Sadie's Spanking

By Feeling Inspired

Copyright 2024 by Feeling Inspired all rights reserved

[5,304 words]

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. * * * * *

The clanging sound of the seventh period release bell echoed in Sadie’s ears. There hadn’t been a lot of paying attention to her teachers today as her mind was focused on where she was about to visit. Instead of heading to the girls’ lockers room and getting ready for JV soccer practice (a rare achievement for an eighth grader), she was headed out to the pickup lane where her parents waited to take her to the Adolescent Punishment Center.

The fourteen-year-old hadn’t found out that her parents made an appointment until the previous day when Mom had shown up early to soccer practice to talk to her coach. It wasn’t that weird for Mom to show up early to watch, she was proud and supportive after all, but when practice was over and Coach had them in the huddle, he had told the whole team. Sadie was mortified when Coach used her as an example of having to keep your grades up if you want to continue to participate.

Of course, the ride home with Mom was contentious. Sadie was mad that her red parents would do such a thing over one report card (really who cares about the difference between mitosis and meiosis?). The young redhead was even more upset to have the news given to her in front of her teammates. They were all ninth and tenth graders, older than her, and she wanted them to like her!

Regardless of her anger there was no escaping the consequences of a couple of Cs. Her mom wouldn’t even tell her what was going to happen! Mom only told her that it was just one visit to learn her lesson. That did very little to calm her nerves that night, which was very frosty with her parents that night.

On the bright side, at least nobody at school knew what was going on. Sadie knew other boys and girls would get taken to the Adolescent Punishment Center sometimes (and in earlier years the Elementary Punishment Center) and there were whispers about what happens there. Spankings, humiliating exams, and shock therapy were just a few of the rumors but she had no idea what was real or what awaited her. She did know, though, that sometimes kids came back . . . different. Some people shrugged it off, but others came back like polite, quiet robots after the punishments.

As she slammed her locker shut, throwing her book bag over her shoulders, she hoped none of her friends would notice she was headed for her parents’ car. As she waded through the throng of middle schoolers, she told herself to be brave. Sadie had always been the tough girl and a leader. That seemed to come naturally with being a good athlete. When you’re the best on the team you kind of have to act like nothing phases you. Plus being the best girl meant she was on teams with the boys until this year when the teams stopped being co-ed. If you’re going to hang with them, and their stupid comments, then you had to act cool or their teasing just became worse. Hopefully that practice would get her through the afternoon.

Sadie put on a happy mask as she laughed with a couple friends on the way out of the halls and to the front of the school. She waved goodbye and was happy they didn’t say anything about the change in routine. They probably just thought practice was cancelled today. She found her parents’ silver SUV and hopped into the back seat. She met her dad’s blue eyes, which matched hers, in the rear-view mirror. He looked disappointed and a little hesitant to look his daughter in the eyes. Mom, on the other hand, seemed more confident, “I hope you’re ready to learn your lesson.

She shook her mane of slightly tangled red hair in front of her face and grumbled as she buckled up, “Whatever.”

“Good,” Mom said, “I don’t want to see any fight from you today. This is for your own good.”

“Whatever,” Sadie said again, laying her head on the cold window as the car got moving from the end of school traffic.

“Let her be,” Dad piped up, “It will go fast, Baby.”

“As long as she learns her lesson and gets those As back on her report card like we want,” Mom concluded before the car descended into silence with only Dad’s preferred classical music station playing quietly in the background.

The Adolescent Punishment Center was on the outskirts of town, about twenty minutes away. Dad pulled into a rapid filling parking lot that surrounded a drab, windowless multistory building with a large glass front door.

The family climbed out of the car and Sadie’s skin crawled as her mom put her arm around her shoulders. It should have been comforting but it felt like her mom was making sure she didn’t run away. The fourteen-year-old took a deep breath and tried to put on a brave face, defiant as she lined up against a better opponent, but inside her stomach was rolling with nerves.

