Found on the Web: Reports of Forced Nudity - Archive 3 - Part 3


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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Found on the Web: Reports of Forced Nudity – Archive 3

Part 3

Compiled by Editor_N


Note: if you have not already read part 1 of this archive/series, it is recommended that you at least read the introduction to part 1 (at the top of the page) before reading this part, as the introduction provides context and explains the format.


MN 2021

The girls certainly felt privileged and one could see the smiles of pleasure on their faces as they watched the nude swimming boys.

I wasn't on the swim team but had friends who were and sometimes attended their meets as a spectator. The Junior teams up to age 13 were always naked for the meets.

I guess the parents accepted it as harmless for the young girls to attend as spectators. It was supposed to be family and friends only and there were always quite a good number of girls attending, both young and teens.

As someone else noted most of the girls were there to see the boys naked, not because they were interested in the swimming, but no one ever said anything about this.

The boys on the teams were much used to it and didn't seem to care much even though they were eye candy for the girls.

Although rare, erections did sometimes happen among the boys and I would say about 2 or 3 boys would erect during a meet which excited the girls even more when this happened, but no one commented openly about it except whispering in each others ears.

I was a modest boy at that age and couldn't imagine myself on those teams with my nudity on full display in front of all those girls and women. But like I said it was just normal for the boys on the teams.

-----  followup by same poster

I just accepted it as the norm of the day since that was how we always swam at the Y where I also swam naked with the other boys. What I meant was that I couldn't get myself to swim like that at the meets as the boys on the teams did in front of all those girls.

Swimming at the Y was all boys and nobody bothered or stared at your nudity. I was really jealous that the girls could freely watch all that boy nudity but we couldn't see them in the same situation or in any other way. But we accepted it as normal because that's the way it always was.

The boys on the teams always practiced in the nude anyway and would probably have found it inconvenient to wear trunks at meets. Some of those Junior teams even had female coaches and assistants so they were used to females seeing them naked. I think some of them even practiced together with the girls teams so again they were used to being naked in front of girls.


MN 2021

I and other boys swam naked at swim meets with female spectators. For us it was a privilege to be on the swim team and enjoyed letting girls we knew see us naked. It was a thrill to walk out of the locker room and be naked In front of 25 to 30 spectators. Winning a heat and standing naked on the winner's platform and having every looking at you was also exciting. We enjoyed stand naked when girls we knew came to congratulate us.

For us swimming naked was a way of showing off our sexuality. We were proud of how we looked naked and enjoyed the attention of the girls. In some ways being naked and knowing the girls were enjoying seeing us gave us a sense of power.


MN 2021

I don't think it was considered as sexual at all, at least not before teen age. It was the way we always swam and practiced and also at swim meets till age 12 or 13. We were considered as young boys and still not sexually mature so nobody saw anything wrong with it.

No doubt the girls our age were excited and interested in seeing us naked but nothing sexual was ever mentioned, except maybe between themselves.

I'm sure the parents and adults knew that we were eye candy for the girls but they saw it as harmless since we were young boys.



When I was in both high school and junior high, the swimming pool had viewing ports on both sides. I didn’t think much about them—I wasn’t thinking about much of anything except escaping to some rational universe where I would be allowed to wear clothing, like a normal human being. They were accessible from a maintenance room that ran around the pool.

Imagine my surprise, when, years later at Facebook and another alumni site, I discovered the doors to those rooms weren’t locked, and some girls had found their way in, and had an “enlightening”, shall we say, view of our bare asses from underwater!

I’ve never understood the logic of this. Why is physical privacy for males considered somehow subversive? Why does the possession of externally visible genitals some how obligate one to display them, at least under certain circumstances? In a swimming pool, yes; walking down the street, no. Pardon me for waxing Vulcan, but that’s just too illogical to make any sense.

Yes, it’s a double standard, one that continues to this day, or can someone tell me the last time you saw a male reporter broadcasting from inside a women’s locker room?

----- followup by same poster

They were located a few feet below the water line, on both sides of the pool. There were six or eight of them.

