The Model 6c 

By Zynder

Copyright 2024 by Zynder, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Model - Chapter 6c
by Zynder

It’s three days before the filming crew has the cameras, lights and sets ready for Lucas to return to do his humiliation scenes with his sisters and other kids. Like before, Sven swings by my house to pick me up, so I can be on the set to give Lucas moral support.  At least, I’m not in any of these shots.  I’m strictly a spectator.

“Are you ready for this Lucas?”

“As ready as I can be.  I know all my lines, it’s just I know it’s going to be super embarrassing and I’m not sure I can get through all of those scenes.”

“You can and you will, but they will take a lot out of you, because every time you are embarrassed some energy flows out of you.  Every time you are humiliated even more energy flows out of you.”

“Did that happen to you?”

“Yes.  Every time.  I’ll always be right off camera, so if you feel overwhelmed just look over at me and I’ll give you a thumbs up, smile or something to try and encourage you.”

“Thanks Caleb.  You know what I found funny in the script?”

“No.  What?”

“It would say for me to look embarrassed during the scenes.  Of course, I’m going to look embarrassed, because I’ll be embarrassed for real.”

“You do know that’s why the director wanted you so badly in this movie, right?  He knows you get embarrassed just like I do, but unlike me, you don’t have the experience yet to cover it up, so it will all look really natural.”

“So, that’s why you looked so comfortable doing those very embarrassing swimming hole scenes?”

“Exactly.  I was so embarrassed that sometimes I was shaking, but I just had to calm myself down and relax, so I looked comfortable.  But you don’t have to do that.  If you start shaking just let it go and shake with embarrassment.  That’s what the Director wants.  He wants you to show your embarrassment.”

We pull into the staging lot and it’s full of people.

“Caleb.  Look at all those kids over there.  Am I going to be naked in front of all of them?”

“Yes.  But not all at once, like I was with the swimming boys.  Your sister is going to embarrass you in front of a few kids at a time.”

“So, there’s going to be a lot of separate embarrassments.  Oh!  Joy!”

“Hey!  It’s what you signed up for.  One thing about this Director, he likes to pack as much into a movie as he can fit in it.”

Once stopped.  We all, Lucas, me, Sven and Lucas’s dad walk over to the make-up and wardrobe tent.  Sven is making the safety film for Lucas.  Me and Lucas’s dad are just standing around watching.  There are three older teenaged girls in the tent talking to the Director.  He brings them over to where we are.

“Hi Lucas.  Ready to meet your co-stars?  This girl is Jennifer and she’ll be playing your sister, Mandy.  This is Shelby and she’ll be playing one of your sister’s friends, Carrie.  This last girl is Melissa and she is your sister’s other friend Becca.  And girls this is Lucas who will be playing Mandy’s little brother, Petey.”

Everyone says ‘Hi’ to everyone else before Petey is needed for make-up. 

“Ah Petey.  We need to get your make-up on.  Would you please disrobe.”

“Um.  How much?”

“Everything.  We need to put full body make-up on you, since your scenes are going to be nude.”

I notice Lucas is already getting nervous, because no one is leaving.  Everyone is standing there waiting to watch Lucas get his make-up.  When he looks over at me, I give him two thumbs-up and he swallows hard before starting to get undressed.  The three girls move around as needed to get a good view of Lucas as he strips off his clothing.  Shirt, shoes, socks, shorts and finally underpants.  He’s standing there totally naked as everyone gawks at his nakedness.

“Nice blushing, Petey. You make it look so real.”

Since Lucas is concentrating on getting his make-up put on, I speak up for him.

“Your name’s Jennifer, right?  It is real.  Lucas is very embarrassed right now with you girls watching him.”

“Oh!  My!  I thought he was just acting.  You mean, it’s real!  Oh.  This is going to be so hard on him if he gets that embarrassed every time someone looks at him.”

“He knows.  The Director knows.  I know.  I tried to talk him out of doing this movie, because of how difficult this is going to be for him, but he insisted, so now it’s time to do it.”

The make-up people put Lucas under some really bright lights as they apply make-up on every inch of his body.  Including his dick, balls and butt crack.  Yes, he turns bright red for that.  The make-up people try to help him relax by explaining the make-up they are using is extra durable, since he will be putting on clothes and taking them back off many times.  Using this make-up means less touch-ups between shots.  All that make-up actually makes him look a little weird.  Sort of off color a bit, but they explain under filming lights and with the film the camera men will be using, he will look very normal in the movie.

Once make-up is finished, wardrobe helps Lucas with his first of many different outfits.  Since the girls are already ready, once Lucas is done, off we all go to the first set.  The Director is in place and cameras are in place, so everything is ready to start filming.

“Petey.  You know your lines?”

“Yes sir.”

“Girls?  Mandy, do you know your lines.”

“Yes sir.”

“So, lets try and get this scene on one-take, shall we?”

“Places.  Cameras rolling.  Action.”

I watch Petey walk into the room that his sister and friends are in, heading for the door outside.