Dad led the way into the lobby. It was sparse with only a desk where a receptionist stood, and many doors headed off In different directions. Dad spoke to the woman at the desk and quickly they were pointed through a doorway to their left.

On the other side they were met by a woman in a brown uniform, blouse with faux epaulets, a skirt down to her knees, black tights, and the comfortable bulky shoes of someone who stood all day. She shook Sadie’s parents’ hands and introduced herself as Sadie’s punishment technician, making the teenager gulp.

The technician had been briefed that the eighth grader hadn’t yet been told what awaited her, so she stayed mum and led them down the imposingly long hallway. The tiled corridor was lined with heavy wooden doors and lit with overhead fluorescent lighting. The smell of disinfectant, more than anything, gave the building hospital vibes, Sadie thought

Finally, the party reached a room labeled 563. The technician reached out a hand to Sadie and spoke, “Your parents can’t come in here: it’s only you and me. Say bye to them.”

Sadie could feel the fear growing and shook her head, her hair swirling, “Please I want them with me.”

“No. Silence now,” the technician scolded her. She grabbed the teen’s hand and gave Sadie no choice but to follow her into the room, leaving her parents behind.

The eighth grader got her bearings as she heard the door be locked with a clunk behind her. The room was clean and white. The floor was tile, like the hallway outside, and the walls to her right and left were bare. The far wall, though, was a mirror and Sadie had watched enough TV shows to know it was double-sided. Her parents weren’t really gone. Surely, they were watching her on the other side. The scariest thing, though, stood in the center of the room. There was a tall, padded table with a raised pillow about halfway down and black Velcro straps and loops hanging off the side!

The teenager was putting it together when the technician spoke, “Sadie, go sit on the table, facing the mirror.”

Sadie complied, walking around the table and then pushing himself up and witting with her legs dangling off the side. She bit her lip and played with her long red hair nervously as she looked at herself in the mirror. She crossed her ankles, switching back and forth from one white tennis shoe being on top of the other as the technician paused and the waiting got worse.

In the reflection, Sadie could see the technician reading from a clipboard behind her. Half of her wished the woman would just hurry up but she wasn’t brave enough to rush the technician. Instead, she just adjusted her gray sweatshirt and jeans and played with her hair as she waited, trying to keep a passive face.

“Do you know why you’re here?” the technician finally asked.

Sadie turned her head, reflexively falling into defiance, “No.”

The technician responded as Sadie shook her head, “You don’t know your marks went down an entire letter grade this year?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Sadie answered. The teenager thought the technician had been asking about the mystery punishment that was about to occur.

“Your parents have decided now is the time to nip that in the bud and have brought you to me.”

Sadie shrugged not knowing how to respond to that. She turned to the mirror, “My parents must be in there. Is there anyone else?”

“That’s not your concern,” the technician said before continuing her line of questioning, “What do you think a girl with failing grades deserves?”

“They’re not failing. They’re just not As!” the fourteen-year-old protested, crossing her arms over her chest, “A tutor is probably what I need.”

The technician decided that this was a clever girl in front of her. She couldn’t help but smirk as she spoke, “That may be but I’m here to teach you what you deserve after your bad grades.”

“And what’s that?” the teenager asked, still trying to be tough.

“Your parents have signed you up for a Grade One spanking,” she said calmly, leaving unsaid exactly what that meant.

Sadie’s eyes went wide, “Are you joking?”

“No, I’m not,” the technician said simply, “Are you going to listen to directions? It makes it easier for both of us.”

Sadie chewed her lower lip again, her mind racing, before she shook her head. She tried to get her brave face back and act unfazed, “If it gets this business over with then yeah.”

“Good,” the woman said flipping sheets on her clipboard, “This happens whether you sign or not but I would appreciated if you signed here.” She took a step closer and pointed to a line at the bottom of the form.