Yes, they were simple, 18 inch round glass portholes, like you would see in a ship.


MN 2021

<Comment:  this post uses terminology/phrases and makes specific points that indicate it was written - or embellished - by the serial fantasist.>

A similar experience occured in my 7th grade gym class. Us boys were swimming nude with girls in suits.

A storm system snuck up on us and there were thunder storms and tornado warnings put out. We were indoors while swimming but the office had us all get immediately out of the pool.

We were told to go to the corner of the pool deck/arena and made to sit on the wooden bleachers until the storms passed. We were there for about 30 to 40 minutes, us totally nude and the girls in their suits.

Our penises were totally exposed to any and all girls at close proximity as we were not allowed to touch our penises.

No effort was made to segregate the class and split up the boys and girls. It was almost as if they didn't care if we sat in between two girls. Yes, totally nude!

Once the storms had passed we were directed to the locker room and told to continue with the day as normal.

----- followup by same poster

Yes, the girls saw us nude as we swam. But while on the bleachers we were fully exposed to them as we stood only inches away from them.

It might not sound that bad to you but as a 12 year old boy it was very humiliating for me. I stood nude, side by side with female classmates and had no way to cover myself. The girls were looking at us and seeing everything male about us.

The girls were very excited looking at our boy parts and talking amongst themselves. We could hear everything they said. Most of their talking was of course about our penises. Just hearing how excited they were and knowing all they were getting to see was causing deep embarrassment for me.

Safety was being considered first and due to the speed of the storms we were evacuated as soon as possible. Foolishly we were ushered out of the pool and placed on the wooden bleachers. I guess it was to protect us from from any lightning and it was in a location at the pool considered safe from any tornado.

Thirty some kids were placed quickly on the bleachers allowing the girls to stand close to us. Being nude, we were a little more voulnerable than the girls who were dressed in their suits.

Although it was only our nudity that was exposed it was very humiliating being amongst those girls. We were nude and they were not. The shame was magnified because of how close the girls were as we stood nude.

If that is not understood it must be due to how I relayed this message. I apologize in advance!

-----  questions to poster

Date Posted: 20:46:28 08/24/21 Tue

Sitting or standing so close to each other on the bleachers with the boys all naked and the girls in swimsuits did any of the girls try to touch the boy next to them?

What kind of comments did the girls make about your penises, something like "you have a nice pecker" or similar?

At that age what name did the girls use for penis?

----- reply by original poster

Yes they did, they claimed it was accidental. It happened more than I thought it would.

They mostly commented on the erections. They said things like "Is It done growing?" or "Are you embarrassed?".

Some even asked about how long it got once stiff and if they could touch it! I got pretty embarrassing standing nude as they talked about my penis.

I only heard what the girls around me asked, other boys added that the girls asked personal questions. It got pretty bad near the end and very embarrassing!


FN: 2019

I remember the first time I went to my older brother's swim meet at the YMCA. I was expecting the boys to be wearing the normal nylon suits but when the boys walked out naked I was both shocked and delighted. I had seen my brother naked before but that was when he was 12. I was amazed at how my brother and the other boys looked. It was especially exciting to see the boys stand naked on the winner's stand in full view and then get to talk to them and congratulate them. There were probably 25 or so girls there as well as moms, a few brothers and one or two dads. None of the moms acted as if there was anything unusual about the boys all being naked and although the girls, like me, loved seeing the boys naked we tried to act as though it was normal. I was amazed that I could talk to boys I knew and they like my brother would stand there naked talking to me and other girls and didn't seemed to care at all that they were naked. Later at home I asked my brother how he felt about everyone seeing him naked. He said at first it was embarrassing but he got used to it and actually enjoyed it. My brother swam on the swim team all though high school so I got to see a lot of boys I knew naked. Some of them were embarrassed when they saw me later at school but most of them accepted being seen naked as just a part of being on the swim team.


MN 2021

We always found it unfair that we had to be naked for swim classes while the girls wore swimsuits, but we saw it as the norm at the time.

