Found on the Web: Reports of Forced Nudity - Archive 3 - Part 2


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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 

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Found on the Web: Reports of Forced Nudity – Archive 3

Part 2

Compiled by Editor_N

Note: if you have not already read part 1 of this archive/series, it is recommended that you at least read the introduction to part 1 (at the top of the page) before reading this part, as the introduction provides context and explains the format.


MN; date not recorded

My family belonged to a swim and tennis club for several years when I was a kid and a teenager. The club, of course, had swim instruction as well as open swim times. Adults had their times and kids had theirs and all of the time were separated by sex. Men and boys swam naked and there were never any women or girls around. The kids always had an adult lifeguard/supervisor around and if they supervisor called in sick or something, then that group couldn’t swim that day. One day, though, the manager told us that our supervisor had quit and the club was having a hard time finding a new one. He told us that he talked to our parents about it and they agreed that it would be ok to combine the boys and girls swim groups. We boys were a bit confused and one of us asked if we would still be expected to swim naked. We were told yes, that the rules would not change. We were pretty shocked and reluctant. Someone asked why we had to combine the whole groups, couldn’t the just the female supervisor do our time separately? The manager told us that the female supervisor’s schedule wouldn’t allow her to do two separate sessions. On the plus side, though, the combined session would be longer. The manager said we could each decide for ourselves if we wanted to continue. Today’s session is cancelled, the combined one will begin with the next session. Well, we all talked about it – there were 8 of us ranging in age from 8 to 14 – and decided that if we all did it together it might not be so bad. It was the only way we could keep swimming.

Well, the next session, only three of us showed up! We felt pretty betrayed by the other boys. We debated whether to go through with it or not. I guess we were in there a while when the female supervisor came in. She told us the girls were waiting to start. We were still kind of reluctant and she told us that the girls were told what was going on and were admonished to behave properly. If we wanted to swim, we needed to get out there now. So we went out. The entrance to the men’s/boy’s locker was at the opposite end of the pool from where the girls were so we had to walk the whole length naked with all the girls watching. They didn’t outright laugh or anything but it was obvious they thought it was funny and were enjoying the show. The girls didn’t tease us or laugh, but they weren’t shy about looking. We got through that first session ok and we decided in the locker room that we would continue. So, from that point on, we boys swam naked with the girls. We got used to it, even though the girls never hid the fact they liked seeing us naked.


MN;  from: frank-answers-about-swimming-naked

 Pastor Al did not participate in swim meets but did attend high school meets in which teams swam naked with females present (in Central Michigan). He also reported that some students (girls as well as boys) spilled out of the adjacent lunch room into the stands to eat their lunch while the swim team practiced. This lends credence to Gavin’s testimony which comes from the same time and geographic area as Al’s (1960s Central Michigan).


MN (different from above) also from frank-answers-about-swimming-naked

I definitely swam nude in meets with other middle and high, public and private schools that were open to the public and attended by women and girls as well as boys and men –families, mostly, but also students.

In my experience, because we swam nude from our first swimming team practices and lessons (mine were at age 4), swimming nude as we grew older just continued the world as we knew it. What changed for us were the meets, which became better attended and more “public.” From ages 5-9 I swam nude in “public” meets that were really only attended by family members –and my whole family, and many of our friends, had already seen me nude many times, so I felt, so what?

Starting in 5th grade (age 10) I swam with the older elementary school team, and then moved on to JrHigh and HS. I don’t remember having or seeing a boy’s erection in a public meet before I was about 10 (happened to me in practice, though).

Puberty changed everything in several ways beyond the physical growth, both in practices and at meets. We all became much more conscious that girls our age were attending in much larger numbers, including some we hardly knew –simply because they started to attend. Male coaches, who had usually coached nude, began to wear suits at meets. We had our first female coaches (always clothed). Some boys grew much sooner than others; some boys had more visible, darker pubic hair; the difference between cut and uncut penises became more visible, and boys grew at differing rates. We were nude as a team–we were “all in” and were not singled out.


MN; date/source unclear

My father told me that he swam naked at the YMCA and when they had swim meets, the families were invited to attend. This included mothers, sister, aunts and cousins and since other boys were there, often many girls who were their classmates were there too watching the boys they sat next to in class swim while the males were totally naked. Before the swimming began, they did exercises including jumping jacks while facing their family and friends.

BTW that is how my father met my mother, she was fully dressed in the stands while he was standing naked in front of her and her mom and 2 sisters.


MN; 2021

I swam nude at the YMCA starting in the 4th grades and contuing thru high school. My mother and sisters along with other mother's and girls our age all came to our swim meets and saw us boys naked. It was a thrill to swim naked and let the girls see us. If we started to get and erection when when we were wait to swim in s heat, we would slip into the water or cover with a towel. Standing on the winning block was always a thrill because we knew everyone was looking at us standing there naked. We we aroused but never had full erections.

The first time my cousin came to a meet she was shocked to see us naked. When we got home she asked my mom about us swimming naked. My mom explained that it was normal for us boys to swim naked and that the hurt we're all used to it. Later in private my sisters told her they loved seeing all of us naked but acted like it was normal. My cousin attend every meet she could.


MN: 2021

<Comment:  possible fantasist content in this post – you decide.>

Not to butt in on this conversation ... but I would like to comment here.

I swam on a mixed team at junior level. It was near Madison, Wisconsin in 1962. Boys swam nude and girls wore body suits.

The girls got to see everything we had and were quite interested in seeing all we had. A few girls were bold enough to comment on all they got to see. They always were the same girls and always had something hurtful to say. If I wasn't already erect, it was usually all it took to get me started.

Nude swimming for boy's was nothing new and as a 5 or 6 year old boy it was not a big deal, but as I grew older, I felt more and more shame from it. Other boys shared my feeling on that issue and as someone else said before, it took time getting used to being that exposed to the new girls on the team each year. So yes there was teasing, both at the pool and in the classroom.

Erections are funny things as almost anything can cause one, with being nude around girls in their suits it didn't take much to set me off. I tried to stop it from growing stiff but the more I thought about it the worse it got.

