had made the brownies he had specially requested his
mother buy him, pointed the finger right at him. Now, not only would he
not get any brownies, but he knew his mom was about to tell him to get
naked. Something about the way the girls had planned this, made Tyler
want to protest, even if it had been a long time since he had last done
so. “Mom, please, you have to listen to me…”
“No, Tyler! You
get your clothes off, and then clean up this mess! Then I'll consider
listening to you after you're done!” Janet gave a giddy look to Maggie,
not believing their plan had really worked, and it was really going to
happen! She was really about to see hunky Tyler naked!
“But mom, please! Just, not in front of Janet, ok!?” He begged, holding up his hands.
For a second, Janet's hopes were dashed, as Mrs. Vanderbilt made a
thoughtful look. She was sure the boy’s mother was about to tell her to
go home. But then her hopes grew to new heights with what his mother
said next. “Oh, I think Janet will be seeing a lot of you naked, Tyler,
now that she's moved in next door. In fact, I might ask Janet's mother
to look after you and your sister sometimes, and I needed to know that
she's willing to punish you properly when you act out of line. I've
already spoken with Janet’s mother, and she approves of Janet
witnessing any punishments I give you.”
“But mom, this isn't
fair! I didn't do it! They did!” Tyler snapped, his blood starting to
boil, as he pointed at his sister and her friend. Maggie made an
innocent face at her mom, along with a little shrug, as if to say she
didn't know what he was talking about. The only thing Janet did was
smile and fidget, as she felt her face and the place between her legs
getting hot with anticipation of seeing the cute neighbor boy naked.
She had no idea that Maggie's mom had already spoken to hers, and had
approved of her seeing Tyler naked!
“Tyler, do you take me for
a fool?? I know chocolate brownies are your favorite! You've just
earned 3 days for trying to blame them!”
“But mom, this is
unbelievable!!” Tyler kicked the side of the cabinet where the pots and
pans were kept in total frustration, though not hard enough to cause
any damage.
“Do you want 4 days, young man?” His mom glared.
Tyler just hung his head, knowing he had been beaten. Then he started
pulling off his T-shirt. Janet could be heard making a little squeak,
as his lanky, but slightly toned upper body was revealed to her. She
made a similar noise when Tyler unbuckled his pants. The 14-year-old
boy had a lot of practice getting undressed, and so he knew it was just
better to take off his underwear and jeans at the same time. It made it
easier for him to do it all at once and not have time to dwell on it.
As he stood back up, now bare, Janet let out a giddy squeal at what he
had just revealed! His 4-inch penis was erect again. It always was,
whenever he was forced to undress lately, usually becoming so before he
even started taking his clothes off. He still had his public hair above
his penis, and a few strays that were starting to grow on his balls,
but he still looked pretty smooth otherwise.
eyes roamed up and down his naked body for the first time, and he could
soon see her getting the same kind of smirk his sister always got when
he was naked. He felt almost sorry, as he had really liked the girl. It
seemed like his sister had corrupted her. Now, not only did he have to
contend with his sister getting him naked, it seemed like he would have
to be weary of Janet too. Still, he made a blush of shame, as the cute
neighbor girl got the chance to check out every single bit of his naked
body. His private parts were now hers to examine and enjoy, while he
was sure that hers would always remain a mystery to him.
was made to clean the entire kitchen from top to bottom in the buff.
The entire time, Maggie and Janet just watched him work from the
kitchen table, both taking the opportunity to eat another brownie in
front of him. “Mmmm, these are so delicious, Maggie!” Janet teased with
a mouth full.
“I know! I don't normally like chocolate
brownies, but these particular brownies are so satisfying for some
reason!” Maggie and Janet laughed at Tyler, while he just stewed with
After he was finished cleaning, Tyler was all but
covered in chocolate powder and the other mix of ingredients that the
girls had scattered everywhere. “Come on, Tyler. We'll help you clean
off.” Maggie said, walking over to give him a smile.
well, alright.” Tyler said, knowing that his sister had the power to
make things even worse if he didn't comply. He figured that Maggie had
already told Janet all about the way that she played with him. Despite
his embarrassment, the girl playing with him was the one thing he
looked forward to when punished, even if that girl happened to be his
sister. The girls bathing him didn't seem all that awful sounding in
the grand scheme of things, either. But when Maggie started dragging
him towards the back door, Tyler started having second thoughts. “Wait!
Where are we going?!”
“We can't take you upstairs when you're so messy.” Maggie explained.
Janet came over and took hold of his other arm. “That's why we're going
to hose you off out back!” She made a squinting smile at him, crinkling
up her nose, which he normally found cute, but not this time!
“Wait! Wait!” Tyler was just strong enough to resist being pulled along
by them, but then the girls decided to switch tactics. Maggie opened
the door, and then they both started tickling any part of his naked
body they could reach, forcing him in the direction of the entryway!
“Hey! No! No!” Tyler started scooting out of the way of their tickles,
which just brought him closer and closer to the open doorway! Every
time the girls reached out to tickle him, he would shake so hard that
his erect penis and his balls would shake around too! Much to the
pleasure and enjoyment of the two younger girls! They were realizing
that a naked boy had very little defense against their tormenting
fingers. It didn't take them long to force him outside!
girls continued to tickle and tease him all the way to the hose near
the side of the house. At least the direction they had brought him was
towards Janet’s house, but he might have preferred the other way. Most
of his backyard was shielded from view by a big privacy fence, but for
whatever reason, the side that met with Janet’s yard was just a chain
link fence. When they had gotten close enough to the hose spigot, the
girls closed in on him, forcing the naked boy down into the grass.
Janet held him down, pushing her hands on his bare chest, while Maggie
went to get the hose and turned on the water. “Now!” Maggie called, and
Janet jumped out of the way. Then she started spraying her naked
brother with the coldest water he had ever felt!
“No! Maggie,
please!” He pleaded as his body started to shiver, all the while the
two preteen girls just laughed at him. Maggie took great joy in
targeting her brother's privates with the spray of the hose, making
them shrink and shrivel down in size after a bit. The naked boy tried
flipping over, but felt the spray of water right between his cheeks!
His sister really was twisted, he thought to himself! Finally, he was
able to make it to his feet, and started to run all around the yard,
trying to avoid the spray, but his sister just kept chasing him down
with it. Their backyard wasn't all that big, and so Tyler had little
room to move around and no place to hide.
“Run, Tyler, run!” Janet sang, giggling at the way the boy kept moving around in circles with frustration.
“Look at his dick and balls bouncing around!” Maggie taunted, aiming
the spray of water right at them whenever she could. “If you can see
“I know! What happened, Tyler?! They used to look
normal-sized, but now they're tiny!” Janet teased, as the boy finally
stopped trying to avoid the spray of water, and just stood there in
front of them, looking dejected.