We usually had separate swim classes from the girls but if a coach was absent or for some other reason we had to take mixed classes where we boys still had to be naked together with the swimsuited girls at least till age 12.

We also had swim meets with other schools where boys till that age competed in the nude. I wasn't in any of the teams because I was not a very good swimmer but it was still embarrassing having to sit with my girl classmates and other girls in the bleachers watching all the boys competing naked and on full display for the girls to enjoy.

There were a few erections every now and then when you could see a boy or two erecting while they waited their turn on the poolside. But I guess the boys on the teams were used to the nudity in front of spectators.

The girls knew exactly what all the different boys looked like but we boys never had such an opportunity to see girls the same way.


MN 2021

When we had a nude swim practise I remember a talk between a female supervisor and me. I asked her why we boys have to swim nude while all the girls are around. She told me frankly that she enjoyed us seeing naked and the girls too. I blushed and she said I enjoy that situation too by the booner I have sported. She smiled at me and pointed at my erection.

----- question to poster

how old were you then?


I think I was 14 back then. I must admit these words from her excited me as well as they embarrassed me. Had some mixed feelings and my erection proved it. Her words were quite clear.


FN 2021

We had mix swim class till our 12 only. The same, girls were in swim suits, but boys in their "birthday suits". Yes, we like watched them naked and later discussed about it. Boys were embarrassed and, indeed, some from them had erection. We liked swim lessons but I know boys hated them.

Boys swam naked always. Until 12 were mix classes, more older boy had separate lessons but were naked always.


MN 2020

Im getting up there in age and yes I do remember way way back when I was in jr high and HS being made to swim nude especially on a swimming team I was on starting around the age of 11. It was expected then and no one cared if there were mixed spectators around. The pools were old and the facilities were iffy at best for the sport. Not like todays swimming pools at all. My jr high school pool was pretty small with just a three row bleacher on one side for us to sit on as well as spectators. You could be sitting waiting for your event to start and have a mom, sister, girl from school, a teacher or anyone really sitting next to you. It was normal (sort of - you get used to it) to be sitting next to someones mom talking to her totally naked for her to view. When I went to high school, I went to a small private school (formally all girls then coed) that had really terrible facilities as well. There were only 3 boys on our coed team and we were expected to swim nude there as well. I could tell you more about my experiences if you are3 interested later.

----- question to poster

Did you continue to swim naked in front of female spectators after Jr.High?

Do you think that the girls and female teachers came to watch because they were interested in the sport or just because they wanted to see boys naked?

-----reply to question

At the small high school I went to the boys werent allowed suits their either. I'm sure many of them came just out of curiousity and wanted to see. Some were there to watch the sport too I'm sure.

It didn't matter why they were there we (I) always felt eyes all over me as i swam or was sitting on the bleacher. You could see as I would chat with someone that their eyes were darting all over me. It was very intense feeling of being on display for them. I really had to struggle by putting my mind on what I was doing to avoid getting erections.

In high school we always had one or two of the female teachers come by practices and watch us. I was sitting at the end of the bleacher one day when Mrs. Jackson came in and sat right next to me and started talking. As we chatted i felt and erection coming on. As it grew she stopped talking and just stared at it. I was blushing and so embarrassed. She finally said quietly and said I should go to the lockerroom. I got up quickly and went to the locker area. It wasnt very private but I had to take care of it before I went back out to the pool.


MN 2020

That reminds me of a day when I was 9 and taking swimming lessons at the YMCA and the toilets in the girls restroom were clogged and had overflowed. The stench was horrible and the YMCA closed the girls locker room. After my lesson we went into the lockers and there was a girls gymnastics team in there sitting. We were all nude and had been seen by the girls in our swim class but these girls were new to us and we all got embarrassed. Worse yet the girls from our class then entered and the coach said that we would have to shower, dress and leave so the girls could shower after we were gone. Many of us had erections from the girls from gymnastics getting a free look and the girls from our swim class were talking to them about seeing us nude during the class.