Covering up was all but a mortal sin. Our couch forgave erections but never forgave us covering up. It was considered rude and distasteful.

The bottom line was that I was not prepared for the difference between swimming nude in a backyard pool with girls from the neighborhood and swimming nude with girls from school. It was twice as embarrassing for me dealing with girls I hardly knew at school as dealing with girls from the neighborhood I grew up with who saw me nude when I was 5 and 6. It also didn't help having girls around my age commenting about all they saw and how different it looked on all us boys.



I will try to answer your questions

> Outside of swimming lessons, during free time, didn't the girls in your class let you know, that they liked to see you naked at the pool, or that they knew what everyone's penises looked like? boys in the class, haven't they ever teased you about this?

Sometimes the girls would give us knowing looks, a sly smile that meant they had this power of having seen us naked. Not directly to me but a few times I overheard girls talking about seeing our penises.

> When they looked at you with big smiles during swimming lesson, didn't that give you erections?

Yes, unfortunately there was no way for us to control it, erections happened, sometimes it felt like the more I wanted to prevent it, the more erect I became! It was embarassing.

> at no time, when girls were staring at your penis, weren't you tempted to cover it with your hands?

Most of the time I was able to try to focus on something other than the girls staring as my privates, but yes there were some times that, really I would have liked to be wearing a swimsuit. Covering with our hands was not allowed, but every once in a while when I felt like a girl was staring at me for too long, I would turn away from her.

> when you were paired with your partner daughter, to float on your back, seeing her floating in front of your eyes, you must have quickly realized that when it was your turn, she was going to have a perfect view of your penis, isn't- not?

Yes definitely. Although I did enjoy being able to see the outline of her vulva, and wishing I had X-Ray vision to see more, at the same time I did realize that when my turn would come, how much detail of me she would get.

> How did you feel when you felt your penis come out of the water, right under his gaze? did you have an erection then?

Yes sometimes that would cause an erection, and then it was difficult not to think about what an intimate view she was getting.

> could you feel your penis gesticulating out of the water, and the fresh air going through it, these signs that indicate that it is in the open air, visible, did that distract you?

To be honest, looking back as an adult, I think I actually might have enjoyed that feeling, being naked and free in the water, even walking outside of the pool, all without a bathing suit sticking to my skin. But the girls would have had to be naked too. Also I would have had to be more mature in my mind, which of course I was not at that young age.

> Hearing your partner's "little laughs" or seeing his big smile must have been embarrassing, how did you deal with this embarrassment? you acted like nothing had happened, like you hadn't noticed that she giggled in satisfaction, and like everything was normal for you to be naked? or did you smile with her, and hold her gaze, like "ok, you saw my penis point out of the water, that's funny, and i'm totally comfortable with that"?

That's a good question, again I think things would have been different if somehow I could have been more mature of mind but of course I was not as a kid. If I was, I would have had the confidence as you said, and would have been comfortable. But as a kid I was not, so mostly I avoided their eyes, trying not to think too much of the situation and focus on something else.


FN: 2021

I swam competitively from 6th grade to 9th grade. This was from 1964 to 1967.

The Junior High boys swam nude in Wisconsin so it was a very interesting activity for girls my age. I got to see 12 of my fellow classmates in the nude 3 days a week for about 2 and a half hours each meeting.

The boys were quite exposed and for me that was rather nice. I saw all those penises, circumcised and uncircumcised, erect and flaccid, long and short, thin and fat.

Before then I never knew there was such a diversity amongst penises. I had seen boys nude at swim classes and around the neighborhood but my time at practices and meets allowed me to see many nude boy's and many different penises.

As with all things the boys all matured st different times and a few of the boys I saw nude were entering puberty early. Seeing pubic hair or longer and thicker penises was a treat. These boys entering puberty often erected giving me a chance to see their penises at an unusually large size. My heart would race as I was allowed to see these sexually mature boys totally nude and erect!

We always thought that an erect penis was a sign of shame, embarrassment and humiliation. I know I was unaware of the sexual part of erecting and how being seen nude was associated with sexual interests. To me, the boys were ashamed of being seen nude! Although I was excited by seeing the nude boy's, their penises and watching them growing erect, I never once thought the boys were sexually aroused, simply shamed by their nudity.

At my young age, I was satisfied thinking that the humiliation was a good enough reason for the boys to fully erect but it eventually became clear, it was not embarrassment alone causing their penises to transform.

By that time I was in Senior High and the boys were wearing swimwear, no longer swimming nude. Without the thrill of seeing boy's nude I lost interest in the sport and 9th grade was my last year as a competition swimmer.


MN: 2021

I swam too as a hobby and then competitively later in high school as well. I started in 1st grade at Y and then moved to an old boys club. I am a bit younger than you but can assure you the boys still swam nude. I did take a break in process to do other things and sort of recruited to come back as they needed me. Nudity did not bother me as I played nude in summers often and took off clothes by choice when ever I could. Girls' would play with us and not be upset at all by this,.

Our practices were up to 2 hours and rather difficult, more so difficult than the swim meets. We pretty much always had female instructors until high school level. A few girls were assistants for team as well. They would see dozens of dicks at practice and swim meets.

I could go on with silly stories back then but we would erect on purpose at practice and meets if not too nervous. Some boys would even strip in parking lot before entering front desk to swim. I often wore shorts as I rode a bike there.


MN: 2021

I did swimming so long the idea that nudity was a big deal to others is fascinating. Us boys sort of giggled at speedos for swimming as silly and did not want them. I also had three much older sisters so the embarrassment of being seen did not really exist. They were more surrogate moms than sisters. My sisters, older girlfriends would get a chuckle out of seeing a few boys run around naked in summer but the chuckle did wear off quickly. They mentioned they would run around too if they had a ding ding and were allowed to do that too.

The swimming sport was rather hard. You were required to progress and there was a lot of attrition. Swim clubs were always rather small groups. You would stay sore and fit. Not much was mentioned on nutrition back then and everyone was thin, wirey, and with muscles.