The girls were starting to
feel just a little bit sorry for him, from the sad expression on his
face, and shut off the water. Tyler finally felt like he was going to
get some sympathy, but the moment was shattered as Janet's little
sister and her mom came out of the back door of their house. “Mommy!
Mommy! Look! Tyler's naked!” The younger girl of 9 rushed over to the
chain link fence to get a better look at the naked teenage boy. In an
instant, Tyler's hands flew to cover up his naked private parts!
That didn't last, as suddenly Tyler felt a familiar sting in his
behind. His sister stood beside him, wearing that same self-satisfied
smirk. Tyler, being older, was able to resist rubbing his behind in
response now. He just gave his younger sister a pleading look. “No,
Maggie, please… Not in front of Nora and her mom…” his sister just
raised her hand, like she was going to give his bottom another wallop,
and Tyler knew he wouldn't be able to hold out forever. He dropped his
hands, displaying his penis and balls to Maggie, Janet, Janet's little
sister, and Janet's mother.
“Yes, Nora. Tyler’s mother called
to tell us that he’s being punished naked. She wanted us to come see
for ourselves. There now, doesn't his little pee pee look so funny?”
Janet's mom pointed right at his privates, encouraging the girls to
laugh at him since he was being punished. Tyler looked down, noticing
that he was still completely shrunken from the cold water! Now Janet's
mom and sister were going to believe he was totally tiny! The naked boy
felt his face go hot, knowing that he was surrounded on all sides by
laughing females. None of this felt right or fair to him, but what
could he possibly do? This was his life, as long as he lived by his
mom's rules. It seemed to Tyler like there was no way out, and that
he'd be spending the rest of his adolescence being stripped and
punished for things he didn't do; things his sister did and blamed on
him! There has to be a way out of this, Tyler thought to himself, as
the three younger girls just pointed and laughed at him and his
shrunken private parts, but for the life of him, he couldn't think of a
Chapter 2: Tyler Snaps
“Maggie, are we going bike riding or what?” Now, at 15 years old, the
blonde girl, Janet, had become quite the looker. Most of the boys in
the neighborhood considered her to be the prettiest girl around.
“Yeah, just let me grab my bike.” Not that 14-year-old Maggie couldn’t
give her a run for her money. The girl, with long, dark hair, was a
pretty good argument against karma existing. She had a beautiful
exterior, but most knew that she was spoiled rotten to the core. Most
notably, her very own brother. Tyler couldn’t stand his sister at this
point, and spent as much time out of the house as he possibly could,
just to avoid her. It was either that, or he knew he was liable to fall
into another one of her traps, and end up spending an unknowable amount
of time naked again.
The teen girls moved over to the garage,
trying to find where her bike had been stored since last fall. “Ugh! I
told mom to tell my slave boy…” Maggie made an eye roll at Janet, as
she looked up at the roof of the garage, where her bike was hanging.
The real trouble was, that in order to reach the bike, then her mom’s
car would have to be moved out of the way. “I mean, my brother, to get
my bike down from there!” The girls started to giggle to one another,
thinking of how right it felt to call Tyler, Maggie’s slave boy. Maggie
knew he would pretty much do anything she commanded, just as long as
she kept his naked punishments to only the select few that knew, which
included Janet, and her immediate family.
“I guess that rules out bike riding today.” Janet made a little sigh, as she thought their plans had just been spoiled.
“Nah, I know where mom left her car keys.” Maggie said with a smirk.
Her mom had gone for a 3-day weekend getaway with her girlfriends,
leaving Tyler and Maggie to fend for themselves. Two of those days had
already gone by, and she knew her mother was expected to be home
“Wait, you’re not thinking of moving it yourself?
Maggie?…” Janet made a scold at her. She was usually the more
reasonable and patient of the two of them. “Why don’t we just wait for
your brother to get home from football practice? He has his learner's
permit now, right?” Now at 16, Tyler had traded in one game of football
for another; the American version. He had found peace in the comradery
of the game with the other boys, and it allowed him to have an excuse
to stay out of the house more often. With the encouragement of his
teammates, he had taken up weight training too, which he could do every
day after school. That meant there was less time he had to spend at
home, alone with his sister while his mom was at work, and less of a
chance for her to get him into any trouble.
“If we wait for my
lazy brother, it’ll never get done! Besides, I’ve seen my mom back out
a million times! It’ll be no big deal!” It wasn’t a big deal for Maggie
to back the car out of the garage. She just got in, started it, and put
the gear shift into ‘R’, as she remembered seeing, and the car seemed
to move all on its own. She was a little worried, as it kept rolling
down the driveway, but she thought quickly, and moved it back into ‘P’,
and the car stopped without trouble.
The girls then made quick
work of getting Maggie’s bike down from the rafters of the garage, with
a convenient stepladder. It took the both of them to carry the heavy
bike down, but they were proud once they got the task accomplished. Now
all Maggie needed to do was move her mom’s car back into the garage.
The first problem the girls faced was that Maggie wasn’t sure what to
put it in to make the car move forward. “Try putting it in ‘D’. I think
that means forward.” Janet advised her.
“Why don’t they call
it ‘F’ for forward?” Maggie grumbled, thinking car manufacturers were
stupid. ‘D’ seemed to do the trick, as the car lurched forward slowly
as soon as she moved the shifter into position. That only seemed to
work until it got to ingress of the garage, however, as the concrete
floor of the garage was slightly uneven from the driveway. “Why did it
stop?” Maggie asked Janet, opening the driver side window to speak with
Janet shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe you have to give it some gas? That’s what my mom’s always telling my dad.”
“How do I do that?”
“Try one of the pedals.” Janet pointed down where Maggie’s feet were at the moment.
“Which one? There’s two of them!” Maggie moaned in frustration. Why did cars have to be so complicated, she was thinking?
“I ‘on’t ‘ow. Try ‘em both.” Janet said, like it was the most logical
thing in the world. Maggie pressed her foot down on the accelerator,
about halfway down, and suddenly the car flew forward! It moved so
quickly that she was left with no time to think! She let out a
blood-curdling squeal, as in what felt like an instant, the front of
her mom’s car slammed into the shelf at the back of the garage, sending
things flying in all directions! After a moment, a big, heavy, metal
toolbox, situated near the top of the shelf, toppled forward, slamming
down on the hood of the car! Everything had happened so fast, that
Maggie didn’t even realize what had happened until it was too late. She
had been lucky enough to take her foot off of the accelerator when the
car had cleared the halfway point of the garage, so the car hadn't
continued to gain more momentum. If she hadn’t, her mother’s car might
have gone through the back wall of the garage, and worse, she might
have even been injured.
A stunned Janet came rushing over to check if her friend was alright. “Oh my god! Maggie, are you hurt?!?”