I remember overhearing their giggles and conversations about our erections growing and bouncing around. There were also comments about seeing nude boys for the first time along with questions about the different shapes and sizes of penises.

The toilet problem was fixed before our next swim class but I still saw some of the gymnastics girls after our class was over and they would giggle with that "I know what yours looks like" smile.


MN 2021

sometimes. maybe more often than that. at our meets mostly.

before the meets would get started.

the girls would have already showered and gotten in to their suits and step out to the pool and wait. the boys would undress, and then shower before the meet would begin. the coaches would, many times, bring the girls back in so we could have a brief meeting to discuss whatever coaches talk to their teams.

so both coaches were there as well as the girl swim team.

sometimes the girl coach did have a friend with her that was visiting her. it was just a normal day at the office for us whenever this did occur.


MN 2021

Yes our coach was a competitive swimmer in high school and college. So she had lots of experience and she knew how to work with us to improve our skill. She probably had lots of experiences swimming with boys her age with them being nude. Im, sure that is where she got the ideas that boys didn't need privacy.

Yes I knew that saturday sessions were different. They were very early and it wasn't always easy to get there that early. So I wasn't able to go all the time, but I confess I did try to go as often as I could. It wasn't mandatory and most of the time when I went, there would be only a few kids there swimming. Boys, girls of various ages. We mostly would swim a lot of laps to get in shape, but she would get into the pool with us sometimes to help work one-on-one with us to help with turning.

The boys didnt have to wear suits during the practice, the girls would wear one-piece speedo type suits. I confess, I really missed my earlier eperiences swimming without a suit and sort of missed it sometimes. So, the saturday sesssion was nice because it was so comfortable swimming without a suit on. We started wearing suits when we turned 13-14 so we could compete in events. I admit it was nice even at 15-16 years old to still be able to swim some without a suit on. We were mostly swimming laps in the pool, so we weren't exposed very much except going out to the pool and climbing out after to go to the locker area. It was all very casual and each worked on different things. Sometimes we would climb out and sit on the bleachers while our coach would give us some instructions.

It didn't happen very often cause our sessions were very early, but sometimes the coach's friends would come by to watch. They would sit on the bleachers with the coach or sometimes sit on the side if she was in the water helping someone with turns. The one I told you about that was watching as I stripped off my suit would come sometimes and bring her daugher. Her daughter was about 11-12 I think. She wasn't a swimmer so she probably had not seen any naked boys before. She seeemed very curious and would stare a lot or stand very close to us on the pool deck. The boys were all exposed and vulnerable but we were expected to accept it without saying anything about it. For my part I really enjoy the feeling of swimming with out a suit on so I accepted it all and didn't complain to anyone.

As you would expect in this situation some liberties were taken with some of us. Not anything you wouldn't expect when you have easy access to vulnerable nude boys. The touching that would happen sometimes was also considered innocent but if it happened during these sessions today they would cause a major firestorm. They wern't ever spoken of so everything was kept innocent to those not looking very closely. Women weren't considered to be sexual, so they had many opportunities to take advantage of their position.Not all would Im sure but my experience was very different.

-----  followup by poster

I hope I'm not boring you with all this detail. Yes the saturday practice was voluntary which was ok, but not all the touching was like that. As an example, the coach would work with us one on one on turning. The way she did it was to hold her arm out just under the water as we would swim over it. When it was time to flip her hand would press your hips up so you would put your butt in the air and flop your feet over. At first it would be just light brushing over your genitals a bit. Of course we would repeat this over and over and it was impossible not to get erect after several passes. Each time you could feel her hand liberally feeling up the hard shaft. She would be very encouraging after each turn attempt and swim up close brushing up against your body. Her hand might reach around and press against your butt firmly so your body and erection would press against her body more. This would never be acceptable today even if we wore suits.