Girls talk about shapes and sizes of the boys. I did not see that as they were pretty much 80% all the same. This is not what people want to hear, but definitely what I remember. We also did barbell training, but the hard stuff wear you pick a bar off the floor until you almost puke. One of the reasons I did stay was I got to wave off going to standard PE class and leave HS faster. I would get a fitness test I flew by and got exempt.

After years of this we were much farther ahead than our peer group and meets were rather easy. No we did not always win but difficult was not as high as the practices. We did all the practices nude and most of the swim meets nude too. We were told it showed more confidence. Coach would say she had boys so not to worry about ever getting excited. We would get hard in front of her all the time. She really did not react to it. Water was not warm so she saw plenty of shrinkage too.


MN: 2021

 I was a good swimmer but not so good of a student. My grades were average, nothing to brag on.

I was not that thin but that might have helped me keep afloat. We could barely get 8 boys to go out for the team as we had to swim nude. We had a girls team but they practiced on Mondays and Wednesdays. We practiced Tuesdays and Thursdays, always Fridays off to rest up with Saturday meets.

Out best ever was Third Place County Overall in 1964. Half the Junior Highs couldn't even field a team that year. We were OK, I guess.

I dreaded meets with the girls team sitting with us. They saw us nude and it sometimes got embarrassing.

It was a funny time with me being close to puberty and almost anything could trigger an erection.

I feel if we had practiced with the girls team we might have acclimated to being seen nude but others who post here and on other sites seem to feel differently!


MN: 2021

It is good to for me to go through these memories again. It is good therapy and helps me understand some of the behaviors I work through today.

Your questions weren't very specific, but I'll try to give you some perspective. The medal ceremony took place on a low platform that was built and stood next to the far end of the bleacher. It was very close to the bleacher and there would be a lot of people, mostly mothers and a few other daughters sitting up close to the platform. After the race, the top three would go over to the platform and wait for the medal to be presented. If you only took third place, you had to stand so close to the bleacher that you could almost feel the spectators breadth on you as you stood there waiting. In fact you could actually feel their breadth because they would lean over or out to look very closely at you. Sometimes, you might feel a slap on the butt, or a pinch if you weren't getting erect fast enough for them.

As you stood there it might take a few minutes before the lady, usually the coach or opposing coach, came out to hand out the medal. While standing it felt like we were posing for the crowd to watch us. All eyes were looking and if was impossible not to feel aroused especially hearing the comments. The comments seemed to always be about how fit we were, our butts, cocks and of course about how we were swelling up for them. You could hear some of the women talking to each other referring to our penises as, meat, horns, racks, stiffies, boners, pleasure sticks, pee shooters, snakes, etc., etc. It always amazed me to see and hear how raunchy women get when they have the opportunity to freely see naked boys - especially when they are aroused for them. Because of the proximity to the stand and bleachers, all the boys would get aroused waiting for their medals to be awarded for their performance.

When the coach came out she would stand up close to each of us and hang the medal around our necks. So close that she would brush up against our erection almost always. And then give us a long hug pressing up against our boner, her hand squeezing a butt cheek pushing us into her firmly. She would congratulate each of us and then I remember hearing her tell us to go sit up in the bleachers with the mothers so they can see your medals. I'm sure they want to see them up close and touch them. I learned quickly it wasn't the medals that excited them. She was sending us up into the bleachers for their pleasure and entertainment really. She would always remind us," no covering now and no touching", she would smile. After I got over my shyness and embarrassment a bit, it became a big incentive to try and win the races so you cold go up into the bleachers after the ceremony with your medal. We weren't supposed to talk about it, but everyone knew how the race winners were treated differently. It was a powerful feeling of being vulnerable and objectified as we were pass around like that. I confess that I grew to like it though over the years I was in the program.

When the girls would be on the podium, the attention was less intense until the one male coach came out to give them medals. Even though had had a towel wrap on, I would notice the girls would slip their hands inside it as he leaned in to hug them. Not being close, I couldn't hear comments, but it seemed the girls were always free to feel him up when the wanted to. One time, I remember this one girl from another team that seemed to always be very rowdy was getting her medal. She leaned up close to him and slipped his towel off of him letting it fall on the podium. I saw her hand gripping his grown man erection exposed to all the women in the bleachers. They started hooting loudly. He quickly bent down and got his towel to cover. He was allowed to cover even though we swimmers couldn't. At the time it didn't seem fair that he could cover but we couldn't. Even if we were being touched or being teased by a girl, you had to let them do it and if others were watching, so be it.

That is about all I can tell you about the medal ceremony unless you have something specific to ask. Maybe you can give me something specific about the nude workouts you want to know as well. I don't mind.n You haven't asked much about the grassy area and parking lot activity that took place too. Maybe that isn't what interests you.

----- more from above poster

You ask some interesting questions. I think by the time we would swim at meets, the sense of modesty had all but vanished by that point. Practicing everyday totally exposed with a lot of the same people, you almost forgot that we were not wearing suits. The meets were different of course because the other team girls and other new spectators did bring back the discomfort a bit at first. Especially, when we first walked out. After swimming several events and having to stand on the podium as a winner, the sense of modesty seemed to not be something we were supposed to expect. I guess I was aware that it was a vote by everyone that we shouldn't wear suits, so to be in the program, you had to conform to their rules. We weren't allowed any privacy during practices, so this wasn't that much different.

No it wasn't normal at all to climb up into the bleacher area completely naked and with an erection, but the race winners were treated so much differently, that it was exciting to climb up with all of them seeming so pleased. I was really just average size and circumcised but the attention made you feel so much bigger almost. If you lost, no one seemed to even notice you sometimes as you climbed into the bleacher to sit after the event. Climbing up as a winner, you could feel their hands touching your legs and encouraging you to sit near them. You could see their eyes looking up at you between your legs. When you did sit down, usually 4-5 ladies and/or girls would move up close to see your medal. It was an excuse to let their hands run over your chest and down all around and over you. It was all so pleasurable that you forgot about modesty altogether sometimes.