“Petey.  Where do you go all the time?”

“Nowhere special.  Just someplace I can get away and be by myself.”

“Is that where you’re going now?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, Mandy, but no.  I’m going over Terry’s to play video games.”

Petey walks out the door and off set.

“Mandy.  I bet he’s going to that secret place instead of Terry’s.”

“I’m with you, Carrie.”

“Ya.  I’m thinking my little brother is going someplace where he can play with his thingy, so I can’t catch him.”

“He is eleven and at the right age to start doing touching games like that.”

“You got that right Becca.  I’m thinking we follow him and find out for ourselves and maybe have some fun.”

The girls all walk out the door.

“Cut. Print.”

“Perfect everyone.  Let’s move to the sidewalk and woods scenes.”

The cameras pick up on Petey just as he goes around a corner on the street that goes back to the trail into the woods.  When Petey is halfway there, the camera picks up on Mandy and her friends coming around that same corner.  Now all four of them are in the same shot.  Petey is closest to the camera and the girls a short distance behind him.

“You know, Mandy.  This isn’t the way to Terry’s house.”

“I know Carrie.  Terry’s house is in the other direction.”

Petey gets to the place where the trail into the woods goes off to the right and he turns to go in there.  The camera stays on the girls.

“Did you see that?  He went into the woods.”

“Yep.  I saw him.  I bet that’s where he goes to play nasty games with himself.”

“I bet you’re right.”

The girls turn into the woods and the camera now takes up right behind them looking over their shoulders.  Petey is just ahead on the trail.  They follow Petey as he walks the trail further into the woods.  Then he stops and all three girls duck for cover in the undergrowth.  The camera shows Petey looking all around.  Both up trail and back trail. Then he steps off the trail and follows a deer path even deeper into the woods.

“Hurry up.  We’ve got to get up there and see where he’s going.”

“This doesn’t look like a trail to me.”

“It’s an animal path.”

“You mean wild animals walk around in here?”

“Of course, Carrie.  This is a forest after all.”

“There, up ahead.  There he goes.”

The girls continue to follow Petey until he steps out into a clearing.
“Stop.  Hide over here.”

They find a hiding place and watch Petey as he walks around looking in every direction.  Then to their utter surprise, he kicks off his sneakers.  He isn’t wearing any socks.  They didn’t notice that at the house.  He pulls his tee shirt up and over his head before pulling it off and tossing it with his sneakers.  He looks around intently and then unfastens his shorts and lets them drop to the ground.  He steps out of them, leaving him stark naked in the woods.  He wasn’t wearing any underpants.

All three girls are staring open mouthed at Mandy’s little naked brother.  They can’t believe he’s stark naked out in the open like this.  What on earth possessed him to do this?  Mandy gets her phone out and starts recording her naked brother.  As if on cue, Petey starts dancing around the clearing, laughing and yelling and having a great time playing naked in the forest.  He’s acting like some woodland nymph or sprite or something.  Mandy can’t believe her luck in catching this on her cell, because now she has something to blackmail him with.  He surely won’t want his classmates at school seeing this.  She knows that she owns him now.  He just doesn’t know it yet.

As the girls are watching Petey, he picks up his phone and takes off out of the clearing back into the woods in a new direction.  The girls have to scramble to catch up with him.  They follow him as he dances along a different animal path even deeper into the woods.  They are a little worried about getting lost, because they have no idea where they are or how to get back.  Petey suddenly stops and kneels down behind some bushes.  He takes his cell and points it out at something.  They have no idea what he’s pointing his cell at.  They decide to move around on his blind side to take a look and are shocked when they come to a cliff and down below them are a bunch of naked boys swimming.  They look at Petey and now it’s obvious what he’s doing.  He’s recording the boys.  He’s recording naked boys.  Her little brother is interested in naked boys.

“Mandy.  Not only is Petey some kind of weird nudist, but he’s gay too.  He likes looking at naked boys.”

“You’re right Becca.  My little brother is gay.  I’ll be able to blackmail him forever with this knowledge.”

“Look.  He’s recording them.  Petey is making naked boy vids.”

“Oh!  My!  Goodness.  You’re right, Carrie.  I got to get a hold of that camera and download everything.  I just got to.”

“But first you want to record this.  Look over at Petey.  He’s playing with himself.”

“Oh!  WOW!  He is isn’t he.  Too bad that his little wiener is to small to capture on camera from this distance, but it’s obvious what he’s doing with his arm going up and down like that.”

“Hey.  I wonder since he’s concentrating so much on jerking his thingy if I can move around, so I can get him jerking his wiener and the naked boys swimming on the same vid?”
“I don’t know.  You don’t want to get caught.”

“Oh.  Heck no.  But it would be so much better to blackmail him if I have him on the same vid as those naked boys below.”

“It would, that’s for sure.”

“I say, go for it, just be really careful.”

Mandy moves around staying behind cover as much as possible and when she is behind Petey she raises her cell above the bush she’s hiding behind and starts recording.  She has no idea if she is getting the vid she wants or not, but it’s the best she can do.