Sadie glanced down and saw, on the tech’s belt, a pouch with a lightning bolt emblem on it. Her heart skipped as she realized the woman had a taser. With shakier hands than she wished, she scribbled her signature, a look of resignation on her face. Sadie was already committed to be brave and just follow directions. She wanted this all over with anyway, but with the knowledge of the taser, she was definitely going to do what had to be done.

“Ok, thank you,” the technician said as the teenager signed the release stating she understood what was about to happen, “Now I need you to stand up and take your clothes off. Fold them and place them on the table.”

Sadie turned up her nose, “You’re kidding?”

“It’s not hard. Start with your sweatshirt,” the technician said simply. She’d learned that it was better to just give simple orders, maybe even advice rather than to talk to them on her level. Don’t argue. Just tell them what to do and they tended to do it, at least at this age.

Sadie looked down and then back at the technician, “No.” She looked at the mirror in front of her where she suspected her parents were watching. She could feel their withering glare.

“You said you were going to cooperate,” the technician reminded her, “I think you want to keep this easy.” Her right hand went to her hip just above the pouch that held her taser. It was usually an effective, unspoken warning.

Sadie sees the woman’s hand move toward her belt and she sucked in breath. She really had no choice. With no words, she raised her foot up and crossed it over her knee. She would do it but she enjoyed doing it her own way and right now that means shoes first, not a sweatshirt. She untied the laces on her white tennis shoes and pulled it off her feet. Then she put peeled off her sock from her pink painted toes and put her shoe and sock on the table as requested.

Her eyes glanced at the technician who spoke tersely, “Fold your sock.” The technician had learned that enforcing little, stupid things like that made the offenders follow directions later.

The red head bit her lip and scrunched up her nose as she picked her sock up and folded it in half. Quickly, her other shoe was off and her second sock was folded on top of the first. Now it was time for her sweatshirt, on her own terms, hands went to the bottom of her sweatshirt when the technician interrupted her again.

“I said stand up.”

Sadie frowned and pushed herself down from the bench, her bare feet hitting the tile floor. She saw herself in the mirror and then looked down. If she was really going to do this then she didn’t want to see herself in the mirror. Her eyes went to the floor and her hands went to the bottom of her sweatshirt. She reached under and gripped both her sweatshirt and the t-shirt underneath. There was no reason to have to pull off two items when she could pull them both at the same time. Nibbling her lip, off it came. She sucked in breath, her stomach going concave and her ribs were visible underneath her the bottom elastic band of her bright red sports bra.

The technician watched as the 8th grader revealed her pale stomach and red bra. As she pulled the hoody off of her head, her fiery hair was pulled up with it and came out tangled. She could tell from the frizz that the younger girl hadn’t yet got to the point of taking care of her hair more than the bare minimum. One day she’d learn, probably.

Sadie didn’t need to be reminded this time and she pulled her white t shirt, reading Alto High School Soccer, out from her sweatshirt and folded it, placing it on top of her socks and next to her tennis shoes. Shortly, her hoody joined the growing pile and she turned back around catching a sight of herself in the mirror. She quickly looked down but now she was reminded that on the other side her father was watching her standing in her bra. He’d probably seen her in her bra before, she walked around the house in it after she went on runs around the neighborhood but it was still weird to think about it. It was her dad after all, but he was the one asking for it. She hoped it made him uncomfortable . . . though now that she thought about it, that might have been his hesitation when they were in the car. Good, she hoped it was worse when she got her jeans off.

The technician stood passively as Sadie’s fingers went to her jeans. Over the last few years she’d seen more and more teenagers wearing these straight legged, loose fitting jeans. It was almost a waste. This was the age when they looked good in skinny jeans and didn’t have to work too hard to stay in them. Fashion is cyclical she reminded herself as she watched the teenager push down her pants.