Once the next race would start, the attention would stop or the ladies would be distracted a bit and you were left their sitting by them totally aroused and desperate almost for some relief. It was then I would realize how naked I was seeing them all sitting either in swimsuits, short shorts with tank tops or sometimes short little sundresses. They were fully clothed but very skimpy in many cases. They all seemed to be so free to fondle and touch us however they wanted in all their excitement. But, I never felt as though I could touch them in a similar way. I always felt the clothes barrier inhibit me. And there were times I was so aroused I wanted to just grab it myself and rub it even with them around. I knew I couldn't because of the no touch rule. That I remember is what seemed so unfair. The time and place to get relief, it seemed, was up to them not us. I did see other boys try it sometimes. Mostly, they would try in the parking lot where they might have a bit of privacy between cars. If they were caught though, or someone complained about it, they would be on probation. Another time and they would be out of the program.

Of course accidents did happen. After a win, sometimes the frenzy in the stands over a boy would end in ejaculation right in the stands in front of everyone. Some of the boys with bigger penises would get so much attention they couldn't control themselves. It usually ended in a lot of embarrassing laughter. It was expected of us to be in control so that wouldn't happen. If it did, they would be the butt of jokes for awhile. That did seem very unfair to me. Given what was happening, it didn't seem to me that the boy was at fault. And spurting with all of them watching did seem to be very humiliating.


MN: 2021

In my school, they would not let the boys have any power of the girls so although they could say things to us including pointing out to other girls that "his cock is hard" even if the coaches or other staff heard it, they would say nothing but if a boy said anything about a girl being wet, I am sure we would have gotten it and the male staff would have come down the hardest on us. I do really think they wanted ALL the girls in the school to see us males naked but that was OK with me. I wanted it too.


MN: 2021

We started taking swimming lessons in grade 5 at age 10-11 at the local HS swimming pool. The rule was always that boys had to be naked to use the pool and although the HS kids had separate classes for boys and girls we were always mixed class since we were grade school kids.

Our girl classmates were very excited seeing us boys all naked and very embarrassing for most of us boys although some didn't care and even enjoyed it because they were used to it or for some other reason like being exhibitionist, but these were few.

It was mostly these boys that joined the swim teams in Junior High since the meets were in the nude and even practiced together with girls teams. Some joined because they loved swimming so much and were good swimmers and couldn't miss the opportunity in spite of some embarrassment.

I was not a very good swimmer but even if I was I couldn't get myself to display my naked body in front of girls for swimming at that age of 12 and 13 in Junior High.

After age 13 the boys wore speedo briefs for swim meets in front of mixed spectators. I know that there were a few schools that had swim meets in the nude for HS boys in front of mixed spectators, but these were few and not common like the Junior boys teams.


MN: 2021

I remember starting Junior High, the boys swim classes were done in the nude. But there was also a chance that some swim classes would be mixed. And sure enough, a month or so into my first year, mixed swim classes started. They were once every other week, for all three years from age 12 to 14. Boys remained nude while girls wore a one piece suit. Usually about 15 boys & 15 girls to a class.

I do remember getting erections in just the boys swim classes, but not too often. But when it came to swimming with the girls, I clearly had more erections than any of the other boys. We used to get partnered with a girl quite often during our class, and more often than not, I was paired with a girl named Kathy, who I sat next to in a couple of classes. I also already had a bit of a crush on her before these mixed classes started. Needless to say, each time we stood next to each other and I felt myself begin to harden, I was mortified!

Finally getting in the pool was always somewhat of a relief. But not entirely. Our lessons involved our partners holding us up at the surface of the water, which I've read in many similar posts. Doing backstroke exercises with my erection above the water, not much further than a foot away from these girls faces was bad enough. But when I was face down in the water, every girl without fail, would have one hand at the top of my chest and the other would be making contact with my penis. And if I erected or was erect, they would take hold of it, saying it was easier to control my body.

I wasn't too upset by it, but it didn't feel entirely appropriate. I guess I was young and that this was just the way it was supposed to be. And that was that. It got to a point where it kind of felt normal having the girls see us naked, but I never got used to displaying my erections in front of them. I did, however, get used to them holding my erection under the water. I never talked to the other boys about if they were 'handled' in the water or not.


More from above poster

I was kind of shy throughout my school years. So, like I said in my post, I didn't talk to the other boys about it. They may have talked to each other. I'm not sure. As far as myself, it was like 'is this really happening?. I never really had any sexual thoughts about girls yet, even though I was interested in them. Masturbation probably started not too long (maybe a year) before the girls started to get ahold of me. But that was just because it felt good. That's all. So someone else's hand holding my privates was beyond my comprehension at that time.

I was definitely embarrassed having erections, especially when standing around the pool. I was afraid my body was telling everyone I liked Kathy so much it made me hard. It was a mixture of extreme vulnerability and helplessness. My erections were supposed to be seen only by me! Not 30 other people.

As far as being held under the water, I suppose maybe half way through those three years, I started to get used to it a bit. There would be times when they'd 'accidentally' grab my balls for entirely too long, before apologizing and taking hold of my penis. Over those three years, I had to have at least 50 different girls hold my penis. And who knows how many see me naked with an erection up close and personal.


More from above poster

I don't know if it's the years that have gone by, but I don't remember much formal discussion between us and the swim teachers prior to the girls joining us. One class, the teacher just said we will be swimming with the girls. I wondered if they would be naked too, but quickly found out that was not the case as they came into the pool area in suits and immediately started looking down at our penises. There were no lectures or rules by the teachers. It was just done in such a matter of fact way.