Suddenly, Petey stands up and turns in her direction and walks towards her.  She crawls under the bush as he walks right past her.  He doesn’t see her.  He’s walking back to the clearing on the same animal trail.  Or at least she thinks he is.  When he gets there, he dances around some more while playing with his wiener.  He gives himself two more orgasms before getting dressed.  He then follows the animal path back to the main trail and then back to town.  Once in town, the girls hurry in a different direction from Petey, so they can beat him home.  They just make it.

“Cut.  Print.”

“Everyone take a fifteen minute break, so we can set up for the next scene.”

No sooner called than make-up people grab Petey, pulling him to the tent to refresh his make-up, which means he is back to being naked again.

“That was awesome Lucas.  You looked so natural playing in the woods like that.”

“It was really embarrassing stripping off my clothes knowing that so many people were watching me, but once I was naked and running around, I was able to forget about everyone else and I actually had fun.”

“That’s called getting into the role.  It was like that for me as the licking monkey.  It was really embarrassing at first, but once I became the character it got easier.  It was still embarrassing, but not as bad.”

“I’m worried about my next scenes though, because they are going to be REALLY  embarrassing.”

“I know, Lucas.  Just take them one at a time and try to be Petey.  Forget that you’re Lucas and become Petey.”

“Ya, but Petey is supposed to be just as embarrassed about it as I am.”

“True.  But you can be embarrassed as Petey and not as you.”
“Oh!  I never thought about it like that.”

“Everyone.  Back on the set.”

“Petey.  We aren’t going to do any of the shower scenes today, so we don’t have to keep putting more make-up on you.  So, take the scene all the way until you get ready to get in the shower and then just wrap in a towel as if you already took your shower and come back out to do the rest of the scene.”

“Okay.  I can do that.”

“Good boy.  Places everyone.”

“Lights.  Cameras rolling.  Action.

“Petey walks in the door to the girls waiting for him.”

“So, Petey.  Did you have fun at Terry’s?”

“Yes.  But he let his dog in and he wallered all over me after playing in the woods.  I’m sure I got fleas and maybe some ticks all over me now, so I need to go take a shower.”

Petey takes off to the bathroom.

“Ticks.  We were out in the woods.  Do we have ticks on us?”

“I don’t know Carrie, but I’m going home to take a shower.  I’m not taking any chances of having critters on me.”

“I’m going to.  See ya later, Mandy.”

Both girls walk out the door.

Petey goes to his bedroom and pulls his belt off, and lays his camera on his desk before walking to the bathroom to take his shower.  In the bathroom he undresses until he’s naked and pretends to go over and turn the shower on.  He then turns around, grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist.

Mandy, while Petey is supposedly taking a shower, grabs his cell phone and takes it to her room to download his photos and videos onto her computer.  She just barely gets it downloaded when she hears the shower turn off, so she runs into Petey’s room replacing his cell.  She’s still standing in his room when he walks in with a bath towel around his waist.

“Mandy.  Get out of my room.  You know you aren’t allowed in here.”

“Oh.  I don’t know.  I think you might want me to be in your room from now on.”
“Why the heck would I want that?”

“Because of this.”

Mandy shows Petey the video of him stripping naked and dancing around in the woods.

“How did you get that?  You followed me.  You witch!”

“Oh!  Petey.  It’s not nice to call your sister names, although you might be right about me being a witch.  The thing is, Petey, you’re definitely going to be my Bitch.”

“No way.  Get out of my room.”

“Okay.  I can go to my room and send this vid to every girl in your class at school.”

“No!  No!  No!  Don’t do that.”

“So, can I stay in your room then?”

Petey looks down at the floor and only whispers his reply.  He knows he’s had and his sister is going to rule him from now on.


“Good little Bitch.  Now drop the towel.  I didn’t get a good look at you out in the woods.”

“Now way.  I’m not getting naked in front of you.”

“Okay then.  I’ll just go to my room and send out some vids.”

“NO!  NO!  Please don’t do that.  Everyone will laugh at me.”

“I won’t laugh at you, Petey.  Just drop the towel.”

“Please Mandy.  Don’t make me do this.  Please.”

Real tears leak out of Petey’s eyes.  He’s really crying.  Cameras zoom in on his expression of emotion.  Now others are thinking Lucas is a great actor being able to turn on tears like this.  I know he’s not acting.  The realization of what he’s about to do has now dawned on him and he’s feeling a flood of embarrassment so great it’s overwhelming his nervous system.

“Oh Petey.  I’m not making you do anything.  You don’t have to do it, if you don’t want to show me. That’s okay.  I’m sure I can find fun in sending this video out to your classmates.”

Again, Petey just whispers, knowing he has lost the fight.


Petey lets go of the towel and he’s left stark naked in front of Mandy and the cameras.  His cute circumcised penis hanging in front of his walnut sized balls is on full display.