One day when I was working on turns. One of her friends came into the pool area and stood next to us on the edge of the pool. She look at me in the water next to the coach. We were very close and the coach actually was slowly just sliding her hand onto my erection. I felt her fingers slowly wrap around the shaft lightly. Her friend was staring and she said, "hey now that looks like fun". She was sort of giggling. The coach said, " yea we used this drill for turning in college. The coach would help the boys this way". Her friend said, "hey I would love to try it sometime." The coach just laughed and said, "well go get your suit on and you can help him out too." Her hand and fingers kept casually kneading my hard penis as they were talking. I guess from what she was telling her friend, their coach would pair off the team members and they would work on turning with this drill.

I could barely concentrate by this time I was so aroused. After the next attempt I felt her hand grabbing me again as she swam up close and I just lost control of myself. Her hand was holding my shft as I ejaculated. I was completely spent and could hardly focus. All I heard was the coach saying to her friend as they were laughing, "you will have to help another boy here today, I think this one is all done for the day,"

A lot of this sort of thing would take place more so at the saturday pracitces. One thing that happened I would never forget. It didn't happen to me, I just saw it. I mentioned the coach's one friend would sometimes bring her young daughter along and I said she seemed very curious. She was bold I'm sure because her mother was giving her permission to see the naked boys. One time as I was climbing out of the pool one the far end, I saw her with one of the boys standing sort of behind the pool house locker area. I remember his being a year of so younger than me. He was standing facing the concrete block wall with his hands up almost like being frisked you know. She was standing behind him running her hands along his back and down along his legs and over his butt. He was looking down but she all of a sudden noticed me watching. She didn't really react to me and just kept feeling up his body. She was kneading and rubbing his naked buns and then one of her handss slid down his leg and between them slowly getting him very aroused. AS I saw her hand playing with his penis, I felt myself getting aroused. I was frozen there watching. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. She looked at me and must have enjoyed giving me an erection because she was looking me straight in the eyes smiling. Just then I was startled because her mom was next to me. She said, Oh hey melanie is just curious and I told it would be ok to feel a boy while we were hear at your practices just to see what it was like."

I talked to the boy after practice and he said it wasn't innocent. He said he was talking to her on the bleacher and she told him that there was something over behind the building he should see and asked him to walk over with her. Her mother was sitting there and told him it was ok and she would let him know if the coach was looking for him. He seemed kinda confused, he had never had a girl do that to him before. She didn't say anything and didn't ask him if it was alright. She just starting running her hands all over him. She was 2-3 years younger than him, but seemed to be completely ok with feeling him up when she wanted to.


FN 2021

I worked as an intern at the school administration office when I was in school. It was part of a training program for office work. My friend Lorie and I loved it. It gave us opportunities to work with various teachers and coaches all the time. Our swimming instructor was an older lady about 40 I think. She had both the men's and women's teams to coach and ran PE courses. She would always ask me to bring her messages in her office during the day. Her office was very much like the ones that were described in other posts. The office probably was built at one time for a male coach because it was attached to the boys lockerroom.

Lorie and I quickly learned that if the swim coach had messages we would deliver them right after a PE class or at the end of the day because she would be working with the swimming teams. Since we had special access, nobody ever questioned us about it. The coach didn't seem to mind when we came in even if our excuses were weak. Sometimes when I walked in she would be standing by the window looking out at the boys walking back and forth from the showers. If I had a message for one of the boys, she would go the the office door and call out their name and they would come to the door. I would give them a message and most of the time they were naked. If the boy got an erection standing there, she would always laugh and tell me it was a compliment.

My friend Lorie was also on the swimming team, so I would go to watch the team practice often after school. Most of the time the boys would swim with suits on but sometimes they didn't at practices. The coach would tell them their suits didn't get washed in time so they just had to practice without that day. Somehow, the girls suits were always washed in time. I thought it was funny how that worked. The practices were open and anyone could stop by to watch. There were always a few girls there to watch, or a few teachers. The boys on the team were ages 14 to 18 at that time. It was mixed with about 6 boys and 4 girls on the team. I always knew when the boys suits wouldn't be ready with inside knowledge from the coach. I didn't miss those pracitices. If I delivered her a message during the day, she would always look at me smirking and let me know the suits weren't washed.