As far as the first time being seen naked by the girls, many of which I had gotten to know before this, I wish I could forget. They had all the kids sitting on the floor with the girls group and boys group facing each other. I was towards the front and was called first to stand up. So I stood up and took a couple steps forward as Kathy's name was called. She was in the back, so it took a little time for her to meet me. During that time I looked down at all the familiar faces of girls and without looking down at myself, I knew I was erecting. I wanted to cover up, but thought that would draw attention to my penis. So I kept my hands at my side and let myself grow while seeing smiles form on most of the girls' faces. Kathy was no exception as she smiled while approaching me with her eyes on my hardening penis. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die! She took my hand and we walked down to the shallow end of the pool.

I was hard that whole first class, from start to finish. During the backstroke lesson, Kathy made sure I was lifted high enough for my penis to be completely out of the water. I guess she wanted to get as good a look for as long as she could. Her eyes were always on my erection, not much more than a foot from her face, as she smiled and told me I was doing great.

As far as face down in the water, the girls were never instructed to hold our penises. And I don't know how many did it to other boys (probably a lot), but they always held mine, along with an occasional quick massage of my balls which of course was 'accidental' as they felt for my erection. I'd like to think I wasn't erect every time they held me, but it sure seems like it.

That first class, there wasn't any laughter or teasing. But the next day in the hallway, Kathy called me over to where she was standing with 3 other girls in my swim class. She said "I hope you didn't mind me holding your little penis yesterday," as the girls giggled. I just shook my head no, not knowing what to say. "I hope I can hold it again. That was fun." the girls giggled again. It was like they knew every personal secret I had, just by seeing (and holding) my erection. The girls were in control, it seemed. It was quite


MN: 2021

I lived in a rural community west of Madison, Wisconsin. Our school was K through 12 all in one building. The swimming anex was an add-on and was off the west side of the gymnasium. We swam nude up into 9th grade and we were called the Junior Varsety team. We swam the same meets as the Varsity team, just earlier! J swam nude but the Varsity boys swam in suits. I always found that to be strange. Why not let us swim with the Junior High team if we had to swim nude? It made no sense!


FN; 2021

I wanted to comment on the doubters I read about on this and other threads that boy's were not held by their penises during swim classes. It most defineatly did occur and it was taught to us by instructors.

It was a very important step in teaching all "face in the water" strokes. (No pun intended!) While standing on the boys left side we supported the boy, keeping him afloat, with our left hand just below his chest and our right hand firmly gripping his penis.

I am presently 73 years old and this was the ACCEPTED practice in 1963. I can assure you of that! I was 14 and assisted my neighbor who was a licensed lifeguard from the YMCA. She taught swimming at the "Y" and I got 50 cents for each session.

The practice was shared by the 2 other girls who assisted Lori as we taught both boys and girls to swim. Most of them in the 8 to 10 year old age. Occationally there was an older child who was 12 or 13 and if that child was male it was an awkward situation for both. Because it involved handling the boy's penis it did become a bit personal and very intimate.

Even with a 10 year old boy, erections were almost automatic and with the older boys it was automatic. The boys did experience shame and humiliation as we held their most private parts. It had to be very embarrassing to be touched that way while in full view of others, girls included. Even though everything went on under water the boy knew girls were there watching him struggle with his shame as I had hold of his penis.

I will not lie as it was pleasurable for me to get to hold a boy by his penis. Some were already erect as I took hold and others slowly stiffened as I held them. It was very interesting when supporting a 12 or 13 year old boy as it was obvious his equipment was larger.

He was much more aware of his vulnerability with my hand firmly gripping his penis. There was an awkward bonding between us as I familiarized myself with his erect penis. I will admit I was aroused as well, holding on to his erection. It was very gratifying and my heart did race with lustful thoughts. I did take liberties often gently sliding my pinkie across his tip or retracting his foreskin before taking hold of it.

There is no way that I can speak for the other girls but I am sure with the opportunity there, many irregularities did occur. There was too much that was hidden for the other girls not to take advantage of this unusual situation.

I am not trying to sensationalize this much talked about procedure, simply trying to explain that my instructor trained me to do it that way. There is no way to prove it but that's how it was.

Was it embarrassing for the boys, yes, they were very embarrassed. Was it enjoyable for me to hold them that way, yes, it was. I can not deny that. I enjoyed the opportunity and took it to the next level. Who here wouldn't have?

You can take this in any way you might choose. The simple truth is that it was acceptable back then, just like boys made to swim nude in front of girls! Many of you doubters still see that as hard to believe so what can I say. It was simply how it was back then.


FN: 2021 more from above poster

OK, I figured there would be questions. Realize that I am 73 and some things may be a bit fuzzy so this will be to my best memory of the situations.

Yes, the classes were mixed but it was usually 3 to 1 boys to girls. Most girls in '63 were more interested in cooking and sewing back then.

As for teasing it did happen, but most of the time it was not blurted out. A girl might tease the boy in front of her or a girl might accidentally on purpose touch a boy's penis. Giggles did go on and sometimes even I snickered when an erection occurred. I was young too!

Erections seemed to be the big thing as most girls were facinated seeing one fully extend. They laughed or giggled getting to see a boy grow to erection.

The instructor was female, her name was Lori, she was my neighbor. That's was how I learned to swim.

Yes, a few times I worked with a boy 11, 12 or 13. It was not easy to tell their ages but I could tell if they were into adolescence by penis size and pubic hair. Most of the boys were between 8 and 10 but occationally there were 1 or 2 in a group that were older.

Yes, the older boys were a bit more nervous about the situation. Lori taught us that the older boys could be a bit disturbed when we took hold but for us to call her for help. And yes, it was much more exciting for me. It was rare to get an older boy as we usually worked with younger boys.

We lived 10 med west of Madison, Wisconsin. I was in Junior High and most of the boys taking lessons were elementary school kids. The older boys I got to hold were not from my school or neighborhood.

Yes, there was the floating on their backs. It was very exciting for the girls and really embarrassing for the boys. It was all out in the open so everything was seen. The boys were usually pretty embarrassed by it but s few grew erect as we went through the excercise. I will admit I got excited seeing the boys that exposed. It was very erotic.

Lori was my neighbor and she told me as she trained me using her 6 year old son. I was rather excited getting to hold his tiny penis so you can imagine how I felt holding a 10 year old or even a boy older than that!