“Oh Petey.  I would have never guessed you were this big.  You looked really small in the woods.  I just have to measure it.  Where’s your ruler.”

With tears streaming down his face, Petey stutteringly answers her.

“In my desk drawer.”

Mandy grabs the ruler and then Petey’s penis and measures it.

“Three-inches.  You’re as long as my boyfriend.  Just not as thick.  How big does it grow.  Show me.”

“Please Mandy.  Don’t make me do it.”

“I told you Petey.  I’m never going to make you do anything.  All I’m doing is asking you.  Just your sister asking you for a favor is all.”

“I’m not stupid, Mandy.  You aren’t asking, you’re demanding and if I don’t do what you ask then you’re going to embarrass me all over school.”

“Petey.  Why would a vid of you dancing in the woods be embarrassing?  You looked like you were having so much fun.”

“Because I was NAKED!”

“You weren’t concerned about being naked when you were in the woods.”

“Because I was alone.  Well, I thought I was alone.”

“I’m sure all your classmates will see your dance as beautiful as I did.”

“No.  Please don’t show them.  I’ll make it grow.”

As embarrassed as Petey is it takes some time before his penis gets hard.  I feel for him, because when I’m as embarrassed as Petey is right now, I can’t get a boner either.

“Oh!  Is that all it grows?  It sure didn’t grow very much did it?  Let’s see how much.  Um.  Only four-inches.  You only grew one more inch.  My boyfriend grows to five inches.”

“He’s older than me.”

“That’s true.  Maybe you’ll get bigger as you get older.  I’ll just have to keep checking.”

“What?  No!  No!  This is the only time.  Right?”

“Heaven’s no, Petey.  You’re my Bitch now.  I get to play with you from now on. Speaking of playing.  Play with your thing.  I want to see what it can do?”

“What do you mean, what it can do?  I pee with it.  You wanna watch me pee!”

“Oh!  Petey.  Don’t play dumb with me.  Look at this.”

Mandy plays the vid she took of Petey masturbating while he was watching the naked boys swim.

“You saw that too!”

“Yes, Petey.  Now play with it.  I want to see what happens.”

I can see the fear in his eyes as he glances around and we make eye contact.  I try to reassure him with my eyes and at the same time give him a thumbs up while mouthing, “You can do this.”

He takes hold of his four-inch stiff penis and begins stroking it.  It takes a while for him to get into a rhythm because of his nervousness, but like all boys once the feelings take over there is no stopping.  He cranks on his dick until he reaches his climax and screams while dropping to his knees.  Nothing comes out of course.  He’s still dry, but if he could have squirted that would have been a really good one.

“Oh!  My! Petey!  You’re still a little boy; nothing comes out.”

Petey’s face goes beet red.  His embarrassment is plain for all to see.

“I’m NOT a little boy!”

“Oh, but you are and that’s a good thing, because now I can take you out and show you off.  It’s okay for little boys to show their thingy’s off.  They don’t get into any trouble.  It’s just what little boys do.”

“Oh!  No!  Mandy.  Please don’t make me show anyone else.  Please.”

“Tisk.  Tisk.  You should be proud to have a thingy that big as a little boy.  You should want to show it off.  Let me see.  Oh, here we go.  Put these on.”

Mandy hands Petey a pair of his school gym shorts.  He puts them on.

“Okay Petey.  Let’s go for a walk.”

“But.  But.  Where’s my shirt?  Where’s my shoes?”

“Little boys don’t need shirt and shoes.  Matter of fact, little boys don’t really need shorts.  Undies will be good enough.  Which of these is your underwear drawer?”

“Mandy.  Please!  No!  I can wear just these.”

“Nonsense.  Take those back off.  I’ll find you something more suitable.”

Mandy goes through Petey’s underwear draw and pulls out an old pair of Pokemon briefs, that he outgrew last year.

“Perfect.  Come-on Petey.  Get those shorts off and put these on.”

“But Mandy.  They don’t fit me anymore.  They’re way too tight now.”

“Tisk.  Tisk.  Put them on.”

Mandy’s phone rings.

“Hello.  Oh, hi Carrie.  Oh, is that right?  You’re babysitting.  Yes.  Yes.  I can come over.  I’ll bring Petey and he can play with the twins.  Oh.  No.  He’s not too old.  He’ll love playing with them.  They are?  Perfect.  He likes going nakie too.”

Petey changes into the Pokemon undies and looks awesome, but of course he feels totally humiliated.  They are so tight that the shape of his penis is evident.  You can even tell that he’s circumcised.  I can see his embarrassment written all over his face.

“Okay, Petey.  Lets go have some fun.”

The two of them walk out the door.

“Cut.  Print.”

“Let’s break for lunch.  Petey take the undies off and just go nude, so you don’t spill anything on your clothes.”

“Director.  You might want to give Lucas a robe to wear for lunch.  He’s just about to his breaking point.  I think he might overload if he has to stay naked much longer in front of people.”

“Caleb.  If you think that’s best.  I don’t want my star to freak out on me.”