Sadie blushed as she realized her panties matched her bra. She hadn’t done that on purpose. It was just what she grabbed out of her dresser this morning but now she was worried that her parents thought she was trying to be, well, sexy or something. Her dad would probably be mad over that. She stepped out of the denim as it bunched around her knees and then bent to pick it up and hold it in front of her to fold. She looked at the technician expectantly. However, the technician didn’t move and the fact dawned on the teenager.

The technician met Sadie’s blue eyes and made no movement. She hadn’t actually said that the teenager needed to be completely naked. In fact, it would be totally normal to spank someone her age in just her panties and bra but not for a Class One. She had to take it all off and it would be nice if Sadie would just continue. It would show compliance.

The fourteen year old caught on. All of her clothes were coming off. She glanced up and saw herself in the mirror. The red of her hair and underwear stood out brightly against her white skin. She closed her eyes and shivered at the thought of her parents seeing her naked, but she reminded herself that this was their fault. It was especially bad for her dad, but it wasn’t like her mom had seen her naked in a few years either. She’d changed a lot since then. She told herself that she couldn’t break down though. She had to be tough.

Sadie took a deep breath and glared at the technician. “Alright,” she huffed as her hands went under her breasts and slipped under the elastic band. She began to pull the band out and then up so it went over her breasts as she pulled it off over her head. For a couple seconds, her boobs, were on full display. They were round and perky and topped with pale rose areola and brighter pink nipples that she hated because they were so often hard. She couldn’t wear anything without padding.

Getting it off over her head was awkward. The technician knew that as she aged, Sadie would probably pick a different style than the pullover sports bra she wore now. With no clasps and the tight elastic they were often hilariously difficult to get off and the elastic had left a red circle all the way around her torso that stood out on her white skin. The girl was brave though. There were definitely ways to do that without showing her breasts off to the mirror and the fourteen-year-old let them be seen for a few seconds before she covered them with one arm and held the bra under her chin so she could awkwardly fold it one handed and lay it on top of her sweatshirt.

Sadie tried to keep a brave face. She’d been in girls’ locker rooms before and changed from one bra to the other for gym class and practice so she lied to herself and said that this was no different. Her dad had just seen her boobs for the first time ever. Sure he probably saw her chest a million times when she was younger but not her boobs which had really only developed the last couple years into something that she was kinda sorta proud of. Some girls had bigger ones and others smaller ones but she thought hers were nice but she knew that nobody was supposed to see them until she was older.

The technician could tell the teenager was in a bind. She was keeping a passive face but she was glowing red. Red heads like her always seemed to blush brightly and she wondered if they actually grew more red or if their hair just made it stand out more. The technician stayed still and let Sadie puzzle it out. They both knew that her panties were coming off and she was happy to let the teenager figure out how to do it.

Sadie knew she was going to have to do it with one hand, which wasn’t that hard, but still a little awkward. What she was really trying to do was figure out if there was any way to hide her actual privates from the technician and the mirror. If she wasn’t allowed to turn around, then probably not. She just had to do it, she told herself, and be brave. Her right hand went to her hip and started pushing down one side of her red panties. That side went down but she had to run her fingers around her front to push down from the other hip as low as they would go before she had to reveal anything. She looked at the mirror, her eyes glued to the triangle that started at her hip bones and went down to her most private place. Already she was ashamed that her parents had even seen that. The triangle seemed so . . . adult. She didn’t remember having that when she was younger.

Sadie made herself look down and she saw the cleavage of her breasts that she was clutching to her chest. Her stomach rolled and she closed her eyes as she pushed her panties down. She tried her best to cover her sex as she pushed down, her hand feeling the curly red hair on her mound as the underwear grew too wide for her skinny thighs and fell to the floor, around her ankles.