UN: 2021

I think this is a common agreement between those who experienced nude swim meets which all seem to agree that the line-up / roll call at the start of the meet when they had to stand next to each other facing the mixed spectators on the bleachers with nothing else to do was the moment when boners were most likely to occur.

Once the meet started they were more concentrated on the swimming and moving in and out of the water and other movements and warmups and thus boners were much less likely to occur.


MN: 2020

I was a swimmer at at school starting in jr high. We were expected to practice and compete in the nude. As a 7th grader when I started it just seemed like that is what we all did. We just followed what the older boys did and what our coach told us to do. Practices werent really too bad. Usually a few mothers would come in towards the end of practice to wait for us to finish so they could drive us home. The swimmimng meets were very different. I remember the pool area had a small set of bleachers on one side. We all sat there waiting for our event to start. So we would be naked sitting there maybe witha towel but not always. There would be around 30 spectators there to watch us sitting on the same bleachers. Men, women, girls and even young girls would be there to watch. It was all casual seating so some of the women would sit next to the team. They would chat with us just like it was no big deal that we would be sitting there nude right next to them. By the time I was 13-14 I got used to it and relaxed with it all. I rarely bothered covering witha towel. After the meet, we all had to file out through one doorway down a hallway to get to the locker room. The spectators would go the same was so it was crowded and of course there was lots of visiting after the meets. I remember it was so crowded in the hall as I made my way to the locker that I felt any number of clothed women brushing us close as we talked. Of course without a towel it was very difficult sometimes knowing I might get an erection right in front of all of them. It was difficult for all of us and many of the boys did get a hard on before they could get to the locker area. No one said anything but you could tell that they were whispering sometimes. The girls of course wore a black one piece to swim or pracitce.

Nobody really cared if the boys had privacy. We were just expected to compete and forget about being on display for the spectators. Im sure everyone knew that a situation like that could cause arousal but it wasnt discussed. It was frowned on and most of the time competing it didnt really cause any problems. After the meets was the most difficult to be the only nude ones in the crowds of women and girls (some very young). I kept swimming until I was 16-17 years old. Im sure now that there were times as we were all walking out that some of the touching was on purpose. Of course there was the occasional arm around your waist as you chatted with a mom or someone you knew and there were lots of casual pats on the bottom as well. There was more sometimes as I remember. It was really unfair to tease and arouse us knowing we would be totally embarrassed about it.


FN: 2020

<Comment:  this post is INfamous.  Author name is left in, and the writing style very strongly indicates it is written by (or enhanced by) the serial fantasist who polluted the boards.>

Keslie C.

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Date Posted: 14:53:50 12/08/20 Tue

I wasn't sure if I should post this under Camping or here and since this one was much shorter I chose it.

I was a camp counselor for 4 years at the same church camp. It was in the 60's so many of the "nude boy customs" were still in place.

It was common, even at a church camp, for the boys (8 to 13) to swim nude with the girls in swimsuits. The boys were, as stated here, expected to stand totally nude, full frontal, with their hands at their sides. More or less, fully exposed to the girls.

It was believed that thr girls were not interested in seeing the boys nude but nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, was further from the truth!

All of the counselors were female and plans were often made to involve male nudity wherever possible. The girl campers talked with us and were all for seeing the boys totally nude. They actually wanted more, wishing for sort of a sex education session with hands on participation! That was not going to happen!

It was exciting seeing the boys struggle with their exposure and the girls just loved it. The events were socially designed for the girls to look at and talk to nude boys. What girl would not enjoy that? Seeing a boy you thought was cute and seeing him nude all at the same time!

The boys outnumbered the girls almost 2 to 1. The plan was to make the camp more friendly to girls to get them involved. Showing them nude boys and allowing them to interact with boys, some fully erect, was the ticket! The girls were excited beyond our wildest dreams.

Was it Methodist protocol? No, but the number of girls attending each year was growing and that was what the church wanted!

The boys had mixed emotions about this as some seemed to enjoy being nude while others were completely humiliated by it! It was a good situation for the girls as they they got to experience both sides of this situation. The nudity seemed to settle the boys down when in a large group so we used it to our advantage.

This made for boys with erections walking around amongst girls gawking at all they were allowed to see! The boys less bothered proudly exposed their penises to any and all who wanted to look! Some would go so far as to let girls touch which we couldn't allow, while other boys shamefully stood totally exposed and erect, some even cried.

For the girls it was like a fantasy seeing that many nude boys. Every girl there was treated to knowing how penises grew erect and what the difference was between circumcised and uncircumcised. They were allowed to look so they looked and they learned! It was figured that it would be good for the girls to be educated and learn about boys bodies before they were old enough to date.

We combined anything and everything with swimming short of prayer time and Sunday services providing the girls with plenty of oppertunities to see the boys nude.

It was very embarrassing for many of the boys allowing the girls to look them over time and time again.

There was no question that the girls knew what penises looked like seeing them so many times. Many of the boys attempted to opt out of swimming with hopes of not being seen nude but had those hopes thwarted with a solid no for an answer.

Many of the older boys were deeply uncomfortable being seen nude by younger girls and made attempts to stay in the water even through meal time. That also was stopped for health reasons siting they hsd to eat!

All in all it was definatly a big win for the girls seeing do many penises so many times. I know they went home with a better understanding of the boys genitals. It was unfair to the boys, I understand, but it was what it was!


MN: 2021

We had to shower before getting in the pool and had to make sure to wash our anus and under our foreskins. Our male coach would sometimes ask random guys to bend and spread to check.

We swan nude up to 16 years and sisters and mothers would come to watch.

We would like up at the side of the pool at the start of the lesson - 15 penises in a row for the viewing pleasure of the ladies.

Sometimes if i saw a girl i fancied watching, then "pa-doing!" i would pop a boner.


FN: 2020

As for who attended, I remember few if any but parents/family were there attending Junior High swim meets. My brother Bill was a swimmer and when attending, the bleachers were not filled with lots of gawking girls, but there were girls there and they did see nude boy's! I know I saw plenty of penises even though I sat with my parents.