“I’m ok.” Maggie responded, though she was white as a ghost from the
fright. The car seemed to have shut itself off all on its own, so she
just grabbed the keys and tried to get out. The door didn’t seem to
budge as she pushed on it, however, and so she was forced to crawl her
way out of the window. At least she had left it open, or she probably
wouldn’t have been able to find a way out.
As soon as Maggie
was free, the girls started to assess the damage. The entire front
bumper of the car, as well as the front section of the engine bay, was
bent inward from slamming into the big shelf. The hood of the car was
also caved in, where the metal toolbox had come crashing down on top of
it. Both headlights also appeared to be shattered, and it seemed like
one of the front tires was leaking air. The car looked like a disaster!
“What are we gonna do, Maggie!?” Janet looked at her friend with
complete anxiety. The girls were screwed once their parents found out
about this!
“I don’t know!” Maggie responded with just as much
worry as her friend. “Let me think! Let me think!” She paced back and
forth for a minute, trying to rack her brain. There was no way they
could fix this on their own, and neither of them would be able to
afford the repair bill, so having it towed someplace was out of the
question. It seemed like they were out of options, but then suddenly
Maggie started to get a little smirk on her lips. “Why don’t we just
blame it on my brother?”
“What?! Maggie, this is serious!” Janet said, thinking she was joking.
“I am being serious.” Maggie’s smile twisted at the corner of her lips.
“Think about it. My brother just got his learner’s permit. He wanted to
show off to all his new football buddies. He took them for a joyride in
mom’s car, and then got a little careless when he tried to park it.
It’s perfect!”
“Do you really think your mom is going to
believe that? Besides, what do you think she’ll do to your brother when
she sees this if we blame him??”
“My mom’s never doubted me
before. It’ll just be like all the other times we’ve gotten him into
trouble. He’ll just have to spend some amount of time naked in front of
us, and we’ll reap the rewards.” Maggie giggled.
Janet also started to blush and giggle at the idea. “I don’t know, Maggie. This seems a little too far.”
“Oh, come on! We haven’t seen my brother naked in like a year. What’s
the harm!” Maggie said, giving her friend an encouraging smile, and a
little push on her shoulder. “Don’t you want to see how his new muscles
have filled out his body?”
Janet was giggling and starting to
buy into the idea to pin this on Maggie’s brother now. “How long do you
think your mom will keep him naked for?”
Maggie let out a low
whistle as she took another look at the damage done to the car. “For
this, mom might just keep him naked forever!” Both girls squealed with
laughter together, as they shut up the garage to make it appear
undisturbed from the outside. Now, all they had to do was wait another
day for Maggie’s mom to return home and find the disaster, and then
they were sure Tyler would become their naked plaything once again.
Almost as if right on cue, Maggie's mother came storming into the
kitchen the next morning, after finding the state of her car when
trying to leave for work. “Maggie, where's your brother?!” Her mom
demanded, looking full of fury the likes of which the girl had never
seen before.
Maggie used a napkin to dab at her lips casually,
before getting up from her breakfast. “I'll get him, mom. I'm sure the
lazy bastard is still sleeping.” Normally, she couldn't get away with
calling her brother such names, but when her mom was pissed at him, she
always seemed to let it slide. Maggie hummed to herself as she strolled
to her brother's room, finding him sleeping like she expected. They
still had another two hours before school began, so she couldn't really
blame him. Still, she took joy in disturbing his slumber, as she hit
him in the head repeatedly with one of his pillows until he started
shouting at her to stop. “Mom's pissed. You better get downstairs.” She
explained dryly, letting a little laugh out through her nose when he
gave her a confused look. She turned around and headed back downstairs,
leaving him to ponder.
Tyler was still half asleep when he
finally got down. Maggie was disappointed that he had taken the time to
put on his T-shirt and jeans, knowing that he usually slept in his
boxers. She was hoping he'd have realized he was about to be punished,
and just skip getting dressed because of that. It was something he
seemed more willing to do when he knew he had screwed up.
“Care to explain to me what you did to my car, young man?!” The time it
had taken Tyler to come down had given his mother a chance to cool off
a little. She wasn't as furious as she was when she came in, though she
still folded her arms and tapped her foot expectantly at her son.
“Your car?” Tyler was just starting to get the picture that his mom was
angry, though he had no idea what had happened to her car.
“Mom, I saw Ty and his football buddies taking your car out for a ride
yesterday.” Maggie said, very pleased with herself when her brother
started making the same stunned face that he usually did whenever she
accused him of something he hadn't done.
“Mom, she's lying!”
Tyler complained. Maggie's joy swelled with pride. Her brother hadn't
tried to fight back in a while, and she knew that meant he was just
going to be spending an even longer time naked, for refusing to follow
her mom’s order right away. It had been a long time since he had been
naked, so maybe he was just rusty, she mused to herself.
“Tyler, get your clothes off right now!” His mom shouted.
Tyler moved his hands to his jeans, but then realized that his mom
hadn't said how long he'd be naked for, like she usually did. It was
enough of a break from the usual routine, that he hesitated. “For how
His mom rolled her eyes at him for even daring to ask.
“Oh, I don't know? How about one, no, let's start with two weeks, and
go from there.”
“Two weeks?!!” Maggie blurted out at the short
amount of time, expecting longer. “Do you really think that's long
enough for how damaged the car is??”
“Maggie, stay out of this.” Her mom warned.
From what his sister had just said, he knew that she was responsible
for whatever had happened to his mom's car. He was sure of it! How else
could she know how damaged the car has gotten? “Mom, she's obviously
the one who damaged the car!”
His mom's fury was starting to
return. “Don't you dare try and pin the blame on your sister, Tyler!
You obviously need a bigger lesson for what you’ve done than just
spending some time naked! As soon as you get your clothes off, you're
going over my knee for a spanking, just like when you were a little
Maggie was doing the best she could to hold in her
laughter. Now not only would her brother have to spend an undetermined
amount of time naked, but he'd be getting a spanking in front of her
too, at 16 years old! Tyler could see Maggie making amused faces at
him, and was starting to see red. “Mom, this is ridiculous! I didn't do
it! I don't even know what happened!”
“Tyler, I won't tell you
again! Get your clothes off! Now!!” She said, getting right into his
face! The two started each other down, like two bulls that were about
to charge, and neither mother nor son seemed to want to be the first to
Finally, Tyler opened his mouth to speak, but what came
out, neither his mom nor his sister were expecting. “You know what?
Screw you both, and screw this! I'm going back to my room!” He
declared, before stomping his way back upstairs.
Maggie and
her mother were both stunned, watching him retreat from their sight.
Tyler had never refused a punishment like this, ever, and neither of
them were sure what to do now. “What are you going to do, mom?” Maggie
even asked, feeling like her brother needed to be put back in his
place. He should have been standing here naked in front of her at the
moment, not allowed to hide in his room! She was starting to get
annoyed by these turn of events.