“Wardrobe.  Bring Lucas a robe.”

As soon as it gets to him, he snatches it and puts it on.  He ties it tightly around him.
“Feel better?”

“Yes. Caleb.  Thanks for asking for it.”

We eat our lunch and different kids come by to tell Lucas how well he’s doing and how realistic his emotions all seem.  Even Jennifer tells Lucas how she can’t believe how easily he can turn the tears on. Neither of us, tell any of the other kids that Lucas isn’t acting.  He isn’t faking any of his emotions.  They are all real.  Nope.  Just let them believe he is really that good of an actor.  We finish our lunch and it seems that Lucas is calmer now.  I sure hope so, because the next scenes take place on the streets, out in the open.  I always felt those the most difficult to do.  You just feel so vulnerable.

“Lunch is over.  Everyone back on set.”

I watch as Mandy and Petey take their places on the outside of the door.  Wardrobe takes Petey’s robe and hands him those really tight Pokemon briefs to put back on.  I also see kids taking up places all over town.

“Lights.  Cameras rolling.  Action.”

“Let’s go Petey.”

“But I’m only wearing underpants.  I can’t go walking around town like this.”

Three teenagers walk by.  One girl and two boys.

“Hey Guys.  This is my little brother Petey and he’s afraid of walking around in his cute little Pokemon undies.  Is that a problem?”

“Oh!  I know Petey from school.  If he’s still a little boy, then he can walk anywhere he wants in his undies and no one will care.”

“Petey.  Drop your undies and show these kids that you’re still a little boy.”

“Mandy.  Please don’t make me.”

“Oh.  He doesn’t have to show us if he doesn’t want to.”

“Petey.  Do you want to show them or would you rather me do it?”

“No.  No.  I’ll show them.”

Petey pulls his underpants down revealing his bald three-inch penis to everyone.

“WOW!  Your little brother sure has a big thingy, but he’s definitely still a little boy.”

After gawking at Petey’s penis the girl speaks up.

“Ya.  If my little brother had a thingy that big, I wouldn’t let him wear anything.  He would be showing that thing off to everyone.”

“Would you really?”

“Sure.  Why not.  No one cares when a little boy runs around naked.”

“What do you think, Petey?  Would you like to run around town nakie?”

Tears come streaming from Petey’s face again.

“Maybe you shouldn’t.  You don’t want your little brother crying all over town.  Adults don’t like that.”

“You’re right.  Petey.  Pull your underpants back up.”

They all say their goodbyes and move along.  Petey is watching everyone as he walks beside his sister, afraid that at any moment he’ll have to show his penis to someone again. 

Two boys are in the street tossing a baseball back and forth.  They stop and look right at Petey.

“Petey.  Is that you?  Why are you in your underwear?”

“Do you two boys know my little brother?”

“Ya.  We’re in the same grade at school.”

“Really.  Have you ever seen Petey naked?”

Both boys look at Mandy in disbelief at what she just asked.


“Would you like to?”

They look at Petey who is violently shaking his head no, but the boys are very curious and if something like this is being offered how can they refuse?

“Sure!  If Petey wants to show us?”

Mandy doesn’t say a word.  She just looks at Petey and he knows he has no chance of getting out of this.  He lowers his undies and lets them drop to his ankles.  Both boys mouths drop as they stare at their naked classmate.

“Randy, look how big Petey’s penis is.”

“Ya.  It’s twice as big as mine.”

“Would you boys like to touch it?”

“Can we?  Really?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

To Petey’s horror, both boys touch his dick and begin playing with it.

“I never touched another boy’s penis before.”

“Do you like touching it?”


“You can play with it if you want?”

“You mean make him hard?”

“Sure.  I understand boys like to do that.”

They play with Petey’s dick until he orgasms.

“Randy.  Did you make him do that?”

“Yep.  I saw my big brother do it, but he squirted.  Nothing came out of Petey’s boner.”

“Move over, let me see if I can make him do it.”

“Go ahead Franky.  Knock yourself out.  It looks like Petey likes it.”

Franky masturbates Petey until he orgasms again. 

“Well boys. We have someplace we need to get to.”

“Thanks for letting us play with Petey.”

“Anytime.  Oh!  Would you like Petey’s underpants as a souvenir?”

“Sure, but what is Petey going to wear?”

“Oh.  He likes playing in his birthday suit.  Don’t you Petey?”

Petey’s emotions are starting to overwhelm him again, but he stutters out.

“Yes.  I like running around in the woods in my birthday suit.”

Mandy hands Randy, Petey’s underpants and everyone goes on their way.  Mandy and Petey stop at a door and Mandy knocks on it.  Carrie opens it and she’s surprised at seeing Petey there stark naked.

“Hey Mandy.  Becca is here.  Come on in.”

They walk through the door.

“Cut.  Print.”

“Take a break everyone while we reset the cameras.  Someone bring Lucas a robe to wear.”