To clear up some rumors I do remember this much ...

1) A girls team did practiced with the boy's but their meets were held before the boy's meets. They had a 15 minute intermission between the 2 teams meets. There were meets that the girls team did not swim as the other team did not have a girls team and that part of the meet was a forfeit. The practices were closed but the meets were open to "family members". This rule was lightly enforced with a slip from the school to the parents. Who the parents brought along was not an enforced issue!

2) The girls team helped officiating the meets by setting up starting blocks and timing the individual swimmers then recording the times. There were no electronic devices like today. Stopwatches were used and the licensed official read each watch and called out the times of each swimmer.

3) Nude swimming did NOT happen everywhere. My cousin Jack swam in Ohio at the same time Bill swam. He never swam nude and his mother was shocked that Bill had to swim in the nude. It seems it was a regional decision and depended on local school boards.

4) Erections did happen. These were young boys who were emotionally and sexually immature. There was a sense of shame/embarrassment/humiliation at the meets with boy's totally exposed to those in attendance. From what I have learned it's a natural reaction to being nude in front of others in clothing, male or female. I enjoyed seeing their bodies but it was an unsaid rule not to "rub it in" or tease.

5) Girls who were not family did attend. Friends of sisters did show up and of course couldn't have cared less about the swimming. They too were sexually immature and were curious about boy's bodies. I saw Bill swim for 2 years and saw many nude boy's bodies. I was aware of erections, ball sacks, foreskins and circumcisions and saw my share of body parts. After a while it was just another nude boy and it became banal. Once in 9th grade, Bill wore a pair of trunks and I found other things to do rather than watch him swim.

I couldn't prove any of this to a skeptic so don't go posting idiotic rants about proof or all of this being lies. I was there and I saw it with my own eyes!

My niece XXXXX told me about this site and said people were claiming this never happened! I am a 71 year old widow who decided to post a part of history that had not been publicly documented. I just wanted to say it did happen and as I said, it didn't happen everywhere! Please try to keep an open mind and not go jumping to your own self-centered conclusions about this.


FN  2021.  Multiple posts by 1 poster.  1st post has a lot of content that indicates it was probably written by the serial fantasist  (it might be an old post by someone else, with fantasist nonsense added?). Followup posts denoted by -----.  Those appear to be more credible but the 1st post raises doubts.

I am Canadian and yes, there was nude male swimming for boy's up to the age of 14 in Canada. I was born in 1954 and by the time I was 7 I attended my oldest brother Sam's swim meets. Sam was 11 and he swam naked. I saw Sam naked many times and yes it was exciting for me to see him and other boys naked at the meets. The swimming pool he swam at was small and there were only 4 rows of bleachers on both sides. The first row was reserved for the swim team. Many times we sat directly behind the boy's affording me a really good look at all of their penises.

My younger brother Paul would also attend and was a bit embarrassed by all the boy's I got to see naked. He often asked my mom if I really needed to be there with so many naked boy's walking around. There was little left to my imagination being so close to the boy's and seeing everything they had like that! It had to be very humiliating for him to just sit and watch as I took it all in.

It was obvious he was embarrassed that I got to see what boy's looked like out of their clothes and was often scarlet faced about what I saw. I can only imagine how he felt knowing I knew exactly what he looked like naked!

Sam swam for 3 years and I went to every meet he attended. It was a thrill for me seeing the boys naked and catching the occasional chubby on a few boy's each meet. I am positive my mom knew I was going only to see all the boy's there and the older I got the more exciting the meets became.

I learned much about the male form seeing boy's erect and looking at their penises with and without foreskins. Being so close I saw them close up and personal and could tell if they were erect or uncircumcised. I did ask my mom questions about their differences to which she would frankly answer. By the time I was 10 I had a really good understanding of male genitalia.

Paul stopped attending after the second year because of the shame and embarrassment he felt as he was made to watch as I enjoyed the naked boy's. He also knew I was attending only to see the boy's out of their clothes and refused to continue going to the meets.

Fortunately for me that absence of Paul seemed to form a bond between my mom and I allowing us to speak freely about the boy's and giving way to sensitive questions I had about their bodies. We talked openly about erections, foreskins, testicles and other boys only subjects I was curious about. It definitely was an education I never would have enjoyed if there was no nude swimming, I assure you of that!


Let me try to answered these posts in order.


Before I started going to his meets I saw Sam naked twice at pants down spankings, only saw Paul naked once in the bathroom. I walked in on him while he was drying off after his shower.

Sam did complain a little at first but it stopped after maybe the second or third meet.

His problem was mostly that I was seeing him naked and a few times he grew erect.


A few of the boy's would erect at the meets, not always the same boy but a few of the boys were more likely to erect than others. My mom said they were probably embarrassed being seen by cousins or girls from their neighborhood. One boy named Barry would erect a lot more than others. He was the same age as Sam, if not the same age, pretty close. I remember his tip sometimes would peek out of his foreskin as he erected and I found that really, really exciting. I had a puppy love crush on him.

I always say with my mom and Paul. Mom never let me bring any girls from our neighborhood but once my cousin Roxanne was visiting and got to go along. We stayed up all night giggling about all the naked boy's we saw, how funny they looked sticking up and how embarrassed they had to be knowing we were allowed to see them naked. That was a great time and I became very close to Roxanne after that.

The boy's swam naked up until they turned 14, that was when they became Senior swimmers. I don't mean that exact day but that next season they went up to the next level and swam in trunks.


I was more interested in erections, testicles and foreskins. Why some boys were circumcised and others were not? Why did the boy's get erection? Why were some so small and others longer? Things like that. Far be it for me to ask why the boys were nude. I was just disappointed when Sam started with the older boys and they all had trunks on!


FN: 2021.  Certain elements of the below might be salacious fictitious content added by the fantasist.   It might be partly true, but with fictional enhancement.