“I don't know? I'm going to go have another talk with your brother and let him know that this is unacceptable. You wait here.”
“Oh, mom!” Maggie called before her mom got too far. “Maybe try
threatening him with inviting a bunch of girls from his class to see
him naked! That always works for me!”
Her mom smiled at her daughter's suggestion. “Thanks Maggie. I'll be sure to use that.”
Tyler's mom found the door to his bedroom locked when she approached,
but she had a key to all the locks in the house, and so that did very
little to stop her. She found Tyler sitting at his computer desk,
clicking around the screen, but she wasn't sure what he was doing.
“Tyler, you're being very insubordinate towards me, and I won't have
it! Now, I'm willing to forget about the spanking, if you just be a
good boy and take off your clothes like I told you to.” She waited for
a few moments, but Tyler just continued to do whatever he was doing on
his computer, totally ignoring her. “Tyler, look at me when I'm talking
to you! You’re getting a whole month of naked time now!”
slowly spun around to face his mother, but stayed seated. She couldn't
quite read the expression on his face. It looked stern but stoic, not
at all like he looked any of the other times she had punished him.
“Tyler, get up and start taking your clothes off, now, or I'm going to
invite every one of your girl classmates over here to see you naked!”
She went with the threat her daughter had just suggested, taking it to
its logical extreme.
“How is that going to work? I'm never
taking my clothes off for you or Maggie ever again.” He said flatly,
before turning back to his computer.
“What are you doing on
your computer, anyway!?” His mom marched over, and took hold of the
power plug, like she was going to rip it out of the wall.
“Don't.” Tyler said, grabbing her wrists with a firm grip.
“Tyler, I am your mother, and you will listen to me!” She took hold of
his wrist with her other hand, and started to try to pull him up and
out of the chair. If he wasn't going to strip himself, then she was
going to do it for him!
Tyler stood on his own accord,
though not because he was going to listen to his mother. He was a
pretty intimidating presence, already about a head taller than she was,
and built like a linebacker now. He took her other wrist now, easily
breaking her grip on him by just pulling it away. Then he let go. “Just
get out of here, before one of us gets hurt.”
As soon as he
let go, his mom made a grab for the front of his jeans, in order to
undo them. Tyler took hold of her hand again, and pulled it up above
her head this time. Not to be deterred, his mom reached around his
side, and started trying to spank his bottom with her free hand, but
the blows didn't seem to be having any effect on him now. He caught his
mom's other hand, then moved that one above her head too, gripping both
her arms at the wrist with only one hand of his own. “I told you to
leave. Now you're going to face the consequences.” He said coldly,
having only dreamt of this day.
Using his one free hand,
he undid his mom's professional work skirt, and let it drop to her
ankles. “Tyler, what are you doing!?” His mom squirmed with panic,
trying to get herself free from his grip. It was impossible for her,
however. He was going to be able to keep a hold on to her for however
long he wanted, it seemed. She couldn’t even comprehend why her son
would have removed her skirt. Suddenly, she felt the back of her
panties being lowered, and she let out a squeal. Now she understood.
“No, Tyler! No!” Her eyes went wide as she felt the first of many
smacks on her bared bottom! Her own son was giving her a spanking!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Tyler was like a man possessed, as
he delivered blow after blow to his mom's behind. The 42-year-old woman
could not hold out to the pain, starting to cry and beg for him to
stop. “Please, Tyler! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Please stop spanking
“Then you'll listen to me from now on?”
His mom nodded, with tears streaming down her red cheeks. Tyler finally
released his hold on her, and she retreated towards his doorway,
soothing her aching bottom with soft rubs. She was just thankful that
she had closed his door when she had come inside.
Tyler waited
a bit for his mother to calm down, before turning to her with a heavy
voice.“Take off your clothes,” he said, matter-of-factly. There was
little force behind his command, but then, after doing what he had done
to his mother, he didn't think he needed to be as forceful any
“What?” His mother was stunned by what he had just told her to do. “Why?”
“Because that's how we do punishments in this house, and you need to be punished.” He explained.
“But! But!” His mom sniffled, still trying to relieve the ache in her bottom. “You're my son! You can’t tell me what to do!”
“I think we both know who's in charge here, Theresa.”
“Theresa???” Theresa was stunned by her son calling her by her first
name, almost as stunned as she was by the order he had just given her.
“Would you rather I call you Theresa or Terri? I know some of your friends call you that.”
“Neither! I'm your mother! You should call me mom!”
“We’ll see if you earn that privilege back. So, Theresa or Terri?”
“Theresa…” she answered, hanging her head.
“Very good, Theresa. Remove your clothes. You won't be needing them for a while.”
Her shaky hand came up to start undoing the buttons on her blouse. “For how long?”
“Let's start with two weeks, and go from there.” Theresa noticed a
smirk at the corner of his lip that hadn't been there before, and could
only shudder.
Her meticulously ironed blouse was easy enough
to unbutton for her. She was still wearing a very modest pair of bra
and panties. Only once she had to part her shirt, and display more of
herself, did she start to blush. Shame wouldn’t even begin to describe
how Theresa felt as she slowly reached around her back to undo her bra
in front of her only son. Before dropping, it low enough to reveal her
nipples, she hesitated, but Tyler made a face to let her know there was
no way out of this for her now.
Theresa’s nipples were large,
and very crinkled, as were her round areolas, almost appearing to be
purple against the flesh tone of her breast. Her face burned, as it
looked like Tyler was almost boring holes right through her, with the
way he was staring at them. The teenage boy didn’t even make it appear
like he was trying to give her any kind of privacy, or a chance to get
used to her nudity. It was too emotional for her to know he was looking
at her this way; her own son! She was forced to look down at the floor,
but she still couldn’t get the memory of the look in his eyes out of
her head. Despite her difficulty at the situation, her panties slid
easily down her legs. The dark, curly bush in between almost exactly
matched the hair on her head in consistency, hiding the majority of her
charms from him for now. The only thing she was left wearing now was
her pair of heeled pumps, her thigh high pantyhose, and a hairpin to
keep her long, curly hair at bay. The once professional looking woman
had been reduced to a blushing, nervous, naked girl. In response to her
great shame at being naked in front of her son for the first time, she
crossed her arms over her breasts, and crossed her legs at her ankles.
“Do I need to smack your bottom again?” Tyler asked, keeping any emotion out of his voice.
“Why?...” Theresa breathed heavy, not believing her own son was
treating her this way. The only reason she wasn’t still trying to scold
him, was the same reason she was following his commands, because of his
intimidating presence. She knew, because of his earlier actions,
spanking her, that she wouldn’t be able to fight back if he really
wanted to overpower her.
“That’s what you told Maggie to do to
me whenever I covered up.” Theresa looked down, conscious of the fact
that she was covering herself in front of him. Her face darkened, as
she slowly brought her arms down, until they were resting at her sides.