Kids are all coming up to Lucas and patting him on the back for filming such great scenes.  Many are telling him they can’t wait until they get a chance to act in a movie like him.  They just hope they can be as good with their emotions as he is with his, because they would swear that he was actually embarrassed and dying of humiliation.

I take Lucas off to a quiet spot on the set, where we can be alone.

“You’re doing really well, Lucas.  Not just the emotional thing.  We both know that is real and not acting.  But you haven’t once forgot your lines or stumbled and you have done what I would have never been able to do.”

“No.  I’ve seen you do humiliating scenes like these.  You are way better at it than me.”

“Lucas.  No way.  I always look like a boy acting.  You don’t.  You look like Mandy’s little brother.  Always.  You don’t look like you’re acting.”

“Do you really mean that or are just trying to make me feel better?”

“I mean it Lucas.  When this movie hits the market it will be a hit and you’ll be asked to do lots more of them.  You’re a natural.  I never was.  I did the movies and photo-shoots because I felt I had to for one reason or another, but not you.  You are doing this because you want to do it, and I think that is why you look so good doing it.  You want to be an actor that makes these kinds of movies, and it shows.”

“But I still have two more scenes to do today.”

“Yes.  But only one more big embarrassing scene.  There would be two bath scenes if the director hadn;t said we would do them later.”

“That’s true.  If we did those, I would be the cleanest boy on set.”
We both laugh.  I think that helps Lucas to relax before his next big scene.

“Everyone back on set.”

Wardrobe takes Petey’s robe, leaving him naked yet again.

“Lights.  Cameras Rolling.  Action.”

“Oh Petey.  You look so cute naked.  I just know Billy and Bobbie Sue will love to play with you?”

“Who are Billy and Bobbie Sue?”

“The nine-year-old Dodson twins that I’m babysitting.  They’re in the family room playing.  Let’s go on in.”

“Look kids.  Petey has come to play with you.”

There on the floor are two naked kids.  One boy and one girl.  I think they’re really eleven but in the movie they need to be nine.  The Director is good at that.  He gets the kids he wants for his movie and then makes them the age he wants them to be.

“Petey.  Go play with the twins.”

“But Mandy.  They’re naked and one is a girl.”

“I can see that, Petey.  Now, go play with them like a good little boy.”

Petey gets down on the floor with the kids and they both jump on him and begin wrestling with him.  Petey instantly gets a boner.

“Isn’t that cute how Petey is showing Bobbie his boner.” 

“Becca.  I’m pretty sure this is the first time Petey has ever seen, let alone touched a naked girl.”

“Oh really.”

“Bobbie dear.  Let Petey touch you all over.”

The girl stands up in front of Petey with her little slit right in his face.  Just by the look on Lucas’s face, I actually think this might be the first time he’s seen a naked girl for real, especially this up close and personal. 

“Go ahead Petey.  Give Bobbie a good inspection.  Use your fingers to check out everything.”

“Billy.  Why don’t you inspect Petey while he’s inspecting your sister.”
“Yes.  Billy.  My little brother loves when boys touch him all over and especially his penis.”

Billy wastes no time grabbing Petey’s boner.  He’s rough with it too.  He’s pulling it back and forth and up and down in all directions.  Petey is hesitant about touching Bobbie.  It takes him a while before he gets his courage up to run his fingers lightly over Bobbie’s most personal places.  Whether it is Billy playing with his boner or Petey touching Bobbie’s most intimate body parts, Petey has a dry orgasm.  This one is gigantic.  He shakes and jerks as his body goes rigid and spasms.

“Look kids.  See what Petey just did.”

“Ya.  He dry cummed like Billy does when I play with his penis.” 

“Did we make him do that?”

“You sure did, Billy.  Do you want Petey to do that to the both of you?”

“YES!  YES!  YES!”

“Bobbie lay down on the floor with your legs spread as far apart as you can, just like you do for your twin brother.”

“Very good, Bobbie.” 

“Now, Petey.  Get down on your knees and rub your fingers between her legs.”

I can see that Petey both wants to do this and yet is scared of doing it at the same time.  He is well aware of the cameras on him.  Slowly, he uses his fingers to masturbate Bobbie.  I’m sure this is the first time he’s ever touched a girl down there and it shows on his face which has to be making the Director very happy.

“Billy.  Straddle your sister with your pecker in front of Petey’s face, so he can suck you off.”

“Oh!  I just got to take a vid of my brother doing this.”

“Can we take vids too?”

“Sure.  Petey doesn’t care.  He likes vids.  Don’t you Petey.”

Petey doesn’t answer, but he also doesn’t say, “no” either.  He just stares at them until Billy sticks his pecker in Petey’s mouth and then all Petey can do is suck on his newest lollipop.

All cameras are now on the three kids masturbating and sucking.  Bobbie reaches down and grabs Petey’s boner as she cums right in front of everyone.  She tells Petey not to stop but to keep going, because she wants to do it again.  Billy orgasms while Petey sucks him, but he doesn’t pull out, he just grabs Petey’s head and holds on for more.  Bobbie keeps jerking Petey’s boner, so he has multiple orgasms.  Eventually the three kids are exhausted from their pleasure ride and collapse on top of each other.