To help clarify a little every location was different in regards to nude swimming. My brother's were swimmers and swam nude with the American Red Cross swimming program. There was both a boy's team and girls team with the girls in suits. They swam at the same meets and practiced together. They swam at the Senior High pool and we could attend both practices and meets.

My cousins meets were different. The girls team swam at 10 AM Saturdays and were not incorporated into the boy's meet at 1 PM. It was very strict about who could attend the meets and their practices were closed to swimmers only.

I figure there were placed where boy's didn't swim nude too. Just depended on your location and what their rules were. We all need to understand that back then the laws were more regional. It depended on localities as to what happened and how things were handled. I remember my cousins could drive a car when they were 14 but we had to be 16. Just different locations. Life was simpler back then.

----- followup by same poster

They swam nude until 13/14. It depended on their birthday. Some of the older boys were more developed and their erections were larger and more frequent.

Seeing these boys nude was extremely exciting. Their bodies were much more muscular and their penises were bigger.

I was the middle child so I had 2 full 3 year term I got to see nude boys. They did show signs of complete humiliation with their penises sticking straight up. It was very interesting getting to see so much pure sex, seeing their penises grow to fill erections and to know exactly what they looked like as they grew.

I was in the Girls Scouts and we met a half an hour before the boy's swim practice. Many times not enough girls showed up for a meeting so my mom took me to their practice. To me, the girls team truly enjoyed the practices more than the meets as the boy's seemed more "exposed" at the practices. I noticed the girls looking more and whispering and giggling at the boy's nudity. You know if I was excited by the boy's nudity they were too! They were much closer and saw their penises with much more clarity! Why wouldn't they want to look. And you know they wanted the boy's to know they were getting to see everything!

There were other girls there too but only a few showed up at practices. I didn't go to every practice as mom took me shopping or we had other things to do. But the practices were easily the more exciting to attend. The boys were out if the water and the girls were getting to see so much more of them!


MN 2021

We started taking swimming lessons in grade 5 at age 10-11 at a nearby HS pool twice a week. It was mixed class and we boys had to be naked while the girls wore swimsuits.

We saw it as humiliating and unfair that we had to be naked in front of our girl classmates and female teachers who accampanied us, although we got used to it after some time.

The following year and in Junior High we had separate classes for boys and girls.

At first the girls would giggle at seeing us all naked and having a good look at all our penises and bare butts, but same as us boys they got used to it after a couple of lessons although I guess it remained exciting for them.


FN: 2021 -

<Comments: possible fantasist post below.  Note that, back in the 60's and 70's, girls/women were sometimes allowed in the boys locker rooms at shower time.  This writer - Editor_N - personally experienced this in high school;  girls from the school office (and these were usually senior girl students) would come into the boys locker room - at shower time - to deliver (phone) messages to the coaches. The coaches office had a view of all the locker room, except the showers (which were around a corner), so these girls would see many naked boys. This did happen multiple times a year.  (Years: 1968 and 1969, location: Florida). In junior high, Mothers would also come into the boys locker room at shower time, to talk to the coaches.  The Mother of one of my friends did this. A later chapter in this series provides more posts on this topic.

Finally, although I did not save the post, I recall reading a post re: a junior high school in the US Midwest in the 1960's where the showers in the boys locker room had windows that opened to the outside. These windows were often opened at shower time, and after home sport games, many girls would go outside, stand by/look in the open windows to the shower room and talk to the naked boys while they showered (and also getting a free peep show).  end comment>


Now on to the post with likely fantasist content:

I was a teacher in the 60's and can support the claim that girls got to go into the boy's locker room and see boy's nude!

I taught Physical Education for 11 years and many times girls were allowed in the boy's locker room as they showered, putting back equipment, getting attendance slips and for various other reasons.

I found reasons to go see a Coach just to see the boy's nude and occasionally took a girl in with me to get her ankle properly wrapped or see if they thought a cut might need stitches.

The girls were always wide eyes seeing nude boy's through the coaches window. It was epic seeing one of the boy's realizing there was a girl looking right at him totally in the nude!

Changes were made in the 79's and such things were no longer allowed. Schools were designed differently and policies were made to keep that sort of thing from happening!


MN: 2021

i took swim lessons at the Y.

at age 12. back in about 1964.

i wish i had gone sooner. a neighborhood friend was going and invited me to go with him. Royce. we were best friends.

he told me boys were naked and girls wore suits and that his instructor was a girl but that there were also boy instructors. we were at my home when he invited me, so i asked Mom if i could take swim lessons. Mom had heard the entire conversation. she asked me, "do you think you can handle being naked in front of a girl instructor? you have a rough time being naked here in front of your sisters."

she had a point.

so i thought about it for a few seconds, but said i would like to at least try . she said it would be okay.

so Royce and I went. his mom took us. it was strange, and embarrassing but i had decided to try it anyway. after all i could stop going if i wanted to. it was also weird because i had never seen Royce naked. him and then there around 4 other boys and about 6 girls. we were all near age 11 and 12. i hadn't started puberty yet so i had no pubic hair. i didn't even know what pubic hair was. Royce was already developing, as well as two of the other boys.

i think the girls tried not saying anything. but their eyes told a different story. i would say they were comparing us. i was circumcised. Royce had skin over his penis. i find out later that this is called foreskin, as i didn't know the difference back then.

going back to the beginning. before we got undressed. when it came time to remove our clothes, i know i turned very red. and i think i wanted to hyperventilate. but i didn't. i saw this through. i finally had the courage to remove my underwear. we had to shower before going out there. Royce led the way and i followed.

towards the end of the lesson, Mom and my sisters arrive. my sisters are older than me. i turned red again.

on the way home, Mom asked how it was. at first, i said that i wasn't sure if i wanted to do this again. she asked "why?" i said i wasn't expecting her and my sisters to be there. i wasn't expecting to be seen naked by them. i found it less embarrassing being seen naked by strangers than by my own sisters. my sisters had not made any negative or embarrassing comments. but after i made mine, they said they were very proud of me and not to be embarrassed. i thought that was encouraging.


(End of File)