Then she uncrossed her legs.
As Theresa stood there naked, on
display, before her son, she couldn't stop blushing. She'd never been
ashamed of her body, per se, but she knew she was getting older. Her B
cup breasts, that had once stood proudly and perky, were starting to
droop and sag. She had stretch marks on her thighs and on her belly,
mainly from carrying her children inside of her years before. She did
keep herself in good shape, skinny and fit, but she could tell from the
look Tyler was giving her, as he looked her naked body up and down
fully for the first time, that she wasn't going to be winning any
beauty pageants anytime soon
Tyler ordered his mom over
to his computer screen, telling her to stand next to him, and watch
something. Theresa felt totally exposed and vulnerable, as she took up
the position he demanded. Would he spank her bottom again, she had to
ask herself? She could feel the contrast between the two of them as she
took up the position mere inches away from him, aware of just how naked
she was, while he sat there in his T-shirt and jeans. Theresa tried to
block it out as she turned her attention to the screen. She recognized
the interface for their security system. With her watching, he started
to play a clip. In it, they could see Maggie and Janet talking to each
other in the driveway in front of their house. She couldn't hear what
they were talking about, since there was no sound, but she watched
Maggie disappear into the house, only to return after a jump in the
clip. She watched the girls head into the garage, and then, after some
time, her car came backing out. The girl that looked like Maggie got
out of the driver's seat, before rushing back into the garage. The clip
jumped one more time, and she gasped as her car suddenly darted into
the garage recklessly! Theresa covered her mouth in shock in response.
“Do you need to see more?” Tyler asked, pausing the footage before
looking at his mother.
Theresa blushed all over again,
reminded of her nudity as he looked at her. “Tyler, I'm so sorry! I
should have believed you!” She said, as tears started to sting the edge
of her eyes.
“Yeah, you should've!” Tyler said, some of his
anger finally showing through. “How many times do you think Maggie's
set me up this way!? Hmmm!? How many times do you think she's gotten me
into trouble just to see me naked?! Or to get me naked in front of
Janet!?! Do you know, because I've lost count at this point!!!” His
anger grew as he finally got the words he had wanted to tell his mother
for years off of his chest, practically spitting them at her with fury.
“Tyler, I'm sorry! I don't know how I can even begin to show you how
sorry I am!” She cried, with tears streaming down her face. She tried
to grab him, like she was going to hug him, but he shrugged her off.
“I don't want your tears or your apology!” Tyler said gruffly, causing his mom to look at him with shock.
“Then what do you want?” She asked quietly, almost as quiet as a whisper.
“I want you to pay. I want you to pay for what you've done, and more
importantly, I want Maggie to pay for every last thing she's ever done
to me.” Tyler explained, looking his mom dead in the eye, showing her
that he was not willing to back down.
Theresa gave Tyler a
thoughtful look. She had to admit that she had caused this. She had
caused such pain and anguish within her son. By treating her son and
daughter so differently, she had caused deep psychological scarring
inside of him. She had allowed her daughter to take advantage of him as
well. She had failed him, as his mother, as well as his protector.
After thinking everything over, and considering her options, Theresa
nodded her head. “Then she will. You may punish your sister however you
wish. She deserves it for trying to blame you for what she did to my
car, alone.” She paused, seeing that Tyler looked pleased with her for
the first time that day, and for the first time in a very long time,
she realized. “What punishment do you think she deserves?”
“I'm going to start with punishing Maggie the same way you were going
to punish me today, Theresa. Maybe that will be all it takes for her to
learn her lesson.” Tyler informed her. “Then again, that might just be
the beginning.”
Chapter 3: Maggie’s Rude Awakening
It had been just about 30 minutes since Maggie’s mother had gone to
talk to Tyler, and she was getting bored. No, not just bored, but
annoyed. For a good chunk of her life, her brother had been punished
naked. That’s just the way it was. Adding to that, was always knowing
that she could get him naked whenever she wanted. She had learned the
lesson, over those years, that his privates didn’t need to be so
private. Didn’t deserve to be private. That they were hers to look at
when she pleased. Even play with when her mother wasn’t looking. The
fact that he had refused to strip made her feel like an injustice was
being done to her! She just hoped her mother was up there putting her
brother straight, and that she wasn’t missing any of the fun. If she
missed his spanking, then she was going to be so pissed!
Maggie had finished her breakfast and moved out to the living room. She
had put on the TV, but wasn’t really paying much attention to it. Her
main focus was still on how unfair it was that her brother had refused
to strip naked when told. Just as she was considering changing out of
her pajamas, a pink tank top and a pair of black dolphin shorts, and
into her school clothes, she heard some noise from upstairs. Her smirk
started to grow, and her joy started to rise, as she expected her
brother to come walking down the stairs without a stitch at any moment,
blushing at her and looking very sorry. She had even taken the spot on
the couch which had the best vantage point of the stairs, just so that
she could see him sooner.
Maggie was aghast when her brother
finally appeared. He was coming downstairs, wearing his clothes again!
He was still wearing the same T-shirt and jeans as before! Maggie
couldn't understand it, and more than that, she was pissed! Her brother
was supposed to be naked!
Once Tyler reached the bottom of the
stairs, he could tell just how pissed his sister was. He couldn't help
grinning a little, as much as he tried not to. He knew his sister was
really going to be shocked when she learned what was really going on.
He was going to savor every last moment of this. Without so much as a
word, he stepped to the side, revealing Maggie's soon to be future.
Maggie couldn't comprehend what she was looking at first. It seemed
like something that should have been all but impossible. When Tyler
moved to the side, he had revealed their naked mother, who had followed
him down the stairs. Tyler had made her remove her shoes and her hair
pin, and so all that she was left with was her sheer pantyhose.
Maggie's eyes almost appeared to be bugging out of her head. “What the
hell is going on!?” She finally found her voice.
“Your mother
is being punished.” Tyler explained, relishing the look on his sister's
face. “And you are about to be punished too.”
“What???” Maggie's voice cracked, like she couldn't understand his words.
“Maggie, just listen to your brother.” Theresa shivered a little. She
felt so shameful that now not only had her son seen her naked, but now
her 14-year-old daughter as well. She couldn't bring herself to look at
anything but the floor beneath her.
“Are you kidding!?” Maggie
croaked at the thought of being punished by her brother. Like her
brother! “Like hell!” She crossed her arms and stared at her brother
Her brother took an intimidating step forward. “We
know you are the one who wrecked the car! It's time for you to feel
what it's been like for me all these years! Remove your clothes, now!”
Even if Maggie was still at least a foot shorter than her brother, she
had never felt intimidated by him. She had seen him naked too many
times, and gotten to tease and toy with him so much, that it was
impossible for her to feel threatened by him. She glared up at him, as
if daring him to do anything about it. “Fat chance!”