The girl froze, embarrassed but trying to hold a straight face. The older woman tilted her head down to the red fabric around the middle schooler’s ankles. She could almost hear the gears turning in Sadie’s head as she carefully stepped out of her underwear, keeping everything covered, and stepped to the side. Underneath her hand, she crossed her legs and held her thighs as tightly together as she could. She bent her knees and knelt, turning her knees to the side, away from the mirror. With her crotch as well covered by her legs as it could be, she reached down to grab her underwear. The technician could see the top of the little girl’s mons, covered with red hair that disappeared in between her tightly squeezed leg. Most girls her age had no chance of covering her privates with her legs but this athlete was impressively muscled.

Staying down, she knew that a bit of her hair down there was out but she thought that her cleft was at least hidden. Sadie balanced her panties on her thighs and folded them in half. Then very quickly she stood up and placed her panties on the pile of clothes. Maybe for a second more of her bits were out to see but her hand was quickly back over her crotch and then she looked at the technician.

The technician gave a small smile to the embarrassed girl and took the pile of clothes and shoes off the table and set them in a chair against the wall. She pointed at the table, palm out, “On the table, please.”

Sadie was happy to be able to lay down on the bed. At least it meant she could hide her most private bits from the mirror. She thought her butt was . . . fine . . . nice . . . nothing special but it was easily her private bit she was most okay with her dad seeing on the other side of the mirror. The teenager turned and tried to figure out which side was for her head.

Seeing her hesitation, the technician spoke tersely, "Hurry up. Head this way." The teenager was to lay with her head toward the door so that she could stand behind the table and swing with her right hand when the spanking started. There was no reason to stand between the teenager and her parents.

Carefully, making sure to not flash between her legs back behind her she climbed onto the table and laid down, her hips resting on the cushion in the middle of the table, putting her ass on full display and easy to hit. She laid her head down, resting on her right cheek, her eyes facing away from the window.

The technician got to work. “Hold still,” she said, reaching across the teen’s naked body and pulled the first strap across her shoulder blades, trapping her on the table. Sadie wiggled a bit on the table having never been tied before, but she told herself to just hold still and let it get over with. There was nothing she was going to be able to do. Shortly, three more straps held her to the table: one on her lower back, one over her thighs, and the last over her calves.

Finally, it was time to begin. The technician cleared her throat and spoke seriously announcing the sentence again, “I will now spank your bottom for one minute. Please hold still. Are you ready?”

Trying to be brave, the red head squeaked, “Yeah.”

With no hesitation, the technician began, an open hand stinging Sadie’s ass. Tears quickly entered Sadie’s eyes as the stinging pain and fear of not being able to escape her vulnerable position filled her. She squeezed her eyes closed and gritted her teeth and tried to take it.

The technician’s hand just kept raining down going back and forth on the teenager’s cheeks. There were no particular guidelines for how to perform a hand spanking like this but the woman followed the best principles of her profession. She moved her hand around, sometimes right in the middle and sometimes higher toward her hips or lower toward her thighs and going back and forth in a staccato rhythym so the punished girl couldn’t get a feel for where the pain would come from next.

Sadie didn’t know how long it had been as her eyes fluttered as she looked at the back wall. She could feel tears running down her nose and cheeks and snot in her nose. She hated losing control of herself like this. She wanted to be tough and not let this get to her. It didn’t even hurt, she lied to herself, as her backside grew redder and redder and the stinging got worse and worse, spreading down toward the back of her legs.

The technician knew that the punishment was almost over but she was still hitting just as hard as she had been before. The girl was wiggling a bit in the straps, her hips moving side to side and her toes curling, but never enough to get away. That was actually quite impressive. It was rare but every once in a while a girl could get herself on her side avoiding the spanks but Sadie was tough. The woman began the final ten seconds of the scourging. Hopefully the girl had learned her lesson.

Squeaks and muffled grunts were replaced with gasps and squeals as Sadie felt like the woman was lighting up her poor butt even harder. She hated herself so much as she lost control. How could she have lost it like this. She could take the pain. She bit her lower lip and tried to hold her breath and then . . .