FN 2021

Yes the boys wore swimsuits for meets. The lack of suits only happened at practices and it was always a surprise to them at the very last minute. The coach would tell them as they were getting ready to practice. She was in charge.

I was 16 during the year I had the administration training job. I didn't do it for my senior year but I would still go to some of the practices anyway. They were usually open for anyone anyway.

I'm sure some of them complain but it wouldn't have done any good. The coach was in charge and they were under her control if they wanted to keep swimming. A lot of the boys I knew didn't complain that I heard about. I think they seemed to enjoy it. The number of erections would see would tell me they enjoyed not having their tight suits keeping them smashed in those little suits.

----- by same poster

Sometimes there were only a few there to watch. Me and maybe a few others, but other times there could be as many as a dozen. If I came to a PE class during the day, she might let me know that the suits would not be ready for practice. I wasn't supposed to say anything because she liked to surprise the boys right before they were going out to practice. I did tell a friend or two sometimes that we might get a show that night. They usually knew what I meant.

The coach ordered the suits for the boys before the season started. She mentioned to me a few times that she liked to get the fastest suits she could for them which meant they were going to be very skimpy and tight. They were believe me. You could see everything up close but even at a distance the the boys outlines were very apparent. She took all the lining out of the suits she said because they would hold too much water when they swam. It was all very scientific it seemed and they didn't disappoint the spectators. I really enjoyed watching them at practices when the suits didn't make it, but even with suits on the boys were very much on display for us.

I got to know a teacher that would show up at practices pretty often. She was younger than some. Not sure how old. We would sit together sometimes and she loved to make comments about the boys to me as we watched. She would always ask me what I thought of this one or that one's rack. Thats what she would call their penises.


Yes we had a front row seat on the bleachers next to the boys sitting and waiting for lanes to swim in. They had to walk by sometimes dripping wet right in front of us. We loved watching them naked in the pool and walking by so close to us. I think some of the girls purposely were trying to embarrass them so they could watch them with erections as they walked by. It was very thrilling seeing them comeing and going. Some girls would make comments (not loud or anything) that I'm sure would cause them to stiffen up.

There were boys younger and some older on the team. The younger teacher I sat with sometimes, had two of the boys in one of her classes. She would enjoy striking up a conversation with them as they would pass by so we could get a really good long look at them. She was funny. She would wink at me before she would get them to stop in front of her to talk. She thought one of them was pretty yummy according to her. He was so close it made me nervous too. I'm sure he could feel my breath on him sometimes. I got to watch him go from soft to hard. It was very educational. I'm sure they would have liked to cover, but there really wasn't anyway to do it casually. So they just had to display for her.

I met one of the boys she would stop for us much later in life. We were talking about our lives and then he brought up the times he remembered swimming nude during swimming practices. He told me he still remembered everything about having to walk in front of everyone sitting on the bleachers. I asked him how he was able to do it and he said he was totally and completely embarrassed but that he enjoyed it too. He said he couldn't explain it exactly but walking with an erection felt really good and he even got excited thinking about it later. He wasn't really big or anything (I didn't tell him that). He said that he knew his teacher would stop him and was hoping she would so he could stand there in front of us and let us look. He said he felt so vulnerable but he liked it and would think about it later a lot when he was by himself. He was amazingly open. It was nice to hear how he was feeling during those times.


MN 2021

We were in the same situation when I was in the Junior swim team between age 11 and 13. We wore brief tight speedos for meets but we always practiced in the nude together with the girls team who wore one piece swimsuits.

Our coach for both teams was a woman with a girl assistant of HS age.

The school pool where we practiced had strict rules that boys must not wear anything in the pool and this was the reason why we had to be naked during practice in spite of there also being girls practicing with us.

As in your case there would also sometimes be HS girls and female teachers coming to watch during our practice. It was a little embarrassing with our naked bodies on full display in front of the girls but we just had to get used to it.