Tyler was
a little taken aback by his sister's response. He had expected for her
to comply with him once he had revealed their mother to her. That still
didn't mean he was going to let her off the hook. On the contrary, now
he understood that it was going to take some force to get Maggie to
comply with him. “I won't tell you again.” He kept his voice cool,
knowing his actions were going to speak so much louder than his words.
“Tyler, this is outrageous! You should be standing here naked! Not mom,
and certainly not me! You're just a boy, so it's no big deal if you’re
naked!” Maggie got right in his face, letting her true feelings on the
matter out. Tyler suddenly made a grab for her, and her eyes went wide
with fright! She just managed to avoid his grasp, and rushed for the
nearest exit to the room, which happened to be the front door. Her hand
had just turned the knob when Tyler caught up to her! Her brother had
gotten very fast from all the football training he did.
tried to hang on to the door, as her brother pulled her back towards
the center of the room. “No! No!!” She squealed. She had gotten the
door open, but wasn't strong enough to keep her grip on it. Suddenly,
she felt a sharp smack to her bottom through her shorts! Tyler was
spanking her! “No! No! No!” Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Tyler walloped
her bottom until she stopped making struggles against him. The
14-year-old girl had never been spanked in her life, and so it was a
very new and unpleasant experience for her. She tried kicking and
screaming at first, but that seemed to do nothing to deter her brother,
and soon the pain in her bottom was starting to get to her. “Please
stop! Please!” Her voice was already cracking, and she knew she
wouldn't be able to hold back her tears if her brother continued.
Tyler knew that his sister was finally starting to break. He expected
it would take just about as much to get her to bend to his will as it
had taken their mother. He stopped spanking her long enough to ask,
“You'll take your clothes off for me now?” expecting an affirmative
answer from her.
“What!? No!!!” Maggie declared, trying to
break away from him. It was no use, though, as his grip on her shoulder
with his much larger hand was strong. With her defiant words, Tyler
continued the spanking.
“If you're not going to comply, then I'm going to undress you myself.”
Maggie felt the tears starting to well in her eyes, like a dam that was
about to burst. “Don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare!” She tried to
sound angry, but the fear of being stripped naked was evident in her
voice. She couldn't let her brother see her naked! She just couldn't!
It would ruin the dynamic she had enjoyed for years! But the blows to
her bottom were really getting to her now, and her tears were flowing
freely. Without any warning, after a particularly hard wallop, Tyler
grabbed the back of Maggie's dolphin shorts, and yanked them down! The
shorts fell down Maggie's skinny legs without any resistance, until
they came to rest around her ankles. Maggie hadn’t worn any panties
underneath, and therefore was now bare from the waist down! Not missing
a beat, Tyler continued to smack her bottom, now bare. It took Maggie a
few more spanks before she had even realized what had happened to her
shorts. “No! No! No!” Her voice suddenly rang out with humiliation, the
likes of which she had never felt before! She tried to struggle with
him again, in order to get free and pull up her shorts, but her brother
maintained his hold on her.
Now with a bare bottom, Tyler's
spanks were really having an effect on his little sister. Try as she
might, she could not hold back her tears or her whaling. She knew she
couldn't take much more of this. “Tyler, please!... Please stop!
Please!... I'll do what you want!... I'll take off my clothes! Please,
stop!!!” Maggie's voice had gotten horse from all of her crying, and
she couldn't believe what she was saying, but the spanking had finally
broken her resolve.
Tyler stopped, and Maggie breathed a sigh
of relief. Her spanking was finally over. “You see that clock?” Tyler
physically spun her around to face it. “You have one more minute of
spanking left. Tell me when the second hand reaches the top.”
“What!? Tyler, no!” Smack!! His palm rained down on her bare behind as
the second hand past 12. “Fuck! Shit! Tyler, no! This isn't fair!!” The
girl blubbered as her big brother continued to give her blow after blow.
“You're talking about what isn't fair??!?” Tyler could only see red at
his sister's pleas for fairness, and started swinging his hand with
full force!
“Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” Maggie could
hardly see through her tears, but kept her eyes locked to the ticking
clock the entire time. She was shaking and crying harder than she ever
had in her life, and she knew she would probably not be standing any
longer if it wasn't for her brother's firm hold on her shoulder.
“There!! It past 12!! It past 12!!” She called. Tyler gave her aching
bottom two more spanks, one for each cheek, and finally stopped.
He kept a tight hold on her, giving her a minute to collect herself
again. Then he spun her around to look her dead in the eye. “Remove
your top.” He told her harshly.
Maggie's shaky hands went to
the bottom edge of her spaghetti strapped tank top, and her face
started to burn almost as hot as her bottom. Her brother's eyes were no
longer on hers, but had wandered down to take a gander at what she had
between her legs. Much like her mom, Maggie had a dark patch of hair
that concealed most of what she had down there. Still, this hair was
meant to be something special and private, and so she felt great shame
just knowing her brother was seeing this part of her. Her shame grew as
she slowly inched her top up, over her belly, revealing her navel, and
then higher and higher. She reached the bottom of her breasts, and
could feel herself physically wrenching with embarrassment. “Tyler,
please. I know what you told me to do, but it's too embarrassing! I'm a
girl! I shouldn't be exposed to you like this!”
Tyler narrowed
his eyes at her for her insubordination. “That's exactly why you should
be punished this way. I know it's going to be extra embarrassing for
you, because you’re a girl. Now, remove your top, before I spin you
back around and start spanking your butt again!”
Maggie felt
like she had no option, and so with a shame filled shudder, she pulled
her top up past her breasts, revealing them to her brother for the
first time! Just like with their mother, Tyler's eyes bore a hole right
through her as he stared directly at them. Maggie's breasts were still
on the smaller side, even at her age. Just A-cups, but what they lacked
in size they made up for in perkiness. Her now bare nipples didn't just
point out, but also upwards, almost at a 45-degree angle. Where her
mother's nipples were wrinkled and crinkly, hers were tight and taut.
The dark pink tiny cones were like beacons, drawing the eyes of anyone
who saw them to the soft, fair and silky smooth skin of the girl's
breasts. “There, you've seen them! Can I get dressed now??” Maggie
pleaded, as her face burned. She couldn't believe she had revealed so
much of herself to her brother today, and felt almost sick to her
stomach because of that. Her mother had always preached keeping her
body modestly covered to her, and this felt like a betrayal of
everything she had been taught. She couldn't help blushing at her
mother, who just blushed back at her just as hard, but said nothing.
Her mother had witnessed this entire thing, she realized, from her
spanking, to her baring, and everything in between, and yet she had
done nothing to help her! Maggie felt just as much of the blame rested
on her mother’s shoulders as her brother now.
Tyler made a
laugh at Maggie's plea. “You're not getting dressed for a very long
time. Now, get this off!” He grabbed her tank top, which she was still
wearing around her neck, and began to pull it upward.