“Mandy.  I think the kids are all tuckered out.”

“I think you’re right, but I’m really horny watching that show.”

“So am I and Carrie’s been fingering herself all through the show.”

“I saw that Becca.  I think, I might have Petey do me when we get home.  By the end, he was getting really good at fingering Bobbie Sue.”

“Kids.  You need a good bath after all that exercise.  That’s what you tell mommy when she comes home right?  You did exercises.”

“Yes.  Carrie.  We always tell her you have us do exercises and then give us a bath.”

“Can Petey take a bath with us.  He exercised too?”


“I don’t see why not.”

“So, you’re okay with me washing your little brother?”

“Sure.  Make sure you get his wiener really good and clean.”

The teenaged girls gather up the kids, including Petey, and off to the bathroom they go.

“Cut. Print.”

“Since we still have some time left and Petey needs to shower anyway to get his make-up off, we’re going to go ahead and shoot his single shower scene.  All the other actors are released to go.”

We set up in the bathroom with a shower.  Petey takes his place.  Naked of course.

“Cameras Rolling.  Action.”

Since Petey has already previously stripped for this scene, all he has to do is reach in and turn the shower on and get in and take his shower.  For the movie, he wants to make sure he gets rid of any critters that got on him while he was hanging out in the woods, which is why he shampoos his hair and soaps his body up really good.  In reality, he’s washing good to get the make-up off of him.  While soaping up his penis, he gets another boner and continues to play with it until he has a dry orgasm.  Once rinsed off, he gets out of the shower and drys off, wraps the towel around his waist and leaves for his room.
“Cut. Print.”

“That’s a rap for today.”

I take Lucas to the wardrobe tent where he can take an even better shower before getting dressed into his own clothes.  Without his knowledge, while Lucas is showering trying to get all that male-up off, I strip naked and slide into the shower with him.  He only realizes that he’s not alone when he feels my boner poking his butt crack.


Lucas freezes, before turning around and seeing me.

“I thought you might want an extra hand getting your make-up off.

“I know a better place to put that hand to work.”

Lucas wraps one hand around my boner and takes his other hand to guide my hand to his boner.  We spend the next few minutes stroking each other. 

“This feels so good, Caleb.”

“Does it feel good enough to counter all the humiliation you went through today?”

“Heck ya.  I’d let them embarrass me like that every day if I can take a shower with you afterward.”

“Just a shower?”

“Heck no!  A shower with benefits.  Now stroke my boner harder.  I want to have the best orgasm every.  Better than all those Mandy made me have.”

“You got it.”

Three orgasms later we get out of the shower to dry off and discover that Sven and Lucas’s dad have been sitting waiting on us the entire time.  Both of our faces turn bright red.

The drive home is silent.

-  -  -

The next day.

“I want to get the big bath scene done this morning before lunch and then finish off the day with more humiliation scenes.”

“Girls, you need to go to make-up and wardrobe.  Petey, there’s no reason for you to get make-up since you’re going to be in the bath along with the twins.  All you need to do is strip naked.”

We go to the wardrobe tent with the twins and Lucas strips naked along with the twin brother and sister.”

“Lucas, my sister and I had a great time in that scene with you yesterday.  You give an awesome blow-job.”

“Ya, and your fingers are magic too.”

Instantly, Lucas’s face turns bright red.  He fingered the girl and she just told him how great it was, which has him really embarrassed.

“Thanks.  You both were great also.”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Sure, I mean it.”

“Thanks.  We weren’t sure and we worried all night, that we weren’t good enough.”

“Of course, you were good enough.  Better than me.”

“Oh no.  You were awesome.  We just hope to get as good as you, so we can star in a movie.”

“Everyone to the set.”

We all start where we stopped on the floor in the living room.  The naked kids and three clothed teenaged girls.  Once everyone is ready and in place, the director calls to start filming.

“Lights.  Role Camera. Action.”

“Come-on kids.  Time for a bath and some more fun.  Everyone, get in the tub.”

The older girls guide the kids into the bathroom and into the tub they all go.  First it’s like any other bath with the girls washing the kids faces, hair, shoulders, chests and backs.  Then it moves to the fun part.

“Okay, everyone stand up.”

The teens take turns washing each of the kids, making sure they give each kid an orgasm.  Petey of course is the prize, with his four-inch boner. 

“Petey’s wiener is so much fun to wash.”

“I agree Becca.  I might have to start giving Petey baths at home.”

“If you do Mandy; let us help.”

Just then Carrie brings Petey to another dry orgasm.

“This is so much fun making Petey shake all over and spasm out of control.”

“Ya, Billy is fun and all, but his little one-inch wiener only grows another half inch when he gets stiff, so he isn’t as much fun as Petey.”

I can tell this is really getting to Lucas as they play with Petey’s penis making him orgasm over and over again.  I think the director notices also, because he gives the girls a silent signal that it’s time to stop.