MN 2021

During our swim practises the boys were nude too and the girls wore swim suits. It was a common practise, girls were granted more modesty and they saw no necessity for the boys to wash their suits regularly. So we attended nude. We had two female coaches, one around 30, the other 40. The girls and the coaches had a clear view on us at all time. Of course we sported erections now and then, we couldn't prevent that from happening. The coaches didn't say anything as long as it was not disrupting training too much. And they let the girls look as they knew they liked it. Only in some cases the older coach send a boy to the locker to get relief when the erection took too long to get away.


MN 2021

When we had swim lessons at the Y as young boys the girls, mostly sisters, could enter the locker room and see the boys naked.

The lessons were for boys up to 12 years old and were held twice a week for about 2 or 3 hours each. During these lessons the older boys and men could not use the pool or locker room since the rules were strict about nudity when using the pool.

The boys were as young as 7 or 8 so there was an excuse for the girls and women to be present to help the younger boys undress or shower, but they also got a good eyeful of us older boys undressing and showering naked. Some of the young girls just sat on the bench by the wall and watched the boys showering naked since the showers was just one big open room where we all showered.

The girls were all ages, some our age, some younger and some older which like I said were mostly sisters but some would bring along a friend or two.

The swim instructors were also girls and women for boys our age which we had to take completely naked. I took the lessons between age 10 and 11.

It was a little uncomfortable with all those girls looking at our nudity in the shower room, which I have no doubt they enjoyed, since the showers were mandatory before entering the pool.


MN 2021

I remember as a young man going to the YMCA every week for years and swimming nude. My mom brought me there and registered me it the swimming program. I was about 10 at the time. A young woman filled out the papers and my mom signed them. She then had us follow her to the pool area where a couple dozen young males were swimming. The young males were nude and having fun doing whatever they were doing. She explained the rules to my mom and me and said that I would have to be naked while swimming. My mom told her that that would be fine, then we went to the locker room just off the pool. She issued me a locker number and told me to put all my clothes in it. I undressed and put my clothes in the locker with this young woman and my mom less then two feet from me. I stood there with my hands covering my penis. The young woman smiled and told me not to be embarrassed and told me to be proud of what I had and my mom agreed. I dropped my arms to my side and we went to the pool. The young woman called to the boys in the pool and introduced me to them and they all shouted Hi Greg! The instructor came over and led me to the other side of the pool where I entered. My mom and the young woman went and sat on the benches with several others, mostly other moms and a few sisters of some of the boys.

We swam for just over an hour and the class was done for the day. We got out of the pool and walked single file to where the spectators were and stopped. I was the new guy so I had to state my name an were I was from to everyone. I was a bit shy but soon forgot that. I did notice that they were all looking at me and I started to get an erection talking to them, my mom was smiling. We then went to the locker rooms and took a shower. My mom and the young women that checked us in came in and stood over by my locker talking. I took the towel and went over there, erection still working, and they asked me if I enjoyed myself which I said it was fun. I was a bit shy about my erection but my mom said it was natural and lots of boys my age get them, the young woman agreed.

Every weekend for years there after I went to the pool at the Y, and many times the stands where full watching the young boys swimming. It was mostly women and girls and at times my mom and some of her friends would come to watch us.

And yes, my erection would come with me, I just couldn't help it. No one seemed to mind and there were several other boys like me that had them all the time. In the beginning I was a little shy standing in front of these girls and my mom with an erection but that passed and I was proud of it and stood there and talked for as long as I could.

I think I was 16 when I stopped or the program stopped and it was a great time in my life, no regrets!


MN 2020

I was 10 years old the first time we went to the YMCA. Yes, the whole boy's team was nude throughout the years. It was up to each boy that turned 13 to 16 if they wanted to wear a bathing suit or stay nude. I was from a poor family and couldn't afford a new bathing suit so I was one of several boys that stayed nude for the swim class.

On certain weekends there would be about fifty boys there for a special event and then the stands were full of spectators, mostly women, and girls. I guess their ages were between 6 - 60. I remember acouple of times when the stands were full that my mom would call me over to tell me somthing and most everybody was looking at me and smiling. Maybe it was my erection I had most of the time or something else. But it was a great time in my life.


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