“Alright!” Maggie yelled, mostly because of the rough treatment her
brother was giving her, and the way he had yanked the garment up
against her nose and her ear. She pulled her tank top over her head and
let her brother take it. Then she moved her hands to cover up her
breasts. That was a big mistake on her part, “Ye-ow!!” as her brother
gave her still throbbing bottom another smack while collecting her
shorts near her feet. “What was that for!?”
Tyler smirked, as
his sister looked at him with shame and confusion. For the first time,
he was getting to see what his sister looked like when she was totally
humiliated, and he was liking it. “You're being punished, and that
means you're not allowed to cover.”
“You've got to be kidding
me!” Maggie exclaimed, as she remembered all the times she had smacked
his bottom for covering himself. Surely that didn't apply to her,
though! She was a girl! “Tyler, this is ridiculous!...” She started to
complain, but her brother made a move like he was going to strike her
butt again, and she immediately dropped her hands. “Alright!” Maggie's
perky breasts jiggled slightly as she let them go. They were bare to
him once again, and she couldn't stop shivering as he stared right at
them. There was a chill in the air, that was keeping her nipples taut
and hard.
After taking a minute to acclimate himself to what
his sister looked like bare, Tyler was starting to feel his anger
dissipate a little. His fury was being replaced by amusement. Amusement
at the way Maggie shivered and blushed at him, with her entire naked
body on show for him. Maybe whatever wicked streak Maggie had inside of
her ran in the family? He was becoming very tempted to tease her and
taunt her about her nudity, and it was more than just a feeling of
wanting to get revenge on her. Tyler held himself back for now, knowing
that he would have plenty of time to tease her later. She was already
blushing at him fully, so there was no reason to waste his good taunts
on her just yet. “Move your hands behind your head and spread your legs
open.” He told Maggie, who at this point was too embarrassed about
everything to fight back. She knew that he was willing to spank her
until she complied, and so she did as she was told without arguing.
Tyler looked at his mother, and snapped his fingers, pointing to the
spot next to Maggie. “You too. Move over here and stand the same way.”
He ordered, and Theresa also complied. Tyler gathered Maggie's clothes
and told them he would be right back, before leaving them there with
one another. “Don’t move!” He called from the stairway with authority.
Theresa gasped, as she noticed the front door had been left wide open
the whole time since Maggie had tried to flee! Both the naked mother
and daughter were positioned to face the door, too! She knew they could
be spotted at any moment! “I don't think your brother realizes that he
left the door wide open!”
“What!? Shit!” Maggie started to
squirm all over again, as she too realized that it had been left open
this whole time! How many people had passed by and witnessed her
spanking!!?? There was no way her brother had meant for that to happen!
He wasn't that cruel!
“Maggie, stop using such foul language!” Her mother scolded her.
“I'm sorry, mom, but this is crazy!” Maggie tried to excuse herself.
The two naked females were having a hard time holding still, as they
both stared at the open doorway, worried someone was going to stop by
and see them in their exposed state at any second. It was the only
thing that either of them could concentrate on at the moment. “You know
what, I'm just going to close it.” Maggie finally decided, after
standing for a good bit with her heart in her throat, watching the open
door. She quickly rushed over and breathed a sigh of relief once the
door was finally shut, and she knew she was no longer in danger of
someone outside the house seeing her naked.
“Maggie, your
brother said not to move! Get back here!” Theresa pleaded with her only
daughter, worried about what the consequence would be if either of them
did move and Tyler found out. She tried to keep her voice down to not
alert Tyler to her daughter's blatant disregard for his command.
“Come on, mom! There's no way he meant for us to be exposed like that!
Why are you taking his side anyway??” Maggie placed her hands on her
hips, and couldn't help eyeing her naked mother's body up and down,
with the way she kept the position that Tyler had told them to take.
Theresa made another shiver, even with the door now shut and the chill
in the air slowly dissipating. She couldn't help it, with the way her
daughter was looking at her. She'd never been this naked and exposed in
front of her ever! “Maybe you haven't seen my butt, but your brother
gave it to me just as good as he did to you before we came down here…”
She grumbled, still feeling the heat in her bottom.
Maggie made a quick gasp, trotting over to take a quick peek at her
mom's bare behind. “Oh wow, he did!” She covered her mouth, and tried
to suppress a giggle.
Theresa felt her face heating up with
both anger and embarrassment, as well, for the way her daughter was
laughing at her. “Stop looking at it and get back into position, young
lady!” She said, grinding her teeth in response. Then they both heard a
noise from upstairs. “Before your brother gets back!” she implored.
Maggie quickly got back to where she was supposed to be, and put her
arms back behind her head. “That was close…” she said, peeking over at
her mom, who just nodded at her. For a while, the two naked females
just stood side by side, in their exposed positions, but when Tyler
failed to make his presence known, they both found themselves getting
antsy. “I wish he'd hurry it up! What do you think he's doing?”
“I don't know, Maggie, but you better keep quiet! I don't want to get into more trouble because of you!” She glared.
“Mom, I don't get it! Why are you letting him do this to us???” Maggie
asked, breaking her position to look at her mom. “You're the parent! If
you don't want this happening, then why don't we call somebody? Look!
The phone's right there! Let's call somebody and report this!”
“Maggie, get back into position, now!” Her mom used a growling voice
that she never used with her before, which scared Maggie enough to
follow her directions.
“But mom!” Maggie could feel tears at
the edge of her eyes again, this time to be yelled at the way she had
only seen her brother get yelled at.
“I said be quiet!” Her
mother suddenly broke rank to give Maggie's already aching and sore
behind a few spanks of her own. Maggie let out a yelp with each smack,
totally stunned to be treated this way by her own mother! As soon as
she had made her message clear, Theresa resumed standing beside Maggie,
and put herself on display once again. Maggie just stood beside her,
sniffling, and feeling very sorry for herself. “I've given your brother
permission to punish you as much as he wants, for however long he
wants.” She explained after a bit.
“But…” Maggie started to respond, but received a large enough glare to shut her up for a while.
“It's not just you. He's punishing me the same way, too. Therefore, I
expect you to do everything he tells you to do! Don't you dare think
I'm going to bale you out of this, Maggie! You tried to shamefully pin
the blame on your brother for what you did to my car! I am so
disappointed in your behavior, young lady!”
“What's he punishing you for?” Maggie dared to ask, wincing a little as her mom looked at her.
“For allowing you to get away with taking advantage of him.” She said,
which caused Maggie to open her eyes wide and shake her head in denial.
“Don't look at me like that! You know it's the truth! Oh, I've turned a
blind eye to it sometimes, but I guess I've always known what you were
doing to your brother. Do you know, he asked me how many times you got
him into trouble just to get him naked??” Maggie shook her head. “Well,
he did! How do you think that makes me feel as his mother??”