Finally, with four staccato blows to the fourteen year olds fiery bottom, the technician ended the punishment. Sadie tensed, expecting more, but they did not come. She looked back and the woman didn’t have her hand poised to slap. She exhaled loudly. She’d made it!

Her butt, perched on the pillow, was two bright red ovals separated by the untouched whiteness of her crack. Sadie’s eyes and cheeks were wet but at the end she’d stopped the worse of her whining. She hadn’t sobbed or begged or bellowed, just a few squeals and her nose was running, which she sniffed loudly.

The technician moved down to the teen’s feet as she spoke, “Just hold still. I’ll get you off the table.” She worked quickly and efficiently. The calf belt was removed and Sadie crosses her ankles to link her legs together. The woman moved up the teen’s body, releasing her her thighs, then her lower back and finally her shoulders. Still laying flat on the table, Sadie wiped her face with her hand. “Go on,” the technician ordered, pointing to the place Sadie had disrobed, “Stand there with your back to the mirror.”

The teen tried to move but she was so tense that it was harder than she expected. Throughout the spanking, she’d held her muscles tightly, especially in her legs. Somehow it made it hurt less, perhaps, or maybe it was just fear and adrenaline making her muscles ready to bolt for safety. Regardless, she had to really think about making herself move, wiggling her feet and getting feeling back before carefully climbing off the table with her back to the window trying her hardest not to show her parents, hopefully the only people on the other side of the mirror, anything except her back and butt. Showing off her backside was a lost cause now and, besides, the least embarrassing private to no longer be private.

Sadie stood where the technician indicated with one arm over her chest and the other guarding her crotch. She was worried that she wouldn’t be allowed to cover but the technician seemed not to care. The older woman was filling out paperwork on a clipboard and just let the girl stay, showing off her much reddened and stinging bottom to the mirror. “Just stay still,” the woman finally said, and then Sadie watched as she left the room and left her alone.

Sadie fought the urge to reach her hands back and rub her butt. She could sense that it wasn’t allowed, plus she really didn’t like the idea of uncovering her front., even in an empty room. She’d done pretty well keeping her chest and crotch covered and she didn’t want to give up now. Plus the woman had told her to stat still and it’s not like she was really alone. Her parents were still there and maybe the technician was in there with them now. She tried to listen behind her without turning her head but she could here nothing but a whine from an air conditioner somewhere outside the room.

The girl wasn’t sure how long she stood there holding herself until the door opened again. For a second, she was worried that more strangers were walking in but it wasn’t much better when she realized her parents were entering with the technician. The door closed behind them and the technician spoke, “You can move. Your parents have something to say to you.”

Sadie grimaced at the direction because now she had no choice but to turn toward her parents, covering her parts like Venus. Her mom stood closest looking stern and her dad still looked nervous and maybe a bit taken aback. “Sadie,” her mom started, “We’re sorry that had to happen but it was for your own good.”

There was a bit of a pause and her mom looked back at Dad to get him to speak, “Yes, sorry, Baby . . . After this we just need you to work a little harder in school especially going into high school . . .”

“Not just next year. This year too. Do you think you can do that?”

Sadie narrowed her eyes, anger welling up from the embarrassment but she caught Dad’s eyes. She didn’t want to get in a fight with her mom like this. She nodded. “Yeah,” she muttered.

“Yeah, to what?” her mom prompted.

Sadie started to roll her eyes but stopped herself. “Yes, I’ll do better in school.”

“Thank you. And if you don’t, you will end up back here and it might be worse next time,” Mom told her, while the technician nodded along, confirming that it could be worse. “We love you.”

“Yes, we love you,” her dad repeated, and then looking at his wife, “I think we can let her get dressed now.”

“She can get dressed in private,” the technician said, and then she led Sadie’s parents from the room.

Finally, Sadie was alone and she sighed and reached back and touched her butt. It was sensitive and she could see in the mirror how red it was. As she went for her pile of clothes, she told herself she never wanted to learn what the worse punishments were.

(End of File)