“Okay.  We need to get Petey out of the tub, dried off and I need to take him home before our parents get home.”

“Ya.  I need to get the twins out, dried and dressed before their mom gets home too.”

So the girls lift the kids out of the tub and dry them.  The twins get clothes to put on.  Petey is left naked.

“Tell everyone, bye, Petey.”


“Cut.  Print.”

During the walk back to Petey and Mandy’s house they stop to let more kids touch and play with Petey’s penis.  Mandy is making sure all the kids that live close by get to see and play with Petey.  They continue filming these small embarrassment scenes until lunch, at which time we all take a break.

This goes on for fifteen more days.  Day after day, scene after scene, Lucas is humiliated over and over again.  It’s obvious that the Director is filming way more scenes than he will ever use in his movie, but I suppose he wants to have plenty of film and scenes to chose from when he edits the final version of the film.  Now, one would think you would get used to the embarrassment, but knowing Lucas as I do, I know he’ll never get used to it, which makes him perfect for this kind of film.

I knew we were getting close to finishing Lucas’s humiliation scenes, the day that the Director asks me to stop jerking off.  He wants me to be full when he starts filming my humiliation scenes.  The other thing that gives it away is the day the Director does the big video reveal scene.

“Places everyone.  Lights.  Cameras Rolling.  Action.”
Petey is getting dressed in his room.  The door opens and in walks Mandy, Becca and Carrie.

“Petey.  You getting dressed to go someplace?”

“Yes.  You said you were done humiliating me for today, so I’m going out to get some of my frustration worked out.”

“I’m assuming you’re going to the woods?”

“Not that it’s any of your business where I go, but yes.  It’s really the only place left, that I can go to be alone anymore.”

“Well, before you go, would you tell me who this is in your video?”

Mandy shows Petey the video he made of Peter jerking off by myself at the swimming hole.  It’s the one where he’s down on my knees at the edge of the water.

“How did you get this?  I deleted all the vids off my phone when you first started being the Witch instead of my sister.”

“Oh!  Petey.  I downloaded everything on your phone that first day when I caught you in the woods.”

“That’s why you were in my room when I walked in after my shower?”

“Yep!  I was replacing your phone.  It just took me until now to find all your hidden folders containing the really good vids.  Now, tell me.  Who is this boy, because you have more of him than any other boy.”

“I don’t know who he is?”

“Really?  You made all these videos of him and you don’t know who he is?”

“You already know that I made a lot of videos of different boys at the swimming hole.”

“You did, but you made more of this one boy than the others, especially of him playing with his wiener.”

She shows Petey the video of Peter sunbathing by myself on the rock and then jerking off.

“Is he your boyfriend?  Is that why you won’t tell me his name?”

“Mandy!  I told you; I don’t know his name and I’m not gay.  I just like taking videos of boys.”

“No Petey.  You like taking videos of NAKED boys playing with their wieners, which makes you gay.  So, this boy is your boyfriend right?”
“Whatever.  Believe what you want.  I’m going to the woods.”

“Well, not until you say this boy is your boyfriend and you show us how you did this.”

Mandy shows Petey the video of him self-sucking on the sunbathing rock.

“WITCH!  I so hate you!  How did you find that video, I had it hidden really, really good?”

“You know you can’t hide anything from me.  So, get your clothes back off and show us how you can suck your own wiener.”

“Please Mandy.  Not in front of them.”

“Why Petey.  Us girls share everything.  So, show us.”

Tears come to Petey’s face and the cameras zoom in on them as he removes his clothes and gets down on the floor, so he can suck his dick.  He lays flat on his back and plays with his penis until he has a boner.  He raises his feet up over his head and then curls over, so his face is looking straight up at his boner.  He stretches his neck, until he can just barely get his lips on his dick-head and begins sucking.

“Oh Wow!  That’s amazing Petey.”

“It really is.”

“You know Mandy, we could probably sell tickets to this.  I’m sure girls would give us a lot of money to see Petey suck his own wiener.”

“You’re probably right, Carrie, but I want to keep this just for us.  At least until he can squirt.”

Petey gives himself a dry orgasm, and then lays out flat on the floor again.

“Now, Petey.  Admit that this boy is your boyfriend and I’ll let you get dressed and go play your perverted games in the woods.”

“But he isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Oh well.  I guess Carrie’s suggestion of letting you do your little trick for other girls is a good one after all.”

“No!  Please no!  I like him.  I have a crush on him, but we ain’t boyfriends.”

“That’s good enough.  He’s your crush.  Get dressed and go play.”

“Cut.  Print.” 

“That’s a wrap of Petey’s single humiliation scenes.”

“Everyone take a few days off to rest up.  We’ll start shooting Peter’s scenes on Monday.”

“Caleb.  Remember no jerking off between now and then.  I want you full and ready to blow on your first scene with Petey.”

We all take off for some much needed rest and fun away for the movie set.

(End of File)