“Mom, I'm sorry!” Maggie said, only making an apology to try to save
her own skin. Whatever she had to do to get out of the punishment her
brother was going to give her, she would do.
“I'm not the one
you need to apologize to.” Theresa said, and Maggie realized it was
going to be a lot harder for her to get out of this punishment than she
originally thought. Her mother seemed to have decided that the
punishment was justified, and not only for her, but for herself as well!
Tyler finally came back downstairs after what felt like forever for the
girls. “What were you doing up there?” Maggie asked, moving her hands
to her hips. This time, it wasn't out of defiance, but just out of
“Who shut this door??” Tyler marched right up to the
two naked ladies, glaring at them with a purpose. “And who told you
that you could move???” He looked his sister up and down, who made a
dirty face at him, before moving her hands back behind her head.
“That's better. Now, I'll ask again, who closed the door?”
“Tyler, we were both… You see, someone could have seen us, and so…” Theresa stammered for a bit.
“Mom shut it!” Maggie called, before giving her mom a sorry look. Her
bottom was aching too much to take more punishment from her brother,
she thought to herself. Besides, if her mom wanted to go along with
this punishment, then she should have to experience the full brunt of
it, she reasoned in her head.
Theresa wore a stunned
expression, not too dissimilar to the one Tyler always had whenever
Maggie had pinned the blame on him for something. Tyler recognized the
look instantly, but decided he was going to play along with Maggie's
little charade. After all, he suspected that his mom had done the same
to him a few times. “Very well. Come on, Theresa.” Tyler took her by
the arm, and started dragging her into the kitchen.”
“What? Where are we going, Tyler??” His mom asked nervously, but he didn't respond.
“Tyler, what are you going to do to her???” Maggie chased after them,
feeling slightly guilty now. She gasped as Tyler threw open the back
Tyler shoved his mom through the door, giving her a
stern glare when she turned back to him with a pleading look. “You're
going to stand out here until I'm done with my breakfast. Understand?”
He explained.
Theresa was about to protest. She couldn't let
any of the neighbors see her this way! Then she spotted the panicked
look on her daughter's face and took a deep breath. Maybe this would
teach her daughter a valuable lesson, even if she was the one taking
the brunt of things. She remembered that their backyard was only
visible from one side, and as long as she stuck close to the house, she
was sure she wouldn't be spotted. She nodded in surrender to him. “Yes,
“Good. I'll be fast, Theresa.” He gave her a look of
understanding, knowing just how nerve-racking it was to be so exposed
out in the open air. He slowly shut the door, leaving his naked mother
to the elements, and turned his attention to getting a quick breakfast.
Tyler went to make toast, while Maggie just stared at him in shock.
“You're not really going to leave her out there?!” She folded her arms
underneath her little bare breasts, giving him a look like he had lost
his mind.
“Until I'm done with breakfast.” He said, moving past her like she wasn't even there. “She shouldn't have shut the door.”
“But she… People could've seen us! Tyler, mom is a woman! If someone
sees her out there!...” Maggie tried to implore, hoping to pull at her
brother's sense of protection.
“Then they'll get a little thrill. Theresa will be fine, Maggie.” He said, coming to sit at the table with his breakfast.
“She's a girl, and she's naked outside!” Maggie slammed her palms down
on the table, but her brother hardly reacted, and just munched on his
toast. “God, you're so!...” She stopped herself, as he gave her a look.
“Why do you keep calling her that? Theresa?” She finally asked.
“That's her name, isn't it?” He said, before taking a sip of his juice.
“Yeah, but she's mom!”
“We'll see if she earns the right for me to call her that again, just
like you have to earn the right for me to call you my sister again.” He
could see the look of hurt and confusion in her eyes, and couldn't help
making a little smile, knowing that one must have really stung her. “I
don't remember saying that you could move, anyway. What are you doing
in here?”
Maggie felt herself getting frustrated all over
again. “You just tossed mom out the back door naked! I'm standing here
naked! It's like the world's gone crazy! You've gone crazy, Tyler! And
if Mom's not going to do anything about this, then I will!” She turned
to look at the phone hanging up on the wall, giving him a look as if to
say he was in trouble now.
Tyler just made a shrug, and a
gesture to the home phone. His mom was still old-fashioned, and liked
to have a landline in case of emergencies. Maggie felt like this was
enough of an emergency, so she felt totally justified as she dialed
911. “Yes, I'd like to report, uh… report uh… I don't know what to call
it! My brother's keeping me and my mom naked!” Maggie told the
operator, while Tyler strolled over to the door casually and invited
his mom back onto the house. He made a gesture for her to keep quiet
while Maggie was talking. “He even gave us a spanking!” Maggie got a
very smug look as she listened to the operator on the other end of the
line, and turned to Tyler. “She wants to talk to you.”
came over to take the receiver from her, but Maggie pushed it into his
chest with enough force to make him let out a grunt. He gave her an
annoyed look as he held it up to his ear. “Hello. Yes, that's right.
She's my little sister.” Tyler went on to explain that Maggie was being
punished for lying about how she had damaged their mom's car. After a
pretty lengthy explanation, Tyler then held the phone out to his mom.
His mom listened in for a bit once she took the call, before making her
own statement. “No, we're not being held against our will, and nobody
is in danger or hurt. This is something I fully approve of… Yes, it's
unorthodox, but I fully approve of what my son is doing.” She hung up
the line, and then turned to Maggie. “Young lady, I can't believe you
just did that!”
“What did she say?” Maggie asked hopefully.
Surely the authorities wouldn't allow this shameful mistreatment of
them to continue!
“She said, as long as I approve, then it is
my choice how I choose to discipline my children!” Theresa said,
angerly, putting her hands on her hips, much the way Maggie liked to
do. Maggie could feel the wind being pulled from her sails, as she
realized that no one was going to be coming to rescue her from this
“I think you've just earned your second
punishment, Maggie.” Tyler said, coming over to take her wrist. “This
one, you're not going to like at all, unlike being naked in front of
Maggie gasped with outrage. “I do not!! Perv!” She made a
move to cover up her privates in front of him, but he just gave her
bottom another quick smack and chuckled. Maggie was in no condition to
take any more punishment to her behind, so quickly revealed herself to
him again. “Was that the punishment?” She asked gruffly, trying to rub
the stinging sensation out of her behind.
“Not even close.”
Tyler laughed. “There are still a few parts of your body that have yet
to be revealed to me, and I'm going to make sure one of those is on
full display until the end of your punishment.”
“What part?” Maggie started giving him a nervous side eye.
Tyler started dragging her out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.
“Your pussy. It's time to get rid of all that hair you have down there,
and I'm going to shave you!”
“Mom!!!” Maggie called with
panic, thinking her mom was the only one that could save her now, but
her mom just watched on with her arms folded. Maggie was getting
exactly what she had coming to her as far as she was concerned.